Which plot to buy for building a house. The right choice of land for building a house. In which direction from the city should you choose land?


Most often, plots intended for individual housing construction (IHC) and dacha lands located in horticultural non-profit partnerships (SNT) and dacha non-profit partnerships (DNP) are put up for sale. You can find out which category a particular plot belongs to from the certificate of ownership kept by the seller. What are the main differences between these types? Land for individual housing construction allows the owner to have other household buildings, as well as to set up a garden or vegetable garden. Before starting construction, the future owner must obtain permission. You can register your relatives in the built house. On country and garden lands, you can also build, register it and receive a certificate of ownership, but it is possible that registering in it will be problematic. One of the advantages of such plots is the absence of the need to obtain a building permit.


An important criterion when choosing a site is its cost. As a rule, the closer the land plot is located to the border of St. Petersburg, the more expensive it will cost the buyer, the further it is, the cheaper it is, of course. However, building a large house at a considerable distance only makes sense if you do not need to travel to the city every day. Otherwise, you will spend too much time traveling both ways. Even with a limited amount of finance, it is wiser to make a choice in favor of the so-called “golden mean”. Let us add that the cost of a land plot is influenced not only by the distance from the ring road, but also by status. Plots for individual housing construction are a priori more expensive than plots in gardening partnerships. You can find land prices in the Leningrad region (as of the second quarter of 2016) in the review on the Real Estate Bulletin portal


When choosing the size of a plot of land, be guided by the expected scale of the future home and your plans for landscaping the area. For example, 10 acres is more than enough to place a cottage with an area of ​​150 square meters, install a garage, a bathhouse, equip a playground or sports ground, and also plant a small vegetable garden. If you want to live near the city, but you can’t afford a plot of 10 acres in such areas, then due to the denser arrangement of buildings, you can get by with a smaller area. However, it is better to purchase a plot with a small reserve, because it is possible that in a couple of years your children will ask to build a swimming pool in front of the house, and you yourself will begin to dream of a minigolf course. Now a few words about the shape of the land plot. It may be different, but still it is much easier to place buildings on a rectangular or square plot than, say, on an L-shaped one.

Soil and landscape

Before concluding a deal, be sure to study the soil characteristics of the area you like. If you overlook this important nuance, you risk facing a situation where the costs of building a foundation will be comparable to the costs of building a house. The best soil option is sandstone with a low groundwater level, the least suitable is peat. Of course, not everyone can analyze the properties of the soil on their own, so it would be a good idea to order a geological examination.

When choosing a site, we advise you to pay attention not only to the soil, but also to the landscape of the area. There cannot be an ideal option here. Each has its own advantages. For example, a site near a forest will allow you to breathe clean air, and the cottage itself will be protected from the wind. A plot of land on the shore of a reservoir will provide the opportunity to admire the beautiful landscape, go boating, and fish, but such plots, firstly, are the most expensive, and, secondly, with a high groundwater level, a good drainage system may be needed.


Not all land plots are located near major transport arteries. It is possible that you will have to get from the highway to your house along a road, the quality of which should not cause difficulties when driving and cause damage to the car. It is also worth taking into account the presence of a railway crossing on the route, because in the daily traffic jam in front of a closed barrier you can lose a huge amount of time.


The desire to live in clean air is one of the main reasons why people move out of town. If an environmentally friendly location is important to you, then before purchasing land, find out if there are any industrial enterprises, waste incinerators, or landfills nearby. It is also not advisable for a high-voltage power line to pass near the site. Let us note that there are significantly more environmentally friendly areas in the Leningrad region than polluted ones, and living outside the city is much healthier than in a noisy and polluted metropolis.

Social infrastructure

To ensure that country life does not cause inconvenience, think in advance about exactly what social infrastructure facilities you will need. If you have children, then there should be a kindergarten, school and clinic near your home. For adult family members, shops, a post office, a bank (or ATM), and a health care facility should be of great importance. If they are not there, then it makes sense to ask local residents about the prospect of opening such institutions in the foreseeable future. Please note that plots in areas with developed infrastructure are more expensive than in remote areas, but we would not advise skimping on convenience.


Electricity must be supplied to the acquired land plot. Without it, it will be impossible to live in a house, and not everyone can afford to equip their own substation. Ask the seller a question about the current power. For a house with an area of ​​150 square meters it should be at least 10 kW. Otherwise, your home will not be energy efficient, and you will lose the ability to use many household electrical appliances.

