Mortgage calculator online. Calculation of mortgages for apartments and land plots. What to choose: a mortgage or a consumer loan to buy a home? Mortgage calculator to calculate secondary housing


When deciding to purchase real estate on credit, a potential borrower must first calculate monthly payment on mortgages in order to understand the level of long-term credit load. The amount of payments should not exceed a certain proportion of the potential borrower’s monthly income, most often no more than 50%. Knowing the possible level of payments, a potential borrower can independently calculate the maximum mortgage size, loan term and overpayment. To calculate mortgage parameters, a special calculator is used, available to everyone.

Credit mortgage calculator is a program that contains a set of mathematical formulas and is used to determine the essential parameters of a loan. Calculating mortgage payments is the most important function of a mortgage calculator. In addition to the payment, the program allows you to calculate the mortgage amount, term, overpayment and other key conditions.

The cost of a mortgage, also calculated using the calculator, is affected by the interest rate on the loan, possible commissions and fees, the size down payment available to the borrower. For a more accurate calculation of the mortgage calculator, it is advisable to find out the interest rate and information about the presence of commissions for a suitable loan program.

A mortgage calculator is easy to find online.

It is convenient to use a mortgage calculator located on the websites of many banks. Often, such services take into account the category of the borrower, the desire to connect to an insurance program or refuse it, the type of housing being purchased, and a suitable loan program. Thus, mortgage loan calculators on bank websites allow you to find out the individual interest rate, calculate mortgage payments and other loan terms that are relevant for a particular borrower.

However, online calculators located on specialized Internet portals will help you calculate your mortgage. Such mortgage calculators calculate loan parameters based on user-specified conditions. An online mortgage calculator is an excellent opportunity to pre-calculate the size of the mortgage and the amount of overpayment without visiting the bank.

It must be remembered that the mortgage calculation received on loan calculator, which is located on third-party sites, is not final.

Thus, those wishing to purchase a home can first assess their strengths and capabilities using a mortgage calculator.

Before taking out a mortgage for an apartment, potential borrowers should know the amount of monthly expenses. Professional employees of banks or real estate agencies calculate the loan amount based on the client’s monthly income, which is usually divided by 2. Thus, it turns out maximum amount monthly annuity payments. When calculating a differentiated payment, the scheme is slightly different: when divided by 2, the amount to be repaid in the initial lending period is obtained. Payment amount at differentiated schedule gradually decreases and becomes less than half monthly income, thus free cash can be sent to early repayment. Now, according to the law, all loans are issued with early repayment without restrictions and commissions.

Calculation of payments by military mortgage does not make sense, since all payments are made by the state.

Potential borrowers can use the universal calculator to understand how much money they will be given for a mortgage. The service allows you to calculate the amount of your salary payment using the calculation method described above. Also, using the search, you can choose a loan for the required amount, with a specific down payment. In 2014 at mortgage market There are enough offers without a down payment.

How much loan can I expect?

The bank always approves the maximum amount that it can issue to the borrower and co-borrowers specified in the application form. However, the loan amount cannot be more than 85% of the value of the property you have chosen.

I was denied a loan. Why? What to do?

The bank does not explain the reasons for the refusal, as this would lead to the disclosure of the borrower assessment system, which is a commercial secret. There are potentially about twenty parameters of the borrower and co-borrowers that this system can rely on.

If the bank refuses you, you can reapply for a loan within the period specified in the accompanying text of the refusal. In some cases, you can reapply immediately.

How to increase your chances of getting a mortgage with a small official salary?

For example, you can apply for a loan with a certificate in the bank form instead of a 2-NDFL certificate. An income certificate in the form of a bank is an alternative document that is accepted by the bank as confirmation of the borrower’s income, but in which additional earnings can be taken into account.

I am an elderly person, will they give me a mortgage?

You can take out a mortgage until you turn 75 years old. For example, if you are 65 years old, you can take out a 10-year mortgage.

What if I receive my salary on a Sberbank card?

Salary clients of Sberbank, depending on other loan conditions, may receive additional benefits. At the same time, benefits are available if any of the co-borrowers is a salary client.

