The best investment of money. Where is it more profitable to invest: expert advice. Where to invest money to receive monthly income. Disadvantages of this investment method


Hello! Today we will talk about investing for beginners, because. more and more people are interested in how to increase income.

Today you will learn:

  • What rules exist in the investment market;
  • How to minimize risks;
  • What useful tips do experienced investors give to beginners.

What is investing

Investment It is a way to generate income with minimal labor costs.

This form passive income does not involve physical labor, allowing you to increase finances at any time. Well-known economists characterize investing as a contribution to their own prosperous future, which can free them from material problems in the future.

For most people, investing is associated with a complex process, millions of dollars in turnover, in which only large corporations participate.

The most common myths are:

  • Investing is available only to wealthy entrepreneurs. Anyone can become an investor and the contribution has no minimum threshold. Even an amount of 1000 rubles invested in the purchase of foreign currency can bring good interest over time.
  • The investor must have special education and business experience. This type of activity rather requires judgment, the ability to think logically and an understanding of the processes of the economy. If you do not want to delve into the structure of financial pyramids or fluctuations in quotes, you can limit yourself to bank deposits and long-term deposits with minimal risk.
  • All transactions are very risky. In fact, investing has many options, each of which is subject to risk. But any enterprise or also is not insured against ruin, fires or man-made disasters that can bring losses to the owner.

Investing is an interesting way to earn money that has no limits. Start with small amounts and slowly move towards your goal.

Types of investments

For work, economists use the classification of investments according to several criteria.

It depends:

  1. From the chosen form of ownership: private or public. The division denotes who provided cash for projects or contributions.
  2. From object: real, financial and speculative. The former involve the purchase of property rights, real estate, patents. Speculative ones are based on changes in the price of assets (fluctuations in currency quotes, the cost of precious metals). Financial means dealing with precious metals, shares or currencies.
  3. From the duration of the investment: short-term (no more than a year), medium-term (no more than 5 years), for long term(more than 5 years).
  4. From the purpose of investment: direct (commercial or residential real estate), (in the construction of production or raw materials), non-financial (intellectual projects, scientific developments).
  5. By degree of risk: conservative, moderate and aggressive.

For beginner investors, the question often arises: how to distinguish ordinary investments from financial speculation, because they have many common features. Most economists divide them according to the investment period: if it is less than one year, then we are talking about speculation.

financial investments

For a novice private investor, financial investments are of the greatest interest. They are always aimed at obtaining material income. The objects for transactions are securities of various kinds, shares and shares in projects. This includes the purchase of shares and debt securities, trade loans and bills.

Profit can be earned in two common ways:

  • Payment of due interest is stable and regular;
  • Income from the sale of a security at an increased price.

A novice investor himself must decide what types of financial investments he will work with. Some people prefer long-term investments and a constant stable income in a small amount. Fans of quick returns choose riskier operations with stocks and bonds.

Novice Investor Dictionary

You should start working with investments by studying the basic terms and concepts that are actively used by specialists in their work.

The most common are:

  • Assets- everything that can bring profit to an investor: company shares, various real estate, precious metals.
  • Dividends- a certain part of the net income of a commercial company, which is distributed among its shareholders. The concept does not apply to profits received in investment projects.
  • Quotation- the price or fixed rate of the asset or financial instrument for which the transaction is planned.
  • Trader- a person who is actively trading in the financial market, operating with investors' money.
  • Exchange– the market of various financial assets (currency, gold or stocks). This is a legal entity that is a kind of intermediary between investors, sellers and buyers and sellers of financial assets.
  • Liquidity- the term refers to the ability of a certain asset to be quickly realized on the market if necessary.
  • Kitchen is an investment company that does not conduct transactions in the real market, playing against its own clients.
  • Aggressive investors- players who are ready to take any risk for the sake of high profits.
  • trusted manager– during the term of the transaction manages assets for a specified percentage, but the funds remain with the owner.
  • Deposit- a certain amount that is deposited in the bank's depository for safekeeping and can bring income in the form of interest.

In addition to general terms, a novice investor should know narrower names:

  • HYIP projects- specially designed investment programs that can bring a lot of income. The vast majority of investors classify them as risky financial pyramids.
  • pyramid ponzi- a structure in which investors make a profit by attracting new participants. She worked actively in the early 90s, attracting people by making big profits in a short time (the infamous MMM or Khoper-Invest).
  • PAMM account– a special trading account that has a module for managing the percentage distribution of finances between all participants. Its main function is to manage the common capital of several investors and the manager himself. The latter receives a fixed percentage of income, and the total amount of profit is automatically distributed among all depositors.
  • Capital PAMMaccounts- the total amount of all investments accumulated in the open account.
  • Manager's offer- a specially executed agreement with the investor, which stipulates the percentage (or amount) of the income received, the rules for the distribution of profits and other important provisions.
  • Investment funds- specialized companies that are engaged in attracting financial investments with their further placement on PAMM accounts, participation in exchange transactions and other projects.

This is just a minimal set of terms that will be updated as you work with investments. A good help will be additional study of online courses, which are increasingly being conducted by various traders, training centers and investment companies.

Many wealthy entrepreneurs started out with small investments of personal savings.

In autobiographies and useful articles, they willingly share with beginners useful recommendations that can be used at the initial stage:

  • Learning the basics of investing. To work in this area, it is not necessary to have an economic education and experience in the stock exchange. But knowledge of the basic terms and methods is necessary to understand the processes, it will help you independently study market news and speak the same language with brokers. To gain knowledge, you can regularly participate in seminars, read articles by famous investors and managers, read books on similar topics.
  • Set a specific goal. After learning the important fundamentals of investing, you need to set a goal: what income should be received? Reaching this threshold stimulates and spurs action. It is better to break a big global goal (to earn a million dollars) into several real steps.
  • Choosing a work style. There is an aggressive and a conservative way of investing. Conservatives are more frugal, trying to invest in low-risk assets. Aggressors are not afraid to take risks for the sake of making big profits. Further tactics of work, assessment of investment risks also depend on the method.
  • Determine the financial limit. You should start investing by counting your own free cash. Do not invest large amounts borrowed at first. It is better to start with small investments that you can part with without much loss. It is necessary to allocate a certain minimum amount for the start, the loss of which will not be global for a novice investor.
  • Looking for a broker. This is an important step that should be taken carefully. A good financial professional has many references and clients. The end result directly depends on his mobility and ingenuity.
  • Assessing the degree of risk. Any trade in investing will have a percentage of risk. The choice of strategy is directly related to the ultimate goals of the investor: if he wants a quick profit to buy a ticket to the holiday, he will have to pay attention to transactions with a high degree of risk. If the task is to collect additional income for retirement, you can limit yourself to working with proven financial assets (long term deposits in the bank).
  • Choosing a field for activity. At the initial stage, it is better to divide finances and try to work with different types of investments, to purchase currencies, stocks and deposits. After summing up the first results and making a profit, it will be easier for a novice investor to decide on the direction of work.
  • We diversify investments. This is the basic rule of any investor, which is to use several instruments at the same time. For example, a good option would be to open long-term deposits, buy precious metals and participate in mutual funds, which will give profit at different times and provide the investor with a stable income.
  • We review our portfolio more often. Working with several types of financial projects at once, it is necessary to constantly monitor the price level, stock market news. Some securities go down or up in value quickly, so a beginner should keep an eye on their balance sheet.

A novice investor should remember these rules of work and actively use them in all areas: real estate and bank deposits, the foreign exchange market and mutual funds.

The main ways to invest for beginners

Analyzing the work of experienced investors, their level of income and preferences, one can compile a kind of rating of affordable and simple types of investment for beginners.

Bank deposits

This financial instrument is considered the most reliable and affordable, because there are bank branches even in small towns and cities. The positive features include insurance of deposits up to 1.4 million rubles, which almost 100% guarantees the return of invested money. This is the answer to the question: where to invest without risk? Availability special programs and online cabinets for users makes it easier for the investor to track rates, and the emergence of new profitable offers.

Of the negative points - a low percentage of deposits, which will not bring super profits. more suitable for long-term investments for the future, which will give a good increase in pension or help raise funds for the purchase of real estate for the family.

Securities in any form

This type of investment requires advanced economic skills. As valuable papers stocks, bonds or bills are suitable. The choice should be justified and practical, based on market trends, analytical data. Alternatively, you can entrust your investments to professional market players.

Profit from securities does not have a maximum, but this type of investment does not give a 100% guarantee of its receipt. There are many cases when the shares of a little-known enterprise in a few years brought income ten times higher than the initial investment.

Acquisition of real estate

- a popular option among investors of different levels. Housing is always in demand, it can be sold on the secondary market. The main difficulty is the dependence of the price on the state of the economy in the region or country.

In the case of real estate, an investor can receive income in two ways:

  • Active (its implementation);
  • Passive (renting).

Among professionals, there are whole schemes for working with real estate, which give a good profit.

For this, apartments and houses are purchased:

  • At the stage of laying the foundation and before the implementation of the entire residential complex, when the price is the lowest;
  • At the time of the maximum price decline in the real estate market due to economic or political circumstances;
  • In a non-residential state, they carry out repairs at minimal cost and sell at a high margin.

In recent years, the following type has been gaining popularity: an investor purchases an apartment on the ground floor of a building, converts it into non-residential premises and rents it out to third parties as an office, shop or pharmacy. This is a very profitable event, because the monthly rent is 3-4 times higher than payments for a residential apartment.

Investments in the Forex market (Forex)

This name is often found by active users on the Internet. Forex is an international financial market where currencies are exchanged at free prices. It is open and accessible to beginners and experienced investors, individuals. There are special training programs that introduce you to the rules of working in the market free of charge. If there is no desire to understand the intricacies of foreign exchange transactions, you can resort to the services of trusted traders.

precious metals

The purchase of products and ingots made of precious metals can be called the most ancient type of investment on the planet. In addition to gold, platinum, silver and palladium can bring a good income. In the last decade alone, the market value of gold has increased 6 times.

