Serving legal entities and individuals in the bank. Settlement and cash services for legal entities. Theoretical basis of RKO


Settlement and cash services is a range of services that the bank provides to its clients. This range of services includes servicing the client’s current account (non-cash payments within the balance of funds on the client’s account), withdrawal Money, Internet banking, purchase/sale foreign currency, accepting payments from third parties for goods and services, accepting cash proceeds at the bank's cash desk, collection of proceeds, bank guarantee and much more.

A specific list of services within the framework of cash settlement services (CSS) is fixed in a bilateral agreement.
RKO is provided by banks to both legal entities and individuals.

List of services for individuals significantly less. Usually these are deposits/withdrawals of funds, non-cash payments, Internet banking. Most banks charge individuals for a specific service provided (either a percentage for withdrawing funds, or the cost of a payment order, or a commission for non-cash replenishment of a client’s account, etc.).
However, there are banks (PJSC UkrSibbank - package offer“All inclusive”), which charge a monthly fee for the package of services provided (current account + plastic card + Internet banking), regardless of whether the client performed any operations for the current month or not.

RKO for legal entities

List of services for legal entities much more, because the lion's share of the bank's income from cash settlement services is formed precisely through servicing legal entities. Very strong competition in this segment forces banks, in order to attract new clients, to provide a preferential, so to speak, “trial” period of service for new clients. Typically this period is 3-6 months. During this period, the bank opens an account for a formal fee, connects Internet banking services, and sets a lower commission for the purchase/sale of foreign currency.

All this is done with the goal of “tying” the client to the level of service, creating loyal client, who will then cooperate on standard terms.

If you decide to take advantage of a similar offer from the bank, our advice to you is to fix for yourself the period from which your service begins under standard conditions and how many times its cost will increase compared to grace period. In addition, in the cash settlement agreement, be sure to read the procedure for informing you, as a client, about changes in the conditions of settlement and cash services.

Today, banks usually do not “strain themselves with an “individual approach to the client” - an announcement on the website or in a bank branch is considered sufficient to familiarize the client with the changes. So be careful in this matter so that the new cost of cash settlement services does not come as unexpected news to you.

The average cost of cash settlement services today, provided that you use a current account, Internet banking, withdrawing funds and making up to 50 non-cash payments, is 150-200 UAH. per month. Legal entities pay for cash settlement services for each month, subject to the operation. If the client has not carried out transactions on the current account, then the bank will not charge a monthly fee. But if the client performs at least one operation, he will be forced to pay a subscription fee for the whole month.

Some banks (PUJSC FIDOBANK, PJSC FUIB) are ready to accommodate their clients and establish individual, more loyal, terms of service within the framework of cash settlement services. We advise you to find out about this possibility at your bank.

What is bank card file 1 and 2?

The concept of a bank card index is inextricably linked with the concept of cash register.
Bank card index is client settlement documents, which are characterized as not fulfilled and are controlled by the bank in which the client has a current account.
There are several reasons why the payer’s payment documents end up in the bank’s files:

  • lack of own funds to execute payment orders;
  • waiting for the payer's acceptance for execution;
  • waiting for payment to be made without acceptance in accordance with the law.

The bank distinguishes between Card Index No. 1 and Card Index No. 2.
To Card Index No. 1 documents are received that require permission to be executed (for example, a decision authorized bodies that the client account has been frozen in whole or in part, etc.).

Card file No. 2 used when there are not enough funds in the client account for the payment document to be executed immediately. This is the first reason for getting into the card index according to the above list.

Future execution of this document carried out as funds are received into the client’s account. In addition, you should pay attention to the fact that new payment documents created by the client will not be executed by the bank until the card file is closed. However, payment orders in the card index can be partially paid, unlike ordinary ones.

Greetings, friends! Remember the last time you paid in cash at a store? I am sure that most of you use cash for small purchases, paying for most of your purchases through non-cash payments. And if ordinary individuals actively use the capabilities of current accounts, what can we say about enterprises. Today, settlement and cash services for legal entities have literally become an integral part of business, both small and large. It is unlikely that anyone will argue that entrusting a bank with a current account is an extremely responsible and demanding decision maximum seriousness. In fact, all company costs, security cash flows and, as a consequence, its profitability ends up in the hands of the bank. In this article I would like to cover the topic of cash settlement services in more detail, tell you what such a service is, and which bank to look for the best rates.

What is RKO and how does it work?

So, I suggest that first of all you find out what a current account is, and then move on to the main topic of the review. A current account is a legal account. persons with independent balance in banking institution, which is intended for saving money and carrying out non-cash transactions with other legal entities or individuals.

Based on this definition, we can reveal the essence of cash settlement services. RKO is system banking services , with the help of which accounts of individuals and legal entities are serviced, all monetary transactions are carried out in any currencies.

To take advantage of these types of opportunities, potential clients it is necessary to send a certain package of documents to the bank and conclude an appropriate agreement with it agreement. Legal aspects RKOs are enshrined in the Law " About banks and banking ", and are also determined by the regulations of the Central Bank Russian Federation.

Checking account- this is the account legal persons with independent balance in a banking institution, which is intended for saving money, carrying out non-cash transactions with other legal entities or individuals

Today, almost no organization can do without RKO. In addition, the need for non-cash money circulation also arises among individuals. It is for this reason that without settlement and cash services, not a single non-cash transaction is carried out, cash is not withdrawn or credited to the account, accounts in foreign currency are not maintained and statements of transactions on current accounts are not issued.

RKO for legal entities in credit organizations implies conducting everyone transactions on current accounts. This includes the calculation of salaries, the payment of pensions, scholarships, and other similar payments. It is worth noting that transactions can be carried out both in rubles and in foreign currency.