It’s good if the site you choose is gasified, because gas is a cheap source of heating for homes. If there is no gas, the cottage can be heated using a boiler running on diesel fuel or pellets. Electricity can also solve the heating problem. And don't be afraid of huge bills. The costs of electrical heating of a house with an area of ​​150 square meters will be comparable to the costs of centralized heating of a city apartment with an area of ​​100 square meters.

Water is the source of life! Without it, you will not be able to maintain hygiene, prepare food, or care for the plantings on your site. The ideal water supply option is a centralized water supply. However, its absence is not yet a reason to refuse to purchase. Quite often, a well or borehole is used as an alternative.

The lack of drainage can be solved by purchasing and installing a septic tank, which collects sewage and processes it into process water. There are many types of such equipment on the market, differing in technical characteristics and price.

Now that you have chosen a suitable plot of land and concluded a purchase and sale transaction, you can safely contact a construction company, where they will offer you standard ones or based on your preferences and financial capabilities.

The first and main task that needs to be solved before starting construction is the selection of land for construction. The second important point is the choice of house design and these two points are closely related. The project is always tied to specific conditions on the ground - relief, soil nature, groundwater level and the like. Therefore, it is better to start with the selection of a site than to first select a project and then look for a land plot on which this project can be implemented.

Before you start looking for a suitable location for your future home, you need to answer two main questions:

  1. In what area should the site be located? City limits, suburbs or “open field”? The price of the plot, accessibility of communications, surrounding views and the number of obstacles when coordinating a future project will greatly depend on this initial criterion.
  2. What should the plot size be? This greatly depends on your plans regarding the number of buildings on the site, as well as the presence of a garden, etc. The optimal proportion is usually the ratio of the area of ​​the future house to the total area of ​​the site as 1 to 10. That is, the easiest way is to take the area of ​​the house and multiply it by ten.

Acquisition of land for construction

You can buy a plot of land for construction on the primary or secondary real estate market. To search for options, you can contact the administration of the municipality where you want to build, or realtors or even private advertisements.

The main thing in this matter is to stock up on the necessary minimum of legal knowledge in order to understand the issue and not buy a “pig in a poke” with a bunch of potential problems. If your knowledge is not enough and you are afraid of deception, it is better to consult a professional lawyer on these types of transactions. At this stage it usually takes quite a lot of time, because it is necessary not only to select a site, but also to check its “cleanliness” according to the documents and arrange everything correctly.

  1. Title documents for the site. The site should not be located on the territory of sanitary protection or water protection zones, as well as agricultural land, so that later there will be no problems with its development. In addition, it is better to buy a plot that has already undergone the land surveying procedure.
  2. Geological characteristics of the site. What is the nature of the soil on the site, what is the groundwater level and the depth of the aquifer (if you plan to extract water using your own well) and the quality of the water.
  3. What communications are already available and what are planned for the near future (within a year). Remember that for construction you will need normal access roads, water, electricity and sewerage (septic tank).
  4. The price of the plot should not be significantly lower than the average. This may very likely indicate that the site is “problematic” - there may be obstacles in registering ownership rights to it, some restrictions on development/communications, problematic soil, etc.

Land surveying

It is especially important to take care of the question of whether the site you like has passed the land surveying procedure (determining boundaries). If land surveying has not been carried out, then the boundaries of the site are not documented and can be challenged at any time. The procedure for land surveying, that is, determining the boundaries of a site, is described in Article 260 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

To carry out land surveying, you need to enter into an agreement with a land management company that has the appropriate license. In this case, it is necessary to provide a certificate of ownership of the land and all data on the plot from the cadastral chamber. After this, the land management company on the ground will determine the boundaries of the site and coordinate them in the presence of you and your closest neighbors.

Soil type and groundwater

The type of soil is the most important characteristic of the site, which greatly influences the choice of foundation for the future home. In addition to the type of soil itself, the depth of groundwater also has a decisive influence. This data can be obtained through geological examination, which is also carried out by special bodies. From a practical point of view, a house can be built on almost any soil, even in standing water. Everything will depend on the complexity and cost of architectural solutions for each specific case. Therefore, first of all, it will be necessary to conduct a geological examination, and then contact an architect to choose a method for implementing a specific house project.

A high groundwater level can play a cruel joke for the owner of the site. Thus, during a flood period, some areas may even be completely flooded with water, which will make the desire to build a basement or underground garage under the house almost impossible or difficult to realize.

