What is the best way to invest. Where to invest money, or the most profitable investments. Buffett's Investing Rules


One of the priorities of an independent person is to receive income expressed in monetary terms. Such income (if from it, other taxes and expenses) can be active or passive. In the first case, in order to receive his money, the employee performs certain actions in accordance with the requirements of the direct supervisor. The second option implies that income is the result of correctly made investments (investments) in any project or business.

Investing money in Russia is invariably associated with risk: there is a high probability of losing them, if not due to the actions of individual fraudsters, then as a result of another “surprise” from the state. Therefore, a citizen who is considering where to invest money should carefully choose sources of income. The safest and most promising of them will be listed below.

Best investment to date

First of all, the future investor needs to decide which object of investment of funds available to him today is the most interesting. It makes no sense to invest in a project, even the most fashionable and with an impeccable reputation, if it is incomprehensible or unpleasant: the only result of such an experiment will be an obsessive desire to quickly “recapture” your investments and exit the game.

Advice: no need to immediately get carried away with exotic ideas. For example, a person who is just starting an investor's career is hardly worth investing all his savings in: such a business is not only risky (animals can get sick and die at once), but also requires the arrangement of a separate room, which is associated with rising costs. Undoubtedly, it is possible to make money on the project, but only with a “safety cushion” or other projects that allow you to stay afloat in the event of a disaster.

So, having determined the goal and abandoned unconstructive ideas, the novice investor must decide where to invest; it is best to choose any option from the following list.


A traditional bank deposit is, if not the most profitable, then the safest investment. Funds deposited by a citizen into his account are insured without fail, and therefore, even in the event of a bank failure, the depositor will receive compensation, albeit not in full. True, cases are not ruled out when the only means to restore justice will be the filing of a statement of claim in court, and it is impossible to predict how long the transitions from instance to instance will take; but the chances of a favorable outcome are consistently high.

So, in order to make money on a deposit, you need to find a bank that offers deposits on the following conditions:

  • high accrued interest;
  • deposit security guarantee;
  • the ability to withdraw money at any time.

Important: You should pay special attention to the last point. If the bank offers an attractive interest rate, but at the same time forbids the client to use the deposited funds before the expiration of a certain period, such a deposit is not suitable for receiving monthly passive income, although it can serve as an object of long-term investment.

The most attractive for investors, according to the rating compiled by experts, are the following banking organizations.

No. 1 - Tinkoff Bank. Its main advantage is remoteness: depositors are serviced only by phone or via the Global Network. An exception is the delivery of plastic cards, which requires personal contact between the courier and the recipient.

Deposit conditions in Tinkoff:

  • interest rate - up to 7% per year;
  • the minimum investment amount is 50,000 rubles;
  • interest is transferred to the issued plastic card;
  • the depositor can replenish the account or partially withdraw money from it.

No. 2 - Sovcombank. It has been operating since 1990 and is among the top 20 largest banks in the country.

Terms of deposit in Sovcombank:

  • interest rate - up to 7.6% per year;
  • accrual period - once a calendar month;
  • the minimum investment amount is 30,000 rubles;
  • interest is paid at the end of the deposit term, but partially retained in case of early termination of the contract;
  • The deposit can be replenished, but money cannot be withdrawn from it.

No. 3 - "UniCredit Bank". A European organization that has been represented in Russia for 25 years. The largest of the remaining banks in the country with foreign capital.

Conditions of the deposit in "UniCredit Bank":

  • ruble interest rate - up to 8.35% per year;
  • dollar - up to 3.23% per year;
  • in euro - up to 0.20% per year;
  • accrual period - once a calendar month;
  • the minimum investment is 50,000 rubles.

Important: current legislation does not prohibit a citizen from having deposits in several banks at once. The main thing is the availability of start-up funds and legally impeccable execution of the contract.

mutual funds

The essence of the operation of a mutual investment fund, or mutual fund, is the joint management of investments made up of the funds of each member of the fund who decides to invest in one or more projects. Accordingly, all property of the mutual fund consists of proportional parts - shares.

Advantages of investing in mutual funds:

  • registration in accordance with the current legislation;
  • legal protection of each of the parties;
  • high liquidity due to the constant presence of assets on the market.


  • lack of guaranteed profit, and sometimes loss of the fund;
  • the possibility of fraudulent actions on the part of the fund manager.

Despite high liquidity and potential profit up to 50% per year, participation in It is difficult to call a mutual fund a profitable investment for a novice investor: depending on the terms of the agreement, he may be entitled to sell his share at any time (open fund), at certain periods (interval) or at the end of the established period (closed). The first option is less common and usually associated with the highest risks; a citizen who is thinking about where to invest money in order to make a profit in the short term should pay attention to other “faster” projects.


The principle of operation of the Forex market (FOReign EXchange, foreign currency exchange) is very simple: an investor (trader, player) earns money by guessing the fluctuations in the exchange rates in his chosen currency pair (for example, dollar / euro): buying $ 1,500 for 1,200 euros, he can further sell them already for 1,300 euros, thus receiving an income of 100 euros - today about 7,000 rubles. In addition to currency pairs, a person looking for an object of profitable investment can guess fluctuations in the prices of various stocks or precious metals.

Important: to make a profit on Forex, you need to conclude an urgent (for 10 minutes, three hours, a day or a week) deal for a fall or rise in the pair. The transaction can be concluded both for the entire amount of funds available (highly not recommended), or for any specific amount. After the specified period, the investor who made the right bet receives his winnings and a percentage bonus from the broker.

Both the advantage and the disadvantage of investing in Forex trading is unpredictability.: even the most experienced investors cannot say with complete certainty that the rate will go up or down. Depending on the confluence of many random factors, including changes in foreign and domestic policies, a player can either get a huge profit in one deal, or be left not only without money, but also with completely damaged nerves.

Advice: You should not immediately invest heavily in Forex trading. To assess the possibilities of the market, it is enough to invest a minimum of money; then, with a satisfactory result, the amount can be gradually increased.

PAMM accounts

PAMM-accounts (Percent Allocation Management Module, percentage distribution management module) are not much different from mutual funds: the manager (manager) offers people who think about how to profitably invest money to become co-investors of the project; in case of luck, each of them can receive an income proportional to the share in the total capital. The difference is in the way of control: the activity of the PAMM account throughout its existence is controlled by one person, who receives for his efforts up to 50% of the proceeds, depending on the total investment and the terms of the contract.

It is difficult to say how profitable it is to invest in PAMM accounts; the amount of income (both total and each of the project participants) depends on the talents and conscientiousness of the manager, as well as on many random factors.

Advice: as in other cases, a potential investor is not recommended to invest all the money in a PAMM account: even under favorable circumstances, the profit will be relatively small - less than in more risky ventures. It is better to divide free funds into several parts: for short-term, long-term, more or less reliable projects.

Precious metals

Investing in precious metals (gold, platinum, silver) is one of the most popular ways in Russia to receive passive income. A citizen who is thinking about where to invest money can either buy bullion (of course, it is better to store them in bank cells), or purchase futures or become the owner of an impersonal metal account. In part, this option for a profitable investment also includes the purchase of jewelry.

The main advantage of investing in precious metals is their consistently high price.: if necessary, the investor can simply sell his property, receiving a little less or more than he paid.

Stability is at the same time the main disadvantage of investing: metal prices fluctuate so slightly that a player on the stock exchange simply cannot get a large momentary income.

Advice: Do not neglect the opportunity to invest in precious metals. In the long term, this will at least create a “safety cushion” for the investor, and in case of serious changes in the market, the probability of which is always different from zero, it will become an important source of income.

Real estate

As in the case of precious metals, investments in real estate are designed to provide the investor with an income sooner in the long term. Although the fluctuations in the real estate market are usually more significant, one should hardly expect sharp drops or jumps in prices. For a person who is considering where to invest money and has a suitable amount on hand (housing, as you know, is not cheap), investing in real estate is a way to earn not only on the subsequent sale of the object, but also on renting it out. According to experts, the average passive income of the landlord is 10-15% per year. Thus, the payback period for a facility that is constantly in operation is 6–8 years.

Advice: one of the easiest ways to make money on real estate is to purchase a housing certificate in a house under construction. When the object is ready for delivery, the investor can sell it at a higher price or use the document in kind - for example, by renting out a new apartment.


Investing in cryptocurrencies (bitcoin, litecoin, ethereum and others - the range today is simply huge) is a rather risky, but also promising way. In fact, this is the same speculation on the stock exchange: the goal of the buyer of any currency is to buy it cheaper and then, after waiting for growth, sell it at a higher price; the difference between the buying and selling prices will be income.

