Can the card be blocked for transfers. Cashless account. How Sberbank blocks transfers to cards. When Sberbank unblocks the card


Friends, welcome! I'll start without further ado: my partners are increasingly reporting that Sberbank is blocking accounts, cards, and online banking, often without the ability to restore them. If you are working with investment projects, cryptocurrency exchanges or exchangers, and are also just used to saving their nerves, I recommend cutting your Sberbank cards and moving to another bank. All details below.

What's up, Scrooge?

Approximately from the end of September-beginning of October, Sberbank experienced an aggravation, and it began to violently implement the “Federal Law on Counteracting the Legalization (Laundering) of Proceeds from Crime and the Financing of Terrorism” dated 08/07/2001 No. 115-FZ.

According to it, the bank can block your account, card and online banking without warning if it seems to them that you are behaving suspiciously, for example:

  • money from legal entities comes to your card for no reason at all;
  • money suddenly came to your card from a counterparty with signs of a transit one;
  • you receive money/transfer to individuals too often;
  • you regularly replenish your account with a large amount;
  • and regularly withdraw funds from the card.

However, most often the account is still blocked with a warning - they call, ask to explain what, to whom and why they transferred, ask about sources of income and explain what is happening with concern for the safety of money.

However, if something goes wrong, you will need documents confirming the legitimacy of the transaction and its expediency, as well as proof of income to unlock.

What is FZ-No. 115?

The notorious Federal Law No. 115, which combats the financing of terrorism and money laundering, has been in force since 2001 and until 2016 there were no special moves in it. As Nikolai Timofeev, Deputy Director for Risk Management at Tochka Bank, said in an interview, the current rush is due to the fact that the Central Bank has tightened regulation of the sphere banking service, and Elvira Nabiullina threatened to make everyone atta.

Reading 7 min. Views 99 Published on 25.09.2018

Sberbank has been holding a strong position as a leader in providing Russians with various financial and credit services for many years. The clients of this largest Russian bank is almost every citizen of Russia. Moreover, the further away Sberbank representative offices are located, the more popular they are.

But, in the last place, information is spreading over the network that Sberbank massively blocks the cards of its users. The Central Bank of Russia, on the basis of the current Federal Law No. 115, has the right to suspend accounts and cards of persons whose monetary transactions raise doubts about their eligibility and fall under the definition of "fraud" or "money laundering".

Sberbank blocks cards only if there are good reasons for that

Reasons for mass blocking of cards of individuals

All obligations to verify ongoing financial transfers non-cash payment regulated by the current Federal Law 115. According to this provision, Sberbank began to block the cards of individuals in the event of certain situations. By the way, not only Sberbank, but also other representatives of the credit and financial banking world.

Sberbank, like other banks in Russia, blocks individual accounts and plastic cards of customers, acting strictly in accordance with applicable law.

Sberbank blocks individuals' cards for making transfers only if they are under the suspicion of the banking security service. Every plastic holder should be aware of this in order to avoid such an extremely unpleasant situation. All transactions that have one goal are subject to mandatory and thorough verification: the complete withdrawal (cashing out) of large sums of money.

It is worth identifying the following reasons, which often lead to plastic blocking. Namely:

  1. Transfers from organizations with zero reporting.
  2. Receipt of transfer and withdrawal of money occurs in one day.
  3. Withdrawal (cashing out) of large Money on a regular basis.
  4. One-time cashing out of newly credited cash in a large amount.
  5. Unexplained transactions (when the sender/recipient cannot be determined).
  6. Using a business card to cash out funds received on it.
  7. Repeated opening of accounts and their quick closing (up to a month) with subsequent cashing out of deposits.

The news about the mass blocking of cards is just a rumor

What should plastic holders do

The general hysteria about mass blocking began due to a directed stuffing on the Internet about ongoing widespread frosts. Moreover, the majority of cardholders learned about it from the words of other people, while calmly continuing the active use of their cards without any problems. Of course, questions began to arise whether they could block a Sberbank card for transfers, because then why do you need plastic if your personal savings are suddenly at risk.

Sberbank has repeatedly denied such rumors. It is worth recalling that the FS has been functioning in Russia for many years ( Federal Service) monitoring finances. The work of this structure includes tracking and compiling lists of bank clients whose work is illegal. Banks are prohibited from cooperating with this list of persons. This list is constantly updated thanks to the actions of the banking structures themselves.