There is a fairly simple method for independently checking the groundwater level at a site. It is necessary to dig several holes or wells at different points of the site using a shovel or hand drill with a depth of 70-80 cm and wait an hour or two. If after this time the bottom of the pits remains dry, there is nothing to worry about. However, it is also advisable to ask your neighbors whether areas are flooded in the spring during floods or during heavy, prolonged rains. Particular attention should be paid to this if you purchase a plot next to a river.

Relief of the site

If the site is located on flat terrain, this is simply an ideal option from a construction point of view (unless you are planning individual “troubles” with multi-level architecture). However, if the site has a slope or changing terrain, this can significantly complicate life when building a house. Therefore, you need to decide on this in advance and look for just such a site that matches your architectural ideas.

Water supply and sewerage

The ideal option, of course, would be to connect to a collective water supply system, although this option also has its drawbacks (difficulties in coordinating the connection, often low water pressure in the summer due to the massive watering of gardens and vegetable gardens). If there is no water supply in the immediate vicinity and is not expected, then all that remains is to drill your own well, and here serious obstacles often arise.

Many people think that water can be found anywhere, but in practice this is not always the case. It is not for nothing that in the old days the talent of a dowser was highly valued - a person who knew how to find an aquifer close to the surface. After all, in your particular area you may need to drill a well 50 or even 100 meters deep before you get to normal water. And even then the question of its quality remains open, because not all water is suitable for domestic use (and especially for ingestion and cooking).

Therefore, it is also advisable to inquire about the issue of water supply at the very beginning of assessing the site you like, otherwise the costs of individual access to water through a well and its further purification can hit the budget hard.

Close to water supply is the issue of arranging sewerage on the site. The possibility of connecting to a centralized sewerage system usually exists only within the city, and even then not everywhere, so in most cases, in practice, the only option left is to install an individual septic tank. This can be either a standard waterproofed pit (with the need for regular pumping and removal of liquid waste), or modern multi-component filtration and waste treatment systems, up to the possibility of using the resulting water for watering the garden.

The issue of sewerage can become very complicated if your site is located next to a reservoir, especially in an area of ​​150 meters from it - then the SES will have especially stringent requirements for the reliability of the septic tank and preventing waste from entering groundwater.

Electricity supply

You need to find out the location of the electrical substation closest to the site and the maximum power that can be allocated to your future home. Due to the fact that most substations and power lines are already quite worn out, Electric Networks usually severely limit the amount of power allocated to a home (about 10 kilowatts). And given the growing number of electrical appliances in homes, you will have to either save on electricity consumption, or try in various ways to obtain permission for additional power, or produce it in alternative ways (solar panels, wind generators, etc.).

This all, of course, applies to the case when electricity passes near your site and you have the opportunity to connect to it. If you bought a plot in an unplowed field, everything becomes much more complicated, since you will either have to wait for the initiative of the district administration to provide you with electricity (if the land is cut into many plots), or chip in with all your neighbors and collectively pay for the laying of an electrical network to you . Until then, you will have to use a portable diesel or gasoline electric generator.

Gas supply

In this regard, everything is usually even more complicated than with electricity. Gas is usually present only within the city or in the suburbs, but if the site is located far from civilization, you can immediately forget about it. But if you have a gas pipeline, it will be much easier for you to solve the problem in the future with the installation of heating and hot water supply systems in the house, as well as with cooking. All this, moreover, will reduce power consumption, which will help reduce costs on this item. Therefore, it is worth considering the possibility of purchasing a plot of land near the gas pipeline, of course, after calculating all the pros and cons.

Other communications

The first and main question when purchasing a plot of land at a considerable distance from the city is the availability and quality of roads. The quality and capacity of the road is crucial not only in terms of the speed of travel to the nearest supermarket or hospital, but also on the ability to easily get home or to the city in winter or spring/autumn bad weather, as well as the ability for heavy equipment to travel to your site for construction work.

The need for a wired telephone has virtually disappeared with the advent of cell phones. Still, it doesn’t hurt to check the cellular signal level in your area, because your operator’s tower may be located at a considerable distance, and the walls of your future home will weaken the signal even more.

It is worth remembering such modern benefits of civilization as television and the Internet. Find out where the nearest TV tower is located, unless, of course, you plan to solve this problem radically by installing a satellite dish.

The issue of Internet access is the most difficult. In cities with a population of over 500 thousand inhabitants, this is, as a rule, no longer a problem - there is quite a lot of competition in the provider market and you can choose whose services to use, while paying a rather symbolic amount per month for a high-speed channel.

