When will the world maps work? Payment card "MIR" from Sberbank of Russia: features and special offers. What documents are needed to receive and issue a Sberbank World card?


In December 2015, the first Russian plastic cards “Mir” began to be issued. According to the creators, over time this financial instrument will be a worthy competitor to cards of foreign payment systems. Where did the idea of ​​creating a national plastic come from? What capabilities and advantages does it have? And how to become the owner of a card with a memorable green-blue emblem? You will learn about this and much more from our article.

The first Russian plastic card "Mir"

The reason for the creation of JSC National Payment Card System (NSCP) in the Russian Federation was serious failures in service Visa cards and Mastercard in 2014. In connection with the introduction of sanctions against Russia, the mentioned payment systems stopped processing transactions on cards of several banks. This is what prompted the development of our own Russian payment system.

The main tasks of the NSPK:

  1. Processing transactions on cards of foreign payment systems within our country in an uninterrupted manner;
  2. Creation and dissemination of national payment instrument- PC "Mir".

The Russian plastic card "Mir" will allow its owners to carry out various financial operations regardless of rapid changes in the foreign policy situation and decisions of global payment systems.

How to use PC "Mir"

At the moment, a plastic card allows you to carry out the following operations:

  • depositing and withdrawing money from an ATM;
  • money transfer from a card account to another bank account;
  • payment for goods and services, including utilities;
  • transfer of funds to online wallet, for example, Yandex.Money and Webmoney;
  • payment for goods and services outside the Russian Federation - is now available only for co-badged cards that contain the emblems of two payment systems: Mir and Maestro (from Gazprombank).

Naturally, this is just the beginning. In the future, it is planned not only to expand the range of functionality, but also the network of Mir card service points in Russia and abroad.

Which banks issue the Mir plastic card?

According to information from the official website, seven banks issue plastic cards. Citizens who are serviced by Gazprombank, Moscow Industrial Bank, MDM Bank, Rossiya Bank, RNKB Bank, Svyaz-Bank and SMP Bank can become owners of a domestic payment instrument. In addition, Mir cards are being tested in 21 more Russian banks.

PC "Mir" has all the basic properties of payment cards. It can already be used in 1,500 ATMs and 100 thousand terminals in Russia. By 2017, all banks in the Russian Federation must connect to the system, for which there is a corresponding law of the Central Bank.

Thus, at the end of next year, holders of the Mir PC will be able to pay with it at any time. point of sale our country, and to display the map on international markets, according to the creators, it will take about two to three years.

How to get a plastic card "Mir"

In order to apply for a national card you must:

  1. With your passport, go to the bank that issues Mir payment cards - information about such financial institutions posted on the official website of the NSPK;
  2. Write an application for a banking product.

Next, you will need to wait about seven days - that’s how long it will take to make the card. After receiving the card, the owner will be able to freely manage it: withdraw money, pay in the retail and service network, etc.

Cost and design features of the “World” card

Some banks provide their clients with the opportunity to fill out an application for issuing the Mir PC online. To do this, you need to follow the bank link and click on the button: Apply for a card. In the window that opens, you must fill out the form fields and agree to the processing of your personal data.

There you can also find information about tariffs for the Mir card. For example, the cost of annual maintenance of a simple “Mir” main account will cost the owner 90 rubles. Annual maintenance classic and premium cards will cost 450 and 2 thousand rubles, respectively.

The official website of the NSPK contains all the information about the Mir plastic card

On the official website of the NSPK in the section: Payment system "Mir" the following data is posted:

  • about the history of the Mir brand and logo;
  • about PC rules and tariffs;
  • on the list of operating operators and participants of the Mir payment system.

If you have any difficulties with the card or other questions, you can contact 24/7 service technical support for users: 8-495-705-99-99 and 8-800-500-00-05. You can also use the option: Feedback and send a message to email NSPK in the section: Contacts.

Advantages of a national financial product - PC "Mir"

According to the head of NSPK Vladimir Komlev, the cost of issuing the Mir card at the beginning of the project will approximately correspond to the cost of issuing cards of other payment systems. In the future, with mass production of plastic, the cost of the Mir PC will be lower. Let us remind you that this card will become available to the mass consumer in the second half of 2016.