Composition of services

If we talk about the fundamental services in this area, they can be combined into a single classification:

Carrying out work with accounts and cash transactions, banking organizations use special forms:

  • money orders(If we're talking about about current accounts for payment) or, as they are also called, “ forms 0401060»;
  • cash deposit forms to bank accounts;
  • checks, which are issued at the moment withdrawals funds in the form of cash from the account.

Signing an agreement on the provision of settlement and cash services means that the company has the right to receive checkbook. It is one of the main tools for cashing out funds that are necessary to pay the company’s personnel and its other needs.

In order to improve settlement and cash services, many banks offer their clients to use the “ Bank-Client" Its specificity lies in the fact that in addition to the basic package of services, clients also receive additional options such as collection or remote access to current accounts.

However, here you need to be prepared for the fact that if the bank provides the main block of services free of charge or for a minimal fee, then you will have to pay for related options. In general, there is nothing surprising in this, because, whatever one may say, a bank is a commercial organization.

register for cash register and use for 2 months free of charge

What does RKO consist of?

In accordance with the settlement and cash services agreement, the bank provides clients with the following list of services:

To successfully perform the above tasks, banks use special financial instruments. Of course, the main one is the current account, after opening which you will be able to gain access to other bank products related to the circulation of finances. These include the following:

Non-cash transactions

This includes prompt execution of client orders, regular notification of incoming and outgoing transactions, and issuance of bank statements. To manage a client’s finances, banks can choose a specific package of services, which will include basic and additional operations.

Companies can interact with credit institutions in two ways:

  • Classic, transmitting orders to in paper form from hand to hand or through proxies. However, in this case you will have to spend time traveling to the bank office;
  • Online. Using Internet banking to manage finances, all payment requests and orders can be completed remotely. This type of interaction is preferred by the vast majority of companies.

RKO tariffs may vary significantly depending on what services are ordered.

Currency operations

If an organization needs to carry out its activities not only in national currency, she also needs to open a foreign currency account, or rather three accounts at once:

  • current(to manage the currency already owned by a legal entity);
  • transit(to keep track of incoming revenue);
  • an account in which records will be kept of everything purchased within domestic market currencies.

The package of services for settlement and cash services of foreign currency accounts includes:

  • purchase/sale of currency based on company instructions;
  • sale foreign exchange earnings to the extent established by law;
  • conversion operations;
  • accepting payments or sending them for export-import client transactions.

Acquiring and Internet acquiring

To begin with, I propose to find out what acquiring is for an entrepreneur in principle. Imagine a situation where your company is in the process of cash settlement in some credit institution. This means that you can use the service of accepting bank cards to collect payment for goods in your point of sale– acquiring. Financial organizations that carry out this type of activity are called acquiring banks. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that they not only install the appropriate equipment in stores, but also organize events for the use of cards.

An analogue of this service is accepting payments via cards on the Internet. In this case, the terminal for reading information is a special form filled out by the buyer. This type of activity is referred to as Internet acquiring.

Cash transactions

Immediately after concluding an agreement for cash settlement services, an enterprise can issue a checkbook at the bank that will provide the service. An alternative, more modern version of this payment instrument can be considered a corporate bank card. The issuance of such plastic is accompanied by linking the card to your account, on which the credit institution will register all payment transactions, issue statements of turnover and balance, and keep records of funds in the current account.


A service that is recommended for all businesses that regularly deposit or receive large amounts funds. The bank will ensure the collection and transportation of cash or any other valuables between organizations, thereby ensuring their safety and security.

Internet banking or mobile banking for legal entities

I’ll say right away that only the most advanced banks provide such services, so don’t be surprised if your credit institution cannot provide you with remote access to your current account.

What should you pay attention to first?

Choosing a bank for cash settlement services is not an easy task. To make it a little easier, I suggest you focus your choice on the following points:

Bank reliability

I’m telling you right away that it’s not worth considering the TOP 30 best state-owned banks. Yes, they are really reliable due to the large number of assets and cash flows within these banks. However, they are clumsy and not flexible enough in terms of document flow and solving non-standard problems. In addition, as a bonus from interacting with these banks, we also receive an extremely picky financial monitoring and currency control department. Considering that freezing our payments out of the blue and demanding a huge list of documents to confirm this or that transfer is a common thing for them, we simply cannot avoid problems at times when payments need to be made quickly.

It is best to give preference to commercial banks with a flexible system and customer focus. Of course, you shouldn’t take your money to some sharashka office, the bank must have a license from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, but at the same time not strain clients with inappropriately intrusive control, help solve complex and non-standard problems, assigning you a real competent manager Ideally, the bank also organizes the acceptance of most documents online via the Internet or mobile bank, linked to your RKO.

There is no point in considering the TOP 30 best state-owned banks; it is better to give preference to commercial ones

Subscription fee

The amount of payment for account servicing on the Russian market varies within 500-3000 rubles. It all depends on what package of services is included in this tariff. For example, the availability of 100 free payments per month, reduced commissions or a certain limit without commissions on transfers of funds to the accounts of individuals (simple debit cards), drawing up tax reporting and similar events. It will be more profitable to cooperate with the bank that will offer you for less money greatest number similar goodies that can save your time, money and nerves.

Cost of payment order

Varies between 15-40 rubles per one payment order. Average market price is 23 rubles. In addition, many banks offer their clients a payment transfer service out of turn. Imagine that the banking day at your bank ends at 8 pm local time. This means that all payments on bills will be made strictly before the specified time, and the closer the clock hand gets to the “8” mark, the less chance we have that the payment will be processed before the end of the day. However, for 300 rubles (tariff may vary) we can move ahead in the queue and ensure the transfer of payment within today, discarding other clients for tomorrow. This function works in banks that conduct most transactions manually.