Sberbank always carefully monitors all monetary transactions carried out on its plastic and accounts.

Within the framework of existing laws, the bank has the right to independently impose a number of sanctions on individuals. In particular:

  1. Not allowed to carry out Money transfers.
  2. Block accounts / cards without the consent of the holder.
  3. Refuse to reissue and further service such persons.
  4. Purchase access to remote online services (Mobile Bank and Sberbank-Online).

But it is worth noting that a respectable and law-abiding client of the bank may also face a sudden blocking of the card. This happens when dubious transfers are made (from the point of view of the security service). Namely, receiving a large sum of money and cashing it out. This is due to the current resolution, according to which the recipient of a large amount of money is obliged to report on income to the tax authorities.

Sberbank notifies its customers of the reasons for freezing accounts/cards. This is done through SMS informing or a phone call. An individual has to confirm the appearance of a large amount and explain the source of income. In this case, the misunderstanding will be quickly settled. By the way, all bank customers should know that plastic blocking does not mean withdrawal of funds. The entire amount will be returned to the client after the bank receives an explanation about the origin of the large cash injection.

Sberbank warns customers about blocking

How are the procedures for identifying violations on the cards

The services of the largest Russian bank are actively used by a huge number of compatriots and, of course, it is unrealistic to track every transaction made. For this reason, financial and credit structures use an automatic system for monitoring and analyzing ongoing operations. Recently, indeed, the number of ongoing blocking of Sberbank cards has increased. But this is due to the growth of fraud and attempts to illegally withdraw funds from citizens.

Sberbank uses a special system that analyzes all plastic transactions and flags potentially suspicious transactions.

A few years ago, when plastic was not so common and was considered a curiosity, bank employees were engaged in checking money transfers manually. Now there are not enough working resources, so it is used special program. How exactly this system works is sometimes not known even by Sber employees themselves. It can only be noted that this program has a certain developed algorithm, on the basis of which suspicious transactions are screened out.

The analyzer uses such initial client data as:

  • average cost cashless check and cashing amount;
  • what exactly is most often paid by the plastic holder;
  • the profitability of the recipient himself and the person sending him transfers;
  • in which places the client most often makes non-cash payments.

By the way, thanks to such a well-established scheme, the fact of fraud is quickly detected. For example, if almost all funds are transferred from the client's card to someone else's account, which did not appear before. Sberbank in this situation also blocks plastic, helping to save at least part of the owner's money.

How to prevent blocking

In order not to be afraid of unexpected force majeure associated with plastic freezing, it is worth remembering the three most common reasons for blocking a card. In particular, and act in accordance with the possible cause of getting into an unpleasant situation:

  1. Suspicion of money laundering and aiding terrorism. Basically, transfers in the amount of 600,000 rubles or more are questionable. It is better for clients to stop using anonymous electronic wallets (it is these sources of income that are involved in dubious transactions).
  2. Freezing of work with the account in order to ensure the safety of the user. This happens against the background of a request for access to accounts from abroad or payments made for goods/services outside the territory of the Russian Federation. To prevent this, you should warn the bank in advance about the upcoming trip abroad. Or carry out all transactions by SMS confirmation.
  3. Numerous transfers to accounts of other banking institutions. Sberbank may regard such transactions as economically inexpedient. But to be afraid of blocking plastic for this reason is possible only in the case of operating with large (six-figure) amounts.
  4. Fight against illegal income. This usually happens when a large amount of money is credited to the client's account (for example, when selling a car or real estate). To clarify the situation, the account holder should be provided with all documentation confirming the completed purchase / sale transaction.

To avoid the occurrence of an unpleasant situation associated with blocking the card, it is necessary to foresee such an event in advance. And promptly notify Sberbank of the upcoming receipt of funds or the need to transfer a large amount of money. Of course, such transactions must be documented. What exactly will be the use of paper, it is difficult to answer - it all depends on the specific situation. For example:

  • employment contracts;
  • payment receipts for services;
  • extracts from tax authorities or PF;
  • lease, purchase and sale agreements;
  • payroll records;
  • debt obligations (receipts);
  • papers evidencing loans;
  • documents confirming the services rendered.


Naturally, like any financial institution, Sberbank is interested in expanding its customer base and does not prohibit cardholders from operating with large sums of money. But it should be understood that all restrictions and blocking exist and are put into effect for only one purpose: to prevent threats and identify large undeclared income.

