Mortgage shares of banks. In which banks are the most profitable mortgages: conditions, rates, down payment and reviews. What is a mortgage


Many people, who do not have enough money to buy an apartment or a private house for cash, turn to banking institutions to get a loan to buy real estate.

The most profitable mortgage in Moscow banks

Consider the popular offers of Moscow banks for the mortgage of the current year.

  1. Leading Russian bank Sberbank offers low mortgage rates. Ready-made housing in this credit institution will be offered to you at a rate of 10.75% per annum. The bank offers such a low percentage on the condition that you are a young family and you have three or more minor children as dependents. In this case, the loan is given for a period of 10 years, and the down payment will be more than 50%. If you have less than three children to raise, the rate will start at 11.5% per year.
  2. Rosselkhozbank has the lowest mortgage rate in the city of Moscow as part of the Mortgage with State Support program. This is 10.9% per annum for Russian citizens from 21 to 64 years old who have documented their income. If the borrower refuses insurance, the bank will increase the rate by 7%. Loan term - up to 30 years, advance amount - 20% of the loan value. These loans are for pre-owned housing or housing in buildings under construction.
  3. Promsvyazbank makes an offer with the lowest mortgage interest in Moscow, which will be 12%. The person must be 21 years of age at the time of taking out the loan. The loan is granted for at least 3 years.
  4. Profitable mortgage 2020 in the city of Moscow is offered by Svyaz-Bank with a rate of 12.25%. In this case, the advance payment should be equal to 50-90% of the price of the apartment, the term of the loan is 3-10 years. The borrower must have a salary card of this bank.
  5. MTS Bank gives loans in Moscow for housing on the secondary market to applicants who are somehow related to this financial organization(have payment cards or are employees of Sistema). Advance payment - 50-85%, 3-10 years of loan provision. Payments are calculated in equal monthly installments.
  6. Gazprombank sets the percentage of the annual rate, according to the amount of the first payment. 11.5% - if any salary card the specified bank, the first installment is more than 50%. Resale real estate is taken on credit from state-owned Moscow enterprises.

As of March 1, 2018, Russian banks provided more than 180 thousand mortgage loans in the amount of more than 347 billion rubles. And in January, all mortgage loans issued in Russia exceeded 2 trillion rubles.

This data indicates the popularity of the topic, so today we will look at what housing loans are and where and how you can get a mortgage. + We will give you some recommendations that will increase your chances of getting a loan.

What is a mortgage?

mortgage is special kind loan to buy a home. If the borrower uses a mortgage, then he buys an apartment or house and immediately pledges them to the bank. At the same time, he remains the owner of the property, but cannot sell it.

The Bank will resort to sanctions if the borrower commits the following violations:

  • sell an apartment or house
  • cause property damage
  • will arbitrarily change the technical characteristics of an apartment or house (for example, make a redevelopment and do not agree on it)
  • violates the terms of insurance (if the insurance contract was drawn up together with a mortgage).

What are the conditions?

We will talk about the specific parameters of a profitable mortgage loan later.

For now, let's look at General requirements given by the bank to borrowers.

#one. Age

The minimum age for obtaining a mortgage loan in most banks is 21 years.

The upper limit is set individually and is usually equal to 65-75 years. The largest age bar in the mortgage lending market is offered by Sovcombank and Sberbank.

#2. Solvency

First of all, banks look at whether the borrower will be able to repay the loan and avoid delays.

Financial institutions evaluate:

  • official income
  • work experience at the current place
  • position, profession
  • income of co-borrowers and guarantors (if any).

Banks also evaluate the costs of the borrower. If a client who wants to take a loan has a lot of dependents (children, retired parents, other people), then the probability of loan approval is reduced.

Banks are guided by solvency when they determine the maximum loan amount for the borrower and the loan term. A financial institution will not issue a loan if the amount of the monthly payment is more than 50% of the income of the borrower and his family. However, in practice, banks believe that customers cannot spend more than 40% of their monthly income on mortgages.

This means that in order to apply for a mortgage and pay 40 thousand rubles a month, the borrower (or the whole family of the client) must have a monthly income of 100 thousand rubles.

#3. Belonging to a preferential category

The state will help pay the mortgage to the following categories of citizens:

  • families with 2 or more children (maternity capital is provided, which can be used to purchase housing)
  • young families
  • military personnel.

If the family has a certificate for maternity capital or its members are under 35 years old, then the state will make part of the loan or help with the first installment. Military personnel can expect to pay the mortgage in full if the value of the purchased property is 2.4 million rubles or less.

#4. Employment type

It is important for the bank that the borrower's income is not only sufficient, but also constant. Therefore, financial institutions prefer clients who work in government organizations. There is a high probability of obtaining a loan from borrowers employed in large private companies.

Credit institutions treat businessmen more strictly. A bank may refuse to issue a loan to a client who has his own business, even if he has an income of 100 thousand rubles a month. Loan managers believe that the profits from the business are fickle, and the borrower can lose his livelihood at any time.

