Reviews of a modern commercial bank. GiMoney credit cards


In February 2014 took out a loan from GE Moneybank No. 1050755574 (at a branch on Baltiyskaya Street in Moscow). The loan was repaid remotely by automatic write-off Money on the required date of loan payment from your account in another bank, because I respect you very much remote control.

In the summer of 2014, I decided to gradually repay the loan ahead of schedule, for which I had to personally come to the bank and write an application (I don’t like personal visits to banks, because I’m a waste of time, I prefer to manage it remotely). I successfully made several early repayments, each time going to the bank and filling out the relevant documents, but in September 2014, when I came to the bank office again to make a deposit a large amount money and fully repay the loan, there was some kind of discrepancy and the loan was not written off that day.

I only found out about the problem a month later, in mid-October, when I received an SMS notification that supposedly my next loan payment had been written off on the loan payment date, although I thought that the loan had already been closed.

Having extensive experience working with banks, I knew for sure that after closing any loans, it is necessary to go to the bank and receive supporting documents about the closure (payment schedule or statement, etc.), but since... In the past, I did not have problems with banks (but my friends did), then I, being a very busy person, constantly put off going to the bank to receive supporting documents about closing the loan.

In October 2014, as soon as I received an SMS notification about the debit of the next payment, I contacted the bank’s call center with a complaint about why my loan was not closed in September 2014. Unfortunately, my question was considered for about 3 weeks and as a result, its consideration was suspended; in another SMS I was asked to bring to the bank branch where the incident occurred a written statement about the incident and an application for full early closure of the loan. I most likely still had the documents, but I had to look for them; they could be in the office, in the car, at home or in the country.

After receiving an SMS about suspending the resolution of my issue, I went to the former office of GE money bank (now Sovcombank) on Baltiyskaya Street and saw an announcement there that in case of problems with the quality of service, you can contact senior management, who are personally ready to take part in resolving the issue.

The next day, I sent my written application to the addresses indicated in the announcement I saw from the management of Sovcombank, and three days later my issue was resolved with a positive outcome for me.

Moreover, I also noticed that since October 2014. Sovcombank has changed its policy regarding early repayment of loans on the payment date, and now, if I want to repay the loan early on the date of the next payment, then there is no need to come to the bank and write an application for early repayment of the loan, it is enough to transfer/deposit the desired amount of money into the account , and it will be completely written off against the early repayment of the loan on the payment day - this is very convenient, although it is a pity that this opportunity is only available on the date of the next payment, and not on any day!

From wishes:
1) I would like to advise the bank to implement the possibility of early repayment of the loan not only on the payment day, but also on any other day when clients deposit funds into a special account to repay the loan, this would be even more convenient for clients.
2) It would be good if Sovcombank implemented the ability to automatically send a new payment schedule after partial early repayment of the loan to the client’s e-mail, so that clients would not waste their time or the time of bank employees coming to the bank and receiving a new schedule payments. (other banks provide this service, in particular they provide me with this service one of each mortgage loans, but at the same time I still have to go to the bank to write applications for early repayment).

If you need a credit card, then you should contact Jmini Bank. This bank has long established itself in the financial opportunities market.

Recently, the bank began issuing credit cards with very favorable conditions.

All you need to do is submit an online application on our website. In the application you need to indicate your full name, mobile phone and region of residence. Our employees work with all major companies in Russia. Our managers will send your application to all banks and financial organizations.

The result will not take long to arrive. After 15 minutes, all companies operating in your region will contact you.

You will need:

  1. Passport
  2. Age from 18 years
  3. Mobile phone

With a credit card you can count on Grace period. On most cards it lasts from 30 to 60 days. During this period, you can return the borrowed amount without interest.

The big advantage of credit cards is that you don't have to go to the bank every time. You only need to do it once and you can use it. credit limit as many times as you like within the available limit.

Our service will help you choose the most favorable interest rates. You don't have to search personally and go through a bunch of companies. You will receive only the most Better conditions by your credit card.

