Distance learning for an accountant using 1c. Accounting courses online, distance accounting courses online, online training for accountants. Mutual settlements with contractors. Bank operations


Distance Internet training courses 1C: Enterprise 8.3.

Distance courses allow you to prepare for the 1C: Professional tests. Online learning is conducted mostly independently, but the user can use the hint system or seek help from a teacher. Communication between the student and the teacher is carried out via e-mail.

Online learning is based on a cross-cutting example, i.e. the trainee, step by step, independently studies the course materials. Course materials are divided into chapters. Each chapter includes theoretical material, practical tasks, a help system and a midterm control system, which consists of tests similar to the 1C: Professional tests.

The user performs practical tasks immediately after studying a small part of the theoretical material. Each subsequent task is built on the basis of data obtained from the correct execution of all previous ones. If there are difficulties in completing the assigned task, the user can use the help system, which consists of:

  • Animated prompt that allows the trainee to visually follow the sequence of actions that must be performed to successfully complete the task;
  • Teacher assistance (you can send an email);
  • A database with an already completed task, which allows you to study the course further even if the user for some reason could not complete the task.
  • Course materials and teaching methods correspond to full-time courses conducted by 1C: CSO.

    After the expiration of the paid period (30 days), the user's access to the course is blocked. During the paid period (30 days), the time and duration of work during the day is not limited. After the end of the training period, subject to passing the final test, it is sent by mail. You can get acquainted with the demo versions of the courses by (login Guest, no password). You can watch fragments of video recordings of the 1C course at the following link Videos on YouTube channel..

    Features of distance learning 1C: Enterprise 8

    • The ability to study on any computer with the installed 1C: Enterprise 8 system and organized access to the 1C: Education system (via the Internet);
    • Arbitrary duration of training;
    • Opportunity for on-the-job training;
    • Independence of the learning process from the distance between the user and the teacher;
    • The ability for students to independently choose the pace of classes and their duration.
    • No additional requirements for the client computer (if 1C: Enterprise 8 works, then the course also works);
    • Dozens of hours of full-time course video recording + electronic material;
    • Courses do not require installation of additional software;
    • Each task is provided with an animated hint and an information base with an already completed task;
    • There is a test for each lesson;
    • Built-in dictionary that takes advantage of hypertext (links between terms);
    • Customizable search system by keywords, title or content of course materials;
    • Continuous user support and updating of course materials in accordance with the latest version of the program;

    Directions of courses 1C distance learning

    Below are the names and additional information on 1C distance courses on the 1C website. Before ordering, please check how relevant the detailed information link on the 1C website is. If you intend to order courses at "INFA-Education", use the appropriate button " " at the end of this page.

    Name of the course, link for detailed information on this course on the 1C website Volume *

    For programmers

    1 40 ac.h
    2 -- acc.h
    3 -- acc.h
    4 36 ac.h
    5 8 ac.h
    6 -- acc.h

    For users

    According to the program 1C: Accounting 8 and 1C: Simplified 8

    7 40 ac.h
    8 40 ac.h
    9 24 ac.h
    10 -- acc.h
    11 -- acc.h
    12 -- acc.h
    13 4 ac.h

    According to the programs "1C: Trade Management 8" and "1C: Retail 8"

    14 -- acc.h
    15 40 ac.h
    16 -- acc.h
    17 -- acc.h
    18 18 ac.h

    According to the program "1C: Integrated automation 2"

    19 40 ac.h
    20 -- acc.h
    21 -- acc.h
    22 -- acc.h

    According to the program 1C: Salary and personnel management 8

    23 -- acc.h
    24 32 ac.h
    25 -- acc.h
    26 -- acc.h
    27 40 ac.h
    28 40 ac.h
    29 40 ac.h

    According to the program 1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8

    30 32 ac.h

    According to the program 1C: Accounting of a state institution 8

    31 24 ac.h
    32 40 ac.h
    33 24 ac.h
    34 -- acc.h
    35 -- acc.h
    36 -- acc.h
    37 -- acc.h

    According to the program "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0"

    38 24 ac.h
    39 24 ac.h
    40 -- acc.h
    41 -- acc.h
    42 -- acc.h
    43 -- acc.h
    44 -- acc.h

    According to the program 1C: Management of a manufacturing enterprise 8

    45 24 ac.h
    46 16 ac.h
    47 16 ac.h
    48 24 ac.h
    49 4 ac.h

    The Moscow Higher School of Economics specializes in training professionals in the field of accounting. We offer distance learning using authoring programs that will help beginners to understand complex problems, and professionals to improve their skills. For a quick and easy study of the 1C Accounting program system, we have developed a distance course. The vast majority of specialists know about this complex software product, but not everyone understands from the very beginning how to work in 1C Accounting configurations. 1C courses from the Moscow Higher School of Economics will help everyone to speed up the process of mastering all the functions of the program. Any user with Internet access will be able to gain practical skills in working with the program.

    "1C: Accounting 8.3"

    The purpose of the training course is to teach students the practical methods of accounting for an enterprise in the configuration "1C: Enterprise Accounting 8.3".

