Passive income or how to issue loans in webmoney? Issue a loan at interest What you need to make money on WebMoney loans


To make money on issuing loans, you must have free finances. Issuance of loans in Webmoney (WebMoney) is carried out in wmz. The option to borrow money for issuing at a higher interest rate exists, but it is more complicated and usually less effective.

Options for issuing Webmoney loans

  • Issuance of loans on the forums
  • Issuance of loans through the loan application form on your website (manual processing, individual contact)

I issue loans using Keeper Klassic. To issue Webmoney loans, you need to create a WMD wallet. A special wallet is not required for issuing loans at trust limits, although some create a separate wmz wallet for issuing loans.

Creating a WMD wallet WebMoney (WebMoney).

To create a WMD wallet, select Menu - Wallets - Create new, or click the Create icon in the Wallets tab. You can also right-click on a free field while in the keeper's "purses" tab and select the Create item from the context menu that appears. In the next step, we select the type of WMD wallet, in the next step we accept the user agreement. After that, a new wallet will be created and will appear in the list of wallets.
There can be only one WMD wallet, after creation it cannot be deleted.

More about each of the options for issuing Webmoney loans

A credit machine requires additional initial investments not only directly for issuing a loan, but also for buying a script, creating and promoting a website. For lending on the credit exchange, it is necessary to analyze the application. When issuing according to trust limits, the borrower's keeper is not automatically blocked if the loan is not repaid; if the loan is not repaid, it is blocked. When issuing through forums, you need to be online to contact the borrower and then issue money through a loan or trust limit.

Own credit service (loan machine)

A separate site is usually created for a credit machine. They install a script for a credit machine on it, which you can buy. Set up loan conditions. Promote a website to attract borrowers.
Examples of working credit machines can be viewed on the page item Where to get WebMoney on credit.

Issuing loans on the Webmoney loan exchange

Credit exchange WebMoney Transfer is a system for issuing and receiving loans on the Internet. To issue loans on the Webmoney exchange, you must have a Webmoney passport not lower than the initial one.

To issue a loan, go to the application section and analyze the applications submitted by borrowers for a loan.
Analyze a number of application parameters. Such as the loan amount, repayment amount, interest rate, loan term, purpose of obtaining, repayment guarantees, the amount of debt on previously taken loans, the presence of past due loans (Keeper's blocking), the frequency of loans and other parameters. I want to note that, among other data, a potential lender looks at the credit history, the passport data indicated in the WebMoney certificate, and also the IP from which the application was submitted.

When issuing loans other than ordinary WebMoney commissions Transfer 0.8% of the amount when transferring money, when returning the creditor is charged 0.1% of the amount of the return.

The Webmoney exchange allows you to issue collective credit, this is a loan in which each lender gives out only a part of the requested amount. Most of the orders placed on the exchange are collective, i.e. you can give part of the requested amount. With a collective loan, the amount of repayment received by each lender is proportional to the amount of money provided to them.

After collecting the full requested loan amount, the borrower's WMZ wallet will receive the corresponding amount of WMZ, and the creditor's D wallet will receive debt obligations in the amount indicated for repayment. If the entire requested amount is not collected, the loan application will be canceled (overdue). If the application is overdue, then the entire amount already collected (provided) is returned to the creditors.

A potential borrower can be asked additional questions both individually and on the stock exchange in the comments to the application.

Issuance of loans according to trust limits through the debt service Webmoney

debt service WebMoney. Allows you to lend money wmz in the WebMoney system. This is a credit system where people with formal certificates can be participants in lending. Having a formal passport, you can both issue and receive wmz on credit. Those willing to lend money to a person with a formal passport are extremely rare, and they require guarantees of return.

