Benefits of investing. What are investments and how are they beneficial? Trust management in sports betting


We will tell you in detail about what interests the investor, what facts and arguments he needs to provide, what will work as a persuasion, and what is better not to talk about, there are also such moments. If you are interested in how to find an investor, then you need to study in detail the instructions that we gave in the previous article. Now let's look at the details of communication with an investor.

What you need to tell a candidate investor

You must provide the following information to a potential investor:

  • the essence of the idea and future production;
  • the main production stages of your project;
  • what amount of investment is required;
  • commercial benefit for you and for the investor;
  • timing of first profit;
  • the project reaches self-sufficiency;
  • potential profit and regularity of its receipt;
  • estimated annual profit.

In addition to these basic data, a competent and professional investor will ask the applicant to provide the main participants in the project, the employees who will implement the project, and a list of equipment that will be involved in the production process. Typically such data is provided in the form of a list. Opposite the name and position of the employee, his length of service in this profession, education, achievements, work experience, motivation of each person and the entire team are indicated. In the list of equipment, it is also necessary to indicate the year of manufacture of the equipment, its wear and tear, level of performance, manufacturer, and forecast for the possible production capacity of the product on this equipment. If the provision of a service requires any equipment, attributes, packaging, etc., then this must also be indicated when describing the benefits of the project.

If you are looking for a way to attract an investor, keep in mind that the description of the product or service itself should be based on the principle of greatest simplicity, excluding the use of professional terms that will confuse the investor and distract from the main thing.

Next, the investor will need to provide an analysis of future financial activities; if your business is built on the basis of an existing enterprise, then it is necessary to analyze the current activities of this business. It must indicate the volume of production, sales, profits and costs. The accounting report for the last year of activity and for the current day will also be studied in detail by a potential investor, so before searching for one, it is necessary to conduct an audit of financial and management documentation. If after such a procedure complete order and prospects are discovered in the activity, then the search for investors will turn into a choice of investors, since there will be far more than one of them.

The existing assets of an enterprise are also an important aspect when analyzing the stability of an enterprise. It is necessary to evaluate all the property of the enterprise, including strategic reserves of raw materials and potentially released goods.
When providing such a complete report, it would not be amiss to provide guarantees, guarantees and recommendations from serious partners. If you need an investor, and you are a beginning entrepreneur, then, as a rule, he provides his own property, movable and immovable, as an assignment. This is considered normal and welcomed by investors.

Business plan for investors

A business plan for investors is slightly different from the one you write when starting work for yourself. It is more similar to the one that is provided to banks for lending on preferential terms. It must provide all the evidence that financial condition the enterprises are in perfect order. It is necessary to describe precisely and in detail what the funds received will be spent on, how they will work and when they will begin to generate income. It is important to describe the market for new products and their demand among potential buyers. It’s good if surveys, consumer demand studies, and focus groups have already been conducted where product samples were discussed. This will be a clear confirmation that there will be a profit, and the higher the assessment of potential products, the greater the profit and the earlier the time for its receipt.

As the practice of investment companies shows, entrepreneurs are often so carried away by financial calculations that they completely forget about the marketing plan. Therefore, we recommend working through the “Marketing Plan” section no less carefully. Indicate which sales markets you have worked on, how ready they are to accept your new product, what sales are planned. Tell investors what pricing policy you have chosen, how you will promote your products, and what kind of advertising you will place. Analyze the competitive work, advantages and disadvantages of your colleagues from other companies producing similar products. Explain why the consumer will choose your product, what its advantages will be, and what benefits you will provide to customers.

If everything read in the business plan suits the investor, then an investment memorandum is concluded, which sets out the terms of cooperation in the most detailed way. Study the document carefully, preferably with a lawyer and an economist. Pay attention to the financial component, but also the proposals of investors and the conditions for providing investments must be fully assessed. If something seems impossible to you, you can draw up a protocol of disagreement, in which you indicate the points that do not suit you, as well as your version of these provisions. If an investor is interested in your project, he will definitely listen to you and make changes to the memorandum.

How to increase the attractiveness of a project for an investor

There are several ways to increase the attractiveness of a project for an investor.

  • Legal income and transparency of activities. This option is highly valued by serious investors. So provide as argument tax reporting, as well as the results of ongoing checks with positive results.
  • The results of audits conducted by independent companies, these can be financial audits, as well as production and management audits. If restructuring was carried out after the audits, it will be necessary to provide a report on the activities and the results obtained after the changes. Tell us about the optimization carried out, about the creation of additional offices and branches, about the formation of holdings.
  • Tell us about the uniqueness of your product, describe its advantages that guarantee high sales. If a similar product or service is not represented on the market in your region, but there is a demand for it, then the investor will definitely appreciate it. If you have a patent for an invention, registered copyrights for a technology, a license, permits of various types, then you need to declare them, it is much easier to find an investor, he will understand that your intentions are very serious and most of the work has been done, so the start of work is completely close.
  • Have you already drawn up a development strategy? Be sure to present it to the investor, because this indicates your serious intentions, as well as the high professional training of the business owner and employees of the enterprise. Remember that the strategy is your ultimate goal, and it must include the investor, his percentage of profit and the ability to calmly receive money, return the invested funds and add a percentage of the profit to them.
  • When a project reaches its maximum, it should have ways of further development and expansion. If you have thought them through, if they are realistic, then talk about them in the plan as well. Investors like promising ideas much more than short-term projects.

Features of searching for investors

If you are interested in how to find an investor, then keep in mind that you need to use all available opportunities, post information about your desire on all platforms that can bring a response. When placing an ad, you must already have some experience that you can immediately provide to the investor. So that it doesn’t turn out that an interested person is found, but you don’t have the documents ready yet.

To speak with a potential investor on equal terms, you must have a commercial proposal and a detailed business plan for the investment company. It is the business plan that is the most powerful tool in the process of convincing an investor of the seriousness of your intentions and the profitability of your future business. We have already described standard questions that an investor may have when reading your business plan; prepare answers to them in advance. And you can also talk to consulting specialists; they will tell you what objections are the main ones when considering the applicant’s plan for investment. Prepare answers to these objections in advance; you can even turn them into separate points of the business plan to prevent their occurrence.

If you absolutely accurately imagine your future business, if you have experience in this field, then you are not afraid of any objections, you can easily turn all questions into your advantages. For example, if they tell you that your idea is not unique, then you need to be told that this is an idea that has been tested by many generations of customers, and the additional advantages you create will make the product simply super in demand. And if they tell you that the idea is unique, therefore untested and risky, then you can confidently answer that it is easier to work in a free market and the profit will go to only one manufacturer - you! That is, the “reframing” technique should be used to the fullest.

Another important point in convincing investors is recommendations. Your large and respected partners can describe you personally or your product. Such recommendations will significantly speed up your receipt of funds from an investor, because in case of problems, your recommenders will help you get out of a difficult situation, not directly, of course, but as partners. And if these instructions are added to the stability and legality of your business, significant growth trends, and the demand for products in your industry, this will significantly increase the chance of creating a strong and profitable enterprise.

By the way, if you manage to find an investor who understands your business, in your industry, then this will be a significant advantage; you will not have to explain basic things that will seem so to you. Such specialists are most often private investors with long and successful experience in your field. If the investor is from another industry, then try to express your thoughts in simple and accessible language that will not require deciphering by a specialist if the investor is a financier. If he is also a specialist in your field, then consider yourself very lucky.

If you have applied for various grants and subsidies, be sure to indicate this fact. If you receive a positive decision on them, this will increase the value of the project in the eyes of the investor. It is best if you receive part of the money for development in the form of a grant, and part in the form of investments. Investors consider this combination to be the most attractive, because not only will they be equally responsible for your success, but also those structures that awarded the grant.

Before you apply for investment, try to create some kind of information wave around your new product or service or technology. When the public speaks out in favor of your idea, investors will come to you, and it will be very easy for you to convince them of the attractiveness of the new business.

E. Shchugoreva

Is it realistic to find an investor now?

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Investment is an object in which an investor invests cash with the aim of making them grow in their favor. Provided that when an investor devotes part-time work, this will not affect the profit he receives, because the money invested once will work for him in the future. Investments themselves imply varying degrees of invested risk, depending on the amount of investment, their duration, and, most importantly, the level of the rate of return.

The safest investments offer the certainty that the investor will be able to save what he originally invested, but the expected return under such circumstances will be much lower. As the investment risk increases, the investor may be offered the highest rate of potential return, and the risk of losing the invested funds in whole or in part increases.

Before deciding what type of investment to classify his knowledge and abilities, a person must calculate how much he is willing to risk and what goals he will pursue. Investments can be both in monetary terms and not in monetary terms, that is, contributions to fixed or share capital, as well as investments in the acquisition of liquid objects and goods in the markets, etc.

Cash or equivalent investments are quite safe, however, they often have the lowest rates of return. These investments consist of time deposits, accounts for savings deposits, as well as financial market treasury bills and mutual funds. They are easily converted into money.

Many banks, trust organizations, credit unions and investment companies provide a wide range of services for depositing funds of their clients. This will depend on the type of investment preferred by the investor in terms of risk, amount of funds, duration, and other factors in the market.

These financial institutions have a staff of specialist consultants who can give competent advice on investing, both in banking products, as well as in other monetary instruments. Such companies require a separate fee for such services, or charge a commission for managing accounts. That is why a potential investor should decide on goals and possible risks before starting to invest their funds.

Ella Gimelberg General Director of CJSC Consulting Agency S&G Partners (Moscow)
Magazine “Financial Director”, No. 4 for 2007

Presenting a project to an investor does not imply one-way communication. The investor, to one degree or another, has already become familiar with the information contained in the business plan and is waiting for answers to specific questions, on the basis of which he will be able to make a final decision on the possibility of entering the project and the terms of the transaction. It is likely that the following investor questions will need to be answered:

  • how an investor can enter the capital of a company (purchase of bonds, shares, shares authorized capital, creation of a joint venture), whether this complies with current legislation, whether legal due diligence of the company has been carried out;
  • what kind of profitability will the investor receive, how much does it correlate with the average market industry profitability, what are the risks of not receiving or receiving less income, has the company undergone financial due diligence;
  • whether the board of directors and management of the company shares the investor’s philosophy; whether the activities of the enterprise in the future will run counter to the goals of the investor;
  • how an investor will exit the company’s capital: is it possible to enter an IPO, sell a stake to another investor, buy back a stake, credit refinancing;
  • how does interaction with minority shareholders take place, do they receive seats on the board of directors, have previous attempts been made to “dilute” the stakes of minority shareholders;
  • whether there are audited statements according to IFRS or US GAAP standards, which company is the auditor.

