How much money goes to the current account: terms in Sberbank and other banks. Banking operational day at Sberbank for legal entities


The list of housing and communal services may differ in different levels of home improvement. This is usually due to the presence or absence of a gas supply, sewerage system, garbage chute, as well as the number of floors and form of management of the apartment building.

The housing and communal services payment receipt specifies the types of payments for which payment must be made. They can be divided into communal and housing.

Public utilities

These include:

  • hot and cold water;
  • heating;
  • electricity;
  • sewerage

Housing services

These include:

  • garbage removal;
  • elevator maintenance;
  • housing maintenance and repair (current);
  • major repairs (for privatized apartments);
  • locking device (intercom);
  • TV antenna;
  • radio point;
  • work of the management company.

Where to pay for housing and communal services?

There are a large number of ways to pay for housing and communal services today. Payment can be made in cash, using plastic cards, as well as electronic money.

So, where can you pay for housing and communal services? The simplest and most famous way is to deposit cash at the cash desk of a bank branch. Many banks provide this service and almost all charge a fee in the form of a percentage of the payment amount or a fixed commission amount.

A receipt is required to pay the fee. The negative side of this type of payment is that it takes a long time due to queues and is only available during bank branch opening hours.

Another available payment method is to make a payment through an ATM. Almost the entire population has plastic cards; many have their salaries transferred to them.

The interest for this operation is slightly lower than when paying in cash from 0.1%. Their size is also set individually by bank branches. To carry out this operation, you must know the ten-digit personal account number.

You can also pay for housing and communal services using terminals. Any terminal charges interest: from 3% to 5%. Payment is made in cash; there is no provision for receiving change at the terminals. The balance of the amount is credited to the next month's payment.

Russian Post is beneficial for paying clients of banks such as Sberbank and Bank of Moscow. They do not charge a commission.

Payment can be made using mobile communications. The main thing is that there are enough funds in your phone account.

So, when choosing the “Easy Payment” service, MTS offers to pay utility bills for only a 2% commission. After completing the operation, if it was carried out from your personal account, you can print a payment receipt. The amount is credited instantly.

To pay for housing and communal services through the Sberbank website online, you need to have an account with this bank and the “Mobile Bank” option connected. Payment is made to the specified personal account number, but amounts are credited only on business days.

After the transaction is completed, a receipt is printed. You can use the Autopayment service. When using it, the amount of utility bills and the commission for them will be debited from the bank account monthly at a certain period without your participation. The disadvantage of such a payment is that the amount to be written off will be fixed.

Payment by bank card is made through the State Services website. You must register on the site.

Based on the personal account number and period, the amount to be paid is displayed. Here you can print out a receipt for utility bills without waiting for it in your mailbox.

You can deposit funds for housing and communal services using electronic payment systems: Yandex.Money, WebMoney, QIWI, RBK-Money. Almost all payment systems allow you to print a payment receipt and charge a commission for making a payment. Transferring funds may be delayed for 2-3 days.

Payment for electricity can be made through your Mosenergosbyt personal account. It calculates the amount and provides the choice of making payment online by credit card, from a mobile phone or through the QIWI payment system. There is a warning on the website about an increase in the amount of penalties from January 1, 2016.

Now that you have learned a little more about the methods and places of payment for housing and communal services, until what date is the next most important topic that worries many citizens and which we will talk about below.

When do you need to pay?

Please remember that when using different payment methods, payment may be delayed in transit. Although the amount for housing and communal services was paid on time, since the date of enrollment may differ by several days, you will have to pay penalties for the number of days the funds are detained in transit. The ideal period for paying for housing and communal services is not considered to be when deadlines are running out, but when payment is made in advance.

Important: The payment is considered completed when the funds are received into the account of the organization providing housing and communal services.

Payment for housing and communal services: payment terms

Until when to pay housing and communal services? According to Article 155 of the Housing Code, fees for utility services must be paid by the 10th day of the month following the month of payment. The payment period for housing and communal services can be changed according to the agreement adopted by the management company.


For late payments for housing and communal services, in accordance with Article 155 of the Housing Code, paragraph 14, a fine is charged for each day of delay of 1/300 of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of Russia for the first 60 days, starting from 31 days.

Then the penalties increase to 1/130 of the refinancing rate for each day.

Also after non-payment of payments for more than 3 months, the supply of housing and communal services may be suspended. In case of unauthorized connection to communications that have been banned from use, fines in the amount of 10-15 thousand rubles are imposed. If the debt is long-term, the case of non-payment may be referred to court.

Utility payments must be made monthly. Everyone can choose the payment method that is convenient for them.

It is important to comply with the deadlines for depositing funds and be sure to take into account the possibility of late payment so that you do not have to pay penalties. Even if the receipt is paid on time, the funds may take a few days to arrive in the organization’s account.