· If over the past two months you have had at least one salary deposited onto your Sberbank card or account, you can receive a discount on your rate.

· If you have had your salary credited to your Sberbank card (account) in at least 4 of the last 6 months, you will not need to additionally upload an income certificate and a copy of your work record book.

How can I find out the overpayment on my future loan?

You can see the amount of overpayment by registering in personal account . After registration, click on the calculation panel and you will see the overpayment diagram in the calculator.

Is it profitable to buy a life and health insurance policy for the borrower?

Life and health insurance in the insurance company Sberbank Life Insurance LLC or other companies accredited by Sberbank allows you to reduce the loan rate by 1%.

Considering the purchase of the policy, you will actually save about 0.5 percentage points on the rate. In addition to saving on the rate, the policy fulfills its immediate purpose - the insurance company will pay the bank the balance of the debt on your mortgage loan when insured event(disability or death).

I am a citizen of another country, can I get a mortgage?

Mortgages from Sberbank are issued only to Russian citizens.

Who can be a co-borrower?

Most often, co-borrowers are relatives of the main borrower - spouse, parents, children, brothers and sisters. In total, you can attract up to 6 co-borrowers. If you are married, your spouse must be a required co-borrower. Exceptions are possible if a marriage contract is concluded between the spouses.

For example, to increase the chances of receiving larger amount if approved, you can attract co-borrowers - participants salary projects. And when applying for a loan, you can note that you do not want to take into account the solvency of the co-borrower. This will reduce the list of required documents, but may reduce the maximum approved amount.

How to use maternity capital for a mortgage?

You can use maternity capital funds in whole or in part as a down payment when obtaining a mortgage. You can use only maternity capital or the sum of maternity capital and own funds. By minimum size For the initial payment, we recommend using the DomClick calculator.

When using funds maternity capital it is important to agree with the seller on the procedure and deadline for him to receive maternity capital funds, since this amount is transferred from Pension Fund not right away.

Also, maternity capital funds can be used for early repayment of an existing loan.

What additional costs will there be when applying for a mortgage?

Depending on the type of property and the selected set of services, when applying for a loan you will need to pay:

· Evaluation report – from 2,000₽ depending on the region and appraisal company (required for assessing the collateral);

· Insurance of the collateral (for the purchased apartment) - directly depends on the size of the loan;

· Life and health insurance of the borrower (not mandatory, but reduces the loan rate) - directly depends on the size of the loan;

· The state fee for registering a transaction in Rosreestr is 2,000₽ at independent registration or 1,400 ₽ for electronic registration instrations (this is an additional service and is paid separately);

· Rentals safe deposit box and payment for access to it (when buying a secondary home for cash) or payment for a secure payment service - from 2,000₽ .

The cost of services is approximate. Check the exact cost on the websites of the relevant services.

Which is better: new building or resale?

As a rule, an apartment or apartments in a new building are purchased directly from the developer, while resale apartments are purchased from the previous owner.

No one lived in the new building before you, the price is square meter less than an apartment of the same class in the secondary market, there are promotions from developers, more modern layouts, however, you will not be able to quickly register at your place of residence, the elevator and gas will not be turned on until the majority of residents have moved in, most likely you will have to wait for infrastructure development and the completion of renovations at the neighbors' place.

As a rule, you can move into a secondary property and register immediately after purchase; the infrastructure around it is already developed, however, most likely you will have to be content with a standard layout, worn-out communications, and you will need to check the legal purity of the property and the parties to the transaction.

What is the processing time for a loan application?

Review of the application does not exceed two days, but most clients receive approval on the day of application.

How does the process of obtaining a mortgage from Sberbank through DomClick work?

Depending on the type of property and other parameters, the process of obtaining a mortgage may vary.

However, the first stage is the same for everyone - submitting an application for a loan. To apply, calculate the loan using the DomClick calculator, register on the website, fill out the form and attach Required documents. Review of the application does not exceed two days, but most clients receive approval on the day of application.

If you have not yet selected a property, you can start doing so immediately after receiving approval from the bank, when you find out the maximum loan amount for you.

