Sberbank asset management open funds of private investors. Sberbank mutual funds. Reviews of Sberbank mutual funds


The management company "Sberbank Asset Management" is one of the leaders in investment market. The company manages funds pension savings in NPFs, assets of insurance companies, mutual investment funds, assets of banks and individuals, funds federal budgets.

Sberbank Management Company offers services to investors

  • Asset management through mutual funds;
  • Financial planning;
  • Maintaining IIS.

Sberbank Asset Management is considered the strongest team with unique knowledge that allows it to use several management strategies - from balanced to aggressive.

Sberbank management statistics:

  • The company manages more than 523 billion rubles;
  • 95,000 private clients;
  • Market share of open-ended mutual investment funds – 24.8%;
  • Reliability rating – AA+ (the highest, according to Expert RA);
  • The company manages 20 open mutual funds.

The company cooperates with foreign and Russian brokers, which allows her to receive good price conditions for executing transactions. Our own analytical team with extensive experience in managing government assets and corporate funds will help you increase your savings through smart investing in mutual funds.

Asset management through mutual funds

Sberbank Management Company offers a wide range of funds - from classic to sector and country:

  • Open-end bond funds (Ilya Muromets, Advanced Bond Fund, Eurobonds, Global Debt Market);
  • Open-end equity funds (Dobrynya Nikitich, Natural resources and Electric power industry, etc.);
  • Open-End Mixed Investment Fund (Balanced);
  • Open mutual fund of Sberbank funds (asset management of the fund America, Europe, Emerging Markets, Global Engineering, Gold Biotechnology);
  • Real estate EPIPHS (Residential, Commercial, Rental business).

Most mutual funds demonstrate high annual returns:

Ready-made solutions for your investments

Co Sberbank It didn't work out for me from the very beginning. Back in 2007, I got a card to book hotels, buy tickets, and pay on websites. Annual maintenance The card was withdrawn as soon as I deposited the money. But I couldn’t use the card: neither Booking nor Iherb accepted it. I didn’t dare take it abroad, because... I heard from friends that the restaurant did not accept the card. Co Sberbank I said goodbye for 10 years.

I am interested in investments and inspired by the results of world famous investors. And why am I actually worse?

Because I learned from books about American stock market, then immediately “jumped into the water” and bought shares. Then I decided to reduce the risk and buy mutual funds. I studied them first.

Advantages of mutual funds over independent investing:

  • presence of a control system
  • more profitable taxation
  • diversification


  • commission management company(UK)
  • additional commissions
  • restrictions on investment objects

If everything is clear about the advantages, then nothing is clear about the disadvantages without specific numbers and percentages. I looked at reviews of mutual funds. In general, the picture is this: I invested a lot and received little. There may be reasons for this:

  • entering the market on growth
  • short investment period
  • poor management of the management fund
  • and...a big hidden commission

But mutual funds already attracted me. I also wanted to be a shareholder. To understand the whole process, I allocated 2 equal amounts. I invested one in mutual funds, the other in shares. I wanted to know who would win.

The experiment begins.

  • Registered on Sberbank Asset Management. Simple and quick online registration is not comparable to registering with a broker if you are planning to invest yourself.
  • 1 share of any fund costs 1000 rubles (good price). Share is available to anyone.
  • 1% surcharge and discount (commission for buying and selling shares). This is a very large %. When investing independently, the highest percentage I saw was 0.3.
  • Hidden commissions are mentioned in passing (naturally).
  • I had to get a card Sberbank Momentum to buy shares without commissions. It's free.
  • If you hold shares for more than 3 years, then you do not have to pay 13% on profits and 1% discount on exit.
  • But the information on the funds is unclear. Large percentages that are not true, and beautiful growth graphs.
  • There are no reports of what exactly was purchased with my money. Maybe they are invested in "junk stocks". Investing goes by the motto “hope and wait.”

I purchased shares "Balanced Fund" of Sberbank. It consists of both shares, because and bonds.

At the same time, on the same day, I bought the same shares and bonds from my broker. I tried to purchase in the same percentage as in the fund.

Not everything was acquired, so the experiment is not considered “clean”. But the general trend can be traced. On that day, the shares of Sberbank and Gazprom were in decline.