    During the course, students form the accounting base of a conditional enterprise for a cross-cutting accounting task, including regulated reporting for the reporting period.

    Course participants get access to the materials of the distance course on the MHSE website (reference materials on the details of a conditional enterprise, its nomenclature, counterparties, data on employees, etc., demonstration videos about working in the program, test tasks). The distance learning course is completely hands-on. Each lesson contains practical tasks for independent solution. A teacher will work with students on the educational portal. The MHSE provides teaching aids and methodological materials in electronic form. The course material is designed for both beginners and those who are already familiar with the system. Thanks to the course "1C: Accounting", after graduation you will be able to start real practical work.


    1. Getting started in the configuration: creating and ordering the formation of an accounting database, user registration, launch, interface.
    2. Completion of the main directories.
    3. Accounting operations for wholesale purchases of goods and materials.
    4. Cash accounting operations.
    5. Personnel accounting.
    6. Accounting for production operations.
    7. Accounting for fixed assets.
    8. Accounting operations for wholesale sales of goods and materials.
    9. Accounting for warehouse operations.
    10. Accounting for intangible assets.
    11. Payroll accounting.
    12. Formation of the book of purchases and the book of sales.
    13. Closing of the month.
    14. Accounting for banking transactions.
    15. Reports.

    With distance learning, you will receive:

    Theoretical knowledge

    • Learn how to set up accounting parameters, fill out reference books, enter opening balances
    • Learn how to keep track of cash, cash and settlement accounts
    • You will be able to keep records of relationships with counterparties, accounting of fixed assets and intangible assets, personnel records.
    • Master the preparation and submission of reports to regulatory authorities and funds

    Practical skills

    • Master accounting and tax accounting in the program 1C: Accounting 8

    Certificate of Completion

    • After successful completion of training, a certificate of the established form is issued.

    All that is needed is the presence of the 1C: Accounting 8 program, the desire to learn and a computer connected to the Internet.

    How will you study?

    The course is divided into 14 modules, each module is a lesson on a specific topic and a test. The modular system is used by all leading universities in Russia and the world. This system helps to assimilate the material faster and better due to the carefully dosed presentation of the material to the listener and the test after each module.

    The listener downloads the modules in his/her personal account, studies them and passes the test for the lesson. If the test is passed successfully, the student receives the next task. The last test is final.

    Advice to students on organizational and educational issues is carried out at a special, closed forum by the best teachers of the Training Center of the company "Elite-profit". Only teachers who have at least three years of experience in conducting face-to-face courses and seminars are allowed to advise distance course students.

    Training Options:

    Number of lessons 14 modules

    We will learn what accounting is, what are its types, who are the users of accounting information, what are the tasks of accounting and what are the functions of an accountant. Let's talk about accounting objects, i.e. about what needs to be considered. Let's find out what is the main rule of accounting.

    08. Filling in directories in the 1C program

    We will fill in the reference book "Nomenclature", which contains data on inventory items and services. We will indicate the data of our counterparties (business partners). Let's learn how to perform basic actions in list forms.

    10. Entering balances in 1C. Activity log

    Enter the account balances at the beginning of the month. This will be relevant if you enter data into 1C of an enterprise that has been operating for several months or years. Let's get acquainted with the journal of transactions and the mechanism for reflecting accounting transactions.

    11. Mutual settlements with contractors. Bank operations

    We will buy and sell goods in bulk, transfer and receive money by bank transfer. At the same time, we will analyze different options for trading with counterparties: without prepayment, with prepayment, with partial prepayment. We will also consider the accounting operation associated with the settlement and cash services of the bank.

    12. Data analysis. Standard and management reports

    The accountant must be able to select and sort documents in journals, as well as analyze the accumulated data using standard and management reports. Knowing the basics of analysis will help you find the information you need in a generalized and analytical way.

    13. Accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets

    Consider the features of accounting for two types of non-current assets: fixed assets and intangible assets. Fixed assets include tangible non-current assets (buildings, structures, transport, equipment, furniture, etc.) worth more than 40,000 rubles. (in accounting). Intangible assets include permits (licenses, patents), documents confirming ownership, some software.

    14. Accounting for software and low-value tangible assets

    Consider the methodology for accounting for non-exclusive rights to software (the majority of such computer programs and they do not belong to intangible assets). We will also consider the features of accounting for inventory and household supplies. Such items do not belong to the composition of fixed assets (because their service life is not more than 12 months; or if the service life is more than 12 months, the cost is not more than 40 thousand rubles).

    15. Accounting for received and sold services

    Consider the features of accounting services. In the beginning, we will reflect the operations for obtaining services that all accountants face. Then we will analyze the operations for the provision (implementation) of services. We will also get acquainted with the peculiarity of accounting for the costs associated with the provision of services.

    16. Accounting for cash transactions and transactions with accountable persons

    Consider the features of accounting for cash transactions and transactions with accountable persons. In the beginning, we will analyze the specifics of cash transactions (income, expenditure, restrictions, documentation). Then we will analyze the method of accounting for mutual settlements with accountable persons. On a specific example, we will consider the mechanism for reflecting cash transactions and transactions with accountable persons in the 1C program.