Expensive metals are not subject to deformation and corrosion, they are in stable demand even during the economic crisis. In any situation, they are easy to implement and get money.

In addition to buying scrap and jewelry, there are several other ways to invest:

  • Acquisition of shares or shares in a gold mining company;
  • Purchase of high-quality ingots;
  • Opening ;
  • Opening a special "gold" deposit in the bank.

The last option brings profit the fastest, has minimal risk. Interest on such a deposit can be received in any currency, as with a regular deposit.

Mutual funds

The essence of the activity of a mutual fund (PIF) is the disposal of assets, which are provided by investors on the basis of an agreement. The fund's experts invest them in profitable commercial projects, corporate securities, receiving interest from the trust management of money. Relations between the parties are regulated by a special agreement.

The positive side of investing in mutual funds:

  • Professionalism of employees who are experienced investors;
  • Availability to any individual;
  • State control over mutual funds;
  • No taxation of income.

Participation in mutual funds brings an average of 20-30% profit, which is much higher than the deposit rates of well-known banks.

Promising startups

Quite a risky way to invest for beginners. Only every 4-5 projects gives a good profit, and you need to have a certain entrepreneurial flair to determine it.

You can find a project for investment on special sites, or by offering your services as an investor to enterprising friends. The choice of direction is unlimited by the type of project or its geography: modern technologies do not require the presence of an investor in the team, so you can invest in domestic or foreign startups.

If you make a comparative analysis of all the listed options for a novice investor, then it will look more clearly in the table:

Investment method Terms of asset placement

Advantages of the method

Bank deposits At least a year

Low risk on deposits

Any securities No clear limits

Profit has no limit

Buying a property More than 3 years

Good asset liquidity, passive income opportunity

Forex Market No restrictions and deadlines

Fast return on investment and small start-up capital

precious metals Over 5 years

Constant price increase, high liquidity

Mutual funds Minimum 3 months

Does not require knowledge and skills, the ability to earn a decent income

Promising startups At least six months

Large selection of interesting and promising projects

A novice investor should not actively engage in unfamiliar types of investment. It is better to give money to the most studied market instrument or to resort to the services of experienced traders, investment funds. Diversifying across multiple options will increase your chances of earning high returns and reduce your risk of loss.

How to avoid investment risks?

Getting a return on investment is almost always accompanied by risk. It is the higher, the greater the expected income from the transaction or contribution.

Absolutely safe financial instruments do not exist, and even a stable bank can go bankrupt in an economic crisis.

Therefore, the task of a novice investor is to learn how to minimize their risks.

Investment experts give some useful tips to help a beginner avoid failures and get the first income:

  • It is necessary to invest amounts that are not intended for the needs of the family (payment for food or housing). It is better to manage "free" finances, the loss of which will not lead to a decrease in the usual standard of living;
  • Remember the rule of diversification: do not invest all free funds in one project, but distribute them into several different options;
  • Withdraw money and income from the project as soon as possible, review the status of all investments in a timely manner;
  • Turn to the help of professionals, select traders based on reviews and recommendations;
  • Do not succumb to emotions and an inner voice that will push you to rash impulsive decisions in the hope of making a quick profit. Each contribution must be considered from all sides.

Like any type of business, investing has pitfalls and secrets that are revealed gradually. The path to success runs through a series of failures and profitable deals, and the experience gained helps to better navigate in future work.

Common mistakes of a novice investor

The main misconception is the need to have a large starting amount for the initial work. Many investors start out by investing small personal savings that come back with income. Any financier will confirm that it is better to put them into circulation than to store them in anticipation of a “rainy day”.

A novice investor can quickly lose money if he makes such mistakes:

  • Do not engage in self-development and neglect the study of the basics of investing. Of great importance is the completeness of information and the ability to analyze it, which will help to reduce risky transactions to a minimum;
  • Fear total collapse. Investing will always be accompanied by the risk of losing part of the capital. A reasonable approach and constant study of trends will help develop a professional flair, quickly navigate the fluctuations in rates;
  • Expect big income. Many investors prefer steel trades with a 10-15% return, which have minimal risk. This helps to increase capital gradually, without losing or being disappointed in the chosen activity;
  • Use credits and loans. The loss of these amounts will lead to a large loss and the need to pay additional interest from your own money;
  • Blindly trust ratings. A novice investor should constantly consider information that helps to choose the best project. But the rating should be supported by personal knowledge, analyzes of the latest exchange or market news;
  • be lazy. Those who want to get a big profit from investing should remember that this type of business is for active people. You can attend trainings on, devote more time to motivation and communication with dynamic entrepreneurs, start learning foreign languages.

Investing is a serious and interesting activity that can turn passive savings into a stable income. Perhaps this exciting process will appeal to novice investors who want to make it their main and favorite work.

Are you sure that you will be able to work until old age and receive a stable income? If not, master a new direction of earning - investing. In this article, you will learn where to invest in 2020 in order not only to save, but also to increase capital. You will get acquainted with both low-risk options available for beginners and super-profitable directions. You will understand where to start investing, how to avoid mistakes. So let's go!

From this article you will learn:

5 investment rules you need to know before investing somewhere

If you want the money invested to generate income, then you must prepare. Calculate your own savings, draw up an investment plan and learn the basic rules of investing.

Rule 1. Investment of own funds

Invest in financial instruments only personal savings. No need to borrow money from friends, relatives, and even more so from a bank at interest. No one guarantees 100% that you will receive a return on investment. But the money still has to be paid.

Rule 2. Financial airbag

Before you invest to earn money, count your savings. You must have enough money left over for 6 months of normal living. Let's say you spend 30 thousand rubles a month. food, housing, transport and communications. This means that you must form a financial airbag in the amount of 180 thousand rubles. The rest of the money can already be invested somewhere.

Rule 3. Risk allocation

In articles and books, you will find dozens of tips on where to invest money to make it work. However, you cannot stop at just one option. After all, if the asset turns out to be unprofitable, you will spend all your savings for nothing.

It is better to invest in different directions. For example, allocate capital as follows:

  • 50% invest in conservative areas, for example, in a bank, real estate, precious metals;
  • 30% invest in stocks/bonds;
  • Invest 20% in high-risk instruments like PAMM accounts, cryptocurrencies, startups.

Risk diversification concerns not only types of assets, but also sectors of the economy. For example, you can invest in the IT sector, industry and Agriculture and not just in one area.

IMPORTANT. Risk diversification will reduce the risk of losing money. Profit from some sources will cover losses from others, but in general you will remain in the black.

Rule 4. Parallel evaluation of return and risk

Where is it profitable to invest money for an individual without risks? As a rule, super-profitable directions are associated with a high probability of losing funds. Therefore, when choosing an instrument, it is necessary to take into account not only the potential profitability for the year/month/week, but also the factors on which it depends.

For example, for a long time the site brought the owner 50 thousand rubles. per month. You are thinking of investing in the purchase of a project and expect to receive the same amount in the future. However, profitability can drop sharply for the following reasons:

  • lack of competent SEO promotion by the new owner;
  • increased competition in the niche;
  • changes in terms of affiliate programs.

These risks must be taken into account by those who are going to invest money. It is better for novice investors to choose low-risk directions in order to receive a guaranteed profit per month (albeit a small one).

Rule 5. Having a plan

Before investing, make an investment plan. It will allow you to act deliberately and protect you from impulsive decisions. The plan should include the following items:

  1. Goals and timelines
    For example, to save a certain amount of money in 20 years, so as not to worry about retirement. Or invest in a passive income that you can live on right now.
  2. Initial investment and reinvestment
    Determine for yourself how much money you are ready to invest immediately, and what share of the profits you will reinvest. For example, today you buy shares for $1000. And next year you are going to invest 30% of the profits in the acquisition of new securities.
  3. Investment Strategies
    Decide which investments will be long-term for you and which will be short-term. For example, you will keep the purchased shares in the investment portfolio for at least 5 years, and you will sell the cryptocurrency at the first jump in the rate by 20%.

Where to invest money in 2020 to make it work - 11 profitable ways to date

Investors today have a wide choice of where to invest their money. Each tool for making a profit has its own advantages and disadvantages, which you will learn about below.

Method 1. Invest money at interest in a bank with a monthly income

If your goal is to protect your savings from inflation, consider investing in a bank. This low-risk direction has the following advantages:

  1. Money Back Guarantee
    According to Russian legislation, deposits of citizens in the amount of up to 1.4 million rubles. insured by the state. That is, if for some reason the bank goes bankrupt, you will get the money back.
  2. Simplicity
    Even a beginner can invest money in a bank. No special knowledge and skills are required, the risks are minimal. It is enough to choose from the list of top institutions those banks that offer the highest interest rates and other "chips" like % capitalization.
  3. Reliability
    The activities of banks are controlled by the state and subject to licensing. Therefore, you know exactly where you are investing and how much profit you will get.

This is interesting. On the website you can get acquainted with the rating of financial institutions and choose the best bank to invest money. The list is constantly updated. The methodology for calculating the rating is available in the public domain.

There is only one minus of bank deposits - low annual yield. In 2020, you are unlikely to find offers with an interest rate in rubles above 8.5%. If only at second-rate institutions that are in a difficult financial situation. With "tasty" interest, they are trying to attract customer funds into circulation.

In which bank to invest money at a high interest rate with a guarantee

Which institution can be trusted with your funds today? The table lists current offers for deposits in Russian rubles in 2019 and 2020.

