The market is currently closed. Opening time of exchanges on the Forex market. Asia-Pacific trading session, or when the Forex market opens


Forex is interesting because it is an international currency market, the trading process of which occurs along with the change of time zones. Opening hours are limited to five days, excluding weekends and holidays. However, the schedule largely depends on the countries, because somewhere on January 1 the stock exchange is closed, and somewhere New Year They don’t actively celebrate. While on one side of the world people are having their tenth dream, on the other they are already trading shares, securities and currency pairs.

When Forex trading begins after the weekend, the clock shows just after midnight. At 1-2 am on Monday, deals are already starting to be concluded and continue to do so with rare breaks. A beginner needs to choose the right time to work.

Over time, several trading sessions open in turn, among which 3 deserve the most attention: Asia-Pacific, American and European.

Most of the participants, as you might guess, prefer transactions at the American session, in which, in addition to the United States, Canada and Brazil are involved. This is where the main capital is concentrated. This is due to the fact that the United States has the greatest influence on the modern economy, where trading also actually originated. Legendary traders made their millions on Wall Street long before the advent of the Internet.

When does Forex trading begin after the weekend: Asia-Pacific session

Since trading takes place all over the world and time zones differ, it is customary to count on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) in Forex. According to it, the stock exchange in New Zealand (Wellington) opens at 10 pm on Sunday. During this period it is already 2 am in Moscow. After an hour, Sydney comes into play, and after another two to four hours, the “Asian tigers” - Tokyo, Singapore and Hong Kong - join in.

When Forex trading begins after the weekend, the first thing you should pay attention to is the Australian, New Zealand, and Japanese currencies. These positions are characterized by high volatility and, under certain conditions, can bring good profits. However, much activity in Asian trading is usually not observed at first.

But when China comes into play, the trader must be extremely focused. The euro and dollar currency pair is important indicator, and if it has increased in price, you should expect the trend to continue before the start of the American session. The reason is that Beijing has the largest dollar reserves in the world after the United States. If he suddenly decides to get rid of the dollar, giving preference to the European currency, this could significantly affect quotes throughout the day.

European exchanges

When the clock hands in Moscow show 8 am, Frankfurt, Zurich and Paris open their doors, and an hour later the largest trading platform in Europe - London. In addition to the euro, the greatest interest for a trader during this period is the Swiss franc and the British pound.

As you know, the release of economic news has a significant impact on quotes. Stay tuned for the latest data on the Eurozone, especially the UK, which will appear around lunchtime in Moscow. It is quite possible that this information will seriously shake up the market and change the situation on it.

The European trading session has some features:

  • Usually during this period, a trend that arose in America and continued on Asian markets changes;
  • characterized by an increase in the value of the euro;
  • when concluding transactions using the British pound, there is no need to rush - you definitely need to wait for financial news on this country;
  • high volatility - jumps can range from 100 to 150 points.

American exchanges

Toronto, New York, and then Chicago open trading in the most volatile and aggressive session - the American session. This happens at 16.00 Moscow time. The following currency pairs are popular here:

  • euro/dollar;
  • dollar/Swiss franc;
  • Canadian dollar;
  • pound/dollar

Within half an hour after the start, important economic news comes out and trading intensifies sharply. There is excitement for at least four hours, after which there is a decline. This is due to the break, while European exchanges stop working altogether. After 8 pm there is a lull, which can only be disturbed by a really large investor who has begun active actions. The Chicago Stock Exchange closes at one in the morning according to Moscow time - Forex stops working until Monday.

Trading will begin at 1 a.m. Moscow time.

I heard somewhere that Forex starts working on Monday at 1 am (on some sites at 2 am. I have no idea about the rest...

It depends on which DC or broker. And in most cases it was resurrected at 00.00. for Monday I think you should start on a demo, leverage 1/100, the most common.

Work in the morning, you need to sleep at night. Moreover, at night (before 9-00 Moscow time) the market is usually passive.

24/7 (global)

on Monday at 1.00 Moscow time

1 Opening of the Forex exchange on Monday and closing on Friday All financial markets are tied to the working days of the exchanges, on which, in fact, the purchase and sale of certain assets occurs. Such markets, like many enterprises and institutions, operate on a five-day work week. That is, from Monday to Friday, with two days off - Saturday and Sunday. The foreign exchange market we are considering is no exception. In the photo - the opening of the Forex exchange, In fact, the opening of Forex on Monday occurs early in the morning, an hour or two after midnight, and the closing of Forex on Friday occurs along with the last American trading floors, when we have It's already the beginning of Saturday. Money revolves around the Earth as time zones pass. Then, when at one end of the planet people are fast asleep, at the other there is active trading on the exchanges. In order to trade successfully, you should know when trading occurs in the exact session when you are going to make money. Naturally, each trading session has its own characteristics, which we will try to highlight. There are three main trading sessions: Asia-Pacific, European and American. Let's take a closer look at them. 2 Asia-Pacific trading session, or when does the Forex market open? Trading begins on Monday at the stock exchange in Wellington, New Zealand. This happens in summer at 2 am Moscow time or on Sunday at 22.00 according to the so-called world time - Greenwich Meridian Time (GMT), which is often used as the default time for financial markets. An hour later the stock exchange in Sydney joins, and after another 2–4 hours Tokyo, Hong Kong and Singapore are actively involved in trading. In the photo - the opening of trading on Forex, The flow of trading during these hours is not the most active. But there are exceptions, in the form of the release of important news in Japan. Active players during this session are Australia, Japan and China. Based on this, currency pairs containing the yen, Australian and New Zealand dollars show the greatest volatility.

