SNIP industrial buildings and structures updated edition. When norms don't save you. Terms and Definitions



Updated edition

(As amended No. 1 dated August 18, 2016)

Moscow 2011


The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by Federal Law No. 184-FZ of December 27, 2002 “On Technical Regulation”, and the development rules are established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2008 No. “On the procedure for the development and approval of sets of rules” .

Rulebook Details

1 CONTRACTORS - Central Research and Design-Experimental Institute of Industrial Buildings and Structures (JSC TsNIIPromzdanii)

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 “Construction”


4 APPROVED by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Regional Development of Russia) dated December 30, 2010 No. 850 and put into effect on May 20, 2011.

5 REGISTERED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart). Revision of SP 56.13330.2010 and SP 57.13330.2010

Information about changes to this set of rules is published in the annually published information index “National Standards”, and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly published information index “National Standards”. In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this set of rules, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly published information index “National Standards”. Relevant information, notices and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the developer (Ministry of Regional Development of Russia) on the Internet


This set of rules has been compiled with the aim of increasing the level of safety in buildings and structures of people and the safety of material assets in accordance with Federal Law of December 30, 2009 No. 384-FZ “Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures”, fulfilling the requirements of the Federal Law of November 23 2009 No. 261-FZ “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”, increasing the level of harmonization of regulatory requirements with European and international regulatory documents, applying uniform methods for determining operational characteristics and evaluation methods. The requirements of the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements” were also taken into account.

The update was carried out by the team of authors of OJSC "TsNIIPromzdaniy": General Director Dr. Tech. sciences, prof. V.V. Granev, Deputy General Director Candidate of Sciences tech. sciences, prof. CM. Glikin, head of the scientific research sector, Ph.D. tech. sciences THOSE. Storozhenko, leading researcher, Doctor of Architecture, prof. B.S. Istomin.

Change No. 1 to SP 56.13330.2011 was prepared by a team of authors: topic leader - Dr. Tech. sciences, prof. V.V. Granev, executive - head of the scientific research sector, Ph.D. tech. Sciences T.E. Storozhenko (JSC TsNIIPromzdanii).

SP 56.13330.2011



Production buildings

Date of introduction 2011-05-20

1 area of ​​use

1.1 This set of rules must be observed at all stages of the creation and operation of industrial and laboratory buildings, industrial and laboratory premises, workshops (functional fire hazard class F5.1), as well as warehouse buildings and premises intended for storing substances, materials, products and raw materials (cargo) (functional fire hazard class F5.2), including those built into buildings with other functional fire hazard, in order to meet the requirements.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

1.2 This joint venture does not apply to buildings and premises for the production and storage of explosives and explosives, for military purposes, underground structures of subways, mine workings, warehouse buildings and premises for the storage of dry mineral fertilizers and plant protection chemicals, explosive, radioactive and potent toxic substances, flammable gases, non-flammable gases in containers under a pressure of more than 70 kPa, oil and petroleum products, rubber, celluloid, flammable plastics and film, cement, cotton, flour, animal feed, furs, furs and fur products, agricultural products, as well as design of buildings and premises for refrigerators and granaries.

1.3 When creating workshops or warehouses (areas) at an enterprise intended for the use of the labor of disabled people, one should also be guided by the uniform sanitary and epidemiological rules for enterprises (production associations), workshops and areas intended for the use of labor of disabled people and old-age pensioners, the requirements of SP 59.13330 , SP 139.13330, taking into account.

In cases where enterprises or warehouses provide for the possibility of using the labor of disabled people, additional requirements specified in the relevant paragraphs of this set of rules must be observed, depending on the type of disability.

The creation of such workshops or warehouses (areas) located in premises of categories A and B is not allowed.

Note - When using this set of rules, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards and classifiers in the public information system - on the official website of the National Body of the Russian Federation for Standardization on the Internet or according to the annually published information index “National Standards”, which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding monthly information indexes published in the current year. If the reference document is replaced (changed), then when using this set of rules you should be guided by the replaced (changed) document. If the reference document is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference to it is given applies to the part that does not affect this reference.

3 Terms and definitions

This set of rules adopts the terms and definitions given in the appendix.

4 Basic provisions

4.1 Buildings and structures at all stages of the life cycle must meet safety requirements in accordance with.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

4.2 The fire safety requirements of these rules and regulations are based on the provisions and classifications adopted in.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

4.3 When designing buildings you should:

to combine, as a rule, in one building premises for various industries, warehouses, including premises for expeditions, acceptance, sorting and packaging of goods, administrative and service premises, as well as premises for engineering equipment;

develop space-planning and design solutions in accordance with the requirements of GOST 28984-2011;

comply with energy saving requirements;

accept the number of floors and the height of the building within the limits established, based on the results of a comparison of technical and economic indicators of options for locating a production or warehouse in buildings of various floors (heights), taking into account ensuring a high level of architectural solutions and energy efficiency;

accept buildings without light openings, if this is allowed by technology conditions, sanitary and epidemiological requirements and economic feasibility;

use predominantly buildings with enlarged blocks of engineering and technological equipment in a pre-fabricated package design;

explore options for replacing overhead cranes with floor-mounted types of handling equipment;

develop space-planning solutions, engineering support systems taking into account environmental requirements that comply with the legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

4.4 The placement in production buildings of consumable (intermediate) warehouses of raw materials and semi-finished products in the quantities established by the technological design standards to ensure a continuous technological process is allowed directly in the production premises, openly or behind mesh fences. In the absence of such data in the technological design standards, the quantity of specified loads should, as a rule, be no more than one and a half shift requirements.

4.5 The safety of people in buildings must be ensured by sanitary, epidemiological and microclimatic conditions: the absence of harmful substances in the air of work areas above the maximum permissible concentrations, minimal release of heat and moisture into the premises; absence of noise, vibration, ultrasound levels, electromagnetic waves, radio frequencies, static electricity and ionizing radiation above permissible values, as well as limitation of physical activity, attention stress and prevention of fatigue of workers in accordance with hygienic requirements for the organization of technological processes, production equipment and working tools, as well as the requirements of current sanitary and epidemiological regulatory documents.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

4.6 The implementation of the technological process and compliance with the requirements for the microclimate of the premises must be carried out taking into account the economical use of energy resources.

It is allowed to reduce the temperature of the premises during non-working hours if this is stipulated in the technical specifications or regulations.

Engineering systems must have automatic or manual control of the air supply system. Building heating systems must be equipped with devices to regulate heat flow.

At the entrances to buildings in areas with an estimated outside air temperature of minus 15 °C and below, the installation of airlock vestibules or thermal air curtains should be provided.

4.7 In warehouse buildings, it is allowed to use polymer and polymer-containing materials in building structures that are approved for use in construction by a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion.

4.8 To eliminate the negative impact of production facilities on the environment, measures should be taken to clean and neutralize industrial wastewater, capture and purify process and ventilation emissions, introduce waste-free and low-waste technologies; timely removal, neutralization and recycling of production waste.

4.9 Architectural decisions for buildings should be made taking into account the urban planning, natural and climatic conditions of the construction area and the nature of the surrounding development. Color finishing of interiors should be provided taking into account the requirements of GOST 14202 and GOST R 12.4.026.

4.10 Based on explosion and fire hazards, premises and buildings are divided into categories in accordance with.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.6 The entry of railway tracks into buildings may be provided in accordance with the technological part of the project and taking into account the requirements. The top of the railway track heads should be at the finished floor level.

5.7 In multi-storey buildings with a height of more than 15 m from the planning level of the ground to the level of the finished floor of the upper floor (not counting the technical one) and the presence at an elevation of more than 15 m of permanent workplaces or equipment that needs to be serviced more than three times per shift, passenger elevators should be provided according to GOST R 53770. Freight elevators must be provided in accordance with the technological part of the project in accordance with GOST R 53771. The number and load capacity of elevators should be taken depending on passenger and cargo flows. If the number of workers (in the largest shift) is no more than 30 on all floors located above 15 m, one elevator should be provided in the building. If there are premises on the second floor and above intended for the work of disabled people using wheelchairs, a passenger elevator should be provided in the building, if it is impossible to organize workplaces for disabled people on the first floor. The elevator cabin must have dimensions of at least: width - 1.1 m, depth - 2.1 m, doorway width - 0.85 m.

5.8 Exits from basements should be provided outside the operating area of ​​handling equipment.

5.9 The width of vestibules and vestibules should be greater than the width of openings by at least 0.5 m (0.25 m on each side of the opening), and the depth should be greater than the width of the door or gate leaf by 0.2 m or more, but not less than 1.2 m. If there are working disabled people using wheelchairs, the depth of vestibules and airlocks should be at least 1.8 m.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.12 To repair and clean the glazing of windows and skylights, in cases where the use of mobile or portable floor equipment (ladders, rolling platforms, telescopic lifts) is impossible due to the conditions of placement of technological equipment or the overall height of the building, it is necessary to provide stationary devices that ensure the safe implementation of the specified works

5.13 The need to install lanterns and their type (anti-aircraft, U-shaped, light, light-aeration, etc.) are established by the project depending on the features of the technological process, sanitary, hygienic and environmental requirements, taking into account the climatic conditions of the construction area.

5.14 Lanterns must be wind-proof. The length of the lanterns should be no more than 120 m. The distance between the ends of the lanterns and between the end of the lantern and the outer wall must be at least 6 m. The opening of the lanterns should be mechanized (with the inclusion of opening mechanisms at the exits from the premises), duplicated by manual control.

5.15 Under the glazing of skylights made of sheet silicate glass and double-glazed windows, as well as along the inner side of the glazing of rectangular skylights, a protective metal mesh should be installed.