Benefits of investing in cryptocurrency:

  1. Significant exchange rate fluctuations, giving the investor the opportunity to sell or purchase the required amount on the most favorable terms.
  2. Crypto money can also be obtained without making purchase and sale transactions - by mining (using the computing power of a computer).
  3. "Transparency" of transactions and transfers of certain types of currency (in particular, bitcoin), which protects each of the parties to the transaction from unfair actions of the counterparty.

Hello, dear readers of SlonoDrom.ru magazine! Almost every one of us someday thinks about where to invest money so that it works and brings a monthly income.🙂

There are a lot of investment options! Not all of them are effective, and what to hide, there are often just fraudulent organizations whose only goal is to get money and hide with them forever. I know this firsthand!😀

In this publication, I will try to tell you in detail about the most relevant and proven areas for investing money in 2020! And of course, in practice we will try to objectively figure out where it is more profitable and best to invest our money.

You will also learn about where you should not invest your money so as not to lose it!

And most importantly, I will share with you my life experience , concrete examples And useful tips , which will allow you to invest money correctly and receive high passive income!👍

Regardless of what amounts of money you are going to invest: small or large - this article will be most useful for you!

In addition, you will learn:

  • What are the investment options, what is their yield and which one to choose?
  • Where can you profitably invest money on the Internet?
  • How to invest money in order not to burn out?
  • And also about where it is better not to invest your money!

Get comfortable and we'll get started! The article turned out to be a bit long, because I tried not to miss anything important. I hope I succeeded!😉

1. What is important to know about investments?

First, what you need to know before investing your money anywhere is that you only need to invest your free cash ! In no case do not invest the money that you badly need and, moreover, do not get into debts, loans and credits.

Nobody gives an absolute guarantee that you will multiply the invested money! There is always a risk of losing money, even if it is an investment with a high guarantee (such as government bonds or bank deposits).

This must always be remembered, because investments can both bring profit and losses!

Secondly, before investing your money somewhere, you need to actually evaluate what exist risks and what profitability can be obtained from this or that investment.

Usually the risk is proportional to the return, i.e. The higher the return, the higher the risk and vice versa. But this rule does not always work.

But in any case, who does not take risks, he does not earn. It is always necessary to take meaningful risks!😉

In order for you to decide for yourself whether or not it is worth investing in one or another investment option, we will analyze each of them based on the following most key parameters:

  • profitability,
  • risk,
  • payback period,
  • minimum investment amount.

And also consider all the pros and cons of each investment option.

Thirdly to reduce risks, it would be logical diversify your investments, i.e. distribute the entire investment amount into parts depending on the risk and invest in different assets.

For example, you can distribute like this:

  1. conservative portfolio (bonds, real estate, precious metals…) — 50% of all funds;
  2. moderate portfolio (mutual funds, shares, business projects...) - 30% of all funds;
  3. aggressive portfolio (currency market, cryptocurrencies…) — 20% of all funds.

There is no need to invest all your money only in instruments with a very high yield, since in this case the risk of losing your money will also be very high!

And many people, on the contrary, strive to receive the maximum income, but at the same time they completely forget about the risk. And as a result, because of greed, they are left with nothing.

Investing is first and foremost risk management! First of all, you need to take care not to lose money. Profit is the second thing.

And if you still have little or no experience in investing yet, then start investing with minimal amounts and avoid high-risk assets.

Read this article to the end, because at the end of the article you will learn about other important investment rules!👇

2. Where is it better to invest money in 2020 - TOP 15 profitable investment options

So, let's finally look at the options and decide where you can profitably invest money so that they generate income!

I will immediately share with you, using my personal example, one rather profitable investment that allows you to receive much more than ordinary bank interest. 😉

Pamm-account "Arslanov Fund" and its profitability

Another PAMM account that I invested in is ““, the largest account in Alpari, it manages more than 155 million rubles!

Although it does not show the same profitability (accordingly, it is more conservative, with lower risks) as the previous one, nevertheless, for 5 years, it brings investors "clean" every year about 60-80% . Agree very well! 😀

Another plus of PAMM accounts is that the minimum investment amount is practically unlimited here, you can start with at least 3,000 rubles.

For the time being, I am only looking at other PAMM accounts, so far, in my opinion, these two accounts are currently the most reliable for long-term investment. If something changes, I will immediately update the information in the article.

However, although in this way you can earn quite significant amounts, nevertheless, you should not forget about the risks. Still, invest in PAMM accounts no more than 25-30% of the total amount of your investments (at the same time, also distribute the risks among the accounts, do not invest everything in just one account, choose at least 2 accounts).

More details about this type of investment will be described later in the article, so be sure to read to the end.

And now we will consider separately each of the options where you can invest money.

Option #1: Bank deposits/savings accounts

DESCRIPTION: The easiest and most affordable investment option for everyone is ordinary bank deposits (deposits). In Russia, the annual interest rate on them is on average from 4% to 8%.

Deposit rates have been falling steadily in recent years and will likely continue to fall in the future.

How to make money on the growth of stocks - an example of Google

So for 3 years, Google shares have grown by more than 100%!

For these purposes, the so-called "individual investment accounts" (IIA) are suitable, which, for example, can simply be opened in the same (using this link, you can invest 1 month without commission). By the way, they have a very convenient application for investments and a fairly low commission, I use it myself.😀

☝️ In addition, if you invest money for at least 3 years, you can get a personal income tax deduction (13%), i.e. in fact, you will not need to pay income taxes! Such preferential conditions were developed by the state to support and develop investment in the country.

But of course, there are many nuances that must be considered when investing in stocks. Risks are always and everywhere - you should not forget about them!

The biggest risk for stocks (for those who bet on their growth) is financial crisis ! The rest of the time, stocks generally grow steadily and show good profitability.

In addition, you need to understand that the price of shares depends very much on the actions of speculators, rather than on the real financial position of the company in the market.

Also, as an option, you can invest money in a group of shares, i.e. so-called indices (they show the economic situation in the country), for example:

  • RTS (50 largest companies in Russia),
  • S&P500 (500 largest US companies),
  • NASDAQ (US 100 high-tech companies).

If you do not want to personally invest, then there is an option to entrust the money to professional managers. I already mentioned how I invested in Alpari managers at the beginning of the article! I will tell you more about this direction a little later in this article!

You can easily invest in stocks through.

OUTPUT: With proper management, shares can bring good returns, many times higher than the interest rate on bank deposits. But at the same time they are more risky assets.

Yield: Risk: Payback: Minimum investment:
15-100% per annum (share price change + dividends) depends on strategy 1-7 years old from 5-10 thousand rubles
(⭐️⭐️⭐️ - medium/high) (⭐️⭐️ - medium/high) (⭐️⭐️ - medium) (⭐️⭐️⭐️ - low)
➕ Pros and ➖ Cons:
(+ ) With minimal/moderate risks, relatively high returns can be obtained. (+ ) High liquidity - at any time you can quickly sell shares and get money in your hands. Low entry threshold. (- ) Knowledge is required. Uncontrolled risk and "flirting" with the market can lead to significant losses. (- ) In the event of a crisis, stocks can seriously and quickly fall in price.

Option #4: PAMM Accounts, PAMM Portfolios, Trust Management and Structured Products

DESCRIPTION: But this method is usually suitable for those who do not have experience and time to understand all the nuances of trading in financial markets (stock markets, Forex, oil, gold ...).

That is, in this case, you trust your money to traders - those who are professionally engaged in trading in financial markets.

All that is needed is to distribute the initial investment amount into parts (preferably at least 3-5) and invest in various managers.

Moriarti PAMM account, its profitability for 5 years was 135464% (click to enlarge)

💡 More than $2.5 million , its profitability for 5 years amounted to over 135 thousand percent.

However, it should be taken into account that despite the fact that accounts/portfolios have shown good returns in the past, there is always a possibility that they will turn out to be unprofitable in the future.

Therefore, I repeat, do not invest all your money in one trader! Distribute funds at least among 2-3 reliable managers that trade profitably for a long time. If the accounts are relatively new (less than 6 months old), then completely divide the initial investment among 5-10 traders.

Constantly monitor the situation and get rid of accounts/portfolios that have been making losses for a long period. This is the whole secret of investing!

For more information about what Pamm accounts are and how they work, you can watch a free training webinar from professionals in their field:

You can go to the Alpari website and get acquainted with Pamm accounts.

With a larger initial capital, you can work with large stock brokers (for example, Finam and BCS), which also provide various trust management strategies.

For example, on Finam in trust management, you can give from 300 thousand rubles. Their website features dozens of diverse strategies: conservative, moderate, and aggressive.

Of course, both brokers and managers also cannot guarantee 100% that you will receive income.

Here I want to tell you a few words about the so-called "structural products", because they are also directly related to trust management. Income here, as a rule, is not the same as Pamm accounts can give, but nevertheless, structured products can bring significantly more than bank interest and bonds.

They are also intended for beginners who want to increase their money. Structured products can bring returns up to 100-200% per annum with minimal risks (the risk is strictly limited, there is capital protection - usually you risk only 10% of your investments).