When China enters trade, you need to watch this period very carefully. If the euro/dollar pair is actively growing in price at this time, with a high degree of probability we can assume that this growth will continue at least until the start of the American session. The reason for this is the fact that China is the world's largest owner American currency, with the exception of the USA. And if he begins to get rid of it in favor of the euro, then this leaves an imprint on the entire trading day. 3 Opening time of Forex trading in Europe and features of trading during this session At 8.00 Moscow time, exchanges in Frankfurt, Paris and Zurich begin their work, an hour later they are joined by one of the world's largest exchanges - London.

Often during this session, trading is lively and currency pairs with the euro, British pound and Swiss franc are actively traded. The trader needs to pay special attention to the release of important news in the Eurozone, and especially in the UK. This news may suit foreign exchange market a real rally. They leave at approximately 13-14 hours MSK. The European trading session is usually characterized by a change in the Asian trend, which often continues the trend set by America. Also, this session is characterized by an increase in the price of the euro. Of course, this is true in the absence or in the case of positive news in the Eurozone. However, if you are trading pairs with the British pound, then you should wait for news from the UK, if any comes out today. Price jumps sometimes reach 100-150 points per session, so you need to be careful. In the photo - forex opening on Monday, The greatest activity in this session is observed in the first 3-4 hours after the opening, after which the decline begins

On Monday at one o'clock in the morning Moscow time. Good luck!

at first it was more or less, now it’s bad, I don’t know what to do, on Friday I asked a question to a trader on e-mail, he didn’t answer, their communication on the phone is one-way

from March to October - from 00:00 (GMT+3) Monday to 23:59:59 (GMT+3) Friday; from October to March - from 01:00 (GMT+3) Monday to 00:59:59 (GMT+3) Saturday.

The Forex market is open 24 hours a day from Sunday to Monday through to Friday and Saturday. Brokers' opening hours may vary slightly. Below - very helpful information about the opening hours of exchanges.

Opening hours of the world's major exchanges (Moscow time - MSK)

Region City Winter time Summer time
open close open close
ASIA Tokyo
Hong Kong
EUROPE Frankfurt
PACIFIC Wellington

To rationally distribute your efforts and make the most effective use of the time and opportunities that the international foreign exchange market provides, you need to clearly understand the mechanism of its operation, and also know when and where you can expect the start of its movement, the time of trading sessions, a decrease in activity, and even breaks for lunch at the world's leading stock exchanges.

You need to pay attention to the release time of the main economic indicators leading countries, important events such as speeches by VIPs financial market such as Alan Greenpeace, former head Fed; Ben Bernanke, current governor of the US Federal Reserve; heads of the central banks of leading countries and other financial news makers.

However, one should not pay excessive attention to this and think that, having learned some news (unless, of course, this news is of some catastrophic or global nature, such as the start of a war, the September 11 terrorist attack, etc. ) You can get ahead of the market and quickly make the right bets. No matter how advanced software and access to news streams you have, it is doubtful that even through the Internet you can have faster and more reliable information than what is available major players Forex market.

What you need to know about Forex trading on Friday

And even more so, you are unlikely to be able to possess insider information. Therefore, any news that you learned via the Internet, the market probably already knows.

Therefore, your task remains the same: to follow the market, and not try to get ahead of it. Moreover, it very often happens that the market’s assessment of some news is belated, inadequate, and directly opposite to what could be expected.

However, knowing the reasons why the market moves, and even more so, being prepared for the fact that the market may move on certain days and hours, is undoubtedly necessary and useful. After all, no normal person is able to “be on alert” 24 hours a day, especially five days a week, when Forex works and gives us the opportunity to earn money...

In all time zones, in any of the world's major trading centers (London, Frankfurt, New York, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Sydney, etc.) there are dealers ready to immediately provide you with the opportunity to enter the market. The Forex market trades between $1 trillion and $3 trillion a day, providing virtually unlimited liquidity. Due to the huge daily turnover and constant 100% purchasing power, the Forex market cannot be compared with any other market in the world in terms of reliability, dynamism, earning potential and excitement.

The working day of foreign exchange dealers of Western commercial banks usually begins at 7.30 am local time. At 8.00, dealers are already actively concluding deals. The morning half hour is usually devoted to a brief analysis of the events that took place in the world currency markets by the time work began. Dealers take advantage of the economic and technical analysis market behavior, read analytical articles in the press, exchange points of view, as well as fresh rumors with each other and with dealers of other commercial banks. Based on a variety of data, a picture of possible behavior gradually emerges. exchange rate for the coming day with different options the likelihood of certain events.

By eight o'clock in the morning, the market, consisting of individual dealers, develops behavioral tactics as a whole and begins to join in the operations of the world foreign exchange market, giving a new energetic impetus to the movement of the exchange rate.

The following characteristics of typical average activity during the day can be given to various territorial markets.