5.16 In buildings with internal drains, it is allowed to use a parapet as a fence on the roof. If the height of the parapet is less than 0.6 m, it should be supplemented with lattice fencing to a height of 0.6 m from the roof surface.

5.17 When opening gates remotely and automatically, it must also be possible to open them manually in all cases. The clear dimensions of gates for land transport should be taken to exceed the dimensions of vehicles (in a loaded state) by at least 0.2 m in height and 0.6 m in width.

5.18 The slope of flights in staircases should be taken at least 1:2 with a tread width of 0.3 m; for basement floors and attics it is allowed to take a slope of stair flights of 1:1.5 with a tread width of 0.26 m.

5.19 Internal open stairs (in the absence of stairwell walls) must have a slope of no more than 1:1. The slope of open stairs for access to single workstations may be increased to 2:1. For inspection of equipment with a lifting height of no more than 10 m, it is allowed to design vertical stairs 0.6 m wide.

5.20 If there are working disabled people with musculoskeletal disorders, the slope of the stairs on the evacuation routes should be no more than 1:2.

5.21 For buildings with a height of 10 m or more from the planning level of the ground to the cornice or top of the parapet, one exit to the roof should be designed (for every full and incomplete 40,000 m2 of roof), including buildings: one-story - along an external open steel staircase; multi-storey - from the staircase.

In cases where it is impractical to have a staircase for access to the roof within the height of the upper floor, it is allowed for buildings with a height from the planning ground level to the finished floor level of the upper floor of no more than 30 m to design an external open steel staircase for access to the roof from the staircase through the landing of this stairs.

5.22 The placement of rooms of various categories in buildings and their separation from each other, requirements for evacuation routes and exits, smoke removal devices, airlocks, vestibules, stairwells and stairs, roof exits should be taken in accordance with the requirements and regulatory documents on fire safety .

It is allowed to build a warehouse or administrative floor into an industrial building, as well as a production or administrative floor into a warehouse building, provided the building complies with the requirements of SP 44.13330 and this SP.

In one-story terminal buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance of structural fire hazard class C0, it is allowed, if necessary, to construct evacuation corridors leading directly outside, fenced off with fire barriers of the 1st type and provided with air pressure in case of fire. In this case, the length of the corridor is not taken into account when calculating the length of the evacuation route.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.23 The distance from the most remote workplace in the room to the nearest emergency exit from the room directly outside or into the staircase should not exceed the values ​​​​given in the table.

For rooms with an area of ​​more than 1000 m2, the distance indicated in the table includes the length of the path along the corridor to the exit outside or into the staircase.

If an emergency exit from a room leads to a corridor, outside or into a stairwell through an adjacent room, then the distance from the most remote workplace of this room to the exit from the adjacent room is taken according to the most dangerous category of one of the adjacent rooms.

The density of human flow is defined as the ratio of the number of people evacuating along a common passage to the area of ​​this passage.

Distances for premises of categories A and B are established taking into account the spill area of ​​flammable or combustible liquids, equal to 50 m 2; for other numerical values ​​of the spill area, the distances indicated in the table are multiplied by a factor of 50/ F, Where F- possible spill area, determined in the technological part of the project.

For intermediate values ​​of room volume, the distances are determined by linear interpolation.

Distances are established for rooms up to 6 m high (for one-story buildings, the height is taken to the bottom of the trusses); with a room height of more than 6 m, the distances increase: with a room height of 12 m - by 20%, 18 m - by 30%, 24 m - by 40%, but not more than 140 m for premises of categories A, B and 240 m - for premises category B. For intermediate room heights, the increase in distances is determined by linear interpolation.

Room volume, thousand m3

Fire resistance level of buildings

Distance, m, with density of human flow in the common passage, people/m

up to 1

St. 1 to 3

St. 3 to 5

Up to 15

A, B


B1 - B3



C2, C3

A, B


B1 - B3



A, B


B1 - B3



A, B


B1 - B3



60 or more

A, B


B1 - B3



80 or more

B1 - B3



Regardless of the object

V4, G


Not an ogre.

Not an ogre.

Not an ogre.


Not normal.



C0, C1

Not an ogre.

Not an ogre.

Not an ogre.


C2, C3

The distance from the most remote workplace to the nearest emergency exit from one- or two-story buildings of IV degree of fire resistance of fire hazard classes C2 and C3 should be no more than:

in one-story buildings with premises of categories B1 - B3 - 50 m, categories B4, G and D - 80 m;

in two-story buildings with premises of categories B1 - B3 - 40 m, categories B4, G and D - 60 m.

The indicated distances may be increased by 50% if the floor area not occupied by equipment in the premises is 75 m or more per worker in the largest shift.

In one-story buildings with premises of categories B1 - B4, D and D, if it is impossible to maintain the specified distances, emergency exits must be located in the external walls along the perimeter of the buildings every 72 m.

The width of the flight of stairs, depending on the number of people evacuating along it from the second floor, as well as the width of doors, corridors or passages on evacuation routes, should be taken at the rate of 0.6 m per 100 people.

(New edition. Change No. 1)

5.24 The distance along the corridor from the door of the most remote room with an area of ​​no more than 1000 m to the nearest exit to the outside or to the staircase should not exceed the values ​​​​given in Table 2.

table 2

Exit location

Fire resistance level of buildings

Structural fire hazard class of buildings

Distance along the corridor, m, to the exit outside or to the nearest staircase at the density of human flow in the corridor, person/m

up to 1

St. 2 to 3

St. 3 to 5

St. 4 to 5

Between two exits to the outside or stairwells

A, B


B1 - B3



Not normal.

C2, C3

V4, D, D



Not normal.

C2, C3

Into a dead-end corridor

Regardless of category



Not normal.

C2, C3

When premises of different categories are located on the same floor, the distance along the corridor from the door of the most remote room to the exit outside or to the nearest staircase is determined according to the more dangerous category.

The density of human flow in the corridor is defined as the ratio of the number of people evacuating from the premises to the corridor to the area of ​​this corridor, while with doors opening from the premises into common corridors, the width of the common corridor should be taken to be reduced:

half the width of the door leaf - with one-sided doors;

by the width of the door leaf - with double-sided doors.

(New edition. Change No. 1)

5.25 The width of the emergency exit (door) from the premises should be taken depending on the total number of people evacuating through this exit and the number of people per 1 m of the exit (door) width established in the table, but not less than 0.9 m in the presence of working disabled people with musculoskeletal disorders.

The number of people per 1 m of the width of the emergency exit for intermediate values ​​of the volume of premises is determined by interpolation.

The number of people per 1 m of width of an emergency exit (door) from rooms with a height of more than 6 m increases: with a room height of 12 m - by 20%, 18 m - by 30%, 24 m - by 40%; with intermediate values ​​of the height of the premises, the increase in the number of people per 1 m of exit width is determined by interpolation.

Room volume, thousand m2

Number of people per 1 m width of emergency exit (door), people.

Up to 15

A, B


B1 - B3



Not normal.

C2, C3

A, B


B1 - B3



A, B


B1 - B3



A, B


B1 - B3



60 or more

A, B


B1 - B3



80 or more

B1 - B3



Regardless of volume

V4, G



Not normal.

C2, C3


Not standardized

(New edition. Change No. 1)

5.26 The width of the emergency exit (door) from the corridor outside or into the stairwell should be taken depending on the total number of people evacuating through this exit and the number of people per 1 m of the exit (door) width established in Table 4, but not less than 0, 8 m, in the presence of working disabled people with musculoskeletal disorders - at least 0.9 m.

Fire resistance level of the building

Structural fire hazard class of the building

Number of people per 1 m width of the emergency exit (door) from the corridor, people.

A, B


B1 - B3


Not normal.

C2, C3

V4, D, D


Not normal.

C2, C3

(New edition. Change No. 1)

5.27 If there are disabled workers with musculoskeletal disorders, the width of the flight of stairs should be at least 1.2 m.

5.28 Smoke removal should be provided in rooms and corridors in case of fire in accordance with the requirements of fire safety regulations.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

When equipping industrial or warehouse buildings with automatic fire extinguishing installations, the floor areas indicated in Tables 5 within the fire compartments may be increased by 100%, with the exception of buildings of IV and V degrees of fire resistance.

Table 5

Building height*, m

Fire resistance level of buildings

Structural fire hazard class of buildings

Floor area, m2, within the fire compartment of buildings


two floors

three floors or more

A, B

Not an ogre.



Not an ogre.







Not an ogre.








Not an ogre.










C0, C1



C2, C3



Not normal.




Not limited

Not an ogre.











Not limited

Not an ogre.






C0, C1



C2, C3



Not normal.



* The height of the building in this table is measured from the floor of the 1st floor to the ceiling of the upper floor, including the technical one; with a variable ceiling height, the average floor height is taken. The height of one-story buildings of fire hazard classes C0 and C1 is not standardized.

** For woodworking industries.

*** For sawmills with up to four frames, woodworking shops for primary wood processing and wood chipping stations.

When locating warehouses in industrial buildings, the floor area of ​​warehouse premises within the fire compartment and their height (number of floors) should not exceed the values ​​​​specified in Table 6.

Building height*, m

Fire resistance level of buildings

Structural fire hazard class of buildings

Floor area within the fire compartment of buildings, m








C2, C3








C2, C3









C0, C1


C2, C3


Not normal.


Not an ogre.


Not an ogre.



C0, C1

Not an ogre.



C0, C1

Not an ogre.


C2, C3


Not normal.



* The height of the building in this table is measured from the floor of the 1st floor to the ceiling of the upper floor, including the technical one; with a variable ceiling height, the average floor height is taken. The height of one-story buildings of I, II and III degrees of fire resistance class C0 is not standardized. The height of one-story buildings of IV degree of fire resistance of classes C0 and C1 should be taken no more than 25 m, classes C2 and C3 - no more than 18 m (from the floor to the bottom of the load-bearing structures of the coating on the support).