The essence of structured products is that you also invest money in stock markets (more precisely, in specific stocks, futures ...), which, as experts expect, will rise or fall in the future.

It is usually possible to invest in such products from 3000 dollars(some brokers have a higher minimum threshold) and for a period from 3 months.

I will give an example of trust management - the leader in terms of trading volumes on the Moscow Exchange with maximum AAA reliability.

BCS offers investments in Gazprom shares with a guaranteed return 10% per annum(even if their price falls) and 100% capital protection. In the event that the share price rises, then you can even get 14% per annum .

So there are only 2 options: you will get either 10% or 14%. Consider that there are no risks, except for the actual bankruptcy of the company. But it is extremely unlikely that the number 1 company in the entire brokerage market in Russia will go bankrupt, it is similar to the fact that Sberbank will declare bankruptcy. Therefore, in this regard, there are practically no risks.

Investments are calculated for a period of 3 months, which is also quite convenient. As a result, this option is an excellent alternative to a deposit, the rates for which are now significantly lower. The only downside is that the minimum investment amount is 300 thousand rubles.

OUTPUT: Trust management combines convenience, moderate risks and medium/high returns. Particularly suitable for beginners.

Yield: Risk: Payback: Minimum investment:
from 15% to 200% per annum and more depends on the type of strategy: conservative, moderate, aggressive 1-8 years old from 500 rubles
(⭐️⭐️⭐️ - high/medium) (⭐️⭐️ - medium/high) (⭐️⭐️⭐️ - high) (⭐️⭐️⭐️ - low)
➕ Pros and ➖ Cons:
(+ ) By allocating funds to the most efficient managers/strategies, you can get a good average return. Suitable for beginners. (+ ) The minimum amount for investment (especially in PAMM accounts) is quite low. You don't need to trade yourself. (- ) Relatively high risks compared to bonds and bank deposits. (- ) It is difficult to predict profitability, as there may be unprofitable periods. Managers need to be monitored periodically.

Option #5: Bonds

DESCRIPTION: Where do you think big banks invest their money? Mainly in bonds! Yes, they give a small income, but with a high guarantee and reliability. Especially if you take government bonds.

Along with bank deposits, bonds are considered one of the easiest investment tools. But unlike bank deposits, the rate on bonds is much higher.

For those who do not know, a bond, if in a simple way, is an IOU. Both large companies and states can act only as borrowers.

☝️ By the way, Sberbank and other banks sell national government bonds.If you invest for 3 years, then you can get an average return on them of 8.5% per annumX .

I agree, not very much, but the rate is certainly better than most currently available bank deposits. Moreover, in the future, interest rates on deposits may decrease.

You can also consider bonds of large reliable companies - the rates on them will be higher! For example, on Sberbank bonds, the average yield is approximately 9,2%-12,2% per annum (depending on the term).

At the same time, large funds can also be invested in bonds, since the security of funds here will be higher than, for example, in bank deposits, where only 1.4 million rubles are insured.

I also note that there are bonds, the yield on which can be dozens And hundreds of percent . But such bonds have a low credit rating (for which they are called "junk bonds"). Although they are able to bring a fairly high income, they are a very risky type of investment.

Bonds, as well as shares, can be bought without the need to pay income tax (if you purchase them for a period of more than 3 years).

OUTPUT: Bonds are suitable for those who want to earn an average yield with a relatively high guarantee.

Yield: Risk: Payback: Minimum investment:
from 7% to 15% per annum (for risky ones from 30% to 100% and more) depends on bonds (very low for government bonds) 7-12 years old from 10 thousand rubles
(⭐️⭐️ - medium/low) (⭐️ - low) (⭐️⭐️ - medium/low) (⭐️⭐️⭐️ - low)
➕ Pros and ➖ Cons:
(+ ) Optimal profitability combined with low risks. You can sell bonds at any time without losing income. (+ (- ) Relatively low returns compared to stocks and some other assets. (- ) There is a risk of bankruptcy of the issuer (especially for low-rated bonds). The lower the credit rating, the less confidence in him.

Option #6: Forex

DESCRIPTION: Forex is essentially a foreign exchange market where you can buy/sell this or that currency.

This can be done both through banks and online with the help of specialized brokers (where, by the way, the commission is 10 times less).

For example, you purchased $10,000 at the exchange rate of 57 rubles/dollar — as a result, you invested 570,000 rubles in dollars. After a while, the rate reached 60 rubles for 1 dollar, and you sold dollars.

As a result, after the exchange, you received 600,000 rubles, and the income, respectively, amounted to 30 000 rubles(of which the broker's commission is approximately 600-800 rubles).

You can trade on Forex both on your own and give money to professional traders to manage (this will be discussed in detail in the next section of the article).

When trading currencies on your own, it is very important to have trading experience And h knowledge of the foreign exchange market . Climbing into the foreign exchange market just like that, in the hope of easy money, is not worth it (and when I did exactly that 🙂), as this usually leads to serious losses.

It is important to note that when trading personally, you need to follow a proven trading strategy, otherwise trading is likely to turn into a casino and lead to a sad result known in advance.

But on the other hand, if you observe risk (money management), manage emotions and trade exclusively according to the strategy, then you can really make good money on Forex. But this needs to be learned!

Although you can start on Forex with minimal amounts - from $ 1, you still need more or less serious investments (preferably from 100 thousand rubles), because even if you manage to increase the initial deposit by 10% per month (which is very good), the profit will not be so big.

As for me, one of the most effective trading strategies on daily bars is Price Action. There are many articles written about it on the Internet - if you are interested, read it!

Among reliable brokers, you can choose, for example, Alpari or RoboForex.

OUTPUT: The Forex market is more unpredictable than the stock market, and therefore more risky. Nevertheless, with skillful investment, you can earn a high income. For those who are not ready to study seriously, this option is not suitable - it is better to consider PAMM investing. This will be discussed below!👇

Yield: Risk: Payback: Minimum investment:
from 15% to 100% per annum and more strategy dependent (initially high risk) 1-7 years old from 100 rubles
(⭐️⭐️⭐️ - high/medium) (⭐️⭐️⭐️ - high/medium) (⭐️⭐️⭐️ - high) (⭐️⭐️⭐️ - very low)
➕ Pros and ➖ Cons:
(+ ) If you have an effective strategy, you can get high profitability. (+ ) Low entry threshold and accessibility. (- ) High risks, especially for beginners. You can lose significant money in a short time if you do not manage the risk. 99% of newbies lose their money. (- ) Training is required: special knowledge and experience, as well as the ability to manage emotions. There is no guarantee that in a given period you will make a profit.

Option number 7: Own / partner business

And this, in my opinion, is one of the most profitable ways to invest, which can bring you more than one hundred or even a thousand percent of income!

Of course, in most cases, business requires personal presence. But on the other hand, a business can automate the process or simply invest in someone else's business at the stage of development.

Another option is to buy a ready-made business or open a franchise business (in this case, the risks will be much lower).

At the same time, even if you have a small initial capital, you can still open your own business. Many people opened a profitable business with little or no investment, so money is not the most important thing here, the main thing is desire and aspiration!😀

I myself started a successful business several times from scratch! By the way, if you turn to statistics, then among millionaires about 70-80% - These are entrepreneurs who started a business from scratch!

✅Please Note:
You can turn your hobby into a business and never work again in your life, but do what you love! Perhaps this is the most preferred option!

As Confucius said:
« Choose a job you love and you won't have to work a single day in your life!«

And how to find your favorite job / business of life - read.

If you do not yet have a stable source of income, then first of all think about creating a business, even if it is small at first. The main thing in this business is not to be afraid take the first step!

Think about it, maybe you always wanted to open your own auto shop, hairdresser, sporting goods store or handicraft store?

Here are some more helpful tips:

  1. Start small (and with minimal investment) and gradually grow your business. At the initial stage of business development, do not immediately invest a lot of money.
  2. Choose niches with minimal competition - they are easier to start in.
  3. If you have a small initial capital, then it may be worth trying a business in the service sector.

I will also give you a few options from my experience, how you can start a business with minimal investment, I think you will be interested!👇

It is easy to start your own business on the Internet. For example, you can provide services or sell goods through ad platforms (the most popular is Avito). I just started with this! 🙂

By the way, now goods from China are very popular, where the margin can reach up to 500-3000%. Including such goods are successfully sold through the Internet (one-pagers).

Another area where large investments are not required and it is not so difficult to start is a wholesale business via the Internet.

While both in the case of wholesale and retail sales, the goods do not have to be in stock - you can work according to the dropshipping scheme. The main thing is to find customers (you can do this for free on bulletin boards).

In short, the essence of dropshipping is that you work with a supplier who directly ships the product to the customer. He sells his goods and has income from this, and you get your margin on the sale.

