Binbank open an account for an individual. Rko from binbank. Tariffs for settlement and cash services


Promotions and new tariffs for cash settlement services in Binbank - current account for LLCs and individual entrepreneurs with online reservation - savings on settlement and cash services for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs up to 25%

It’s worth noting right away that the variety of tariffs for cash settlement services (CSS) in B&N Bank is comparable to the offers in Sberbank. In addition, each individual city may have its own tariffs for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities (LLC). We have noted three main tariffs, which are presented in all regions of the Russian Federation, for each of them included free interbank payments and transfers to individuals without commission. Instant account number reservation is available for all tariffs, as well as a number of other benefits.

Promotion! If you send an application to open a current account with B&N Bank now (before December 31, 2018), you will have time to receive 3 months RKO free! Thus, a year of cash settlements at B&N Bank becomes 25% cheaper.

Opening a bank account and Internet banking are free for all tariffs.

Cash settlement tariffs in B&N Bank for 2018

For start-up companies
For stable operating companies
For companies with a large number of counterparties
Service590 rubles per month1,290 rubles per month5,990 rubles per month
Interbank3 payments free10 payments freeAll are free
the cost of interbank over the limit is 40 rubles per payment (may differ in your region), transfers within the bank are free
Transfers to individuals without commissionup to 150,000 rubles
Cashfrom 0.15%, but not less than 100 rublesup to 150,000 rubles – free
Cash withdrawalfrom 1%, but not less than 300 rublesup to 50,000 rubles – free

You can choose a tariff for yourself at.

Opening a current account in B&N Bank

To open a current account for a legal entity or individual entrepreneur in B&N Bank, you just need to go through 3 steps.

  1. 1. Fill out an online application to reserve an account (from now on you can already use your account to indicate it in contracts);
  2. 2. Fill out an application for cash settlement at Binbank and attach the necessary documents to it (the application form will be provided to you by the manager and will help you collect the documents);
  3. 3. Visit the bank branch with the collected documents to sign the cash settlement agreement.
  4. Your current account number is reserved for a period of no more than 1 month, during which time you need to visit the bank to sign a cash settlement agreement, otherwise the account will be cancelled. Until you sign an agreement with the bank, operations on the account, including the transfer of funds, cannot be carried out. If money is nevertheless sent to the reserved account, it will be credited to the account of undisclosed amounts, and will be credited to the reserved account if you sign the agreement within 5 business days. Otherwise, the money will be returned to the sender.

Therefore, many try to open their own business in any field of activity. But such a solution requires serious financial financing. Since starting your own business is not so easy. Registration of documents is the simplest thing; then you will need to purchase equipment, goods, hire personnel, and so on. Therefore, when starting a business, you need to make a plan that you need to stick to. But the most important thing is the calculation of the invoice, with the help of which clients will pay for your services and goods. Applying to banks is a very intensive process, as it is necessary to provide a huge number of documents and, in some cases, a large percentage is charged for cash transactions. But there is one solution; you can always contact commercial companies that provide their services for opening an account to individuals who want to open their own business. The most popular commercial company is considered to be BinBank.
Why should you contact the company “BinBank”?
The company has been operating for 3 years and has managed to establish itself by providing only profitable services for individuals. There are always several tariffs to choose from:

1. Basis. 10 payments are made without commissions. Deposit and withdrawal of funds from 1%. The cost of maintaining such an account is 1,200 rubles per month.

2. Standard. Up to 20 free payments. Also, when depositing and withdrawing funds up to 200,000, no commission is charged. This tariff will cost 2000 rubles per month.

3. Strategy. 19 rubles for 1 processed payment. 0.1% of deposit and withdrawal transactions. The tariff costs 2025 rubles per month.

4. Trade. Up to 15 payments are free. The free limit for depositing funds is 1,000,000 rubles. The cost of such a package will be around 3,200 rubles per month.

Therefore, it is worth contacting the services of this company and getting a free consultation. Managers will be able to choose the most favorable tariff for you, at which you will not lose huge amounts of money for transactions. Now there is a promotion going on, when you open an account you get 3 months of free service, this promotion was made to familiarize yourself and check the quality of services. Therefore, go to the website of the BinBank RKO company, leave your personal data so that the administration can contact you as soon as possible and discuss the conditions for providing its services free of charge.

As a rule, each enterprise is characterized by the movement of financial flows from one company account to another. Funds are put into circulation, used to pay off debts, etc. Concluding a settlement agreement with BINBANK helps to optimize and control both expenses and income.

Features of cash settlement services in BINBANK Bank

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, all enterprises must keep their money in bank accounts, regardless of their form of ownership. In addition, outgoing and incoming transactions are always carried out by bank transfer. Cash settlement services from BINBANK are a reliable way to ensure the legal and efficient operational financial activities of an enterprise.