Sberbank Asset Management took 5 days to process my purchase request. The money, naturally, was withdrawn immediately. And when my shares appeared in personal account, then the 1% commission was also removed.

For the 1st month in "Balanced Fund" I lost 0.3% of the invested amount.

From the 2nd to the 4th month there was a trend of +1% -1%.

The shares and bonds I bought on my own in 4 months gave 17.5% of my invested amount.

Yes, 4 months is not a long time for mutual funds. But personally, I’d rather put the money on deposit in the bank.

Does the profitability of mutual funds depend on the management company or only on the market situation? It depends, but I didn’t invest in risky funds.

Deposit rates today do not provide investors with the desired return. This leads to a continued increase in the popularity of mutual funds. Do not forget that mutual funds are quite risky investment. Therefore, the choice of a management company should be approached as responsibly as possible. Particularly trustworthy are mutual funds investment funds Sberbank primarily due to the reputation of the financial group that created them. Let us remember that the funds used to belong to the oldest investment company in Russia – Troika Dialog. Several years ago, Sberbank acquired this investment company along with its mutual funds, and now the company is called Sberbank Asset Management.

To understand whether it is worth investing in Sberbank mutual funds, it is important to study the advantages and disadvantages of such investments.

Among the advantages are the following:

  1. There is no need to acquire special knowledge. All you have to do is choose a mutual investment fund, and then professionals will manage your money.
  2. Saving personal time. Those who decide to invest in Sberbank mutual funds do not need to spend it on market analysis. You don't have to constantly monitor courses. Fund managers do all this.
  3. The profitability calculator allows you to evaluate the prospects of investments online.
  4. Simplicity of design. It is enough to go to the Sberbank office with your passport and write an application to purchase a share. Subsequently, the sale of shares and withdrawal of funds are carried out in the same way.
  5. Strict control by the state allows us to guarantee reliability. Thanks to clear regulation of all fund actions, as well as mandatory licensing of the management company’s activities, the risk of complete loss of funds is significantly reduced.
  6. The minimum investment amount is very low. Anyone can buy a share. It is enough to have a few thousand rubles available.
  7. Shareholders pay tax only when they make a profit. Unlike other assets (for example, real estate), capital invested in shares is not subject to tax.
  8. High level of liquidity open mutual funds. You can receive the funds invested in them on any working day.
  9. Risk diversification. It is enough to purchase shares of several funds to minimize the level of risk. As a result, the investment portfolio will be stable for most changes in the market situation.

Despite the fact that investing in Sberbank mutual funds has a huge number of advantages, there are also disadvantages.

  • The main disadvantage is the presence of commissions. Traditionally, units are sold at a premium and purchased by the fund at a discount.
  • Closed-end funds do not allow you to get back cash when you need them.
  • It is possible to obtain significant income only over a sufficiently long period of time. It is worth investing for at least a year.
  • The presence of a price premium when purchasing a share by an investor and a discount when selling it.

Current mutual funds of Sberbank

The management company, part of the Sberbank group of companies, offers one of the most diverse lines of mutual funds in Russian market. In this case, investment management can be carried out through your personal account. This is where you can perform all the necessary operations, as well as monitor the dynamics of your own investment portfolio.

For the right choice It is important to understand that Sberbank mutual funds in 2019 (as always) differ in their level of profitability and risk. As with other funds, the rule applies - the higher the profit, the higher the risk.

Bond mutual funds

As you know, bonds are considered one of the lowest risk valuable papers. This is especially true for those issued by the state. Among the mutual funds in Sberbank, four are bond funds:

  1. Ilya Muromets invests in bonds issued by the state, municipalities, and the largest Russian companies. Investments in the named fund are low-risk. Returns over the past three years have been just under 25%.
  2. Another low-risk fund is the Global Debt Market. The return on shares of this fund over the past 26 months reached 53.28%. Investments are made in foreign currency bonds of foreign countries.
  3. Despite the fact that the risk when investing in the Eurobond Fund is at a fairly low level, the growth of shares in the last three years has almost reached 95%. From the name of the mutual fund it follows that it invests funds in Eurobonds.
  4. The Risk Bond Fund invests in securities issued by Russian companies. These bonds are characterized by increased yield with an average level of risk.