Read more about how to organize in a separate article!

OUTPUT: Business is able to bring very high profitability with minimal investment. In addition, business can be turned into a favorite thing that is interesting and wants to do!

Yield: Risk: Payback: Minimum investment:
from 30% to 1000% per annum and more High risk initially from several months to 1-5 years from 10,000 rubles (you can even start from scratch)
(⭐️⭐️⭐️ - high/medium) (⭐️⭐️ - medium/high) (⭐️⭐️⭐️ - high) (⭐️⭐️⭐️ - low/medium)
➕ Pros and ➖ Cons:
(+ ) One of the highest yields among all investment instruments. (+ ) It is easier for businesses to find partners and/or co-investors. You can start without large investments, the main thing in business is an idea! (- ) High initial risks. 7-8 out of 10 start-up businesses close within 2-3 years. Low liquidity - it is difficult to quickly sell a business. (- ) You need to understand the business and understand how it works, even if you invest in a "foreign" business. You need to constantly learn.

Option #8: Mutual Funds

DESCRIPTION: Mutual investment funds can also be attributed to trust management, which we have already talked about a little.

Mutual investment funds are professionally engaged in investment activities, investing and managing the money of their investors (invest in certain stocks, bonds ...).

Absolutely anyone can become a contributor, for this you need to purchase a share (share) in a mutual investment fund. Depending on whether the mutual fund successfully manages investments, shareholders make a profit or loss.

It should be noted that the activities of mutual funds are regulated at the state level and, as a rule, they are prohibited from investing in high-risk assets. Therefore, they are considered more secure than the same brokers.

Mutual funds usually give a low return (usually from 15 to 30% per year), with little risk. Here is an example of the yield of some mutual funds for 11 months:

Return on mutual funds for 11 months

However, mutual funds do not give guaranteed profits, unlike bonds and deposits - there are also often unprofitable periods.

But in general, if we take a period of 3-5 years, then many mutual funds show positive dynamics and make a profit (provided there is no crisis). Therefore, it makes sense to invest in mutual funds for a period of 1 year.

The minimum investment amount is from 1,000 rubles. You can buy shares online, including through certain banks, such as Sberbank.

If this type of investment is right for you, then it makes sense to choose not one mutual fund, but several in order to distribute possible risks.

And make it a rule before investing anywhere, including in any specific mutual funds, read the reviews of real people on the Internet, and also read what they write about them on the forums. With this simple action, you will protect yourself from unreliable and fraudulent organizations.

OUTPUT: Mutual funds can be considered as an alternative to brokers who also invest money mainly in the stock market. In the absence of a crisis, they usually also bring good returns.

Yield: Risk: Payback: Minimum investment:
from 12% to 30% per annum moderate 3-10 years from 1,000 rubles
(⭐️⭐️ - medium) (⭐️⭐️ - medium) (⭐️⭐️ - medium) (⭐️⭐️⭐️ - low)
➕ Pros and ➖ Cons:
(+ ) The average yield exceeds the interest rates on bonds and deposits. (+ ) Low entry threshold, as well as control over the activities of mutual funds by the state. (- ) There is no guarantee that you will receive income. There is an additional "commission" (surcharge) for buying/selling units. (- ) You will have to pay a 13% income tax - many other investments have preferential taxation conditions.

Option #9: Microfinance Institutions (MFIs)

Another type of investment is investing in MFIs. The return on such investments averages from 12% to 30% per annum.

The minimum amount required to invest in MFIs must be at least 1.5 million rubles (according to the law).

The longer the term of the investment, the higher the interest rate. The minimum term in MFIs, as a rule, is 3 months.

It should be noted that in this case there is no deposit insurance, and in general the risks are much greater than if you invest in bonds or in a bank at interest.

If you still decide to invest in an MFI, then be sure to choose a trusted company that has been operating on the market for more than one year.

⭐️ Good advice!
Look primarily at the "age" of the MFI, and not at the interest rate that you are promised.

After all, it is better to invest in a reliable organization at a slightly lower percentage than in a newly appeared MFI with a high percentage.

Additionally, it will not be superfluous to look at reviews and read articles on well-known information portals (for example, RBC) about a particular MFI.

If you want to know my opinion, then in my opinion, if you have investments from 1.5 million rubles, then it is more profitable and safer to invest in real estate than in MFIs! 😀

And besides, I myself do not take loans / loans (especially consumer loans) and do not advise others!😉

OUTPUT: MFOs as a whole give 1.5-2 times more profitability than bank deposits. But there are corresponding risks as well. Yes, and the threshold of entry, to put it mildly, is rather big.

Yield: Risk: Payback: Minimum investment:
from 10% to 30% per annum moderate 3-9 years old from 1 million rubles
(⭐️⭐️ - medium) (⭐️⭐️ - medium) (⭐️⭐️ - medium/low) (⭐️ - high)
➕ Pros and ➖ Cons:
(+ ) High rate relative to bank deposits. (+ ) Passivity of income. Minimal participation on your part. (- ) Very high entry threshold. According to the law, MFIs are allowed to attract from individuals from 1.5 million rubles. (- ) Increased risk, since there is no deposit insurance - in case of bankruptcy, no one will return the money. There is fraud.

Option #10: Precious Metals

DESCRIPTION: Another well-known type of investment is investing in precious metals, in particular gold. At the same time, such investments are highly reliable!

Investing in gold and other precious metals is especially important to invest during a crisis, since it is there that money migrates from the stock market.

Gold coins/gold bars can be purchased both at almost any bank (Sberbank, Gazprombank) and from brokers (for example, Alpari).

Despite the high reliability, investing in gold is more suitable for saving existing funds than for increasing them. In addition, such investments are designed for a longer term of 3 years or more.

Gold prices - chart

❗️ Over the past 5 years, gold in rubles has grown from 1,600 rubles per gram to 2,400 rubles per gram.

The total return for the five years was 50% (on average, gold rose by 10% per year) and this profitability was due to serious depreciation of the ruble.

However, if you look at the dynamics of gold against the dollar, you can see that gold has fallen significantly in price since 2012 and is currently in a sideways trend.

OUTPUT: It still makes sense to buy precious metals (gold) either in times of crisis or in the long term in order to save.

Yield: Risk: Payback: Minimum investment:
from 3% to 15% per annum (in a crisis, the yield is higher) Minimum 7-20 years old from 1000 rubles
(⭐️ - low) (⭐️ - low) (⭐️ - low) (⭐️⭐️⭐️ - low)
➕ Pros and ➖ Cons:
(+ ) High reliability of investments. There is practically no risk of depreciation of gold. Easy to buy/sell at any time. (+ ) Precious metals (especially gold) are a "safe haven". Investments in them are suitable for saving funds during a crisis. (- ) Low profitability during the period of growth and development of economies. Income tax 13% on the sale of gold if the holding period is less than 3 years. (- ) Relatively high commissions of banks/brokers when buying/selling precious metals, incl. gold.

Option #11: Cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin)

Bitcoin has more than doubled in recent years and is apparently not going to stop. Already there are new millionaires who got rich solely on investments in bitcoin.

Of course, the best time to invest was a few years ago when bitcoin was worth about 150-200 dollars.

Some experts say that in the future, bitcoin could be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars and even possibly reach $1 million.

Others argue that bitcoin is about to crash. But despite this, some states (including Russia) are thinking about creating their own national cryptocurrency, which suggests that the topic of cryptocurrencies will be very popular in the future, which means that bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies will probably grow in price.

Especially while cryptocurrencies show a steady growing trend.

But you need to understand that any cryptocurrency is another bubble, since there is nothing real behind it, and yet it is a rather risky investment tool.

For example, bitcoin in just a day can rise or fall by 10-25% - It's quite common here. And in a year, you can both increase your investments by 3-10 times, and lose almost everything!

OUTPUT: On the one hand, cryptocurrencies are too risky an instrument, and on the other hand, in case of growth, they can bring huge returns. Whether it is worth investing in it or not, everyone decides for himself, one thing is clear - definitely you should not invest all your money in them!

Yield: Risk: Payback: Minimum investment:
from 20% to 1,000% per annum elevated from 3 months to 1-5 years from 100 rubles
(⭐️⭐️⭐️ - very high) (⭐️⭐️⭐️ - very high) (⭐️⭐️⭐️ - very high) (⭐️⭐️⭐️ - very low)
➕ Pros and ➖ Cons:
(+ ) In the case of the growth of cryptocurrencies, it is possible to multiply the invested funds in a short time. (+ ) As a rule, there is no inflation due to the limited amount of issued cryptocurrency. (- ) Very high volatility of cryptocurrencies, in a matter of days they can both grow in price and seriously collapse. Low predictability. (- ) Cryptocurrencies are not backed by anything, as this is another bubble. The complete absence of guarantees - in case of loss of money, no one will return them.

