What signs on the hand block cash flows. How to open a money channel and attract good luck. What kind of negativity can there be?


You already know about the 3 main steps to... Now read additional recommendations that are very important for opening a money channel.

1.Noticing abundance

Pay attention to the abundance that is around you. Look at our nature. She makes us understand that everything in our world is limitless. Seas, oceans, trees, flowers... so much of it all! The same is true in material terms. The universe is built in such a way that there is enough for everyone!

2.Thank you

The powerful power of gratitude produces remarkable results. This technique is based on the law of attraction. You feel grateful, focus your attention on the positive aspects and thereby attract even more good things into your life.

In addition, you can be grateful not only for the things you have, but also for the things you want to have. The thing is that our subconscious does not know the future or the past. It takes everything literally and then transforms it into reality...

3. We use different sources of income

Successful people do not focus on one source of money. They attract wealth by taking advantage of everything possible. For example, this could be a real job (or business), making money on the Internet, passive income from investments, and much more.

4.Buy a record

It will attract new opportunities and material successes. Many businessmen use it. It replaces one hour of regular meditation to open a money channel.

5. Simoronim playfully

For positive people with a good sense of humor, they are excellent, which are good because their implementation removes the importance, which is one of the barriers to materializing what you want.

6. Know how to share your wealth with others

Money is energy that needs movement. When you only take and don't give anything, you block it. Your cash flow is shutting down. Therefore, learn to do good deeds with money, share your own benefits with others. Remember one of the laws of the universe: “What you give is what you receive.”

7. Use Feng Shui to open a money channel.

Feng Shui is an additional way to increase your attractiveness to money. You can bring harmony to your home by allowing the chi energy to flow easily and freely. You can study what money talismans exist in this art and place them in the wealth sector in your apartment.

Our whole life is connected with certain energy channels that connect our biofield with the Universe. By opening a money channel, you can improve your financial situation and increase your income.

Each of us dreams of a well-paid job that will bring high income. But sometimes efforts do not bring the desired result, and daily hard work does not lead to enrichment. Thus, the Universe lets us know that our cash flow is blocked, and in order to correct the situation, it is necessary to reactivate it. There are many effective ways to open a financial channel and thereby increase your income, but the easiest way is to use an effective ritual.

Reasons blocking cash flow

Why is cash flow blocked? The answer to this question is not difficult to find, because the reason is the person himself. Negative thoughts, a pessimistic attitude, a lack of self-confidence - these are not all the reasons why the financial channel is blocked.

Negative thinking. Many people believe that thoughts have no effect on their life and destiny, but this is not so. A person who is constantly in a bad mood and dissatisfied with every day he lives pushes away not only good luck, but also wealth. To avoid blocking the financial channel, you need to think positively, and most importantly, always believe in yourself and your strengths. If you once had the chance to communicate with a wealthy and successful person, then you probably noticed that every word he said carried only a positive connotation.

Conflicts with other people. It is not surprising that many cannot earn the desired amount. Constant stress, lack of understanding from other people and a negative attitude can make us participants or even initiators of conflict. Quarrels and disagreements with others can also block your cash flow. To avoid this, try not to react to other people's provocations. Don't forget that rich people pay the least attention to envious people and aggressors.

Damage to poverty. Sometimes it is the damage caused that can cause a blocked money channel. It is not difficult to recognize the impact of a negative program: you will feel a sharp deterioration in your condition. If lately you have been suffering from severe headaches and a fever, although there is no reason for this, there is a possibility that you have become a victim of damage. In this case, you should immediately try to remove it at home.

Ritual for opening a money channel

If your financial situation has worsened, this does not mean that you are performing your job duties poorly and are not making efforts to increase your income. The reason for this may be a blockage of the financial channel, and you can open it with the help of a proven money ritual.

For the ritual you will need three green candles - this color symbolizes wealth and prosperity. You will also need a 500 ruble banknote.