Let's say that your director is leaving on an unscheduled business trip, and he desperately needs per diem or travel allowance right today. Obviously, the money is needed before 9 pm. In this situation, the option with increased priority will be very useful and will eliminate the need to transfer to the employee’s personal bank card.

Commission for withdrawal at the cash desk or by check

Pay attention to the size of the commission: what amount it depends on and at what volumes it decreases or increases. The percentage of commissions on the cash settlement market varies between 0.5-1.5%. There are options of 4-8% of the withdrawal amount, but these are already cash-out schemes. In this case, it all depends on the bank you want to work with and how much you need it.

Strictness of financial monitoring

Very important indicator. Every bank has financial monitoring. You and I should be interested in which of them can turn a blind eye to the partially gray schemes of a legal entity’s work. Even if you work extremely honestly, pay all taxes, I insist that you open accounts in the top commercial banks. Be that as it may, giant banks never refuse to redraw documents out of the blue. Therefore it is necessary find the golden mean of bank reliability and its adequacy in relation to clients' financial transactions. I do not recommend opening accounts in little-known or financially unstable banks. Such organizations give green light almost all types of activities and cash out everything that moves. Such Robin Hoods live no more than 2-3 years until the Central Bank decides to close their “shop”. Unfortunately, no one guarantees that your working capital will ever return to your company's accounts after the closure of such a bank.

Accrual on account balance

Many banks now offer a service similar to calculating interest on the balance of funds debit cards. For example, there is an amount of 2,000,000 rubles in your current account. This money is simply collecting dust on the balance sheet, since no movements are expected in the next 1-5 days. This money can be put into internal savings account, where they will be additionally charged 6-9% per annum. This will allow you to roll over the interest and give the money the opportunity to work a little for the benefit of the company, and not just lie on the account as a dead weight. There are often situations when you need to pay suppliers in a week, but the required amount is already in your account. Agree, it would be stupid not to use the money during this downtime.

Working hours for operators and payment processing

This is the time for which payments are made on current accounts in manual mode. In different banks, the terms may differ and vary between 9-20 hours a day. Modern banks They offer to make payments for many items automatically. The cooler the bank, the more operations it automates, leaving only verification for manual work large sums and foreign currency transactions.

Internet bank

As with any type of personal account, the main thing here is convenience and time saving for clients. Internet banking allows you to create payment templates, maintain document flow of transactions: sent/signed or awaiting dispatch, in processing, completed, and so on; maintain reports and statistics on completed transactions and amounts. By the way, recommended by me Tinkoff banks and Tochka also have in their arsenal mobile banks for legal entities, which allows you to carry out all transactions on your current account directly from your phone. The most important thing in this case is don't forget about information security . Convenience is convenience, but if you lose or forget your phone, just imagine how much trouble you could get into and how much money you could lose. To prevent scammers from getting to your mobile application RKO, use passwords and secure locking. Talk to your manager and find out what regulations are used in such situations.

Conditions for linking a card

Many banks offer to link a “business card” to cash settlement services. Here you should pay attention to the annual subscription fee, the availability of an ATM network (% for cash withdrawals and monthly withdrawal limits). If this happens more profitable than withdrawal funds from a check at the cash register, then why not save your time and use the services of an ATM?

Technical support of the bank and assigning a manager to you

This point is not so important, but it still helps a lot when questions arise for which answers cannot be found in open sources. It’s great if you have a person assigned to you with an internal number or work mobile phone, who will know who you are and what your system of work is. This will solve the problem of endless repetition of the same things on hotline bank with constant expectations. Agree, you often have to feel like a parrot when, having explained a problem to an operator, it turns out that this problem is unknown to him, and he is forced to entrust its solution to another specialist. To avoid such unpleasant communication, when opening an account, ask if you can get your manager’s contact information, and then call him to get acquainted and check if you were given the correct number.

Paper question: what documents are needed for RKO?

To open a bank account for individual entrepreneurs, you will need to provide the credit institution with the following package of documents:

  • passport;
  • an identification number;
  • registration number of an individual entrepreneur.

But for legal entities having the status LLC, JSC, PJSC and the like, you will need a thicker package. The credit institution requires from them:

  • registration number;
  • an identification number;
  • Company Charter;
  • Order on the appointment of the Director of the enterprise;
  • other constituent documents of a legal entity.

More detailed step by step instructions You will find how to open a bank account in my separate article.

Which banks provide the most favorable conditions for cash settlement services?

Remember how we chose a bank where we could apply for profitable deals? Then we went through quite a few credit institutions and reviewed several dozen plastic cards before we were able to find the most suitable option for ourselves. In the case of RKO, the situation is even more complicated. It is not so easy to find a bank that you can completely entrust your money to and allow you to manage the company’s current account. The choice should be based on many factors. I suggest you consider the offers of the two largest banks in the country and decide which one is closest to you.


Tinkoff, in addition to the SMS alert system, business lending, Internet acquiring and other things, offers a whole two months of free account maintenance and payments. It will be possible to cooperate with the bank remotely via Personal Area in the application. The program can be downloaded to a mobile phone or tablet, and you can work with the bank through a browser. In addition, the bank allows you to save time on submitting tax reports, since it independently deals with taxes, fixed contributions and automatically calculates all payments, generates payment orders and reminds you of the need to transfer them. All you have to do is sign the declaration and send it from your personal account.