Equity mutual funds

Those who are interested in the maximum profitability of Sberbank mutual funds should pay attention to equity funds. However, do not forget that these funds are characterized by a high degree of risk. Sberbank Mutual Funds offers a very wide range of shares:

  1. "Dobrynya Nikitich" invests the collected capital in shares Russian companies, which have high growth potential, as well as sufficient liquidity. As a result, the return over 3 years approached 60%.
  2. The dynamics of the Electric Energy Mutual Fund for 36 months approached 93%. This profitability was achieved through investments in shares of the electricity industry.
  3. The Natural Resources Fund distributes funds among shares of companies that extract and process minerals, as well as produce steel and fertilizers. Over 3 years, a return of 87% was shown.
  4. The Small Cap Equity Fund invests in securities of both Russian and foreign companies. Profitability – 77.% for 3 years.
  5. Investments in the Sberbank Mutual Fund “Telecommunications and Technologies” have given investors not very high returns over the past 36 months - about 38%.
  6. An active management fund involves the redistribution of capital between liquid shares of companies that have high growth potential, as well as cash. During such management, the value of shares increased by almost 46% over 3 years.
  7. The Consumer Sector Fund invests in dynamically developing Russian and foreign companies, the return for 36 months exceeded 107%.
  8. The Global Internet Fund made it possible for shareholders to receive 76.5% in 3 years.
  9. The Financial Sector Fund distributes capital between shares of Russian and international banking, insurance, and financial organizations.

Mutual funds of mixed investments

Mixed investments in Sberbank are represented by the Balanced Fund. Its terms involve the distribution of capital between stocks and bonds. At the same time, the ratio of securities is constantly changing. The average level of risk here is combined with a return of about 65% over 3 years.

Mutual funds of funds

Most mutual funds involve a high level of risk (the exception is the Gold fund). At the same time, they show increased profitability. Below are the areas of investment, as well as the growth in the value of shares over 3 years for mutual funds.

  1. The Gold Fund invests in the PowerShares DB Gold Fund ETF. The yield exceeded 23%.
  2. The Europe Fund invests in the Ishares Eurostoxx 5 ETF. The profit was about 24%.
  3. The America Fund invests in the SPDR S&P500 ETF. Profitability is a little over 77%.
  4. The Global Engineering Fund invests in the Vanguard Industrials ETF. The high level of risk has led to shareholders losing a little more than 2% since the beginning of the year.
  5. The Biotechnology Fund invests in the iShares NASDAQ Biotechnology ETF. The share price fell by almost 7% over the year.
  6. The Emerging Markets Fund invests in the Vanguard FTSE EM ETF. The return over three years is almost 50%.

Closed mutual funds (closed mutual funds)

In the sector of balanced investments, in which the level of risk and profitability are at an average level, closed-end real estate mutual funds are also distinguished. Unfortunately, recently all funds in this group have shown a decline in the value of their shares. Nevertheless, they deserve attention. This is explained by the fact that the profitability of closed-end funds can only be judged when they expire.

  1. Foundation " Commercial real estate» distributes funds between objects that have the potential to increase in value.
  2. Funds " Residential Properties 2 and 3" invest money in facilities under construction in the capital and region, which are sold at a discount. Subsequently, by the time the fund is closed, its assets will be sold.
  3. The Rental Business Fund invests in high-class warehouse real estate. Income consists of rental payments, as well as the potential increase in the value of purchased objects.
  4. The Rental Business 2 fund involves investing in high-quality real estate in the commercial sector.

Thus, Sberbank mutual funds represent a promising area for investment. It is important to keep in mind that most of them carry a high level of risk. Before investing, you should choose the optimal combination of profitability and risk. In addition, it would be a good idea to study reviews from clients who were already shareholders of the preferred fund.

If previously the main object of investment for ordinary people were only bank deposits, then recently more and more Russians want to invest money in open-end mutual funds ( Open mutual funds) of the same banks, since it is almost as reliable, but the profitability is, as a rule, much higher.

is the largest and oldest financial structure in Russia engaged in asset management in 513.3 billion rubles., operating since 1996 and including all Sberbank mutual funds, including 20 open and 5 closed funds, each of which has its own specifics and asset structure, designed to maximally satisfy the requirements of all categories of citizens.