To provide money through the WebMoney debt service, you need to set trust limits for other participants in the WebMoney system. By selecting suitable applications in the debt service or by submitting your offer. The greater the number and amount of trust limits confirmed by the availability of money from the principal, the more value TL for a specific WMID. The overall level of trust limits set for a given WMID, confirmed by the presence of WMZ, is determined by the TL parameter. The borrower can take money in parts, within the limits of the amounts and terms established for you in the trust limits.

The system does not take additional commissions, only the usual one when transferring money in the Webmoney system 0.8%. Entrance to the debt service is the usual authorization by WMID.

To provide an opportunity to borrow from you to another member of the Webmoney system, you must add it to the list of correspondents of the keeper. Then set a trust limit for it. By specifying the parameters: maximum loan amount, maximum term, percentage, WMZ wallet. Interest is indicated per day, so if during the negotiations you agreed on the amount of interest per month, then divide by 30. To receive a loan, your borrower must agree to your terms. Agreeing to the terms of the provided limit does not oblige you to take money on it, but only provides the opportunity to borrow money if necessary. If there is a trust limit, you can borrow within the established limits on any day.

Unlike others credit systems when lending through trust limits, the lender can return the funds before the end of the loan term, with the loss of all interest, but for this, there must be money on the borrower's wallet. It is better not to use this opportunity, except in exceptional cases.

In applications for receiving money on credit, the desired amount (range of amounts), interest rate, term, type of certificate and other conditions are indicated. For the convenience of finding a suitable application, use sorting by columns (clicking on the heading name again will reverse the sort order).

Issuing wmz on p2p credit exchange

A credit machine that has a p2p loan exchange for automatic issuance of loans. Create one or more loan applications. In this system, lenders add applications and parameters under which a loan can be obtained for this application. The number of applications submitted by one creditor is not limited. The borrower chooses the one he likes from all available offers.

    Loan offer parameters:
  • percentage minimum and maximum;
  • credit term;
  • minimum and maximum loan amount;
  • the minimum level of the certificate (initial or personal);
  • minimum business level value (BL);
  • the minimum age of the certificate (measured in days);
  • maximum debt on the borrower's WMC wallet;
  • the maximum number of claims on the certificate (if you set -1, it is not checked);
  • the content of the loan agreement accepted by the borrower before obtaining a loan;
  • some other parameters, for example, you can specify one (list) WMID only for which this loan offer is valid, or vice versa, specify one (group) WMID for which this loan offer does not apply (Blacklist).

To get a loan, go to the service. You will see a list of all available, on this moment, for you (more precisely for your WMID) loan offers. The list is sorted by percentage from smallest to largest. Choose the loan offer that suits you and click apply. You get a loan after automatic registration within a few minutes. At the same time, choose the most suitable ranges of the amount and term of credit indicated in the loan offer.

above the list with loan offers there is a box that says show all offers. If you click on show all offers, then you will see all the offers of lenders. This can be useful for analyzing loan offers.

Issuance of loans on the forums

Create a topic about issuing loans in the appropriate section of the thematic forum. Indicate in the subject line the main conditions that the borrower must meet in order to apply for a loan and how to contact you. When applying, drown out the questions you are interested in and decide whether or not to issue a loan to the applicant. Then you arrange the issuance of money through the p2p loan exchange, the Webmoney loan exchange or through the trust limit.

Issuance of loans through the loan application form on its website.

On your website, you create a feedback form with the fields that a potential borrower must fill in to apply. Promote this page so that people who want to get a loan can get to it. Regularly analyze received applications. Conduct personal negotiations with borrowers. Then, with a positive decision to issue money, you issue a loan through a p2p loan exchange, a Webmoney loan exchange or a debt service.

Features of Internet loans Webmoney (WebMoney)

Lenders are most willing to lend money to borrowers who have already taken loans online and repaid them in a timely manner. The WebMoney system stores data on the amount of loans that you took on the network using it.

Transferring money between wallets of the same type (in this case, WMZ) within one Wmid is carried out without commission.

When issuing a loan, the borrower receives wmz, and the lender receives the amount of debt obligations on the WMC wallet.