When the property has been selected, upload the necessary documents in your DomClick account.

Within 3-5 days you will be informed about the approval of the property you have chosen. You can choose a convenient date for the transaction, which is carried out in the center mortgage lending Sberbank.

The last stage is registration of the transaction in Rosreestr. Congratulations, you're done!

Why register on DomClick?

After registration, you will have access to a consultant’s help in the chat and a borrower’s questionnaire. Registration allows you to save your data so that you can return to filling out the application at any time. After receiving loan approval in the borrower’s personal account, you will be able to communicate with your manager, send documents to the bank online and receive the services necessary to obtain a mortgage.

How do I find out the bank's decision?

Immediately after consideration of your application, you will receive an SMS with the bank's decision. A bank employee will also call you.

A loan to purchase an apartment is a proven and justified way to purchase housing for those citizens who have this moment There are not enough funds to resolve the issue independently. Such loans are actively issued today by many financial institutions.

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The loan can be issued both in Russian national currency, and in dollars or euros. The interest rate on the loan remains unchanged throughout the entire term of the loan agreement.

There is the possibility of early repayment of the loan if the borrower wishes and is able.

The term of the loan may vary depending on the wishes of the borrower and his solvency.

The loan can be issued either on the terms of payment of a down payment or without it.

How to get a loan to buy an apartment?

Methods for obtaining a loan to purchase an apartment may vary depending on which categories of citizens they are intended for.

Young family

Loans for the purchase of apartments are issued by relevant organizations to young families in which the spouses have not reached the age of 35.

The benefits of these credit programs the following:

  • small down payment compared to a standard mortgage loan;
  • the possibility of applying for a deferred payment at the birth of a child or during the construction of residential space;
  • taking into account the income of the borrowers' parents when concluding a loan agreement.

Such loans are issued for the purpose of purchasing an apartment in both the primary and secondary markets.

In the event that a new building is being built by developers who are business partners of lending banks, the conditions for issuing loans are more favorable.

To those in need

If you do not have enough funds to purchase your own home, you must apply for a loan from a bank or other lending organization.

Its specialists will inform the potential borrower about available loan offers and help select an acceptable program that takes into account his financial capabilities.

In Moscow

Loans for the purchase of apartments in Moscow are provided by fifty banks that issue mortgage programs.

They have about 250 similar programs in their arsenal. They are designed not only for the purchase of finished housing; there are programs that provide for the collateral of residential real estate for the subsequent misuse of loan funds.

Preferential loan

The following factors may serve as benefits when obtaining a loan:

  • reduced interest rate compared to standard non-target or consumer loans;
  • possibility of early repayment of the loan;
  • long validity period loan agreement;
  • no down payment when receiving a loan.

No down payment

There are several possibilities for obtaining a loan to purchase an apartment without a down payment.

The simplest method involves pledging other real estate owned by the borrower or guarantors for the loan. In this case, you should conclude not one, but two loan agreements at once.

Another way is to purchase a consumer, unsecured or secured loan for the full amount of the initial deposit.

In this option, not only real estate, but also other types of property of the borrower, for example, his personal transport, can act as collateral.

Where to get?

There are a number of advantageous offers for obtaining a loan to purchase an apartment from Russian banking organizations.

Each of them has its own conditions for obtaining a loan, stipulating the size of the loan, interest rates on it, and repayment terms.

The summary table below contains offers from several large Russian banks for issuing a loan for the purchase of an apartment.

Guided by this information, each potential borrower can make the best choice for himself in favor of cooperation with one bank or another.

Bank Loan amount Duration of the loan agreement Interest rate Bank conditions
Rosselkhozbank Up to 20,000,000 rubles Up to 10 years From 12% per annum in rubles The loan amount does not exceed 85% of the cost
VTB 24 From 100,000 to 15,000,000 rubles Up to 20 years From 11.5% per annum in rubles Availability of a mortgage program with government support
Alfa Bank From 150,000 to 18,000,000 rubles Up to 20 years From 11% per annum in rubles Down payment from 0% of the cost of the apartment
City Bank From 100,000 to 15,000,000 rubles Up to 15 years From 10.5% per annum in rubles The loan amount does not exceed 90% of the cost of the apartment
Bank of Moscow From 50,000 to 10,000,000 rubles Up to 15 years 11.2% per annum in rubles Down payment 10% of the cost amount


A loan for the purchase of an apartment from Sberbank is issued in rubles, dollars and euros. To receive it, the borrower is required to submit documents confirming that he has a permanent income and indicating the total length of his work experience.