Far East

Here are the most active transactions on the market conversion operations dollar to Japanese yen, dollar to euro, euro to yen and dollar to Australian dollar. Exchange rate movements are often small at this time, but there are days when currencies, especially the dollar against the yen, take dizzying flights. Typically, these are the days when the Japanese central bank carries out foreign exchange intervention. In Moscow at this time it is night and morning: until noon in Moscow you can work with Tokyo, until lunch with Singapore.

Western Europe

At 7.00 GMT (10.00 Moscow time) the market opens in the European financial centers of Zurich, Frankfurt, Paris, and Luxembourg. However, the truly strong movement in the dollar exchange rate against major currencies begins after 11.00 Moscow time, when the London market opens. This usually lasts for two to three hours, after which the European bank dealers go to lunch and market activity decreases slightly.

North America

The situation picks up again with the opening of the market in New York at 13.00 GMT (16-00 MSK), when dealers of American banks begin their morning work, and European dealers return from lunch. Currency dealers are eagerly awaiting the opening of the New York market to get fresh data on possible exchange rate movements (especially if the European market has been sluggish). After closing European market(around 17.00 GMT 20-00 MSK) aggressive American banks, left alone in a “thin” market, can lead to a sharp change in the exchange rate of the dollar to other currencies.

The American and Asian sessions are the most aggressive, and the largest volume of transactions occurs in the European session. The New Zealand and Australian sessions are considered the calmest.

  1. The most active period for trading the Japanese yen is from 3:00 to 10:00 (Moscow time everywhere).
  2. For European currencies there are two periods of activity: from 11-00 to 15-00, and then - with the opening of the American session - from 16-00 to 20-00, less often - until 22-00.
  3. Be extremely careful and do not succumb to market provocations on Mondays: according to statistics, on these days there is great activity among non-professional market participants who are trying to make up for what they think is a respite from the weekend.
  4. If you play on intraday charts, do not risk leaving open bets on the weekend, and especially on holidays, since very often after the weekend, if something happened during this time, the market may open at a completely different price, “with a gap” and a stop loss will not save you, since the broker will close your transaction at the opening price, which can “eat” your deposit.
  5. During periods when the majority of large market participants wind down their business and leave the market, one may encounter a phenomenon where the remaining players use this “thin market” situation to swing it and short-term speculation, which they would never be able to carry out during periods of activity of other participants — there simply wouldn’t be enough resources. There is no need to be surprised when, for example, two or three hours before closing before Easter, the market suddenly, unexpectedly, without any visible reasons rushes into the sky-high distances. As soon as the big players come to the market after the holidays, the balance will be restored... But someone will pocket several hundred million dollars before the holidays. If you, understanding what is happening, join this celebration of good luck and stop in time, you can only be congratulated. However, if you believe in this trick in the last 15 minutes before closing, and leave the bet in the hope that “the market simply did not have time to go further due to the holidays,” there is a very high probability that after the holidays your account will be much lighter... Of course , this is just one example of how important it is to understand what is happening in the market.

Time Zones

Time zones are counted from the prime meridian, passing through Greenwich (a suburb of London). Time is called world time or. Depending on the season (summer or winter), the time in various financial centers of the globe will differ from GMT world time by the number of hours shown in the table:

Finance Center Time Zone GMT
winter summer
Wellington +11 +12
Sydney +9 +10
Tokyo +9 +9
Hong Kong +8 +8
Singapore +7 +8
Moscow +3 +3
Frankfurt +1 +2
Zurich +1 +2
Paris +1 +2
London +0 +1
NY -5 -4
Chicago -6 -5

Forex opening hours.

The Forex exchange operates 24 hours a day, with the exception of weekends and holidays, and there is some division into trading sessions depending on time zones. This point should also be taken into account in order to make your trading more successful, since sessions usually characterize market activity for certain currency pairs and have distinctive features trade.

Forex trading hours start at 23:00 GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) on Sunday and end at 22:00 on Friday. It is GMT that is taken as the basis for all calculations; the difference with Moscow time is +4 hours.

Therefore, you can start trading no earlier than 3:00 Moscow time on Monday, and close all orders no later than 2:00 on Saturday.

Trading session schedule

Otherwise, your position will roll over to the next week and you will have to pay an additional commission. It is for this reason that many traders choose to simply not trade on Friday. At the same time, do not forget that there is such a thing as “Winter and summer Forex operating hours” and in winter the start of trading occurs an hour later.

This table shows the operating time of the foreign exchange market in Greenwich Mean Time; to determine your region, simply add or subtract the difference in your time zone Moscow +4.

Pacific or Australian session - takes place from 19 pm to 6 am, the quietest time, the main financial centers do not work, so you don’t have to wait for the release of global financial news. Trading at night and early in the morning is suitable for beginner traders.

Asian - covers the period from 23 to 9 am, special activity is observed in the second half of work on this trading platform; according to Moscow time, this is the period from 8 am to 1 pm. Just at this time, European markets begin to work, which increases the movement of currencies. Therefore, if you want to make the most profit, then trade in the morning.

European - operates from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m., and is the most comfortable working time, as it practically coincides with Moscow. From 12 to 16 it intersects with the American trading session; according to statistics, it is during this period that most contracts are concluded and sharp jumps course.