Table 1“Where to invest money at a high interest rate (if I may say so) with a money back guarantee”

Bank, offer name Bet size Opening period Other conditions
Absolut Bank, "Absolute Solution"6,75-8,4% 181-367 daysThe minimum amount is 30 thousand rubles.
Credit EuropeBank, "Optimal"6,90% 368 daysThe minimum amount is 100 thousand rubles. Interest is paid monthly.
SBI Bank, "Maximum income (online)"7,25-7,45% From 367 days
Gazprombank, "Your Success"6,60-6,70% 367-1095 daysThe minimum amount is 50 thousand rubles. Capitalization is provided.
Metallinvestbank, "Udachny"6,50% 367 daysThe minimum amount is 300 thousand rubles. Early termination of the contract on preferential terms is provided (that is, without loss of accumulated income)
Sberbank, Online Plus5,25-5,75% From 6 monthsThe minimum amount is 50 thousand rubles.

Reference. Capitalization% is the calculation of interest on interest. It happens monthly and at the end of the term.

Method 2. Open your own business

An example of an Instagram store with youth products

In China, you can buy such goods for a penny and resell with a markup of 300-1000%. You will need to invest about 350-400 thousand rubles in opening a point in the shopping center. The money will be spent on renting the premises and purchasing the first batch of goods. Net profit per month will be 30-50 thousand rubles.

Method 3. Buy real estate

According to the research results of the authoritative agencies World Wealth Report and Research of Knight Frank & FPB Private Banking, 20% of the rich prefer to invest in luxury housing, and 10% in commercial properties. This indicates that they are still in demand.

How to invest profitably in 2020? Consider several profitable ways.

1. Invest in housing before construction is completed
If you are interested in a quick income, buy an apartment at the excavation stage. After 1-2 years, when the construction is completed, it will be possible to resell it for 25-40% more.

IMPORTANT. Investments of this kind are considered high-risk. Be prepared for the following potential problems: violation of the terms of housing commissioning, “freezing” of construction, fraud. Before investing, be sure to analyze the financial situation of the developer, read the reviews.

Useful video analysis of new buildings⏬:

2. Invest in commercial premises
Where to invest money to receive monthly income from tenants? Now it is profitable to buy small premises in popular shopping centers and street-retail facilities. This property is unlikely to stand idle. The potential yield from renting out will be 8-15% per annum. True, in order to invest in commercial facilities, you need to have a solid capital - from 10 million rubles.

3. Invest in housing abroad
It is profitable for individuals to invest in overseas real estate. In many countries, prices for 1 sq. m. of housing is lower than in Russia. Experts advise buying apartments in the following resort countries:

  • Turkey;
  • Bulgaria;
  • Montenegro;
  • Greece;
  • Cyprus.

Such real estate quickly pays off and brings a stable income in foreign currency. In addition, investors get the opportunity to move to a “sunny” country for permanent residence.

4. Acquire the property of a bankrupt
At auctions, you can find offers for the sale of commercial real estate by economically insolvent organizations. For you, this is a chance to pay a price below the average market, and then profitably resell the object.

5. Conclude a sublease agreement
This direction of investment will require active action from you. The bottom line is to rent a dwelling for a long time, and then rent it to other people by the day. Potential profitability - up to 40% per year. Most likely, you will have to invest additional money in advertising so that the housing does not stand idle without tenants.

Advice. If you want to make good money on subtenants, rent an apartment in the tourist center or near the campus.

Method 4. Invest in the stock market

Securities are traded on the stock market: bonds, bills, shares and others. Mostly those who are aimed at long-term earning strategies come here. To get a tangible profit of hundreds of%, you will have to invest money for at least 3 years, and better - for 5-10 years. Read more about shaping here.

There are two ways to make money in the stock market:

  1. Receive dividends
    Some companies pay stock dividends to shareholders. As a rule, once a quarter, half a year or a year. The amount of dividends is affected by the financial performance of the organization for the reporting period.
  2. Expect an increase in the rate
    In the long term, the securities of actively developing companies grow in value by tens or even hundreds of percent. Today you can invest money in them, and after some time it is profitable to resell and make a profit. As an example, look at how the stock prices of some global and Russian companies over the last 3 years.

table 2"Change in the value of shares of successful companies"

Company Sphere Share price for October 2016 Share price for October 2019, (growth)
BeiGene Ltd.Biotechnology and pharmaceuticals32$ 140$ (+437%)
NVIDIA CorporationIT70$ 203$ (+290%)
Weight Watchers InternationalHealthy eating and weight loss online services10,5$ 35,75$ (+340%)
Enphase Energy Inc.Energy technologies1,17$ 19,35$ (+1654%)
GazpromOil and gas136 rub.261 rub. (+192%)
YandexPayment systems, Internet1275 rub.2123 rub. (+167%)
  • B. Graham, D. Dodd "Securities Analysis"– the authors tell how to evaluate the profitability of companies based on financial statements and diversify risks;
  • Ivasenko A.G., Pavlenko V.A., Nikonova Ya.I. "Securities market: tools and mechanisms of functioning"– an accessible manual with a large number of examples both in the foreign segment and in Russia;
  • T. Teplova, I. Klyushnev, D. Panchenko "The US stock market for novice investors"- The publication provides valuable advice for those who decide to invest in US stocks.

Also, do not forget to be interested in financial news and follow which industries in the world are rapidly developing.

IMPORTANT. Where is the best place to invest money in 2020? Experts name the following niches: biotechnology, IT, online services, entertainment industry, alternative energy sources, communications.

Today, the following brokerage companies are considered the most reliable in the stock market:

  • Opening broker;
  • BCS broker;
  • Finam;
  • Zerich.

They are registered in Russia, have been operating for over 20 years and are licensed by the Central Bank. To invest in securities, you need to register on the broker's website, confirm your passport details, open an account and give a purchase order. Transaction fees are typically less than 1%.

IMPORTANT. Now some sites offer to increase capital by trading binary options. The latter are financial instruments, the profitability/lossiness of which depends on the occurrence of a condition predetermined in the contract. However, there are no legal binary options brokers in the Russian Federation. Sites offering to invest do not provide real access to stock trading. In fact, this is an online casino where the organizers receive money from the losses of the players.

Method 5. Become a Forex Trader

Forex is a market where you can buy and sell any currency. Speculators make a profit by changing rates. On Forex, you can meet both participants with a monthly income of 7-10% of the amount of investments, and those who constantly drain the deposit.

Trading in the foreign exchange market is otherwise called trading. This is a very difficult direction of earning, which requires deep knowledge in the field of technical analysis. Entry and exit points are calculated mathematically, taking into account different indicators.

IMPORTANT. Before investing money for further, you need to undergo training. Preferably paid from an experienced trader. Then practice on a demo account for a while. Keep in mind that 80% of newcomers to the foreign exchange market lose their investments in the first month of trading and beyond. Follow the link above for my story of earning and losing over $20,000 in Forex.

For trading on the foreign exchange market, it is important to choose a reliable broker. Today, most traders trust the following companies:

    The largest Forex broker in Russia in terms of the number of trading operations and the number of clients. Works in the foreign exchange market since 1998. The company has offices in Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Georgia. On Alpari, it is enough to invest $100 in trading.
  1. HYCM
    One of the world leaders in the financial markets (currency, stock). The company was founded back in 1977. The minimum deposit for trading is $100. There is no transaction fee.

  2. The company started operations in 1997. It occupies a leading position in terms of the number of successful traders. It has its own development - the Libertex platform, which was recognized as the best trading application of the EAEU in 2016. There is no minimum deposit and commission on the site.

IMPORTANT. Although formally you can start trading on Forex with a small amount, it is still better to invest in this business from $1,000. Otherwise, with a large investment of time, income will be minimal.

Method 6. Invest in PAMM accounts

If you want to invest in currency market but are unsure of your trading skills, try PAMM investing. This is an option in which the funds of investors are transferred to trust management of an experienced trader. The latter is interested in successful trading, because his own money is also on the PAMM account.

For management services, the trader receives a reward - usually in the amount of 20-40% of the amount of income. He distributes the profit received among investors in accordance with the shares contributed. If the PAMM account turns out to be unprofitable, the manager does not need to pay money.

PAMM investment has the following advantages:

  • ease of investment management for a beginner, especially when compared with trading and operations in the stock market;
  • potential annual return of 30-100% depending on the chosen strategies (conservative, moderate, aggressive);
  • on most sites, it is enough to invest a small amount in a PAMM account - from $50;
  • withdrawal of funds at any time.

At first glance, it seems that even a schoolboy can invest money in PAMM accounts. However, this type of investment also requires a competent approach. The first rule is risk diversification. That is, you cannot invest in only one PAMM account, no matter how profitable it may be. High performance in the last year does not guarantee that you will receive income in the future.

Invest in at least 5-7 different managers. When choosing PAMM accounts, pay attention to the following points:

  1. Trading history statistics
    Look not only at the monthly and annual profitability, but also the maximum drawdown. The latter shows what kind of loss has already taken place in history. Try to choose PAMM accounts with a maximum drawdown of no more than 35% at the end of the year.
  2. Account age
    The correct approach is to invest in PAMM accounts that are older than 6-12 months. The share of other assets in the investment portfolio should not exceed 30%.
  3. Presence of stop losses
    If you want to multiply money, and not drain the entire deposit, be sure to check for stop losses. Sometimes the manager specifies this condition in the declaration. Stop losses show at what losses a trader will stop trading in order to save at least part of the invested amount.

Advice. Try not to invest in managers who use the martingale strategy. The latter involves increasing the volume of investments when receiving a loss in order to "recoup". In the absence of stop losses, the martingale in almost 100% of cases leads to a drain.

Method 7. Invest money in cryptocurrencies

Where to invest money to quickly make a profit? People who are used to taking risks are investing in the cryptocurrency market. Fluctuations in the rates of digital coins reach tens of% per month, week, and even one day, which allows traders to earn a decent amount in a short time.

An interesting story about how bitcoins paid for pizza is described on our Instagram. Click on the picture to read the post.

