How to properly ask for a loan. How to ask to borrow money without being refused? Is it necessary to write a receipt?


“Lends money” - this is often said, without noticing the difference between "to lend money to someone" And "borrow money from someone". The difference is subtle, you will agree, but it is there. Take a look at the same Ozhegov Dictionary, and it will immediately become clear to you: you cannot borrow money from someone! But it’s impossible because "borrow"- is to LEND.

That is, if we return to our successful businessman and the word “lend,” then he can only “lend someone money” himself or ask: “lend me money, please.” Again: "borrow"- is to LEND.

BORROW is another word: "borrow". What a strange story with this businessman: they say he has millions, but yesterday he had a hundred rubles borrowed from me.

You can imagine how surprised I was when he asked: “Loan me a hundred rubles before tomorrow!”

And again there is confusion with words "borrow" And "borrow". You cannot ask another person to “loan you” money. You ask to borrow money - and they will not refuse you.

So let's repeat: "borrow"- this is to GIVE a loan, and "borrow"- this is to BORROW. That's the whole trick.

Now you have a reason not to part with your money if you were suddenly asked to “borrow a hundred rubles until tomorrow.”

Make surprised eyes: “What are you saying?..”


Actually, bookstores are supposed to select books, I know that. But what can you do, there are exceptions. And you wouldn’t be distracted from the main activity if you were watching two teenagers - I emphasize, the most ordinary teenagers! - We weren’t discussing some action movie, but historical problems? That's it.

They had a serious argument; they argued while holding some kind of solid book in their hands. I was moved for several minutes until it dawned on me:

But they led a sedentary lifestyle!

They were not sedentary, they were nomads.

It's a pity. The guys are doing well with history, but they are a little lacking in the Russian language. There is no such word - "settled"! Eat - "settled".

"Settled"- that is, living constantly in one place. Donkey population. Settled Lifestyle. As Goncharov wrote in The Frigate Pallada, “the Yakuts are all settled and Christians."

And there was, if you remember from the history course, such a “trait donkey". With your permission, I will not talk about what it is - for you and me, only one thing is important now: “E” - "Donkey". And no "Yo"!

Where the confusion comes from, however, can be explained. There are verbs "saddle", "to saddle". If someone (most likely a horse) saddled then she will "saddled". This is where “Yo” is located. But "saddled" And "settled", you see, such different things!

"Settled", according to Dahl's Dictionary, comes from the word “to settle,” and it, in turn, from the word “to plant.”

Dahl has words that we have never heard of. “Settle,” for example, that is, “settle” (as they said, “settle by settling”). There was the word “tangible”: one could say, for example, about the people that they were “not tetchy.”

There was also the word "donkeys". What do you think this is? You'll never guess! This is a celebration of the new donkey.

Please note - "donkey"!

Money is not only a source of freedom and opportunity, but also a point of contention when financial tensions affect you and your friends.

Any person can experience money problems sooner or later, and often in such a situation it is impossible to do without outside help. But when borrowing funds, you cannot be sure that they will be returned to you within the agreed period and in full. A person’s life circumstances may change, their financial situation may worsen, or they may simply decide to take advantage of your kindness and old friendship in pursuit of their intentions.

All this will become a potential cause of conflict, the severity of which will depend on the amount of the loan and your desire to repay it.

If a friend does not give the money, then the situation becomes even more complicated. And the party that will suffer financial and moral losses can be you. After all, a special attitude towards this person will keep you from taking decisive action, even when you realize that he was simply using you. Therefore, it is not always worth lending money to friends. A situation like this is a serious test for your friendship, which can become a source of disappointment and financial loss.

How not to lend money and not offend anyone

When you are asked to borrow money, even if it is from a friend, you have every right to refuse. It is necessary to make a decision based on your own assessment of the situation and possible risks, financial condition, moral principles and priorities. There is no need to feel remorse or shame for not lending money to a friend. A person close to you will understand and accept any reason. If you decide not to lend money to friends, then try to do it correctly, without inventing implausible reasons.

6 ways to refuse money

  1. No money - no problems.

    You can tell your friend that . Express your sincere desire to help and your regret that you do not have such an opportunity now. You shouldn’t give away your last funds or go into debt yourself when even your best friend asked for a loan. After all, you may also have unexpected expenses associated with an important purchase, urgent payments, illness, or difficult life circumstances.