The borrower has the opportunity to return the money ahead of schedule, the amount of the return is not recalculated. Although there may be an individual agreement on recalculation between the lender and the borrower. When issuing loans, borrowers can repay the loan amount not in whole, but in parts.

If the borrower has problems with the return of funds related to the loss of WMC wallet data or the loss of access to the keeper. The loss of WMC wallet data can be caused by some malfunction or more often by reinstalling the operating system. In order to repay the loan in such situations, auto-debit is used. For auto-debit, it is necessary that by the time it is carried out, your WMZ wallet has an amount sufficient to repay the loan. Auto-debit is carried out twice a day at 4:00 and at 18:00 Moscow time. Auto-debit for a loan occurs once in the near future (4:00 or 18:00) after the end of the loan term, if all required amount for a return. WebMoney will write off the amount of the debt and transfer it to the creditor automatically. If there is not enough money, the borrower's keeper is blocked, and the money will be debited as it becomes available.


Not so long ago, for one of my clients, I fit into one interesting topic: he asked me to give him a loan at 10% per month (agree not sour interest) on WebMoney for $ 300. The man was proven, so he decided to entrust this small amount. I went to the site to provide loans and began to study it.
On the left, in the menu, you can select "I trust". We pass on this item and here you can add to whom and how much you want to entrust. There is also a filter to search for people who are asking for a loan. By the way, the number of people who are ready to take a loan at 10% per month is quite a lot. I thought, why not put the money into circulation, which is a dead weight on WebMoney. And I set up such a filter for myself:

Business Level from 100

Trust Level > 50

The certificate is not lower than personal.

Amount of money 100 WMZ

Deadline up to 50 days

It seemed to me that people with a personal certificate and a BL over 100 are unlikely to risk their reputation, because filling such a BL is not so easy, by the way, my BL = 130. Each person in the comments displays the goals of taking a loan, most - online business, but there is also a household segment, someone does not have enough to repair a car, someone urgently wants to go on vacation, etc. For myself, I selected 15 people whom at first I am ready to entrust $ 100 plus mine acquaintance for $300;
In total, it turned out $ 1,800 for credit needs.

Now about the results of this earnings, for me they turned out to be a little unsuccessful - but failures are also an experience:

After 2 months:

Of the 15 people, only 10 signed up for the loan.

Four of them repaid the loan ahead of schedule.

2 people did not return the loan at all: - $ 200, and the BL canceled them for this. (Either completely troubles with money, or scammers.)
On the rest I earned about $87 a month.
Total: minus 113 dollars.

PS: But there are pluses here, the rest of the people who returned the money also continue to borrow money, and then they are also returned. So by trial and error, you can recruit your pool of trusted clients. If there are results, I will write a separate article.

Continuation of the story about loans on WebMoney

I never got the money out of those debtors, and I don’t even hope that they will ever return the thread, although there is a debt collection exchange - but you need to fool around, and you will get a maximum of 10% of the official amount, so I didn’t deal with it to contact.

As stated in the afterword, I decided to recruit trusted clients. Another 3 months have passed since Part 1 and I got 39 clients, I'll tell you how I did it:

D In order to check the conscientiousness of clients, I acted in two ways, the first - I checked on the TL credit history and the BL history of each user (we check next to the profile for BL and TL and look at the graph), if there were no drawdowns for half a year, then I moved on to the second point: ways to build confidence: 1 time I issue a loan for 50 WMZ; If the client returns without delay, then the rate is doubled, becoming 100 WMZ; Then again 2 times; Etc. If it is overdue even for a day, then the rate is halved. Those who have achieved my maximum trust limit (500 WMZ), I reduce the rate to 6% per month, I have three such clients at the moment; By the time of the loan, I set limits: first 1 month, then 2, 3, 4; I do not issue more than 4 months.