The main task of NSPK "Mir" is to ensure the security of operations and independence from foreign payment systems. Cards are produced in compliance with Russian standards and technologies. PC "Mir" can interact with other payment systems in accordance with all international standards.

Advice from Sravni.ru: Recently, Internet fraud related to the issuance of a Mir card for special purposes has become popular. favorable conditions. Messages of this nature are sent to citizens' email inboxes. The letter asks you to install an application or fill out an online form to receive a card. Do not open such letters and do not provide any personal data, logins or passwords - real bank employees never ask for such information.

The government plans to begin transferring pension and social benefits to cards of the national payment system. Therefore, recipients of government payments already need to be interested in how to get a Mir card from Russian banks.

How is the World map different?

The need for a payment system independent of foreign resources has been brewing in Russian society for a long time, but its legislative implementation began only in 2014. In the second half of 2015, the first bank branches appeared where you could get a Mir card.

The main differences between these cards and foreign analogues are:

  1. Fully state view property of the operator of the national payment system (NPS).
  2. Independence from foreign financial markets.
  3. All information about card account holders will be stored on servers within the country.
  4. The use of card products will be regulated exclusively by domestic legislation.

The listed features of the Mir card system will also help ensure additional security for users from fraudulent activities foreign cybercriminals.

Cards of the Mir payment system can be of 3 types: debit, classic (with the possibility of lending), premium. The latter type provides round-the-clock technical support and a return of 0.5% of the money spent.

Who issues the Mir card?

Not all banks have yet joined the NPS, which is due to the need to spend some time on technical and legal procedures for introducing new cards into the bank’s IT structure. But potential profits and growth in the client base are encouraging the financial sector to integrate into NPS Mir at an accelerated pace. As of May 2017, the list of banks where you can get a Mir card includes the following financial institutions:

  1. Asia-Pacific Bank.
  2. AB "Russia".
  3. Vanguard.
  4. JSCB Primorye.
  5. AK Bars.
  6. Almazergienbank.
  7. ActiveCapital.
  9. Altai Business Bank.
  10. JSC Bank Agroros.
  11. Alfa Bank.
  12. "Saint Petersburg".
  13. Bank of Kazan.
  14. Crown.
  16. Binbank KK.
  17. Uralsib.
  18. Oriental.
  19. Revival.
  20. VTB 24.
  21. GENBANK.
  22. Gazprombank.
  23. Geobank.
  24. House-Bank.
  25. Devon-Credit.
  26. Far Eastern Bank.
  27. Yenisei United Bank.
  28. Ekaterinburg Municipal Bank.
  29. Zemsky Bank.
  30. West Siberian Commercial Bank.
  31. Zenith.
  32. Interprogressbank.
  33. Izhkombank.
  34. Kraiinvestbank.
  35. Kuznetskbusinessbank.
  36. Kama Commercial Bank.
  37. KS Bank.
  38. Credit Ural Bank.
  39. Kuban Credit.
  40. Left Bank.
  41. MPSB.
  42. Moscow regional.
  43. Moscow Industrial.
  44. Municipal Kamchatprofitbank.
  45. MFBank.
  48. Education.
  49. Primsotsbank.
  50. Post Bank.
  51. Primtercombank.
  52. RNKB.
  53. Raiffeisenbank.
  54. Rosselkhozbank.
  55. Rosbank.
  56. Rus.
  57. Sberbank of Russia.
  58. Sarovbusinessbank.
  59. SDM-Bank.
  60. Svyaz-Bank.
  61. Sevastopol Maritime Bank.
  62. SKB-bank.
  63. Sovcombank.
  64. Snezhinsky.
  65. Tinkoff.
  66. Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
  67. UralTransBank.
  68. Khlynov.
  69. Khakass Municipal Bank.
  70. Chelyabinvestbank.
  71. CHBRR.
  72. Chelindbank.
  73. Center-invest.
  74. Energotransbank.

In addition to this list, more than 130 banks service Mir cards with their ATMs and terminals. Crimean banks are also present in the list, so residents of the newly annexed region of the Russian Federation can easily order a national card in Crimea.