** Mobile buildings.

If there are platforms, shelves and mezzanines, the area of ​​which at any level exceeds 40% of the floor area of ​​the room, the floor area is determined as for a multi-storey building with the number of floors determined by.

In one-story buildings of IV degree of fire resistance, fire hazard class C2, it is allowed to place premises of categories A and B with a total area of ​​no more than 300 m2. In this case, these premises must be separated by fire-resistant partitions of the 1st type and fire-resistant ceilings of the 3rd type. The external walls of these premises must be of classes K0 or K1.

(New edition. Change No. 1)

5.30 When placing technological processes with different explosion and fire hazards in the same building or room, measures should be taken to prevent explosion and fire spread. The effectiveness of these measures must be justified in the technological part of the project. If these measures are not effective enough, then technological processes with various explosion and fire hazards should be placed in separate rooms and separated in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents on fire safety.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.31 Basements, when placing premises of categories B1 - B3 in them, must be divided in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents on fire safety.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.32 In hot shops with excessive heat generation, enclosing structures should be designed, as a rule, not insulated.

5.33 On roofs with a slope of up to 12% inclusive in buildings with a height to the eaves or top of the parapet of more than 10 m, as well as on roofs with a slope of more than 12% in buildings with a height of more than 7 m to the bottom of the eaves, fencing should be provided in accordance with the requirements of the standards. Regardless of the height of the building, fences that meet the requirements of this standard should be provided on roofs in use.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.34 Roofs of heated buildings should be constructed with internal drainage. It is allowed to install roofs with external organized drainage in heated and unheated buildings, provided that measures are taken to prevent the formation of icicles and ice dams.

5.35 In one-story warehouse buildings with high-rise rack storage, it is allowed, if justified, to use rack structures as covering supports and fastening of external walls.

5.36 In warehouses for storing food products, it is necessary to provide: enclosing structures without protruding ribs and made of materials that are not destroyed by rodents; solid and void-free panels of external doors, gates and manhole covers; devices for closing the openings of ventilation system ducts; fencing with steel mesh (with cells no larger than 12×12 mm) ventilation openings in walls and air ducts located within a height of 1.2 m above the floor level, and basement windows (steel mesh window fencing structures must be opening or removable).

In the designs of such warehouse buildings, it is necessary to provide instructions on the careful sealing of openings for the passage of pipelines (in walls, partitions and ceilings) and interfaces between the enclosing structures of premises (internal and external walls, partitions between themselves and with floors or ceilings).

Warehouses intended for storing food products can be equipped with deratization systems.

5.37 Columns and structures framing openings in warehouse buildings in areas of heavy traffic of outdoor vehicles must be protected from mechanical damage and painted in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 12.4.026.

To limit damage to columns when moving loads, as a rule, tubular cross-section columns should be used.

5.38 Loading and unloading ramps and platforms should be designed taking into account the requirements for protecting cargo and loading and unloading mechanisms from precipitation.

The canopy over railway loading and unloading ramps and platforms must overlap the axis of the railway track by at least 0.5 m, and over automobile ramps it must overlap the vehicle passage by at least 1.5 m from the edge of the ramp.

5.39 The length of the loading and unloading ramp should be determined depending on the cargo turnover and capacity of the warehouse, as well as based on the space-planning solution of the building.

The width of loading and unloading ramps and platforms must be taken in accordance with the technology and safety requirements of loading and unloading operations.

5.40 The structures of ramps and canopies adjacent to buildings of I, II, III and IV degrees of fire resistance of fire hazard classes C0 and C1 should be made of non-combustible materials.

5.41 Loading and unloading ramps and platforms must have at least two dispersed stairs or ramps.

5.42 The mark of the edge of the loading and unloading ramp for motor transport on the vehicle access side must be equal to 1.2 m from the surface level of the roadway or loading and unloading area.

5.44 The width of ramps for the passage of outdoor vehicles must be at least 0.6 m greater than the maximum width of a loaded vehicle. The slope of ramps should be no more than 16% when placed indoors and no more than 10% when placed outside buildings.

5.45 In warehouses, temperature, relative humidity and air speed must be taken in accordance with the requirements of cargo storage technology and the requirements of SP 60.13330.

Dock shelters should be installed in gate openings in external walls, isolating the interior of the warehouse from the influences of the external environment.

5.46 The structures and materials of the bases and floor coverings of warehouse buildings and premises should be assigned taking into account the perception of loads from stored goods, the type and intensity of the mechanical effects of floor transport and dust separation, the accumulation of static electricity and sparking, taking into account the requirements of SP 29.13330.

For floor coverings of warehouses intended for storing food products, the use of tar and tar mastics and other environmentally harmful materials is not allowed.

When storing cargo whose temperature exceeds 60 °C, heat-resistant floors should be provided.

5.47 Multi-storey warehouse buildings of categories B and C should be designed with a width of no more than 60 m.

5.48 Storage areas of industrial buildings should be separated from other premises in accordance with the requirements of fire safety regulations.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.49 Warehouse buildings with high-rise rack storage should be designed taking into account the requirements of fire safety regulations.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1)

5.50 When separating warehouses with cargo that is the same in terms of fire hazard by technological or sanitary conditions by partitions, the requirements for the partitions are determined in the technological part of the project.

According to the requirements of cargo storage technology, it is possible to place forwarding, receiving, sorting and assembling cargo directly in storage facilities, without separating them with partitions. At the same time, the workplaces of commodity experts, experts, storekeepers, rejecters, accountants and operators may be fenced with partitions with non-standardized fire resistance limits and fire hazard class (glazed or with mesh with a blind part height of no more than 1.2 m, collapsible and sliding).

The following terms and definitions are used in this document:

mezzanine: An area inside a building on which premises for various purposes are located (industrial, administrative and household, or for engineering equipment).

insertion (built-in) in a one-story industrial building: A two- or multi-story part of a building located within a one-story building along its entire height and width (insertion) or part of its height and width (integration), separated by enclosing structures.

building engineering equipment: A system of instruments, apparatus, machines and communications that provides supply and removal of liquids, gases, electricity (plumbing, gas, heating, electrical, sewer, ventilation equipment).

mobile (inventory) building or structure: see GOST 25957.

area: A single-tier structure (without walls), located inside or outside a building, supported by independent supports, building structures or equipment and intended for the installation, maintenance or repair of equipment.

number of floors of the building: The number of floors of a building, including all above-ground floors, technical and basement, if the top of its ceiling is at least 2 m above the average planning level of the ground.

above ground floor: The floor when the floor level of the premises is not lower than the planning level of the ground.

basement floor: Floor when the floor level of the premises is below the planning level of the ground by more than half the height of the room.

ground floor: Floor when the floor level of the premises is below the planning level of the ground by no more than half the height of the room.

technical floor: Floor for placing engineering equipment and laying communications; can be located in the lower (technical underground), upper (technical attic) or in the middle part of the building.

bookcase: A multi-tiered frame structure (without walls), free-standing in or outside a building and designed to house and maintain process and other equipment.

lanterns: Part of the building's covering in the form of a glazed structure, usually a superstructure, intended for aeration and (or) overhead lighting of industrial premises.

ramp: A structure designed for loading and unloading operations. One side of the ramp is adjacent to the warehouse wall, and the other is located along the railway track (railway ramp) or road access (car ramp). The ramp can be located inside the warehouse. The height of the ramp above the floor level is determined by the type of transport.

platform: Construction of a similar purpose to the ramp. Unlike the ramp, it is designed to be double-sided: one side is located along the railway track, and the opposite side is located along the road access.

high bay rack storage: Storage on racks with a storage height of over 5.5 m.

terminal: A warehouse facility that provides for optimal placement of cargo in the warehouse and automated management of relationships with the external environment, including incoming, outgoing and internal flows.

dock shelter: A system for sealing the opening between the wall of a warehouse and the vehicle body.


Federal Law of December 30, 2009 No. 384-FZ “Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures”

Those who deal with warehouses with high-rack storage (storage on racks more than 5.5 m high) have probably encountered the problem of equipping racks with inter-rack screens. If you weren’t puzzled yourself, then you probably got fined during State Fire Inspection inspections for their absence. Because there is such a requirement in regulatory documents.

This requirement is stated in SNiP 31-04-2001 "Warehouse buildings"

6.5 Warehouse buildings with high-rise rack storage of category B should be designed as one-story buildings of I-IV fire resistance class C0 with lanterns or exhaust shafts on the roof for smoke removal.
Racks must have horizontal screens made of non-combustible materials with a height increment of no more than 4 m.

Today it has smoothly migrated to the updated version SP 57.13330.2011 "Warehouse buildings"

5.25 Warehouse buildings with high-rise rack storage of category B should be designed as one-story I-IV degrees of fire resistance class C0 with lanterns or exhaust shafts on the roof for smoke removal.
Racks, if permitted by storage technology, must have horizontal screens made of non-combustible materials with a height increment of no more than 4 m.
The screens must cover the entire horizontal section of the rack, including the gaps between paired racks, and must not interfere with loading and unloading operations. Screens and bottoms of containers and pallets must have holes with a diameter of 10 mm, evenly spaced, with a square side of 150 mm.

And even norms limiting the spread of flame SP4.13130.2009
6.3.22. Warehouse buildings with high-rise rack storage of category B should be designed as one-story buildings of I - IV fire resistance class C0.
Racks must have horizontal screens made of materials from the NG group with a height increment of no more than 4 m.
The screens must cover the entire horizontal section of the rack, including the gaps between paired racks, and must not interfere with loading and unloading operations. Screens and bottoms of containers and pallets must have holes with a diameter of 10 mm, evenly spaced, with a square side of 150 mm.