Many are interested in what is meant by the word "large transactions". There is no definite figure here, and much depends on the previous readings received for analysis. For example, if a client with an average income of 20-25,000 rubles suddenly receives an amount 3-4 times more and immediately withdraws it, this automatically arouses suspicion. Or, regular cash receipts began to occur from persons previously unfamiliar according to this client.

It is worth remembering that Sberbank (and any other bank) carefully monitors and monitors all ongoing monetary transactions and has every right to close accounts until the situation is clarified. And if the client is unable to prove the legitimacy of receiving large sums of money, legal steps from banks and blocking of accounts follow.

There are many who are somehow related to the banking industry and are interested in what is happening on banking market in general, they really want to know what is happening in such a well-known popular bank as Sberbank of Russia and what will happen in it in 2019. Therefore, let's look into this and clarify the situation.

Sberbank of Russia closes in 2019?

Against the general background of the consolidation of banks and all sorts of reorganizations in Russia, this issue always comes first. Apparently because people are afraid for their favorite bank, in which they are serviced. Then where to look for the answer? And of course we will answer it for you.

The probability that Sberbank of Russia will be closed is very small, practically equal to zero, especially against the background of other banks. Why is it so?

The thing is that in support of this there are several tangible facts:

  • Sberbank of Russia is a systemically important bank for the whole of Russia and it is simply unprofitable for the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to close it and take away its license. If something serious happens, then Sberbank will be reorganized with a 99% probability. This is clear to us. However, now let us turn to the following very significant facts.
  • The bank has sufficient own capital, which exceeds 2.5 billion rubles, while the regulator's requirement is only 300 million rubles. And if the capital exceeds the regulator's requirement by several times and does not decrease, then such a bank can be considered reliable. And speaking in general, Sberbank has very high-quality assets, which not all banks in Russia can boast of.
  • Sberbank of Russia is a profitable bank. Unlike other banks, which often sparkle with losses, Sberbank sparkles with profit. We will not go into details on this matter, but the fact remains. Therefore, this is another confirmation that the idea that Sberbank is closing will have to be forgotten, at least for 2019 for sure.
  • Depositors trust Sberbank of the Russian Federation. Sberbank has more than 9 billion rubles of deposits and this is one of the highest rates among all banks in Russia. Many banks simply do not have such confidence from depositors. So is there any doubt that Sberbank will lose this trust? Well, if only in some extraordinary case. But this is still in theory.
  • Sberbank of Russia is managed by German Gref. If you may not know other top managers in banks at all, then you know German Gref for sure. And precisely because Gref himself is the head of Sberbank, it is, of course, possible not to trust Sberbank, but certainly not for this reason.

Sberbank branches are closed.
Why are Sberbank branches closed?

First, pay attention to the statement from German Gref.

According to public statements by the head of Sberbank German Gref, branches in settlements and megacities of Russia will be gradually closed. But this does not mean that Sberbank itself will cease to exist! This is not true!
Then what's the matter?

And the thing is that in any business, there is a time when you need to carry out large-scale business optimization. And usually in banking, it refers specifically to reducing the costs of maintaining branches and offices. You understand that spending on the maintenance of one department is not cheap. And just, crisis times give such a kind of impetus in this direction in order to reduce their own costs. What is it for?

Generally speaking, this is necessary in order for the bank to feel more confident and reliable in the market among competition and show positive financial dynamics, especially if we mean the net profit indicator here.

Therefore, be sure that if you see that some branches of Sberbank are closed, while others continue to work, then this only indicates that the bank is optimizing the business in order to become an even more stable bank and not work at a loss, spending hundreds of millions of rubles just to maintain their own branches.

So, the answer to the question of whether it is true that Sberbank is closing - there is only one answer for 2019 - no, it’s not true, Sberbank has worked and will continue to work even in the difficult conditions of the crisis.

The Sberbank system, like any other bank in Russia, analyzes customer money transfers, checking for suspicious transactions (Federal Law No. 115). That is, all operations on non-cash transfers with further cashing out of funds, which may turn out to be illegal, are necessarily monitored. As a result, Sberbank blocks individuals' cards for making illegal transfers, as well as other accounts associated, for example, with extremist and other types of prohibited activities.

In 2019, the Federal Financial Monitoring Service puts violators on a special list. To Work with individuals included in this list, banking organizations forbidden. At the same time, the base of illegal clients continues to expand.