How to get a "World" card

Almost all pensioners already know what a Mir payment card is and where to get it. Other, less informed citizens, in order to obtain NPS cards, must first contact the branch of the bank that supports this product. As an example, we can consider the algorithm for obtaining a “Mir” card from Sberbank, where there are two special offers: “MIR Classic” and “MIR Pension Card”.

Conditions for receiving and servicing Mir cards

Card products of the Mir payment system can be used by citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 14, as well as persons without Russian citizenship, but legally residing in the country. In both cases, an identification document will be required to open an account.

Banks are not a charitable organization, so only recipients of social payments can obtain free Mir cards. Other people are required to pay for the use of the national card product. For example, the cost of issuing a Mir card at Sberbank and VTB is 750 rubles, but Gazprombank offers to issue non-embossed cards of this type for only 120 rubles per year.

It is better to find out about the tariffs of Mir cards, how and where to get this product on the website of the bank you like immediately before going to the branch. After all, increased competition in the card game banking market forces financial institutions to periodically reduce fees for using services.

List of documents

A minimum of documents are required to register a Mir card product at Sberbank. To apply for a pension card you will need:

  1. Passport.
  2. Application form.
  3. Pensioner's ID.
  4. A document with the specified SNILS number.

When re-registering the pension recipient bank, the person must have his insurance personal account number (SNILS) with him. It can be written on a piece of paper, but it is better to present a document with clearly written numbers to the financial institution. Elderly people do not need to collect any certificates.

Ordinary citizens can also receive a Mir card. To receive the MIR Classic banking card product from Sberbank, they simply need a passport and a completed application form.

How to choose a good bank?

Choice financial institution to open a card account is determined not only by the bank’s rating or the level of its capital, but also by the needs of the person and the ease of use of the product. If both banks are located near your home, then it is advisable to get more financial services for less money. Therefore, having decided to receive a “Mir” card, a person should check with banking institutions for answers to approximately the following list of questions:

  1. Is online banking supported?
  2. Is the customer support phone number toll-free?
  3. What are the fees for transfers and cash withdrawals?
  4. Is it possible to block a card account using a phone?
  5. What discounts and bonuses for non-cash payments?
  6. Is there support for cards abroad?

A number of banks, for example, Gazprombank, have already issued co-branded (joint) MIR cards with foreign partners, such as Mir-Maestro, Mir-JCB. Cards from these projects can be used in any country where payment systems of the JCB and Maestro brands operate. Joint projects with UnionPay and American Express have been signed and are in the final stages of implementation.

The final choice of a bank to open a card account should be made after studying the tariffs of the financial institution, the conditions for servicing cards and taking into account your needs.

Scheme of the "World" card

To better understand the benefits and principles of protection of the new national cards, you should familiarize yourself with their scheme.

  1. Bank logo.
  2. Payment system logo.
  3. Card number.
  4. Hologram.
  5. Type of product.
  6. Owner's name.
  7. Validity.
  8. Chip (microprocessor).
  9. Magnetic strip.
  10. Signature panel.
  11. CVV code (PPK2).
  12. Information about the issuer.
  13. Ultraviolet element.

Security elements are designed to prevent the possibility of making copies plastic cards by fraudsters using stolen data from a magnetic tape or chip. Having such a protected product, you don’t have to worry about the safety of your money.

As of May 2017, Sberbank alone issued more than 2.5 million Mir cards, which indicates the trust of Russian citizens in this payment system and the need to think about getting their own card.

The question of the need to develop a national payment system, an analogue of the largest payment systems in the world (such as VISA, MasterCard, Maestro), has been raised for a long time. This issue became most acute after the introduction of sanctions against Russian banks and the country as a whole. In an effort to ensure the safety of citizens' funds and the stability of card payments, the authorities accelerated the process of solving this problem and already in 2015 payment system MIR was created and the first cards were released.

The new national payment system is designed to become a convenient alternative to Western international systems and minimize their impact on financial system RF. The operator of the MIR system is NSPC, which belongs to Central Bank, therefore it is completely Russian. The MIR system is fundamentally new. During its development, previous experience was taken into account and various shortcomings were eliminated, which should provide the system with stable operation and high functionality.