All credit institutions in Russia have individual time limits for conducting settlement and cash transactions. A banking day at Sberbank in 2018 for legal entities lasts as long as the electronic system is functioning. Throughout the day, employees of the financial organization accept and process documentation; at the end of the operating time, they create a daily balance.

Features of the operating day

This concept refers to the part of a financial organization’s working hours when clients can make any transactions. In this case, documentation submitted during office hours must be processed and executed on the same day.

Before remote servicing came into use for modern citizens, bank employees spent a lot of time working with documents, so the working day was always shorter than the operating day. For example, if a department works until five o’clock in the evening, then the reception of papers ends at four o’clock. Within half an hour, clients could make payments, but a double commission fee was charged.

What time are corporate clients served?

Over the past three years, the situation with the length of the operating day has changed dramatically, thanks to the introduction of such a service as. Now the processing of numerous papers takes a minimum of time and often takes place without the participation of employees of a financial organization.

In 2016, Savings Bank made a statement that for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs using online banking, operating hours last from seven in the morning until eleven o’clock in the evening, without weekends or holidays. Moreover, when visiting a branch of a credit institution, service is carried out according to the standard schedule, from nine in the morning until six in the evening.

What transactions are available

During the operating day at Sberbank for legal entities, in accordance with the agreement on cash settlement services, the following operations are performed:

  • Reception and work with payment papers;
  • Processing cash documentation;
  • Opening and introduction of deposit or credit accounts;
  • Exercising control over clients' accounting documentation.

The greatest demand is for services such as opening a deposit, money transfers and obtaining information about the movement of funds in the account. Documentation received after business hours is processed the next day.

What operations are available at the end of the operating day?

The procedure for accepting documents after working hours is individual for each department and is described in detail in the banking service agreement.

Dividing the working day into operational and non-operational time allows you to competently implement the transition between different reporting periods for legal entities.

The bank's corporate clients can conduct transactions at any convenient time using remote services, with the exception of transactions related to the provision of paper documentation. For example, if you need to receive a bank confirmation of payment. In this case, you will have to visit the office during business hours.

To authorize a banking organization to make a transfer, the client must submit a corresponding request for the transfer of funds. The transfer takes place according to the details specified in this document. A certain time period is always allotted for this operation. Moreover, the legislation limits the validity period of a payment order. Let's look at the rules and current regulations that govern this period.

Execution period

In order to understand how a credit institution fulfills clients’ requests for financial transfers, you need to know the differences between:

  1. The established deadline for execution of the payment order.
  2. The period during which such an order is valid.

So, the deadline for executing a payment order is the time during which the payer’s funds are transferred. This period is determined by Article 31 of the Federal Law of 1990 “On Banks and Banking Activities”.

The credit institution executes the order no later than one business day after the day it was received. Moreover, the bank determines the length of the operating day independently. If the order is not executed on time, the bank is obliged to pay interest.

Please note that this period does not coincide with the time period during which the order is valid. This time is determined based on other legislative norms, which we will consider further.

Please note that the time for execution of tax orders is also regulated by separate rules. According to Article 60 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, such a payment must be made within one business day. But if it is untimely, Articles 133 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and 15.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation come into force. And the responsibility for them is completely different than just paying interest.

Having received a client request, the bank takes the following actions:

  • approves the sender's right to use funds;
  • analyzes the integrity of the payment order;
  • analyzes the correctness of payment details;
  • determines whether there are enough funds in the account to make the transfer.

If the transfer has not yet arrived at the account - that is, the irrevocability period has not expired - the payer has the right to cancel the order.


Now let’s look at how long a payment document for transferring money has a valid status. In accordance with clause 5.5 of the Money Transfer Rules, which were approved by the Central Bank on June 19, 2012, the validity period of a payment order is 10 calendar days (do not confuse a working day with a calendar day!).


Let's say the payment order was generated on May 15, 2017. To determine the time of its validity, it is necessary to count 10 calendar days starting from May 16, 2017. The date you are looking for will be May 25, 2017.

Thus, the order can be presented to the credit institution for execution no later than May 25, 2017 inclusive. If you present the document later, the bank will refuse to execute it because the validity period has expired.

Knowing that the payment order is valid for 10 days, it is not difficult for the payer to calculate the date of presentation of this document to the credit institution. Therefore, taking into account the allowable period, he can plan his time wisely and visit the bank when it is convenient for him, and not immediately after drawing up a payment order.

Therefore, before going to the bank, you should make sure that the payment order is valid today.

Validity period of the payment order- is it defined by a regulatory document? In this article we will answer this question.

Where is the validity period of the payment order fixed?