The scope of the issues varies depending on the proposed structure of the transaction, the type of investor (institutional, strategic, etc.) and the ultimate goals of the contracting parties.

When preparing a business plan that can lead to success, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort, collect and analyze a significant amount of information. So that your efforts are not in vain, you should remember that the future fate of your idea and project largely depends on both the form and content, and on how you present your business development plan to the investor.

Different investors, same problems

Based on the results of the round table held by the editors of the magazine “ Financial Director»

Investor requirements for a business plan

The round table participants noted that different categories of investors have different requirements for the content of a business plan, so when drawing it up, it is important to take into account what kind of investors the company plans to attract.

Leonard Gaponenko, Vice President, Director of the Investment Department of the Complex-Oil Group of Companies (Moscow): We can talk about three types of investors: banks, portfolio and direct investors.

Bank They are only interested in repaying the loan and paying interest on it, even if these payments “fail” the project in the future. From here it is clear what should be contained in the investment project: first of all, the authors must clearly show that the project can generate enough funds for timely interest payments and loan repayment.

Banks prefer annuity payments (in equal shares), but for the authors of an investment project this option is not optimal, since it deprives them of flexibility in managing available funds and worsens the project’s performance compared to a special loan repayment schedule. Therefore, it is advisable to present the bank with two options for repaying the debt, demonstrating an obvious difference (increasing the profitability of the project when paying according to schedule at later stages).

Equally important for the bank is the availability of liquid collateral, which can be easily sold if the project fails. As a result, the funds received can be used to repay the loan and pay interest on it.

Portfolio investors- these are, as a rule, speculators who “play” on changes in the market value of shares. They have access to significant sources available funds, for which, in case of favorable conditions, they can quickly buy and then sell shares of enterprises that interest them. It would be a stretch to call them investors. They are of little interest in investment projects and business plans; if they consider them, it is only from the point of view of studying the market for efficient enterprises.

Direct investors differ in that they gain control over the enterprise and often become its owners. A direct investor sends funds directly to the enterprise, for which there are many schemes. As a rule, the investment agreement clearly states the terms of the investment and the return on it that the investor can expect (in this case, direct). For example, an investment agreement with subsequent exit from investment.

In this case, the investor receives temporary control over its management for the duration of the investment in the enterprise. When the investment goals are achieved, he will be obliged, based on the contract, to carry out the procedure for “exiting the investment,” that is, to give away (sell back) the shares. Thus, the direct investor is interested in the project itself and the benefits it can bring to him. It is these investors who should be approached with investment proposals and projects, having a business plan in hand. When studying an investment proposal, they will first of all look for answers to the following questions:

  • how much money needs to be invested in the project;
  • for what purposes will they be spent, what is the cost structure;
  • to what extent can one judge from the submitted application the feasibility of the project;
  • what is the organizational scheme for the project implementation;
  • is there a team that is aimed at implementing this project, what is its composition and qualifications, does it have experience in implementing similar projects;
  • what is the company that is making the offer;
  • does the company invest in the project? own funds, and if so, to what extent;
  • what benefits will the investor receive from participating in this project.

Leonid Astrin, Financial Director of JSC Mosmetrostroy: Portfolio investors really do not make investment decisions based on a business plan. They focus on the current and forecast performance indicators of the company. The business plan in this case acts more as a reference material, so it must meet market expectations. It is desirable that the main indicators (for example, profitability, liquidity, capital turnover, etc.) are not lower than the industry average, but also do not go “outside”, and the forecasts do not contradict the opinions of leading analysts.

You can get money for the project from banks and direct investors. Prepare to have your business plan reviewed on at least two levels. At the first level, it will be studied by lower or middle managers. In the best case (if the investor is interested in the deal), at this stage the investor’s employees will help you adjust the business plan so that it meets the formal requirements.

Next, the business plan falls into the hands of the decision maker. And here any experienced investor will “read between the lines.” Firstly, the investor is interested in the wealth of the applicant. Based on the business plan, he will try to understand how much you can implement the proposed plan and how sincerely you are going to follow it. If you manage to convince the investor that you wrote the business plan not for him, but for yourself, then count on your project being taken seriously.

The investor is, of course, interested in the financial forecast. And an experienced investor will first look at revenue and cost forecasts. Based on these indicators, he will form a general idea of ​​the financial parameters of the project. The two main questions an investor will be looking for an answer to are how reasonably the revenue is forecast and how fully the costs are planned. If your arguments on these two issues are not convincing, the entire further calculation is meaningless. You should not carry out calculations with excessive accuracy. For example, when revenue is forecast with an accuracy of 10%, then the profit forecast should not be more accurate. A number with three decimal places will look out of place.

Alexander Chirkunov, Deputy Director for Economics and Finance at Ergonom LLC (Novosibirsk): In my opinion, there are two key points that investors pay attention to.

Firstly, justification of the benefits that the implementation of the idea will bring. This is reflected in the risk analysis, marketing, economic, legal and other components of the business plan. Secondly, an explanation of why your company is needed to implement the project. Usually, for this purpose, the business plan provides information about the company, its experience in implementing similar projects, information about personnel, administrative resources, availability of licenses, etc.

How not to make mistakes when drawing up a business plan

The round table participants tried to highlight the main mistakes that companies make when drawing up a business plan, and gave recommendations on how they can be avoided.

Kevin Nerkovski, financial director of Bosch Vostok CJSC (Moscow): Two groups of errors can be distinguished. The first one is errors concerning essential aspects of the project:

  • the business plan is not adapted to the location of the future business (for example, you intend to produce felt boots in a hot country);
  • the project strategy, which is described in the business plan, does not meet market requirements;
  • the structure and needs of the market are unclear;
  • there is no detailed description of competitors or comparison of your project with competitors (price, location, advantages and disadvantages);
  • there is no data on development prospects and ways to improve business;
  • HR factors such as salary, training, recruitment methods and type of management are not taken into account.

Second group - mistakes based on excessive optimism. The most important and most common of them is overestimation of revenue. An investor can easily check revenue information based on data from competitors in the sector in which you are located. In addition, sometimes companies are silent about risks. I would like to emphasize that it is necessary not only to identify and assess risks, but also to come up with the most catastrophic scenario for the project and prove to the investor that you are ready to overcome such a situation.

Another important point. It is quite common for companies to create very detailed business plans, hundreds of pages long. It is possible that such a “Talmud” will not even be opened. The business plan should be clear, concise (no more than 30 pages) and without any fluff. All the main points of the business plan should be placed at the very beginning, on the first two pages - do not forget that the investor’s time more expensive than money. There are cases when investors receive up to 300 business plans a month, so they often limit themselves to reading only the first pages. To focus on certain points, you should use apps. This can be either a resume of key employees, or graphs, drawings, etc.

Alexander Chirkunov: I agree that a business plan should not be overloaded with unnecessary information. If the document discusses any macroeconomic trend, then it must be related to this project. For example, we are talking about the construction of a car wash complex using automated equipment. The trend in itself to increase the number of cars is only relatively related to the number of future customers of this particular complex. It would be more correct to note the growth in the number of car wash customers in the region in question, citing specific data from marketing research and noting the reasons why customers will choose the services of your company. When presenting a business plan for the construction of a cement plant, development trends will be of interest construction industry only in the territory where the products are intended to be sold.

Another mistake when drawing up a business plan is forming it on the basis of subjective optimistic assessments, which are not always made by professionals. Large banks providing project financing resort to the services of investment consultants who, as a rule, at the expense of the company offering the investment project, evaluate the submitted business plan for its compliance with reality. In this case, special attention is paid to the marketing component, and an analysis of the project’s sensitivity to possible risks is carried out.

Leonid Astrin: Often companies do not take into account how large the presented project is for the investor. Thus, in a large Western bank, a $1 million project will most likely be reviewed by a clerk, but on average Russian bank the $10 million project will probably not be accepted without the personal approval of the president. The level of consideration is very important, because it determines how formal it will be.

If the decision is made by a lower or middle level manager, his main task is to relieve himself of responsibility in the event of negative developments. To do this, the project must, first of all, satisfy all formal requirements. It is better to smooth out possible “sharp corners”. It is advisable to support your calculations and assumptions formally - with marketing research, statistical reports, official documents, etc.

If a business plan is reviewed by a top manager or owner, then they are primarily interested in the essence of the project. A document with an abundance of information not directly related to the project will cause rejection; any manipulations with numbers will most likely be noticed and create distrust in the entire project. Here's an honest discussion of the risks and weaknesses project is likely to create a favorable rather than a negative impression of you.

What to pay attention to when presenting a project

If they show interest in the business plan, you will be offered to give a presentation of the project. The round table participants shared their experiences on this issue.

Leonard Gaponenko: Before making a presentation to potential investors, we recommend doing the following:

  • for clarity, diversify presentation materials with diagrams and graphs;
  • think through possible and most likely scenarios for negotiations with investors, predict complex questions that may come from an investor, and pre-prepare answers to them;
  • assess your business status and compare it with the status necessary for negotiations. If, in your opinion, your job status is not enough, you should request that the company management provide you with a higher status, temporary or permanent, necessary for the successful completion of the mission;
  • conduct two or three test meetings with “second-tier” investors, sum up their results, on the basis of which it will be possible to make adjustments to the documents presented to investors and to the scenarios for communication with them.

Dmitry Anisimov, financial director of Mediamir LLC (Moscow): The main thing is that there are no discrepancies in the presentation prepared on the basis of the business plan and in the business plan itself. Preparation of the presentation often goes in parallel with the completion of work on the business plan; individual points are constantly clarified and adjusted. This situation often arises when, when drawing up a business plan, the MS Office package is used, rather than a specialized software solution. In this regard, inconsistencies in some indicators are almost inevitable. Mistakes like these make investors irritated and suspicious that a team that can't make a good presentation is unlikely to be able to successfully implement the project, and as a result, your plan may be rejected.

Alexey Grebenyuk, head of the investment and project financing department of ProjectLine LLC (Moscow): Typically, the project initiator does not personally present the business plan to the investor (more precisely, to the investor’s credit committee). As a rule, this is done by employees of the credit institution, who prepared and analyzed the business plan materials together with the project initiator. However, sometimes the project initiator is personally present at the investor’s credit committee, where he may be asked questions about the project. Naturally, the initiator must have excellent knowledge of the topic, be well aware of all the intricacies of technology, marketing, development strategy, and project management. Sometimes it is useful to have a short presentation of the project with you (this requirement most likely applies to working with Western financial institutions).

It should be remembered that the financial market, including the global one, despite its apparent breadth and capacity, is actually narrow. All potential investors of a particular project often know each other personally, so the project initiator may have only two or three attempts to implement his project with the involvement of an investor. If the project is not worked out in detail, the development strategy “does not emerge,” then there is every chance of missing the opportunity to attract an investor: such a project may simply be unnecessary for the market.

