Why do you need a Sberbank debit card. What is a debit card and how is a debit card different from a credit card? General rules for using debit cards in cashless payments


This is one of the most popular banking products today. Each credit organisation has a “debit card” in its lineup, because for a person it is quite comfortable payment instrument, and for the bank it is an additional profit for servicing. Next, we will describe this product in more detail, and explain exactly how it works.

Debit and credit card in simple terms

What is a debit card can be explained in a nutshell - it is a payment instrument. Here you can draw an analogy with a regular wallet. Only in this case we will talk about non-cash transactions. Those. your own funds can be stored on the card, and for their safety, if used correctly, you can not worry. Here you can withdraw and replenish assets without any restrictions and commissions.

An important condition here is a zero balance. Those. money will appear on the account only if it is deposited by the holder. The debit account is always provided in a zeroed form. At the same time, the possibility of its replenishment is listed from the first day of use. plastic card. As a result, you can spend, in any way, exactly as much as the funds were deposited. The card allows the holder to pay for goods, withdraw and transfer money, and use various services (top up phone balance, pay bills, etc.).

A credit account or "credit card" is in no way inferior to a debit card in terms of a set of possibilities. But here one must take into account important point- the institution issues and issues it with an already established credit limit. Those. the bank provides the holder with something like the usual consumer credit but in non-cash form. Its features are as follows:

  • the possibility of using funds at a designated percentage;
  • the reporting period during which the spent credit amount must be returned to the balance;
  • almost all "credit cards" require the presence of a debit account - i.e. the client can not use the credit limit, but spend only the funds actually deposited.

What is a Sberbank debit card and how to use it?

Sberbank of Russia has several types of such products: unnamed cards of the Momentum series, personalized user, platinum and gold cards. Using them is very simple - if you need to withdraw or replenish the balance, then you can do this at any, only your own ATM.

When issuing, the user independently designates a pin code, which will be necessary when making all transactions through an ATM. Also, the instrument is tied to a number, which means that each operation will have to be confirmed using a system of special SMS keys.

In our own ATMs, assets are withdrawn without commission. When using someone else's ATM, a fee will be charged. For internal transfers, no fees are also charged, and interbank transactions are subject to payment in accordance with the rules and regulations of the issuer-recipient.

Sberbank gold debit card what is it - card reviews

Many applicants in the country would prefer to issue/receive this product. It has a number of advantages: a wide range of additional services/bonuses, the maximum monthly limit on transactions, the availability of bonus points under the cashback system, and much more. Its significant disadvantage is a significant amount for annual maintenance. Today it costs the holder about 3,000 a year. In all other respects, the tool has no advantages.

What is a debit card Alfa Bank

Currently, they have become a full-fledged replacement for cash. With their help, you can make calculations, both in stores and on the Internet. At the same time, their use implies some conveniences. And although they are quite reliably protected from being used by other persons and committing illegal actions with them, compliance with a number of rules in their application is necessary in order to completely eliminate possible risks when paying with a debit card.

Rules for using an ATM

1. Before committing any, you must first inspect it well for the presence of suspicious devices connected to the ATM. If they are found, it is necessary to inform the bank about these facts and refrain from making transactions at an ATM.

2. It is necessary to provide conditions that exclude the possibility of observation by unauthorized persons of the numbers you enter. Modern ATMs are equipped so that the keyboard is protected from prying eyes, but you should additionally cover the keyboard with your hand.

3. Try to make transactions with your account only at those ATMs that are located in safe public places - in large stores, shopping malls, and so on.

4. Do not make transactions at an ATM located in a dark deserted place and in case of presence of suspicious persons nearby. Postpone these steps for later.

5. If there are any problems in the operation of the ATM, freezes, a long time for processing requests, and so on, it is better to refrain from any operations and pick up the card.

6. In case of withdrawal of money, recalculate them for the correct amount received, pick up the card, put the money in your pocket and only then leave the ATM.

7. Keep receipts of the transactions performed until the clarification and comparison of transactions with money for compliance with the account statement.

8. If the debit card is not issued by an ATM, you must call the number indicated on the ATM and report the problem. Then you should contact the representative of the bank that issued the card and agree on your next steps.

Using Debit Cards - Security Rules

1. Do not give out information about the PIN code to anyone.

2. The PIN code must be kept or fixed separately from the card. Often, users write a PIN code directly on the card, which is a gross violation of security rules. Even the relatives of the cardholder should not know it.

3. The card must be used only by the debit card holder whose details are indicated on the card itself. It must not be used by others.

4. Upon receipt of the card, the holder must sign on the card.

5. The card must be stored under certain conditions. Do not expose it to high temperatures, moisture and mechanical factors.

6. Ensure that the phone number of the bank is next to the card in order to contact the bank, if necessary, to resolve urgent issues that arise in the process of using it.

7. Any demands and proposals for the disclosure of information on a debit card must be ignored, and this fact must be reported to the bank.

8. If your card is lost or the PIN-code has become known to third parties, then you must inform the bank about this in order to prevent illegal actions with the funds in your account.

If information about your debit card has become known to unauthorized persons or the card has been lost, then you need to contact a bank representative to agree on your next steps.

If these facts are not reported, the severity of all consequences resulting from illegal actions is borne by the cardholder. In this situation, all money withdrawn from the account will not be reimbursed by the bank. Therefore, the first step in the event of such circumstances should be to notify the bank representative about what happened.

General rules for using a payment card on the Web

1. Do not publish information about your card on the Internet, under any circumstances.

2. Try to use a specially issued debit card with a small limit for online payments. This will be an additional guarantee of the safety of your funds on the main card.