Before performing the ritual, you need to get yourself in the right mood. First, free your thoughts from negativity: as you already understand, your mood and emotions are closely related to your financial situation. Imagine that there is a crystal in front of you, and, looking at it, you notice how it shimmers. Then you should feel yourself touching it. Try to study its appearance as if it were in front of you. After this, you can begin the ritual.

Any day at midnight, retire to a separate room, turn off the lights and light three candles. Look closely at the bill for three minutes and then say:

“Let the money channel open for me. Let my wealth grow and multiply. My words will be heard."

It is advisable to carry out the ritual during the waxing moon. At this time, energy grows and strengthens, which gives special power to the ceremonies and rituals performed.

Weak cash flow is one of the reasons for financial difficulties. A few simple ways will help you strengthen your energy channel and increase your wealth. We wish you wealth and success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

07.02.2018 02:36

Often the cause of financial problems is closed money channels. In times like these, what not to do -...

Recently, while sitting in the hairdresser, I noticed a magazine with bright photographs lying on the table. It wasn't even a magazine, just a few tattered pages without a cover left over from it, so I can't tell its name.

The thing is that a little earlier I read an article on Natalya Litvishko’s blog about how she carried out a ritual of attracting money, and the next day I came across this advertisement. I decided that this was not a coincidence...

I don’t know about you, but I don’t know a single person who wouldn’t dream of opening their own cash flow, and I’m no exception. I wrote down the phone number and decided to find out what the specialists were offering.

A woman with a pleasant voice answered my call, and the question I asked was not unexpected for her:

“Why are some people constantly lucky with money, while others have to work hard to somehow provide for themselves and their families?”

It seemed that the Cash Flow Opening Specialist knew in advance all the questions that I wanted to ask her, or maybe people ask almost the same questions?

I think that you, too, will be interested to know why some people don’t like money, what Cash Flow Opening Specialists think about this and what advice they give to people.

I heard in response to my question that there was no injustice in this.

If money does not come into your hands, if you get it as a result of hard work and sleepless nights, then there is no understanding between you and the energy of money, you are simply unattractive to the higher cash flow.

“How can you attract money to yourself?” – I asked.

“In order to answer this question, you need to understand what money itself likes?” - she answered.

And after a short silence, she continued:

“I have one piece of advice on how to please the energy of money; all successful people know it, but the majority of people do not take it into account.

When you pay bills or pay off debt, never feel negative. Rejoice that you have the opportunity to enter into an energy exchange with cash flow!

The principle is simple: the more positive at giving money on your part, the faster the money will want to return to you, and in an increased volume. If you experience negativity when parting with money, you thereby block the cash flow, and the source of money quickly dries up.

It turns out that there are many subtleties in dealing with money and there are many techniques for attracting money.

I managed to find out one of them: “On the first day of the waxing moon, put a stalk of clover or mint in your wallet (you can have an image of these herbs) and say the following words: “I love money very much, I call it in my wallet.” I attract and beckon, I give all my care!”

And in conclusion, she noted that in order to achieve a lasting effect in attracting cash flow, it is necessary to purchase a magical talisman with money. A money talisman, like a magnet, will attract flows of financial energy to you. With a talisman you will always be attractive to money.

Everyone can put an end to financial instability and the “black streak” of troubles: just find out how to open a money channel and attract good luck. Even a beginner can master financial magic, but to achieve visible results and maintain them in the future, you will need complete updating of thinking stereotypes, inexhaustible faith in one’s own strength and strict fulfillment of the necessary rituals.

What is a money channel?

Everything that exists participates in a continuous exchange of energies, and money is no exception. On the one hand, they have a familiar material (tangible and visible) embodiment, on the other hand, with their help, a person interacts with the world. This energy exists in the mental sphere in the form of a money egregor. It embodies all the diversity of words, thoughts, motives and desires related to financial issues.

The money egregor often exists independently of a person’s will and does not have a tangible influence on him, no matter how hard he tries to get rich. Therefore, without special synchronization with its subtle energies, it is so difficult to attract wealth into your life. With the correct attunement to wealth, this egregor comes into contact with the biofield more often, more stably and with greater readiness. A special energy flow is formed between him and the person, which is called the money channel.