American - starts working from 12 noon and ends late in the evening at 22 o'clock. Ideal for those who like a dynamic trend and work in the evenings, since the session closes at 2 a.m. Moscow time.

The choice of a suitable trading session does not end only with its opening hours, but also contains a lot of additional parameters such as market volatility and the popularity of individual currency pairs, the impact of news on exchange rates and some other points.

Forex articles » Forex strategies

Forex trading strategy on Friday.

Trading on the Forex market is famous for its unpredictability. How many leading analysts brokerage companies are they trying to predict the behavior of currency pairs?! As a rule, currency pairs behave diametrically opposite. How many people, so many opinions. And forecasting is a thankless task. But there are still ways to make money in this market! And I want to tell you about one of them.

As you know, each trading day has its own distinctive features. For example, Monday. It is very dangerous to trade here until 16:30. Moscow time Why? Everyone knows perfectly well that currency exchange occurs around the clock and on any day of the week (both Saturday and Sunday). But our DCs are closed on Saturday and Sunday. In the meantime, the currency exchange rate is changing, and because of these weekends, the terminal has no data on what was happening at that time. And accordingly, the indicators will lie! But this is a particular thing, we are talking about Friday!

Friday becomes a nightmare for some traders, while others simply collect money - this is the most unpredictable day, especially the American session. Asian markets are already closed, Europe is also going to rest, and America is in the midst of trade. At 16:30 Moscow time Statistical data on the state of the US economy is published. This is where the dollar begins to work its miracles! Arrows up, arrows down, all at great speed. So what kind of trade is there?

This is how I do it. I turn on the terminal at 16:00. Moscow time Currency pair EURUSD. Starting from 15:00 Moscow time the pair arranges a pre-session flat. I'm starting to place pending orders. Let's say the flat boundaries are 1.3530 - 1.3505. On the M30 chart, I stretch the Fibonacci grid onto the last completed zigzag (in both directions). This shows nearby significant support and resistance levels. I place pending orders on them. For example, “Sell limit” 1, 3545 lot 0.5 without stop loss, but take profit is required 1.3515, at the next level 1.3560 lot 0.75 without stop loss, and take profit there is 1.3515. Next “Bay limit” 1.34 85 lot 0.5 without stop loss, and take profit is also required 1.3520, the same order at the level of 1.3465 lot 0.75 without stop loss, and take profit 1.3520 . Why don't I set a stop loss? It is unknown how long the candle will be. Why is a take profit set? The movement is very fast and if you try to close it manually, you won’t have time for two orders, and the DC’s response “the price has changed” is possible. Next I wait. The games have begun. The price, let’s say, rushes up, it will grab pending orders (the second is possible, but the first is mandatory), and will definitely return to the starting point. While it is moving up, I close pending orders down. In most cases, it will move in that direction, but whether it will come back is unknown. One caveat. Be sure to pay attention to the movement of the currency pair during the European session.

Opening and closing times of world stock exchanges

The movement should be weak, no more than 30-50 points. This is the first stage.

At the second stage, I draw lines along the extremes, and in which direction the price will make a true breakout, I open an order for a lot of 0.25 there. There will be traffic until at least 19:00. I hope that my experience will help you when trading on Friday. Have a good hunting!

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It is extremely important for a trader to properly organize his own work time. No one can achieve high results around the clock, all day long. Incorrect preparation of your own work schedule, ignorance of the time of trading sessions on Forex gives rise to most of the problems that currency players have, especially those who are taking their first steps in a trading career.

To properly organize your working day, it is important to know the trading schedule. It is not always convenient for the normal work of a person who lives in a distant time zone. Therefore, it is important to choose sessions with convenient working hours in order to feel in good shape, allowing you to quickly and wisely make responsible decisions.

Opening and closing times of Forex trading

Millions of transactions are made every day across the globe. currency transactions, which involve a huge number of traders living in different countries and on different continents.

10. Forex market opening hours.

Despite the fact that traders are dispersed across almost all parts of the Earth, the vast majority of transactions are concluded in just a few places. There is a group of world financial centers, which concentrated on their sites most of the daily turnover of the currency transactions market. These largest financial centers are distributed as follows:

  • In Europe, the largest Forex market platforms are London, Frankfurt, Paris and Zurich. The trading session times on all exchanges except London are the same. They open (in UTC time, almost the same as GMT if you don't count the seconds) at six o'clock in the morning, and close the working day at three o'clock in the afternoon. On the London Stock Exchange, working hours are shifted forward by one hour. The London Stock Exchange starts its working day at 07:00 and ends at 16:00.
  • On the Asian continent, the main centers of trading on the Forex market are Hong Kong, Singapore and Tokyo. Forex sessions on the Hong Kong and Singapore exchanges fall between 00:00 and 09:00. The Tokyo Stock Exchange opens and closes an hour earlier. Tokyo Stock Exchange hours are from 23.00 to 08.00.
  • In the Pacific region, Forex trading is concentrated mainly on New Zealand exchanges. Wellington and Australian Sydney. In Wellington the exchange is open from 19.00 to 04.00, in Sydney - from 21.00 to 06.00.
  • In North America, they play a dominant role New York and Chicago stock exchanges. Stock exchanges in New York are open from 12.00 to 21.00. Forex session times in Chicago are from 13.00 to 22.00.