Option number 12: Internet projects (online business)

DESCRIPTION: The Internet is developing at a tremendous pace, at the same time providing an opportunity for each of us to earn money in this global network.

It is important to note that large investments are not always required to promote a particular project on the Internet. Some of the projects can be started with minimal investment or even from scratch.

At the moment, the following directions are popular:

1. Sites. Information sites are created and filled with unique content.

With minimal investment, it is possible to receive high profitability through advertising. Usually the site starts to bring the first income in 4-6 months.

FROM 1000 visitors per day, depending on the subject, you can earn approximately 200-3000 rubles in a day. The spread is very large, since it depends on the subject of the site what income you will receive.

Making money on websites is suitable even for beginners, since you can write articles yourself, and not order them on copywriting exchanges.

But still, in the beginning it will be necessary to delve into the essence and understand the key details of such a business.

2. Social publics. Surely, almost every one of us is subscribed to some kind of community in social networks (VKontakte, Facebook, classmates ...).

Meanwhile, the owners of such publics also earn mainly from the publication of advertising posts. In public with millions of subscribers, the cost of one advertising post can be worth 2-7 thousand rubles .

Publics with relatively small investments pay off very quickly. Although now the competition in publics is high, but if you choose the right topic for the public, post high-quality and interesting content and develop the public, then you won’t have to wait long for success!

3. CPA affiliate programs / traffic arbitrage. Their essence is that some business owners are willing to pay a certain percentage of the sale of their goods / services.

For example, if a person who clicked on your affiliate link opens a current account in a particular bank, then you can earn 2-3 thousand rubles

If you can effectively attract traffic through advertising, then it is quite possible to get a high return on investment. However, as you probably already understood, here the main investments go exactly to advertising.

But in this case, the main role is played by experience, without it, nowhere!

4. Online services. You can also invest in creating an online service. These include various freelance exchanges, message boards, exchangers…

For example, projects that are engaged in the exchange of electronic money are very popular (in fact, they are called exchangers).

For example, if you need to transfer money from a Yandex wallet to a Qiwi wallet, then the easiest way to do this is through exchangers. By the way, you can also buy bitcoins with the help of exchangers.

Exchangers, in turn, take a small commission for the exchange (usually 1-5% ). Due to the turnover, a fairly decent income is obtained.

5. Apps for iOS/Android. Since relatively recently, applications for Android and iOS have become very popular - this is a large segment of the market where big money is spinning.

Therefore, if you have an interesting idea that will be in wide demand, then it might be worth trying to create your own application.

❗️ For example, applications for the sale of air tickets are quite popular, here you can get quite decent affiliate commissions from airlines.

Even if you don’t know anything about how to create applications, you can create them for quite a bit of money ( 20-30 thousand rubles ) order on freelance exchanges.

Here, as elsewhere, it is the idea that plays the key role - the success or failure of the application depends on it.

6. Hype. HYIPs - in reality, they are a financial pyramid that lives off the funds invested in it.

Such HYIPs offer very high interest rates ( 1-5% per day) on the invested funds, but of course they can only function for a few days or weeks, after which they disappear without a trace.

There are HYIPs that “live” for several months or even several years, but the profitability on them, respectively, is several times / tens of times lower.

In any case, invest in such HYIPs very risky , because the creators of these HYIPs and a small group of investors mainly earn money - who managed to withdraw money with a profit until the moment when the HYIP turned into a "scam" (stopped paying out money).

And yet, I strongly advise you not to invest in HYIPs, especially if you are not particularly versed in this.

OUTPUT: Online projects are a great option for those who want to make money on the Internet. With the right approach, Internet projects can give high returns with a minimum investment.

Yield: Risk: Payback: Minimum investment:
from 30% to 500% per annum moderate from 3 months to 2-4 years from 500 rubles
(⭐️⭐️⭐️ - high) (⭐️⭐️ - medium/high) (⭐️⭐️⭐️ - high) (⭐️⭐️⭐️ - very low)
➕ Pros and ➖ Cons:
(+ ) High yield. The investment can pay off very quickly. (+ ) Some projects can be started with minimal investment or even from scratch, investing only your time and effort. (- ) There is a risk that the project will not shoot and will not pay for itself. (- ) knowledge is required. You need to be well versed in the key nuances of the Internet business.

Option #13: Venture funds/investments

Venture funds are especially widely developed abroad, in our country they are not yet so popular, but nevertheless they are a fairly profitable investment tool.

The essence of venture funds is that they invest money exclusively in projects that are at the development stage (startup) or even at the idea stage.

A distinctive feature of venture investments is very, very high profitability, they can bring thousands of percent!

But on the other hand, only 1-2 out of 10 projects shoot and bring huge profits. But despite this, they usually more than pay off all investments in "unsuccessful" projects.

☝️ Real example!
Today's largest companies Apple, Google, Intel ... and even the well-known Chinese online store Aliexpress (Alibaba) started with venture capital investments.

Over the past 2 years, Apple shares have risen by about 5000 times! So if you were to invest in the early stages of a business 100 000 rubles, in 2 years your fortune would be already 500 million rubles .

You can invest in projects in startups mainly in several ways:

  • crowdinvesting and crowdlending platforms (suitable for beginners);
  • venture funds;
  • investor clubs.

OUTPUT: Yet venture capital investment is underdeveloped in Russia. Yes, and often a large start-up capital is required, and among crowdinvesting platforms (where the entry threshold is not high) there are often scammers. Meanwhile, venture investments can bring very high returns!

Yield: Risk: Payback: Minimum investment:
from 40% to 3000% per annum elevated from several months to 1-3 years from 10,000 - 100,000 rubles (in venture funds - from 500,000 dollars)
(⭐️⭐️⭐️ - very high) (⭐️⭐️⭐️ - very high) (⭐️⭐️⭐️ - high) (⭐️⭐️ - high/medium)
➕ Pros and ➖ Cons:
(+ ) If successful, you can get the highest possible profitability. (+ ) Large funds are not always required to invest at the start of a project. (- ) Very high risks, most start-up projects turn out to be unprofitable. (- ) Fraud is widely developed - investment sites may turn out to be financial pyramids.

Option number 14: Art objects

Another unusual way to invest your money is to invest it in art. This is a rather narrow and specialized market, however, it can bring good returns.

It's no secret that certain works of art can cost hundreds and even millions of dollars. And if you really understand art, then you can earn hundreds of percent of profit on investments.

❗️ The only important feature in this case is that such investments often require big investments . And besides, in order to get a good return, you need to invest for a long period ( decades ).

Like investing in precious metals, investing in art is not subject to inflation and will only cost more over time.

And the crisis practically does not affect the value of art objects.

OUTPUT: This type of investment is suitable for those who understand at least something in art and are ready to invest money in the long term.

Yield: Risk: Payback: Minimum investment:
from 20% to 100% per annum and more minimum usually 1 to 3-5 years from 100 000 rubles and more
(⭐️⭐️ - medium/high) (⭐️ - low) (⭐️⭐️ - medium) (⭐️⭐️ - high/medium)
➕ Pros and ➖ Cons:
(+ ) You can get a relatively high return with minimal risk. (+ ) High reliability. Over time, art objects only grow in value. (- ) Often, investments in art require a large initial capital and involve long-term investment. (- ) You need to be a specialist, have specific knowledge and experience.

Option #15: Knowledge and personal development

No matter how incredible it may seem, but always the most profitable investment is always an investment in yourself (in the development of specific skills, abilities, gaining knowledge, experience ...).

It must be understood that the first knowledge/experience, not money allows you to earn and multiply your own.

I think more than once you have heard stories that most people who have won millions in the lottery, after a few months or years, again returned to the life they lived before (or even fell even lower).

In addition, often in order to learn something, no investments are required at all - the main thing is that there is a desire, and everything else will follow!

If you have free funds, then it makes even more sense to invest some of them in your development: attend trainings, webinars and seminars.

One of the most important differences about investing in knowledge is that no one will ever be able to take it away from you. You can lose everything, but not the acquired skills and experience.

For example, an experiment was conducted in the USA: a professional real estate agent was left completely without money several times in different cities. And the result was always the same - in a couple of months he managed to earn tens of thousands of dollars from scratch.

OUTPUT: Therefore, if you still do not know where to invest your money, then the most win-win option is to invest it in yourself (at least some of it). And do not forget that even an unsuccessful experience is also an extremely valuable experience! 👍

Yield: Risk: Payback: Minimum investment:
endless minimum from several weeks/months from 0 rubles
(⭐️⭐️⭐️ - very high) (⭐️ - very low) (⭐️⭐️⭐️ - high) (⭐️⭐️⭐️ - low)
➕ Pros and ➖ Cons:
(+ ) The most important and most profitable asset in the world is knowledge, skills and experience. (+ ) No one can take away your knowledge and experience, and you will always be able to turn them into money. (- ) For many, it is difficult at the first stage to motivate yourself to study. (- ) It is not always possible to immediately turn your knowledge into money - this requires time and experience.