Sberbank mutual funds

You can buy shares in Sberbank mutual funds at one of the bank’s 141 branches in Moscow. But it is most profitable to purchase shares of the fund in your “personal account” on the website, since the minimum cost of a share is only 1000 rub., while in the branches of the Sberbank Asset Management company you can buy shares for less than 15 thousand rubles. it won't work. When purchasing through agents, the minimum amount may be even higher.

As for commissions, they largely depend on the amount and period of investment ( The larger the investment, the lower the commission). So, having purchased shares of less than by 3 million rubles., you will have to pay a surcharge of 1% , and if the amount is equal to or greater, then in total 0,5% . The situation is similar with “ discount", which for a short-term investment of less than six months is 2% , from 181 days to 371 – 1% , and when investing for more than 732 days it completely absent.

The asset management company charges a commission of 1,2% . The growth dynamics of NAV over the past year amounted to +58.86% and to date its size is approximately equal to 7.7 billion rubles.

As you can see, here are only the most liquid shares that are experiencing gradual stable growth, which indicates a long-term perspective of the direction investment strategy fund.

The sectoral structure of investment looks like this:

  • oil and gas – 48.1%;
  • finance – 18.3%;
  • metallurgy – 10.4%;
  • cash – 9.1%;
  • consumer sector – 9%;
  • telecommunications – 3.1%;
  • electric power industry – 1.9%;
  • media and IT – 1%.

If the assets of Sberbank mutual funds are made up primarily of shares, you should not expect great miracles from the fund in times of crisis, since over 3 years the return was only 48.26%, and over the last 12 months, only 11.25%. NAV of the fund in this moment is 2.23 billion rubles.

The conditions for taking part in the share are the same as for the funds described earlier: the minimum when purchasing in your personal account through the website is 1000 rubles, in bank branches and offices of an asset management company – 15 thousand rubles, the amount of the premium and discounts are also similar. The cost of a share of the Dobrynya Nikitich Share Fund is around 9,000 rubles.

Small Cap Equity Fund

This fund, until 2013 called “ Troika Dialog – Potential", unlike Dobrynya Nikitich, invests primarily in domestic and global developing companies of the 2nd tier with small capitalization (" Reference" (7.8%), " Unipro"(7.4%), Luxoft(5.2%), etc.), in iShares Russell 2000 ETF(13.8%), as well as in many different industries ( to diversify risks).

The structure of the fund's assets currently looks like this:

  • electric power industry – 17.4%;
  • ETF – 13.8%;
  • metallurgy – 12.6%;
  • transport – 10.4%;
  • finance – 10.3%;
  • consumer sector – 10%;
  • media and IT – 9.2%;
  • real estate – 7.8%;
  • cash – 3.1%;
  • oil and gas – 3%;
  • telecommunications – 1.9%;
  • chem. industry – 0.4%.

The fund's focus on small-cap companies introduces significant risk and uncertainty, since not all of them live up to expectations, but when this happens, the profits can be quite significant, which is clearly reflected in the profitability of the mutual fund.

So over 3 years it showed a return of 71.78%, and over the last 12 months - 20.73%, which is quite good, however, it is not very popular and its NAV is only slightly less than 422 million rubles.

The price of a share of the Small Capitalization Share Fund is about 5,000 rubles.

Active management fund

Active management fund

As the name suggests, main feature This mutual fund is active management and redistribution of investments between company shares, futures and cash. For diversification purposes, the portfolio cannot contain more than 15% of securities of one company.

As for the composition of shares, the assets of Sberbank mutual funds like this include a mixture of shares of both state and completely non-state companies from different industries, both with large and small capitalization, in general, different, which is clearly visible if you look at the structure:

  • cash – 27.2%;
  • consumer sector – 17.7%;
  • finance – 12.8%;
  • real estate – 11%;
  • oil and gas – 10.1%;
  • transport – 8.5%;
  • electric power industry – 5.5%;
  • media and IT – 5.4%;
  • metallurgy – 1.7%.