  2. Physically there is money, but in fact there is no money.

    Even if you have financial resources, justify your refusal by saying that you are collecting them for specific purposes that are very important. If a friend asks to borrow money, explain to him that the free resources that you have may be needed at any time. You will have to request them immediately, as you do not want to put your friend in an awkward position and aggravate financial problems.

  3. Your money is already being used.

    One way to avoid lending money is to explain this by saying that you have no free funds, and all of them are invested in a deposit, real estate or personal business.

  4. Help, instead of borrowing money.

    Offer the person any other help in solving the problem. If you cannot or do not want to lend money to a friend, then emphasize that you are ready to provide him with moral support and physical assistance. Tell him other sources of obtaining the required amount if you have such information. These could be favorable bank loans, MFO or pawnshop services, a new place of work or additional part-time work.

  5. You can't go against principles.

    You can also refuse because you do not intend to lend money to friends, family or any other people, since this is your principled position. When talking about a loan, clearly outline it, justifying it by the fact that you do not want to even potentially lose a friend because of money.

  6. When non-return of money is a trend.

    When a friend regularly asks to borrow money, you will have to be firm in order to guide him on the path to solving financial problems on his own. Ask him for a loan or offer to issue a receipt clearly indicating the repayment period and the amount of interest for using the funds. If this friend does not give back the money he borrowed from you earlier, you can absolutely calmly refuse him.

How not to lend money: exceptions to the rules

A person who does not lend money to a friend does not deserve contempt or condemnation. First of all, be guided by your own interests and priorities. But, before you come up with a reason not to lend money, it is worth finding out the true motive for this request. It is necessary to call a friend for a frank conversation. It is possible that he found himself in a difficult and hopeless situation that he could not cope with on his own.

The question may concern the health or life of a friend or his family and friends. In such cases, a decision cannot be made based solely on issues of one’s own financial gain.

Sometimes it is necessary to lend money to a friend, even knowing in advance that the chances of return are doubtful.

But at the same time they will go for good purposes and help a loved one. After all, no one is immune from difficult situations and tragic events that require financial investment. A person who does not lend money to a friend in trouble risks finding himself in similar circumstances himself.

Find out how to lend money - the signs of our ancestors will teach you to approach this matter correctly from the point of view of magic. Proper handling of money is a guarantee of connection to the money egregor, and therefore a guarantee of an enviable financial situation.

In the article:

Borrowing money - signs about borrowing funds

If you borrow money from someone, take it with your left hand. Signs about borrowing money say that if you take it in this way, it will be easy to give it back. People who borrow money with their right hand constantly have problems paying it back.

Many actions seem much more moral if you look at them through the fingers that hold money.

It is advisable to borrow in large denominations. They symbolize powerful ones. Such a loan will attract financial flows to you and, accordingly, new sources of profit.

Borrowing is generally not a good sign. In the old days they thought this: everyone is given according to their capabilities. If you don’t have money to fulfill your desire or satisfy your need, this means that you are not yet at the level that is necessary for this. In this situation, debt is not an option. Our ancestors never borrowed money to buy expensive new clothes or make other purchases of no practical value.

Debt must be beneficial and provide new opportunities for development. So, you can borrow without any special consequences for business development, training, or obtaining any professional opportunities. It is unlikely that you will drive yourself into poverty with such debts. Quite the contrary.

Overdue loans are a very bad omen. If you don't pay back your debts, you're worsening your relationship with them. Financial obligations must be met. Our ancestors believed that a person whose word is worthless will never live in abundance. Before you try to improve your financial situation, deal with your debts.

How to lend money - signs of our ancestors

Give it to the steward - and they will love you, and they will love you forever, unless someone gives you two hundred.

Regarding how to lend money, signs recommend not to do this "from hand to hand". This brings poverty to both the borrower and the lender. In order to avoid the negative meaning of this belief, place the bills on any surface - table, chair, cabinet. Let the person you give them to take them himself. Perhaps you have noticed special containers for money in stores? They serve the same purpose - with bills and coins. Money passes through many hands, and not every owner was the owner of clean energy.