3. Golden rules for proper investment - TOP 5 tips

And now I want to introduce you to a few more very important investment rules that will help you manage your money properly!

First What I talked about at the beginning of the article is not to store all your eggs in one basket. This rule applies especially to you if you have a lot of money to invest.

Instead of investing everything in one instrument, distribute the amount equally among several parts. For example, into 3 parts and invest them in real estate, stocks, in a new business.

If you have very little money, then consider starting your own business.

Second- try to invest most of the funds (40-60%) in assets with the least risk, the best choice between profitability and risk, as for me, is real estate.

And remember that risk is what you need to think about first! Moreover, if you do not have experience and knowledge, then poking around yourself and investing all your money in high-risk instruments: Forex, stocks, bitcoins… hoping that you will quickly multiply them is by no means worth it.

Believe me, this is an already tried path, in which a huge number of people have lost fortunes!

It will allow you to survive unfavorable times and find other sources of income.

Fourth- create passive income so that you can receive money even when you are not working.

Fifth- Before investing your earned money in any particular organization, read reviews and comments about it on the forums. Make sure it's a real company and not a scam.

It will also be great if you learn how to give 10% of your profits to charity.

✔️ As Socrates said:
There is only one good - knowledge and only one evil - ignorance.

4. Where to invest money to earn money - specific examples

In this section of the article, I will tell you where, from my own experience, I would invest money, having this or that amount of investment available!

I will not consider very risky investment options in these examples. Consider only conservative and moderate-risk investments.

- Where to invest 100,000 - 200,000 rubles?

100 - 200 thousand rubles is not such a large amount, so I would most likely invest in starting my own business or in the business of my friends. And I would allocate 10-20 thousand for attending trainings and seminars.

As an option, if you do not want to invest in a business, you can consider bonds. In extreme cases, you can open a bank deposit, but it will be of very little use, since the interest will only cover inflation.

If the risk allows, you can try to invest in the structured products of brokers (trust management). Their risk is usually limited to 10-15% of the investment amount, and you can earn more than with bonds.

- Where to invest 300,000 - 500,000 rubles?

Also a relatively small amount by the standards of investment. This amount can already be divided into 2-3 parts and invested, for example, in business , bonds , gold or trust management e.

If there is an option within this amount to purchase real estate during the construction phase, you can invest in it.

- Where to invest a million rubles?

Having 1,000,000 rubles on hand, you can already try to invest in almost any of the tools described in this article.

For 1 million rubles. it is already quite realistic to purchase a rough apartment and an apartment at the stage of excavation.

Or alternatively:

  • You can invest part of the money (100-250 thousand rubles) in shares of promising companies, give them to trust management, PAMM accounts / portfolios, or invest in mutual funds.
  • But 400,000 - 500,000 rubles can be invested in reliable instruments: various bonds (it is also desirable to divide the amount into 3-5 parts), gold, art objects ...
  • I would still invest a small amount of 30,000 - 50,000 in cryptocurrency, in case it seriously rises in price in the next couple of years.
  • For the remaining amount, you can try to open a business (including on the Internet).

5. Where better not to invest in order not to burn out - important tips on how to avoid fraud

At the end of the article, let's talk about no less important: how not to lose your money and how not to fall for scammers.

The world is full of people who invent various schemes to steal money through fraud. Especially in our time, fraud thrives abundantly on the Internet (and not only!).

Therefore, before investing money somewhere, it is worth checking 10 times to see if you end up with a nose.

Both on the Internet and in real life, people often come across "super profitable" projects that promise to make them millionaires in the very near future. The organizers of such projects offer huge interest rates, fast payouts, very favorable conditions, etc. - all if only people would invest their money.

💡Take note!
Super favorable conditions- this is the very first sign that they most likely want to deceive you! Fraudsters love to cash in on other people's greed!

Money does not come from nowhere, if someone receives money, then someone will definitely part with it!

The most common type of fraud is financial pyramids (remember at least Mavrodi and his MMM). Visually, some kind of plausible story can be created, as if the project really functions (provides any services), but in reality the organizers of this project only earn on the investments of gullible people.

Sometimes the “history” of a project is so well created and worked out that it is very difficult for an ordinary person to detect fraud.

HYIPs(which we talked about earlier) are essentially also built on the basis of a financial pyramid and they can also be attributed to a fraudulent scheme (although it is also possible to earn money on them, but experience is required). Also here you can add various casinos and other ways where they promise "easy" money.

Another controversial investment tool is sports betting. It is realistic to make money on them in the long term, but only bet organizers and 5-10% of participants (those who are in the know) do this, and the rest only constantly lose money.

I will also single out another type of widespread fraud on the Internet - this is the sale of various courses, programs…which, according to promises, can bring you incredible income in a matter of hours (days). Having bought them, you will throw away your money to the wind (tested on your own skin 😀).

So, invest in what you are good at! Otherwise, you will be profited by those who are well versed in what you do not understand! This is my unfortunate experience.😞

If you are not yet particularly versed in a particular investment object, then invest time and money (they are not even necessary) first of all into your knowledge ! It will be your best investment!

6. Conclusion

Well, here you have learned about all the most popular and profitable areas for investing money.

Of course, it is impossible to fit all the options and all the nuances of investments into one article, but I tried to make the article as useful and interesting as possible for you!

I hope my experience for some of you turned out to be at least a little valuable and you have already decided where to invest your money! 😀

Once again, I emphasize that in my experience, the most profitable investments are investments own business / business And knowledge !

What do you think is the best place to invest your money? Feel free to share your opinion in the comments!

Thank you for reading the article to the end! I wish you successful and profitable investments! 👍💵👍

P.S. If you liked the article, I will be very grateful if you share it on social networks! Also, please rate it on a 5-point scale. 👇 Thanks in advance!

Good day dear readers and guests of the blog. How do you start investing and make your money work for you? Read the article to find out! Or keep going to work and trading your time for money.

Now that I've got your attention, let's get started.

Let's start from the very beginning, let's define the concept of investing.

Investment- this is an investment of some resource in order to obtain a return on invested capital.

Investing is a broader concept than many realize. And for each person it means different meanings.

In this article, we will discuss how to start investing money.

After all money is a measure of sufficiency in the modern world. Almost all people's dreams are related to money, you want to travel, buy a car, open your own business - all this requires money, you can't go anywhere without it.

And where to get this money? Earn! But you can't work 24 hours to make money, and your money can work for you 24 hours. You have days off, but your money doesn't. You can get sick, but money can't! They are constantly working for you, they are a better worker than you.

Therefore, anyone who wants to achieve more in life needs to learn the basic laws of money, learn the basics of the financial world and start investing and the first step is to start saving money.

Start filling your wallet

Well, now you understand that you need to invest and you have made the decision to start investing money. What's next? How to start investing for a beginner?

You need to optimize your income and expenses and start filling your wallet. But how to do it? Start budgeting and understand whether you earn more than you spend or not. If you spend less, then you have a greater chance of success. Start filling your wallet by saving at least 10% of each income received (salary, bonus, donated money, etc.) to create your capital and start investing.

Putting aside 10% a month is not a problem, believe me. But you have to do it regularly! The main thing is not to stop and develop the habit of doing it constantly. The salary came - they postponed it, the bonus came - they postponed it, they received a cash gift - they postponed it again.

With the help of such a not tricky action, you will begin to have money to invest. Where to postpone? It's up to you, but it's recommended to go somewhere you can't get to. For example, on a bank deposit.

And if you realize that you are spending more, and also the loan is hanging. What then? Don't invest? No, we are going to get our finances in order.

Get your finances in order

To begin with, let's figure out what we spend money on, for this we need to write down all our expenses and in a couple of weeks analyze what the money is spent on.

After we analyze, we will decide what we can get rid of. In almost 90-99% of cases, we have expenses that we can refuse to replenish our wallet.

We refuse them and go back a step and replenish our wallet.

If you have a loan, then before filling your wallet it is recommended to get rid of it. Try to pay not only the interest that goes on the loan, but also deposit more money in order to finish it off faster.

Now we look at the problem from the other side. You do not have loans, you do not have expenses that you can cut, what to do in this case?

Option one is to start increasing your income. How to do it? I have described this most fully in my free book.

Increase your income and start saving money.

Learning to invest

Do you have money and are you ready to start investing, looking for tools and investing? No, these are not correct thoughts. It was the same thoughts that visited me at one time and, without understanding the intricacies, I began to headlong invest money in various instruments.

You need to learn how to invest, understand the basic concepts, against some investment school.

You must understand all the intricacies of investment science. Because investing is not just about investing money, it is about managing all aspects of your financial life. This is your thinking and your actions, and your actions.