The fund has a good return (over the last 12 months it amounted to 14.24%) and an impressive positive dynamics of NAV growth (over 3 years it has grown by almost 200% and now stands at 688 million rubles).

The price of a share of this mutual fund is about 1,600 rubles.

Electric Power Fund

The main investment objects for Open Investment Fund "Electroenergetics" are Russian infrastructure and energy corporations, such as THC-1 (5,8%), RUSHYDRO(12,9%), MOSENERGO(6.7%), etc.

Investments are made in national currency and are focused on the long term ( 3 years or more). The sectoral structure of the portfolio is very simple and includes only 3 items: generating companies – 71.2%, transport – 19.1% and network companies – 7.1%.

Diversification is ensured through intra-industry investments in shares of various energy companies, and this bears fruit, as in 3 years the fund has brought its shareholders 84,53% .

Such profitability of Sberbank mutual funds is considered considerable, especially when we're talking about about such a specific industry, the annualized profit is 48.89%.

As for the NAV of the fund, it has recently grown significantly (+226.83% over 3 years) and is now approximately 1.15 billion rubles. The price of a share is around 1000 rubles.

Natural Resources Foundation

This open mutual fund, although to a lesser extent than the previous one, is engaged in highly specialized investments exclusively in shares of corporations associated with the mining and manufacturing industries of Russia, such as “ Rosneft"(12.7%), Gazprom(12,1%), Tatneft(4.1%), etc. The structure of the fund’s assets looks like this:

  • integrated oil companies – 73.5%;
  • ferrous metallurgy – 12.2%;
  • precious metals – 6.6%;
  • non-ferrous metallurgy – 6%;
  • cash – 1.8%.

The return for the previous 12 months was 8.35%, and for 3 years - 80.91%, which is quite good. The NAV of the fund is currently about 941 million rubles. The price of a share is not much higher than 1000 rubles.

Telecommunications and Technologies Foundation

This mutual fund, in full accordance with its name, invests in both domestic and foreign IT, software, Internet companies, mobile operators and electronics manufacturers. The main companies whose shares the fund currently holds in the portfolio are: Megafon (12.3%), Veon (12.1%), Yandex (11.6%), MTS (11%), Apple (4.3%) etc. The sectoral structure of assets is divided between:

  • telecommunications – 50.2%;
  • media – 20.5%;
  • IT – 16%;
  • cash – 11.8%;
  • other objects – 1.4%.

Despite the fact that the idea of ​​​​concentrating investments in the field of electronics and the Internet looks very promising, in reality, expectations have not yet been met and the fund’s profitability leaves much to be desired (over 12 months it brought investors only 0.16%, and over the last 3 years 32.94 %). Due to the low profitability, the NAV of the mutual fund is gradually falling every year and currently amounts to 846 million rubles.

As for commissions and the price of shares, their cost is within 3.5 thousand rubles.

Global Internet Foundation

Unlike the previous one, this mutual fund is even more specialized and makes investments in rubles and foreign currency almost exclusively in some network and media companies, payment systems and large online stores. In the assets of " Global Internet» you can find promotions Yandex(15,9%), QIWI(14.1%), (4%), (10.3%), (9.7%) and other well-known companies from this industry. The portfolio structure is divided between only 3 industries: the Internet - 61.9%, media - 36.8% and cash - 1.3%, however, unlike the previous mutual fund, this one brings investors a good income of 10.93% per annum, and for the previous 3 years the profit was 77.39%. The cost of a share is about 3,000 rubles.

It is not surprising that the stable growth in the value of shares attracted 1.9 billion rubles to the fund. from those who want to earn money.

Consumer Sector Fund

The Sberbank Mutual Fund “Consumer Sector” received its name due to the fact that the main direction of investment for it is domestic (mainly) and foreign companies specializing in the production and sale of consumer goods and media products (“ Pyaterochka" (15%), Rusagro(12,9%), M Video (12,2%), Aeroflot(5,7%), Yandex(5.1%), etc.). Investments are distributed by industry as follows:

  • retail trade – 58.2%;
  • consumer goods – 16.7%;
  • media – 7.9%;
  • transport – 5.7%;
  • cash – 4.3%;
  • development – ​​4.3%.