Many people don’t understand where it comes from and why. I was puzzled by this question too, but I still couldn’t find an answer. And their story is this:

All this successfully migrated here based on the requirements of the adj. 4 SNiP 2.04.09-84 "Fire automatics of buildings and structures"

Appendix 4 Requirements for premises and equipment of warehouses with high-altitude racking storage
1. Racks must have horizontal screens with a height increment of no more than 4.0 m.
2. Screens must be made of fireproof material.
3. Screens must cover the entire horizontal section of the rack, including the gaps between paired racks. Screens and bottoms of containers and pallets must have holes with a diameter of 10 mm, evenly spaced, with a square side of 150 mm.
4. The racks must have transverse passages with a height of at least 2 m and a width of at least 1.5 m every 40 m. The passages within the racks must be separated from the rack structures by fire partitions.
5. Smoke exhaust shafts (hatches) should be located above the aisles between the racks.
6. Screens should not interfere with loading and unloading operations.
7. Tubular supporting structures of racks can be used to transport fire extinguishing agent, provided that the strength, throughput and tightness of these structures are ensured.

And everything would be fine if not for one big “BUT” SNiP 2.04.09-84 concerned exclusively fire automatics, and these screens were extremely necessary for the effective operation of the interrack fire extinguishing sprinkler system. Smart heads from VNIIPO conducted relevant experiments and found that automatic fire extinguishing installations in warehouses with racks are effective only if they are inter-racked. And the sprinkler system was recognized as the most effective of the available ones. And then they figured out how to increase the efficiency of the system and proposed these same screens. The automatic fire extinguishing system even received the official name "Cascade".
But as the years passed, specialists in Gosstroy were replaced, the regulatory framework changed, and then some smart people decided to release a new SNiP “Warehouse Buildings” and released it, without even looking at it, they stuffed the requirements for screens into it. At that time, NPB-88 already existed, which replaced SNiP 2.04.09-84, and it seemed like there was no “buzz” to include requirements for fire automatics in the new SNiP. So the screens were left orphans. An unclear requirement given the changing economic environment.
Meanwhile, warehouses with high-rack storage came to us en masse from the west, and filled everything around. And then they started to burn. And they burn very “well.” In 30-40 seconds, a rack 9 m high is engulfed in flames from the zero mark to the very top.

« »

And since the storage systems were brought from the West, along with them their fire extinguishing systems came to us, based on the supply of water not along the levels between the racks like ours, but from above using high-flow ESFR sprinkler heads. The operation of these fire extinguishing systems looks very impressive. Streams of water flow from the ceiling reminiscent of Niagara Falls. Only our racks with screens for such a system turned out to be more of a hindrance than a help, however, the flammable load does not allow itself to be offended, practically not passing through and shielding the flow of water.
VNIIPO again conducted relevant research and became convinced that supplying water from above only localizes the fire on high-rise racks, but does not extinguish them in any way.

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Why am I doing this?
The other day I was at VNIIPO at a seminar where they talked about all this. I share my knowledge without hesitation. As a bonus, a small photo report on the "Cascade" test bench at the VNIIPO EMERCOM of the Russian Federation, on which various fire extinguishing systems for high-rise racks are tested.


By order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation





SP 56.13330.2011

Date of introduction


The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by the Federal by law dated December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ "On technical regulation", and the development rules - Resolution Government of the Russian Federation dated November 19, 2008 N 858 “On the procedure for developing and approving sets of rules.”

Rulebook Details

1. Executors - Central Research and Design-Experimental Institute of Industrial Buildings and Structures (JSC " TsNIIPromzdany ").

2. Introduced Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction".

3. Prepared for approval by the Federal State Institution "FCS".

4. Approved by Order Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation ( Ministry of Regional Development Russia) dated December 30, 2010 N 850 and put into effect on May 20, 2011.

5. RegisteredFederal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology ( Rosstandart ). Revision of SP 56.13330.2010 and SP 57.13330.2010.

Information about changes to this set of rules is published in the annually published information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly published information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this set of rules, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly published information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notices and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the developer ( Ministry of Regional Development Russia) on the Internet.


This set of rules has been compiled with the aim of increasing the level of safety in buildings and structures of people and the safety of material assets in accordance with the Federal by law dated December 30, 2009 N 384-FZ "Technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures", fulfilling the requirements of the Federal law dated November 23, 2009 N 261-FZ "On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and introducing changes tocertain legislative acts of the Russian Federation", increasing the level of harmonization of regulatory requirements with European and international regulatory documents,application of uniform methods for determining operational characteristics and assessment methods. The requirements of the Federal law dated July 22, 2008 N 123-FZ "Technical regulations on fire safety requirements" and sets of rules for the fire protection system.

The update was carried out by the team of authors of JSC " TsNIIPromzdany ": CEO Dr. tech. sciences, prof. V.V. Granev , Deputy General Director Candidate of Sciences tech. sciences, prof. CM. Glikin , head of the scientific research sector, Ph.D. tech . Sciences T.E. Storozhenko, leading researcher, Doctor of Architecture, prof. B.S. Istomin.

1 area of ​​use

1.1. This set of rules must be observed at all stages of the creation and operation of industrial and laboratory buildings, industrial and laboratory premises, workshops (functional fire hazard class F5.1), as well as warehouse buildings and premises intended for storing substances, materials, products and raw materials ( cargo) (functional fire hazard class F5.2), including those built into buildings with other functional fire hazard, in order to ensurerequirements of the Federal law

1.2. This joint venture does not apply to buildings and premises for the production and storage of explosives and explosives for military purposes, underground structures of subways, mine workings, warehouse buildings and premises for the storage of dry mineral fertilizers and plant protection chemicals, explosive, radioactive and highly toxic substances, flammable gases, non-flammable gases in containers under pressure more than 70 kPa, oil and oil products, rubber, celluloid, flammable plastics and film, cement, cotton, flour, animal feed, furs, furs and fur products, agricultural products, as well as the design of buildings and premises for refrigerators and granaries.

1.3. In cases where enterprises or warehouses provide for the possibility of using the labor of disabled people, additional requirements specified in the relevant paragraphs of these standards must be observed, depending on the type of disability.

When creating specialized workshops or specialized warehouses (areas) at an enterprise intended for the use of the labor of disabled people, one should also be guided by the uniform sanitary rules for enterprises (production associations), workshops and areas intended for the use of labor of disabled people and old-age pensioners, SP 59.13330, set of rules, .

The creation of such workshops or warehouses (areas) located in premises of categories A and B.

Regulatory documents to which there are references in the text of this SP are given in Appendix A.

Note. When using this set of rules, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards and classifiers in the public information system - on the official website of the National Body of the Russian Federation for Standardization on the Internet or according to the annually published information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year , and according to the corresponding monthly information indexes published in the current year.If the reference document is replaced (changed), then when using this set of rules you should be guided by the replaced (changed) document. If the reference document is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference to it is given applies to the part that does not affect this reference.

3. Terms and definitions

This set of rules adopts the terms and definitions given in Appendix B.

4. Basic provisions

4.1. Buildings and structures at all stages of their life cycle must meet safety requirements in accordance with the Federal by law dated December 30, 2009 N 384-FZ "Technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures."

4.2. The fire safety requirements of these rules and regulations are based on the provisions and classifications adopted in the Federal law dated July 22, 2008 N 123-FZ "Technical regulations on fire safety requirements."

4.3. When designing buildings you should:

to combine, as a rule, in one building premises for various industries, warehouses, including premises for expeditions, acceptance, sorting and packaging of goods, administrative and service premises, as well as premises for engineering equipment;

develop space-planning and design solutions in accordance with the requirements of the national standard "System of design documentation for construction. Modular coordination of dimensions in construction. Basic provisions";

comply with energy saving requirements of the Federal law dated November 23, 2009 N 261-FZ “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”;

accept the number of floors and height of the building within the limits established 5.29, based on results of comparison of technical and economic indicators of production location optionsor warehouse in buildings of various storeys (heights), taking into account the provision of a high level of architectural solutions andenergy efficiency;

space-planning and design decisions should be made in accordance with the technological part of the project, developed in accordance with technological design standards. Space-planning solutions for warehouse buildings should provide the possibility of their reconstruction, changing the technology of storing goods without significant restructuring of the buildings;

when blocking individual workshops, warehouses and structures, if possible, avoid differences in the height of building spans and internal corners of external enclosing structures;

accept the area of ​​light openings in accordance with the design standards for natural and artificial lighting SP 52.13330 , taking into account the requirements 5.10 ;

accept buildings without light openings, if this is allowed by technology conditions, sanitary and hygienic requirements and economic feasibility;

use predominantly buildings with enlarged blocks of engineering and technological equipment in a pre-fabricated package design;

explore options for replacing overhead cranes with floor-mounted types of handling equipment;

develop space-planning solutions, engineering support systems taking into account environmental requirements that comply with the legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

4.4. The placement in production buildings of consumable (intermediate) warehouses of raw materials and semi-finished products in the quantities established by the technological design standards to ensure a continuous technological process is allowed directly in the production premises, openly or behind mesh fences. In the absence of such data in the technological design standards, the quantity of specified loads should, as a rule, be no more than one and a half shift requirements.

4.5. The safety of people in buildings must be ensured by sanitary, epidemiological and microclimatic conditions: the absence of harmful substances in the air of work areas above the maximum permissible concentrations, minimal release of heat and moisture into the premises; absence of noise, vibration, level above permissible valuesultrasound, electromagnetic waves, radio frequencies, static electricity and ionizing radiation, as well as limiting physical activity, attention stress and preventing fatigue of workers in accordance with the requirements SanPiN, SP and current hygiene standards.