In the suburbs or at a significant distance from the city, everything is much more complicated. There is no need to wait for cable Internet, there are basically two options left - a GPRS/3G modem or a satellite dish (a faster option, but here the outgoing channel will usually have to be organized on the basis of a cellular modem).

In addition, it is worth finding out about the procedure for delivering mail to your future address and about the possibility of centralized garbage collection.


This section includes your personal preferences:

  • picturesque surroundings (taking into account future development);
  • proximity to ponds and forests for the possibility of walking and relaxing in nature;
  • the environmental situation in the area (does the wind bring emissions from nearby plants/factories, etc.);
  • shading of the site from the sun by houses and trees on neighbors' properties.


The main rule when choosing a site is not to rush. Consider different options, evaluate them for each of the above points, compare not only the prices of the plots themselves, but also the approximate costs of compensating for various difficulties (such as lack of water or electricity). It is convenient to write out all the options in the form of a table with the characteristics of the sites, so it will be much easier to compare them. Make a purchasing decision only after weighing all the pros and cons, and do not forget to carefully check the documents for the site. Remember - a week spent at this stage can save months and even years in the future, not to mention possible financial losses.

Sooner or later, almost every apartment owner thinks about moving to a private house. However, such a simple idea at first glance is a rather labor-intensive process that includes many nuances and important stages. And first of all, it is necessary to make the right choice of the site used for building a house.

Selecting a site - solving initial issues

Building a house always begins with the purchase of a plot of land for organizing suburban housing. In order not to get into trouble and avoid unplanned expenses, choosing a site should begin by addressing a number of important issues:

  1. Budget for purchase. Experienced people recommend allocating no more than 50% of the available amount for the construction of a house to purchase land. After all, there is no point in cheap construction on a luxurious and expensive place.
  2. Land area. As a rule, this value starts at 8 acres for small and medium-sized cottages. For country houses with an area of ​​350 square meters or more, you will have to select a plot of more than 12 acres in area. Such requirements eliminate the possibility of technical problems both during the construction process and during further residence.
  3. Category of land and bureaucratic nuances. Traditionally, the land of a certain locality is chosen for the construction of residential suburban buildings. Very rarely, for this purpose, plots of agricultural significance are purchased, which is far from the best option. If we talk more specifically about the categories, then preference should be given to the lands of individual housing construction and private household plots. If there is a lucrative offer from gardening non-profit partnerships or from a dacha non-profit partnership, you need to prepare to pay regular membership fees.

Technical characteristics of the land plot

What else should you consider when buying land? Do not forget about the technical parameters of the land plot:

  • location;
  • transport infrastructure of the region;
  • ground water level;
  • soil characteristics;
  • shape and slope of the land;
  • availability of utilities.

The choice of location is the cornerstone of the entire transaction. Here you need to think about how much time you will have to spend every day traveling to your place of work and study. If there are no normal shops and pharmacies near the site, you will have to travel for a certain amount of time to shop. The same applies to post offices, hospitals, and train stations. When talking about the shape of a land plot, we mean the ratio of its sides. The best option in this case is a proportion of 1:2. Of course, the potential owner can choose land of any configuration, but here you need to clearly understand the location of the future building. Usually a minimum slope is acceptable.

A few words about communications

The utility network of the site is the most important point in pricing. After all, communications are synonymous with comfort even during the construction process, not to mention direct living. An important point in this case is power supply. The cost of connecting electricity to a plot can vary significantly depending on the location of the facility, the compliance of local authorities, etc. If the acquired land plot does not have power supply, the process of installing an electrical substation, power lines and tension wires falls on the shoulders of the new owner.

The second most important utility network is gas. Cylinder-type gas supply will cost several times more than its counterpart with a mainline interchange. This difference will be especially noticeable in the cold season. Also, do not forget about the water supply. Otherwise, only after the construction of the house can you discover poor-quality water in the well. There are situations when the amount of iron in water exceeds the norm tens of times. To avoid such a problem, you need to obtain information about the composition of water before purchasing a plot of land. If you don’t want to deal with such issues, you can prepare a certain amount to install a comprehensive drinking water filtration system.

Additional buildings and neighbors

We are talking about old cellars and barns, as well as trees on the site. Such objects often become a serious obstacle to the design and further construction of a country house. Plus, dismantling outbuildings and cutting down trees is by no means a cheap job. And if we are talking about cutting down excess vegetation, then you will have to obtain permission in the form of a felling ticket. Otherwise, you may run into penalties. The last point in the presented manual is “getting to know” the prospective neighbors. Here you need to pay attention to neighboring buildings and personal plots. Of course, an unreliable subject in the role of a neighbor is a potential headache and wasted nerve cells.