As for profitability, the Sberbank Consumer Mutual Fund brought investors about 10.58% per annum over the past 12 months and 104.25% over 3 years. NAV is 1.943 billion rubles. You can invest for periods from one month to 3 years; the conditions for premiums and discounts are similar to those in other mutual funds of Sberbank. The cost of the share at the moment is 2200 rubles.

Financial Sector Fund

At the moment, the last from our list of open-end mutual fund of Sberbank shares is the “Financial Sector” - a fund that focuses primarily on investments in shares of financial, credit, insurance companies, commercial banks, exchanges and in. Preference is given to domestic organizations, but investments in foreign ones are also not excluded. Investments are made both in rubles and in foreign currency.

Investments are divided into 7 sectors:

  • 1st tier banks – 30.9%;
  • 2nd tier banks – 26%;
  • Internet – 13.1%;
  • exchanges – 13%;
  • ETF – 8.5%;
  • cash – 5.2%;
  • processing, investment companies – 3,2%.

The management company's main strategy for this fund is based on purchasing shares with good growth prospects. When selecting assets, Sberbank analysts carefully study its prospects based on technical data and fundamental factors, thus achieving impressive profits.

Despite the small size of NAV, only 196.2 million rubles., behind Last year, the fund brought its investors 38.66%, and the return rate for 3 years is almost 81%.

Units of the Mutual Fund “Financial Sector” Fund cost not much more than 1000 rubles.

Open mutual investment fund "Balanced"

Sberbank has only one mixed fund and it is called “Balanced”, previously also known as “ Troika Dialog – Druzhina».

Balanced Fund

The name speaks for itself: the fund combines investments in stocks and bonds in the most favorable proportions, which provides good results in the long term, bringing moderate profits in bull markets and smoothing out risks in bear markets. Fund managers constantly monitor the state of affairs in the economy, increasing the share of bonds in falling markets, and stocks in growing ones.

The securities chosen are predominantly Russian, investments are made in both rubles and dollars. Despite the fact that a significant share of the fund's assets is invested in stocks, due to the presence of bonds, the risks are much lower than those of the Sberbank Mutual Fund Consumer Sector or Telecommunications and Technology. The sectoral structure of the portfolio looks like this:

  • bonds – 39.4%;
  • oil and gas – 27.9%;
  • finance – 11.6%;
  • metallurgy – 4.5%;
  • consumer sector – 4.5%;
  • real estate – 4.1%;
  • telecommunications – 2%;
  • electric power industry – 1.6%.

The fund provided 10.75% return over the last year, the figure for 3 years reaches 57.15%. NAV over 3 years has grown by almost 300% and currently amounts to 1.58 billion rubles.

You can buy a unit of the mutual fund “Balanced” for 70 thousand rubles.

Open mutual funds of the funds

IN general outline, this group of Sberbank mutual funds is characterized by a long-term focus on foreign currency investments ( 2-3 years at least) and investing in one specialized ETF fund with subsequent passive management.

America Foundation

This fund, until the end of December 2013, was also known as “Sberbank – Fund for shares of companies with state participation", carries out high-risk foreign exchange investments in American stock ETFs - SPDR S&P500, thus providing everyone with a minimum investment of funds and without wasting their time to earn money on the rise of American stock markets.

Returns over the past year have been small at just over 1%, but the three-year return is over 79%. However, the fund is not particularly popular, and its NAV is only 484 million rubles. The cost of a share is up to 1500 rubles.

Fund "Europe"

Previously, the fund was called “Sberbank – Market Companies precious metals", now it has been reduced to one word "Europe". In its essence and strategy, it is similar to the previous one, the only difference is that investments are made in an ETF focused on the European stock index.

  • The profitability is also not very high (for the year only 2.55%, for 3 - 26.95%), the NAV is even less than that of America - only 138 million rubles. and is steadily falling. At the moment, the cost of a share is below 1000 rubles.

Emerging Markets Fund

Until the end of 2013, the fund, known as Sberbank - BRIC, invests in Vanguard FTSE EM ETF based on the emerging markets market index. Investments are made in foreign currency and are focused on a three-year period, although you can invest for only one month.