It was planned to gradually implement the PS in banking sector RF. The first cards were released back in 2015. And if at that time there were several banks that issued the issue, today there are already dozens, and about 250 banks have already joined the MIR payment system itself. The implementation of MIR is proceeding dynamically. It is planned that about 40 million cards will be issued in 2017. This is due to the mandatory transition of state employees and other categories of the population to work with the national payment system.


National system MIR was created from scratch with the goal of minimizing the dependence of domestic banking system from external factors. Its popularity can already be assessed by how actively it is developing, because the number of banks issuing and servicing the MIR card is constantly growing. It is predicted that in some regions the use of cards will be especially active. For example, Crimean budgetary institutions The MIR payment system will allow you to consistently use cards, which is especially important, since in this region there are certain problems with servicing cards from foreign payment systems.

Today in Russia a law has been signed that regulates mandatory transfer of recipients budget funds , namely, state employees and pensioners, to cards of the MIR payment system. The law also obliges the bank to ensure the possibility of using MIR cards as a means of payment no later than July 1 of the current year.

From July 1, every public sector employee who applies to open a salary card will also be issued a MIR card. A complete transition of all state employees is expected no later than July 2018. For pensioners, a longer adaptation period is provided. For this category of the population, it is planned to completely replace the cards with MIR cards no later than July 2020.

Trade and service enterprises, including small ones, will be required to install terminals that provide the ability to pay for goods or services using MIR cards. The only exceptions are those companies whose annual turnover does not exceed 40 million rubles or which are located in a region where there is no cellular and the ability to connect to the Internet.

Which banks issue Mir cards

The MIR payment system is increasing its momentum today. About 60 Russian banks issue cards on its platform, including such large ones as Sberbank. Gazprombank, Raiffeisenbank, Rosselkhozbank, Bank Russia, MDM Bank, Bank of Moscow and others. Full list is on the page.

To apply, just contact one of the branches of the issuing bank and write an application to issue a card. Some banks offer the opportunity to remotely order a MIR card via the Internet by submitting an online application. The card is produced within 7 days.

On the NSPK website there is detailed information about how and from which bank you can order cards. For registration, a passport and a pension certificate are required in case of graduation pension card MIR payment system.

Advantages and disadvantages

Interest in the MIR payment card is explained not only by the desire to use a safe and modern domestic payment system, but also by a number of advantages that such a card gives to the holder:

    Saving- many banks offer to issue a MIR card cheaper than a card based on others international systems, up to free release and maintenance. Although functionality MIR cards correspond to competitors.

    Safety- the MIR card has a high security system. The security of payments in the trade and service network is ensured by the presence of a chip that protects against copying and a protection system for online payments- analogue of 3D-Secure.

    Wide service network- the number of points that accept MIR cards for payment is growing rapidly and today their number already amounts to millions.

    High limits- the card has high cash withdrawal limits compared to other cards.

    Operation stability and independence from political situation in the international arena and other external factors

It is planned to fill MIR cards with other additional services, such as the ability to pay for travel, contactless payment, loyalty programs and others. This work is underway and the implementation of such opportunities is planned in the near future. The card based on the national payment system works not only in Russia, but also abroad. Agreements have already been signed with a number of international payment systems, including MasterCard, which allows the card to be used abroad.

Analyzing the reviews of MIR card holders regarding its use, we can conclude that the majority of citizens have already appreciated the advantage of using the new Russian payment system. Low issuance and maintenance fees make it attractive, while the high degree of security, functionality and wide service network tips the scales in favor of MIR cards.

What do you think about the system?

Design payment cards"World" of the national payment system of Russia can be found in Russian banks, but not in all. At the beginning of May 2017, the largest banks in Russia, both federal and regional, joined the issuance of cards of the Mir payment system, namely:

№№ List of major banks issuing Mir cards
1. "Sberbank of Russia",
2. "VTB 24",
3. "Gazprombank"
4. Bank "AK BARS"
5. "Bank RNKB"
6. "Bank "Russia"
7. "SMP-Bank"
8. "Svyaz-Bank"
9. "MDM Bank"/Binbank,
10. Raiffeisenbank,
11. Rosselkhozbank,
12. "SIAB"
13. "Vanguard"
14. "Renaissance"
15. "GenBank"
16. "Center-invest"
17. Bank "Levoberezhny"
18. "KS BANK" and others.