You can choose one of three tariffs for cash settlement services for your business:

  • « Simple 490 rubles per month. The first three payments can be made completely free, and each subsequent payment will cost 49 rubles. To top up your account you will need to pay 299 rubles;
  • « Advanced", the cost of which is 990 rubles per month. Within this tariff, you can make 10 payments for free, and all subsequent ones will cost 29 rubles. Unlimited payments will cost customers 990 rubles per month. But for replenishing your account you will have to pay a commission of 99 rubles if the account is topped up at a time with an amount of up to 100 thousand rubles, or 749 rubles if we are talking about an amount in the range of 100-300 thousand;
  • « Professional", cost 4990 rubles. Each payment here costs 19 rubles, and purchasing a package of unlimited payments will cost 1990 rubles monthly. Topping up your account costs exactly the same as in the case of “ Advanced» tariff.

Entrust RKO to TKS Bank


Bank « Dot", which is a branch of the systemically important bank " Opening”, proposes to move the entire account opening process online. Immediately after submitting an application, the entrepreneur is assigned an account number, which can be safely indicated in contracts and transferred to his counterparties. The bank independently notifies the tax office about the opening of an account and informs the client’s partners about the change in details. You can connect to your current account overdraft to insure yourself in the event of a cash gap, accumulated accounts receivable or with increasing turnover. In addition, you can use the services of currency control, acquiring, collection and other lending and insurance services.

Bank offers tariffs for cash settlement services in three categories:

  • « Lowcost» with a monthly payment of 7 50 rubles. This tariff plan allows you to make 5 free payments per month and withdraw up to 100 thousand rubles without commission at any ATM. By the way, the ability to withdraw funds automatically solves the problem of how to withdraw money from a current account;
  • « Economy» cost 1900 rubles per month– this is an accrual of 7% on the balance in the current account (for those who do not know how to calculate interest, I advise you to read my article “”), 100 free payments per month, the ability to withdraw 200 thousand rubles from the account;
  • « Business" behind 7500 rubles per month– 7% per annum on the balance, 500 free payments and as much as 300 thousand rubles, which can be cashed out at any ATM with 0% commission.

Start cooperation with Tochka


Well, let's summarize? I am sure that after reading this article, you all came to one, common conclusion - today no entrepreneur can exist without cash management services. The advantages of this service are obvious, because the possibility of making non-cash payments helps us make our lives easier, more convenient and more mobile. Even though RKO implies additional costs, such service saves time, since all transactions on the current account can be carried out via a smartphone with Internet access.

I sincerely hope that after reading this review you will cast aside all doubts regarding whether or not to pay for cash settlement services, and begin to save your energy and time by delegating some of the work to the bank. That's all for me. As always, I ask you to share your impressions of cash settlement services in the comments, tell us which banks you order services from and why. In the meantime, I say goodbye, see you soon!

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Hello! In this article we will talk about bank services that provide settlement and cash services for individual entrepreneurs, LLCs and even individuals.

Today you will learn:

  1. What is included in RKO;
  2. Who is it intended for and what problems does it solve?
  3. How to choose a bank;
  4. How to open a cash register service on your own.

What is cash management services?

Cash and settlement services for clients (or abbreviated RKO) is a system of services provided by the bank and. RKO regulates all monetary transactions, transfers of funds to business partners, suppliers, and receipt of settlements from clients.

RKO – a set of banking services for the storage and movement of funds of an enterprise.

The essence of cash settlement services is to conduct and carry out financial transactions on it. Unlike a current account, a current account allows its owner not only to store finances, but also to manage them to conduct commercial and non-commercial activities.

Each bank sets its own service rates.

After the client concludes with financial institution agreement on cash settlement services, the bank takes over the management of all monetary transactions customer.

These include:

  • Non-cash and cash payments;
  • Generating account statements.

RKO for individuals

It is customary to talk about settlement and cash services in the aisles of services for enterprises and businessmen; on bank websites, tariffs for cash settlement services are most often located in the “Legal Entities” section.

Therefore, it is widely believed that RKO is a service for enterprises. But theoretically, individuals can also act as consumers of cash settlement services. They can also enter into an agreement with the bank to use personal account for non-commercial purposes. For example, for non-cash payment of utility bills.

For citizens, RKO implies the following functions:

  • Account replenishment and cash withdrawal;
  • Non-cash payments;
  • Internet banking.

Often settlement services for individuals are paid by commission on specific transactions, but some banks offer separate tariffs, service packages from the “All Inclusive” area, for which a monthly subscription fee is set.

Document flow

A financial institution providing cash settlement services interacts with clients through certain documents.

The most common ones are:

  • Payment orders for non-cash payment of bills;
  • Forms for depositing cash into an account;
  • Checkbook and checks, which are issued upon receipt of cash at the cash desk;
  • Statements as a means of controlling expenses and receipts.

Legal regulation of RKO

Legally, the activities of RKOs are regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law“On banks and banking activities” and various provisions of the Central Bank of Russia.

The relationship between the parties is governed by an agreement, the conclusion of which is prerequisite provision of service.

Any legal entity or individual entrepreneur. In this case, the form of ownership and cash flow do not matter.

According to the law, each organization or entrepreneur can have as many current accounts as they need to carry out their work.

As part of the agreement with the client, the bank providing cash settlement services undertakes, at the consumer’s request, to credit his funds to the current account, store them, issue and make payments and money transfers.

In what cases should you use RKO services?

In any business you can’t do without RKO if you need:

  • Transfer money to a non-cash account;
  • Transfer of salaries by bank transfer;
  • Withdrawal and receipt non-cash transfers;
  • Receive bank account statements.

Organizing settlement and cash services for an LLC or individual entrepreneur is a common procedure for most financial institutions. For the bank this is another source of income, and for the client company it is a simplification of financial transactions.

Advantages of RKO

Why enter into an agreement with a bank if you can store money in your safe and pay non-cash bills through a bank operator?