2 For more information about this, see the article “How not to make mistakes when drawing up a business plan” (“Financial Director”, 2003, No. 4, p. 22 or on the website — Note editors.

Hello, dear readers of the magazine! Almost each of us at some point thinks about where to invest money so that it works and brings monthly income.🙂

There are actually a huge number of investment options! Not all of them are effective, and what to hide are often simply fraudulent organizations whose only goal is to get money and hide with it forever. I know this first hand!😀

In this publication, I will try to tell you in detail about the most relevant and proven areas for investing money in 2020! And of course, in practice we will try to objectively figure out where it is more profitable and best to invest your money.

You will also learn about where you should not invest your money so as not to lose it!

And most importantly, I will share with you my life experience , concrete examples And useful tips that will allow you to invest money correctly and get high passive income!👍

Regardless of what amount of money you are going to invest: small or large, this article will be as useful as possible for you!

In addition, you will learn:

  • What investment options are there, what are their returns and which one should you choose?
  • Where can you profitably invest money on the Internet?
  • How to invest money correctly so as not to burn out?
  • And also about where it is better not to invest your money!

Sit back and let's get started! The article turned out to be a little long, because I tried not to miss anything important. I hope I succeeded!😉

1. What is important to know about investments?

First, what you need to know before investing your money anywhere is that you only need to invest your free cash ! Under no circumstances should you invest money that you desperately need, and especially do not get into debt, loans, or credits.

No one gives an absolute guarantee that you will increase your invested money! There is always a risk of losing money, even if it is a highly guaranteed investment (for example, government bonds or bank deposits).

You should always remember this, because investments can bring both profit and loss!

Secondly, before investing your money anywhere, you need to actually evaluate what exists risks and which one profitability can be obtained from one or another investment.

Typically the risk is proportional to the return, i.e. the higher the profitability, the higher the risks and vice versa. But this rule does not always work.

But in any case, those who do not take risks do not earn money. It is always necessary to take meaningful risks!😉

In order for you to decide for yourself whether or not it is worth investing in one or another investment option, we will analyze each of them based on the following most key parameters:

  • profitability,
  • risk,
  • payback period,
  • minimum investment amount.

We will also consider all the pros and cons of each investment option.

Third to reduce risks, it would be logical diversify your investments, i.e. distribute the entire investment amount into parts depending on the risk and invest in different assets.

For example, you can distribute it like this:

  1. conservative portfolio (bonds, real estate, precious metals...) - 50% of all funds;
  2. moderate portfolio (mutual funds, shares, business projects...) - 30% of all funds;
  3. aggressive portfolio (currency market, cryptocurrencies...) - 20% of all funds.

There is no need to invest all your money only in instruments with very high returns, since in this case the risk of losing your money will also be very high!

On the contrary, many people strive to receive maximum income, but at the same time completely forget about risk. And as a result, due to greed, they are left with nothing.

Investment is all about risk management! First of all, you need to take care not to lose money. Profit is the second thing.

And if you have little or no experience in investing yet, then start investing with minimal amounts and avoid high-risk assets.

Read this article to the end, because at the end of the article you will learn about other important rules of investing!👇

2. Where is the best place to invest money in 2020 - TOP 15 profitable investment options

So, let's finally look at the options and decide where you can profitably invest your money so that it generates income!

I’ll immediately share with you, using my personal example, one rather profitable investment that allows you to receive much more than regular bank interest. 😉

PAMM account "Arslanov Fund" and its profitability

Another PAMM account in which I invested is ““, the largest account in Alpari, it manages more than 155 million rubles!

Although it does not show the same profitability (accordingly, it is more conservative, with less risks) as the previous one, nevertheless, for 5 years it brings investors “clean” income every year. near 60-80% . Agree, it’s very good! 😀

I’m still just looking at other PAMM accounts, but in my opinion, these two accounts are currently the most reliable for long-term investing.

However, although you can earn quite significant sums in this way, you should not forget about the risks. Still, invest no more than 25-30% from the total amount of your investments (at the same time, also distribute risks among accounts, do not invest everything in just one account, choose at least 2 accounts).

More details about this type of investment will be described later in the article, so be sure to read to the end.

Option #1: Bank deposits/savings accounts

DESCRIPTION: The simplest and most accessible investment option for everyone is regular bank deposits. In Russia, the annual interest rate on them is on average from 5% to 8%.

IN last years deposit rates have been falling steadily and will likely continue to fall in the future.

How to make money on stock growth - Google example

So in 3 years, Google shares have grown by more than 100%!

For these purposes, so-called “individual investment accounts” (IIA) are suitable, which, for example, can simply be opened in the same account (using this link you can invest 1 month without commission). By the way, they have a very convenient investment application and a fairly low commission, I use it myself.😀

☝️In addition, if you invest money for at least 3 years, you will be able to receive a personal income tax deduction (13%), i.e., in fact, you will not need to pay income taxes! Such preferential terms were developed by the state to support and develop investment in the country.

But naturally, there are many nuances that need to be taken into account when investing in stocks. There are risks always and everywhere - you shouldn’t forget about them!

The biggest risk for stocks (for those who bet on their growth) is financial crisis ! The rest of the time, shares generally grow steadily and show good profitability.

In addition, you need to understand that the price of shares depends very much on the actions of speculators, rather than on the real financial position of the company in the market.

Alternatively, you can invest money in a group of shares, i.e. so-called indices (they show the economic situation in the country), for example:

  • RTS (50 largest companies in Russia),
  • S&P500 (500 largest US companies),
  • NASDAQ (100 US high-tech companies).

If you do not want to invest personally, then there is an option to entrust your money to professional managers. I already mentioned how I invested in managers at Alpari at the beginning of the article! I will definitely tell you more about this direction a little later in this article!

You can easily invest in shares through.

CONCLUSION: With proper management, shares can generate good returns, several times higher than the interest rate on bank deposits. But at the same time they are considered riskier assets.

Profitability: Risk: Payback: Minimum investment:
15-100% per annum (change in share price + dividends) depends on strategy 1-7 years from 5-10 thousand rubles
(⭐️⭐️⭐️ - medium/high) (⭐️⭐️ - medium/high) (⭐️⭐️ - average) (⭐️⭐️⭐️ - low)
➕ Pros and ➖ Cons:
(+ ) With minimal/moderate risks, you can get relatively high returns. (+ ) High liquidity - at any time you can quickly sell shares and get money in your hands. Low entry threshold. (- ) Knowledge required. Uncontrolled risk and “flirting” with the market can lead to significant losses. (- ) In the event of a crisis, shares can seriously and quickly fall in price.

Option No. 4: PAMM accounts, PAMM portfolios, trust management and structured products

DESCRIPTION: But this method is usually suitable for those who do not have the experience or time to understand all the nuances of trading in financial markets (stock markets, Forex, oil, gold...).

That is, in this case, you entrust your money to traders - those who professionally trade in financial markets.

All you need to do is distribute the initial investment amount into parts (preferably at least 3-5) and invest in different managers.

PAMM account “Moriarti”, its profitability for 5 years was 135464% (click to enlarge)

💡 This PAMM account (trader) has over $2.5 million , its profitability over 5 years amounted to over 135 thousand percent.

However, it should be borne in mind that although accounts/portfolios have shown good returns in the past, there is always a possibility that they will be unprofitable in the future.

Therefore, I repeat, do not invest all your money in one trader! Distribute funds among at least 2-3 reliable managers who have been trading profitably for a long time. If the accounts are relatively new (less than 6 months), then divide the initial investment among 5-10 traders.

Constantly monitor the situation and get rid of accounts/portfolios that have been generating losses over a long period. This is the whole secret of investment!

For more information about what PAMM accounts are and how they work, you can watch a free training webinar from professionals in their field:

You can go to the Alpari website and get acquainted with Pamm accounts.

With larger initial capital, you can work with large stock brokers (for example Finam and BCS), which also provide various trust management strategies.

For example, you can give Finam in trust from 300 thousand rubles. Their website presents dozens of diverse strategies: conservative, moderate and aggressive.

Of course, both brokers and managers also cannot 100% guarantee that you will receive income.

I would like to tell you a few words about the so-called “structured products”, because they are also directly related to trust management. The income here, as a rule, is not the same as what PAMM accounts can provide, but nevertheless, structured products can bring significantly more than bank interest and bonds.

They are also intended for beginners who want to increase their money. Structured products can bring returns of up to 100-200% per annum with minimal risks (risk is strictly limited, there is capital protection - usually you risk only 10% of your investments).

The essence of structured products is that you also invest money in stock markets (more precisely in specific stocks, futures...), which experts expect will rise or fall in the future.

It is usually possible to invest in such products from 3000 dollars(some brokers have a higher minimum threshold) and for a period from 3 months.

I will give an example of trust management - the leader in trading turnover on the Moscow Exchange with maximum reliability AAA.

BCS offers investments in Gazprom shares with guaranteed returns 10% per annum(even if the price falls) and 100% capital protection. If the price of shares rises, then you can even get 14% per annum .

So there are only 2 options: you get either 10% or 14%. Consider that there are no risks other than the actual bankruptcy of the company. But it is extremely unlikely that the No. 1 company in everything broker market went bankrupt in Russia, this is similar to Sberbank declaring bankruptcy. Therefore, in this regard, there are practically no risks.

Investments are designed for a period of 3 months, which is also quite convenient. As a result, this option is an excellent alternative to a deposit, the rates for which are now significantly lower. The only downside is that the minimum investment amount is 300 thousand rubles.

CONCLUSION: Trust management combines convenience, moderate risks and medium/high returns. Especially suitable for beginners.

Profitability: Risk: Payback: Minimum investment:
from 15% to 200% per annum and above depends on the type of strategy: conservative, moderate, aggressive 1-8 years from 500 rubles
(⭐️⭐️⭐️ - high/medium) (⭐️⭐️ - medium/high) (⭐️⭐️⭐️ - high) (⭐️⭐️⭐️ - low)
➕ Pros and ➖ Cons:
(+ ) By distributing funds among the most effective managers/strategies, you can get a good average return. Suitable for beginners. (+ ) The minimum amount for investment (especially in PAMM accounts) is quite low. You don't have to do any trading yourself. (- ) Relatively high risks compared to bonds and bank deposits. (- ) It is difficult to predict profitability, as there may be unprofitable periods. Managers need to be monitored periodically.

Option #5: Bonds

DESCRIPTION: Where do you think the big banks invest their money? Mainly in bonds! Yes, they provide a small income, but with a high guarantee and reliability. Especially if you take government bonds.