If you need favorable interest rates By credit rate, then Jimani Bank is your choice.

Our service is ready to analyze current offers and select the bank with the lowest interest rate.

Pick up

Wait, we are looking for the best offer: 17.0% loan.

We have selected several advantageous offers from banks with 12.0% per annum on the loan.
The form to fill out is below.

Many people are wondering where Ge Money Bank disappeared to. Everything is very simple. In 2014, it was completely purchased by Sovcombank. All human resources and IT technologies were transferred to Sovcombank. This allowed access to the advanced technology platform owned by Ge Money Bank. This acquisition made it possible to enter the top three financial companies in Russia (the first two places belong to Sberbank and VTB).

History of "G Money"

The bank itself was founded in 1997. Its first name was the Bank for Development and Restructuring. Then the name changed to Delta Bank. In 2004, it was purchased by GE Capital. The transaction amount was more than one hundred million dollars. Then another series of rebrandings followed. As a result, the bank merged with Sovcombank, as we wrote above.

Since all operations are now carried out through Sovcombank, we will talk about them below. Let's consider what kind of loan you can get from this bank.

Cash loan

This is one of the most popular loans on this moment. Issued on two documents. The basic conditions are as follows:

  • Rate – 14.9%
  • Amount – up to 299 thousand rubles
  • Duration – up to three years
  • Age – from 20 to 85 years
  • Availability of official work
  • Registration in the territory where the bank operates
  • Home or work phone

It is worth noting that it is possible to reduce interest rate. To do this, you need to register a pension or salary card. You can submit to Ge Money bank (current Sovcombank) through our service. Just fill out the form at the end of the page.

Pension plus

Another loan that is intended for pensioners. Registration occurs without a queue. No guarantors or collateral required. The main characteristics are:

  • Rate – from 14.9%
  • Age – up to 85 years
  • Residence no further than 70 km from the bank's presence
  • Home phone
  • Pension certificate

This loan is primarily suitable for pensioners who receive a pension through Sovcombank. The loan size is selected individually for each client.

Loan secured by real estate

This type of loan is the largest. With its help you can take up to 30 million rubles. The higher the cost collateral real estate, the greater the amount you can get. The conditions look like this:

  1. Maximum age – 85 years
  2. Fixed income
  3. Registration on the territory of the Russian Federation
  4. Mobile or home phone
  5. Rate – selected individually

You can provide an apartment, a residential building, non-residential premises, land plot etc. The property is assessed by a special commission. The client can count on up to 80% of the cost of the property.

Important! The deposit must not be in disrepair or scheduled for demolition. An agreement cannot be signed for housing to be transferred by a third party. Be sure to resolve this issue in advance.

Loan repayment

An important point about refunds. You can order a special card for yourself to deposit money into. Repayment options are as follows:

  1. Enrollment on the card
  2. Russian Post
  3. Via Internet banking
  4. Money transfers

The main thing is to return the money on time. The contract specifies the exact terms for repayment. You must make a minimum payment every month. All information is available on the official website of Ge Money Bank (now this is the website of Sovcombank).

You can borrow money from this bank for any purpose. You can spend funds in this way:

  1. Buying a car
  2. Purchasing digital goods
  3. Payment for treatment
  4. Resort in another city
  5. Other goals

You do not need to keep a record of the funds spent. The only exceptions are commodity loans. In this case, you will not be given money in your hands. You receive the product for which the credit has been issued.

What borrowers should pay attention to

To take out a loan correctly, you need to decide on its purpose. If you need small amount for urgent needs, then you should look towards express loans. Such loans are issued according to one document. At the same time, the registration process takes a minimum of time.

If enough is required large sum, for example, for renovations in an apartment, then pay attention to cash loan or the super plus program from Sovcombank.

For grandiose plans such as buying a house or starting a business, you need to use collateral. Real estate is best suited as collateral. But remember, if you do not repay the debt, your collateral may go to the bank.