How much will you have to pay?

Let's analyze the situation using an example: The cost of an apartment is 4 million rubles, the loan term is 20 years, the interest rate is 11% per annum. The family does not use maternity capital and state support. To repay such a loan, you will have to pay 41,288 rubles every month. And in total, the family will spend 9 million 900 thousand rubles on buying an apartment (4,000,000 - the cost of real estate, 5,900,000 - an overpayment on a loan).

In other words, in this example, the borrower pays back almost 2.5 times the value of the property if he decides to take out a housing loan.

How to get a mortgage loan on your own?

Let's move on to the algorithm that will help you get a loan for housing. We will analyze how a mortgage is issued in two ways: independently and with the help of loan brokers.

Let's start with a situation where the borrower wants to save on assistants and get a loan on his own. To do this, he will have to go through 6 stages.

#one. Choice of housing

Banks issue mortgage loans for the following types of real estate:

  • apartments in new buildings
  • apartments on the secondary market
  • dachas, cottages
  • private houses.

You can also get a loan for housing, which is bought under a share agreement. But not all banks give such loans.

The borrower should be guided not only by desires, but also by opportunities. The bank will not give a loan if you have to pay for housing more than 50% of the official monthly income. But in order to create a margin of safety, we advise you to focus on such housing, for which you will have to pay no more than 40% of your monthly income.

#2. Bank selection

There is no shortage of offers in the mortgage lending market. When choosing a financial institution and a specific loan, pay attention to:

  • the amount of the down payment
  • credit limit
  • insurance
  • reputation of a credit institution
  • reviews
  • terms of early repayment
  • maximum allowable delays
  • the number of documents to process.

If not all of your income is official, contact banks that offer mortgages on two documents. In such companies, interest rates are 2-3% higher than the market average. But they give money without proof of income.

#3. Collection of paperwork, filing an application

We will analyze what documents are needed for a mortgage.

Banks will be asked to present the following papers:

  • loan application
  • borrower's passport (if there are guarantors and co-borrowers - copies of their passports)
  • certificate of income for the last 6 months (in the form of 2-NDFL or bank)
  • copy work book certified by the employer
  • company registration documents (if the borrower owns a business)
  • documents for an apartment or house that are planned to be purchased on a mortgage.

If you plan to get a mortgage and use maternity capital (or get an apartment on military loans), then you will need papers confirming the benefits.

For owners maternity capital:

  • certificate (or certificates, if there are several)
  • consent from the Pension Fund to use the funds
  • consent from the seller of an apartment or house for the sale of real estate on maternity capital.

For the military:

  • permission from Rosvoenipoteka.

#4. Registration of the contract

Mortgage agreements are drawn up by banks, and customers only sign them. But this does not prevent you from studying the text of the contract from the first to the last page.

In the agreement, carefully study the following loan parameters:

  • maturity
  • monthly payment
  • effective interest rate
  • terms of early repayment
  • commissions (for opening an account, conducting transactions, etc.)
  • late fees.

If at least one condition does not suit you, you can tell the credit manager about it. In the case when the bank does not want to change the agreement, it is better to find another credit institution.

It is not necessary to sign the loan agreement on the same day you received it for study. You can take a copy home and reread it in peace with a qualified lawyer.

If the conditions suit you, start looking for an apartment.

#5. Buying an apartment, signing a loan agreement

Find an apartment or house that suits both you and the bank. Typically, credit institutions allocate 1-2 months to the choice of real estate. If during this period the borrower does not decide on an apartment or house, the bank may cancel the decision to approve the loan.

As soon as the object is selected, you can sign an agreement on the purchase / sale of an apartment (house) and a mortgage agreement with a bank. Real estate is immediately pledged to a credit institution, about which a special document is drawn up - a mortgage.

#6. Transaction insurance

Russian legislation obliges borrowers who take out a mortgage to insure the transaction.

The requirements of the law “On Mortgage (Pledge of Real Estate)” apply only to apartment insurance. But banks offer customers to issue life insurance, solvency, health, risk of loan default insurance policies. The cost of such insurance can reach up to 10-15% of the loan amount. Banks, if the client did not want to pay for the policy.

#7 Paperwork

The last thing left to do is register the deal with Rosreestr. To do this, bring all the documents to the Rosreestr office or online - a mortgage agreement, an apartment or house purchase / sale agreement, a mortgage, an insurance policy. After 2-3 days, information about the transaction will appear in Rosreestr, and you will become the owner of a new apartment.

Why do you need a loan broker?

The algorithm described above allows you to get a mortgage on your own. It is not so difficult, but if you do everything alone, it will take 2-3 months. In addition, if there is, then a financial institution may refuse a loan.

By contacting a mortgage broker, these problems can be avoided. He will apply to several banks at once. The borrower's candidacy will be simultaneously considered by several credit institutions. This will allow you not to waste time collecting documents for each bank.