Preparation of documents

Once you have decided on a site, you should not go through the process of completing the purchase yourself. This issue should be entrusted to experienced real estate agencies with a good reputation. Such companies provide comprehensive transaction support, which eliminates illegal manipulations with real estate and associated costs. A qualified realtor will immediately identify possible risks and suggest ways to solve them. If you have any doubts about a particular issue, you can always insure the transaction.

To build a private house for permanent residence, you need to purchase a plot of land. The main difficulties begin with the registration of a plot of land for individual housing construction. Check whether there are any encumbrances on the site and whether the seller has all the documents.

Know that after signing a purchase and sale or lease agreement, it is much more difficult to prove your legal case if problematic issues related to the land plot become clear.

To understand the essence of the issue, remember that we are talking about the process of erecting a permanent structure for individual residence on a specific plot of land. Please note that if the territory on which individual residential construction is being carried out belongs to the lands of a municipality or settlement, and is located within the boundaries of the settlement, then after the construction and commissioning of the building it is assigned an address.

Further, if an address is assigned to the premises, then the owner of the property has the right to register in this premises. Individual housing construction is most often carried out for the construction of premises according to the individual plans of the developer, in order to take into account all the wishes of the owner of the land plot or his family.

After the construction of the premises, its registration as a real estate object and after the registration of a citizen in this premises, you can obtain permission from the municipality to use for personal purposes all communal facilities existing on the territory. This may include heating systems, sewerage systems, electricity supplies, sewerage infrastructure, pipelines and others.

Based on the data of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, study the regulatory documents regulating the norms and rules for the implementation of development for individual housing construction.

Be sure to keep in mind that only one family can be registered in a constructed house after it is put into operation. Please note that the height of all main structures of the building cannot be higher than three floors.

Study especially carefully the issue of collecting and checking documentation, so that it does not turn out that the land has been purchased or taken on a long-term lease, and building residential premises is prohibited.

Methods for purchasing land for building a house

Please note that a plot of land always belongs to someone, which means you need to understand that it can be acquired in the following ways:

  • In the case where the owner of the territory is the state, municipality or village administration, the land plot will have to be purchased through the formation of an application for plots in an auction in order to acquire a specific land plot. In this case, it is necessary to follow the entire procedure;
  • In the case where the owner of the land is a citizen or organization that is not a government agency or representative of government bodies, it is necessary to draw up a purchase and sale agreement.

Please note that you need to choose a land plot for individual housing construction by carefully studying all the options, choosing preferential plots of land, territories that have advantageous differences from similar plots of land. It is important to study in advance the characteristics of the soil and the geographical location of the plot of land.

How to choose a plot of land for building a house

In order to purchase a plot of land for the construction of capital residential construction for the individual placement of a family on a permanent basis, it is necessary to take into account the following features:

  • Examine the surrounding area of ​​the land to identify sources of health hazards:
    • Location of technical facilities of the manufacturing industry;
    • Availability of factories nearby;
    • Availability of sewerage or sewerage systems;
    • Determine the level of background radiation on a piece of land, take the soil for testing to identify harmful substances;
    • Make sure that the area does not fall within the range of power lines;
  • Try to choose a plot of land so that there are forests or a body of water within a radius of 2 - 3 kilometers from the plot;
  • Make sure that the site is connected to communications; there is a possibility of connecting the land plot to water supply, gas lines and electricity:
    • There must be at least one electric pole within a 300 meter radius;
    • The main water supply pipe should be located no more than 200 meters from the site;
    • And to supply gas, the hydraulic fracturing station must be located 100 meters from the site, no further;
  • Choose land closer to city or village infrastructure, make sure that the following are located nearby:
    • Shop with essential products;
    • Pharmacy;
    • Stores with household and everyday goods;
    • Hardware stores;
    • School, if you plan to live permanently in the chosen area;
  • Study the type of activity and leisure activities of your neighbors, get to know them so that you know in advance what to expect from them;
  • Study the quality and basic characteristics of the soil in the selected area, determine in advance the groundwater level, and the wind patterns in the area;
  • Select a plot to purchase that is completely empty; if you want to build a house from scratch, you can purchase land with unfinished construction objects, then complete and put into operation the object whose construction was started by the previous owners.