If you are interested in how to lend money correctly, signs advise giving banknotes with your right hand. You should also pay off debts with your right hand. This is a sign of prosperity. When you receive your money back, hold the fig behind your back with your left hand. This will protect you from the evil eye and negative emotions of your debtor. It’s not a fact that there are any, but it’s better to protect yourself.

It is better to give and repay debts in small bills. Large ones symbolize powerful flows of monetary energy, which it is better not to part with. If you only give small amounts of money, regardless of the amount, it will bring profit in the future.

Do not give money if you are concerned about this. This often happens to people who subconsciously expect karmic punishment for not repaying loans. For example, if you yourself do not pay off your debts or your relatives do this, you can hardly hope that the money will be returned to you on time. You can only lend money with a light heart - think that everything will come back.

Ask the debtor to give you the money in the same bills that you gave him. Paying off a debt in small change is a common magical way of getting rich at someone else’s expense. It has already been described above. If you want to do this, you can ask the debtor for larger bills. This simple trick will take away his money energy and direct it towards you. You can ask the debtor to pay a slightly larger amount, at least one ruble more. This leads to income growth.

There are special conspiracies that are said to yourself while you are giving money to a person in need. They oblige him to repay the debt, protect you from losses, and sometimes work as conspiracies to attract money. Here is one such text:

Not for loss, but for profit, now I give, then I will receive double. Exactly!

And another similar conspiracy:

You borrowed, didn’t give back, you attacked the wrong person, (debtor’s name)! Bring it back, bring it yourself! Let it be so!

Some conspiracies can be said out loud, and their texts are unlikely to upset the borrower. Here's an example:

So that I always have, and you increase.

Such a good wish in a conspiracy form does not have any bad consequences. Using these words, you can insure yourself against ruin, non-payment of debt, and also make sure that the borrower has the opportunity to pay you fairly.

When you can lend money - signs about choosing the right time

It was the rich who invented that talking about money is tactless.

According to signs, they don’t lend money on time. waning moon. This phase of the moon is not suitable for monetary transactions at all. No conspiracies or rituals for enrichment are carried out during the waning of the night luminary. During this period, it is better to avoid large expenses, if possible. From the point of view of the rules of the monetary egregor, material assistance to one’s neighbor is a good thing. Helping a loved one in the form of lending money always pays off - the Universe will reward someone who does not leave other people in need. But during the waning moon, monetary energy flows outside the human world, so your money will flow away and will not return. Perhaps the debt will not be repaid at all, or perhaps you will immediately spend the returned funds on solving new problems.

It is also better to ask for a loan when the moon is waxing. This is how money energy will come. It doesn't matter that this is a loan and not your personal income - this money will only bring good things. If the person you borrowed from is not superstitious, try paying him back on the waning moon. The moon will wane, and all your debts will go away with it. True, this will not bring anything good to the person to whom you owe money - his financial situation will worsen.

It is not customary to repay debts or lend money at the beginning of the week. Monday is the worst day for this. This belief promises poverty and ruin for both the debtor and the borrower. They do not lend or repay debts on Sunday either - our ancestors separated this day from the rest to engage in spiritual affairs, and not material difficulties. Lending money on Tuesday means becoming a debtor for life. You cannot repay debts on Friday and Saturday. There are only two days of the week favorable for borrowing money - Wednesday and Thursday.

If given on the 13th of any month, according to legend, it will be gone forever. There are many bad omens written about the negative meaning of this number. Such beliefs are especially common in the West. The same applies to the 31st number - this is the number 13 written backwards.

Don't borrow money before. Regarding when to lend money, signs unanimously allow this to be done on the eve of the holidays. Paying off debts before the New Year is a very good omen for stability and good income next year. But it’s better to borrow after the holidays are over. Or you should give the money before the new year. Celebrating the New Year in debt is a very bad omen; you will be paying off creditors for the whole year and living in poverty. You cannot borrow on January 1 - you will be poor and live in debt for the whole year.

They do not give or take loans during church holidays. This belief has a particularly negative meaning if you do this at Christmas, Easter, Annunciation or Epiphany. On church holidays you are supposed to think about the divine. On most Holy days, it is prohibited to work, including conducting any financial transactions. Tackle your problems after the holiday is over.