Figure 1. Session times in major financial centers.

If you superimpose the work schedules of the main financial centers of the Forex market on a 24-hour daily grid, it turns out that you can carry out currency transactions around the clock. The subtlety is that the distribution of trading activity over time cannot be called uniform.

Figure 2. Activity on the chart.

During every hour of the day, it is possible to trade on at least one exchange belonging to a particular region, so transactions are not excluded even around the clock, but this does not seem reasonable due to the low trading activity during certain hours.

Relationship between working hours and price movements

By tracking the charts of the currency pairs that are most attractive to traders by Forex session time, it is easy to see that the distribution of transaction activity is disproportionate. The answer lies in the fact that market makers enter the market at certain hours. And this factor is decisive in the uneven distribution of activity throughout the day.

Let's look at how the situation develops with the distribution of daily activity using the example of the most popular currency pair - EUR/USD:

  • At night, no significant fluctuations or manifestations of activity are observed.
  • When European stock exchanges open, trading participants are ready to begin active activities.
  • The beginning of trading is associated with attempts to determine the direction of movement. At this time, the possibility of sharp fluctuations can no longer be ruled out.
  • With the onset of the lunch break, by noon the activity of market players begins to decline, because lunch must be on schedule, no matter how fiercely the trading takes place.
  • The afternoon hours are associated with tense anticipation of the American stock exchanges entering the market. The movement can maintain the direction set in the morning hours or make a U-turn.
  • When the North American trading session closes, traders typically close positions except for those that are planned to be saved for future use.
  • The situation with the EUR/USD pair during trading sessions develops as described throughout each trading day. On some days this is expressed absolutely clearly, on other days - not so expressively, but the general trends persist with enviable constancy.

    Figure 3.

    An example of EUR/USD price movement within trading sessions.

    Selecting currency pairs for trading

    Let us specify which currency pairs are preferable to work with during Forex trading sessions taking place at different times of the day and on different continents in order to avoid accusations of unfounded theorizing:

    • The vast majority of transactions are carried out on the Forex market on the European and North American continents, accounting for a corresponding share of daily turnover. During sessions on American and European exchanges the movement is traced, affecting each of the currency pairs, with rare exceptions. It is recommended to work with a pool made up of pairs EUR/USD, USD/CHF, USD/JPY, GBP/USD, AUD/USD, USD/CAD, NZD/USD. This kit allows you to successfully trade during sessions on both American and European exchanges;
    • On Asian exchanges During Forex sessions, the greatest activity occurs during currency pairs involving the Japanese yen. However, the level of activity cannot be compared with what is observed on European and American exchanges. The movements are not so clear.

    Figure 4. Asian session on the chart.

    • In the Pacific region, the choice of currency pairs for transactions is naturally limited. Movement is possible in the AUD/USD and NZD/USD pairs; for the sake of experimentation, you can try your luck with the AUD/NZD cross. Currency trading volumes trading session times on the exchanges of the Pacific region are relatively small, so you should not pin your hopes on the possibility of serious movements.

    How to organize your work on Forex?

    Knowledge of the work schedule of the world's main exchanges and the time of Forex trading sessions allows a trader to competently build a schedule own work in this market. The following approximate schedule for working on the Forex market seems preferable:

    • Launch your terminal about half an hour before the main European exchanges open, so that you are ready and able to immediately respond to major movements. Forex session opening times differ for each region.
    • After waiting until active trading begins on European exchanges, you should look for a moment to enter. During European trading sessions, it often happens that cancellation points are provided.
    • When midday comes, you should rest and take a break for lunch. During Forex trading sessions, the lunch break on European exchanges is usually associated with a calm business activity, so you can restore your own strength by taking a short rest.
    • After the lunch break, stops on previously opened transactions are tightened. With the inclusion of traders working for American exchanges, activity increases, it’s worth resuming the search good points to enter.
    • Having waited for the closing of sessions on American stock exchanges, it is worth bringing today's operations to completion. In this case, it is advisable not only to rearrange stop losses, but to partially protect profits. Individual transactions may be left for the following days.

    For residents Russian Federation and the post-Soviet space as a whole, the most suitable time-based sessions are sessions held in cities in Europe and North America. Fortunately, the opening time of Forex sessions is almost Moscow time. Therefore, the work schedule can be drawn up as described above.

    For beginning traders and anyone who wants to develop their skills, we offer:

    • read the materials on our website;
    • sign up for special courses taught by our trader-analysts;
    • study videos on our YouTube channel dedicated to Forex trading;
    • take advantage of our exclusive trading tools.

    Multifractal exchange time

    In this section I want to summarize the conclusions arising from the chapters described above.

    What time does the American stock exchange open in Moscow?

    Many traders, and not only them, always have one question in their heads: “What is a fractal in the market?” Bill Williams offered his answer, which did not reveal the true concept of a fractal and caused a lot of controversy in the public.

    There is no such thing as a fractal on the market, that is, there is no need to look for a certain element that will be similar to everything. Rather, it would be more correct to say this: that fractal theory is applicable to the market and that those irregular curves that we see on our monitors every day are nothing more than a fractal time series. This is where the concept of multifractal stock exchange time comes from.