Along with bank deposits, bonds are considered one of the simplest instruments for investment. But unlike bank deposits, the interest rate on bonds is significantly higher.

For those who don’t know, a bond, simply put, is an IOU. Only large companies and states can act as borrowers.

☝️ By the way, Sberbank and other banks sell national government bonds.If you invest money for 3 years, you can get an average return of 8.5% per annumX .

I agree, not very much, but the rate is certainly better than most bank deposits currently available. Moreover, in the future, deposit rates may decrease.

You can also consider bonds of large, reliable companies - their rates will be higher! For example, on Sberbank bonds the average yield is approximately 9,2%-12,2% per annum (depending on the term).

At the same time, you can invest large amounts of money in bonds, since the security of funds here will be higher than, for example, in bank deposits, where only 1.4 million rubles are insured.

I would also like to note that there are also bonds whose yield can be tens And hundreds of percent . But such bonds have a low credit rating(This is why they are called “junk bonds”). Although they can generate fairly high returns, they are a very risky investment.

Bonds, just like shares, can be purchased without having to pay income tax (if you purchase them for a period of more than 3 years).

CONCLUSION: Bonds are suitable for those who seek to receive an average return with a relatively high guarantee.

Profitability: Risk: Payback: Minimum investment:
from 7% to 15% per annum (for risky ones from 30% to 100% and above) depends on bonds (for government bonds - very low) 7-12 years from 10 thousand rubles
(⭐️⭐️ - medium/low) (⭐️ - low) (⭐️⭐️ - medium/low) (⭐️⭐️⭐️ - low)
➕ Pros and ➖ Cons:
(+ ) Optimal profitability combined with low risks. You can sell bonds at any time without losing income. (+ (- ) Relatively low yield compared to stocks and some other assets. (- ) There is a risk of bankruptcy of the issuer (especially for bonds with a low rating). The lower the credit rating, the less confidence in it.

Option #6: Forex

DESCRIPTION: Forex is essentially a foreign exchange market where you can buy/sell this or that currency.

This can be done both through banks and online with the help of specialized brokers (where, by the way, the commission is 10 times less).

For example, you purchased 10,000 dollars at the rate of 57 rubles/dollar - as a result, you invested 570,000 rubles in dollars. After a while, the rate reached 60 rubles per 1 dollar, and you sold dollars.

As a result, after the exchange you received 600,000 rubles, and the income accordingly amounted to 30,000 rubles(of which the broker's commission is approximately 600-800 rubles).

You can trade on Forex either yourself or give money to professional traders to manage (this will be discussed in detail in the next section of the article).

When trading currencies on your own, it is very important to have trading experience And h knowledge of the foreign exchange market . It’s not worth going into the foreign exchange market just like that, in the hope of easy money (and that’s exactly what I did 🙂), as this usually leads to serious losses.

It is important to note that when trading in person, you need to follow proven trading strategy, otherwise trading will most likely turn into a casino and lead to a sad result known in advance.

But on the other hand, if you observe risk (money management), manage emotions and trade exclusively according to strategy, then you can actually make good money on Forex. But this needs to be learned!

Although you can start on Forex with minimal amounts - from $1, you still need more or less serious investments (preferably from 100 thousand rubles), since even if you manage to increase the initial deposit by 10% per month (which is very good), the profit will not be that big.

In my opinion, one of the most effective trading strategies on day bars is Price Action. There are many articles written about her on the Internet - if you are interested, read them!

Among reliable brokers you can choose, for example, Alpari or RoboForex.

CONCLUSION: The Forex market is more unpredictable than the stock market, and therefore riskier. However, with skillful investing you can get high income. For those who are not ready to seriously study, this option is not suitable - it is better to consider PAMM investing. This will be discussed below!👇

Profitability: Risk: Payback: Minimum investment:
from 15% to 100% per annum and above depends on the strategy (initially has a high risk) 1-7 years from 100 rubles
(⭐️⭐️⭐️ - high/medium) (⭐️⭐️⭐️ - high/medium) (⭐️⭐️⭐️ - high) (⭐️⭐️⭐️ - very low)
➕ Pros and ➖ Cons:
(+ ) If you have an effective strategy, you can get high returns. (+ ) Low entry threshold and accessibility. (- ) High risks, especially for beginners. You can lose significant money in a short time if you don't manage your risk. 99% of beginners lose their money. (- ) Training required: specialized knowledge and experience, as well as the ability to manage emotions. There is no guarantee that you will make a profit in any given period.

Option No. 7: Own/partner business

And this, in my opinion, is one of the most profitable ways of investing, which can bring you hundreds or even a thousand percent of income!

Of course, in most cases, business requires personal presence. But on the other hand, a business can be automated or simply invested in someone’s business at the development stage.

Another option is to buy a ready-made business or open a franchise business (in this case the risks will be much lower).

Moreover, even if you have a small initial capital, you can still open your own business. Many people have opened a profitable business with little or no investment, so money is not the most important thing here, the main thing is desire and desire!😀

I myself started a successful business from scratch several times! By the way, if you look at the statistics, then among millionaires there are about 70-80% - these are entrepreneurs who started a business from scratch!

✅Please note:
You can turn your hobby into a business and never work again in your life, but do what you love! Perhaps this is the most preferable option!

As Confucius said:
« Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a single day in your life!«

Read about how to find your favorite job/work of life.

If you don’t yet have a stable source of income, then first of all think about creating a business, even if it’s small at first. The main thing in this matter is not to be afraid take the first step!

Think about it, maybe you've always wanted to open your own auto repair shop, hair salon, sporting goods store or handicraft store?

Here are some more useful tips:

  1. Start small (and with minimal investment) and gradually grow your business. At the initial stage of business development, do not invest a lot of money at once.
  2. Choose niches with minimal competition - they are easier to start in.
  3. If you have a small initial capital, then it might be worth trying a service business.

I will also give you several options from my experience on how you can start a business with minimal investment, I think you will be interested!👇

It is not difficult to start your own business on the Internet. For example, you can provide services or sell goods through ad platforms (the most popular is Avito). This is exactly where I started! 🙂

By the way, goods from China are now very popular, where the markup can reach up to 500-3000%. Including such products are successfully sold via the Internet (one-page websites).

Another area that does not require large investments and is not so difficult to start is a wholesale business via the Internet.

Moreover, in the case of wholesale and retail sales, the goods do not have to be in stock - you can work according to the dropshipping scheme. The main thing is to find clients (you can do this for free on message boards).

In short, the essence of dropshipping is that you work with a supplier who directly ships the product to the client. He sells his goods and earns income from this, and you receive your markup from the sale.

Read more about how to organize in a separate article!

CONCLUSION: A business can generate very high returns with minimal investment. In addition, business can be turned into something you love, something you are interested in and want to do!

Profitability: Risk: Payback: Minimum investment:
from 30% to 1000% per annum and above At the initial stage there is a high risk from several months to 1-5 years from 10,000 rubles (you can even start from scratch)
(⭐️⭐️⭐️ - high/medium) (⭐️⭐️ - medium/high) (⭐️⭐️⭐️ - high) (⭐️⭐️⭐️ - low/medium)
➕ Pros and ➖ Cons:
(+ ) One of the highest returns among all investment instruments. (+ ) It is easier for a business to find partners and/or co-investors. You can start without large investments, the main thing in business is the idea! (- ) High initial risks. 7-8 out of 10 start-up businesses close within 2-3 years. Low liquidity - it is difficult to quickly sell a business. (- ) You need to understand business and understand how it works, even if you invest money in “someone else’s” business. You constantly need to learn.

Option #8: Mutual funds

DESCRIPTION: Mutual funds can also be classified as trust management, which we have already talked a little about.

Mutual funds are professionally engaged investment activities, investing and managing the money of their investors (investing in certain stocks, bonds...).

Absolutely anyone can become an investor; to do this, you need to purchase a share (share) in a mutual investment fund. Depending on whether the mutual fund successfully manages investments, shareholders receive a profit or loss.

It should be noted that the activities of mutual funds are regulated by state level and, as a rule, they are prohibited from investing in high-risk assets. Therefore, they are considered more secure than the same brokers.

Mutual funds usually give low income(usually 15 to 30% per year), with little risk. Here is an example of the profitability of some mutual funds for 11 months:

Profitability of mutual funds for 11 months

However, mutual funds do not provide a guaranteed profit, unlike bonds and deposits; there are also often unprofitable periods.

But in general, if we take a period of 3-5 years, then many mutual funds show positive dynamics and make a profit (provided there is no crisis). Therefore, it makes sense to invest in mutual funds for a period of 1 year or more.

The minimum investment amount is from 1,000 rubles. You can buy shares online, including through certain banks, for example Sberbank.

If this type of investment is suitable for you, then it makes sense to choose not one mutual fund, but several, in order to distribute possible risks.

And make it a rule, before investing anywhere, including in any specific mutual funds, read the reviews of real people on the Internet, and also read what they write about them on forums. With this simple action you will protect yourself from unreliable and fraudulent organizations.

CONCLUSION: Mutual funds can be considered as an alternative to brokers, who also invest money mainly in the stock market. Provided there is no crisis, they usually also bring good profitability.

Profitability: Risk: Payback: Minimum investment:
from 12% to 30% per annum moderate 3-10 years from 1,000 rubles
(⭐️⭐️ - average) (⭐️⭐️ - average) (⭐️⭐️ - average) (⭐️⭐️⭐️ - low)
➕ Pros and ➖ Cons:
(+ ) The average yield exceeds interest rates on bonds and deposits. (+ ) Low entry threshold, as well as state control of the activities of mutual funds. (- ) There is no guarantee that you will receive income. There is an additional “commission” (surcharge) for the purchase/sale of shares. (- ) You will have to pay 13% tax on profits - many other investments have preferential tax conditions.

Option No. 9: Microfinance organizations (MFOs)

Another type of investment is investing in microfinance organizations. The return on such investments averages from 12% to 30% per annum.

The minimum amount required to invest in an MFO must be at least 1.5 million rubles (by law).

How longer term investment, the higher the interest rate. The minimum period in MFOs is usually 3 months.

It should be noted that in this case there is no deposit insurance, and in general the risks are much greater than if you invest money in bonds or in a bank at interest.

If you still decide to invest in microfinance organizations, be sure to choose a proven company that has been operating on the market for more than one year.

⭐️ Good advice!
Look first at the “age” of the MFO, and not at the interest rate they promise you.

After all, it is better to invest money in a reliable organization at a slightly lower interest rate than in a newly established MFO with a high interest rate.

Additionally, it would be a good idea to look at reviews and read articles on well-known information portals (for example, RBC) about this or that MFO.