The interest rates on the loan are calculated starting from 13% per annum in rubles.

The loan is provided for a period of up to 20 years; in some cases, it is possible to increase the term of the loan agreement to 30 years, if we are talking about preferential categories of citizens.

The loan amount varies from several tens of thousands to 20,000,000 rubles and more.

It is possible to attract loan guarantors. Valid special program lending to young families, providing for the issuance of loans for the purchase of an apartment on preferential terms.

Design methods

The most in a simple way is to apply for a loan at a bank branch. The borrower personally goes to the bank of his choice, having with him the entire package of documents requested by the bank to apply for a loan.

After the bank has assessed the possibility of issuing a loan, an appropriate decision is made.

You can also apply for a loan online on the website of the selected lending institution.

The application will be considered in deadlines, after which a decision will be made on it.

The borrower will be informed about the decision by the employees of the organization that issues the loan by telephone.

Requirements for borrowers

To obtain a mortgage loan, the borrower must comply with the following requirements:

  1. Confirmation of Russian citizenship.
  2. Good credit history.
  3. The borrower's age is at least 18 years.
  4. The borrower has a permanent place of work and work experience.
  5. Permanent registration of the borrower.

Required documents

To obtain a loan to purchase an apartment, the borrower must submit the following documents:

  1. A document confirming his Russian citizenship (passport).
  2. Application for a loan.
  3. A completed application form from the lending institution.
  4. Copy of military ID (for men).
  5. Document confirming education.
  6. A document indicating that the borrower is registered with the tax registration authority.

  7. A photocopy of the state pension insurance certificate.

Amount of credit

The amount of the mortgage loan issued varies among different lending institutions. Its volume fluctuates from 50,000 rubles to 20,000,000 and higher.

Interest rates

The interest rates on a loan to purchase an apartment are individual for each organization that issues such loans.

Depending on the terms of concluding loan agreements, interest rates for this type of lending range from 10 to 15% per annum in Russian national currency.


The terms for issuing a loan for the purchase of housing are determined by the bank or credit institution, loan issuer.

If you look at the national average, such loans are issued for a period of 2 to 20 years.

In some cases, the loan period can reach 30 years, if we are talking about preferential types of loans.

Did you know that today you can easily register. More detailed information located at the link.

If you are interested in the issue of obtaining, then you need to follow the link and read the article.

You can find out more about consumer loans from the Bank of Moscow at the following.

Repayment methods

The borrower can repay the loan in one of the following ways:

  1. Making monthly payments in cash at the bank's cash desk.
  2. Postal transfer.
  3. Depositing funds into a bank terminal.
  4. Non-cash transfer of funds from the borrower's account in another bank.
  5. Transfer to pay off loan debt wages before receiving it.

Video: Buying an apartment through a mortgage

Advantages and disadvantages

A loan to buy an apartment has its pros and cons. Among the first are:

  1. The ability to quickly obtain living space at your disposal with only a small part of its cost available.
  2. Benefit from purchasing an apartment subject to regular increases in real estate prices.

  3. Payments of monthly payments for the use of your own personal apartment, as opposed to payments for the use of rented real estate.
  4. The interest rate remains unchanged throughout the entire term of the loan agreement.

Many real estate market experts recommend Sberbank as a reliable partner with a good reputation. This is a bank with stable financial situation, has many branches throughout the country, works with all categories of borrowers, and also cooperates directly with many real estate agencies.

If you are interested in a mortgage from Sberbank in 2019 for secondary housing, mortgage calculator will allow you to calculate approximate loan data online and assess how much profitable offer developed by the bank.