Brokers also have connections with credit managers in banks and can influence their decisions. It happens that a client who could not get a loan on his own, applied for a loan without any problems after contacting a broker. In addition, intermediaries know how to make loan terms more favorable, and reduce the interest rate for the client by 1.5-2%. At a distance of 15-20 years, this saves 1-2 million rubles.

Where to get a mortgage?

We studied which banks give mortgages and made our TOP loan offers. The rating includes reliable organizations from among the 20 largest banks in the country.

If you think , in which bank it is better to take a mortgage loan, use any offer from our article.

#one. Tinkoff Mortgage

Tinkoff Bank itself does not provide mortgage loans. But the company has reached an agreement with other lending institutions, and now Tinkoff loans are offered profitable housing loans.

  • interest rate - from 6 to 14.5% per annum
  • loan term - from 10 to 25 years
  • minimum contribution - from 10 to 40%
  • maximum amount- up to 99 million rubles.

When applying for a mortgage at Tinkoff, you simultaneously apply to several partner banks. They study the application and form an individual offer. If the loan has been approved by several credit institutions, the borrower decides which bank to take a mortgage loan from.

#2. Opening

Otkritie Bank offers profitable mortgage loans to all categories of customers.

  • interest rate - from 9.35% per annum
  • loan term - from 5 to 30 years
  • minimum deposit - from 10%
  • the amount is 0.5-30 million rubles.

You can apply for a mortgage at Otkritie Bank on the official website. To get pre-approval by SMS, just fill out the questionnaire. With a positive decision, you need to provide documents for the borrower and for real estate at the branch of Otkritie Bank. Credit specialist examine the papers and make a decision.

There are several ways to repay a housing loan at Otkritie Bank:

  • in company branches
  • at Otkritie ATMs accepting cash
  • in Qiwi terminals, Eleksnet
  • through the Golden Crown system
  • via Yandex. Money
  • interbank transfer
  • in Svyaznoy, Eldorado, Telepay.

Focus on the payment schedule so as not to pay fines. Transfer money 2-3 days before the day indicated in the schedule. If you repay the loan through Opening partners (Qiwi, Eleksnet, golden crown and other systems), we recommend extending the period to 4-5 days.

#3. VTB

Borrowers can get a mortgage in the country's second largest bank - VTB.

  • interest rate - from 8.8% per annum
  • loan term - up to 20 years
  • minimum deposit - from 10%
  • amount - up to 60 million rubles.

To get a mortgage at VTB, contact the bank branch with documents or fill out an application on the website. The loan officer will review the papers to make a decision. If it is positive, you can choose an apartment and conclude a contract. The procedure for obtaining a loan at VTB takes 1-2 weeks.

You can repay the loan at ATMs and VTB branches. The devices and offices of the bank are presented on interactive map on the official website and in the application of the bank.

#4. Sberbank

Sberbank issues mortgage loans to military personnel, families with children, young families and other borrowers.

  • interest rate - from 6% per annum
  • loan term - up to 30 years
  • minimum deposit - from 10%
  • the amount is 0.3-8 million rubles.

Sberbank accepts applications for mortgage loans on the website and in branches. Prepare documents in advance so that the loan manager can review them faster. The decision will be made 1-2 weeks after the transfer of papers. A month is given to search for housing, during which time you need to have time to pick up real estate, conclude a mortgage agreement and insure an apartment or house.

You can repay loans at ATMs and Sberbank offices. Sberbank partner points are also accepted.

The advantage of the offer from Sberbank is low mortgage rates. The company gives a loan at 6% per annum to participants in the state program "Mortgage with state support for families with children."

#5. Raiffeisen Bank

Austrian branch banking group in Russia, Raiffeisen Bank offers a mortgage lending program.

  • interest rate - from 9.5% per annum
  • loan term - 1−30 years
  • minimum deposit - from 10%
  • amount - up to 26 million rubles.

You can get a loan from Raiffeisen Bank by applying on the official website. After a preliminary decision, you can prepare documents and visit the office of Raiffeisenbank. If the loan is approved, the borrower will be able to take out a mortgage with an interest rate of 9.5% per annum in 2018.

To repay a loan at Raiffeisenbank, you can use ATMs and company branches.

Which bank has the lowest mortgage? Sberbank now offers the minimum interest on housing loans. Here you can get a mortgage loan at 6% per annum, if you participate in government programs or buy apartments from partner developers.

We think they need to pay attention before taking out a mortgage.

#one. Do not take foreign currency loans

From currency mortgage tens of thousands of people have already been affected. They took loans in dollars or euros at a favorable rate (1-2%), but could not repay the loan when the ruble exchange rate in 2014-2015 fell by 1.5-2 times.

If you receive a salary in rubles, then take loans in rubles. If your employer pays you in euros or US dollars, then you can consider these currencies for a home loan.

#2. Read the contract carefully

We have already said that you need to carefully study the loan agreement.