    Einstein found that the mean square of the distance at which a randomly walking particle moves away from the starting point is proportional to time if we're talking about about an ordinary continuous medium.

    The average square of the distance for a fractal environment turns out to be proportional to some fractional power of time, the indicator of which is related to the fractal dimension of the environment.

    What does this mean for us as traders working with different price charts?

    This model is typical for an Efficient Market. Where it is postulated that the price distribution process corresponds to a Gaussian one. Here dP the price change corresponds to the time interval dt. The power to which t is raised is equal to the value of the Hurst exponent H=0.5, characteristic of random walks.

    If we substitute this value into the formula to find parameter a, we will make sure that it will be equal to 2:

    When parameter a is equal to 2, the observed process will be a random walk; this value of α was rejected by the currency expert (Fig. 189). That is, this model is clearly not suitable for time series analysis.

    Mandelbrot suggested using a value equal to the exponent N instead of 1/2. Hirst found that this value was approximately equal to 0.7. However, by calculating a and substituting this value into formula (3), we get “model 1.42” and not “model 1.7” that Mandelbrot mentioned. But who says that H always has a constant value. Mandelbrot abandoned this assumption in his 1972 model. The most common value of the Hurst exponent for foreign exchange markets ranges from 0.58 to 0.6, which corresponds to “model 1.7” (Fig. 190). Since H is constantly changing and is in the region from 0 to 1, time was called multifractal, since at certain time intervals H takes on different values, and therefore t is raised to different powers!

    Rice. 190 "Model 1.7"

    For example, the Hurst exponent will be equal to 0.64, then t will be raised to the power of 0.64, and the value of the parameter a will no longer be equal to 2:

    α = 1/0.64 = 1.5625

    The resulting number 1.5625 is in the range from 1 to 2. The observed process will not belong to the normal distribution, but will be fractional, that is, fractal. Since this value is constantly changing, it will be multifractal. The prefix multi means that we have not one, but several models of price behavior.

    We discussed in some detail above what the value of the parameter α means for us.

    As for the behavior of prices, it can be compared with a generalized Brownian movement. Due to the fact that the price develops on different scales, we can use the structure of this movement to compare between them and compare different models.

    (Materials are based on: A. Almazov. Fractal theory. How to change your view of markets)

Forex trading is carried out around the clock, excluding weekends and some holidays, but there are several time periods that you need to pay attention to - these are the opening of forex exchanges. It is necessary to know the time of trading or working on Forex (see the table below), because at the moment the trading platform opens on the market (session), most often there is a sharp jump in the currency that is typical for this country.

All traders watch this very closely, since at these moments intraday movements are born, which most often give the direction of the trend.

There are 4 trading sessions - Asian, European, American And Pacific(Australian). Each of these exchanges opens and closes in such a way that they only overlap for an hour or two and generally allow 24/7 trading.

Exchange opening and closing schedule ( trading session times) by Moscow time:

Attention! Please note that the times in the table are given Moskovskoe and global - GMT(Greenwich Mean Time). If you want to find out the opening time of exchanges in another region, you need to add the required hourly deviation to GMT time

Service for determining trading sessions

If it is difficult for you at first to determine when Forex trading begins, there is a service that graphically shows which session is in this moment open. Let's go to site page and set your time, which we look at by city, or if you know, by GTM+ deviation. Your time and active session will appear in the table:

Second What we need to know is when the markets open on Monday, after the weekend and when they close on Friday.

So, the beginning of trading on Forex, as well as the opening time of exchanges, occurs on Monday, at 00:00 according to broker time. Please note, not according to Moscow time, not according to Greenwich Mean Time, but directly according to terminal time. We look at the upper left corner of the terminal - this is the right time.

Exchanges close for the weekend on FridayV24:00 broker time. See screenshot below.


  • Brokers have different hours and may open/close at different times. This must be taken into account when trading with advisors.
  • Some brokers, such as Alpari (screenshot above), stop and start trading in 5 minutes until the specified time.

Moscow Exchange opens at 10:00 and closes at 15:00 by Moscow time. This concerns the operation of the exchange itself, which relates to trading the ruble on Forex - read below. This is the operating time of the Moscow Exchange with various instruments:

Time to trade the ruble on Forex occurs from 10:00 to 21:00 Moscow time. At other times, the currency chart stands still.

Please note that the most active currency on the market at the moment is the one whose trading session is open. Trading is aggressive on all exchanges except the Australian one; at this time traders most often use scalping strategies, since low volatility makes it possible to conduct quiet trading.

Asian trading session

The Asian session opens at 3 am Moscow time and often sets the direction of the daily trend. The session closes at 12 o'clock. The center of trade is Tokyo, which is also the financial capital of Asia. During the start of trade in Asia, all banks, financial institutions and other institutions open.

Japanese yen It is one of the three most traded currencies on Forex and accounts for more than 20% of foreign exchange turnover. Below is a list of currency pairs traded during the Asian session - USD/JPY, AUD/USD, NZD/USD, USD/CAD, USD/CHF, EUR/JPY, GBP/JPY, AUD/JPY, EUR/CHF. The most active trading participants are the euro/dollar/pound/New Zealand dollar against the Japanese yen.