4.6. The implementation of the technological process and compliance with the requirements for the microclimate of the premises must be carried out taking into account the economical use of energy resources.

It is allowed to reduce the temperature of the premises during non-working hours if this is stipulated in the technical specifications or regulations.

Engineering systems must have automatic or manual system controlair supply. Building heating systems must be equipped with devices to regulate heat flow.

At the entrances to buildings in areas with an estimated outside air temperature of minus 15 °C and below, the installation of airlock vestibules or air-thermal curtains should be provided.

4.7. In warehouse buildings it is allowed to use polymer andpolymer-containingmaterials approved for use in construction by a sanitary-epidemiological certificate.

4.8. To eliminate the negative impact of production facilities on the environment, measures should be taken to clean and neutralize industrial wastewater, capture and purify process and ventilation emissions, and introduce waste-free and low-waste technologies; timely removal, neutralization and recycling of production waste.

4.9. Architectural solutionsbuildings should be taken into account the urban planning, natural and climatic conditions of the construction area and the nature of the surrounding development. Color decoration of interiors should be provided taking into account the requirements GOST 14202 and GOST R 12.4.026.

4.10. Based on explosion and fire hazards, premises and buildings are divided into categories accordingly A , B, B1 - B4, D, D and A, B, C, D, E, depending on the technological processes located in them and the properties of the substances and materials located (circulating) or stored, products, raw materials and their packaging.

Categories of buildings and premises are established in the technological part of the project in accordance with SP 12.13130 , technological design standards.

4.11. The total area of ​​the building is determined as the sum of the areas of all floors (above ground, including technical, ground and basement), measured within the internal surfaces of the external walls (or axes of the outer columns, where there are no external walls), tunnels, internal platforms, mezzanines, all tiers of internal shelves , ramps, galleries (horizontal projection) and transitions to other buildings.The total area of ​​the building does not include areas of the technical underground with a height of less than 1.8 m to the bottom of protruding structures (in which passages for servicing communications are not required), above suspended ceilings designed in accordance with 5.5 , as well as platforms for servicing crane tracks, cranes, conveyors, monorails and lamps.

The area of ​​premises occupying two or more floors in height within a multi-storey building (double-height and multi-world ), should be included in the total area within one floor.

When determining the number of storeys of a building, platforms, tiers of shelves and mezzanines are taken into account, the area of ​​which at any level is more than 40% of the floor area of ​​the building.

The floor area of ​​the building within the fire compartment is determined by the internal perimeter of the external walls of the floor, with the exception of the area of ​​the staircases. If there are platforms and whatnots, the floor area includes in a one-story building the area of ​​all platforms, tiers of whatnots and mezzanines, in a multi-storey building - the area of ​​platforms, tiers of whatnots and mezzanines within the height distance between the marks of the platforms, tiers of whatnots and mezzanines with an area at each level of more than 40% of the floor area of ​​the floor. The floor area of ​​a building within a fire compartment does not include external ramps for road and rail transport.

The building area is determined by the outer perimeter of the building at the plinth level, including protruding parts, passages under the building, parts of the building without external enclosing structures.

4.12. The construction volume of a building is determined as the sum of the construction volume of the above-ground part from the +/- 0.00 mark and the underground part from the finished floor mark to the +/- 0.00 mark.

The construction volume of the above-ground and underground parts of the building is determined within the outer surfaces of the enclosing structures, including light and aeration skylights, of each part of the building.

4.13. Administrative and service buildings, as well as administrative and service premises for workers in industrial buildings or warehouses should be designed in accordance with the requirements SP 44.13330.

4.14. Automatic fire extinguishing and fire alarm installations should be provided in accordance with SP 5.13130.

Warning and fire evacuation control systems should be provided in accordance with SP 3.13130.

5. Space planning and design solutions

5.1. The space-planning and design solutions of the building should help eliminate the possibility of injury when people are in it while moving, working, using mobile devices, technological and engineering equipment.

Building structures must have durability and reliability, taking into account possible hazardous impacts, as well as resistance to progressive collapse, confirmed by appropriate calculations.

The foundations and supporting structures of the building during construction and operation should not have cracks, damage and deformations leading to a decrease in operational properties properties of buildings.

Structures must be designed to withstand loads from their own weight and structures that rest on them, snow and wind loads, loads from process equipment, transport and engineering equipment in accordance with SP 20.13330 , taking into account the perception of impact from hazardous geological processes in the construction area.

Space-planning solutions should be developed taking into account the need to reduce dynamic impacts on building structures, technological processes and workers caused by vibroactive equipment or external sources of vibration.

In long-term buildings, temperature-shrinkage, sedimentation or anti-seismic joints must be provided, depending on their space-planning solutions and the natural and climatic conditions of the construction area.

5.2. In order to reduce operational energy consumption It is advisable to make space-planning decisions for a building with a minimum value of the compactness index, equal to the ratio of the surface area of ​​the outer shell of the building to the volume enclosed in it.

5.3. Energy and sanitary equipment, when permissible under operating conditions, should be placed in open areas, providing local shelters if necessary.

5.4. In premises, the height from the floor to the bottom of protruding ceiling (covering) structures must be at least 2.2 m, the height from the floor to the bottom of protruding parts of communications and equipment in places where people regularly pass and on evacuation routes - at least 2 m, and in places irregular passage of people - at least 1.8 m. If it is necessary for vehicles to enter the building, the passage height should beat least 4.2 m to the bottom of structures, protruding parts of communications and equipment, for fire engines - at least 4.5 m.

The geometric parameters of mobile (inventory) buildings must comply requirements of GOST 22853.

5.5. In buildings and premises that require, according to technology, to maintain stable air parameters and placement of engineering equipment and communications, it is allowed to provide: suspended (suspended) ceilings and false floors - when access to communications does not require a passage for service personnel. To service these communications, it is allowed to design hatches and vertical steel ladders; technical floors - when, according to the technology conditions for servicing engineering equipment, communications and auxiliary technological devices located on these floors, the construction of passages is required, the height of which is taken in accordance with 5.4 .

5.6. The entry of railway tracks into buildings may be provided in accordance with the technological part of the project and taking into account the requirements 5.43 . The top of the railway track heads should be at the finished floor level.

5.7. In multi-storey buildings with a height of more than 15 m from the planning level of the ground to the level of the finished floor of the upper floor (not counting the technical level) and the presence at an elevation of more than 15 m of permanent workplaces or equipment that needs to be serviced more than three times per shift, passenger elevators should be provided according to GOST R 53770 . Freight elevators must be provided in accordance with the technological part of the project for GOST R 53771 . The number and load capacity of elevators should be taken depending on passenger - and cargo flows. If the number of workers (in the largest shift) is no more than 30 on all floors located above 15 m, one elevator should be provided in the building. If there are premises on the second floor and above intended for the work of disabled people using wheelchairs, a passenger elevator should be provided in the building, if it is impossible to organize workplaces for disabled people on the first floor. The elevator cabin must have dimensions of at least: width - 1.1 m, depth - 2.1 m, doorway width - 0.85 m.

5.8. Exits from basements should be provided outside the operating area of ​​lifting and transport equipment.

5.9. The width of vestibules and vestibules should be greater than the width of openings by at least 0.5 m (0.25 m on each side of the opening), and the depth should be greater than the width of the door or gate leaf by 0.2 m or more, but not less than 1.2 m. If there are working disabled people who use wheelchairs, the depth of vestibules and vestibules should be at least 1.8 m.

5.10. In category premises A and B, externaleasily resettableWalling. Aseasily resettablestructures should, as a rule, use single glazing for windows and skylights. If the glazing area is insufficient, it is allowed aseasily resettablestructures, use roofing structures made of steel, aluminum, asbestos-cement and bitumen corrugated sheets, flexible tiles,metal tiles, asbestos-cement and slate tiles and effective non-combustible insulation. Squareeasily resettablestructures should be determined by calculation. In the absence of calculated data, the areaeasily resettablestructures must be at least 0.05 m2 per 1 m3 of room volume category A and not less than 0.03 m2 - premises of category B.


1. Window glass belongs toeasily resettablestructures with a thickness of 3, 4 and 5 mm and an area of ​​at least (respectively) 0.8, 1 and 1.5 m 2 . Reinforced glass, double-glazed windows, triplex, stalinite and polycarbonateeasily resettablestructures do not apply.

2. Rolled carpet in areaseasily resettablecoating structures should be cut into cards with an area of ​​no more than 180 m 2 each.

easily resettablecoating structures should be no more than 0.7 kPa.

5.11. Galleries, platforms and stairs for servicing cranes should be designed in accordance with rules

5.12. For repair and cleaning of glazing of windows and skylights, in cases where the use of mobile or portable floor equipment (ladders, rolling platforms, telescopic lifts) is impossible due to the conditions of placement of technological equipment or the overall height of the building; it is necessary to provide stationary devices that ensure the safe performance of these works.

5.13. The need to install lanterns and their type (anti-aircraft, U-shaped, light, light-aeration, etc.) are established by the project depending on the characteristics of the technological process, sanitary, hygienic and environmental requirements, taking into account the climatic conditions of the construction area.

5.14. There must be lanterns uninflated . The length of the lanterns should be no more than 120 m. The distance between the ends of the lanterns and between the end of the lantern and the outer wall must be at least 6 m. The opening of the lanterns should be mechanized (with the inclusion of opening mechanisms at the exits from the premises), duplicated by manual control.

5.15. Under the glazing of skylights, made of sheet silicate glass and double-glazed windows, as well as along the inside of the glazing of rectangular skylights, a protective metal mesh should be installed.

5.16. In buildings with internal drains, it is allowed to use a parapet as a fence on the roof. If the height of the parapet is less than 0.6 m, it should be supplemented with lattice fencing to a height of 0.6 m from the roof surface.