  • If you know a lawyer or a bank employee, call him with you to apply for a loan. Representatives of such professions know what to look for, and will immediately find catches in the papers.
  • If there is at least one condition in the contract that does not suit you, do not sign it. Mortgages can be obtained from dozens of banks, and among them there are credit institutions that do not deceive customers.

#3. Calculate the forces

There are still banks in Russia that give mortgage loans and expect borrowers to spend 60-70% of their monthly income on them.

It is difficult to live in this mode for 10-15 years. It is better to limit yourself to costs of 30-40% of income per month. In this case, you will have to reduce the amount of the mortgage. This can be done in two ways: take a long-term loan, and choose cheaper housing.

In the first case

  • the probability of loan approval decreases with increasing term
  • the monthly payment with an increase in the term of the loan decreases slightly.

Consider an example: There are two loans with the same amount and interest (3 million rubles, 12% per annum), but for different periods (one for 20 years, the other for 30 years). Using the online calculator to calculate the terms of the mortgage, we get:

  • monthly payment for a loan for 20 years - 33,033 rubles (overpayment - 4,927,820 rubles)
  • monthly payment for a loan for 30 years - 30,858 rubles (overpayment - 8,109,016 rubles)

The contribution that will have to be paid every month has decreased by only 2 thousand (this is less than 10%), and the overpayment will increase by more than 3 million.

That is why the borrower, before getting a mortgage, needs to correlate his desires and possibilities. Otherwise, a home loan can become bondage for life.

To avoid this situation, use online calculators to calculate mortgage. They work the same way and produce identical results. You can find loan calculators on the websites of banks (links will be further).

In the second case

If you take out a mortgage on an apartment that costs less than you originally planned, you can repay the loan faster. This will make it possible to issue a new loan for a property with an increased area and improved layout.

#4. Create an airbag

If you do not repay the loan on time, the bank will impose sanctions - fines or seizure of real estate.

In order not to get into such a situation, set aside money to pay off the mortgage on a deposit. Try to save enough money to pay monthly premiums for 6-8 months.

You can also pay off your loan early. This is beneficial: the faster you repay the loan, the less you overpay the bank. However, not all lending institutions welcome early loan repayments - some companies penalize customers who repay loans ahead of schedule. If you took a loan from such a bank, we recommend saving money, and not paying off your mortgage with it at the first opportunity.

#5. Get a loan at the right time

Housing has a floor price when the demand for it is reduced. Try to guess the time when the cost of an apartment or house will fall, and buy a property during this period.

So you not only save on the cost of housing, but also take a mortgage under favorable interest. Banks lower interest rates when apartment sales fall, and meet customers halfway in other matters as well. It's up to the little thing - to track when house prices and sales are falling, and plan to purchase an apartment or house at that time.


Mortgages are a good (and sometimes the only) way to improve living conditions. Mortgage lending allows you to buy an apartment right now, rather than postponing the issue of real estate for 10-15 years.

Amounts of mortgage loans, as a rule, start from 1-2 million rubles. Few banks give loans for such amounts without a certificate of income. Almost all credit organizations require borrowers to confirm financial condition, the availability of work and attract guarantors. We recommend that you think about this in advance so as not to waste time when applying for a loan.

The desire to get a loan for an apartment at a low interest rate is understandable, since the average housing rates are now 15-20% per annum. To find the most profitable one, just enter in our credit calculator the search parameters you need and you will get a list of banks and their offers.

How to find the most profitable mortgage in Moscow?

If you are a client of a particular bank, then you should first consider it credit programs. Many are more loyal to customers who are their cardholders or account holders, which means they can offer better mortgage terms for you. Therefore, do not rush to write off a credit institution to which you have already contacted and used its services more than once.

Count on low interest possible in the following cases:

  • if you take an apartment in a new building, and not secondary housing;
  • if you are ready to make an initial payment of at least 40%;
  • you are a bank customer;
  • you can confirm your ability to pay with salary certificates;
  • you have a good credit history and you have at least 6 months of work experience at your current job.

Having found favorable mortgage conditions in Moscow, do not delay the application, as the programs of banks can change at any time.

How and where can I get a mortgage on an apartment? What documents are needed for registration mortgage agreement? Who can help you get a mortgage with bad credit?

Hello dear readers! Denis Kuderin is in touch.

We continue the series of articles on mortgage lending. The topic of this post is how to get a mortgage. The article will be of interest to anyone who wants to get a mortgage loan in the very near future or intends to do so in the long term.

And now - about everything in detail and in order!

1. What you need to know before taking out a mortgage

For the vast majority of citizens of the Russian Federation and CIS countries, mortgage lending is the only chance to buy a home right now, and not after years of savings and savings.

Statistics show that about half of all real estate in Russia is purchased on credit.

The essence of mortgage loans

Briefly about what is a mortgage. In the modern world, a mortgage is a type of loan in which housing is bought by the borrower on credit and remains secured by the bank.