To establish interaction with the money egregor, it is necessary to fully and clearly understand the principles of its operation.

Signs of disturbances in the functioning of the money channel

The narrowing or complete blocking of the financial energy flow can be judged not only by the impoverishment of the family budget, but also by physical manifestations. The body signals an imbalance in the money channel as follows:

  • Frequent headaches indicate problems in communicating with others, which can bring significant costs and losses;
  • Unpleasant sensations in the throat area may mean that your aggression and anger are freely poured out on others, bringing conflicts with debtors and colleagues on whom your income depends;
  • Toothache signals excessive expenses associated with relatives, which does not allow maintaining wealth in the house;
  • Diseases of the limbs may indicate the presence of ill-wishers who harm work, business and other sources of income;
  • Problems with the spine may indicate that you have undertaken to fulfill other people's karmic tasks without working on yourself, and in such conditions there is no longer any strength left to earn money.

Even if the above troubles bypassed you, this does not mean the absence of financial problems, but only indicates low sensitivity. Regardless of the presence of manifestations of problems at the bodily level, you can find the cause of material difficulties only while working with your consciousness.

What prevents you from attracting wealth and good luck?

The reasons for failure when trying to attract money into your life can be external and internal:

  • External influence is not necessarily associated with the machinations of ill-wishers who committed the evil eye, damage, or otherwise prevented one from getting rich. Relatives can also “try”, causing a disruption in your energy field with careless words and actions. A separate case is the implementation of ancestral karma, which brings financial trouble.
  • The internal reasons for the instability of the money channel are incorrect attitudes and neglectful attitude towards material issues.

The main condition for financial well-being

To attract money into your life, the main thing is to ensure harmonious interaction with the financial egregor. When the money channel operates at its maximum potential, and the flow of energy circulates in it unhindered, you won’t have to wait long for its material embodiment. To do this, you need to free it from all interference - open it. After this, it will be enough to maintain the right mood with the help of magical rituals.

How to open a money channel yourself: visualization

This method requires significant willpower, unshakable faith in one's capabilities and developed imagination. Opening a money channel without outside help is possible if you have the right mindset.

The visualization ritual is performed before dawn as follows:

It is better to begin the ritual of visualizing the independent opening of a money channel on the waxing moon and then carry out it daily.

How to open a money channel yourself: working with chakras

Attracting good luck and wealth cannot be started without preparing the way for their arrival. Interaction with the money channel occurs through chakras - special formations in the human energy field. You can independently manage their work thanks to the universal law of similarity. When performing magical actions that correspond to the nature of the chakra, the flow of energy through it becomes more powerful and stable, and this is a condition for prosperity and luck.

To attract big money into your life, pay special attention to Manipura, Muladhara and Ajna as the chakras most associated with issues of wealth and luck.


Influences determination and entrepreneurship. To stimulate it, exercises for the abdominal and chest muscles are useful. Try to go beyond your habits: try new activities, experiment with comfortable living conditions, expand and diversify your social circle. Eat yellow-colored foods; clothing or accessories in the same color scheme will not hurt.


Responsible for persistent pursuit of chosen goals, stimulates patience and adaptive potential. Sports and movement in general, red colors in the diet and in clothing are favorable for her.


Corresponds to the mental sphere, affects the functioning of the intellect and intuition. Breathing exercises are useful for its development, as well as activities that require focus and concentration. Its stimulating color is indigo.

For the best functioning of the chakras, meditation, introspection and awareness of one’s traits, and honesty with oneself are favorable. In addition to simple physical activity, it won’t hurt to study yoga.

Support money channel stability

It is not enough to open a money channel once and just wait for countless riches to fall on your head. It is necessary to maintain intensive and free energy exchange within it constantly in order to attract and retain wealth in your life for a long time. Magical actions aimed at preserving and increasing your assets will help you do this. To strengthen them, the verbal component is important - spells and prayers act as a tool for materializing your thoughts and motives. They cannot simply be thoughtlessly memorized; any magic must be approached sincerely, with pure faith.