5.17. When opening gates remotely and automatically, it must also be possible to open them manually in all cases. The clear dimensions of gates for land transport should be taken to exceed the dimensions of vehicles (in a loaded state) by at least 0.2 m in height and 0.6 m in width.

5.18. The slope of flights in staircases should be at least 1:2 with a tread width of 0.3 m; for basement floors and attics it is allowed to take a slope of stair flights of 1:1.5 with a tread width of 0.26 m.

5.19. Internal open stairs (in the absence of staircase walls) must have a slope of no more than 1:1. The slope of open stairs for access to single workstations may be increased to 2:1. To inspect equipment with a lifting height of no more than 10 m, it is allowed to design vertical stairs 0.6 m wide.

5.20. If there are working disabled people with musculoskeletal disorders, the slope of stairs on evacuation routes should be no more than 1:2.

5.21. For buildings with a height of 10 m or more from the planning level of the ground to the cornice or top of the parapet, one exit to the roof should be designed (for every full and partial 40,000 m 2 roofs), including buildings: one-story - along an external open steel staircase; multi-storey - from the staircase.

In cases where it is impractical to have a staircase for access to the roof within the height of the upper floor, it is allowed for buildings with a height from the planning ground level to the finished floor level of the upper floor of no more than 30 m to design an external open steel staircase for access to the roof from the staircase through the landing this staircase.

5.22. The placement of premises of various categories in buildings and their separation from each other, requirements for escape routes and exits, smoke removal devices, airlocks, airlocks, staircases and stairs, roof exits should be taken in accordance with the requirements of the Federal law dated July 22, 2008 N 123-FZ "Technical regulations on fire safety requirements" and SP 1.13130, SP 2.13130, SP 4.13130, SP 6.13130.

It is allowed to build a warehouse or administrative floor into an industrial building, as well as a production or administrative floor into a warehouse building, provided the building meets the requirements SP 44.13330 and this joint venture.

In one-story terminal buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance, structural fire hazard class C 0 It is allowed, if necessary, to construct evacuation corridors fenced off with type 1 fire barriers and provided with air pressure in case of fire. In this case, the length of the corridor is not taken into account when calculating the length of the evacuation route.

5.23. Distance from the most distant workplace in the room to the nearestemergency exit from the room directly outside or into the staircase should not exceed the values ​​​​given in Table 29 SP 1.13130.

5.24. The distance along the corridor from the door of the most remote room with an area of ​​no more than 1000 m 2 to the nearest exit to the outside or to the staircase should not exceed the values ​​​​given in Table 30 SP 1.13130.

5.25. The width of the emergency exit (door) from the premises should be taken depending on the total number of people evacuating through this exit and the number of people per 1 m width of the exit (door) established in table 31 SP 1.13130, but not less than 0.9 m in the presence of working disabled people with musculoskeletal disorders.

The number of people per 1 m of the width of the emergency exit for intermediate values ​​of the volume of premises is determined by interpolation.

The number of people per 1 m width of an emergency exit (door) from rooms with a height of more than 6 m increases: with a room height of 12 m - by 20%, 18 m - by 30%, 24 m - by 40%; with intermediate values ​​of the height of the premises, the increase in the number of people per 1 m of exit width is determined by interpolation.

5.26. The width of the emergency exit (door) from the corridor to the outside or into the stairwell should be taken depending on the total number of people evacuating through this exit and the number of people per 1 m of the exit (door) width established in table 32 SP 1.13130, but not less than 0.8 m, in the presence of working disabled people with musculoskeletal disorders - not less than 0.9 m.

5.27. If there are disabled workers with musculoskeletal disorders, the width of the flight of stairs should be at least 1.2 m.

5.28. In rooms and corridors it is necessary to provide smoke removal in case of fire in accordance with requirements SP 7.13130.

5.29. The degree of fire resistance, the class of structural fire hazard, the height of buildings and the floor area of ​​the building within the fire compartment should be taken for industrial buildings according to table 6.1 SP 2.13130, for warehouse buildings - according to Table 6.3 SP 2.13130.

When locating warehouses in industrial buildings, the floor area of ​​warehouse premises within the fire compartment and their height (number of floors) should not exceed the values ​​​​specified in Table 6.3 SP 2.13130.

If there are platforms, shelves and mezzanines, the area of ​​which at any level exceeds 40% of the floor area of ​​the room, the floor area is determined as for a multi-storey building with the number of floors determined by 4.11 .

5.30. When placing technological processes with different explosion and fire hazards in the same building or room, measures should be taken to prevent explosion and fire spread. The effectiveness of these measures must be justified in the technological part of the project. If these measures are not effective enough, then technological processes with various explosion and fire hazards should be placed in separate rooms and separated in accordance with the requirements SP 4.13130.

5.31. Basements when placing category B premises in them 1 - B3 should be divided according to requirements SP 4.13130.

5.32. In hot shops with excessive heat generation, enclosing structures should, as a rule, be designed without insulation.

5.33. On roofs with a slope of up to 12% inclusive in buildings with a height to the eaves or top of the parapet of more than 10 m, as well as on roofs with a slope of more than 12% in buildings with a height of more than 7 m to the bottom of the eaves, fencing should be provided in accordance with GOST 25772 . Regardless of the height of the building, fences that meet the requirements of this standard should be provided on roofs in use.

In hot shops with significant release of heat and other production hazards, it is necessary to provide steeply pitched roofs.

5.34. Roofs of heated buildings should have internal drainage. It is allowed to install roofs with external organized drainage in heated and unheated buildings, provided that measures are taken to prevent the formation oficicles and frost.

5.35. In one-story warehouse buildings with high-rise rack storage, it is permissible, if justified, to use rack structures as covering supports and fastening of external walls.

5.36. In warehouses for storing food products, it is necessary to provide: enclosing structures without protruding ribs and made of materials that are not destroyed by rodents; solid and void-free panels of external doors, gates and manhole covers; devices for closing the openings of ventilation system ducts; fencing with steel mesh (with cells no larger than 12 x 12 mm) ventilation openings in walls and air ducts located within a height of 1.2 m above the floor, and basement windows (steel mesh window fencing structures must be opening or removable).

In the designs of such warehouse buildings, it is necessary to provide instructions on the careful sealing of openings for the passage of pipelines (in walls, partitions and ceilings) and interfaces between the enclosing structures of premises (internal and external walls, partitions between themselves and with floors or ceilings).

Warehouses intended for storing food products can be equippedderatization systems.

5.37. Columns and frame structures for openings in warehouse buildings in areas of heavy traffic of floor transport must be protected from mechanical damage and painted in accordance with the requirements GOST R 12.4.026.

To limit damage to columns when moving loads, as a rule, tubular cross-section columns should be used.

5.38. Loading and unloading ramps and platforms should be designed taking into account the requirements of protecting cargo and loading and unloading mechanisms from precipitation.

The canopy over railway loading and unloading ramps and platforms must overlap the axis of the railway track by at least 0.5 m, and over automobile ramps it must overlap the vehicle passage by at least 1.5 m from the edge of the ramp.

5.39. The length of the loading and unloading ramp should be determined depending on the cargo turnover and capacity of the warehouse, as well as based on the space-planning solution of the building.

The width of loading and unloading ramps and platforms must be taken in accordance with the technology and safety requirements of loading and unloading operations.

5.40. Structures of ramps and canopies adjacent to buildings of I, II, III and IV degrees of fire resistance of fire hazard classes C 0 and C1, should be made from non-combustible materials.

5.41. Loading and unloading ramps and platforms must have at least two dispersed stairs or ramps.

5.42. The marking of the edge of the loading and unloading ramp for motor transport on the vehicle access side must be equal to 1.2 m from the surface level of the roadway or loading and unloading area.

5.43. Loading and unloading ramps and platforms for railway rolling stock should be designed to meet the requirements GOST 9238.

5.44. The width of ramps for the passage of floor-mounted vehicles must be at least 0.6 m greater than the maximum width of a loaded vehicle. The slope of ramps should be no more than 16% when placed indoors and no more than 10% when placed outside buildings.

5.45. In warehouses, temperature, relative humidity and air speed must be taken in accordance with the requirements of cargo storage technology and requirements SP 60.13330.

In gate openings in external walls it is necessary to install dock shelters , isolating the internal space of the warehouse from the influences of the external environment.

5.46. Structures and materials of bases and floor coverings of warehouse buildings andpremises should be assigned taking into account the perception of loads from stored goods, the type and intensity of the mechanical effects of floor transport and dust separation, the accumulation of static electricity and sparking, taking into account the requirements SP 29.13330.

For floor coverings of warehouses intended for storing food products, the use of tar and tar mastics and other environmentally harmful materials is not allowed.

When storing goods whose temperature exceeds 60 °C, heat-resistant floors should be provided.

5.47. Multi-storey warehouse buildings categories B and B should be designed with a width of no more than 60 m.

5.48. Warehouse premises of industrial buildings should be separated from other premises in accordance with the requirements SP 4.13130.

5.49. Warehouse buildings with high bay racking should be designed to meet the requirements SP 4.13130.

5.50. When dividing warehouses with cargo that is the same in terms of fire hazard by technological or sanitary conditions by partitions, the requirements for the partitions are determined in the technological part of the project.

According to the requirements of cargo storage technology, it is possible to place forwarding, receiving, sorting and assembling cargo directly in storage facilities, without separating them with partitions. At the same time, the jobs of commodity experts, experts, storekeepers, rejectors , accountants and operators may be protected by partitions with non-standardized fire resistance limits and fire hazard class (glazed or with mesh with a blind part height of no more than 1.2 m, collapsible and sliding).

5.51. Opening window transoms with a total area determined by calculating smoke removal in case of fire should be installed in window openings of warehouse buildings.