The client is considered the owner of the apartment or house, but does not have full rights to these objects. If, for some reason, the borrower stops paying the bills before the full repayment of the loan, the bank begins to apply penalties.

The credit company has the right to seize housing in its favor if the recipient of the loan violates the terms of the mortgage agreement.

In addition to delays and delays in payment, there are other ways to violate the contract:

  • transfer of the apartment to third parties;
  • damage to property, non-compliance with the rules of operation;
  • unauthorized change of the technical characteristics of the object;
  • violation of insurance conditions.

More details about mortgage loans in the review article of our website "" and "".

Before taking such a loan, you need to decide on the purpose, amount and terms. Loans for real estate secured by the acquired property are given by almost all big banks Russia and neighboring states. Mortgage lending is a popular practice throughout the civilized world.

The downside is that Russia has the highest interest rates on mortgage loans. On the this moment the average rate in banks is 12-13% per annum.

Since the mortgage is issued for long terms(5-30 years, or even all 50), borrowers should be prepared for the fact that in the coming decades they will have to regularly (monthly) deduct a certain percentage of their income to a banking institution.

It is important to psychologically realize the inevitability of paying interest and logically justify for yourself the need for such a step. It is good if the decision to take a loan is made jointly by all family members, and family budget calculated in advance for many years of payments.

Another reasonable and logical step is to immediately calculate for yourself the amount of the overpayment on the loan. It's about the difference between the real cost of housing and the price you have to pay for it in the end.

With existing interest rates in banking institutions, the amount of overpayment is very significant.


The family takes out a loan for 20 years, buying an apartment for 3,000,000 rubles. The interest rate is 13%. no benefits and government subsidies the family does not use (for example, does not have rights to them, or simply does not know that there are any). The monthly amount of payments will be about 35,000 rubles. And the final payments will approach 8 million rubles.

The overpayment is 5 million rubles. Whether this is a lot in 20 years or a little is up to you to judge personally. Many borrowers such amounts enter into a stupor. But don't forget the general economic situation in the Russian Federation and the level of inflation.

Bank rates are predatory, but financial institutions don't want to lose their dividends either. For a potential borrower the main task– to find out whether the level of his income meets the requirements of the bank.

The amount of loan payments should not exceed 30-45% of the total income of the client and his co-borrowers. That is, for regular payments of 35 thousand, family income should approach 100,000 rubles. monthly.

Conditions for issuing a mortgage

At what age can you take out a mortgage? Who can apply for a loan? Who is entitled to state benefits on mortgage loans?

These questions are of interest to all borrowers. I will try to answer them as detailed and detailed as possible.

First, let's talk about age. Most banks allow you to take out a mortgage from the age of 21. As for the upper age limit, it is determined by each bank individually. It is calculated simply - the current age of the borrower + the term of the loan.

Usually this indicator is equal to the retirement age + 3-5 years. The undoubted leader in terms of the age limit is Sberbank. In this institution, the upper limit for borrowers is 75 years.

Decisive in design loan agreements has the solvency of a potential borrower.

Be sure to take into account:

  • the client's current income level;
  • work experience at the current place;
  • profession and position;
  • the income level of co-borrowers.

Both the maximum loan amount and the terms of debt repayment depend on these indicators. The ideal clients for banks are civil servants with a fixed income. Unspoken but almost required condition- Possession of a university degree.

But having your own business, oddly enough, automatically places you in the category of high-risk clients. However, the logic of bank managers is understandable - even the most reliable business in modern economic conditions can become unprofitable at any time.

2. How to get a mortgage - procedure

Like any important event, the registration of a mortgage loan is carried out in stages. It is necessary to know in advance what the algorithm of actions is and how to most effectively take each step.

Experts advise starting with the choice of housing - having decided on the object of purchase, you will be aware of how much you need and what terms you should expect.

A potential borrower has 2 ways to get a mortgage:

  1. Act independently.
  2. Engage professional realtors or loan brokers.

In this section, we will consider the first option; we will talk about the second method a little later.

Step 1. Choosing a home

So which property to choose?

Today, almost any residential property can be purchased with a mortgage:

  • an apartment in a new building;
  • an apartment on the secondary market;
  • private house;
  • cottage or cottage.

Some banks issue funds for housing construction or pay for participation in shared construction.

For the borrower, the main thing is to soberly correlate own desires and opportunities. Otherwise, you can hate the apartment or house of your dreams in a couple of years after the start of mortgage payments.

My acquaintance realtor with many years of experience in the agency told me that the target setting of the buyer is of great importance when choosing a property.

It is one thing if a person with a more or less constant income acquires housing for himself, because he wants to "change the scenery" or buy an apartment that is more prestigious in terms of location and layout.

Such clients are able to easily part with new apartment if the amounts of payments at a certain moment seem excessive to them.

And it's a completely different story when a family takes out a loan, for which a mortgage is the only way to get their own apartment. Such a buyer is more reliable and tries to pay off the debt, even despite the decline in income and other adverse factors.

