How does Tinkoff Bank find out people's phone numbers? How does Tinkoff know my phone number?


I don’t know where Tinkoff Bank found out my address, but they sent me an offer by mail to open credit card. Because at that time I had financial difficulties, I decided to take a credit card from them. I also received an issued credit card by mail with a booklet stating that within 55 days the loan can be returned without interest. Well, without thinking twice, I withdraw 5 thousand rubles from an ATM, with the expectation that I will return the money in 2 - 3 weeks, respectively, without interest, as it is written in the booklet. After 3 weeks, I transfer 5 thousand rubles to them by mail to close the loan. With peace of mind, a week later I call the bank to check if the money has arrived and to find out if the loan is closed. To which the operator answers me in a dissatisfied voice that I need to pay another 1.5 thousand rubles. I am perplexed and ask what I should pay for if I returned the money before the specified interest-free period. To which the girl replies that interest-free period exists only for taking the goods, and this period does not apply to cashing out, which, accordingly, was not said about this anywhere! In total, they charged me 590 rubles. for opening a card plus 2.9% and 290 rubles. for cashing at an ATM plus 13% per annum with commission! In total, I had to return about 6.5 thousand rubles, although this was not specified anywhere! Banks profit from people as they please, so find out in advance about how much money you will have to repay for a specific loan!

25.03.2016 17:44:34

Hello! I want to figure it out, the fact is that your bank employees are calling unofficial phone numbers, I don’t know where they get them. This is a violation. The ability to see these numbers only on my phone means your employees are managing to trace my contacts. If the issue is not resolved, I will sue. I now have financial problems and I cannot pay the loan, instead of somehow resolving this issue, they call me with threats and also threaten friends whose numbers are not listed.

I ask you not to let your employees bother my friends and help me resolve the issue of paying off the loan. I am not refusing to pay, but I am asking for temporary help, because I was a conscientious payer and repaid the loan from your bank ahead of schedule.

Bank representative's response

27.03.2016 05:43:03


Let me note that if the client violates the obligations under the loan agreement, the bank can use various legal methods to collect the debt, including making calls to the contact numbers available to the bank. If you or someone you know has encountered inappropriate behavior from employees, please report it to: [email protected], indicating the number to which the call was made. We will definitely check this information.

The issue of the possibility of providing restructuring has been submitted for consideration to the responsible department.

Tinkoff Bank.

It was a beautiful Sunday morning, the sun illuminated the city, which was still sleeping, with bright colors. I probably dreamed of the beautiful gardens of Babylon or heavenly beaches, but there was no horseradish there. TCS Bank (tinkoff credit systems) thought completely differently, at 8:57 Moscow time, he decided to interrupt my sleep and inform me that a certain friend of mine owed something to the bank. I was surprised that I was listening at such an early hour, but I wanted to sleep more, so I turned off the sound and tried to fall asleep again.

Here I will backtrack a little because... Lately we've been fed up with phone spam and disclosure of personal information.

With these thoughts in mind, I decided to call the number provided and ask what sources disclosed my phone number to the bank.

HELLO! Tinkoff Bank!

In general, the conversation was short, I told everything to the girl operator and asked for the source where they got the information. The girl sweetly said that they would contact you.

The country already knew the election results (almost everyone had counted), I was calmly driving in the car and listening to the radio (I won’t say which one).

Ding-ding-ding and who's calling me so early? Maybe I forgot something at home. (I thought)

Tinkoff “you almost owe us crap.”

“Tinkoff” called, well, not himself, of course, but a bank employee. The conversation didn’t really start, the interrogation was “biased”, how do you know your friend, when was the last time you saw him? I explained that I had not communicated with him for a long time and had no connection.

A little dialogue:

Me: where is my phone number from?

Tinkoff: They left him as a contact! (here I thought that they fuck like they breathe)

Me: Then why appeal to a third party, and not to a specific person (debtor)?

Here the conversation reached a dead end and the bullying and rudeness began.

They threatened me with lawsuits, subpoenas and other troubles and hung up on me. I sat in complete prostration, dumbfounded and a little furious.

A repeated call to obtain information about such an “excellent” employee did not yield results. I was told that we don’t tell names, we don’t give out information, and we can’t get any information about the employee. Then I realized that Tinkoff Bank doesn’t give a shit about anyone.

I am a 3rd person who is not involved at all credit history other people, and if someone left my phone number there, it doesn’t mean anything. Can I leave the phone number of the prosecutor's office and they will communicate with her in the same way?

It seemed to me that in this situation the bank should be inviting and not be rude.
Of course, I understand that the bank is a commercial enterprise and must earn money and receive money from debtors, but manners are bad manners.
I liked Tinkoff’s policy and even thought about opening a deposit, but now there is a crusade against such an attitude. Tinkoff Bank is in trouble!

Sorry for the confusion, it's boiling. We need to change our attitude and everyone can do it! Please repost.

Tinkoff Platinum where did they get my details? and got the best answer

Answer from Yergey Suslov[guru]
Yeah.. .
Konstantin’s answer is a typical example of the inability, in principle, to analyze an object (TCS) and obtain objective information, to rely on facts, and not on one’s fantasies (everything is great with fantasies and conjectures!).
He started out in favor of health, but then a heresy worse than the medieval one began pouring in...
So, our answer to Chamberlain:
1. Tinkoff Bank is fine with transparency. Tariffs are individual, clearly stated, and become known in advance, BEFORE activating the card. There are two interest rates and they are fixed (unfixed rates do not exist in nature!). Well, it’s not the bank’s fault if the borrower can’t read! Of course, how does he know the rates! Or he doesn’t understand something, but is afraid/embarrassed (!!!) to ask at the bank’s excellent call center (apparently, pride and religion don’t allow it)! What does the bank have to do with it?
I will add that the fine print containing the essential conditions in loan agreement absent.
2. TKS Bank initially focused on the lack of branches and ATMs. Service is carried out remotely through couriers and a call center. Why do you need branches then?? ? Any issue can be resolved remotely. Or do you experience an orgasm while standing in line? You never know...
3. Tinkof earns NOT ONLY from loans!! ! What a fantasy! It has the ENTIRE range of typical bank income(and commissions, and service fees, and currency exchange).

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Tinkoff Platinum where did they find out my information?

Answer from Max-fox[guru]
Tinkers for fools

Answer from Yergey[guru]
read about Dmitry Agarkov and Tinkoff Bank - it will be clear

Answer from Konstantin Borisov[guru]
This means you gave consent to the processing and transfer of your personal data to third parties, (signed some kind of agreement), you could have done this unconsciously, since it is usually written in small print, do not be surprised now that your data has been sold. For many, Tinkof remains a very opaque organization; they do not have a fixed interest rate on a loan (essentially a person takes out a loan and does not know what the interest rate will be). I think before you cooperate with them, you need to think about what kind of BANK this is, which has neither branches nor ATMs. I advise you to simply not answer calls or immediately refuse as soon as they introduce themselves and this will stop after some time. If they mail you a card that you didn't order, cut it in half and throw it away. If you need money, you better go to real bank. Tinkof makes money only from loans, that is, from you, and classic bank has other sources of income (payments, foreign exchange transactions, banking services etc)