The validity period of the payment order is fixed in the Regulations on the rules for transferring funds, approved by the Bank of Russia on June 19, 2012 No. 383-P (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations). According to clause 5.5 of the Regulations, it is 10 days and is counted from the day following the day of its preparation. This means that the completed payment order may not be presented to the bank immediately - this can be done either on the day of preparation or on any day in the next ten days.

Please note that the deadline is not defined in working days, like most “tax” deadlines in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, but in calendar days, i.e. it includes weekends and holidays. This is expressly stated in clause 5.5 of the Regulations.

Note that before 06/08/2014 the rule on the expiration date of the payment card was formulated somewhat differently. It said 10 days from the date of compilation. In connection with this, the question arose of how to calculate 10 days: including the day of compilation or not including it. When resolving it, we were guided by Art. 191 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, according to which the course of a period defined by a period of time begins the next day after the calendar date or the occurrence of an event that determines its beginning. That is, the day the payment was issued was not included in its validity period either.

The Bank of Russia itself provided clarification that the calculation of the period begins the next day after the instruction is drawn up (letter “Answers to questions on the application of Bank of Russia Regulation No. 383-P dated June 19, 2012 “On the rules for transferring funds””). Subsequently, by its instruction dated April 29, 2014 No. 3248-U, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation corrected the norm, and the issue settled.

What happens if the payment is late?

The bank simply will not accept it, and you will need to either change the date of the order or draw up a new document.

The first option is ideal if there were no others after the late payment. Then the chronology will not go astray. If a document whose submission deadline to the bank has passed has already been executed by the bank, we recommend leaving this document unexecuted and drawing up a new one. If necessary, the presence of an unrecorded document can easily be explained by the expiration of its validity period.

What is the deadline for executing a payment order by the bank?

The deadline for submitting an order to the bank and the deadline for its execution by the bank are different concepts. The payment deadline is covered in clause 1 of Art. 863 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Art. 31 of the Law “On Banks and Banking Activities” dated December 2, 1990 No. 395-I. According to the latest norm, the bank is obliged to execute a payment order no later than the next business day after receiving this document. Of course, if you have the required amount of money in your account.

The deadline for receipt of the payment by the bank is reflected in a specially designated place in the document - field 62. And in field 71 the bank will indicate the date the money is written off from the account.

Read more about the fields available in the payment in the material .


The statutory validity period for a payment order exists and is equal to 10 calendar days. If you miss it, the bank will not accept the payment, and you will need to either change the date on the expired document or create a new one.

By sending a request to the bank to transfer funds, the client authorizes it to carry out a money transfer operation in accordance with the details specified in this document. Such an operation must be carried out within a certain period of time. The validity period of a payment order is also limited by law. In this article we will look at the regulatory regulation of these deadlines.

Payment order execution deadline

In order to understand the procedures for the credit institution to fulfill the payer’s request to transfer funds, it is necessary to distinguish between:

  • deadline for execution of the order;
  • the period when the payment order is valid.

The deadline for the execution of the payment document in question is the period of time during which the credit institution is obliged to carry out the operation of transferring the payer’s funds. This period is established by Art. 31 of the Federal Law of December 2, 1990. The bank is obliged to execute the order no later than one business day after receiving the payment document. Determining the length of the operating day is the prerogative of the bank. For late execution of an order, the bank will be required to pay interest.

The specified period does not coincide with how long the payment order is valid. The period of time corresponding to this period is regulated by other norms of legislation and will be discussed below.

It is important to note that the deadline for the execution of tax payments is regulated by a separate rule of law.

After receiving a client’s request to transfer money, the credit institution carries out a number of procedures, including:

  • confirmation of rights to use funds;
  • checking the integrity of the order;
  • checking the order details;
  • checking the availability of funds required for transfer.

The payer has the right to revoke a payment order if the time for irrevocability of the transfer has not yet arrived.

How many days is a payment order valid?

Now let’s consider another period of time, namely the validity period of the payment document for the transfer of funds.

It is normatively established that a payment order is valid for ten days from the date following the day of its preparation. This period is calculated not in working days, but in calendar days (clause 5.5 of the Transfer Rules approved by the Bank of Russia on June 19, 2012).

For example, a payment order was drawn up on January 10, 2017. In order to answer the question of how long a payment order is valid from the specified date, you should calculate ten calendar days starting from January 11, 2017. The relevant date is January 20, 2017. Therefore, this order can be presented to the bank for execution no later than January 20, 2017 (inclusive). If the order is submitted later, the bank will not be able to execute it due to the expiration of the deadline.

Thus, the payer, if he has information that the validity period of the payment order is ten days, has the opportunity to determine the date of presentation of the specified document for execution within the specified period.