When choosing an apartment, you should remember that the bank imposes certain requirements on real estate objects. A mortgage will not be able to buy emergency housing, a dilapidated house or an apartment located on the territory of another state.

Step 2. Choosing a bank and mortgage program

The bank is chosen depending on the goals and capabilities of the borrower. Keep in mind that if you like a financial company, this does not mean that they will like you.

In other words, the issue of lending requires reciprocity. Success is possible only when an understanding is reached between the recipient of the loan and the bank.

Nowadays it is difficult to save on interest, but you can try to choose the most comfortable and “humane” payment terms for yourself.

If you are eligible for benefits from the state, be sure to take advantage of them, even if the registration process takes a long time.

A slight decrease in the interest rate for privileged categories of citizens will lead to savings of tens or even hundreds of thousands of rubles over the years of loan repayment.

Points to pay attention to when choosing banks and mortgage programs:

  1. The amount of the first installment.
  2. Maximum loan amount.
  3. The number of insurances at the time of registration of the contract.
  4. The reputation and credibility of the organization.
  5. Reviews of real users - mortgage recipients.
  6. Conditions for early repayment.
  7. The maximum delay time after which the bank imposes fines and sanctions.

If your income is not quite official (you receive a “black” salary or work for yourself), it is better to choose credit companies, issuing loans on softer and more loyal terms, as they say - "without certificates and guarantors."

Please note that interest on such mortgage programs will be higher.

Step 3. Collecting documents and submitting an application

Proper paperwork is half the battle.

The list of documents in most banks is standard:

  • questionnaire (application for a loan);
  • passport of the borrower (plus copies of documents of guarantors and co-borrowers);
  • a document confirming the level of income for the last six months (certificate 2-NDFL);
  • a certified copy of the work book;
  • if the borrower self employed, you need licenses for such activities and a certificate of registration of the enterprise;
  • documents for the acquired property.

If you are a "beneficiary" - the procedure becomes more complicated. Documents confirming benefits and permission from government organizations for the use of public funds.

So the owners of maternity capital need to get consent to use the funds secured by the certificate in Pension Fund. To receive military mortgage permission is needed from Rosvoenipoteka, an organization representing the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Step 4. Drawing up a loan agreement

The most crucial moment of the transaction. Before signing a mortgage agreement, I recommend reading it point by point from the first page to the last. Pay special attention to notes and paragraphs printed in small print.

It is best to look at the contract at home, in a calm environment, or show it to a professional lawyer.

The agreement gives the borrower the right to transfer the borrowed money to the seller (or developer) and acquire ownership of the property. Remember that the property remains pledged to the bank for the entire term of the loan.

Sell, donate, exchange mortgaged property without the permission of the bank, the recipient of the loan is not entitled.

Step 5. Insurance of the transaction and registration of housing in the property

According to the Russian law "On Mortgage", real estate purchased on a loan is subject to compulsory insurance.

Banks are rarely limited to only apartment insurance. Usually they offer clients to insure their life, health, solvency, risk of loan default along the way.

The borrower has the right to refuse such insurances (especially all of them are paid), but in response the bank may raise the interest rate.

The last stage of the transaction is the execution of a purchase / sale agreement in Rosreestr. Along with the mortgage agreements and the sale of the object, another document is drawn up - a mortgage. This paper remains in the bank and is a confirmation of the pledge.

Be sure to watch a helpful video about applying for a mortgage:

The vast majority of mortgage loan recipients are people without a legal education. In order not to make a mistake with the choice mortgage program, save your nerves and time resources, the most important "credit" issues should be studied in advance.

A few valuable expert tips will definitely help you with this.

Tip 1. Take a loan in the currency in which you earn

The golden rule for any loans, not just mortgages. If you receive a salary in rubles, then the loan should be taken exclusively in rubles.

The logic of the rule is very clear - to service a loan in US dollars, you will have to buy currency from your ruble assets. If the exchange rate suddenly rises, your payments in rubles will automatically increase.


The crisis of 14-15 knocked down many foreign currency borrowers who took out mortgages in dollars, attracted by the low interest rate. After jump exchange rate of the dollar, such clients began to pay about 2 times more than before the crisis - while their salaries remained at the same level.

Tip 2. Carefully study the terms of lending

This has already been mentioned above, but it will not be superfluous to repeat it again: read the contract carefully and pay attention to all the terms of the transaction.

This is especially true of additional costs - for insurance, maintenance and other items that many borrowers do not seem important.

For example, some banks force their customers to insure life only in certain companies (partners of a credit institution).

As a result, the borrower pays every year from 0.5 to 2% (!) of the loan amount only for insurance, which translates into huge amounts for the entire loan period.

Tip 3. Do not overestimate your strength (improve housing conditions gradually)

The generally accepted rule is that monthly payments should not exceed 30-40% of family income. 50% is a critical threshold, which is necessarily followed by a deterioration in the standard of living.