What to look for when purchasing a land plot for individual housing construction

The main subject of study of a site for acquisition is the possibility of connecting it to communications and life support facilities. If the characteristics of the site suit the future buyer, but there are no prospects for connecting water supply, gas or electricity, then it makes no sense to build an individual housing construction project on such a site.

If there is an opportunity to establish communications, then study the following points based on the cadastral passport for the land plot:

  • Are there boundaries of the land plot determined by the cadastral engineer;
  • Be sure to make sure that the passport contains information about the territory’s belonging to the settlement lands;
  • Find data on the temporary construction zone in relation to the site; it is permissible to use for individual housing construction areas allocated for subsidiary farming or dacha construction.

To choose a plot of land for individual housing construction, study the approximate cost per square meter on neighboring plots of land. If the seller offers a plot at a reduced price, there is reason to think and study the data on the plot in more detail.

If the land plot selected for purchase under individual housing construction has the type of permitted land use for agricultural activities, then you should refuse the transaction.

How to check the legal purity of a land plot for individual housing construction

When purchasing a plot of land, you may find yourself in a situation where the land is mortgaged, seized for the debts of the previous owner, or burdened with other obligations. To avoid this, collect data on the owners of the land plot, see how often the owners of the land plot were changed. Make sure that the owner's land title documents comply with legal requirements.

To get an answer to the questions listed above, you need to obtain a cadastral extract. This document contains information on the first page regarding the plot of land, which may become the basis for refusing the transaction.

For example, if there is evidence that the actual boundaries of the site do not coincide with the boundaries of the site according to survey documents, then this may be a reason to reconsider the decision to purchase such a site.

In such cases, it is recommended to select a plot for purchase with land surveying completed. If a potential buyer has chosen a plot of land without land surveying, but really wants to purchase it, then it is worth paying a deposit amount with the condition that the land surveying process will be carried out within a certain time.

Please note the following data that is present in the cadastral passport:

  • Encumbrances for gas supply;
  • Location of the site in environmental and water protection zones;
  • Compare by overlaying the image of the plot shape from the photograph onto the graphical data from the extract. It is necessary that the coincidence be maximum in the shape of the boundaries.

When purchasing a plot of land from a married couple, be sure to request from the seller a notarized copy of the second spouse’s permission to sell the plot of land. This document must be kept at all times.

Please note that if a property owner is selling land that he acquired through inheritance or as a gift from another owner, his spouse's permission to sell is not required.

Another source of information for a potential buyer can be a publicly available interactive cadastral map on the Internet. Thanks to a variety of tools and a user-friendly interface, everyone can find the data they are interested in regarding a plot of land in any region of Russia.

Procedure for registering the purchase of a land plot for individual housing construction

A plot of land, as mentioned above, can be acquired by drawing up a purchase and sale agreement with a private owner or through an auction for the land if the owner is the state.

Please note that in any case it is necessary to comply with the basic rules of the transaction for the acquisition of land:

  • The potential buyer must decide on the specific plot of land that he wishes to purchase;
  • When choosing a land plot for individual housing construction, pay attention to the category of the land plot. In order not to be refused the sale of land for individual housing, it is necessary to purchase land that belongs to the category of settlement land;
  • Prepare and collect all the necessary papers and documents regarding the plot of land: if the purchase is made from the municipality and the land plot does not yet have a cadastral passport, it is necessary to issue one; if there is no land surveying, then it is necessary to carry it out;
  • When purchasing land from the state, you must submit an application to the settlement administration for the acquisition of a specific plot of land, then obtain information about the date of the auction;
  • Agree on all the terms of the purchase and sale agreement, determine the amount of the cost of the land plot and the form of payment, establish the terms and procedure for payment;
  • After receiving duplicates of the draft purchase and sale agreement, both parties to the transaction have the right to check the documents within thirty days, then the agreement must be signed or cancelled;
  • After completing the transaction and transferring the money, the new owner must register his ownership of the land in Rosreestr and receive a certificate of ownership.

Be aware that when drawing up a specific contract for the purchase of land, you may need various documents and extracts from government services, so plan in advance the time to obtain them.

Documents for purchasing land for individual housing construction from a private person

The owner of the site must submit the following documents:

  • Legal documentation regarding the legality of acquiring a plot of land;
  • A document with an official assessment of the site by an expert;
  • Written consent of all co-owners to sell the seller’s share from public land, if the land is collectively owned;
  • If the seller is a minor citizen, an incapacitated person or a person with limited legal capacity, then permission from the guardianship authorities to alienate the land plot is required;
  • If there are intermediaries, it is necessary to provide a notarized power of attorney;
  • Identity card of a Russian citizen;
  • Identification code.