Depending on the needs of clients, banks determine the number of types of Mir cards issued. Somewhere they produce one type, and somewhere three. Information can be found on the website of the selected bank.

Where can I get a "World" card?

So, the Mir card can be issued only in those banks that have already become issuers of this payment card. At the beginning of May 2017, the number of banks that have already started issuing Mir cards is 74 banks, and so far this is only 20.8% of the banks participating in the system and 12.2% of the total number of banks in Russia.
Thus, as of May 2, 2017, 356 banks out of 607 (data as of April 1, 2017) operating in Russia were already listed as participants in the Mir Payment System, which is 58.6%. The number of participants in the national payment system is constantly increasing. And each bank that has joined the work with the Mir Payment System, after carrying out all the preparatory work, will certainly begin first servicing cards of other banks, and then issuing cards.

As of May 2, 2017, here is a list of Russian banks where you can already receive a Mir card:

№№ List of banks issuing Mir cards
1. JSC "SMP Bank"
2. RNKB Bank (PJSC)
3. Open Joint-Stock Company"Joint Stock Bank "RUSSIA"
4. OJSC CB "Center-invest"
6. "SDM-Bank" (PJSC)
9. PJSC "Zapsibkombank"
12. PJSC JSCB "Svyaz-Bank"
13. "Gazprombank" (Joint Stock Company)
15. Geobank
16. PJSC "Moscow Industrial Bank"
17. Bank VTB 24 (public joint stock company)
19. Joint Stock Company "GENBANK"
21. Bank "Levoberezhny" (PJSC)
22. JSC Raiffeisenbank
23. AB "Devon-Credit" (PJSC)
24. PJSC "Sberbank of Russia"
25. PJSC "Bank" Saint-Petersburg"
26. Bank "Vozrozhdenie" (PJSC)
27. JSC Rosselkhozbank
28. VTB Bank
30. UBRD
31. Almazergienbank
33. Sevastopol Marine Bank
36. Credit Ural Bank
37. Far Eastern Bank
38. Bank of Kazan
39. Asia-Pacific Bank
40. PJSC SKB Primorye "Primsotsbank"
41. PJSC JSCB "Primorye"
42. Khlynov
43. Bank Zenith
44. Orient Express Bank
46. Krayinvestbank
47. Uraltransbank
48. Bank Venets
49. Izhkombank
50. Primtercombank
51. Sovcombank
52. Bank Agroros
53. BINBANK credit cards
54. Yenisei United Bank
55. Municipal Kamchatprofitbank
57. Post Bank
58. Bank VVB
59. Kuban Credit
60. Bank Ekaterinburg
61. Kuznetskbusinessbank
62. Bank Snezhinsky
63. AltaiBusiness-Bank
64. ActiveCapital Bank
65. Education
66. MFBank
68. Zemsky Bank
69. Bank ChBRR
71. Interregional Industrial and Construction Bank
72. Kama Commercial Bank

Where to apply

It should also be noted that at the beginning of 2017, the following 30 largest banks in Russia, both federal and regional, joined the issuance of cards of the Mir payment system:
The Mir card is already being issued by the largest federal and regional banks. For example:

1. “Sberbank of Russia”,

2. "VTB24",

3. Gazprombank,

4. "AK BARS"

5. “Bank RNKB”,

6. “Bank “Russia”,

7. "SMP-Bank",

8. “Svyaz-Bank”,

9. "MDM Bank"

10. Raiffeisenbank,

11. "Rosselkhozbank",

12. "SIAB"

13. "Vanguard"

14. "Renaissance"

15. "GenBank",

16. "Center-invest",

17. “Levoberezhny”,

18. “KS BANK” and others.

Thus, on November 3, 2016, the MIR national payment system began issuing cards largest bank Russia - Sberbank. The Mir card can now be issued at any branch of Sberbank of Russia. Two types are available to Sberbank clients debit cards"World", namely:

  • "MIR Classical";
  • "MIR Social".