However, in the Russian Federation, the “forty percent” rule practically does not work. Citizens, including family ones, take on their shoulders debt burdens of 60-70%, hoping for a “maybe” and expecting salary increases.

In such a situation, the very thoughts of proper rest and entertainment become inappropriate, and any critical situation (one of the family members, God forbid, falls ill or the money is needed for other needs) leads to fines, sanctions, communication with collectors, deterioration of credit history .

Conclusion: never overestimate your own strengths. Improve your living conditions gradually. First, take a small (relatively, of course) loan to buy a two-room apartment, even in the secondary market.

Perhaps, when this debt is paid off, the situation on financial market will change and interest rates will fall. Then you will think about a new building with an improved layout and living space of 100 m 2.

Tip 4. Create a "financial airbag"

Always keep a certain margin of payments on your deposit account. Ideally, it should be 3-6 monthly payments on credit.

Having accumulated a sufficient amount of funds, do not rush to make early payments. Firstly, you will lose bank interest, and secondly, credit companies do not welcome off-schedule repayments and often impose restrictions on such initiatives.

Let this money be your insurance for the future.

Tip 5. Choose the right time to take out a loan

A familiar realtor, whom I wrote about above, says that the main thing in real estate transactions is the timeliness of transactions.

You need to buy apartments just when the demand for them drops to the limit. Provided, of course, that housing is not needed right now and you can wait a year or two.

The golden rule of investing is to buy when everyone is selling and sell when everyone is buying. You should not take out loans and buy housing during the period of maximum recovery in the real estate market.

4. How to Get a Mortgage with Bad Credit - Professional Help from Loan Brokers

Can I get a loan with a bad credit history?

Many at one time, "burned out" with consumer loans, when banks in a period of economic stability borrowed money from everyone right and left. As a result, appropriate marks were made in the credit histories of potential borrowers.

What to do in a situation where banks do not want to cooperate with you due to delays and violations in the years of payment of past loans?

First of all, there is no need to panic. If you were denied in 2-3 banks, this does not mean that the others will be denied as well. During the period of client “lack of fish”, many credit institutions, especially regional ones, soften their conditions and may turn a blind eye to some problems with past payments.

Another option is to contact loan brokers, who have their own approaches to bank managers. There are companies and specific specialists who help people get profitable real estate loans in every city.

Services of mortgage brokers, of course, are paid. However, if such an employee finds a profitable credit option you will save much more.

In Moscow, credit issues are dealt with by such firms as Credit Laboratory, Bureau credit decisions”, “Freedom”.

For experienced brokers and realtors, a problematic credit history is not a sentence, but a reason to show their professional skills.

About - read in the detailed publication. There are articles about

After an intensive recovery in 2010-11. Russian mortgage may face a crisis of growth: a drop in the interest of banks in construction projects will lead to a shortage of new buildings. The development of sales channels for mortgage products and new risk-sharing mechanisms will help mitigate this effect. housing construction between banks and government

A large-scale reduction in interest rates on loans and easing of requirements for borrowers led to the rapid growth of mortgage lending in 2010. In order to expand lending against the backdrop of weak effective demand for mortgages, banks were forced to both reduce rates (in December they reached the pre-crisis level) and noticeably ease requirements for borrowers. As a result, the market anticipated the most optimistic forecasts: the volume of mortgage loans granted last year amounted to 380 billion rubles, which is 2.5 times more than in 2009 (see Chart 1). In 2011, mortgages continue to show steady growth: the volume of loans issued in January-February was 2.2 times higher than in the first two months of 2010.

At the end of 2010, the main market participants showed explosive growth rates, which led to a decrease in the level of concentration . Growth rates of 100 percent or more were typical not only for medium and small banks with an initially low base, but also for the largest participants from the TOP-20 (see Table 1). Tougher competition resulted in a decrease in the overall level of concentration: the share of the market leader - Sberbank of Russia - decreased from 57.7% to 48.7%, and the share of TOP-3 fell from 68% to 61%. At the same time, the role of small banks significantly increased in the market (below 201st place in terms of assets): their share increased from 8% to 11%, largely due to the active work of AHML in the regions. Most large banks are in no hurry to refinance their loans: the portfolio of mortgage loans is growing steadily. The bankers' logic is clear: banks have no shortage of liquidity, and a mortgage loan on the balance sheet is a stable source of income in the absence of sufficient demand for borrowed funds from the corporate sector.

According to Expert RA forecasts, in 2011 the volume of mortgage lending will amount to 600-620 billion rubles, coming close to the results of 2008 (656 billion rubles). . In contrast to 2010, the main stimulus will come from the demand side: by the spring of 2011, the terms for most “crisis” deposits with higher interest rates came to an end, and against the backdrop of rising inflation and expectations of rising real estate prices, many will direct funds from these deposits for a down payment on a mortgage. The possibilities of banks to stimulate demand are almost exhausted: with the current inflation dynamics, a significant decline in interest rates is unlikely, and further weakening of requirements for borrowers is possible only to the detriment of the quality of risk management.