The potential buyer must provide a passport and identification code.

To speed up the process of completing a transaction and preparing papers, prepare the following data in advance:

  • A certificate from the register of prohibitions on the alienation of real estate;
  • Consent of the second spouse to sell the land, which must be in writing and signed by a notary;
  • A certificate from the register of real estate encumbrances to confirm the absence of a tax lien or other encumbrances. Please note that each participant in the transaction, both the seller and the buyer of the land plot, must have such a certificate;
  • Extract from the land registry;
  • A completed and verified contract for the sale and purchase of a land property.

Please note that after completing the transaction, the buyer must have the following papers in his hands:

  • Land purchase and sale agreement;
  • The original document on the sale of land with a note indicating the alienation of a plot of land;
  • A copy of an extract from the land registry about encumbrances in relation to the site;
  • Make sure that after the transaction is completed, the notary makes changes to the register of real rights.

Documents for purchasing land for individual housing construction from the state

To acquire a land plot from state representatives, it is necessary to prepare a certain list of documents:

  • Application for preliminary approval of the acquisition of land as ownership or long-term lease with the right to subsequent purchase of ownership;
  • Cadastral passport. This document is submitted in the case when documents of this type in relation to the specified site have not been previously requested. If there is no passport for the site, then it is generated within the period established by law after approval of the application;
  • Application for participation in bidding for the plot of land of interest.

The following documents must be attached to the application for participation in the auction:

  • Copy of the passport;
  • A copy of the cadastral passport;
  • If land is purchased on credit, then data on the citizen’s solvency is required.

Only the basic documents that are required in such cases are given; you will have to deal with the papers in more detail in each specific case individually.

Contract for the sale and purchase of a land plot for individual housing construction

Be aware that the number of clauses and their content in the buyer’s contracts with a private person or with a municipal representative are the same.

Check the following information in the text of the contract:

  • The introductory part of the agreement, which indicates the details of the parties, contact information, and information about documents that are the basis for making a legal transaction. This paragraph includes records of the place and date of the agreement;
  • The subject of the purchase and sale agreement includes information about the characteristics of the plot, the address of the plot, and the documents that the seller has for this plot. In this paragraph, information is entered about the cadastral number of the site, its topography, and geographic location features;
  • Determining the transaction value:
    • Determine the settlement currency;
    • Form the price of a plot of land based on the market valuation or cadastral value of the plot;
    • Determine the amount of the deposit, advance payment or other payment;
    • Establish the procedure and timing for full payment of the cost of the land plot;
    • Set the end date for settlements and transfer of full ownership rights to the buyer;
  • Rights of the parties and their obligations. In this paragraph it is necessary to enter all restrictions, encumbrances or other conditions for the use of land, if any. This paragraph must include all the rights of the parties, indicate the circumstances of each party’s liability for improper fulfillment of obligations;
  • Force majeure circumstances may include force majeure events that caused a violation of the terms of the contract not at the will of the parties. Be sure to check that there is a detailed procedure for resolving such situations in case they arise;
  • Payment details of the parties and their data, including information copied from identification documents of the parties;
  • Annexes and additional amendments to the agreement. If necessary, you can copy all documents, including the cadastral passport, land survey document, site plan and other documents and attach them to the main contract document. When making changes, you must indicate the clause of the contract and the page where amendments and additions are made to the text, then enter the changed text, the changes must be recorded by a notary. If there are applications, then references to these applications must be used in the main document.

Registration of ownership rights to a land plot after purchase

After acquiring a plot of land, it is necessary to register it with Rosreestr. All documents required for registration must be notarized. Along with the application for a property registration certificate, you must provide copies of documents, not originals. The purchase and sale agreement with all certified documents is transferred to an employee of Rosreestr or the MFC.

After submitting and checking the documents, a Rosreestr employee names the date when you need to come and pick up the completed certificate of registration of ownership of the land plot.

After receiving this document, the buyer is officially recognized as the owner of the acquired land plot.

Documents for registering ownership rights to a land plot

To register his rights as an owner, the buyer must draw up an application.

Please note that you need to take the following documents with you:

  • Passport of each participant in the transaction;
  • Contract of sale;
  • Certificate of the owner of the site for the right to dispose of this site;
  • Technical and cadastral plan, cadastral passport, if available;
  • Confirmation of payment of the fee;
  • A completed act of acceptance and transfer of real estate.