The result for the 3rd month on the second iteration is as follows: +120 WMZ; That is, for all the time I went to the plus. If I continue to follow this scheme, then according to my estimates, +200 dollars per month on Webmoney credits is planned, provided that 5000 WMZ will work;

The only problem that can arise is when these 5000 WMZ are urgently needed back; But here I will act like a real Russian - I hope I don’t need them urgently.

Continuation of the story about WebMoney loans May 11, 2013

Today I uploaded statistics for 5 months of working with WebMoney loans, now I have practical numbers and not in theory.

Everyone who at least once in their life had to deal with obtaining a loan can imagine how beneficial this process is for lending banks. Regardless of interest rates, they always win. Of course open own bank And not everyone can afford to give out loans. And institutions that offer "payday money" often cause distrust among potential borrowers. But one of the most popular payment systems WebMoney easily solves this problem.

With its help, not only banks, but also ordinary users who have online wallet. Moreover, a large amount of money does not have to be on the account - sometimes loans on this service are limited to only a couple of tens of dollars. Of course, they are paid in a short time. And with interest.

In order to provide users with the opportunity to earn money by lending money and at interest, the WebMoney developers came up with a service such as "Loan Exchange". Here, anyone can become an investor by choosing a borrower from among those users who have applied for a loan.

Credit exchange WebMoney works like this:

  • First of all, the lender creates his own electronic wallet and draws up certificate not lower than personal.
  • Next, you need to put some amount of money on the wallet. It is clear that the larger it is, the higher the earnings, but you can start with small investments.
  • This is followed by identification on the stock exchange ""
  • When the formalities are over, the investor can start looking for a future borrower in the Loan Application section. Among personal data, borrowers indicate the amount of the desired loan, its terms and interest rate (it is possible to sort by the specified parameters). You can also view their credit history here. Of course, it is unlikely that anyone will want to lend money to a person who has already had problems with payments.
  • If the lender is ready to finance this or that borrower, then the transaction ends with the transfer of money.
  • Now it remains only to wait for the return of the money within the specified time frame and with interest.

The described procedure concerns a loan that is issued by one person to another. But on the stock exchange there is still such a thing as " collective loans”, when several creditors collect the required amount. As they say, with the world on a string. In such a case, the user can deposit, for example, $1,000 out of the required $5,000 and then wait for others to respond to this request. As soon as all 5000 are collected, the loan term will begin to count.

Before you decide to make money on the WebMoney loan exchange, you should think 100 times and weigh everything carefully. After all, lending is a risky business. And she herself payment system no one is insured against these risks! Allegedly, you need to watch who you trust your own money to, carefully read the information about the borrower and not be fooled by too “appetizing” offers.

In order not to have to bite your elbows every time you run into a scammer, you need to follow simple rules:

  • Yes, to users in good standing! The best indicator that a borrower is bona fide is a good credit history. If it can be seen from it that the user has repeatedly taken a loan and always paid it on time, then the risk of being deceived is significantly reduced, but not completely excluded ( in my practice of issuing loans, there was a case when a user with a personal certificate regularly took and repaid loans for more than three months, after which, having collected a total of about $ 10,000 from different lenders, he got lost). If the borrower's credit history is still empty, then the seriousness of intentions can be checked by the certificate, TL (Trust Level) and BL (Business Level). The first indicator must be at least personal, and the second and third must be at least 50 and 100, respectively.
  • Trust but check! Now, simply by entering the name and surname into any search engine, you can find out if this or that person is a scammer. In addition, the official website of the migration service has information about stolen or lost passports that could be used to create a WebMoney account.
  • Don't be greedy! To amounts more than $ 1,000 (especially if nothing intelligible is written in the “Purpose” column) and too high interest should be treated with suspicion. A person who really wants to make such a deal is unlikely to look for creditors on the Internet.

Calculating profit

After reading the previous paragraph, beginners will probably wonder: is it possible at all earnings for issuing loansWebMoney? Answer: yes, yes and yes again! Provided that all of the above rules are met ...