Let us remind you that an application for a loan at G Money Bank (the site will help you choose the best option) is served through this service. In the meantime, we want to give some advice:

  • First, calculate your income. Only after this can you select the loan size.
  • Please note that you should spend no more than 50% of your financial income on debt repayment per month.
  • Calculate the repayment schedule. Put it off the required amount every month.
  • Find out in advance all the ways to get your money back. Find the one that is most convenient for you.
  • Prepare everything in advance Required documents. Their list can be found on the official website.

Now you know the basic rules of working with a loan. Follow these tips and you will have no problems paying off your debt.


Let us summarize the main conclusions. From the article you learned that Jimani Bank has completely merged into the Sovcombank system. Now you need to go there for all services. We have reviewed several popular loans. You can choose the conditions that suit you or entrust this work to our service. We will find the best option for you as soon as possible.

You don't have to go straight to the office. You can submit online application for a loan from Jimani Bank through the official website. You can also fill out the form at the bottom of this text. This will only take you a few minutes. You can get a loan in most regions of the Russian Federation.

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1. In 2009, I took out a loan from Giya Money Bank, after some time I lost my job and had to undergo restructuring for 5 years. I made payments regularly for 4 years, but then the bank disappeared. There were no calls or notifications for 5 years. In July 2019, they called from the collections department of Sovcombank and reported that I had missed a payment. 5 years? ! The employee raised his voice, and when I said that I would communicate with them only through the court, he said that there were other methods of influence. Please tell me how to competently negotiate with them, and is it worth filing a statement with the police? Thank you.

Law firm LLC "Helios", 12588 answers, 7097 reviews, on the site from 03/01/2019
1.1. Hello! In this case, the police will not solve anything. Let the bank go to court, where you will declare that you missed the deadline. limitation period.

Lawyer Bulankina S.N., 69552 answers, 25122 reviews, on the site since December 28, 2015
1.2. There are no grounds for reporting to the police yet.
There will be threats - record conversations.
As for the deadlines - the limitation period for general rule is three years. Art. 196 Civil Code.

2. I took out a loan from CJSC GII Money Bank in November 2013. Throughout January-December 2014, the bank underwent transformations and mergers with Sovcombank (CJSC, IKB LLC, OJSC, PJSC - three different TINs). According to the assignment agreement, I was transferred to Sovcombank in May 2014. I was fired in June 2014. I began to decide on changing the terms of the loan. Contracts for 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018. Refused. In November 2018, the court issued a court order. At my request it was cancelled. In April the area. The court made a decision to pay my debt to the bank - 403 thousand rubles, canceled the penalty of 80 thousand rubles. I should be paid 330 thousand rubles, incl. state fee to the bank is 7 thousand rubles. In the process of correspondence with the bank it became clear. That the bank changed my loan number twice. The agreement (he said that changing the agreement number in the bank’s computer does not matter to me) was changed in the annex to my loan. The contract contained a clause regarding penalties for violations on my part regarding payment; the bank did not provide the loan account number at my request. I paid off the debt, the bank provided me with a certificate of no debt under another loan number. An agreement that supposedly doesn’t matter to me. I asked to indicate in the certificate information about the closure of my account (indicating its number), the absence of debt and the termination of the contract with me. The bank does not provide such a certificate; it indicates a different contract number. What can I do in this case? It turns out that the bank changed my contract number and the clause on fines, and the court turned a blind eye to this in the appeal.

2.1. File a cassation appeal and declare the contract invalid. When did you have an appeal? Reinstate the deadline due to new circumstances in the case.

3. I took out a credit card in 2008.
Then that same year I went to prison
About 3 months after I took out the loan.
In the same year, this bank ceased to exist and transferred my debt to the collectors of EOS LLC, they took me to court more than once.
For the position
But I served my sentence. The last trial was 2016
But the court decided in 2016 that I have to pay
Duty. I was released 2018
And they immediately rang my phone number. And they started calling and offering to pay 50,000 tons at once.
In place of 80,000 tons.
Then the calls stopped after some time. It's been 11 years
What to do?