Services for legal entities

Enterprises and individuals independently choose the financial institution in which it is more convenient for them to open accounts. In BINBANK, settlement and cash services have a number of features and advantages for clients.

For enterprises, entrepreneurs and individuals, RKO includes:

  • Maintaining a current account.
  • Cash services (receiving funds at branches of a financial institution and transferring them to a current account).

BINBANK RKO is carried out only in some branches, the addresses of which are on the official website. To provide such services, it is important to have a cash desk for accepting cash and issuing it at the client’s request.

Any transactions within the cash settlement system are accompanied by cash orders and payment guarantees from account holders. Organizations whose work involves cash (for example, trading enterprises) can additionally connect acquiring or use revenue collection services from BINBANK.

RKO tariffs for individual entrepreneurs and organization within the chosen package significantly reduce the client’s costs for banking services. BINBANK also provides the ability to control costs and select the options required by the client.

How does RKO work in BINBANK:

  • Free account opening and maintenance.
  • Payments for services are made within the selected service package.
  • Access to the RBS system is provided to clients free of charge.
  • 50 free transactions are available and funds can be credited to your account in the amount of up to 1 million rubles.

RKO for individuals

RKO is provided to all clients of BINBANK, both legal entities and individuals. Servicing individuals consists of maintaining a bank account or deposit, making transfers, payments, etc. BINBANK also allows you to send transfers not only within Russia, but also abroad. Within the framework of cash settlement services for individuals, any transactions with currency are provided at the current exchange rate.

Individuals can issue a power of attorney to conduct transactions with client accounts, for example:

  • Cash withdrawal;
  • Termination of an agreement;
  • Receiving account statements;
  • Transfer of funds from one client account to another.

Private clients can also issue testamentary dispositions, personal payments and payment orders. All operations are carried out in the branch where the client’s account or deposit was opened.

Tariffs for settlement and cash services

This financial institution has several convenient tariffs for servicing legal entities under the cash settlement system. They were developed for various categories of citizens, entrepreneurs and organizations. A company or entrepreneur can optimize their expenses by choosing only the necessary options. Currently, BINBANK has several tariff plans:

  • Basis;
  • Standard;
  • Progress;
  • Trade;
  • Strategy.

It is important to note that you can receive cash settlement services at BINBANK only after concluding a comprehensive banking service agreement.

To become a client of this financial institution, you need:

  • Open a current account.
  • Study the tariffs and choose the appropriate option.
  • Fill out the appropriate application for RKO.
  • Provide the necessary documents to the BINBANK branch (a complete list of documents is presented on the official website).


At BINBANK Bank RKO is provided to both individuals and enterprises. The client independently chooses the optimal tariff. Cash management services are necessary for maintaining company accounts, servicing individual deposits, controlling the turnover of funds, and so on. BINBANK carries out all operations in accordance with cash orders and payment orders from clients.

As a rule, each enterprise is characterized by the movement of financial flows from one company account to another. Funds are put into circulation, used to pay off debts, etc. Concluding a settlement agreement with BINBANK helps to optimize and control both expenses and income.

Features of cash settlement services in BINBANK Bank

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, all enterprises must keep their money in bank accounts, regardless of their form of ownership. In addition, outgoing and incoming transactions are always carried out by bank transfer. Cash settlement services from BINBANK are a reliable way to ensure the legal and efficient operational financial activities of an enterprise.

Services for legal entities

Enterprises and individuals independently choose the financial institution in which it is more convenient for them to open accounts. In BINBANK, settlement and cash services have a number of features and advantages for clients.

For enterprises, entrepreneurs and individuals, RKO includes:

  • Maintaining a current account.
  • Cash services (receiving funds at branches of a financial institution and transferring them to a current account).

BINBANK RKO is carried out only in some branches, the addresses of which are on the official website. To provide such services, it is important to have a cash desk for accepting cash and issuing it at the client’s request.

Any transactions within the cash settlement system are accompanied by cash orders and payment guarantees from account holders. Organizations whose work involves cash (for example, trading enterprises) can additionally connect acquiring or use revenue collection services from BINBANK.

RKO tariffs for individual entrepreneurs and organization within the chosen package significantly reduce the client’s costs for banking services. BINBANK also provides the ability to control costs and select the options required by the client.

How does RKO work in BINBANK:

  • Free account opening and maintenance.
  • Payments for services are made within the selected service package.
  • Access to the RBS system is provided to clients free of charge.
  • 50 free transactions are available and funds can be credited to your account in the amount of up to 1 million rubles.