Banks such as Alfa Bank and PJSC CB Vostochny, which have widespread networks of ATMs and branches, continue to carry out preparatory work on opening networks and issuing cards.

And, for example, the Crimean bank RNKB, which was one of the first banks in Russia to begin issuing Mir payment cards, from the beginning of the issue issued to residents of the Crimean federal district already more than 100 thousand cards and continues to issue up to 5,000 cards per day.

How to apply for a "World" card

How to apply for a "World" card? To issue a Mir card, you just need to contact any branch of the bank that has already started issuing cards and:
  • Present an identification document
  • Present a pension certificate (if issued pension card World)
  • Submit an application for a card.

And a constantly updated list of banks that have become issuers of Mir payment cards can be found at any time on the official website of the National Payment Card System.

Tariffs for cards of the Mir Payment System

Tariffs for servicing Mir bank cards for each specific bank should be viewed on the website of that specific bank.
So, for example, the following tariffs are set for the “MIR” debit card of the Crimean bank RNKB:

And the main tariffs for servicing Mir cards at Rosselkhozbank look like this:

№№ MIR Map
Instant release(Rosneft)
MIR Map (Rosneft)
1. Payment card validity periodmin. 2 years3 years
2. The total number of cards of the MIR payment system that a client can issue (together with additional ones)no more than 8no more than 8
3. Accounts for card transactions are issuedin Russian rublesin Russian rubles
4. Card service fee900 900
5. RefillNo commission chargedNo commission charged
6. Account replenishment (at ATMs, cash points or at branches of JSC Rosselkhozbank)No commission chargedNo commission charged
7. Top up your account at ATMs and cash points of third-party banks1% of the amount (min 100 RUB)1% of the amount (min 100 RUB)

The tariffs established by the operator of the payment system JSC "National Payment Card System" bank cards"World" looks like this.

Card production time

In Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod and other large cities, the map will be ready in 2–3 business days; in the regions, production and delivery will take from 3 to 10 business days. Delivery to remote locations may take up to 15 business days. Exact dates are available.

When issuing a card, only working days are taken into account. If you order it on Friday evening, the production time will be calculated from Monday.

You can see if the card is ready and when it will be delivered to the office in Sberbank Online in the “Cards” section.

What documents are required to receive a card?

To pick up the card, bring with you your passport or other document that was used to apply for the card. To receive a card for another person, you need a notarized power of attorney.

How to start receiving THANK YOU bonuses?

After receiving the card, you must register in the “Thank you from Sberbank” program. The easiest way to register: send an SMS to number 900 with the text THANK YOU 1234, where 1234 is the last four digits of the card number.
You can also register for the program at personal account Sberbank Online and at a Sberbank ATM - find the “Thank you from Sberbank” section and follow the prompts.

Bonuses are awarded automatically when paying by card - their number depends on the level of privileges.

It should be remembered that bonuses are awarded only when paying for goods and services. This does not happen when withdrawing cash from ATMs. But when you pay for purchases remotely in online stores, bonus Thank You bonuses are credited to your account.

How can I use THANK YOU bonuses?

THANK YOU bonuses can be exchanged for discounts when purchasing goods and services from Partners, full list partners is available. In addition, THANK YOU bonuses can be exchanged for a discount when purchasing air tickets and hotel accommodations (on the website “Thank you from Sberbank. Travel”). Bonuses can also be exchanged for discounts when purchasing tickets to events - the service is available on the website “Thank you from Sberbank, Impressions”.

How can I find out my card details?

To find out the details, go to mobile application Sberbank Online find the desired card and click "Show details".

Another way: in your Sberbank Online personal account, go to the “Cards” section and find the card you need, then “Card information” → “Transfer details to the card account”.

Is it safe to use a contactless card?

Yes, the card is safe. It is always in the hands of the owner, so its data remains inaccessible to fraudsters. Making purchases without presenting a card or entering a PIN code is much safer, since no one sees the card data. In addition, contactless technology protects against double debits - after paying for a purchase, the terminal beeps and turns off automatically.