Having discovered suspicious transactions, Sberbank usually chooses one of the following actions:

  • customer cards are blocked;
  • the bank imposes a ban on the debit account, as well as on the issue/reissue of a blocked card;
  • refuses to transfer funds and issue cash;
  • closes access to the Sberbank Online application.

For example, if money was transferred to the client’s card for the sale of a car or a large debt was returned, then the card may already be blocked. In order to get access to the funds again, it is necessary to prove, based on official documents, that the money was obtained legally.

The bank may notify the client in advance by sending an SMS, a letter to email or in the form of a phone call from an employee - the user is informed about a possible blocking. At the same time, he is often asked for papers and information that speaks in favor of the legality of the origin of funds. These messages indicate the terms for consideration of papers, as well as when the card will be unblocked and mobile bank operations. There is an opinion that if it is not possible to confirm the transparency of the transfer, then the amount burns out. These processes are supposedly carried out according to the standard algorithm by the bank's robots.

As the press service of Sberbank explained, “funds cannot burn out, as this contradicts the basics of banking. Sberbank blocks dubious transfers only for remote access, but not the account itself. If the transaction is denied twice, the client is invited to terminate the contract. In this case, funds can be transferred to the user's personal account in another bank.

New technologies for analysis

Previously, screening out violators was not automatic: transaction processing and decision-making on blocking fell on the shoulders of the operator. Although the requirements for why to block the transfer were simpler, because the verification of all transactions human resources not enough. Now it has become possible to analyze millions of operations according to the scheme of intellectual selection, with the help of specialized computer programs.

According to representatives of Sberbank, the system has been installed, is working effectively, and will not slow down. The analyzer studies the client's income, partners with whom mutual settlements were most often made, and other relevant information, and only after that Sberbank can block a suspicious card. At the same time, according to statistics, the error of such systems is only 10%.

How to avoid blocking

Consider three common reasons why Sberbank blocks individuals' cards.

  1. Counteraction to money laundering and sponsoring of terrorism (banks, as a rule, pay attention to transactions in the amount of more than 600 thousand rubles). Here it is better not to contact dubious sources, for example, in the form of anonymous wallets, since Sberbank can block the card on suspicion of fraud and various frauds.
  2. The card is blocked for the safety of the client. Requests for access from abroad or, conversely, payment for the services of a foreign company can lead to blocking money on a Sberbank card. In the first case, you need to warn the bank in advance about going abroad, in the second case, call and confirm the transaction.
  3. Control of undeclared income. At the request of the bank, it is necessary to provide documentary evidence of the source of funds. Inquiries are considered 2-5 days. A negative decision is possible if the securities do not fully justify the economic meaning of the operation.

If Required documents were sent, but Sberbank did not approve them, then nothing can be done within the framework of this institution. You can only try to issue a card again after a while; the bank sometimes reconsiders its decision.

In 2015, 56 million rubles were received on the Sberbank client card. The user tried to cash them out the next day. The company regarded the operation as a possible fraud and demanded supporting papers. Having studied them, the employees blocked the Sberbank card. Then the owner of the money redirected them to term deposits, but, for the transfer of money, the bank again refused to withdraw funds. After that, the user went to court, but the courts of all instances were on the side of Sberbank. In this case, the user needed to refute the dubious origin of the money, but the documents presented were not enough. Money could also be transferred to a third-party bank account.

Preparation of documents

There is no exact list of documents here. The main thing is that in a particular case, the papers confirm the legality of the extraction of funds and the financial meaning of the operations. These can be invoices for the purchase of services and goods, pay slips, IOUs, contracts for the sale, loan, lease, etc., certificates from tax service, statements of accounts from other banking institutions, etc.

When requesting the necessary information, the bank indicates how to send it. The method of transmission and the address of the recipient are noted in the request. For example, the bank may ask you to send scanned copies of papers to e-mail, send copies by regular mail or bring them to the place where the cards are issued.

To send by mail, it is better to choose the PDF format, while it is considered that the file size should not exceed 12 MB. If it is larger, then you can send several letters. It is recommended to use regular mail only as a last resort, as the letter may not arrive on time. If necessary documents No, you should notify the bank about it in the way suggested in the request.

Thus, transferring money from card to card for apartment renovation or other services becomes irrelevant. All transfers are monitored, and you have to answer for illegal actions. It is also not recommended to withdraw large amounts if there is no documentary evidence of the legality of their receipt.

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