Some investors are skeptical about cryptocurrencies, considering them to be another “soap bubble”. Others are in a hurry to invest in tokens and make the following arguments:

  • already today BTC and ETC cryptocurrencies are used as a real means of payment in some online stores;
  • analysis of quotes over the past years shows that top coins (BTC, ETC, XRP, ADA, EOS and others) are growing in the long term, despite temporary recessions;
  • the lack of security of digital assets does not prevent them from trading in order to receive speculative earnings.

How to invest in the cryptocurrency market so that they make a profit? We suggest you choose one of two strategies.

1. "Buy and hold"
It is better for a beginner to choose simple ways to invest money, in particular, long-term / medium-term investment. The strategy is as follows: you buy the desired cryptocurrency on the exchange at a price decline, then transfer it to an electronic wallet. Every day, follow the news of the cryptocurrency market and the rate. With a sharp jump (for example, by 25-30%), you sell the coin and fix the profit.

Advice. Buy cryptocurrency on exchanges that work with fiat money (for example, Exmo, Yobit, Livecoin) or in electronic exchangers. In the first case, take into account the commission for depositing / withdrawing funds, in the second - the commission for the exchange and the exchange rate. monitoring will help you choose the most profitable exchange office.

2. Buying new tokens
And this is a risky way. It consists in the search for new, cheap and promising coins. To invest successfully, you need to be well versed in the niche. If you choose the right assets, you can earn thousands of% profit in a short time.

Here are examples of cryptocurrencies that have “shot” in the history:

  • NEO – from $0.032 in 2015 to $196.85 in January 2018 (+615156%);
  • Lisk – from $0.067 at the beginning of 2016 to $34.92 in January 2018 (+52119%);
  • Golem – from $0.01 in November 2016 to $1.32 in April 2018 (+13200%).

Sometimes new coins can be received as a reward within the ICO project for performing simple actions: being active in social networks, writing and translating articles. The list of active bounty campaigns can be found on the websites,

Method 8. Buy or create an Internet project

Investments in Internet projects are gradually gaining popularity and will be relevant in 2020.

You can invest in the creation and promotion of an information / news portal, blog, group in a social network. You will need money for the following purposes:

  • buying a domain name and hosting;
  • development of a web resource from scratch (from $50, if on CMS WordPress) or paying a paid site builder plan (from $4-5);
  • filling the site with content - from 30 rubles. for 1000 characters without spaces, if you order texts on copywriting exchanges like Etxt, Advego;
  • purchase of external links - from 1500 rubles. per month;
  • internal SEO-optimization - from 7000 rubles. per month.

You can write articles on your own, engage in SEO promotion, study the technical aspects of website building. This will not only save you money, but also give you invaluable experience.

It is better to buy ready-made sites on the following exchanges:


What amount will have to be invested? Fair is the price that does not exceed the web resource for 24 months. For example, now Telderi has an interior design website with a monthly income of 69,045 rubles. from contextual advertising. That is, for 2 years, the platform potentially earns 1,657,080 rubles. Current price is at around 700,000 rubles, that is, it is underestimated by 2 times. True, during the auction, it can grow.

IMPORTANT. If you want to invest in buying a website, keep in mind that passive income may drop over time. Especially if you will not be involved in the project: promote it in search engines, fill it with fresh content, update affiliate programs, increase the link mass.

Table 3"Overview of the most profitable ways to monetize Internet projects"

Where to invest money Main ways to earn money Current topics/niches/areas
Information site, blogGoogle and Yandex contextual advertising (pay per click), teaser and banner advertising (pay per click, impressions, placement time), participation in affiliate programs (profit in the form of% of sales, fixed remuneration), sale of links, paid placement of advertising articles, sections with paid content, implementation of own information productsBusiness and finance, banking and lending, travel, healthy eating and weight loss, work and education, self-development, relationship psychology, cars, IT technologies, internet marketing, law
Online servicePaid services, lead generation (transfer of contacts of potential customers for money), commission for payments within the systemMedical consultations, car services, delivery of goods
Freelance exchange *Commission for payments within the system, depositing and withdrawing funds, paid services (for example, connecting a PRO account)Copywriting, assistance to schoolchildren and students, IT, web design, text translations, consulting
Meeting websitePaid access to profiles / photos of participants, participation in affiliate programsPsychological compatibility of partners, acquaintances with foreigners

* In 2020, it will be more profitable to invest in highly specialized freelance exchanges (for example, for lawyers, accountants, tutors) than general ones, due to the low level of competition

Method 9. Invest in mutual funds

Do not want to understand the intricacies of investing? Then it is better for you to invest money at interest in mutual funds (mutual funds). These are organizations that are engaged in trust management of property for a fee.

The activities of mutual funds are strictly regulated by the state. Therefore, they, as a rule, try to invest in low-risk instruments:

  • reliable securities - stocks and bonds of top companies from developed industries;
  • precious metals;
  • real estate.

In terms of profitability, mutual funds occupy an intermediate position between bank deposits and independent investment in the stock market. In periods without an economic crisis, the annual profit reaches 15-25%. The entry threshold for mutual funds is low. Sometimes 1000 rubles is enough. invested funds.

Where to invest money? The following mutual funds in Russia turned out to be the most profitable over the past year:

  1. URALSIB Precious metals
    +37.46% per annum. The mutual investment fund invests in shares of Russian and foreign companies that are engaged in the extraction of precious metals. The minimum investment amount is 1000 rubles, the manager's remuneration is 2.5%.
  2. Ingosstrakh pension
    +28.24% per annum. The company invests in conservative instruments: shares and bonds of the largest Russian companies, state and municipal securities. The minimum contribution is 5,000 rubles, the manager's commission is 1.2%.
  3. BPSB - balanced
    +28.15% per annum. Invests in the stock market using long-term and medium-term strategies. You can invest in a mutual fund from 10 thousand rubles. The manager's remuneration is 6.45%.
  4. BCS precious metals
    +25.34% per annum. A mutual fund invests investors' funds in exchange-traded funds (ETFs) based on precious metals. The minimum contribution is 50 thousand rubles, the manager's commission is 3.5%.
  5. SUN - mixed investments
    +22.92% per annum. Another mutual fund that receives income on the stock market. True, you can only invest a substantial amount here - from 5 million rubles. Manager's remuneration does not exceed 1%.

IMPORTANT. The profitability of mutual funds over the past year does not guarantee that the same dynamics will continue in the next reporting period.

How to invest in mutual funds to make a profit? You can buy a share from management company or from an intermediary: a bank, another financial institution. It is better to choose the first option so as not to overpay for a commission. You will need to drive up to the office of the organization, conclude an agreement and deposit money into the account.

Some mutual funds (in particular, URALSIB) allow investors to purchase a share online with a small amount of investment. You just need to go to the site, enter your passport details, SNISL, TIN and transfer money in a convenient way.

Method 10. Invest in precious metals

For a long term and without risks, where is it profitable to invest money? Precious metals are considered one of the most reliable instruments. Usually, investors' money flows there during the economic crisis, when there are drawdowns in the stock market.

IMPORTANT. Since October 2019, Russia has abolished 20% VAT on transactions with gold and other precious metals.

Before investing your savings in precious metals in Russia, consider the following points:

  1. The investment, most likely, will bring you tangible income only in the long term - in 10-15 years. If you decide to invest for only 1-3 years, you may face losses. For example, in the period from January 2012 to December 2013, the price of silver fell from 900 rubles. up to 640 rubles per ounce.
  2. The change in the cost of palladium and platinum is strongly influenced by production factors, in particular, industrial consumption, demand for cars. Such moments are difficult to predict. In 2019, 80% of palladium is used in catalysts as it is excellent at neutralizing N₂O. Due to the tightening of emission standards, metal prices have risen. However, the risks of long-term investments in palladium are associated with the fact that the world is gradually switching to electric and hybrid types of engines.
  3. The most liquid types of precious metals are gold and silver.
  4. It makes no sense to invest in jewelry to make money. 1/3-2/3 of their cost is the work of the master. And jewelry is sold at the price of scrap.

Interesting fact. All the gold mined by people throughout the history of mankind can fit in a cube measuring 20 * 20 * 20 meters.

How to invest in precious metals? The most obvious option is to buy gold bars weighing from 1 gram. To do this, you need to contact the bank, deposit funds and receive a certificate.

You can also invest and make a profit in the following ways:

  • buy gold / silver coins at the bank - their cost starts from 1000 rubles. a piece;
  • purchase old coins with the aim of reselling profitably to collectors in the future;
  • invest in mutual funds that invest in precious metals and shares of gold mining companies;
  • open an unallocated metal account (OMS) - an analogue of a regular bank deposit, where the amount of money is tied to a precious metal.

Please note that CHI is not subject to the rule on insurance of deposits of individuals. In addition, if you want to sell the metal ahead of schedule and close the account, the accrued interest will “burn out”.

In general, there are many different nuances, but in general this is one of the most reliable sources. If you think, then here you can.

Method 11. Invest in your own education

Perhaps your own education is the best option for what you can invest in savings. The risks are minimal. The acquired knowledge and skills will not be taken away from you. They will allow you in the future to learn how to properly manage finances, get a well-paid job or “money” clients. Let's look at some profitable ways to invest in education.

1. Study at a prestigious university
If you know exactly what you want to do, go to a good university. Employers will definitely evaluate the diplomas of the following educational institutions:

  • Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov in Moscow;
  • St. Petersburg State University;
  • Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology;
  • National Research University Higher School of Economics (Higher School of Economics);
  • MSTU im. N.E. Bauman;
  • National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University;
  • NSU in Novosibirsk.

What professions will be in demand in 2020 and in the next 5-10 years? Labor market experts recommend that applicants focus on the IT sector, marketing and business intelligence, medicine and biotechnology, robotics, and network communications.