Cash settlement services in a bank would not be so popular if it did not have its advantages:

  • Fast and accurate financial transactions;
  • Operational service;
  • Consultations with specialists;
  • Providing up-to-date information about the account status and transactions performed;
  • Guarantees from the bank regarding the confidentiality of commercial information and the safety of funds entrusted to it.

Thus, the bank is able to solve many problems in the financial life of an enterprise. RKO allows you to save time and sometimes money.

Components of RKO

Cash management services are not just about maintaining a current account. This is a whole range of services that banks provide to the best of their ability and at individual rates.

From the package of services offered by the bank, entrepreneurs can choose the most suitable moments at reasonable prices.

Cash transactions

Cash settlement services always include accepting cash from an entrepreneur. You can top up your current account in some banks only through a cash desk in the office, in others - through ATMs (with self-collection cards).

To withdraw cash from your account, there are two options:

  1. Checkbook. It is issued at the bank, according to which the account holder can receive funds at the bank’s cash desk for employees or for other needs.
  2. Corporate bank card. Allows you to receive cash through an ATM. At the same time, all transactions are also formalized and recorded by the bank.

For organizations with a large cash turnover, the bank can include collection services in the cash settlement package.

Transactions with non-cash funds

Within the framework of cash settlement services, the bank undertakes to carry out the client’s instructions regarding the movement of non-cash funds, timely provide information on cash receipts and outflows, and generate statements (information on the results of financial transactions).

A bank client can submit his instructions for carrying out monetary transactions in the classic way– printed payments through an operator at the bank, or using Internet banking, which is becoming increasingly popular not only due to convenience, but also due to competitive tariffs (it is also more profitable for the bank to accept payment orders via the Internet and not have a large office and staff of tellers) .


AND - Additional services, which are part of cash settlement services, allowing the enterprise to accept from individuals non-cash payment(via bank cards).

This service is provided for a fee and, as a rule, the bank takes a certain commission for accepting non-cash payments.

For acquiring at a retail outlet, you will need to purchase or rent a special terminal (some banks provide it for free); in Internet acquiring, no additional equipment is required; it is replaced by an electronic form filled out by the buyer.

Currency operations

For companies planning to work not only with Russian rubles, but also with foreign currency, banks include additional services in cash settlement services:

  • Purchase and sale of currency;
  • Sale of the obligatory part of foreign currency earnings;
  • Conversion;
  • Receiving payment in foreign currency from foreign clients;
  • Payment of foreign currency bills.

A foreign exchange account consists of three accounts:

  • To manage the available currency – a current account;
  • To account for income – transit;
  • To account for purchased currency.

How to open a cash settlement in a bank

Opening an account for cash register services is becoming easier every year. Today you can book a current account through the bank’s website and accept payments to it on the same day.

In total, the procedure for opening an account consists of several stages:

  1. Selecting a bank;
  2. Select a tariff (if there are several);
  3. Collection and provision of documents;
  4. Concluding an agreement, drawing up a card with signatures and a seal (if available).

Depending on the bank, the entire procedure may take 1-5 days.


The list of documents required to open an account can be obtained from the financial institution. Banks have the right to establish their own procedure for servicing, opening an account and the form of documents.

Minimum package of documents:

  • Statement of intent to open an account;
  • Identity document (passport and quite often -);
  • If available - or organization;
  • Documents confirming state registration organization or individual entrepreneur ().

For legal entities, other documents may be required.

For example:

  • , certified by the seal of the tax service;
  • Protocol on the establishment of the company and the appointment of a director;
  • Documents for the legal address (, certificate of ownership);
  • If available, a constituent agreement, licenses, if the type of activity is subject to mandatory licensing.

In which bank to open a cash settlement

Below is a list of banks and the benefits of working with them. The selection of banks was carried out by collecting reviews.


This bank gained fame not so long ago, but now it is in a stage of active growth and development. Tinkoff does not hesitate to attract new customers through lucrative offers and promotions, inexpensive tariffs and delight its regular partners with new upgrades.

You can open an account at official website of the bank in 5 minutes.

The range of services is quite wide: lending, acquiring, Internet banking, SMS notification system, and so on.

  • Monthly service – for individual entrepreneurs the first 3 months are free, then – from 490 rubles;
  • Money transfers – from 29 rubles per payment, or unlimited payments for 990 rubles per month;
  • Depositing funds into the account - depending on the tariff: 299 rubles for any amount or 0.25%, or unlimited deposit for 1990 rubles per month;
  • Commission for cash withdrawal: up to 100,000 rubles – free, large amounts – from 1%.


Covers the widest range of banking services. Works with both individuals and legal entities.

You can open an account at official website of the bank.

Tariffs and additional services are designed for both large enterprises and beginning businessmen. In addition, the geographical area covered is wide.

Sberbank branches and its ATMs are located even in small towns and villages.

The Sberbank Business Online system allows you to maintain several current accounts simultaneously, and it is convenient to manage through a mobile application.

The Sberbank Advisory Center provides round-the-clock support to its clients.

  • One-time payment for opening an account – from 1500 rubles;
  • Monthly maintenance – from 1500 rubles;
  • Money transfers: electronically – from 32 rubles per payment, to on paper– from 300 rubles;
  • Commission for cash withdrawal: for wages - from 0.6% of the amount, for other needs - from 1.4%.


This bank operates on the basis of Regional Credit, which has been known on the market for more than 20 years. It works only with representatives of small businesses, and accordingly offers services that are beneficial to them.

You can open it at official website of the bank in 5 minutes.