If you want to know my opinion, then in my opinion, if you have investments of 1.5 million rubles or more, then it is more profitable and reliable to invest money in real estate than in microfinance organizations! 😀

And besides, I myself don’t take loans/loans (especially consumer ones) and I don’t recommend them to others!😉

CONCLUSION: MFOs in general provide 1.5-2 times more profitability than bank deposits. But there are also corresponding risks. And the entry threshold, to put it mildly, is rather large.

Profitability: Risk: Payback: Minimum investment:
from 10% to 30% per annum moderate 3-9 years from 1 million rubles
(⭐️⭐️ - average) (⭐️⭐️ - average) (⭐️⭐️ - medium/low) (⭐️ - high)
➕ Pros and ➖ Cons:
(+ ) High rate relative to bank deposits. (+ ) Passive income. Minimum participation from your side. (- ) Very high entry threshold. According to the law, MFOs are allowed to borrow from individuals from 1.5 million rubles. (- ) Increased risk, since there is no deposit insurance - in the event of bankruptcy, no one will return the money. There is fraud.

Option #10: Precious metals

DESCRIPTION: Another well-known type of investment is investing in precious metals, in particular gold. Moreover, such investments are highly reliable!

It is especially important to invest money in gold and other precious metals during a crisis, since this is where money migrates from the stock market.

Gold coins/gold bars can be purchased from almost any bank (Sberbank, Gazprombank) or from brokers (for example, Alpari).

Despite its high reliability, investing in gold is more suitable for preserving existing funds than for increasing them. In addition, such investments are designed for a longer term period of 3 years or more.

Gold prices - chart

❗️ Over the past 5 years, gold in rubles has increased from 1,600 rubles per gram to 2,400 rubles per gram.

The total profitability for the five years was 50% (on average gold rose by 10% per year) and such profitability was achieved thanks to serious depreciation of the ruble.

However, if you look at the dynamics of gold against the dollar, you can see that gold has dropped significantly in price since 2012 and is currently in a sideways trend.

CONCLUSION: It still makes sense to buy precious metals (gold) either in times of crisis or in the long term for the purpose of preservation.

Profitability: Risk: Payback: Minimum investment:
from 3% to 15% per annum (in a crisis the yield is higher) Minimum 7-20 years from 1000 rubles
(⭐️ - low) (⭐️ - low) (⭐️ - low) (⭐️⭐️⭐️ - low)
➕ Pros and ➖ Cons:
(+ ) High reliability of investments. There is virtually no risk of gold depreciation. Easy to buy/sell at any time. (+ ) Precious metals (especially gold) are a “safe haven”. Investments in them are suitable for preserving funds during a crisis. (- ) Low profitability during periods of economic growth and development. Income tax is 13% on the sale of gold if the holding period is less than 3 years. (- ) Relatively high commissions of banks/brokers when buying/selling precious metals, incl. gold.

Option #11: Cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin)

Bitcoin has grown more than twice in recent years and, apparently, is not going to stop. New millionaires are already appearing who have become rich solely by investing in Bitcoin.

Of course, the best time to invest was a few years ago when Bitcoin was worth around 150-200 dollars.

Some experts say that in the future Bitcoin could be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars and even possibly reach $1 million.

Others argue that Bitcoin is about to collapse. But despite this, some states (including Russia) are thinking about creating their own national cryptocurrency, which suggests that the topic of cryptocurrencies will be very popular in the future, which means that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies will probably increase in price.

Moreover, while cryptocurrencies are showing a steady growing trend.

But you need to understand that any cryptocurrency is another bubble, since there is nothing real behind it and yet it is a rather risky investment instrument.

For example, Bitcoin can rise or fall by 10-25% - This is quite a common occurrence here. And in a year you can either increase your investment by 3-10 times or lose almost everything!

CONCLUSION: On the one hand, cryptocurrencies are too risky an instrument, but on the other hand, if they grow, they can bring huge returns. Whether it is worth investing in it or not, everyone decides for themselves, one thing is clear - it is definitely not worth investing all your money in them!

Profitability: Risk: Payback: Minimum investment:
from 20% to 1,000% per annum elevated from 3 months to 1-5 years from 100 rubles
(⭐️⭐️⭐️ - very high) (⭐️⭐️⭐️ - very tall) (⭐️⭐️⭐️ - very high) (⭐️⭐️⭐️ - very low)
➕ Pros and ➖ Cons:
(+ ) If cryptocurrencies grow, you can short term multiply the invested funds several times over. (+ ) As a rule, there is no inflation due to the limited amount of issued cryptocurrency. (- ) Very high volatility of cryptocurrencies; in a matter of days they can both rise in price and seriously collapse. Low predictability. (- ) Cryptocurrencies are not backed by anything, as this is another bubble. There is a complete lack of guarantees - if you lose money, no one will return it.

Option No. 12: Internet projects (online business)

DESCRIPTION: The Internet is developing at a tremendous pace, at the same time providing each of us with the opportunity to earn money on this global network.

It is important to note that large investments are not always required to promote a particular project on the Internet. Some of the projects can be started with minimal investment or even from scratch.

The following directions are currently popular:

1. Websites. Information websites are created and filled with unique content.

With minimal investment it is possible to obtain high returns through advertising. Typically, the site begins to generate its first income in 4-6 months.

WITH 1000 visitors per day, depending on the topic, you can earn approximately 200-3000 rubles in a day. The spread is very wide, since the topic of the site determines how much income you will receive.

Making money on websites is suitable even for beginners, since you can write articles yourself, rather than order them from copywriting exchanges.

But still, at the beginning you will need to get to the bottom of it and understand the key details of such a business.

2. Social publics. Surely almost each of us is subscribed to some community on social networks (VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki...).

Meanwhile, the owners of such public sites also earn money mainly from publishing advertising posts. In public pages with millions of subscribers, the cost of one advertising post can be 2-7 thousand rubles .

Public sites pay for themselves very quickly with relatively small investments. Although the competition in public pages is high now, if you choose the right topic for the public, post high-quality and interesting content and develop the public, you won’t have to wait long for success!

3. CPA affiliate programs/traffic arbitrage. Their essence is that some business owners are willing to pay a certain percentage of the sale of their goods/services.

For example, if a person follows your affiliate link and opens a current account in a specific bank, then you can earn 2-3 thousand rubles.

If you know how to effectively attract traffic through advertising, then it is quite possible to get a high return on investment. However, as you probably already understood, the main investments here go specifically to advertising.

But in this case, experience plays the main role, without it you can’t go anywhere!

4. Online services. You can also invest money in creating an online service. These include various freelance exchanges, message boards, exchangers...

For example, projects that exchange electronic money (in fact, they are called exchangers) are very popular.

For example, if you need to transfer money from a Yandex wallet to a Qiwi wallet, then the easiest way to do this is with the help of exchangers. By the way, you can also purchase bitcoins using exchangers.

Exchangers, in turn, charge a small commission for the exchange (usually 1-5% ). Due to turnover, a fairly decent income is obtained.

5. Applications for iOS/Android. Since relatively recently, applications for Android and iOS have become very popular - this is a large segment of the market where a lot of money is circulating.

Therefore, if you have an interesting idea that will be in wide demand, then it might be worth trying to create your own application.

❗️ For example, applications for selling airline tickets are quite popular; here you can receive quite decent affiliate commissions from airlines.

Even if you don't know anything about how to create applications, you can create them for quite a bit of money ( 20-30 thousand rubles ) order on freelance exchanges.

Here, as elsewhere, the key role is played by the idea - the success or failure of the application depends on it.

6. Hype. HYIPs are in reality a financial pyramid that lives off the funds invested in it.

Such HYIPs offer very high interest rates ( 1-5% per day) on the invested funds, but of course they can function for only a few days or weeks after which they disappear without a trace.

There are HYIPs that “live” for several months or even several years, but the profitability on them is correspondingly several times/tens of times lower.

In any case, invest in such hype Very risky , because mainly the creators of these HYIPs and a small group of investors earn money - who managed to withdraw money with a profit before the HYIP turned into a “scam” (stopped paying out money).

And yet, I strongly advise you not to invest in HYIPs, especially if you don’t particularly understand this.

CONCLUSION: Online projects are a great option for those who want to make money on the Internet. With the right approach, Internet projects can provide high returns with a minimum investment.

Profitability: Risk: Payback: Minimum investment:
from 30% to 500% per annum moderate from 3 months to 2-4 years from 500 rubles
(⭐️⭐️⭐️ - high) (⭐️⭐️ - medium/high) (⭐️⭐️⭐️ - high) (⭐️⭐️⭐️ - very low)
➕ Pros and ➖ Cons:
(+ ) High profitability. The investment can pay off very quickly. (+ ) Some projects can be started with minimal investment or even from scratch, investing only your time and effort. (- ) There is a risk that the project will not take off and will not pay for itself. (- ) Knowledge will be required. You need to have a good understanding of the key nuances of online business.

Option #13: Venture funds/investments

Venture funds are especially widely developed abroad; in our country they are not yet so popular, but nevertheless they are a fairly profitable investment instrument.

The essence of venture funds is that they invest money exclusively in projects that are at the development stage (startup) or even at the idea stage.

A distinctive feature of venture investments is their very, very high returns, they can bring in thousands of percent!

But on the other hand, only 1-2 out of 10 projects succeed and bring huge profits. But despite this, they usually more than recoup all investments in “failed” projects.

☝️ Real example!
Today's largest companies Apple, Google, Intel... and even the well-known Chinese online store Aliexpress (Alibaba) started with venture investments.

Over 2 years, Apple shares have grown by approximately 5000 times! So if you invested at the start-up stage of your business, 100,000 rubles, after 2 years your fortune would already be 500 million rubles .

There are basically several ways to invest money in startup projects:

  • crowdinvesting and crowdlending platforms (suitable for beginners);
  • venture funds;
  • investor clubs.

CONCLUSION: Yet venture capital investments are poorly developed in Russia. Yes, and often a large start-up capital is required, and among crowdinvesting platforms (where the entry threshold is not high) there are often scammers. Meanwhile, venture investments can bring very high returns!

Profitability: Risk: Payback: Minimum investment:
from 40% to 3000% per annum elevated from several months to 1-3 years from 10,000 - 100,000 rubles (to venture funds - from $500,000)
(⭐️⭐️⭐️ - very high) (⭐️⭐️⭐️ - very tall) (⭐️⭐️⭐️ - high) (⭐️⭐️ - high/medium)
➕ Pros and ➖ Cons:
(+ ) If successful, you can get the highest possible return. (+ ) It is not always necessary to invest large amounts of money at the start of a project. (- ) Very high risks, most starting projects turn out to be unprofitable. (- ) Fraud is widespread - investment platforms can turn out to be financial pyramids.