2. Getting a remote profession
Some freelance professions can bring in 30-40 thousand rubles per month. and higher income. And you can learn them in 3-4 monthly courses costing from $ 100. In 2020, the following professions will be in demand:

  • a copywriter who specializes in creating sales texts;
  • The main thing is to find a good teacher with real experience, and not to invest in another "dummy" information gypsies. Do not believe those who promise to teach you how to earn 100 thousand rubles. per month using simple and automatic schemes. There are no freebies on the Internet, as in ordinary life.

    3. Increasing the level of financial literacy
    Learn investment strategies through books, online courses, trainings and try to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. But do not spray in all directions at once.

    4. Learning foreign languages
    If you decide to invest in learning a foreign language, you will get a guaranteed monetary result. So, many large employers prefer applicants with knowledge of English. A foreign language allows remote workers to search for orders on foreign freelance exchanges, where prices are much higher.

    Where is it better to invest money for an individual without risks with a guaranteed profit per month

    If you have never invested before, start your acquaintance with the most low-risk financial instruments. Of course, they will not make you rich, but they will save you from losses. Below we will consider options for where you can invest money for a month with a guaranteed profit.

    Option 1. Tinkoff Bank "SmartDeposit (with a higher rate)"

    This is one of the ideas of having a high interest rate with a guaranteed profit. Tinkoff Bank offers investors the following conditions:

    • a rate of 5.50-6.50%;
    • term - from 3 months;
    • the minimum amount to be invested is 50 thousand rubles;
    • monthly interest payments;
    • capitalization %;
    • Option 2. "Blue chips" of Russian companies

      Do you think? Here is the right option for you. In the stock market, one of the low-risk, but profitable investment strategies is considered to be the purchase of shares of the largest Russian companies, which have been showing steady financial growth for many years. Such securities are called "blue chips". Their yield on average is 15-20% per annum.

      You can invest in shares of the following companies:

      • Gazprom;
      • Lukoil;
      • Sberbank;
      • X5 Retail Group;
      • Magnet;
      • Nornickel;
      • Sevestal;
      • Yandex.

      Sometimes large organizations pay additional dividends. For example, following the results of 2018, Gazprom transferred to shareholders a part of the profit in the amount of 16.61 rubles. per share.

      Option 3. Federal Loan Bonds

      In terms of reliability, federal loan bonds are close to bank deposits. The issuer is the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Investing in such securities means lending money to the state. It also acts as a money back guarantee.

      Coupon yield is paid semi-annually and amounts to 4.68-7.35% per annum depending on the period of holding bonds. Plus, investors get the opportunity to earn on the difference between the purchase price and the face value. You can invest in federal loan bonds by contacting Sberbank (including online through a mobile application).

      How to invest money in 2020 so that it generates income - 5 tips from experts

      You can't just invest in something and forget it. You will have to constantly monitor the situation on the market, analyze the financial performance of companies, and adjust investment strategies. How to invest money so that they bring income, not loss?

      Tip 1. Check the veracity of the information

      There is no need to blindly believe the figures given in the reports and loud statements. Read reviews, double-check information in other sources. Especially if you decide to invest money online. Today it is filled with offers of outright scammers and cunning tricks.

      Example. Economic games are quite popular now. You are offered to invest a small amount (from 500-1000 rubles) in a game character, and then receive a profit of 10-30% every month. In fact, withdrawing funds from the game is difficult or impossible. You are either asked to attract new participants, or to replenish the deposit. As a result, the money remains with the organizers.

      Tip 2. Don't get emotional

      Investing has little to do with gambling. Here you rely not on luck, but on the chosen strategy.

      Let's say you decide to invest in blue chip stocks for 5 years. But at the end of the year, you see that some of them turned out to be unprofitable. In a fit of emotions, you want to sell assets. However, impulsive behavior will lead to loss of potential profit. In 5 years, you would have received your interest, because the "blue chips" increase in value in the long run.

      Tip 3. Focus on low-risk instruments

      You should not invest more than 30% of your savings in aggressive instruments like cryptocurrencies, startups, Forex in the hope of getting rich quick. Greed leads to loss of money. An experience the richest people world confirms the old folk wisdom:

      Tip 4. Invest collectively

      To increase the income received from investments, attract co-investors. Sometimes participation in a profitable investment project is available only to persons who have a large amount - from 500 thousand rubles. If you team up with other people, you can invest in business or real estate.

      Tip 5 Invest in areas you are good at

      And this is one of the "golden" rules of investing Warren Buffett. As of February 2019, his fortune is estimated at $84.9 billion. Buffett is one of the three richest people in the world.

      If you have worked in IT (or any other field) for 5-10 years, then you probably know which companies have growth prospects. Experienced copywriters and SEOs can successfully invest in Internet projects, and specialists with a higher economic education can start trading in Forex. Before buying property abroad in order to earn money on rent, it is useful to visit the chosen country several times.

      Top investing mistakes newbies make

      For many novice investors, after reading successful cases and the promise of profit, their eyes “light up”. As a result, they make mistakes that increase the risk of losses from the amount invested.

      In this section, we'll look at what not to do. And then a situation will arise, as in a telephone joke: “Where is the money that I invested in the capital of the subsistence level?”.

      So, typical beginner mistakes look like this:

  1. Invest in one financial instrument. If it turns out to be unprofitable, investors lose the entire amount.
  2. They don't educate themselves. Without knowledge in the field of the chosen financial market, investing is no different from playing in the casino and the lottery.
  3. They act impulsively and in a hurry. For example, they sell securities/precious metals/cryptocurrencies in decline, do not take the time to legally assess real estate (do not check if the property is encumbered).
  4. They trust the advice of acquaintances without even analyzing the situation on the market.
  5. They get entangled in dubious schemes of automatic earnings, binary options, investment games, hypes.

In fact, most investor missteps stem from an unwillingness to control emotions. On the contrary, calm, prudent and attentive people make good money in investing.


Thus, 2020 opens up many interesting areas where you can profitably invest money. There are options for both investors with 1000 rubles. in your pocket, and those who have an amount of 0.5-1 million rubles. Investing helps a person gain a sense of financial independence, save money for old age, without relying on the state. High-risk strategies allow you to put together a solid capital within 6-12 months. Learn, invest and get richer every day!

A bank deposit (or bank deposit) is money deposited with a credit institution (bank) in order to receive an income in the form of interest at the end of the deposit term.

There are many types and conditions of deposits. There are term deposits and demand deposits. In the first case, the deposit is made for a certain period and can be withdrawn completely without loss of interest only after this period. Demand deposits do not have a shelf life and are returned at the first request of the depositor, but the interest on them is significantly lower.

Contribution is an understandable and relatively reliable investment.

Opening a deposit is easy. To do this, you don’t even have to leave your home: many banks allow you to open deposits through a mobile application or their website. Of course, for this you first need to become a client of this bank.

The main advantage of the deposit as a type of investment of free funds is the insurance coverage of the Deposit Insurance Agency in the amount of 1.4 million rubles. Within this amount, you can confidently place your deposit in any bank that has a license from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. If the bank bursts, the state will return the money along with interest on the day the license is revoked. By the way, since 2014, more than 300 banks in Russia have been deprived of their licenses, and their depositors have certainly suffered.

The disadvantage of the contribution is that, compared with the individual investment account it provides rather modest opportunities for increasing funds.

Individual investment account

An individual investment account (IIA) is a type of brokerage account or a trust management account of an individual opened directly with a broker or trustee (for example, in a bank), which has two types of tax benefits to choose from and certain restrictions apply.

The concept of "individual investment account" was legally enshrined on January 1, 2015. IIS can be opened both by individuals - citizens of Russia, and people who are not citizens of the Russian Federation, but living on its territory for more than six months a year.

The maximum amount that can be initially put on IIS is 400,000 rubles. During the year, the account can be replenished with an amount not exceeding 1 million rubles.

A big advantage of IIS is the possibility of obtaining a tax deduction.

It is paid in the amount of 13% of the amount invested for the year, but not more than 52,000 rubles. That is, with 400,000 rubles, and with 1 million rubles, you can return no more than this amount. This option is suitable for you if you have a permanent job and the employer pays taxes for you. There is another option - to choose tax exemption.

The main disadvantage of IIS is that, unlike a deposit, it is not insured by anyone. However, if you open it in reliable bank(has been on the market for a long time, is in the top 20 rating of Russian banks, there is no reorganization in relation to it) and choose the right investment strategy, you can earn much more. In addition, in order to enjoy tax deductions, an investment account must be opened for at least three years, during which funds cannot be withdrawn.

How much can you earn on deposits and IIS

Let's compare how much you can earn if you make a deposit of 100,000 rubles and open an individual investment account for the same amount.

Deposit profitability

The weighted average interest rate on deposits for a period of one to three years in Russia as of September 2017 was 6.83% per annum. If we calculate income based on this interest rate, then in a year it will be 106,830 rubles. By reinvesting this amount, in two years you will receive 114,126.5 rubles, and in three years - 121,921.3 rubles. Net income - 21,921.3 rubles.

Profitability of IIS

Strategy 1: invest in government bonds

Having opened an IIS, you can invest in such a reliable instrument as federal loan bonds (OFZ), the issuer of which is the Russian Federation represented by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. The yield to maturity of OFZ-26205 at the end of November 2017 was about 7.3%. Taking into account the tax deduction of 13%, the return on investment will be 20.3% in the first year. And for three years (the account is opened for a period of at least three years), the average yield will be about 11.6%. As a result, in three years you can get 138,504 rubles. Net income - 38 504 rubles.

Strategy 2: investing in corporate bonds

Another reliable and rather profitable strategy is investing in corporate bonds, the yield on which is slightly higher than on OFZ bonds.

For example, these can be bonds of Gazprom Capital and Rosneft. The average yield on the bond portfolio of these companies at the time of writing is 7.97%. If you put 100,000 rubles on the IIS and, as a result, receive a tax deduction for one year, then after three years we will get an average figure of 12.3% per annum. By the end of the third year, the account will already have 141,020 rubles. Net income - 41 020 rubles.