It is allowed not to install window openings in storage rooms while ensuring smoke removal in accordance with the requirements SP 7.13130.

Appendix A



This document uses references to the following regulatory documents:

the federal law dated December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ "On technical regulation"

the federal law dated July 22, 2008 N 123-FZ "Technical regulations on fire safety requirements"

the federal law dated December 30, 2009 N 384-FZ "Technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures"

the federal law dated November 23, 2009 N 261-FZ "On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation"

SP 20.13330.2011 "SNiP 2.01.07-85* Loads and impacts"

SP 44.13330.2011 "SNiP 2.09.04-87* Administrative and domestic buildings"

Consultant Plus: note.

SP 59.13330.2010 mentioned in this document was subsequently approved and published with the number SP 59.13330.2012.

SP 59.13330.2010 "SNiP 35-01-2001 Accessibility of buildings and structures for people with limited mobility"

SP 29.13330.2011 "SNiP 2.03.13-88 Floors"

Consultant Plus: note.

SP 60.13330.2010 mentioned in this document was subsequently approved and published with the number SP 60.13330.2012.

SP 60.13330.2010 "SNiP 41-01-2003 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning"

SP 52.13330.2011 "SNiP 23-05-95* Natural and artificial lighting"

SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises

GOST 14202-69 Pipelines of industrial enterprises. Identification markings, warning signs and markings

GOST R 12.4.026-2001* SSBT. Signal colors, safety signs and signal markings. Purpose and rules of use. General technical requirements and characteristics. Test methods

GOST 25957-83 Buildings and structures are mobile (inventory). Classification. Terms and Definitions

GOST 25772-83* Steel fencing for stairs, balconies and roofs. General technical conditions

GOST 9238-83 Dimensions for approaching buildings and moving vehicles composition 1520 (1524) mm gauge railways

GOST 22853-86 Mobile buildings (inventory). General technical conditions.

GOST R 53770-2010 Passenger elevators. Main parameters and dimensions

GOST R 53771-2010 Freight elevators

SP 1.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Evacuation routes and exits

SP 2.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Ensuring fire resistance of protected objects

SP 3.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Warning and management system for evacuation of people in case of fire. Fire safety requirements

SP 4.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Limiting the spread of fire at protection facilities. Requirements for space-planning and design solutions

SP 5.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Fire alarm and fire extinguishing installations are automatic. Design standards and rules

SP 6.13130.2009

SP 7.13130 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Fire requirements

SP 12.13130.2009 Determination of categories, premises, buildings and outdoor installations for explosion and fire hazards

SP Hygienic requirements for the organization of technological processes, production equipment and working tools.

Appendix B



The following terms and definitions are used in this document:

Mezzanine: a platform inside a building on which premises for various purposes are located (industrial, administrative and household, or for engineering equipment).

Insertion (integration) in a one-story industrial building: two- or multi-story partbuilding, located within a one-story building along its entire height and width (insertion) or part of its height and width (integration), highlighted by enclosing structures.

Engineering equipment of the building: a system of instruments, apparatus, machines and communications that ensures the supply and removal of liquids, gases, electricity (plumbing, gas, heating, electrical, sewerage, ventilation equipment).

Mobile (inventory) building or structure: see GOST 25957.

Site: a single-tier structure (without walls), located inside or outside a building, supported by independent supports, building structures or equipment and intended for the installation, maintenance or repair of equipment.

Number of floors of a building: the number of floors of a building, including all above-ground floors, technical and basement, if the top of its floor is at least 2 m above the average planning level of the ground.

Above-ground floor: the floor when the floor level of the premises is not lower than the planning level of the ground.

Basement floor: a floor where the floor level of the premises is below the planning level of the ground by more than half the height of the room.

Basement floor: a floor where the floor level of the premises is below the planning level of the ground by no more than half the height of the room.

Technical floor: floor for placing engineering equipment and laying communications; can be located in the lower (technical underground), upper (technical attic) or in the middle part of the building.

Shelf: a multi-tiered frame structure (without walls), free-standing in or outside the building and intended for housing and servicing technological and other equipment.

Lanterns: part of the building's covering in the form of a glazed structure, usually a superstructure, intended for aeration and (or) overhead lighting of industrial premises.

Ramp: a structure designed for loading and unloading operations. One side of the ramp is adjacent to the warehouse wall, and the other is located along the railway track (railway ramp) or car entrance (car ramp). The ramp can be located inside the warehouse. The height of the ramp above the floor level is determined by the type of transport.

Platform: a structure similar to a ramp. Unlike a ramp, it is designed to be double-sided: one side is located along the railway track, and the opposite side is located along car entrance.

High-height racking: storage on racks with a storage height of over 5.5 m.

Terminal: a warehouse facility that provides for optimal placement of cargo in the warehouse and automated management of relationships with the external environment, including incoming, outgoing and internal flows.

Dockshelter : a system for sealing the opening between the wall of a warehouse and the vehicle body.


SP 35-101-2001 Design of buildings and structures taking into account accessibility for people with limited mobility. General provisions

SP 35-104-2001 Buildings and premises with places of work for disabled people

Rules design and safe operation of cranes

System of regulatory documents in construction




SNiP 04/31/2001 *

Updated edition


Moscow 2010


DEVELOPED by the Central Research and Design and Experimental Institute of Industrial Buildings and Structures (JSC TsNIIPromzdanii) with the participation of the Central Research Institute of Building Structures named after. V.A. Kucherenko (TsNIISK im.Kucherenko) and the All-Russian Research Institute of Fire Defense (VNIIPO Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia)




SNiP 04/31/2001 * is an updated version of SNiP 04/31/2001, approved by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia from the city N and put into effect from.

Instead of SNiP 04/31/2001

1 area of ​​use

3 Terms and definitions

4 Basic provisions

5 Space-planning and design solutions


The sections of these standards contain requirements that correspond to the goals of technical regulations and are subject to mandatory compliance, taking into account Part 1 of Article 46 of the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation".

The update was carried out by the team of authors:




Date of introduction


1.1 These norms and rules must be observed at all stages of the creation and operation of warehouse buildings and premises of functional fire hazard class F5.2 (according to Federal Law N 123 FZ), intended for the storage of substances, materials, products and raw materials, including those located in buildings other functional fire hazard, and not requiring special construction measures to maintain the specified parameters of the internal environment.

These standards do not apply to the design of warehouse buildings and premises for the storage of dry mineral fertilizers and chemical plant protection products, explosive, radioactive and highly toxic substances, flammable gases, non-flammable gases in containers under a pressure of more than 70 kPa (0.7 kgf/cm2), petroleum and petroleum products, rubber, celluloid, flammable plastics and film, cement, cotton, flour, animal feed, furs, furs and fur products, agricultural products, as well as the design of buildings and premises for refrigerators and granaries.

1.2 In cases where warehouses provide for the possibility of using the labor of disabled people, additional requirements specified in the relevant paragraphs of SNiP 31-03 must be observed, depending on the type of disability.

When creating specialized warehouses at an enterprise intended for the use of the labor of disabled people, one should also be guided by SNiP 35-01-2001, SP 35-101-2001 "Design of buildings and structures taking into account accessibility for people with limited mobility. General provisions"; "Buildings and premises with places of work for disabled people"


These standards use references to the following regulatory documents:

Federal Law of December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ “On Technical Regulation”.

Federal Law of July 22, 2008 N 123-FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements".

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 N 87 "On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content"

SP 1.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Evacuation routes and exits.

SP 2.3130.2009 Fire protection systems. Ensuring fire resistance of protected objects.

SP 4.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Limiting the spread of fire at protection facilities. Requirements for space-planning solutions.

SP 7.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning.

SP 8.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Sources of external fire-fighting water supply. Fire safety requirements.

SP 10.13130 ​​Fire protection systems. Internal fire water supply. Fire safety requirements.

SP 5.13130 ​​Fire protection systems. Fire alarm and fire extinguishing installations are automatic.

SP 3.13130 ​​Fire protection systems. Warning systems and management of evacuation of people in case of fire.

SP 6.13130 ​​Fire protection systems. Electrical equipment. Fire safety requirements.

SP 9.13130 ​​Fire protection systems. Fire extinguishers. Requirements for use.

GOST 12.1.004-91 * SSBT Fire safety. General requirements.

GOST 12.1.033-81 * SSBT Fire safety. Terms and Definitions.

RD 34.21.122-87 Instructions for lightning protection of buildings, structures and industrial communications.

SNiP 31-03-2001 Industrial buildings.

SNiP 2.09.04-87 * Administrative and domestic buildings.

SNiP 35-01-2001 “Accessibility of buildings and structures for people with limited mobility”;

SNiP 41-01-2003 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning.

SNiP 2.04.02-84 Water supply. External networks and structures.

SNiP 2.04.01-85 Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings.

SNiP 2.08.02-89 * Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements.

SNiP 2.03.13-88 Floors.

SNiP 23-05-95

SP 35-101-2001 "Design of buildings and structures taking into account accessibility for people with limited mobility. General provisions";

"Buildings and premises with places of work for disabled people"

SNiP 23-05-95 Natural and artificial lighting

PUE "Rules for electrical installations" 7th edition.

GOST 9238-83 Approximation dimensions of buildings and rolling stock of 1520 (1524) mm gauge railways.

GOST 12.4.026-2001 "SSBT. Signal colors, safety signs and signal markings. Purpose and rules of application. General technical requirements and characteristics. Test methods"

GOST 9238-83 Approach dimensions of buildings and rolling stock of 1520 (1524) mm gauge railways

GOST 22853-86 Mobile buildings (inventory). General technical conditions.

Uniform sanitary rules for enterprises (production associations), workshops and areas intended for the use of labor of disabled people and old-age pensioners. Ministry of Health of the USSR (dated 03/01/83 N 2672-83).