RKO for individuals

RKO is provided to all clients of BINBANK, both legal entities and individuals. Servicing individuals consists of maintaining a bank account or deposit, making transfers, payments, etc. BINBANK also allows you to send transfers not only within Russia, but also abroad. Within the framework of cash settlement services for individuals, any transactions with currency are provided at the current exchange rate.

Individuals can issue a power of attorney to conduct transactions with client accounts, for example:

  • Cash withdrawal;
  • Termination of an agreement;
  • Receiving account statements;
  • Transfer of funds from one client account to another.

Private clients can also issue testamentary dispositions, personal payments and payment orders. All operations are carried out in the branch where the client’s account or deposit was opened.

Tariffs for settlement and cash services

This financial institution has several convenient tariffs for servicing legal entities under the cash settlement system. They were developed for various categories of citizens, entrepreneurs and organizations. A company or entrepreneur can optimize their expenses by choosing only the necessary options. Currently, BINBANK has several tariff plans:

  • Basis;
  • Standard;
  • Progress;
  • Trade;
  • Strategy.

It is important to note that you can receive cash settlement services at BINBANK only after concluding a comprehensive banking service agreement.

To become a client of this financial institution, you need:

  • Open a current account.
  • Study the tariffs and choose the appropriate option.
  • Fill out the appropriate application for RKO.
  • Provide the necessary documents to the BINBANK branch (a complete list of documents is presented on the official website).


At BINBANK Bank RKO is provided to both individuals and enterprises. The client independently chooses the optimal tariff. Cash management services are necessary for maintaining company accounts, servicing individual deposits, controlling the turnover of funds, and so on. BINBANK carries out all operations in accordance with cash orders and payment orders from clients.

To open a current account and use Otkritie Bank's RKO, an individual entrepreneur needs to prepare a package of documents. Here is a short list of them:

  • account servicing agreement, drawn up in 2 copies;
  • passport of a Russian citizen;
  • taxpayer registration certificate;
  • certificate of state registration as an individual entrepreneur;
  • USRIP record sheet;
  • card with samples of signature and seal.

To open an LLC current account you need:

  • charter;
  • passport of the company director;
  • application for opening an account;
  • order for the manager to take office;
  • card with a sample signature and seal;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • licenses.

When opening an LLC or individual entrepreneur account by a trusted person, you must provide the representative’s passport and a power of attorney certified by a notary.

How to open a current account for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs

There are two ways to apply to open a current account at Otkritie Bank. The first is in person at a branch of a financial institution. The second is online through the bank’s official website.

Account reservation for LLCs and individual entrepreneurs occurs remotely by submitting an application. On the start page you need to click on the “Open account” button. In the window that appears, fill out a short form: company name, tax identification number, name and contact phone number. After reviewing your request, a bank employee will contact you and invite you to sign documents. When registering, you select a tariff and deposit a small amount into your account to activate it.

Login to your personal account at Otkritie Bank

When concluding an agreement for cash settlement services at Otkritie Bank, you will be given an installation kit for connecting to Internet Banking for Business. You will need to complete the settings according to the instructions in the Rutoken software and the Internet Explorer browser.

Then independently generate the keys for the electronic signature, print them in 2 copies, certify them and take them to the bank for registration. In the future, login will be carried out using the Rutoken service and electronic signature.

If you successfully log in, you will be taken to your personal account for business at Otkritie Bank, where you can view the history of account transactions, receive notifications about incoming and outgoing accounts, create salary projects, and receive a corporate card statement.

Internet bank

Otkritie Bank’s personal account allows you to control your business 24 hours a day.

Installing a mobile application on your smartphone makes it possible to keep abreast of all the nuances and changes in the cash register regulations. Via the Internet, you can order an account statement for an LLC or individual entrepreneur, make a request to the bank, or chat with a specialist.

Corporate card

Corporate Visa Business cards from Otkritie Bank are a profitable payment instrument for both legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

With its help, you can withdraw funds from the current account of LLCs and individual entrepreneurs, and then spend them at your discretion. It is allowed to issue several cards for company employees.

Internet wiring

Connecting acquiring to cash settlement services at Otkritie Bank allows you to organize payments for goods, work and services online.

When you connect to the service, you receive:

  • high level of payment security;
  • favorable financial conditions;
  • managing operations in a mobile application;
  • 24/7 technical support.

Online accounting

Individual entrepreneurs working under the simplified tax system 6% can connect online accounting functionality.

Thus, you get a personal accountant who will prepare quarterly and annual reports and calculate taxes.

LLC representatives can integrate their business into the My Business accounting service; they need to select a convenient payment format and pay for the connection.

Currency control

If the activities of LLCs and individual entrepreneurs require transactions in dollars or euros, then it is necessary to enable the currency control function. Conversion of funds occurs at a single rate - 0.5% of the amount. The fee for cash withdrawal in dollars is 2% of the amount.