Lawyer Shinyaev N. M., 1348 answers, 958 reviews, on the site from 03/01/2019
3.1. You need to overturn the court's decision.

4. In 2010, I took out a G Money Bank credit card. I paid constantly. G Money Bank transferred its powers to Sovcombank. In 2015, due to a decrease in wages, arrears arose. Since August 2018, I resumed payments and pay regularly. Sovcombank filed a lawsuit in the magistrate's court. I wrote a refusal. The case was closed. On 02/09/2019 I received a letter from the Lyublinsky District Court stating that I was supposed to appear in court on 01/31/2019. Tell me what my actions should be. The letter states that it has not been paid until October 2018.

Lawyer Shramova M. E., 918 answers, 577 reviews, on the site from 02/03/2019
4.1. You need to analyze all your documents and try to write an application for debt restructuring. When did you receive the subpoena? The court decision can also be appealed.

4.2. Hello! First you need to find out whether a decision has been made in the case or not. if not, cook written objections for a statement of claim.

Lawyer Filyuk V.P., 13684 answers, 5089 reviews, on the site from 01/06/2009
11.2. If a claim is filed, you or your lawyer can file an objection to the claim with the court, if there are grounds to file a counterclaim.
By attaching documents about the amount of your pension and the cost of paying rent, you and the lawyer can ask to reduce the amount of the penalty and penalties several times.
If you disagree with the court's decision, you and your lawyer can appeal the court's decision within a month.
After the decision comes into force, by attaching documents, you and the lawyer can ask the court to grant you a deferment of execution of the judicial act for a year or an installment plan.
The bailiff can recover 50% of your pension in pursuance of a court decision.

12. I received a letter from KEF claiming that the debt of GI Money Bank has not been paid since 2013. The signature is generally Finance Express Bank signed by a certain Klyukin A. What to do in this situation?

Lawyer Senkevich V. A., 45190 answers, 16993 reviews, on the site from 10/08/2015
12.1. Hello! Send them to court. The statute of limitations has passed, you can declare this in court and the claim will be rejected. Good luck to you and all the best!

Lawyer Vanteeva M.V., 49212 answers, 19417 reviews, on the site since November 23, 2009
12.2. Nothing. These are collectors. Never mind. If they call, send them to court and try not to communicate anymore. Otherwise, they will finish you off. Let them figure out in court who owes whom and how much.

Lawyer Karasov S.P., 87834 answers, 44849 reviews, on the site since 08/08/2015
12.3. Hello! Don't do anything. Don't pay anything and don't sign anything. If they file a lawsuit to collect a debt, then declare that the statute of limitations has passed.

Lawyer Gribov Yu.V., 56581 answers, 27609 reviews, on the site since 02/06/2015
12.4. In your case, in accordance with Articles 196, 200 a Civil Code In Russia, the three-year statute of limitations for filing claims has expired.
Therefore, when the collectors go to court, you can calmly make a statement about the application of the statute of limitations, and the claim will be denied.

Lawyer Titova T.A., 113285 answers, 49840 reviews, on the site since 02/17/2012
25.4. If the claim has not even been filed in court, then no one can come to your house demanding the seizure of property; this is a violation of the right to the inviolability of the home. Don't let anyone into the house.
As for the consideration of the claim in court - ask to recalculate the interest - the correctness of their accrual on the body of the loan, and not on interest. Ask for a reduction in penalties - art. 333 Civil Code and installment payment - Art. 203 Civil Procedure Code.

26. I took out a loan from G Money Bank in 2012, paid then there was no way to pay, I was left without a job, the bank was closed, now CreditExpress collectors are calling, demanding the debt to repay documents, they refuse to provide them, they are sending SMS that I am wanted, what should I do?

Lawyer Senkevich V. A., 45190 answers, 16993 reviews, on the site from 10/08/2015
26.1. Hello! Don't react to the collectors, they won't be able to do anything other than that, they'll only scare you. Good luck to you and all the best!