The problem is not having money for black caviar, but finding taste in it.

You can't lend money at sunset. This period is similar in its influence to the waning phase of the moon. Of course, the influence of the time of day is much weaker than the influence that the phases of the moon have on the world. But it’s easier to follow this sign - just ask the person who came for the money to come back the next day.

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How to borrow money correctly

16.11.2018 4147

At least once in their life, everyone is faced with the need to borrow money from relatives or friends. According to statistics, 9 out of 10 people who are asked for a loan are refused, so a loan is not an easy test for both. The first one is worried about being loaned money, the second one is thinking about how to gently refuse and not offend. Today we’ll talk about how to borrow money correctly so as not to get rejected, how to behave and not embarrass a person.

How to behave

You need to make a request correctly, then you will not hear a negative answer. Before asking the creditor for a service, you need to specifically present the required amount and objective terms for repaying the debt. Depending on the sources of financing, the duration of the loan is determined. Ask for a certain amount, clearly specify the return period. Agree on how you will give: all the money at once or in several parts.

How to borrow money without being rejected? It is important to convey to the lender that he is the last hope. Describe the situation in detail, provide the facts:

  • not enough money before payday;
  • urgently need medical help or examination;
  • it is necessary to eliminate unforeseen difficulties (car repair, flood in the apartment, etc.).

Do not push, do not dictate conditions, ultimatums. Rudeness will not help in this situation. Behave calmly, describing the current situation in detail. A person who does not make eye contact, mumbles, or fusses does not inspire trust.

A common mistake is pre-processing by the lender. Instead of moving on to the question, many begin to ask about family, business, and try to have a casual conversation, which, in fact, is not interesting.

Try not to use the particle “not”, then the probability of refusal is lower.

Answering the question: how to borrow money correctly so as not to be refused, experts recommend:

  • formulate proposals competently and clearly;
  • speak confidently, look your interlocutor in the eyes;
  • argue for the purpose for which the money is used;
  • speak politely, do not raise your voice;
  • specifically define the terms and conditions of return;
  • if necessary, leave a receipt or offer property or valuables as collateral.

If you know that a person, as a matter of principle, never gives loans, do not turn to him for help, this will put both of you in a difficult position.

What are the deadlines?

Before you ask to borrow money to be given, determine specific terms for repayment. Based on your own capabilities. If the loan size is small, it can be repaid within a month. In some cases, the period can reach three months. When the debt is larger, it is repaid in three to four months, without prejudice to one’s own interests and needs. Of course, you can return the money earlier, but in this case the balance will hardly be enough to pay utility bills and food.

Try to ask for money in the most hopeless situations.

Borrowing large amounts is not advisable unless we are talking about medical care for yourself or loved ones. Going into debt for household appliances or new clothes is stupid. To determine the return period, consider:

  • monthly income amount;
  • availability of additional funding;
  • relationship with the creditor, his tolerance;
  • the amount of interest, if the loan was issued at interest, against a receipt;

Evaluate your options wisely. There is no need to shorten the return period knowing that it will not be respected. It’s better to play it safe and name a longer period so as not to be branded a deceiver. If the borrowed money is returned on time, the next time you ask, the likelihood of refusal is much lower.

Small tricks

Answering the question of how to ask for a loan of money, here are some tips:

  • Prepare for the conversation in advance, collect the necessary information about the person: whether he lends money or does not do so out of principle;
  • Specify a larger amount than is actually needed. If the borrower begins to doubt, give the original figure. Be sure to mention that you will ask someone else for the rest;
  • You need to ask when a person is in a good mood;
  • If you need money urgently, say that some friends have already helped you, only a small amount remains to be collected;
  • Don't avoid or ignore the person you owe. Make it clear that you are mindful of duty;
  • Repay your debts correctly: arrive at the agreed place on time, and don’t forget to thank them. If in addition a small gift is included (candy, a bottle of champagne, etc.), the person understands that you can be trusted and will be favorable next time.

Asking for money is an art that requires patience, politeness, and the ability to persuade. By following certain rules, you can enlist the support of your friends, without receipts or collateral.