  • One-time payment for opening an account – 0 rubles;
  • Monthly maintenance – 0-3000 rubles;
  • Money transfers: electronically – from 0 to 90 rubles per payment;
  • Depositing funds into your account is free on most tariffs;
  • Cash withdrawal fee – 0-15%.


A modern bank with a youthful spirit and first-class service, created on the basis of the well-known Otkritie Bank. Convenient online payments, round-the-clock transfers with a minimum commission. Each region has its own tariffs, so the cost of services may vary significantly.

You can open an account at official website of the bank in 5 minutes and start using it! This is great!

  • One-time payment for opening an account – 0 rubles;
  • Monthly maintenance – from 500 to 7500 rubles;
  • Money transfers: for legal entities - depending on the tariff, from five payments free of charge, and then from 30 rubles per transfer; for individuals - free up to 500,000 for individual entrepreneurs and up to 70,000 for;
  • Depositing funds into your account is free through Otkritie Bank ATMs;
  • Commission for cash withdrawal is free up to the amount determined by the tariff (from 10,000 rubles).


It is among the 500 largest global banks (according to The Banker magazine), in Russia it also occupies a leading position in terms of customer coverage, and is among the top 3 private banks.

  • One-time payment for opening an account – from 590 rubles;
  • Money transfers – 0-110 rubles, depending on the tariff;
  • Depositing funds into the account – from 0.5% of the amount;
  • Commission for cash withdrawal – from 0.2%.

More details at official website of the bank.

Alfa Bank

All services on a non-cash account can be carried out through the online account. You can hold several accounts at the same time, and in different currencies. The bank provides additional services (for example, lending) in full.

  • One-time payment for opening an account – 0 rubles;
  • Monthly maintenance – from 850 rubles;
  • Money transfers: electronically - from 30 rubles per payment, on paper - from 0.1% of the amount;
  • Depositing funds into the account – from 0.3% of the amount;
  • Commission for cash withdrawal: for wages - from 0.5% of the amount, for other needs - from 2.5%.

You can open an account at Alfa-Bank official website.


Founded in 1993, the head office is located in Moscow. It has the status of a universal bank and is part of the international financial group Societe Generale.

  • One-time payment for opening an account – free of charge when registering via the Internet;
  • Monthly maintenance is free for the first three months, then from 700 rubles;
  • Money transfers: electronically – from 30 rubles per payment, on paper – from 250 rubles;

More details on the official website of Rosbank.


The bank provides services to key sectors of the domestic economy (oil, gas, energy, metallurgy, mechanical engineering, and so on). One of the largest banks not only in Russia, but also in Europe.

  • Monthly maintenance – from 600 rubles;
  • Money transfers: electronically – from 30 rubles per payment, on paper – from 200 rubles;
  • Depositing funds into the account – from 0.02% of the amount;
  • Commission for cash withdrawal – from 1%.


The main direction of the bank is retail and corporate business. The head office is located in Moscow, 6 branches and 280 sales points have been established throughout the country.

  • One-time payment for opening an account – 1800 rubles;
  • Monthly maintenance – from 1000 rubles;
  • Money transfers: electronically – from 10 rubles per payment, on paper – from 50 rubles;
  • Depositing funds into the account – from 0.3% of the amount;
  • Commission for cash withdrawal: for wages - from 0.5% of the amount, for other needs - from 1%.

More details on the Uralsib official website.


Opened 23 years ago, it continues to grow and develop actively. The bank puts trusting relationships with clients first and receives a lot of positive feedback in return.

  • One-time payment for opening an account – 0 rubles;
  • Monthly maintenance – from 0 rubles;
  • Money transfers: electronically - up to 0.3% (minimum 19 rubles), within the selected package there can be from 10 free transfers;
  • Depositing funds into your account – no commission;
  • Commission for cash withdrawals – from 0%.

More details on the official website of Otkritie Bank.


VTB is a group financial enterprises, which includes about 20 banks. The most famous of them is VTB24. The main shareholder of the bank is the state, which gives the bank additional reliability.

  • One-time payment for opening an account – 1000-4500 rubles;
  • Monthly maintenance – 1000-2500 rubles;
  • Money transfers: electronically – from 5 rubles per payment, on paper – from 250 rubles;
  • Depositing funds into an account – from 0.08% of the amount;
  • Cash withdrawal fee – from 0.5% of the amount.

Details at VTB official website.


Once one of the most popular banks, it is now beginning to lose ground, unable to keep up with modernization. Suitable only for those clients who are used to doing everything the old fashioned way, without using mobile banking and SMS notifications.

  • Monthly maintenance – from 900 rubles;
  • Money transfers: from 25 rubles per payment;
  • Depositing funds into the account – from 0.3% of the amount;
  • Commission for cash withdrawal – from 1.2%.


The bank was established in 2000 for the agro-industrial sector and Agriculture. Today it is a universal bank providing a wide range of services to private clients and businesses. One hundred percent of the voting shares of the enterprise belong to the state.

  • One-time payment for opening an account – 2500 rubles;
  • Monthly maintenance – from 750 rubles;
  • Money transfers: electronically – from 6 rubles per payment, on paper – from 250 rubles;
  • Depositing funds into the account - as agreed by the parties;
  • Cash withdrawal fee depends on the region.

Post Bank

Bank from the VTB group. Created on the basis of Leto Bank in 2016. The main goal of the bank is to increase accessibility financial services for residents of our country, the bank especially focuses on pensioners. The bank currently provides settlement and cash services only to individuals.

  • Release bank card- for free;
  • Monthly maintenance is free;
  • Money transfers: up to 0.8%;
  • Depositing funds into your account – no commission;
  • Cash withdrawal fee – no commission.

AK Bars

Registered in 1993. It provides more than a hundred different services to both private and corporate clients (including large enterprises in the field of oil and gas exports).