Usually this session is calm with little volatility. Often this is because Americans and Europeans are already resting after a hard day of work. The exceptions are important news, which is usually released around 3 am GMT (7 am Moscow time). This is where you need to be careful, the movements are often strong and prolonged. If you are using an intraday strategy and left an open position overnight, you need to check the Forex calendar and set stops.

European trading session

European session is the most active of all. This is due to the fact that it overlaps with the Asian and American sessions. In addition, the largest financial funds and banks are localized in the UK. More than 30% of all transactions occur during this time. Exchanges open at 8 am GMT in London (11:00 Moscow time), closing at 17:00 (20:00 Moscow time).

The most active part of trading occurs in the first part of the trading session. Brokers conclude major deals before their lunch break. Then, according to the classics of the genre, there is a calm part, and closer to the close, strong jumps occur again - the opening of the American session.

All major currencies are traded - yen, dollar, euro, pound, franc (EURUSD, GBPUSD, EURJPY, EURCHF). But the European session will be the same a large number of news. Trading is very active at this time, intraday trend strategies are used, and news trading is also actively used.

But keep in mind that at the end of the trading time the trend may change direction, as the majority of traders begin to take profits and withdraw money from the market. And the Americans can add fuel to the fire by throwing out some news.

American trading session

Opening American session takes place at 13:00 GMT (16:00 Moscow time). But the opening of the exchange overlaps with the European one for several hours. And this is a pretty hot time for trading, since the Americans have a large amount of funds and can actively move the market with them. Closing occurs at one in the morning Moscow time. All major dollar pairs are traded - EURISD, GBPUSD, etc.

Since most currency pairs have the dollar in them, trading is carried out on almost all pairs. America also has a large number of large banks and speculators. Turning points and strong trend reversals are possible. News usually comes out in the first half of the trading session and is especially strong.

This time falls on 17-19 hours Moscow time. At this time, trading of American stocks occurs. Everyone is trying to sell or buy these pieces of paper. Then there is a lull, and it is possible to last until the end of trading. If it happens on Friday, Americans completely take profits and almost never leave open positions on weekend. So on the last day of the week, in the evening, it is better to fix, since on Monday morning, trading may open with a gap.

A complete answer to the question of what time the Forex market opens is one of the important conditions for successful trading. To clarify, it must also be said that any individual trader needs to have a good understanding of periods of activity/downturns in the market.

Let's look at the most important points:

  • Forex trading is carried out around the clock;
  • The weekly session begins on Monday and ends on Friday;
  • Saturday and Sunday are days off;
  • the common reference time for all participants is called Greenwich Mean Time (GMT);
  • for trading in Russia it is convenient to use Moscow time (MSK), the difference with GMT is +3 hours;
  • In all trading terminals, GMT time must be set, and it is possible to configure the Local time option (by default it is Moscow time).

Participants in Forex trading are everywhere, i.e. The foreign exchange market is global. But it is conventional to distinguish 4 regional markets: Australian, Asian, European and American. Naturally, daily trading sessions on 4 markets begin at different times, but the countdown is based on GMT. Trading starts at 00:00 GMT (03:00 Moscow time). The Australian market opens the weekly session on Monday, the American market closes on Friday, and it is more convenient to consider the closing time as 23:59 GMT (02:59 Moscow time).

Knowing the opening hours regional markets allows the trader to react to the following factors that influence level movements:

  1. the opening of a trading session (market) is often accompanied by increased movement and an increase in trading volumes;
  2. the choice of a currency pair can be tied to the work of one of the markets: say, in the Asian market, pay more attention to USD/JPY and EUR/JPY, and in the European one – EUR/USD, GBP/USD;
  3. The highest volatility (activity) in the Forex market begins with the opening of the American market.

Factors affecting trading in relation to time

So, the difference in the start time of trading between the Australian and Asian markets is 4 hours, then the markets start working after 6 hours.

Then we get the following numbers:

  • 03:00 Moscow time (00:00 GMT) – opening of the Australian market;
  • 07:00 Moscow time (04:00 GMT) – opening of the Asian market;
  • 13:00 Moscow time (10:00 GMT) – opening of the European market;
  • 19:00 Moscow time (16:00 GMT) – opening of the American market.

An equally important factor influencing exchange rate fluctuations is political and economic news. It is quite easy to monitor them: there are special sites where these news are listed, as well as their significance (from * to ***). The most dangerous news is ***: half an hour before and half an hour after the news *** you should not enter the market, exchange rate fluctuations can knock out orders.

Speaking about the American market, it should be noted that there is usually more news there and volatility (price fluctuations and volumes) is higher. Those. This is the most profitable market, but at the same time the most dangerous, and trading activity and the likelihood of successful operation increase as regional markets open.

Optimal trading mode

Of course, the working time of an individual trader depends directly on 2x the following points: availability of personal free time (turn on the PC or laptop, start trading terminal) and the choice of tactics for working on the market (from “pips” and daily work to weekly and monthly transactions).

But still, successful trader cannot do without analysis and forecast of market movements, taking into account the start of work of 4 markets in turn. And although the idea that you can trade on Forex around the clock from Monday to Friday is correct, in fact the most active and volume trading begins at 13:00 Moscow time (10:00 GMT), when Europe turns on and starts working, Asia has not yet finished working, and America will soon join. If we talk about exceptions, then in many countries (Japan, USA, etc.) there are national holidays when banks do not work and trading volumes drop significantly. But information about this is also available on economic news sites.