By the way, for individual bond issues of these issuers, coupon income will not be taxed starting from 2018.

Strategy 3: investing in stocks

The biggest income can come from investing in stocks. However, this is also the most risky investment tool, because even if the shares of a company have shown growth over the past periods, this does not mean that this trend will continue in the future. Experienced investors advise investing in several types of stocks at once, so that a drop in the shares of one company can be offset by an increase in the shares of another company. This is called portfolio diversification.

The most proven investment is the shares of "blue chips" - the securities of the largest, liquid and reliable corporations. Among Russian companies, they include shares of Gazprom, Sberbank, Alrosa and others.

If at the beginning of 2016 you had equally invested 100,000 rubles in ordinary shares of the three largest Russian corporations - Gazprom, Sberbank and Lukoil, the average return on shares of which in 2016 was 43.93%, then only for one a year you would have earned 43,930 rubles. To this amount, add a tax deduction of 13,000 rubles. It turns out that in just a year you would have earned 56 930 rubles. At the same time, growth over three years is much more difficult to predict.


The deposit will suit more conservative and cautious people, probably the older generation. Opening investment accounts - for more risky people. This is not just a fashion trend, but a good opportunity to earn money.

We have to think more and more often about where to invest money to make it work. And this is not surprising: it is easy to invest, it is much more difficult to return the money later. If not to increase, then at least to save savings from fluctuations in exchange rates and inflation is the main task of people. A successful investment of funds makes it possible to receive a monthly stable income.

5 basic rules for a novice investor

Before presenting you with specific options for investing, let's look at the basic rules that you should follow in this type of activity.

Rule number 1. Don't keep your eggs in one basket or diversify.

Investment diversification is the distribution of investments among various investment instruments in order to reduce the risks of losing invested funds.

Those. You don't have to invest all your money in one company. After all, there are always risks and something can go wrong. Allocate your funds across different instruments. Thus, it will be impossible to lose all the money at once.

Rule number 2. Use only YOUR “working capital”.

working capital- this is the money that you debug from the main income, especially for investing.

Those. You should only work with personal funds, do not lend money for investment. If you do not have working capital, but you still want to invest, start saving a portion of your funds every month in the bank or under the pillow (for example, 10-30% of income). Over time, you will accumulate a significant amount.

With the loss of investment, this should not affect you and your family in terms of health and standard of living (although it will affect your mood anyway), so we do not invest our last pennies.

Rule number 3. Return your deposits and reinvest.

The money that your working capital brought in should be invested in other assets. After all, by increasing them, your passive income will constantly grow.

Rule number 4. Don't look for 100% reliability.

You take risks every day, risk is part of our life. Leaving the house there is a chance that you will be hit by a car, so now do not leave the house? And what will you do with a plane that can fall on your house?

This does not mean that you should always and everywhere headlong and thoughtlessly take risks. This means that you must manage risk using rules #1 and #2.

Rule number 5. It pays to spend less than you earn.

Those. you should live according to your possibilities, well, or earn according to your needs, whichever is more convenient for you. Forget about loans credit systems aimed only at ruining a person and extorting money from him.

Where to invest money so that they work and make a profit - 14 investment options

We got acquainted with the rules, now it's time to move on to real investment tools. Next, consider what options are available for investing working capital. Let's start.

Option number 1. Bank deposits

The best way to save savings from inflation without much difficulty is bank deposits. Nothing needs to be done, and the amount is growing. Keeping money in a bank cell is much more profitable and safer than “mattress investments” at home. It is important to familiarize yourself with the offered deposit programs before making a deposit. The minimum amount in some banks does not exceed one thousand rubles. This means that even small savings will be saved and will give a small, but income.

And here it is important to remember about inflation. If prices rise above eight percent, the savings kept in the bank will not be depreciated. In reliable and profitable offers are possible:

  • early or full withdrawal of funds;
  • the presence of a branch of the selected bank in the area of ​​​​residence;
  • the amount of investment in one financial institution - no more than seven hundred thousand rubles, that is, according to the amount of deposit insurance.

Losses from depreciation are compensated by a multi-currency deposit. When one currency falls, the quotes of another rise. So the risk of loss is reduced. Only extremes are not needed: why invest all the funds only in the purchase of currency, albeit in various denominations? The ruble will begin to grow in any case, and the risk of losing invested funds will increase.

Be sure to carefully read all the terms of the agreement before making a deposit. This is necessary in order to know how big the risk is and what guarantees the organization provides in case of work stoppage. Only with this approach can high profits be achieved and the risk of losses reduced.

Wealthy and successful investors make deposits according to their own criteria. But they have a whole staff of consultants, and they understand the nuances of the market unlike newcomers. Therefore, completely copying their actions is pointless. You won't get exactly the same results.

Option number 2. Currency

Since the “harsh nineties”, the habit of keeping savings at home in foreign currency has remained. Usually rubles were converted into dollars. Now the currency is again becoming a good option. Only it is not safe to opt for dollars, it is better to use the euro or the Chinese yuan. The situation in the United States will have to be constantly monitored.

But it is also dangerous to leave money in rubles: the floating exchange rate and sharp fluctuations in the oil market do not benefit the national currency. And again: experts do not advise storing “all eggs in one basket”. Therefore, the best option is multi-currency savings.

Option number 3. Forex invest

Quotes of securities and the dynamics of exchange rates - the possibility of good earnings. Profits can be high, but such investment, judging by the reviews, is not recommended for beginners. A more reliable tool is PAMM accounts. But even here there are no unambiguous opinions.

"For" and "against" Forex

Forex trading involves a considerable initial investment, and with a complete lack of experience and basic skills, it is better to forget about profit. Permanent income is your own strategy and the fullest observance of its rules in any circumstances. Then the crisis is not a hindrance to income growth.

But learning to develop your own strategy will take several months and even, perhaps, at least a year. And PAMM accounts are managed by experienced traders. They have already completed the training, and the results are impressive. They will work with trusted funds, and the resulting profit is divided in half. An interesting option: the capital is guaranteed to increase.

Forex - earnings on the difference in exchange rates. To obtain a stable income, market knowledge is essential. And using electronic advisor programs is not an option. They helped someone to win, while someone was deprived of all investments. So in order to receive passive income, you will have to undergo training. And the best way out for a beginner is PAMM accounts

Why is a PAMM account good?

PAMM account - trust management of capital. The investor invests, trusting the trader investment company make deals with them. Just ten dollars of initial capital - and a hundred percent profit with almost no time and effort - is tempting. But here it is important not to fall into a pyramid instead of an honest company. Therefore, it is important to look at registration, the availability of certificates and licenses, it is mandatory to check reviews on blogs and forums. If the company's profitability exceeds ten percent per month, then this is alarming.

The manager, the trader chosen by the investor, will manage the capital. And spending time neither collecting information about the manager and analyzing his portfolio is not at all in vain. You should not invest in pamm accounts that are less than six months old. And the number of such accounts should not be more than two dozen.

It is impossible to predict the success of an investment, so even with the right choice, a pamm account remains risky. Therefore, you can not invest in it borrowed capital and make a contribution to only one company. The higher the interest, the greater the risk.

True, it is impossible to predict the time of liquidation of the company. But they are disturbing:

  • payment delays;
  • a sharp increase in interest on deposits;
  • increase in the number of ways to replenish the account;
  • change of company status and website design.

In the case, it is important not to take risks, but to divide the funds into several parts and make several investments in different directions: real estate, antiques, bank deposits, stocks, precious metals. The risk is different, if one investment is unprofitable, other investments will be profitable.

Option number 4. Binary Options

binary option is a financial instrument with a fixed cost and a predetermined amount of potential profit.

When you buy an option, you make a prediction in which direction the price of its asset will go (up or down). In the case of a correct forecast, you make a profit, usually 70-85% of the value of your bet, otherwise you lose the amount of the bet (some brokers return 15% if the transaction fails). Those. with a bet of $20, your profit will be equal to $14-17, or you will lose $20.

Well, how can you make money here?

The question arises, how can you earn, and even more so invest, if the chance to “guess” is 50%? It is possible, but only with proper preparation. As Vladimir Ilyich Lenin said: Study, study and study again. Without this, binary options are really very similar to roulette.

Option number 5. precious metals

Investments in precious metals, silver and gold remain quite reliable. Their prices are rising, and therefore the investment is promising. Despite outside influence, palladium retains its position.

But a significant disadvantage is that investments in precious metals are long-term. Therefore, less than a couple of years of investment is meaningless. But not everyone agrees to make a contribution for such a long period without a firm confidence in winning.

To invest in physical metals, you can open a metal depersonalized account or CHI. This is an analogue of the usual account, but without commissions, Palladium, gold, platinum and silver are counted in grams. Prices are set every day, that is, the amount of funds in the account changes constantly. Such investments are suitable for analysts who want not only to save capital, but also to increase it.

Option number 6. Real estate

Where to invest money to receive monthly income? Real estate is in demand at any time. So the way to invest in it is always in demand. Real estate prices are now declining, as the demand for housing among the population is still decreasing. But interest rates are rising. Lending under such conditions is unprofitable, and the owners are forced to lower prices in order to attract buyers.

But the cost of one square meter is so high that neither government subsidies nor special programs to support the construction of economy housing can lower it. It turns out that even if it turns out to start lowering prices, it will not happen soon.

Of course, we are talking only about investing personal funds, not mortgaged or taken on credit. Interest payments will completely cross out the hope of income. In this case, the acquisition of real estate or land plot- a win-win. And in the future, it turns out to acquire additional housing, and receive income from renting out.