  • One-time payment for opening an account – from 1000 rubles;
  • Monthly service – 400 rubles using Internet banking and 1200 rubles without using it;
  • Money transfers – from 50 rubles;
  • Depositing funds into your account is free;
  • Commission for cash withdrawals is on average 0.9%.

5 best banks for cash settlement services

From the entire list that you saw above, we settled on these four leaders in terms of price-quality ratio:

  1. Dot;
  2. Tinkoff;
  3. Modulbank;
  4. Promsvyazbank.
  5. Alfa Bank.

How to choose a bank

You need to be very careful when choosing a bank. A significant part of the company’s work process depends on the quality and cost of RKO.

For some companies, the speed of transactions is important - quick payment of bills and prompt arrival of funds. For others, speed is not as important as the low price, because when you have to perform many mandatory operations, a high commission can cause a significant blow to the budget.

What to pay attention to.

The bank must first of all be reliable. Every collaboration has its own risks. And if these risks exceed the benefits that the bank is able to offer, you should not take this option into account.

Bank reliability criteria can be:

  • The bank's reputation among former clients, in the media and on the Internet. Of course, you will not find negative reviews on the official website of the bank, but on other resources, such as business forums, the portal and so on, you can find real reviews and expert opinions.
  • Timing of monetary transactions. Some banks issue cash and make wire transfers on the day of application, while others only after 3-5 days.
  • Geographical location and accessibility of the branch and ATMs, work schedule. Of course, today there are also Internet banks that do not have their own offices, but for some operations, especially when working with cash, an accessible branch is required.
  • Wide range of services. It is much more convenient to carry out all transactions in one bank. You need to make sure in advance whether the bank is ready to provide all the necessary services. For example, not all organizations make payments in foreign currency.
  • Tariffs, commission amount. Some tariffs are beneficial for frequent non-cash payments, others for cash withdrawals.

Not always large bank- means reliable. Even the whales of banking sometimes fall into debt and lose their license. At the same time, a little-known bank with a small number of branches can operate quite calmly and at the same time maintain a balance of its liabilities and assets.

An organization or individual entrepreneur choosing cash settlement services is not required to settle on one bank. If you don’t like something, or you receive a more advantageous offer, you can always close your current account, terminate the contract and enter into a new one with another bank. The law does not limit the number of current accounts per company, so you can cooperate with several banks at once.

Bank selection procedure.

Step 1. Selecting a list of required services.

To begin with, it is important to understand which of the cash register capabilities will be required in the company’s work. It is necessary to take into account the specific features of your activity.

How often will you need to make non-cash payments, accept incoming transfers, make collections or withdraw cash? The answer to these and similar questions will help you understand which lines in the tariff plans you should pay special attention to.

For example, a retail store may require acquiring and frequent deposits of cash into the account, while convenient and inexpensive Internet banking may be required.

Step 2: Prioritization.

Once the picture of the required RKO emerges, it is necessary to decisively and finally place emphasis. If you decide that you need a bank with a small commission for withdrawals, then do not deviate from your decision.

Sometimes banks lure customers advantageous offers and additional services that are actually not that important.

Step 3. Selection of banks, review of tariffs.

Next, it is necessary to select several banks whose services best meet the previously identified requirements. From a huge number of organizations (and in Russia there are neither more nor less banks, but almost 800) you need to choose 2-3 that provide the services you are interested in at the best prices.

Step 4. Analysis of information about banks.

The package of services and tariffs suit you, but what about the geographical location, service, availability of ATMs and offices? At the final stage, we recommend studying as much as possible all available information, including customer reviews.

Settlement and cash services (CSS) for legal entities- a comprehensive bank service that provides settlements to the organization.

RKO is regulated by the Law “On Banks and Banking Activities”, Civil Code RF, as well as regulatory framework Central Bank RF, in particular the Regulations on non-cash payments in the Russian Federation, Regulations on the procedure for conducting cash transactions in credit institutions, others regulatory documents. In addition, an agreement on settlement and cash services is concluded between the client and the bank.

As a rule, RKO includes the following basic services:

  • - non-cash payments;
  • - cash transactions (cash services);
  • - issuing account statements about completed transactions.

It should be noted that cash settlement services, as a rule, imply the possibility of opening and using not only a ruble account, but also a foreign currency account.

To carry out account transactions, as well as cash transactions, banks use unified forms, the main ones of which are:

  • - payment orders (form 0401060) - for payments from a current account;
  • - form for depositing cash into a bank account;
  • - cashier's checks - for cash withdrawal.

After concluding a contract for cash settlement services, the organization is issued checkbook, which serves to receive cash for the business needs of the enterprise and to pay salaries to employees.

In addition to basic services, banks also offer additions to settlement and cash services. Such additions include collection services and transactions on accounts through the Client-Bank remote access system.

RKO is a bank service from which it makes money. Moreover, basic services, as a rule, are either free or require small commissions. For additional services, banks charge payment in the form of interest or in the form of a monthly service cost.

Bank CJSC "Credit Europe Bank" represents the following range of cash settlement services for legal entities:

Opening and maintaining accounts

CREDIT EUROPE BANK opens and maintains all types of accounts for residents and non-residents of the Russian Federation in rubles and foreign currency.

Opening an account both in rubles and in foreign currency takes no more than 3 (three) days from the date of submission of the necessary documents to the Bank.

Payments in rubles and foreign currencies

CREDIT EUROPE BANK guarantees the reliability and quality of its operations. We provide our corporate clients with the opportunity to:

  • · Promptly receive information about the status of the account and credits received to the account within trading day funds and make non-cash transfers.
  • · Use remote control systems banking services(Client-Bank and Internet-Bank) to make payments, exchange information with the Bank and manage your accounts.
  • · Conduct a search for funds, including by sending appropriate requests.
  • · At the request of auditors, inspection bodies, enterprises and organizations, their clients, provide information related to audits.