Mortgage for the purchase of secondary housing in Sberbank

Sberbank offers the most favorable conditions for obtaining a mortgage loan for the purchase of finished real estate. The money allocated by the bank can only be used to purchase housing. It could be an apartment in a high-rise building, a private house or any residential premises.

Below is a mortgage calculator from Sberbank, it will help you calculate a mortgage for a secondary home and get approximate information on interest rates, monthly payments, the amount of overpayment.

Mortgage calculator with interest rate changes

Payment type



Apartment cost


An initial fee



Interest rate


Credit term


Payment type



Amount of credit


Interest rate


Credit term


Calculation results:

Monthly payment:

Amount of payments to the bank for the entire period, including interest:

Amount of overpayment:

Mortgage interest rates
Mortgage for new buildings
Mortgage refinancing

Development financial instruments has led to the fact that now it is not necessary to have own funds to pay for the required item. Almost every bank has in its arsenal several profitable credit products, one of which is mortgage.

Interest rates for secondary housing

The minimum allowable amount that can be received from a bank is 300,000 rubles, and the maximum amount is 15 million rubles. for residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg and 8 million rubles. for residents of other regions of Russia. Mortgage can be issued for a period of up to 30 years.

The terms of a secondary housing mortgage at Sberbank stipulate that the future borrower needs to make only 15% of the cost of the purchased property as a down payment.

*Deserves special attention - in PJSC Sberbank A special promotion is being held that allows you to buy an apartment at a rate of only 5% per annum.

Stages of obtaining a mortgage for secondary housing in Sberbank:

  1. Filling out an application for a mortgage at any bank office, on the organization’s official website or through the Sberbank Online service.
  2. Having received a positive decision, proceed to the selection of secondary housing.
  3. Collecting documents for real estate and submitting them to Sberbank.
  4. Signing a loan agreement and a mortgage for the purchased house, apartment, premises.
  5. Register ownership rights to the object, apartment in Rosreestr.
  6. Obtaining a mortgage and closing a purchase and sale transaction.

Important! In 2019, Sberbank will provide all recipients of mortgages for secondary housing with additional service electronic registration of real estate in Rosreestr. After signing the loan agreement, bank employees themselves send necessary documents to Rosreestr and supervise registration procedures.

Why is it profitable to take a mortgage from Sberbank?

Many borrowers own experience We were convinced that contacting Sberbank to obtain a mortgage for a secondary home is truly profitable. We will describe only the most obvious advantages from cooperation with the bank:

  1. Large selection of programs preferential lending, including those aimed at young families.
  2. Objectively low rates according to basic programs.
  3. Possibility of obtaining a mortgage without proof of income and employment.
  4. Hidden fees and commissions for issuing a loan or early repayment are completely excluded.
  5. To increase the amount of funds you will need to attract co-borrowers.
  6. Persons on Sberbank salary projects or employees of companies accredited by the bank are provided with additional bonuses.
  7. It is permissible to use maternity capital funds as a down payment or to pay off a mortgage in the future.
  8. Borrowers retain the opportunity to receive tax deduction the amount of interest paid on the loan.

Mortgage with state support for families with children.

Sberbank has the ability to develop targeted programs mortgage lending aimed at certain groups of borrowers. It is this product category that includes a mortgage for finished housing from the bank, which can be obtained by young families with two or more children.

The mortgage rate is currently one of the lowest in the market - in 2019 its size ranges from 6% per annum. But the bank has the right to establish additional allowances. Let's consider the main ones:

  • lack of income certificate and documents confirming official employment;
  • the borrower’s refusal to insure his life, health and the property being acquired;

Sberbank always meets halfway requirements for its clients, including offering preferential terms issuing mortgages for finished housing to those borrowers who are unable to confirm official income.

Purchase of finished housing using borrowed money- this is an excellent opportunity to become a property owner today, without wasting time on savings. At the same time, a mortgage on a secondary home becomes insurance in obtaining an apartment at the best price. After all, every year real estate prices increase, and with them inflation also increases, which depreciates savings.

But we must not forget that a secondary mortgage is a targeted loan. The bank issues it at interest and only to those borrowers who meet the lending conditions. To be sure of getting the most profitable loan, you should trust trusted credit institutions.