And this is understandable. During the crisis, people move from small towns to megacities, and they have to live in rented apartments. Rent is necessary at an affordable price, and the appearance of such an offer is most welcome: it is very beneficial for everyone. So that visitors receive housing, and the landlord income. It turns out that when property prices fall, the price of rent increases.

You can always sell your land for a profit. In addition, the land brings profit to farmers. So its use for its intended purpose, that is, the organization farming is also income. Growing agricultural products is both work for oneself and loved ones, and benefits from obtaining fresh products, and income from the sale of their surplus.

Bankruptcy auction purchase

Since even large players tend to buy real estate cheaper, it makes sense to look closely at the objects put up for bankruptcy auctions. Their price is several times lower than in normal conditions.

Option number 7. Shares and bonds

Such an investment is risky even in good times. And in conditions of instability, only professionals can accurately predict which companies will remain, and even that is not a complete guarantee.

To make a profit on shares, the amount of money invested in the purchase of a share package is important. The stock market is unpredictable, as is the behavior of an investor, and neither experts nor professionals can name the size of the profit. The beginning of bankruptcy is a violation of the terms of trade.

To make money on stocks, it is tedious to understand and know how the selected company makes a profit. According to experts, it is important to accurately predict the increase in the price of shares. If after the purchase the cost has increased sharply, it is necessary to sell them. Then a good profit is guaranteed, as well as a positive reputation for a businessman.

If the stock price falls, then you can make money on the fall. It is necessary to act according to the strategy of "short" sales. Shares are rented from a broker. A few days later they are redeemed and again given to the broker. Income - the difference between the cost of selling and buying a block of shares.

An investment portfolio assembled from shares requires constant monitoring of news, monitoring the situation on stock exchanges and timely transfer of funds, that is, activity.

What can be wisely invested in? You do not need to have a significant amount of money to earn income in the stock market. The initial investment amount ranges from ten to thirteen thousand. It is also pleasant that the transactions are carried out by a specialist under a power of attorney issued to him. However, this does not mean the complete removal of the principal from business: it is imperative to monitor the situation in the country and the world and view analytical calculations.

If you plan a short-term investment, then when choosing a direction, you will have to take into account the entire situation. The purchase of shares of the country's leading companies provides an opportunity for a quick payback on the shares of metal processing organizations and producers of mineral fertilizers. Shares will grow, and this trend will be realized in the future.

Option number 8. Mutual funds: mutual funds

It is also not easy for mutual funds to effectively organize investments. For the most part, they lose more than they gain. But you don’t have to delve into the direction of the movement of funds. This method is a joint contribution of shareholders. One person or a management company only manages them.

mutual fund investment fund. Several investors trust professionals to manage their money. Managers invest in the most profitable, in their opinion, directions. It turns out that investors get the same opportunities as large banks, insurance companies and pension funds.

Money is invested in different directions. With an increase in the profit of the mutual fund, the income of the investor also grows. When selling a share, the investor receives losses or gains in the form of the difference between the selling price of the share.

The initial share price is determined by the fund. It is most profitable to buy it during a market fall. The main advantages of a mutual fund are the ability to invest without special knowledge, high profitability, and reduction in investment costs. The state strictly controls the work of companies. And this is a good additional guarantee of stability.

Mutual funds are bond, stock, index and mixed. To buy a share, you need to contact either the agent bank of the mutual fund or the company itself to notify you of your desire. After signing the agreement with the fund, the funds are transferred to its current account.

After acquiring a share, the client receives a confirmation of opening an account, crediting a share to it, and a statement of the amount. However, before investing, it is worth visiting the site It contains all the information about mutual funds.

Option number 9. Business investment

A good option would be to invest in a Franchise. Franchising, in essence, is the cloning of the parent company. You are given a ready-made work plan, they train you and provide information support when starting a business in your area. It's like a ready-made constructor, there are all the details and instructions. It remains only to assemble a working system.

In the case of a business, you will not receive passive income, but when debugging business processes, you can delegate all the work and hire an executive director. In this case, it's more like an investment. Such a system will bring you income without your participation.

Option number 10. Investments in information sites

Income when investing in information sites comes from placing banner, contextual, teaser advertising on them, from affiliate programs, as well as from placing advertising articles. In fact, this is a passive income (if you do not take the placement of advertising articles, although this work can be delegated).

Such a resource can be created from scratch, but this requires certain knowledge. Let's look at investments in finished projects.

How much can an information site cost and what is the return on investment?

Approximate price 20-24 months * monthly income of the site (the formula is valid for small and medium sites). For example, if the site brings in $400 per month, the price will be = $400 * 20-24 months. = 8000 - 9600 $. Those. return on investment 4-5% per month . To make such purchases and sales, there is a special exchange

In the case of independent development, the profitability of the project can be 50% per month. But it is worth considering that the new site will reach normal positions only after 4-8 months of active development (this also depends on the subject and competition in the niche).

What is the advantage of such an investment?

You receive monthly passive income. Subject to the further development of the project, the monthly income increases, as does the cost of the site itself in case of resale. The site acts as an asset.

Both for creating your own project and for buying finished project special knowledge and skills are needed, but there is nothing super complicated, there would be a desire to figure it out.

How much money does this site make?

The site you are currently on (site) brings in approximately $420 per month from Google AdSense contextual advertising.

Option number 11. Investments in Internet startups

Not so long ago, a new investment option appeared - in Internet startups. The exchange is a kind of online version of shares. Large investors are not interested in promising, but small by their standards projects. And without funds for development, the undertaking will remain only for them.

Promising projects are strictly selected before being included in the exchange catalog. After that, funds are allocated for their development. They are shares in free float. Investors can receive income from the first month approximately 3-7% monthly. If necessary, to make a profit, you can always sell shares within the system.

Option number 12. Investing in microcredit

People are constantly short of money. This means that the popularity of lending is growing. But if you want to engage in this type of investment, you should enlist the support of a knowledgeable person who is familiar with this area and has considerable experience. He will have to consult a partner often.

Without the assistance of a professional, investing is pointless: if you do not know the specifics of the case and do not have the slightest idea about its correct organization, then the invested funds will not only not be saved, but the risk of losing everything will increase significantly.

Option number 13. Investing in the purchase of coins

Very profitable investment in coins. They are tax-free and easy to store. It is only important to do everything carefully. Even a small scratch on a coin reduces its value. The easiest and safest way is to keep the investment in a safe deposit box. Of course, there are additional costs, but the risk of damage due to negligence is reduced to zero. Silver and gold coins are especially attractive.

It is important to buy such coins or ingots only in banks in order to choose by weight. Credit institutions have all the certificates confirming the origin of the metal. So the long term investment will pay off. Unlike ingots, jewelry is not devoid of impurities, so the purity of the metal in them is a big question.

So regardless of the size of the planned investment, a few million or just one thousand, all conditions must be completely clear, and the invested funds must generate income. And for this, investments need to be supervised. What business to invest in?

You need to invest in real projects, and not in mirages that crumble at a close look. So huge dividends in record time are a warning sign. It is better not to make contributions to such projects: it is recommended to save your own nerves and funds.

Option number 14. Investing in education

Where do rich people invest their money? If there are free funds, then why not invest them in the education of the child? Education has long ceased to be free. And there are many payment options. You can make a one-time payment for the entire term and track attendance at classes. The investment is fully justified

Just before investing, you should find out if the child himself agrees to study at the chosen institution. If he does not show any inclinations towards the direction chosen by his parents, then the investment will be an empty phrase.

Yes, and it is necessary to find out everything about the educational institution: it asks for a lot of money, but whether it corresponds to such injections is a question. A limited circle of contacts, formed on the principle of “we are friends with those with whom it is beneficial” and often deliberately overestimated marks - a reason to be wary and think: is such an investment profitable?

Investing in the development of staff qualifications is one of the areas for investing in wealthy people. Knowledgeable employees who are able to quickly and accurately assess situations, work productively, maintaining and strengthening the team spirit - this is a sure investment that pays off in the shortest possible time.

The most popular directions for investments

Quite large investments in industry. They are occupied by large investors. Their profit is already considerable, and therefore the size of the investment is impressive. Investing in the development of industry is not only profitable, but also a very fashionable and patriotic direction.

When investing in deposits or real estate minimum size monthly income in Russia can be ten percent. More risky investments in stocks, precious metals and pyramid schemes. You can earn up to five hundred percent of the down payment, or you can lose everything.

A pyramid is generally an unpredictable way of investing. Let promises be kept at first, and profits reach enormous proportions. But this is only for those who came first. Further, a decrease in income begins and, finally, a logical result: the disappearance of both the organizers and the money.

You should not give in to promises to easily double or even triple your funds on the Forex game. Exchange operations are an occupation for professionals. And only they can predict the behavior of currencies, and even then not always. And losing money, and a lot of it, because of gullibility is too reckless. Investments in the development and development of your website, business or participation in a mutual fund are more advantageous: thirty percent of the investments will return as a profit.

Where not to invest

But where it is not worth investing under any circumstances is in the purchase of cars and mink coats. It is clear that buying a pair of luxurious fur coats for the price of one is a real success.

But after all, the moth will not refuse delicacy. Such a product does not lie for a long time, and the styles lose their relevance. The same principle applies to large chains distributing luxury perfumes.

Household appliances are an unwise investment. It becomes obsolete, losing in value. It will be impossible to sell it even at the purchase price.

It is worth remembering that even a brand new car loses about a third of the price after leaving the salon. And it is impossible to return these funds. Over time, equipment does not become more expensive, unlike precious metals.

Preservation of capital is a topical issue, and therefore it is important to approach its solution in a balanced way, without haste, having discussed all the pros and cons of future investment. Ultimately, the issue of stability and profit margins depend on the decision.

The Parable of the Plumbing

For those who are thinking about where to invest money in 2019, expert advice will help you receive monthly income and ensure your financial well-being. Creating sources of passive income is the first step towards the life everyone dreams of. What are the investment tools and where is it really worth investing?