CREDIT EUROPE BANK offers corporate clients the opportunity to make non-cash transfers through the Bank of Russia Electronic Express Payments (BESP) system. An undeniable advantage of the BESP system is the speed of transfers. Funds are credited to the recipient's account within one business day, which significantly speeds up the turnover of funds.

CREDIT EUROPE BANK offers corporate clients to issue a checkbook.

  • · Main benefits and advantages for the client:
  • · Reducing costs for collection, recalculation and storage of funds.
  • · No costs for purchasing equipment or creating additional infrastructure when servicing cardholders.
  • · Guaranteed payment.
  • ? Servicing foreign economic activity

CREDIT EUROPE BANK offers its clients the following services:

  • · Carrying out payments using the SWIFT system.
  • · Valuation of payments by the date of acceptance of the transfer application.
  • · Issuance of bank letters of credit.
  • · Advising, confirming, making payments, discounting and maintaining documentation for letters of credit opened in favor of the Bank's clients.
  • · Issuing and advising of all types bank guarantees, including advance payment guarantees, performance guarantees, bid guarantees, etc.
  • · Confirmation of the authenticity of guarantees received directly from a foreign bank.
  • · Development of individual payment schemes.

Currency control:

  • · Conducting examination of export/import contracts and assistance in their development.
  • · Registration of transaction passports and settlement services for export/import contracts.
  • ? Receiving and issuing cash

CREDIT EUROPE BANK accepts, recalculates and issues cash in the currency of the Russian Federation and in major foreign currencies.

Currency exchange operations

CREDIT EUROPE BANK, being a member of the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange (MICEX), offers its clients foreign exchange transactions on the domestic money market:

  • · Mandatory sale of currency on the United Trading Session MICEX with preliminary deposit of funds for sale.
  • · Purchase and sale of currency on behalf of clients for rubles with value dates “tod” (today), “tom” (the next business day after the transaction is concluded), “spot” (the second business day after the transaction is concluded).
  • · Conversion of one currency into another with value dates “tom” (the next business day after the transaction is concluded), “spot” (the second business day after the transaction is concluded).
  • ? Currency control

CREDIT EUROPE BANK offers the following services related to foreign exchange transactions:

  • · Conducting examination of export/import contracts and consultations on their development.
  • · Registration and maintenance of transaction passports.
  • · Settlement services for export/import contracts.
  • · Professional advice on the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field currency regulation and exchange control of foreign trade activities.
  • · Participation in negotiations between the client and counterparties.
  • · Individual support of client contracts and projects
  • ? Cash collection

CREDIT EUROPE BANK offers cash collection services for corporate clients banks operating in retail sales:

  • · Cash collection.
  • · Temporary storage of cash on weekends and holidays.
  • · Processing (counting, sorting) of cash.

Individual tariffs are set for each client.

Settlement and cash services for legal entities

  • Opening ruble and foreign currency accounts in the shortest possible time;
  • Receiving advice on the procedure banking operations;
  • Transfer of funds within Russia and abroad on the day of submission of payment documents;
  • Depositing cash into the cash register while simultaneously crediting it to the settlement (current) account;
  • Collection of cash proceeds;
  • For non-resident legal entities, the opening and maintenance of bank and special accounts is provided; client-bank;
  • Documentary operations;
  • Transactions with foreign currency;
  • Collection and delivery of funds and valuables (the service operates at the Head Office of JSCB SLAVIA (JSC) in Moscow and at the Branch of JSCB SLAVIA (JSC) in Lyubertsy); lending.
  • JSCB SLAVIA (JSC) will quickly and on favorable terms for clients satisfy their cash needs.

Terms of service and tariffs

Servicing of accounts in rubles and foreign currency is carried out free of charge or at minimal rates. The service conditions and tariffs of JSCB SLAVIA (JSC) for all types of ruble and foreign currency accounts are given in the Tariffs for customer service (attached to the Bank Account Agreement).

Service order

The operating day at JSCB SLAVIA (JSC) lasts from 9:30 to 17:00. At the same time, payment orders passing through the settlement system of the Bank of Russia, transferred to the bank on paper, before 17:00, through the “Client-Bank” system until 17:00, are carried out on the current operating day, and orders transferred to the bank after the checkout time , - the next business day. Payments made within JSCB SLAVIA (JSC), transferred to the bank before 18:00, are carried out on the current business day, after the checkout time - on the next business day. On pre-holiday days the operating day is reduced by 1 hour and on Friday the operating day is until 16:45. Account statements are provided from 9:30 every banking day. Cash must be ordered from the bank before 13:00 on the day preceding the day of receipt. Reception and withdrawal of cash are carried out during the operating day.

Operational time and procedure for executing payment documents of clients when making transfers of foreign currency to recipients' accounts in other banks (credit institutions):

Foreign currency

Operating time

Period of execution

U.S. dollar

Until 16:00 (Fridays and holidays - 15:30)

Postoperative time - until 16:30 (Fridays and pre-holidays - until 16:15)

Current working day


Until 14:30

Current working day


Until 12:30

Current working day


Until 10:30

Current working day


Until 14:30

Current working day

Belarusian ruble

Until 11:30

Current working day

Other foreign currencies

Until 15:00

Next business day

Payment documents when clients make transfers of foreign currency to recipients' accounts at JSCB SLAVIA (JSC) are submitted to the Bank before 17:30 (on Fridays and pre-holidays until 16:15) and are executed by the Bank on the current working day.