Now all that remains is small: taking into account all of the above, determine the time zones of activity/passivity of the Forex market, correlate it with the trader’s personal time, and choose the hours of operation on the foreign exchange market. Experienced traders, they usually know when during the work week (Monday to Friday) they can start working, approximately how much time it will take, and what the approximate outcome will be. And all this allows you to achieve successful results in the Forex market.

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Good afternoon, dear readers. You are greeted, as usual, by the author of the blog, Ruslan Miftakhov. In this article I would like to draw your attention to what is, in my opinion, a rather important point in stock trading – the operating hours of trading sessions.

It is no secret for “experienced” traders that the opening of the stock exchange, especially on Monday, is often accompanied by abrupt movement and many stock traders lose money on this.

What is an exchange session and why does a trader need this knowledge?

Do you know, dear friend, that stock exchange turnover does not stop for a second? Yes, trading rages on financial platforms around the clock, all five days of the week.

Trading platforms alternately replace each other, depending on their location, and each of them has its own specific operating hours.

The concept of “session” implies a certain period during which trading takes place on financial platforms. The change of trading periods is accompanied by a time interval during which the acceptance and execution of transactions is stopped for the recalculation of completed transactions.

For a trading trader, it is very important to track the end and start times of market trading in order to leave the market on time or add the number of orders for transactions.

Main exchange sessions

Exchange activity is divided into four time periods:

  • Asian exchange

The working week of the main financial sectors (Forex, commodities and stocks) begins with the opening of the land of the “rising sun” of the Asian (Tokyo) trading period.

Trading on the Asian Exchange runs from 3.00 (Moscow time) to 11.00, and in the winter from 4.00 to 12.00 (Moscow time). Despite the fact that every trading day begins with the opening of this sector, the trading period is calm.

The main instruments of the Asian market are currency quotes with the Japanese yen (usd/jpy or eur/jpy), Singaporean and Hong Kong dollars (usd/sgd or chf/hkd), Asian shares and Japanese stock indices. The main “influencer” of the Japanese market is the Japanese central bank.

For a trader, working in the Asian period is most often due to narrow price fluctuations: trading in a flat or in a certain price channel.

Gaps are rare, but when they do occur, they most often occur on central bank releases or financial reports. You can avoid such “surprises” if you follow fundamental analysis.

  • European stock exchange session

Trading in the European sector can be called the most active financial platform, because the main financial institutions world and major exchanges.

Operations in the European sector begin from 8 to 16.00, in winter from 10 to 18.00. The European (or London) stock exchange is quite active from the beginning of trading until it closes completely.

In the European time zone, the largest movements occur, the main fundamental indicators are released, which greatly influence market movement.

The duration of work on this site can be both profitable and the most dangerous for a trader. On the Forex market, currency pairs with quotes GBP and EUR reach maximum activity; on stock exchanges, indices DAX, CAC40, etc., and shares of European enterprises.

Working in European markets, traders usually use intraday strategies based on non-recoil movements and volatile instruments.

  • American Mercantile Exchange

This session partially coincides with the end of the European market, when global trading is most active. Trading hours are approximately from 16.00 to 23.00, in winter from 17.00 to 01.00.

This session is called the New York session, since the main financial platform is located in New York.

The coincidence of two large financial monopolies (American and European) provides for “tough” battles between the largest financial poles. Taking advantage of the absence of Europeans, Americans often try to “push” their currency forward, which explains the sharp movements.

When trading on “America”, they are considered the most volatile currency quotes with USD, shares of leading American companies Microsoft, Verizon, etc., Nasdag, S&P 500 indices.

The American market assumes trend strategies, where there is a “power reserve”. And in case of strong movement, you can raise your deposit.

  • Pacific Exchange

The best period for making money on financial markets is the Pacific “platform”, because only Australians and New Zealanders participate in trading. Trading hours for this session are from 21.00 to 05.00.

Active in this period of time are currencies with the numerators of the Australian and New Zealand currencies, shares of enterprises in the Pacific sector, Nifty, CNX indices.

Considering that this sector is based on mining precious metals, then this trading period is characterized by activity in the price segment of non-ferrous metals.

Price fluctuations of financial assets in the Pacific segment are based on price movements in narrow flat channels, so stock traders use channel strategies more.

The official holidays for the main trading sectors are Saturday and Sunday. In addition, global trading stops on some national and religious holidays.

For a trader making money on the Moscow Currency Exchange, it is worth paying attention to the operating range of the following trading platforms: MICEX and RTS open at 10 am Moscow time and close at 18.45. In this case, the session continues until 23.50.

The Moscow Exchange, unlike the main exchange platforms, provides for two clearings: in the afternoon from 14.00 to 14.03 and in the evening from 18.45 - 19.00.

Well, in conclusion, friends, remember that the trading rules and recommendations are the same for all traders, only the exceptions are different - this is what the pledge is built on profitable trading. Profits to you and a “bullish” trend in life.

My many years of experience in stock exchange practice are at your service. Subscribe to blog updates, write comments and share the article on social networks.

Best regards, Ruslan Miftakhov