Therefore, the first thing you do is invest some of the accumulated money in your education.

I have been trained by several people who teach different ways and methods of investing. Some teach investing in risky financial instruments, others in less risky ones. Someone provides the basis for everything, helping to keep the family budget and tell why and where to invest.

I was trained by Kirill Kirillov and Dmitry Oberderfer, it was a live training.

Choosing an investment instrument

Well, if you are ready to learn on your own, study everything and take all the risks from ignorance, then you can read to study various financial instruments on my blog.

For beginners, I advise you to invest in PAMM accounts. What is it possible.

But in general, there are a lot of financial instruments, and they are designed for people with different incomes, different financial education and ready to take on different financial risks.

  1. Bank deposits
  2. Stock market (independent trading)
  3. Forex market (self-trading)
  4. Trust management in financial markets
  5. PAMM accounts (forex money management)
  6. Mutual funds (managing your money in the stock market)
  7. Real estate investment
  8. Direct investment in enterprises
  9. Microcredit
  10. HYIPs and other financial pyramids (some do not recommend contacting them)

There are others, but let's focus on these.

As you can see, there are a lot of financial investment instruments, but for starters, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with one of the list, study it and start practicing investing.


Well, here we come to the most important thing, when you have in your head a complete picture of what a beginner needs to invest, you are ready to start practicing.

Nothing will come of it without practice. You must feel all the nuances, you must learn not only to earn, but also to lose money. You just have to be ready for it.

Investing is a risk! And this must be taken for granted. But risks can be managed, and the job of a good investor is to understand how to manage risk. And this requires constant practice, as in any business.

Investing is not an occasional investment of money, it is a constant and work. And you should treat it like a job. Then you will get more.

Take me as an example, when I was actively involved in investing, I got good results, then I played too much and broke the basic rules of the investor and lost most of my investment portfolio, and took a break for more than a year. But I didn’t just leave, I started investing almost all the money in my education and the development of my blog.

At the moment I am studying financial instruments in which you can invest money, I am studying various financial concepts. Learn how to properly manage your money. And I believe that investing money and time for further profit is the path to financial independence and financial freedom.

And especially for this article, I recorded a short video, watch, comment and ask questions.

Investment is a great way to create a source of additional passive income. Many people are interested in how to invest money, and various sites offer thousands of articles on this topic. Unfortunately, you can’t just invest in the first project that comes across and immediately become a good investor. As in any other activity, investing has its own rules, laws, and in order to skillfully apply them in practice - need experience. In this article, you will learn what you need to do to learn how to invest from scratch or become a more professional investor.

By the way, a do you need any investment? Of course, they generate income, but many people do without bank deposits, stocks, bonds and live quietly on their salary. In the end, it's no secret to anyone that investing is risky, you can not only earn money, but also lose it! Well, I answered this question in sufficient detail in the article “ and why do you need them where you will find four compelling reasons why your savings should be profitable.

Haven't changed your mind? Well, let's figure out how to learn how to invest from scratch for a beginner and what you need to do for this. The content of the article:

Preparation and motivation

So, you want to learn how to invest wisely, where to start learning? The first thing you should remember: rush to nothing. No need to run headlong to invest in the hope of making money as soon as possible - it always ends badly. Banks and financial markets will not go anywhere and will accept your deposit at any time.

By the way, in parallel with immersion in investing, it is worth. This is the only way to manage your finances as effectively as possible.

To get off to a good start, it is important to prepare properly. To begin with, you need to start saving money from your salary, preferably at least 20%. This habit is important not only because it allows you to save money for investing, it also helps to put your finances into enrichment mode, because:

Rich is not the one who has a large income, but the one who has income exceeds expenses.

To invest with a clear conscience, you must have extra finances, outside of the monthly budget. Otherwise, sooner or later it will become difficult to allocate money for investment and the process will stall.

You also need to think carefully about your motivation. Investment education for beginners is a long and sometimes quite complicated process, so you must clearly see the purpose for which you will do this. It is important to understand why you really need investments.

For example, my motivation to invest is the creation that will allow me to solve any issues I need: buying an apartment, a car, educating children in the future, and so on. These are long-term goals, if you look closer to today, then I invest in showing blog readers how realistic this is in practice. I want people around me to think about investing and improve their financial situation - this goal inspires me to dive further into the topic.

To become an investor, it is not enough just to know the rules of a competent investment of money. It is also important that you learn think correctly, see the world as an investor. This is not so difficult to do, because there are very good ones that give the novice investor the right thoughts and ideas - the basis of investor thinking. In addition, such books provide useful knowledge about the proper management of personal finances and financial literacy.

The first book I would recommend is The richest man in Babylon. This is definitely a great read for a novice investor: on the example of the stories from the life of the richest city in the ancient world, you can learn the basic laws by which money works. Including the basic principles of investing.

The second book on the "must read" list is Rich dad, poor dad. The author tells a lot of interesting things about finance, business and education, although not everything can be applied in our realities. Another thing is important - few books so motivate to study investing! This is just what a beginner needs, I highly recommend it.

Good stuff can be found on Youtube. I will recommend you one good video, which tells in simple terms about investments and financial management in general:

How to learn to invest as a beginner - theory

The theory of investing is not as complicated as it might seem. The basic principles can be told in an hour, and there is no higher mathematics in the calculations. On the blog, I have posted more than 10 articles on the main issues of investing. Of course, it is desirable to read everything, but it is worth starting with these:

The titles of the articles speak for themselves. Diversification- this is the basic principle of a reliable investment of money, which is followed by absolutely all investors from you and me to Warren Buffett. It allows you to reduce investment risks, which are not something mythical and terrible - they are well calculated in advance.

The diversification rule requires the creation portfolio- a set of investment instruments, according to which all the investor's money is distributed. One of the stages of portfolio formation is the definition investment strategy, which covers the entire process of investing money: from your global goal to the smallest details.

  • and why is it an investor

In the future, you will constantly encounter these concepts and it is better to immediately understand what they mean. Yield is a measure of your earnings on investments, and drawdown- a measure of your possible losses. I recommend paying special attention to compound interest- with long-term investment (several years or more), they work real miracles. And you will find specific examples of these miracles in different financial markets in an article about reinvestment.

For starters, this will be enough, but still try to study all the materials of the rubric . More knowledge = more understanding of how investments work.

Learning to invest from scratch in practice

Theory is good, but money is earned only by practical means. There are many ways to invest money, but you can only achieve consistent results by becoming an expert in one or more of them. You should not take on everything at once, especially if you do not have a lot of free time to learn how to invest.

I also follow this rule and have focused my attention on investment opportunities on. This area seems to me very interesting for many reasons:

  • easy access— the minimum deposit varies from $10 to $50;
  • return potential- 30% per annum in dollars is real;
  • variety of instruments– you can trade yourself or completely trust professionals;
  • uniqueness- these are not standard deposits or shares, this is a specific area and it is interesting both to me and to readers.

Investing courses for beginners

And yet, the most convenient and fastest way to learn how to invest is to take a training course. You will be guided by the hand from the basics to the nuances of each investment instrument, taught to choose the right investment options and act correctly in a variety of situations. At least if the training course is good, otherwise there are all sorts of things - now everyone and sundry becomes teachers.

I practically did not take courses on investing, because I did not meet good ones. Only one course in my memory stands out qualitatively -. This is a broad profile course, where you will learn not only about investing in Forex, but also about many other things. What is included in the program:

As you can see, all the most important questions are covered - how to create a portfolio and control risks, how to put your finances in order, how to protect your deposits, as well as learning to invest from scratch for beginners in a large number of instruments.

I hope the article gave you an understanding of how to learn how to invest from scratch as a beginner. After learning to invest in theory and after a lot of practice, you will feel confident in your actions and become an expert in your chosen direction of investment. After that, you can already engage in serious investments with an understanding of the matter. Learning how to manage your finances and make them generate additional income is a good achievement that will help a lot in life.

I wish you success in investing! If you still have or have new questions on any of the sections of the article - ask them in the comments.

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One of the most profitable activities is investing. However, many do not dare to start doing it because of many doubts and fears. More often than not, these fears are unfounded. How to learn how to profitably invest your money, what investing for beginners is, will be discussed in this article.


Investing is understood as the acquisition of assets and securities in order to earn a profit that exceeds the costs. This type of activity is the whole science of how to make money. That is why investing is becoming more and more popular every day. Who doesn't want to be financially independent while doing what they love? In other words, those who want to receive a stable passive income can pay special attention to it. Most people believe that in order to start an investment activity, huge amounts of money will be required. This is also a misconception, so before turning down a promising job, you should study some important nuances.