Where is it profitable to invest money so that they bring profit?

For those who doubt where to invest money for passive income, I offer 13 best ideas that beginners and experienced investors follow.

- Bank deposit

Where it is profitable to invest little money is a question that will be relevant at all times among prudent and economical people.

A bank deposit is a very popular option for investing money, which is available to everyone. This option is perfect for you if you do not know where to invest money online without risk. This method does not require any special knowledge and skills. The investor can read in advance the amount of his income and the terms in which it will be received.

By investing up to 1.4 million rubles, you can be sure that in the event of a bank failure or other force majeure circumstances, you will receive it, since it is subject to compulsory insurance. When investing a larger amount, problems may arise.

Negative points:

  • Small annual percentage: from 0.1% to 9%.
  • Due to inflation, profits may not be received.

Where is it better to invest money at interest in a bank with a monthly income: top 6 best deposits

Where is it profitable to put money at interest, in which bank?
When choosing a suitable offer, evaluate the following criteria:

  • expert rating financial reliability from "Expert RA", the National Agency;
  • the period for which you plan to open a deposit;
  • initial investment amount;
  • annual return;
  • the possibility of early withdrawal of funds and replenishment of the deposit;
  • the presence of capitalization and the procedure for paying interest.

The following banks offer the most profitable products today:

  • "Renaissance Credit" - up to 8.5% from 30,000 rubles.
  • "Absolut Bank" deposit from 10,000 rubles at 8.5% for 367 days.
  • "Opening" - offers up to 8% per annum.
  • "VTB24" - deposit "Savings account with a multicard" up to 8.5-10 from 1 year.
  • "Super deposit" in "MTS Bank" at 8% per annum for 181 days from 50,000 rubles.
  • contribution "All Inclusive Maximum Income" from the ICD at 8% from 1000 rubles.

- mutual funds

Where to invest money for passive income? For inexperienced investors, it is best to start with mutual funds, since this tool allows you to earn income without having rich experience and economic education behind you, entrusting all asset management concerns to competent portfolio managers.

Mutual funds of Sberbank

Investors who are familiar with how the stock exchange works and who have an understanding of securities, stocks and bonds choose to increase their capital through mutual funds. You yourself can choose a manager to whom you are ready to entrust your funds, based on positive statistics, reliability and profitability ratings, work experience and recommendations.
Positive points:

  • assistance of professional portfolio managers;
  • getting more high percentage than on deposits (from 10% and above);
  • minimum investment amount from 1000 rubles;
  • asset diversification and risk reduction.
  • "Global Internet from the Management Company of Sberbank" (42%);
  • Raiffeisen-IT (34%);
  • Alfa Capital Technologies (32%);
  • April Capital - 2nd Echelon Shares (26%);
  • "China from the management company of Otkritie Bank" (24%).

Where is it more profitable to invest money at interest for pensioners? Sberbank Asset Management has a high reliability rating and offers a wide range of mutual funds, each of which specializes in a specific area - stocks, real estate, bonds, gold. It is possible to choose an offer according to the level of risk:

  • short;
  • middle;
  • tall.

Related articles: Mutual funds of Sberbank to private clients: instructions for buying shares + review of profitability,

- Investments in real estate

Where do rich people invest their money? Investing in real estate is suitable for those who have large free amounts and do not expect a quick income. The acquisition of real estate is a very successful and least risky investment of money, since apartments only grow in price from year to year. In addition, it can always be rented out, which will bring about 7% per annum.

The disadvantages include a large initial investment and long paperwork.

Watch a helpful video about investing in real estate

- Precious metals

Where is it profitable for individuals to invest money? In recent years, as a type of investment, the purchase of gold has gained popularity. It can be purchased in ingots weighing from 1 to 1000 g at the bank and stored there by creating a special account. The investor's income is formed due to the rise in the price of precious metals on the international market.
But both platinum and palladium are not far behind in terms of the number of requests. Silver is slightly less popular.
The negative aspects include:

  • capital increases slowly.
  • you need to correctly determine the time of acquisition of precious metals, based on world events.
  • The investment will pay for itself over a long period of time.

- Business investment

If you are thinking about where to invest money so that they generate income, then take into account the possibility of investing in a new or existing business. Starting any own business or acquiring a ready-made business involves risks. It is very important to evaluate in advance all the pros and cons, calculate the risks, competitiveness, target audience, location, average score. All these factors affect the profitability of a business. There are also a number of unpredictable risks.

The negative side of this method is the absence of 100% guarantees, since the invested funds may not bring profit, but may not return.

- Start-UP projects

Investments in young and promising start-up projects are the lot of experienced investors. After all, such an activity requires sensitive intuition and savvy. With the wrong choice, you can lose all the invested assets, but if successful, even one such project can promise a multimillion-dollar profit. You can find promising projects on startup exchanges:

Investments in startups


- Acquisition of securities

Where is it profitable to invest in the long term? Investing in financial instruments such as securities does not bring immediate returns. Their main varieties are stocks, bonds and eurobonds.

  • The action involves the introduction of a share in the capital of the company. It gives the right to receive a share of the income and take part in the decisions of the company.
  • A bond is a debt security. But its holder will not be a co-owner of the company, but will become a creditor. The bond specifically states how much its holder will receive at the end of its circulation period. If you do not know where to invest a small amount of money with a return guarantee, then federal loan bonds issued by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation will be a reliable choice. The state is the guarantor of the payment of income on invested investments. You can buy government bonds at 8.48% per annum in the amount of 30,000 rubles or more at Sberbank branches with the Premier service area.
  • Eurobonds can be issued by the state and various holdings not in local, but in foreign currency.

To gain access to trading on stock exchanges (MICEX, NYSE Euronext, London Stock Exchange, etc.), you will need to conclude an agreement with a brokerage company. The intermediary will provide you with software to access the auction and will make transactions for the purchase and sale of securities, taking a commission for this. Today, the following brokers are the most reputable and popular:

  • BCS Financial Group
  • Bank opening";
  • Sberbank
  • "VTB 24";
  • Finam.

- Loans at interest from a private person

Where is it profitable for an individual to invest money in order to receive a higher percentage than on bank deposits?
Private lending against a receipt is a type of providing money to a borrower in the form of a loan on special terms. This service is most often used by people who cannot use a bank loan offer. When lending to individuals, the interest rate can reach 14-30%. It is very important that the contract is drawn up correctly, all possible risks are weighed, information about the citizen with whom it is planned to conclude a contract is studied.

- Game on exchange rates

A very profitable way of investing, which is organized with the help of intermediary brokers trading in the Forex market. The most popular currencies today are the US dollar, the euro, the British pound, the Japanese yen, and the Swiss franc. But the exchange rate is very unpredictable, and this is probably the only drawback. Among the most popular Forex brokers:

  • "Alpari";
  • Forex Club;
  • Forex4You;
  • amarkets;
  • Alpha Forex.

- Investing in works of art and antiques

Purchasing works of art is a good way to increase your money. True, for this you need to be well versed in it and attend various thematic exhibitions and events. Before buying, it is always better to involve an expert so that he can assess the authenticity of the work.

It is most profitable to buy art objects in difficult times for the country, wars and emergencies.

The most promising investments in:

  • paintings by young artists (Clare Price, Louis Fratino, Ben Gooding, Pippa Young, Michael Covello, Oleg Dow, Yegor Koshelev);
  • works of famous authors (Malevich K.S., Rothko M., Serov V.A., etc.)
  • Mutual Funds of Artistic Values ​​(Closed Fund Atlanta Art, specializing in Bryullov's paintings);
  • antiquities;
  • precious coins;
  • stamps;
  • icons;
  • vintage jewelry.

- Internet projects

With the development of modern technologies, this direction of investment is gaining momentum and has already found its fans.
There are several ways to invest:

Internet resources of an advanced nature, with exceptional content, created for sale in the future;
personal website, which is the basis of business and constantly making a profit;
funding the most profitable projects in your opinion.

You can buy ready-made sites that are already generating income at an auction through the service. For example, a site with a monthly yield of 10,000 rubles can be bought for 35,000-124,000 rubles, and a site with a profit of 100,000 rubles is estimated at 200,000-5,000,000 rubles.

- Binary Options

It is the fastest way to make a profit. The main task is to correctly predict the price of an asset. Here, of course, one cannot do without risk and a thorough analysis of the economic situation.
After some time, an assessment of the provided result is given. If the assumption is confirmed, then the profit can reach 65-85%.

- PAMM accounts

It works like this: the manager has certain accounts and invests his personal money there. This is the manager's capital. Then he creates an offer to conclude a deal, and under certain conditions, those who wish can invest their funds in his PAMM account.
The status of this account can always be checked, as well as stop the actions of the manager. This distinguishes them from mutual funds.

- Investments in self-development: intelligence is your main asset

This is one of the most profitable, reliable and useful investments. Any acquired knowledge, experience, learned a new language will open up new prospects in the career ladder, give the necessary impetus for new achievements.

- Bankruptcy auctions

Participation in bankruptcy auctions for individuals and legal entities allows you to buy movable and immovable property for a penny for the purpose of further resale. Some lots suggest the possibility of buying real estate for 1% of the real market value of the property.

Bankruptcy auctions are held on the following electronic trading platforms:

  • Russian Auction House (
  • Sberbank AST (;
  • Implementation Center (, etc.

Related article: Auctions for the sale of debtors' property: ways to make money

Where is it more profitable to invest money in Russia today?

Where can you invest money in Russia? Today, there are many options for creating a liability for individuals. When choosing the appropriate option, it is important to decide on the free amount, the period for which you are ready to invest money and the level of risk that you are ready to take.

It is wiser for novice investors to start with bank deposits, bonds, mutual funds, investments in themselves. This option is suitable for short-term investments (1-5 years), it will allow you to protect your existing capital and get a small profit with a minimum level of risk.