Lawyer Erkaev S.S., 106513 answers, 47954 reviews, on the site since 08/05/2014
26.2. Hello! Ignore debt collectors completely. They do not have any serious powers; all they are capable of is to compose fairy tales about criminal liability and about their supposedly super-exclusive powers to “confiscate property”, “seize children”, etc.

Lawyer A. M. Syrova, 34982 answers, 13187 reviews, on the site from 11/17/2015
26.3. Hello! Don't pay anything to collectors. Let them go to court. In court, ask for a reduction in the penalty in accordance with Art. 333 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, this will reduce the amount of debt. If collectors threaten you, contact the police or prosecutor's office.

27. In 2014, I paid off my loan from JI Money Bank ahead of schedule. After 4 months they called me and said that I had a debt because... I didn't write a statement about early repayment and this is Sovcom Bank. Not Jimani Bank. I refused to pay. 2 years have passed and collectors from credexspres keep calling me and threatening me. I demand that they file a case in court, they are rude and refuse to do this, and the calls and SMS do not stop. What to do?

27.1. Ignore debt collectors and do not communicate with them. Don't pay anything.

Lawyer Kromskaya A.V., 202 replies, 61 reviews, on the site from 09/05/2016
27.2. They have the right to demand, but it will be possible to fall apart their demands in court.

28. I paid off the debt on the GMONY BANK loan in 2014 and now the EOS company calls me and says that I owe more. What should I do? If possible, call tomorrow after 16:00

Lawyer Kugeiko A.S., 86,702 answers, 38,690 reviews, on the site since 12/05/2011
28.1. We don't call anyone back.
And you don't have to pay anything.

Lawyer Kostenko O.V., 47227 answers, 20248 reviews, on the site since 05/17/2014
28.2. Paying nothing is a scam

29. I have a question, I took out a loan from Giya Money Bank. Credit card in the amount of 123 thousand rubles. Constantly paying off the debt. The last payment was in January 2014. All that time no one bothered me. 2 years have passed.. In recent days they began to call me and demand that I pay my debt to CreditExpress Finance LLC. Gia Money Bank was closed... now Sovcombank allegedly bought it out. But no one calls or bothers Sovcombank... Thank you.

Lawyer Akhmedov T.F., 51335 answers, 24319 reviews, on the site from 04/21/2016
29.1. Hello! Don't pay anyone anything. Send them to court. In court, you can reduce the interest based on Article 333 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Lawyer Smirnova N.V., 10611 answers, 4475 reviews, on the site since 03/28/2011
29.2. Hello!
Say that you will compensate in court, and let that company provide documents on legal succession. In addition, by the time you go to court, the statute of limitations may have passed.

Lawyer Matushanskaya I.V., 13781 answers, 6289 reviews, on the site from November 27, 2015
29.3. These are collectors. If you think that you have fulfilled your obligations, do not pay. The statute of limitations expires in January 2017. If they go to court, provide receipts for payment, but they most likely will not do this, but only call - send them to the court.

30. I received an SMS message from ActiveBK: due to the refusal to pay the debt to the bank, the bank has the right to claim your real estate in court for repayment. Before this there was an SMS: that a lawyer would come to get a written refusal to pay the debt, but I’m not at home right now, I’m away and will only be back in 10 days. What property does the bank have a right to claim? How is the procedure done? G Money Bank transferred my loan to another bank after reorganization, without my consent, without notifying G Money in writing. I slowly started paying the next installment. There were financial difficulties with the treatment of a loved one. Now the situation is leveling out a little. I have been a client of this bank for many years and there have been no delays. Tell me how to proceed?

Lawyer Gataullin A.R., 12643 answers, 4896 reviews, on the site from 01/24/2013
30.1. These SMS are just psychological pressure. The bank has no right to claim anything without a court decision. No lawyers have the right to demand from you any written refusals from paying off the loan, and if they come home, you don’t have to let anyone in or communicate with anyone.