Option #14: Art objects

Another unusual way to invest your money is in art. This is a fairly narrow and specialized market, however, it can bring good profitability.

It's no secret that certain works of art can cost hundreds and even millions of dollars. And if you really understand art, then you can earn hundreds of percent profit on investments.

❗️ Only important feature at the same time, such investments often require large investments . And besides, to get a good return you need to invest for a long period ( decades ).

Like investing in precious metals, investing in art is not subject to inflation and will only become worth more over time.

And the crisis has virtually no effect on the value of art objects.

CONCLUSION: This type of investment is suitable for those who understand at least something about art and are ready to invest money for the long term.

Profitability: Risk: Payback: Minimum investment:
from 20% to 100% per annum and above minimum usually from 1 to 3-5 years from 100,000 rubles and above
(⭐️⭐️ - medium/high) (⭐️ - low) (⭐️⭐️ - average) (⭐️⭐️ - high/medium)
➕ Pros and ➖ Cons:
(+ ) You can get relatively high returns with minimal risks. (+ ) High reliability. Over time, art objects only increase in price. (- ) Often, investing in art requires a large initial capital and involves long-term investment. (- ) You need to be a specialist, have specific knowledge and experience.

Option No. 15: Knowledge and personal development

No matter how incredible it may seem, the most profitable investment is always an investment in yourself (in the development of specific skills, abilities, gaining knowledge, experience...).

It is necessary to understand that, first of all, knowledge/experience, and not money allows you to earn and increase yours.

I think more than once you have heard stories about how most people who won millions in the lottery, after a few months or years, returned to the life they lived before (or even fell even lower).

In addition, often in order to learn something, no investment is required at all - the main thing is that there is a desire, and everything else will follow!

If you have free funds, then it makes even more sense to invest some of it in your development: attend trainings, webinars and seminars.

One of the most important differences between investing in knowledge is that no one can ever take it away from you. You can lose everything, but not the acquired skills and experience.

For example, in the USA they conducted an experiment: a professional real estate agent was left completely without money several times in different cities. And the result was always the same - after just a couple of months he managed to earn tens of thousands of dollars from scratch.

CONCLUSION: Therefore, if you don’t yet know where to invest your money, then the safest option is to invest it in yourself (at least part of it). And don’t forget that even a bad experience is also an extremely valuable experience! 👍

Profitability: Risk: Payback: Minimum investment:
endless minimum from several weeks/months from 0 rubles
(⭐️⭐️⭐️ - very high) (⭐️ - very low) (⭐️⭐️⭐️ - high) (⭐️⭐️⭐️ - low)
➕ Pros and ➖ Cons:
(+ ) The most important and most profitable asset in the world is knowledge, skills and experience. (+ ) No one can take away your knowledge and experience, and you will always be able to turn it into money. (- ) For many, it is difficult at first to motivate themselves to study. (- ) It is not always possible to immediately turn your knowledge into money - this requires time and experience.

3. Golden rules of proper investing - TOP 5 tips

And now I want to introduce you to a few more very important investment rules that will help you manage your money correctly!

First, what I already talked about at the beginning of the article is not to keep all your eggs in one basket. This rule especially applies to you if you have a lot of money to invest.

Instead of investing everything in one tool, distribute the amount equally among several parts. For example, into 3 parts and invest them in real estate, shares, or a new business.

If you have very little money, then think about starting your own business.

Second— try to invest most of your funds (40-60%) in assets with the lowest risk; the optimal choice between profitability and risk, in my opinion, is real estate.

And remember that risk is what you need to think about first! Moreover, if you do not have experience and knowledge, then it is in no way worth it to go in on your own and invest all your money in high-risk instruments: Forex, stocks, bitcoins... hoping that you will quickly increase them.

Believe me, this is an already tried and tested path, on which a huge number of people have lost entire fortunes!

It will allow you to survive unfavorable times and find other sources of income.

Fourth- create passive income so that you can receive money even when you are not working.

Fifth- before investing your earned money in any specific organization, read reviews and comments about it on the forums. Make sure this is a real company and not a scam.

It will also be great if you learn to give 10% of your profits to charity.

✔️As Socrates said:
There is only one good - knowledge and only one evil - ignorance.

4. Where to invest money to earn money - specific examples

In this section of the article, I will tell you where, based on my experience, I would invest money if I had this or that amount of investment available!

I will not consider very risky investment options in these examples. Let's consider only conservative and moderate-risk investments.

- Where to invest 100,000 - 200,000 rubles?

100 - 200 thousand rubles is not such a large amount, so I would most likely invest it in starting my own business or in the business of my friends. And I would allocate 10-20 thousand to attend trainings and seminars.

As an option, if you do not want to invest in a business, you can consider bonds. As a last resort, you can open Bank deposit, but it will be of very little use, since the interest will only cover inflation.

If the risk allows, you can try investing in structured products of brokers (trust management). Their risk, as a rule, is limited to 10-15% of the investment amount, and you can earn more than with bonds.

- Where to invest 300,000 - 500,000 rubles?

This is also a relatively small amount by investment standards. This amount can already be divided into 2-3 parts and invested, for example, in business , bonds , gold or trust management e.

If there is an option within this amount to purchase real estate at the construction stage, then you can invest in it.

— Where to invest a million rubles?

Having 1,000,000 rubles in hand, you can already try investing in almost any of the instruments described in this article.

For 1 million rubles. It is already quite possible to purchase a rough apartment and an apartment at the excavation stage.

Or alternatively:

  • You can invest part of the money (100-250 thousand rubles) in shares of promising companies, give them to trust management, PAMM accounts/portfolios, or invest them in mutual funds.
  • But 400,000 - 500,000 rubles can be invested in reliable instruments: various bonds (it is also advisable to divide the amount into 3-5 parts), gold, art objects...
  • I would still invest a small amount of 30,000 - 50,000 in cryptocurrency, in case it seriously rises in price in the next couple of years.
  • With the remaining amount you can try to open a business (including on the Internet).

5. Where is it better not to invest money so as not to go broke - important tips on how to avoid fraud

At the end of the article, we’ll talk about something equally important: how not to lose your money and how not to fall for scammers.

The world is full of people who invent various schemes to steal money through fraud. Especially nowadays, fraud flourishes abundantly on the Internet (and not only!).

Therefore, before investing money anywhere, it is worth checking 10 times to see if you will end up with nothing.

Both on the Internet and in real life, people often come across “super profitable” projects that promise to make them millionaires in the very near future. The organizers of such projects offer huge interest rates, fast payments, very profitable terms etc. - all if only people would invest their money.

💡Take note!
Super favorable conditions- this is the very first sign that they most likely want to deceive you! Scammers love to profit from other people's greed!

Money doesn’t come out of nowhere; if someone receives money, then someone will definitely part with it!

The most common type of fraud is financial pyramids (remember Mavrodi and his MMM). Visually, some plausible story can be created, as if the project is really functioning (providing some services), but in reality, the organizers of this project are only making money on the investments of gullible people.

Sometimes the “history” of a project is so well created and worked out that it is very difficult for an ordinary person to detect fraud.

Hype(which we talked about earlier) are essentially also built on the basis of a financial pyramid and they can also be classified as a fraudulent scheme (although it is also possible to make money from them, but experience is required). You can also add here various casinos and other methods that promise “easy” money.

Another controversial investment instrument is sports betting. It is possible to make money on them in the long term, but only bet organizers and 5-10% of participants (those in the know) do this, and the rest just constantly lose money.

I will also highlight another type of widespread fraud on the Internet - the sale of various courses, programs... which, according to promises, can bring you incredible income in a matter of hours (days). If you buy them, you’ll be throwing your money away (tested in my own skin 😀).

Thus, you need to invest in what you are good at! Otherwise, those who are good at something you don’t understand will profit from you! This is my sad experience.😞

If you are not yet particularly versed in a particular investment object, then invest time and money (it’s not even necessary) first of all into your knowledge ! This will be your most profitable investment!

6. Conclusion

Well, you have learned about all the most popular and profitable areas for investing money.

Of course, it is impossible to fit all the options and all the nuances of investments into one article, but I tried to make the article as useful and interesting as possible for you!

I hope my experience was at least a little valuable for some of you and you have already decided where to invest your money! 😀

Let me emphasize once again that, in my experience, the most profitable investments are investments your own business/business And knowledge !

What do you think is the best place to invest your money? Feel free to share your opinion in the comments!

Thank you for reading the article to the end! I wish you successful and profitable investments! 👍💵👍

P.S. If you liked the article, I will be very grateful if you share it on social networks! Also, please rate it on a 5-point scale. 👇 Thanks in advance!

We all save money. A schoolchild saves for a new smartphone, a student for a car, a young family for an apartment (or more often for an initial fee for a mortgage), a worker for vacation, and a pensioner for a funeral. And no matter how tense economic situation I wasn’t, the money somehow accumulates. Otherwise, why are there so many iPhones and expensive cars around?

But what most people don't realize is that when you have accumulated money under your pillow, it quietly diminishes. Every night the “savings killer” comes and steals a small part of our savings. And this killer's name is Inflation.

The official inflation rate in Russia for 2015 is almost 13%. But we know that it is quite underestimated (those who remember the prices for products in 2014 understand this especially well). The real inflation rate for 2015 was definitely more than 20%.

Thus, all our savings depreciate at a rate of at least 20% per year or 1.65% per month. So, now most investment methods help not to increase your funds, but to at least slightly compensate for inflation.

In such a situation, it is very unwise to keep money under your pillow. Any spare money should be put to work. But how to invest them as reliably and profitably as possible?

Investing is not that difficult.

I think everyone has an idea of ​​what investing is. When investing, you put your money to work. That is, you invest money expecting to receive even more money in the future.

But we must not forget that investing entails risks. Instead of the expected profit, you may receive a loss or even lose all your money.

Therefore, the main rule of investing is risk diversification. According to this rule, you should split your savings into parts and invest them in different investment projects.

For example, let your investment portfolio be 100,000 rubles. Then you need to choose several investment instruments that are suitable for you. Let's assume you have chosen mutual funds, PAMM accounts and backing and HYIP projects. Now you will need to distribute your portfolio between instruments depending on how much risk you are willing to take.

Let’s say that you are committed to moderate risks and distribute your money like this: mutual funds – 40%, PAMM accounts – 40%, backing – 10% and HYIP projects – 10%. Now you need to apply the principle of diversification within each investment method you choose.

That is, you will need to select several different PAMM accounts and distribute your 40% of the portfolio between them. The same must be done with other chosen investment methods.

In order to comply with this rule, you need to use several tools that can multiply your money. I have selected 12 of the best ones for you.

Let's compare the 12 best ways to invest.