The undoubted advantage of the exchange is that anyone can act as a lender, and this service does not require any serious investments. However, it may happen that at first you have to deal with unscrupulous users. However, there will also be borrowers who pay on time. Their interest rates are usually around 1-1.5% per day. You can get up to 40% per month from one issued loan. So with some financial losses, you can be sure of profits.

Honest borrowers, which the investor has already encountered, can return to the exchange again. Therefore, it is advisable to form a kind of client base in order to subsequently be sure that the debt will be returned.

Experienced lenders of the WebMoney exchange claim that in this way it is quite possible to earn from 200-300 dollars a month. Although they also stumble upon scammers, the system is still imperfect in this regard. However, who does not risk, he does not drink champagne! The phrase is as old as the world, but still relevant today ...

Investing in projects covered on this blog is associated with certain risks, up to the complete loss of invested funds. The author is not responsible for the actions of companies/projects described on the blog. Blog materials are for informational purposes only and do not call for any action.

The Webmoney Debt debt service provides WebMoney Transfer members with the opportunity to quickly and profitably give money at interest to individuals online. You yourself choose who to help with money - through flexible settings:

  • desired amount;
  • loan term;
  • rate for use (interest on funds issued);
  • requirements for the certificate and BL level (the higher the level of BL and certificate, the more experienced the participant).

Funds are provided in several currencies: Russian ruble, Ukrainian hryvnia and US dollar (WMR, WMU, WMZ). In order to lend to another member of the WebMoney Debt system, you need to have a passport, not lower than personal and funds in your wallet.

If you wish to lend to a private person known to you, decide - how much you want to give back, the return period, at what interest. Specify these conditions, as well as the data of the correspondent in your .

If you want to lend money to any WebMoney user, on the tab, specify the desired loan parameters, and the System will find a suitable offer for you.

If none of the offers suits you, create your own . The borrower who accepts your conditions can register a loan at any time, receive funds and withdraw them to the card.

All trust limits opened by you are in the tab. You can track the funds you have lent on the tab.


Only debt relations carried out strictly through the Webmoney Debt system are considered loans. If you have lent money and have not been paid back, unpaid debts can be sold on the debt exchange.

Benefits of WebMoney Debt Service

  • This is more profitable and faster than lending money against a receipt.
  • You can borrow money conveniently and without unnecessary risk.
  • You are able to help people who live far away from you with money.

We will be glad to see you among the participants of WebMoney Debt and wish you productive use of your financial savings!

Do you want to earn without effort? Learn about the credit system in Webmoney.

Good afternoon (evening for some). Today we will talk about how to get passive income in the Internet. And for this you just need to be a member of the electronic wallet system.

We start issuing loans

Probably not difficult to guess what will be discussed. Now many people earn money by issuing loans, not only banking institutions, but also credit communities and microfinance organizations, buyers and hucksters - and this is not at all full list lovers of easy money.

Issuance of webmoney loans

With the development of the Internet, new opportunities have appeared. Including receiving or issuing loans through popular payment systems, webmoney, as one of the most popular, is no exception. Here is a way to earn money for each of us! You provide the client sum of money for a certain period, after which he returns not only her, but also the interest rate. Here is your profit.

An example of a loan application.

When compared with banking system, then credits WebMoney are given for a short period of time and with increased interest rate. This makes the opportunity to try to earn money in this way very attractive. But it should be understood that there are very serious risks here - we will talk about them below.

And now we will figure out how to get passive income in this system?

Before issuing a webmoney loan, what do you need to know?

In order to start lending to people in need of funds, you can choose two ways.

1. There is a service, which makes it possible to both provide a loan and, if necessary, take it. To implement your plan, you need to register in the Webmoney system and go to the site. You will see a list of clients of this service: both borrowers and lenders. If you are serious about this type of income, you just need to open for those in need financial means"credit of trust". There is a special link "loan applications", where you set the possible loan amount and the period for which you can lend money to your borrowers. That's all now, the loan has been granted, and now you are waiting for the return of not only the amount, but also the interest. You can find your borrowers not only in the WebMoney system, but also on other forums.