Unlike the previous ones, this fund for the year brought its shareholders 6.19% (the figure for 3 years is 48.49%). The NAV of the mutual fund is now 331 million rubles. The cost of one share in the Emerging Markets Mutual Fund is up to 1,500 rubles.

Global Engineering Foundation

This mutual fund is a new product from Sberbank launched only this year; the essence of the fund, as always, is in its name - it invests in the Vanguard Industrials ETF, based on an index composed of shares of the world's most famous engineering companies.

Since the fund has not been in operation for long, its NAV is just beginning to take shape and amounts to only 66.62 million rubles. There are no statistics for 1 and 3 years either. The profitability indicators for the period until mid-May 2017 give a negative result of -1.73%, however, since when investing, rubles of shareholders are converted into foreign currency, and when leaving the share again into rubles, this additionally helps to save funds from inflation and make money on the growth of the exchange rate dollar. One share costs about 1000 rubles.

Mutual Fund "Gold" from Sberbank is another specialized fund that invests in ETFs that repeat the movements of the gold rate - PowerShares DB Gold Fund. NAV – 803 million rubles, income for 12 months is negative -19.59%, but over a period of 3 years the situation is already somewhat better – 20.51%. The cost of one share in this mutual fund costs about 1000 rubles.

Sberbank closed mutual funds

This category of mutual funds is fundamentally different from all previous ones, since it is closed and it is possible to buy shares of these funds onlyin strictly designated periods: when forming or when allocating additional shares in agreement with other investors.

Commercial Real Estate Fund

The formation and signing of an asset management agreement was carried out in 2004, valid until 2019. As the name implies, investments are made in commercial real estate throughout Russia. The portfolio includes only 2 items: real estate - 87.2%, as well as cash and accounts receivable – 12,8%.

The fund owns a large number of commercial real estate throughout the country: the Young Family shopping center (Kazan), the Malinka shopping center (Novosibirsk), warehouse and retail premises in Moscow and the Moscow region, etc. Closed mutual fund also participates in equityconstruction of several residential complexes. Income for shareholders comes from the rental and sale of premises, as well as from rising real estate prices. Rental profits are transferred to shareholders in regular payments. Units are also sold on the Moscow Exchange.

Profit statistics for the year show a negative result - -5.4%, for 3 years this figure is even worse - -19.58%. The NAV of the fund is just over 3 billion rubles. and is regularly reduced due to a fall in the value of shares (at the moment the price of a share costs 200 rubles).

Residential Real Estate 2 Fund

If the Commercial Real Estate Mutual Fund specializes primarily in shopping centers and offices throughout Russia, then the Residential Real Estate 2 Fund invests only in share building residential buildings in Moscow and the Moscow region for the purpose of subsequent sale of finished apartments with significant profits for investors. Like the previous closed-end mutual fund, shares of this one are put up for auction on.

This fund is relatively new and does not yet have profitability statistics for 3 years, however, those for 2 years and 12 months show a stable loss of -20.05% and -17.63%, respectively. NAV – 2.93 billion rubles, decreasing due tofalling asset values, but this is compensated by the issue and sale of additional shares, which over 2 years gave an increase of 31.9%. The management contract expired at the end of 2017.

Residential Real Estate 3 Fund

This fund is in many ways similar to the previous one, so in order to avoid repetition, we will describe only significant differences, and they exist and concern not only the profitability (-3.51% per year) and the size of the NAV (1.38 billion rubles). For example, despite the fact that the contract for managing the fund comes to an end only at the beginning of April 2019, Sberbank Asset Management provides for early redemption of up to 20% of shares in the middle and end of 2018.

Rental Business Fund

As the name says, a closed-end mutual fund is mainly aimed at generating income from the rental of warehouse premises (as well as from their resale or disposal) and provides investment payments to shareholders every quarter of the year.

This fund was created in 2016, and the following year it even won the Investor Awards 2017 as the best investment product of 2016. It is not surprising that over the past 12 months, NAV has grown by 18666.11% and now stands at 4.73 billion rubles, but the annual return is still -3.6%. The cost of a share is within 300,000 rubles.


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