I not only picked 12 for you the best ways investing, but also compared them with each other. For comparison, I selected several parameters, which I decided to evaluate using a 10-point system, where 1 is the lowest score and 10 is the highest.

Comparison of the best investment methods.

The following options were selected:

  • Simplicity. This parameter characterizes how easy it is to understand this method of investing, understand the principle, find a suitable company and make a contribution.
  • Profitability. Here the average return on investment will be assessed. Most often, this and the following points are interconnected: the higher the profitability, the higher the risks.
  • Reliability. This parameter characterizes the riskiness of the analyzed investment instrument.
  • Entry threshold. Shows the minimum amount you can invest.
  • Liquidity. Estimates how quickly you can withdraw your deposit, and what losses await you if you withdraw money prematurely.
  • Passivity/activity– this parameter shows how passive this type of income is. That is, 10 points means “put it in and forget it,” and 1 point means that in order to get maximum profit you will have to spend additional effort and time.

Of course, all my assessments will be subjective and I think that many readers will not agree with them.

1. Bank deposit.

A bank deposit is the most understandable and simple way of investing for an ordinary person. Even any grandmother understands how everything works. After all, even in the Soviet Union, in which there was no investment, people kept money in savings books. And one of the heroes of a popular Soviet film urged fellow citizens to keep money in savings banks.

All you need to do to make a deposit is to choose a bank and come there with your passport and money. What could be simpler? I bet 10 points.

At the same time, the profitability bank deposit not high. At the moment, deposit rates range from 7% to 12.5%. I think this is one of the lowest returns of all investment methods. Deserves 1 point.

But you can be sure of the reliability of your deposit. Deposits are insured by the state. Even if you plan to invest a large amount, then in order to insure against the fact that your bank’s license will be taken away, you can break the amount into small parts and invest in several banks. In this case, even if the bank is deprived of its license, and your deposit was less than 600,000 rubles, you will be compensated for both the deposit and interest. 10 points for reliability.

You can start investing with an amount of 10,000 rubles. This is not much at all, so you can put it beyond the entry threshold 8 points.

In most cases, you can withdraw money from your deposit at any time. But if you withdraw money early, you will lose most of your profits. 7 points for liquidity.

This type of deposit falls into the “put it in and forget it” category. All you have to do at the end of the investment period is go to the bank and withdraw your money. Well, or extend the deposit. 10 points.


  • High reliability.
  • Availability.
  • Low taxes. You will have to pay 35% of taxable income, which is calculated using the formula: all income minus the refinancing rate.
  • Predictability of results.


  • Low profitability.

Conclusion. This type of investment serves not to increase your money, but to at least somehow compensate for inflation. In any case, if you do not want to take risks at all, then this method is better than just keeping money under your pillow.

2. Mutual investment funds (UIFs).

For an ordinary person, investing in mutual funds does not seem like a very clear idea. To understand this, try explaining to your grandmother at the entrance that you are buying shares in a fund of a management company that invests money in assets.

You also need to take the choice of mutual funds seriously, studying the statistics of different funds. After this, you need to go to the office of the company or its agent. I'll give it for simplicity 6 points.

The profitability here depends on the type of funds and on the approach to choosing a mutual fund. The riskier the investment the fund makes, the higher the potential return is expected, but in most cases it is not high. 3 points.

Reliability also greatly depends on the type of fund. While bond mutual funds are one of the least risky investments, investments in venture funds carry very high risks. On average, I would rate reliability at 7 points, because at least you won’t be able to lose a large part of your deposit, as in other investment methods.

The minimum cost of a share starts from 300-500 rubles per share, which is suitable for almost everyone. 10 points.

I think most people invest in open mutual funds, so at this point we will only talk about them. You can withdraw money from open funds by selling your shares in 1-3 business days. I'll put it 10 points.

Still, with this method of investing, you will have to spend a little time managing your investments. Of course, management within the fund Management Company will do it without your participation, but you will have to transfer money between mutual funds and decide when to sell shares and when to buy. 8 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:


  • A large number of assets in which the fund can invest.
  • Low entry threshold.
  • Relatively low risks.


  • Possibility of incurring a loss if the fund choice is unsuccessful.
  • Relatively complex investment procedure.
  • An investor should be interested in the stock market.

Conclusion. With successful selection of funds and proper management With their investments, the profit from the deposit covers inflation and brings in a small income. But we must remember that many funds bring losses to their investors.

3. PAMM accounts.

Brokerage companies have invested so much money in advertising in recent years that only the deaf have not heard about Forex and the tempting prospects of becoming a successful trader. Therefore, it is not difficult for an ordinary person to understand the principle of PAMM investing - give money to a trader so that he can play with it on the stock exchange.

You can find a suitable broker on the Internet. At the moment the most popular is Alpari. So I'll put it 7 points for simplicity and clarity.

Some accounts can bring you more than 100% profit per year, while others can drain all your money. But, when using the principle of risk diversification, the income from this type of investment is slightly higher than in mutual funds and is estimated by me at 5 points.

As returns increase, risks also increase. When using the principle of diversification, you will not lose the entire investment amount, but you may receive a loss. For reliability I would put 6 points.

You can start investing in PAMM accounts with an amount of $10. At the moment this equals 700 - 800 rubles. The amount is small, so I bet 10 points.

You can withdraw money at any time within one or two business days. Therefore, for liquidity 10 points.

You will have to spend time managing investments. If you do not use automatic tools, then Personal Area you will have to come in almost every day. After all, the market situation can change very quickly and your managers can make critical mistakes. I bet 6 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:


  • Low entry threshold.
  • Opportunity to create your own investment portfolio.
  • Simple investment procedure.


  • It is possible not only to receive a loss, but also to lose the entire deposit amount.
  • An investor should be interested in trading on the foreign exchange market.

Conclusion. This is a very common method of investing, which has gained popularity due to advertising. This method investing money is more suitable for those people who like the foreign exchange market or who have experience trading on the stock exchange.

4. HYIP projects.

This type of investment is often called quasi-investment. If we talk in simple words, then these are pyramids that accrue profits to participants from new deposits.

Investing in these projects is very easy. Many of them accept bank transfers and payments through the most popular payment systems. Most often, HYIPs have a legend that explains to gullible investors where the company gets the money to pay such high interest rates.

It is very easy to contribute to such a project via the Internet. But if you are new to the Internet, it will be more difficult. For convenience I would put 8 points.

HYIP projects promise cosmic profits. On average, long-term HYIPs offer to pay 20-30% per month. Short-term ones can promise to double the deposit amount in just a few days. 10 points for the promised profitability, but in fact it is, of course, lower.

There is no need to talk about any reliability of deposits. The project can collapse at any moment. Every day 1-2 HYIP projects are opened and the same number are scammed. Therefore, for reliability I would give everything 1 point.

I think at this point and the points below we should consider only long-term projects. The minimum entry amount starts from 1,500 thousand rubles. 9 points for a low entry threshold.

In most projects, the deposit cannot be returned. It will be returned to the investor throughout the investment period with each payment. Therefore only 1 point.

If you have already invested money in one of the HYIPs, then all you can do is sit and hope that the project will exist and pay. There is nothing you can do anymore. Completely passive investments deserve 10 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:


  • High profitability.
  • Convenient deposit and withdrawal of money.


  • Very high risks.

Conclusion. Make money onHYIP projects can only be carried out by those who are “in the know.” You need to be able to analyze projects and find those that can generate income. Most people who make money on HYIPs compensate for the loss when investing by attracting referrals.

5. Backing (investing in poker players).

Almost everyone knows about a game like poker. At the same time, many people understand that successful players receive big money for winning tournaments. But how many people know that most poker players do not play with their own money in major tournaments?

That is, if a strong player does not have enough money to participate in a tournament, he turns to an investor (sponsor), who receives a percentage of the prize money if he wins. A player may also have several sponsors who invest in the player and receive a profit from the winnings depending on the amount of investment.

You can buy a share from a player only by agreeing on this on specialized forums. For example, on the forum of this site: To purchase, you will need to personally contact the player. For convenience I would put 4 points.

The reliability of this type of investment highly depends on the choice of players. In addition, when purchasing a share, you do not sign any contracts and the player may “not want” to give you your share for winnings. 3 points for reliability.

You can buy a share from $10. But only novice players sell so cheaply; to buy a professional’s share you will need to invest 200-300 dollars. But it’s still better to start with small investments, so I bet 10 points for a low entry threshold.

There is no such thing as withdrawing money. You pay a share, and if a player gets into the prizes, you take the profit.

After you have made a deposit, all you have to do is wait for a positive outcome. You can no longer influence anything. 10 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:


  • The possibility of making a big profit if the player wins the tournament.


  • More suitable for people who understand poker.
  • The deal is based only on a verbal agreement with the player.
  • Typically, players earn more than sponsors.

Conclusion. Rather, backing is suitable for people who are well versed in poker. The average person will have a hard time choosing the “right” player.

6. Trust management in sports betting.

Most people view sports betting as gambling. But professional privateers earn a lot and consistently from betting on sporting events.

Many privateers create their own PAMM accounts, into which they actively attract investors. This type of investment is similar to PAMM accounts in the foreign exchange market.

In order to make a contribution, you need to register on the trust management platform and select several accounts for investment. 7 points for simplicity.

If you look at the profitability charts, you will see that top privateers increase the funds in their accounts by thousands of percent. Such income should be captivating. But on average, the returns from this investment method are much lower and deserve 6 points.

If you use the principle of diversification and invest in several PAMM accounts, then at least you will not lose the entire investment amount due to privateer’s mistakes. For reliability I would put 6 points.

You can start investing with very small amounts. For a low entry threshold 10 points.

You can withdraw money quickly and easily. 10 points.

After investing, you will need to monitor the selected PAMM accounts in order to transfer money between accounts in case they go into a loss or achieve maximum profitability. 6 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:


  • Short-term investment.
  • Independent portfolio development.
  • Low entry threshold and the ability to use a demo account.


  • Possibility of receiving a loss or losing the entire amount.

Conclusion. This investment method is very similar to investing in PAMM accounts in the Forex market. But it is not so famous due to the lack of advertising.

7. Startups (venture investments).

In recent years, stories of successful startups have been heard from everywhere. Everyone understands how profitable it would be to buy shares of young companies that in a few years would turn into large billion-dollar corporations.

The first way to invest in a startup is to enter into an investment agreement with the company directly. Some companies actively attract investors on their own by selling them future shares at reduced prices. An example of such a startup is Unitsky’s SkyWay.

You can also invest in a startup using crowdinvesting platforms and startup exchanges. Exchanges do not inspire confidence in me, since I consider them hype (read my review of ShareInStock). But many reputable sources call them real companies. When you go to the exchange, you will see audited and verified companies in which you can buy shares. All you have to do is choose a suitable startup and buy a share in it. For simplicity 7 points.