Basic moments

Indeed, a certain amount of money will initially be required, but it may be insignificant. Depending on what goals the investor pursues, the size of the first costs will depend. But the profit will be corresponding. The greater the risk, the larger the amount. And vice versa. The basics of investing for beginners says that the first step is to get rid of all debt. You can’t start your business in the hope of making a profit in order to pay off borrowers. How to invest for beginners? It is necessary to repay previous loans and accumulate a certain amount. It should be comfortable for every future investor. For example, for someone $1000 is not enough, and someone is afraid to lose even $100. Therefore, depending on your financial capabilities, you should start. The main thing to remember is that no matter what the amount is, it should not lead to a stupor for fear of losing it.

If saving the required amount is too long for a future investor, then you can sell some things (old household appliances, a used car, etc.) that are no longer needed. Especially if large dividends from deposits are expected ahead. The main thing is not to get into debt and not to issue credit loans. There are many areas for investment, the main goal will be to find exactly your industry and a way to increase money.

Investing - where to start?

The first and most important step on the path to successful financial activity will be training. Without the basics of theory, you can’t even try to start investing. Otherwise, it will be a game of roulette. These two concepts should not be confused, since you can quickly lose your invested funds without understanding what investing for beginners is. You can study in specialized schools or study books on your own. In any case, having become familiar with the basics of this activity, it will be possible to proceed to the next step, while already feeling confident.

Next, you need to set a goal. This is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. The success of the whole business will depend on the choice of the right goal. It must be adequate, clear and achievable. For example, it would be foolish to want to earn a million a month after starting an activity. Investing for beginners means moving towards your dream in small steps. Having received the first real (albeit small) profit, the investor begins to feel his strength, and new horizons open up before him. He begins to understand the principles of the game.

The main rules of a novice investor

Depending on the goal, the nature of the work will be determined. There is an aggressive trading strategy and a conservative one. More details about them will be discussed below. Experienced investors are advised to start with conservative trading. In this case, the risk is minimal, the income is stable, and investing for beginners can bring pleasure from the activity. The main rule of a beginner should be complete self-control. Exposure to emotions can play a cruel joke and leave only negative impressions. Thus, discipline in work should become the main criterion for successful activity.

In addition to the rules listed above, a novice investor should not invest in those instruments that he does not know. It would be foolish to give your money to the sugar industry if a person has spent a lot of time studying the gold and foreign exchange market. In this case, preference should be given to the latter option.

A successful investor must follow the laws of investing. They are here, as in any industry. To learn these laws, you will first need to spend a lot of time on training. It is also necessary to diversify your deposits, that is, distribute them in several directions at once. This reduces the risks and increases the chances of making a profit.

You can trust your financial resources to a professional only after knowing his reputation. In order not to run into a scammer, it is better to contact trusted companies with positive reviews.

Choice of intermediary

Having asked questions about what investment is, where to start their activities in this area, the investor should know that an exchange intermediary plays an important role in his success. Most often, such intermediaries are brokerage companies. With their help, you can make transactions or pre-train. The main criteria when choosing a broker should be its reputation and the conditions for concluding transactions. In the event that tariffs and prices are unreasonably high, and the quality of the services provided leaves much to be desired, then it would be best to choose another option. Today on the Internet you can find information about almost any organization. Therefore, before giving preference to any company, you should look for reviews and read them carefully.

Investment lessons for beginners, which are conducted by many brokerage companies, allow you to understand what type of investor a person belongs to. If in real trading an inexperienced player has little chance of understanding the rules of the game due to the rapid “draining” of the deposit or loss of capital, then in the educational version many mistakes can be avoided. Having chosen the most comfortable trading conditions and instruments on a practice account, the investor will be able to draw the right conclusions in real work. Depending on your passion, you can understand whether it is worth starting to work with securities in reality, or it is better to postpone the idea to a later date, or completely.

Choosing a strategy

Some people think that investing their financial resources in any industry ends here. That is, it creates the feeling that, having acquired shares, the investor is simply waiting for his profit, with folded arms. This is a big misconception because he is actually following his own strategy. Success will depend on whether it is chosen correctly, whether it corresponds to the temperament of the trader.

The strategy is formed on the basis of collecting various information, such as political, analytical, economic and others. For example, depending on what type of strategy the investor chooses, his investment portfolio will depend. People who are prone to risk prefer to form their portfolio of securities from non-traditional financial instruments and shares. With their help, the trader is given the chance to make big profits in a short time.

Investors who are inclined to conservative trading prefer to invest in traditional papers and stocks, which have a small but stable percentage of returns. Investment tools for a novice investor may be different, depending on the chosen trading tactics. For example, those who lean toward an analytical activity use charts. And those who make decisions based on the economic condition of the country are closely following the news. The combination of two strategies at once gives a chance to receive a stable and high income. It is the search for this type of investment that becomes the meaning of all work for many.

Any person professionally engaged in investing will confirm that the main goal is to profitably invest their financial resources, while at the same time protecting themselves and their deposits from possible losses as much as possible. That is why experienced investors, before advising where to start investing for a beginner, focus on this fact. Before the understanding of the mechanism of operation of assets and instruments comes, it will take a lot of time. But, as mentioned above, a successful investor must always pursue his goal. And there is only one thing in this type of activity - to make money.

Many successful players in the currency and exchange markets advise you to always remember the basics of investing for beginners. It is they who lead even experienced investors through crisis moments. After all, knowing the main rules and having self-discipline, you can really achieve real heights in a new field for yourself.

Professionals also advise turning to more experienced players for help. For example, in the event that a novice investor doubts his own abilities, he can entrust the management of his capital to a specialist.

You should not trust your money to various companies that promise huge interest in a short period of time. These are the so-called pyramid schemes that can leave not only without the promised interest, but also without initial investments. Thus, you should first familiarize yourself with the general recommendations of experienced investors and listen to their advice. Relying only on your own strength, you can make many mistakes.

The most profitable investment

In addition to those investors who are professionally engaged in this activity, many other millions of people are puzzling over where it is profitable to invest their money. Investing for beginners in Russia provides several ways to successfully invest money. Below are some of the most profitable options.

The most common way to multiply your money is through bank deposits. They are available to almost every citizen. In addition, bank deposits are insured, which guarantees the safety of money in the event of an unforeseen situation or an economic crisis. Of course, the yield from this type of investment leaves much to be desired, but it is more reliable and more profitable than just keeping money under the mattress.

Another, more profitable way is to invest in PAMM accounts. PAMM investing for beginners is a promising way to earn passive income. With its help, a person may not even be engaged in trading securities and currency pairs on his own, but entrust this work to a professional who will directly manage the account. Your profit will depend on whether the trader is chosen correctly.

Investing in real estate has been one of the most profitable ways to invest capital for many years. Depending on the point of entry into the market and the time of exit, the amount of income will vary. An investor should not just invest in any object he likes, but calculate everything correctly, make an analysis of the economic situation of the country, the area where the object is located. If everything is correctly calculated and thought out, then in a few years it will be possible to receive a solid income. The difference between buying and selling will be the depositor's salary.

Investing in precious metals is not so common in our country, but it is quite a profitable and stable option. The main precious metal is gold, and, as you know, it is constantly growing in price. During the period of its slight fluctuations, it is possible to profitably buy or sell metal. The whole risk lies only in the fact that it is almost impossible to accurately predict the time of growth or fall in value.

Real Estate Investing for Beginners

This option attracts a large number of investors not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Investing in real estate gives you the opportunity to make a profit both from the sale and from the lease. Over time, rental payments can cover the costs of the contributor. However, most citizens do not have the opportunity to engage in this type of capital investment. The question arises: how can real estate investing be done for beginners? For example, if a depositor has a small free amount, then you can only buy a room, and then rent it out. So, it will be possible in the future to bring it into a decent form, and with the dividends received, over time, redeem the rest of the apartment or premises.

You can purchase not only apartments and buildings, but also land. It is also a profitable investment. Of course, not everyone can spend money on plots in Moscow, but investing for beginners in Ufa, for example, will be a great option to start. In addition to domestic objects, there is always the opportunity to purchase those abroad.

As a rule, investing in commercial or non-commercial real estate is a long-term project. One should not expect instant profits from such a move. Most often, this type of activity is carried out by large investors, because for small ones it is too high risks. Thus, it is better to take advantage of insurance to minimize your risks. This will require additional costs, but otherwise it can protect against large losses.

Summing up

So, we can conclude that investment is a very serious type of activity that can not only bring huge income, but also leave the investor with nothing. That is why, before deciding to invest in any area, it is necessary to initially weigh the pros and cons. The goal of the investor is not only to invest profitably and save them, but also to increase them. This is a very painstaking work that requires constant training, analysis of incoming information and adequate decision-making.

Securities management requires daily attention from the investor. Having decided to engage in this activity, sometimes it is necessary to leave a permanent place of work. Otherwise, torn between two directions, you can lose them both.

Investing, the beginning of which will be laid only at the most opportune moment, becomes a profitable direction for activity.