After 2011, mortgage lending is likely to slow down due to the exhaustion of the low base effect and the shortage of new housing. In 2011 - early 2012. the vast majority of residential buildings will be put into operation, the construction of which was “unfrozen” in 2009-2010, and projects from “zero” have practically not been launched over the past two years. At the same time, the prospects for accelerating housing construction due to the growth in lending to developers are extremely vague. According to a survey of banks conducted by Expert RA jointly with AHML, after the crisis, the number of banks willing to lend to housing construction decreased significantly, and the remaining participants tightened the requirements for borrowers and the quality of projects (see Table 2). high risks housing construction (see table 3) force banks to incur tangible costs for the assessment construction projects and control over their implementation.

To stimulate the volume of lending to housing construction, it is necessary to develop risk-sharing mechanisms construction industry between banks and the state. Existing programs to support lending to developers, implemented through AHML and VEB, do not relieve banks from the risk of construction in progress and increased costs for monitoring project implementation. In conditions of excess liquidity, such programs are of interest only to individual market participants with expensive funding. It is possible to increase the interest of banks by offering the government tools to share the specific risks of the construction industry and protect the rights of creditors in courts.

In the medium term, the development of sales channels for mortgage products outside banks will help stimulate mortgage lending. The high popularity of consumer and auto loans is ensured by a wide network of their sales through outlets and car dealerships. The offer of mortgage products is concentrated in banks and not in “places” (real estate agencies, construction companies). Hence the low share of mortgages in the total volume of transactions with residential real estate. The solution to this problem can be more active interaction between banks and real estate agencies, as well as the development of the institution of credit brokers and financial consultants. This will make it possible to shift the preferences of some citizens in favor of mortgage loans and increase the volume of mortgage lending even with the volumes of housing construction unchanged.

Research Methodology

Expert RA analysts' conclusions are based on public data, Bank of Russia statistics as of February 1, 2011, as well as on the results of bank surveys and in-depth interviews with market participants.

For the purposes of this study, residential mortgage loans are understood as home loans provided in accordance with federal law dated July 16, 1998 No. 102-FZ "On Mortgage (Pledge of Real Estate)". This approach fully coincides with the methodology used by the Bank of Russia. The methodology for compiling the ranking of mortgage market participants was agreed with AHML.

As part of the survey, we asked banks to indicate data on the portfolio of mortgage loans in accordance with reporting form 0409316. We used the verification of the provided data based on the calculation of the compliance of the information provided with the data reflected in the balance sheet (reporting form 0409101) of banks.

The final ranking included data from 73 banks. According to our estimates, the market coverage was about 80%. CJSC "CB DeltaCredit" provided the Agency with data corresponding to the 4th place in the ranking, but these data were not included in the final ranking due to failure to provide the information necessary to verify their reliability.

As part of the Expert RA project, together with AHML, we conducted a survey of Russian banks on the topic “Housing Construction Financing”. The survey included answers to closed questions and in-depth interviews with bank representatives. 24 people took part in the survey Russian bank(mainly representatives of top management or managers in charge of the core business area). The texts of the in-depth interviews can be found at www..

We express our gratitude to all companies and speakers for their interest in our research.

Graph 1. According to the results of 2010, the volume of mortgage lending exceeded the results of 2009 by 2.5 times

Chart 2. In competition for customers, banks aggressively cut mortgage rates

Source: "Expert RA" according to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

Table 1. Ranking of banks in terms of mortgage lending in 2010

Place on 1.01.2011

Name of the bank

The volume of issued mortgage loans in 2010, (1,000 rubles)

The volume of issued mortgage loans in 2009, (1,000 rubles)

Growth rate of issued mortgage loans, 2010/2009

The share of foreign currency loans in the total volume of issuance in 2010

Balance of loan debt on mortgage loans, as of January 1, 2011*, (1,000 rubles)

The balance of debt loans on mortgage loans, as of 01.01.10*, (1,000 rubles)

Mortgage loan portfolio growth rate, 2010/2009

OJSC "Sberbank of Russia"

VTB 24 (ZAO)


OJSC "TransCreditBank"

"Zapsibkombank" OJSC

CJSC UniCredit Bank


CJSC "Bank ZhilFinance"

JSCB "Absolut Bank" (CJSC)

Bank Vozrozhdenie (OJSC)


CJSC GKB "Avtogradbank"


JSC "Nordea Bank"


CJSC "Raiffeisenbank"



JSC "SKB-bank"

JSCB "Svyaz-Bank"



OJSC "Tveruniversalbank"



OIKB "Rus" (LLC)

Bank "Snezhinsky" JSC





Bank Levoberezhny (OJSC)

JSC "Pervobank"




JSC "Plus Bank"

JSCB "Izhkombank" (JSC)



JSC "Bank Intesa"