For purchasing shares on the stock exchange, the company will pay you dividends in the amount of 2% to 7% per month. In addition, an investor can sell his shares if the company develops and its shares increase in price. He can also sell shares if they lose value and he realizes that he has invested in a shell company. For profitability 6 points.

You need to understand that startups are a risky type of investment. According to statistics, 70% of them are unprofitable, and 20% of these 70% are simply scammers who embezzle investors' money. But even of those companies that are among the 30% of successful ones, half break up in the near future due to internal problems.

One of the ways to invest in startups is crowdinvesting platforms. Unfortunately, in Russia they are not very developed and the minimum amount of investment through them is quite high. But all companies represented on the site are subject to mandatory verification. There is also the opportunity to invest directly in startups. For reliability 6 points.

The barrier to entry into this type of investment is not high. 10 points.

If you decide to withdraw money or redistribute it within the share exchange by selling all or part of the purchased shares, then you will need to sell them on the exchange at a price below the market price. The lower the price you set, the faster your shares will be bought. 7 points.

For maximum profitable investment you will have to give your time. It will be necessary to track changes in the value of shares on the stock exchange, selling and buying them. There is no manager here, so you have to do everything yourself. 5 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:


  • Convenient and simple investment procedure.
  • Very low entry barrier.
  • High potential profitability.


  • High risks with passive investing.

Conclusion. If you decide to invest in startups, then it is better to use exchanges. You will pay about 5% for withdrawing money, but you will be protected from scammers.

8. Currencies and precious metals.

Surely, among your friends and acquaintances there is a person who, with a smart face, claims that money should be kept in gold (platinum, dollar, pound, yen, etc.). This approach says that the person does not understand investing, but simply uses popular “stereotypes”.

For example, if you look at the dynamics of gold prices, you will see that since 2012 it has depreciated against the dollar by almost one and a half times.

If you decide to do without the services of managers and buy precious metals or currency yourself to store money in, then this procedure will not be difficult.

You can buy currency at bank branches, or using the services of brokers (which will be more profitable than buying through a bank). You can also change currencies using online and offline exchange offices or payment systems.

Precious metals can also be bought in banks. And it became possible to purchase gold using the WebMoney payment system.

Also, do not forget about cryptocurrencies, for example, Bitcoin, which, according to all forecasts, will rise in price in the long term. Buying these assets will not be difficult, so I bet 8 points.

Purchase precious metals or currencies for long-term investment primarily protects you from depreciation national currency. For many countries with weak currencies, this is a smart decision. But rates behave unpredictably, so there may not be any profitability. 2 points.

A beginner does not know which direction the exchange rate will go in the near future, so his investment is more like gambling. Even if people now prefer to keep money in dollars, what is the guarantee that oil will not rise in price in the near future along with the ruble?

You can probably protect yourself from the depreciation of the national currency by storing half of your money, for example, in dollars, and the other half in rubles. This way, if rates fluctuate, you won’t lose anything, but you won’t earn anything either.

Profitability depends on luck and I would bet everything 2 points.

The entry threshold depends on the type of asset and the method of purchase. On the exchange, 1 lot will cost at least $1,000, and through exchange offices or payment systems you can exchange amounts of several dollars. So anyone can buy currency or precious metals. 10 points.

You can sell currency as quickly as you can buy it. In exchange offices and stock exchanges this is done almost instantly. Gold is also a highly liquid asset. 10 points.

In general, trying to influence profits by tracking rates and then selling assets turns you into a trader. And I wouldn’t classify trading as investing. Therefore, I understand investing in currencies and precious metals as “invest and forget.” That's why 10 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:


  • Can protect against depreciation of the national currency.


Conclusion. Buying precious metals and currencies is a very unpredictable way to invest money for a beginner. You can reduce risks and increase profitability either by entrusting money to a manager, or by independently studying trading in the foreign exchange market.

9. Securities.

I think most securities people are only familiar with stocks. The most financially literate will probably be able to name bonds. Only a few people know how to invest money in securities.

In fact, buying securities is no more difficult than buying currency. You also need to contact a large bank or broker. 7 points for simplicity.

When a beginner buys securities, making a profit is a big question. And, if even a beginner can count on a small income when investing in bonds, then the stock market can bring a loss to a novice investor. 3 points for profitability.

In fact, usually low returns entail low risks, but not in this case. The risks are high in the stock market. 3 points for reliability.

You can start investing with a small amount. The entry threshold starts from approximately 1,000 rubles. 9 points.

Securities can be sold on the stock exchange in the same way you bought them. This asset is considered quite liquid. I bet 10 points.

Again, if a person begins to manage his securities on his own, then he already turns from an investor into a trader. Therefore, here we consider only passive investing. 10 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:


  • A simple investment procedure and a low entry threshold.


  • For a beginner, this is a risky and low-yield way of investing money.

Conclusion. If you have already decided to invest in securities, then it is better to contact a professional manager who will manage your funds for a small commission. As a newbie, investing in the stock market on your own is more like gambling than investing.

10. Real estate.

There is one stereotype among people: “ The safest investment is buying real estate" But do not forget that real estate includes not only apartments, but also various buildings, structures, water bodies, forests, etc.

In general, there is some truth in this, because many people want to save up for an extra apartment in their old age in order to rent it out and get a good increase in their pension. And if something happens, you can sell it and get good capital.

You can invest in residential or commercial real estate, under construction or already built, suburban or located within the city. The ease of investing also depends on the type of property you choose.

To invest in residential real estate, you will need to contact a realtor, look for suitable options, fill out a lot of documents and, possibly, make repairs. As for me, the procedure is quite dreary.

If you decide to buy commercial real estate, then the hassle becomes much greater. You will need to do accounting, pay taxes, manage facilities, and re-register energy supplies. On average I would give it for convenience 2 points.

As for profitability, from residential real estate you can receive no more than 1 percent per month for long-term rent. This is 7-10% per year. Renting residential properties on a daily basis turns into work and is not considered.

If you expect to sell it at a higher price after some time, then it is far from certain that prices will rise. In general, for profitability I would bet 3 points.

Real estate is indeed highly reliable. Unless, of course, this is a facility under construction.

Even if real estate prices fall, you will continue to receive a stable rental income. For reliability I put 9 points.

The entry threshold is high, even if it is a collective purchase of real estate. The minimum investment amount starts from several hundred thousand rubles. I'll put it 2 points.

It often happens that in order to sell real estate (especially commercial real estate) faster, you have to set a very low price. Sometimes properties cannot be sold for several months. I bet 3 points.

If we consider long-term rental of residential real estate, then we will not have to spend much time on management. You will need to find tenants once and then withdraw money once a month. 8 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:


  • A clear scheme for generating income.

Of course, here we will not talk about investing in creating a business from scratch, but about buying an existing company. Creating a business from scratch is hard work with unpredictable results. An investor is interested in an established business with streamlined processes that generates a stable income.

To find a company to buy, you can use newspapers or bulletin boards. But most often, the entrepreneur does not talk about the sale of his brainchild, so as not to raise doubts among employees and clients.

Therefore, they prefer to contact brokerage companies that will sell their business. They also distribute information about the sale among friends and acquaintances.

Once you have found a suitable business, you will need to audit it to ensure that business processes are in order. This whole procedure can turn into an insurmountable obstacle for a beginner. 1 point for simplicity and clarity.

Extremely profitable businesses are rarely sold, so you should count on average profitability. Of course, profitability greatly depends on the type of activity and quality of management. I'll put it 6 points.

Many people think that entrepreneurs only sell unprofitable businesses. But actually it is not. The reason for the sale may be: an urgent need for money, disagreements between owners, loss of interest, lack of time (especially if one entrepreneur has several types of business), etc.

The audit will help analyze the reliability, profitability and prospects of the business. Therefore, the chance of buying a loss-making asset is very small. I bet 7 points.

The barrier to entry into this type of investment is relatively high. Yes, there are very small companies, but they don’t cost a penny. Buying a profitable business with streamlined processes is similar in cost to buying real estate.

People often join together in groups to buy a business. For example, several friends and acquaintances buy a company together. But even in this case, the entry threshold remains high. I'll put it 2 points.

If you urgently need money, the company can be sold. If your business is unprofitable, then selling it will be difficult or almost impossible. It is easier to sell a profitable business, but most often this procedure takes a lot of time. That's why 3 points.

If you begin to independently manage the purchased company, you will turn from an investor into a businessman. Therefore, you will need to hire an executive director to manage your business. But even in this case, you will have to control it and analyze the company’s activities.

And you will need to select a manager yourself. That's why 2 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:

This method of investing is similar to investing in a business, but with a simpler purchasing and management process. Again, there is no need to create and promote a website. You can simply buy a ready-made project.

The website itself is more of a tool than an asset. The real asset is the audience that comes to the site every day. this project. The site owner makes profit through advertising, affiliate programs and other sources of monetization.

To purchase a site, you can use the exchange. One of the most popular exchanges in RuNet is In the list of sites for sale, you can see all the information on the projects: audience size, profitability, development dynamics, payback period, etc.

The transaction is protected and takes place according to the rules of the auction, where the site goes to the buyer who offers the highest price. For simplicity we can put 4 points.

Typically, normal websites are sold at a price equal to the income from it for 12 months. That is, if a project brings in 20,000 rubles a month, then the fair price for it will be 240,000 rubles.

But in most cases, on such sites, monetization does not work 100%. Thus, after “tweaking” monetization, it will be possible to recoup the investment in 6-10 months. 7 points for profitability.

If the site is made with high quality and was promoted only by “white” methods, then such a contribution can be called reliable. Of course, if you want the project to bring you profit for many more years, then you need to do at least minimal work on it. But the project will be enough for a year or two without additional investments. 8 points for reliability.

In general, some sites are sold very cheaply. You can find it for 500 rubles. But such sites should not be of interest to investors.

You can buy one expensive and high-quality site, or several average ones. Therefore, I do not recommend starting with too small amounts. I'll put it at the entrance threshold 6 points.

If the project ceases to be of interest to you or you need money, you can always sell it on the same exchange. I bet for this 4 points.

When you buy a site that will bring you passive income, you can make a profit without working on it at all for a year or two. But, over time, without administration and updates, the project will lose its audience, bringing less and less income. I'll put it 4 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:


  • A convenient investment amount for everyone.
  • High reliability of investments.
  • You can develop the project, increasing profits.


  • You need to have minimal knowledge about websites and how to monetize them, or seek help from an experienced specialist.

Conclusion. Investing in content, information and other similar sites is one of the best ways to invest. This type of investment can easily be turned into a business by working on purchased sites and increasing profits.

Which method do you like best?