Only issue manually cash and looking for your clientele is not so easy - it is a dreary and long task. It is impossible to put it on the conveyor - otherwise there will be no quick and good earnings. Now we need another way of lending.

2. Credit machines- issue funds without the direct participation of the creditor. Only for this type of lending you need serious money. You will need a script to use the credit machine. You can either just order it or buy it. But, since this is all very serious, it is better to buy it. "Homemade" scripts will not lead to anything good. But you may face the problem of stealing your password and key. When you purchase a script, you need to find people who would take advantage of your offer. The competition here is good, so you have to spend money on both SEO and decent context.

And although everything seems not so complicated, but in order to make money on Webmoney, you will need more than just one desire.

Issue a webmoney loan: what you need to have

Issuance of webmoney loans - you need to have:

personal webmoney certificate, at least in electronic system payments. If you earn on, then you will have enough personal, but when you want to switch to credit machines, it is advisable to get a certificate of the seller. This is necessary because each passport has certain restrictions in the operations carried out. So you will have to receive such certificates, otherwise you will not earn money;

· cash. Do not forget about buying a script and the necessary promotion. And people will need to give something? The more money you can give for lending, the more income you will receive - you can’t do without it. Imagine this situation: you have only $5-10 in reserve in the machine. Then the question is: “who needs such an amount as a loan”? Of course, no one! And it's just ridiculous to talk about profit! Not bad if the amount of the reserve initially you will have $ 1000. Although, often, loans are taken in tens and hundreds of dollars.

Be sure to have a sober view of the situation. If you do not have a head on your shoulders, you can quickly burn out. You can not provide loans to everyone, you need to be able to think and calculate some risks. You also need to start this business by gradually analyzing each situation in order to gain experience, which later will help to take more best solutions.

So we got to the main point, because no one wants to risk their money.

Risks that may await lenders in the WebMoney system

It is already clear that lending in WebMoney is a certain risk, which lies in the fact that you simply may not receive not only interest, but also the principal amount, that is, your money will be lost. In order to minimize the possible risk, follow these tips:

· Be sure to check the potential borrower. Remember, a person who does not return funds to the lender on time falls under the rules of Webmoney, that is, his account is blocked. A user who has recently registered and is not yet fully familiar with this system may think that there is nothing wrong with it, they blocked one wallet, he will start another. By and large, this is true - some people abuse this, get loans for hundreds of dollars and that's it, it's impossible to find them. But here is a person who has been using this system for a long time, then what is the point of blocking him? None! So give loans to borrowers who, at least, have a personal certificate. What is the difference? Yes, it’s just that there really is a person with such a level of certificate and this is not a fake account. And, therefore, he will be able to answer in case of non-return. You should also carefully look at the Business Level of a potential borrower. The BL level indicates whether he uses the system or not. The higher this level, the less a person will want to get a blocked wallet. Credit machines already take into account these nuances.

You do not need to immediately provide large amounts for a loan. Often, as mentioned above, loans in the Webmoney system ask for no more than $ 1000. So, if the user asks for an amount exceeding this figure, you should think carefully - it is very easy to lose such money.

The above tips are not a panacea, because money can buy a personal passport, build up a reputation, take a few small loans and repay them on time, in this case, scammers collect loans for maximum amount and simply disappear, and then buy a new account, so issuing webmoney loans for a large amount to one borrower is risky.

And a few final words...

Today we talked about the possible earnings in the WebMoney system. Many people probably want to receive such an income, with little or no special effort. I, personally, have been interested in this topic for a long time. I hope that in the new year everything will work out for me, and I will start earning in this way. If you have already given out loans in webmoney, it would be interesting to hear your story.