Rituals to strengthen the money channel and attract good luck

If you are haunted by bad luck, and financial difficulties follow one after another, reconsider your attitude towards the issue radically. Show love for money literally: count it with joy and pleasure, admire it, hold coins and bills in your hands for as long as possible. Indulge in dreams about what purchase you will please yourself with, think of yourself as a prosperous and rich person. Make this your ritual, akin to magical meditation, to attract money into your home.

Do not think, say or do anything that could show your disdain for wealth, this will immediately affect your impact with the financial egregor, and for the worse. Do not show a derogatory attitude towards money, do not call it evil and do not consider other aspects of life higher than the material.

If possible, try not to spend what you earn on people who are unworthy of it: alcoholics and spendthrifts. Let their karmic debts affect their income, and not fall on your shoulders. Avoid lending whenever possible unless you are borrowing with interest. Money should multiply while working for you.

Prayers and spells

In case of severe financial difficulties, a sincere request in the form of prayer will not be considered a sinful aspiration. In these cases, it is allowed to appeal to the saints: Matrona of Moscow, Spyridon of Trimifuntsky and Nicholas the Wonderworker.

To open a money channel on your own, it won’t hurt to turn to conspiracies. It is better to perform them during the period from new moon to full moon; only the waxing moon brings profit. So, on the fourth lunar day you can use the following plot. Wait for the crescent moon to appear in your window, show it the money from all sides, rustle the bills, jingle the coins and say: “It’s a month for you to look young, but there’s no money in my wallet.”

As you can see, learning to manage the financial side of life with the help of magic is not particularly difficult. Now that you know how to open a money channel and attract good luck, open yourself to success and wait for joyful changes to come.

It often happens in life that a person, despite his efforts and work, cannot not only get rich, but even earn a comfortable living. This happens because the money channel is closed. Is it possible to open it and how to do it?

Why is the money channel closed?

There can be many reasons for closing a money channel:

  • Bad money karma- when there were no and there were no wealthy people.
  • Negative attitude towards money- comes from upbringing and is fueled by negative attitudes such as “no money”, “this is expensive for us”, “poverty is not a vice” and other phrases that a person hears from childhood and subsequently begins to follow them himself.
  • Money damage or evil eye. This is a deliberate negative impact on a person, which comes from an ill-wisher and an envious person. Agree that when they often wish you evil, this evil most likely appears in life.
  • Whatever the reason for closing the money channel, it can be opened using a universal method, which consists of several techniques.

    Ritual for opening a money channel

    This ritual is carried out in several stages. The process of opening a money channel itself can last a week, a month, six months or more - depending on the degree of your perception and desire to change your life for the better. So where to start?

  1. Notice the abundance around you. Look around: you are not poor, but rich. Appreciate everything you have and what you can use. Realize that the Universe is rich and its gifts are limitless - sea, forests, trees, flowers, air. You are part of the Universe, which means you are also rich.
  2. Start giving thanks. The power of gratitude is a powerful tool for opening the money channel. Say “thank you” to everything and everyone. Give thanks not only for something positive, but also for something negative. The ability to radiate positivity and the ability to concentrate on the good will give you the opportunity to attract money, kind people, luck and love into your life.
  3. Don't get stuck on one source of income. Try to see benefits in something other than your main job.
  4. Share with your money. In order for money to come to you in large quantities, you need to be able to give it away. Money is energy and it must constantly move, so do not forget about charity or gifts to your loved ones.
  5. Play the role of a rich man. If you want to open a money channel quickly, then you will need to feel rich and successful right now. To do this, get rid of negative attitudes, critical assessments of reality and negative emotions. Enjoy the state of euphoria that arises when you think about your large income and the benefits that you want to have.

By following these recommendations, you can open a money channel yourself. Be happy and rich! We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

29.07.2014 09:09

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