Often, in addition to the main papers, you need to submit several other types of documents, which you can read below:

  • If the owner has a legally married spouse, written permission for the transaction must be obtained from the spouse;
  • If the services of a representative are used, then you need to submit his identification documents in the form of a copy and a power of attorney with notarization;
  • If you are purchasing a plot of land with unfinished construction projects, you need to obtain documents for each unfinished project. If ready-made buildings or other capital objects are located on the site, then it is necessary to obtain documents for each building;
  • In the case of selling a plot of shared ownership, it is necessary to obtain permission from all owners.

Is it possible to get a tax deduction when purchasing a land plot for individual housing construction?

To understand the issues of obtaining a tax deduction when purchasing a land plot, you need to understand that such a payment can be received by an officially working citizen paying personal income tax.

To receive a tax deduction, it is necessary to purchase land exclusively for the construction of individual housing construction projects, while the objects themselves must be built, put into operation and registered in the real estate register. It is allowed to apply for a tax deduction if the construction of a house on the site has begun but not been completed.

In any other cases, you should not count on receiving a tax deduction. All applications for compensation are carefully checked for compliance with factual data, and a decision on payments is made only in full compliance with the conditions specified in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Selecting a plot of land for building a house. Preparation of necessary documents and basic criteria when selecting territory for the construction of objects.
When choosing a plot of land for construction, you need to take into account the shape, size, and landscape. Essential for the construction of an object is a thorough study of the characteristics: terrain, soil, communications. When making a selection, you need to get answers to many questions.

The price of construction, service life and strength of the building will depend on the study of the parameters of the land plot.

How to choose the right plot of land for building a house: basic criteria

To choose a good plot, you need to study the criteria for selecting the territory.

Size and land surveying

The Land Code of the Russian Federation determines the general requirements for lands that are allocated for individual housing construction in 2019. Each region has developed standards that establish the minimum and maximum size of the plot. The figure ranges from 3 to 30 acres.

Aerial photography of the construction site

Dimensions depend on:

  • the entire area of ​​the region;
  • requests for sites;
  • number of residents.

This information can be clarified at the settlement administration.
To take full possession, i.e. fix boundary signs.

The process of establishing clear site boundaries

The procedure is carried out by cadastral engineers. will come to the rescue in case of land disputes between neighbors.

To carry out the procedure, the necessary documentation is collected and submitted to the BTI. The work is completed within 10-12 days.

Sample act on selection of land plot

At the end of the survey, the owners of the land become its full owners and have the right to plant flowers and perform other actions.

Soil type, groundwater

Every house has a foundation. One of the main conditions affecting is the type of soil and the depth of groundwater. Going deeper into the ground, you can see a layer of fertile soil, and then a layer of load-bearing soil on which it rests. There are 4 types of soils:

Location of the land plot near the reservoir
  • rocky;
  • dispersed;
  • frozen (icy);
  • man-made.

In Russia, the second representative is more common. Dispersed soil is:

  • clayey;
  • sandy;
  • muddy;
  • peated.


One of the selection criteria is the terrain of the property:

It is more difficult to build buildings on an uneven surface than on a flat one. Complete purchase documents after a thorough study of the terrain and geological properties.

Network engineering

The standard of living in the future home will directly depend on its provision with the necessary communications:

Before that, you need to find out whether gas pipes, sewerage, or water supply are located nearby. If they are located close to the main lines, then connecting the house to them will not be difficult.

Ecology: presence of rivers, forests nearby

When choosing an allotment, they are guided by environmental features:

It’s good if there is no highway nearby, there are no landfills nearby.

Ideal plot for construction - how to choose

Nowadays, there are technologies that can be used to work on any soil. But in order to choose a good site for construction, it is advisable to study its characteristics:

Sample of an approved act on the selection of a site for construction

Having studied and taken into account all these points, you can purchase a good plot.

Selecting a site for construction: legal side

Possible on the real estate market or through a private advertisement. The allotment is checked for the “purity” of the documentation. When purchasing, all paperwork must be completed correctly. Sometimes deceivers try to sell plots for land use in an elite area at a low price. To avoid getting into such a situation, you should carefully study all the papers.
What documents need to be checked:

You can also look at additional papers:

If the seller is an individual, you need to:

  • spouse's consent to the sale;
  • permission from the guardianship authorities if one of the owners is a minor.

Certificate confirming that the person has legal capacity.
Watch the video on how to choose a site to build a house.