SO 153-34.21.122-2003 "Instructions for the installation of lightning protection of buildings, structures and industrial communications";

PPB 01-03 Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation


The following terms and definitions are adopted in these standards:

A ramp is a structure designed for loading and unloading operations. One side of the ramp is adjacent to the warehouse wall, and the other is located along the railway track (railway ramp) or road access (car ramp).

A platform is a structure similar to a ramp. Unlike the ramp, it is designed to be double-sided: one side is located along the railway track, and the opposite side is located along the road access.

High-altitude rack storage - storage on racks with a storage height of over 5.5 m.

These standards also adopt the terms and definitions given in SNiP 31-03.


4.1 The fire safety requirements of these rules and regulations are based on the provisions and classifications adopted in Federal Law No. 123-FZ of July 22, 2008.

4.2 Buildings and structures at all stages of the life cycle must meet safety requirements in accordance with Federal Law No. 384 of December 30, 2009.

4.3 Based on explosion and fire hazards, buildings and warehouse premises, depending on the stored substances, materials, products, raw materials and their packaging, are divided into categories A, B, B1-B4 and D in accordance with SP 5.13130, departmental (industry) technological design standards or special lists approved in accordance with the established procedure.

Note - Further in the text, the term “substances, materials, products and raw materials” are combined with the term “cargo”.

4.4 Administrative, utility buildings and premises for workers in warehouses should be designed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.09.04.

4.5 The total area of ​​warehouse buildings should be calculated in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 31-03.

4.6 The placement in production buildings of consumable (intermediate) warehouses of raw materials and semi-finished products in the quantities established by the technological design standards to ensure a continuous technological process is allowed directly in the production premises, openly or behind mesh fences. In the absence of such data in the technological design standards, the quantity of specified cargo should, as a rule, be no more than the shift requirement.

4.7 The placement of premises of various categories in buildings and their separation from each other, requirements for evacuation routes and exits, smoke removal devices, airlocks, airlocks, staircases and stairs, roof exits should be taken in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law N 123, SNiP 31 -03, SP 1.13130, SP 2.13130, SP 4.13130, SP 7.13130.

4.8 In warehouse buildings, it is allowed to use polymer and polymer-containing materials and structures approved for use in construction by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation.

4.9 Automatic fire extinguishing and fire detection installations should be provided in accordance with SP 5.13130, as well as special lists approved in the prescribed manner.

Fire warning systems should be provided in accordance with SP 3.13130.


5.1 Space-planning solutions for warehouse buildings must ensure the possibility of their reconstruction, changing the technology of storing goods without significant reconstruction of the buildings.

5.2 When placing warehouse buildings on the territory of settlements, it is necessary to take into account the architectural design of the surrounding buildings.

5.3 Geometric parameters of warehouse buildings - span sizes, column spacing and floor heights - are determined by technology requirements; mobile (inventory) buildings - must comply with the requirements of GOST 22853.

5.4 As a rule, storage, forwarding, acceptance, sorting and packaging premises, as well as household, administrative and other premises should be combined in one building, unless this contradicts technological, sanitary and fire safety requirements.

5.5 Energy and sanitary equipment, when permissible under operating conditions, should be placed in open areas, providing local shelters if necessary. As a rule, the floor space of storage facilities and expeditions should not be occupied by engineering equipment.

5.6 The number of floors and height of buildings (within the limits established by table 6.3 SP 2.13130) should be taken based on the results of comparison of technical and economic indicators of options for locating warehouse premises in buildings of different heights.

5.7 The height of warehouse premises is assigned taking into account the applied mechanization of warehouse processes. The height from the floor to the bottom of structures and protruding elements of communications and equipment in places where people regularly pass and on evacuation routes must be at least 2 m.

5.8 In one-story warehouse buildings with high-rise rack storage, it is allowed, if justified, to use rack structures for covering supports and fastening external wall structures.

5.9 External enclosing structures of warehouses of categories A and B should be designed to be easily resettable in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 31-03.

5.10 In warehouses for storing food products, it is necessary to provide: enclosing structures without voids from materials that are not destroyed by rodents; solid and void-free panels of external doors, gates and manhole covers; devices for closing the openings of ventilation system ducts; fencing with steel mesh (with mesh sizes of no more than 12 mm) ventilation openings in walls and air ducts located within a height of 0.6 m above the floor level, and basement windows (steel mesh window fencing structures must be opening or removable).

In the designs of such warehouse buildings, it is necessary to provide instructions on the careful sealing of openings for the passage of pipelines (in walls, partitions and ceilings) and interfaces between the enclosing structures of premises (internal and external walls, partitions between themselves and with floors or ceilings).

For floor coverings in warehouses intended for storing food products, the use of tar and tar mastics is not allowed.

5.11 Columns and frames of openings in warehouse buildings in areas of heavy traffic of outdoor vehicles must be protected from mechanical damage and painted in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.4.026.

5.12 Loading and unloading ramps and platforms should be designed taking into account the requirements for protecting cargo and loading and unloading mechanisms from precipitation.

The canopy over railway loading and unloading ramps and platforms must overlap the axis of the railway track by at least 0.5 m, and over automobile ramps it must overlap the vehicle passage by at least 1.5 m from the edge of the ramp.

5.13 The length of the loading and unloading ramp should be determined depending on the cargo turnover and capacity of the warehouse, as well as based on the space-planning solution of the building.

The width of loading and unloading ramps and platforms must be taken in accordance with the technology and safety requirements of loading and unloading operations.

5.14 Loading and unloading ramps and platforms must have at least two dispersed stairs or ramps.

5.15 The marking of the edge of the loading and unloading ramp for motor transport on the vehicle access side must be equal to 1.2 m from the surface level of the roadway or loading and unloading area.

5.16 Loading and unloading ramps and platforms for railway rolling stock should be designed taking into account the requirements of GOST 9238.

5.17 The width of ramps for the passage of outdoor vehicles must be at least 0.6 m greater than the maximum width of a loaded vehicle. The slope of ramps should be no more than 16% when placed indoors and no more than 10% when placed outside buildings.

5.18 The construction of gates, railway track entries, skylights, internal drains, parapets and devices for cleaning and repairing glazing of windows and skylights should be taken in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 31-03.

5.19 In warehouses, temperature, relative humidity and air speed must be taken in accordance with the requirements of cargo storage technology and the requirements of SNiP 41-01.

5.20 The structures and materials of the bases and floor coverings of warehouse buildings and premises should be assigned taking into account the perception of loads from stored goods, the type and intensity of the mechanical effects of floor transport and dust separation in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.03.13.

5.21 The degree of fire resistance, the class of structural fire hazard, the height of warehouse buildings and the floor area of ​​the building within the fire compartment should be taken according to table 6.3 SP 2.13130.

When locating warehouses in industrial buildings, the floor area of ​​warehouse premises within the fire compartment and their height (number of floors) should not exceed the values ​​​​specified in table 6.3 SP 2.13130.

When combining the degree of fire resistance and fire hazard class of a building not provided for in this table, the floor area and height of the building are taken according to the worst of these indicators for a given category of building or Special Technical Conditions (STU) are developed, which are agreed upon in the prescribed manner.

5.22 Multi-storey warehouse buildings of categories B and C should be designed with a width of no more than 60 m.

5.23 The area of ​​the first floor of a multi-story building may be taken according to the standards of a one-story building, if the ceiling above the first floor is fire-resistant type 1.

5.24 To comply with the safety requirements set out in Federal Law No. 123-FZ of July 22, 2008 “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements,” warehouse premises of categories B1-B3 of industrial buildings should be separated from other premises by fire partitions of type 1 and floors of type 3 -type, and when storing products on high-rise racks - with fire-resistant walls of the 1st type and ceilings of the 1st type. In this case, warehouse premises for finished products of categories B1-B3, located in industrial buildings, must, as a rule, be located near the external walls.

5.25 Warehouse buildings with high-rise rack storage of category B should be designed as one-story I-IV degrees of fire resistance class C0 with lanterns or exhaust shafts on the coating for smoke removal.

Racks, if permitted by storage technology, must have horizontal screens made of non-combustible materials with a height increment of no more than 4 m.

The screens must cover the entire horizontal section of the rack, including the gaps between paired racks, and must not interfere with loading and unloading operations. Screens and bottoms of containers and pallets must have holes with a diameter of 10 mm, evenly spaced, with a square side of 150 mm.

The racks must have transverse passages with a height of at least 2 m and a width of at least 1.5 m every 40 m, leading to emergency exits. Passages within the racks must be separated from the rack structures by fire partitions.

5.26 When separating warehouses with cargo that is the same in terms of fire hazard by technological or sanitary conditions by partitions, the requirements for the partitions are determined in the technological part of the project.

According to the requirements of cargo storage technology, it is possible to place forwarding, receiving, sorting and assembling cargo directly in storage facilities, without separating them with partitions. At the same time, the workplaces of commodity experts, experts, storekeepers, rejecters, accountants and operators may be fenced with partitions with non-standardized fire resistance limits and fire hazard class (glazed or with mesh with a blind part height of no more than 1.2 m, collapsible and sliding).

5.27 The area of ​​window openings in storage rooms of warehouse buildings must be no less than the area determined in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 23-05. Opening window transoms with a total area determined by calculating smoke removal in case of fire should be installed in window openings.

It is allowed not to install window openings in storage rooms while ensuring smoke removal in accordance with the requirements of SP 7.13130.

5.28 The structures of ramps and canopies adjacent to buildings of I, II, III and IV degrees of fire resistance of fire hazard classes C0 and C1 should be made of non-combustible materials.

Key words: warehouse buildings and premises, ramp, platform, high-altitude racking storage, explosion and fire hazard