3. Use card payments only on trusted websites of companies that have been providing services or selling goods over the Internet for a long time and have good reviews about their work.

4. Try to carry out all transactions with the card on the Web only through your computer. If you use another computer, you must ensure that all personal data is deleted from it after the completion of operations.

5. Double-check the entered resource addresses.

6. To perform transactions with the card on the Web, you must use a computer with licensed software that guarantees the safety of work and protection against various kinds of malicious programs.

General rules for using debit cards in cashless payments

1. All transactions with a debit card must be carried out only in the presence of its holder. This is a guarantee to minimize the likelihood of illegal actions with the card.

2. If it is necessary to enter a PIN code, it is also necessary to ensure that unauthorized persons do not observe the entered data. Before signing the check, double-check the amount recorded in it for compliance with the actual amount indicated.

3. Keep checks to check their content against the data from the account statement.

Compliance with these rules in the complex will be a guarantee of the protection of your funds from misuse.

The age of advanced technologies and the developed global banking system has long been offering its customers many different services and cards. It is easy to get confused in this variety, but still you should know some basics. You can accurately answer the question of what a debit card is by understanding the nuances.

What is a bank debit card?

Bank payment card, which allows you to make various payment and banking operations within the amount in its account - that's what a debit card means. Its peculiarity is that the user spends only his own funds. You can get such a card at the age of fourteen. This does not require income statements and other similar documents.

How is a debit card different from a credit card?

There are no external signs of difference and all bank cards look almost the same. Both types are payment instruments. The difference between a debit card and a credit card:

  • allow you to use only your own funds;
  • often banks provide the service of accruing interest on a certain balance at the end of the month on a debit card.

What is a debit card? The credit card contains the funds of a banking organization, which the client has the right to use under certain conditions, then puts them back on the card, only paying interest on the use of credit money. Credit cards also have limits on cash withdrawals. There are no such limits on a debit card.

What is the difference between a debit card and an overdraft card?

There is such a type of card as a debit card with. At the moment when own funds are available for use on the payment card, an overdraft card allows you to take loan funds. You don't need to do anything extra. Borrowed funds in a certain amount (this point is discussed during registration) are already on the map.

Pros and cons of debit cards

Payment cards are used much more often than credit cards. Among the minuses, I would like to note that interest is charged for cash withdrawals. If you use overdraft money, the interest rate will be high. Benefits of a debit card:

  • cashless payment in any store;
  • payment for services through Internet resources or bank terminals;
  • no need to carry a thick wallet with you, you can just take a thin “piece” of plastic with you;
  • secure way to store money.

There is also an opportunity to carry out banking operations without leaving home, to exchange currencies. banking apps for mobile phones- no need to stand and think about how much money is on the card, you can make a couple of movements and SMS will come with the available amount of funds on the card. The right to use an overdraft means that you do not need to additionally draw up a loan.

Types of debit cards

The main key to a bank account is a debit card. When calculating such payment card in specialized stores, you get bonuses, which you can then also spend on shopping. talking plain language, such a card is a real opportunity to avoid a lot of troubles in the modern pace of life, because thanks to it, you won’t have to stand in lines and prove something to someone.

Types of bank payment cards.

  1. Ready-made debit cards are issued instantly.
  2. Standard - as a rule, issued within the framework of salary projects various organizations.
  3. Electronic have minimal commission costs for maintenance.
  4. Virtual: their purpose - purchases on the Internet, have a low cost of service.
  5. Affiliate.
  6. Gold can be framed as a salary, it helps to save large amounts of money.
  7. Platinum - for VIP clients, the user receives maximum services.

How to use a debit card?

Some of the payment cards have such a function as interest on the balance Money. You can easily set up the function of accruing funds to the piggy bank during purchases or when funds enter the account, a certain amount immediately goes into it. How to replenish a debit card - through the terminal of the corresponding bank.

  1. Insert a payment card into the card reader.
  2. Dial your PIN.
  3. Select on the screen the option to replenish the card with availability or by number.
  4. Deposit money. You should not deposit more banknotes than the terminal can currently accept.

If you don’t have a card with you, by selecting the same option on the screen as in the previous paragraph, dial your card account number, enter the amount you need to top up, and deposit money. You can easily transfer money from one card to another using the online control of your personal account. This is the advantage of a debit card.

How to close a debit card?

Bank cards must be closed properly. The system is designed so that even if the expiration date has expired, the organization can continue to provide paid services and, as a result, a person becomes a debtor. How to cancel a debit card?

  1. Apply to a banking institution with an application for closing an account.
  2. The bank must issue a certificate stating that the account has been closed.
  3. If you change your mind about getting a card, then the easiest option is not to come to pick it up. By law, employees keep their cards with pins for several months, and then destroy them.

What does debit card mean? A kind of wallet that provides a number of advantages. However, please read the terms and conditions carefully. banking organizations for the issuance and closing of any cards. Often, getting a card is easy, but then closing an account without problems in some institutions is problematic. Read the contract carefully and see what you sign so as not to end up in an unpleasant situation.

19.12.16 39 379 0

What is a debit card and how to use it: registration, maintenance, cashback

A debit card is a bank card with which you can spend and save money. The main difference between a debit card and a credit card is that with a debit card you use your own money, and with a credit card you use the bank's money. A debit card can be issued at any bank that works with individuals.

Like most others bank cards, the debit card is protected by a magnetic stripe or a chip. On the front side of the card is indicated its number of 16 digits, expiration date, name and surname of the owner. On the reverse side there is a place for the owner's signature and a security code. The money on the card is protected by the deposit insurance system.

With a debit card it is advantageous to pay by non-cash payment. For paying with a card, you will receive cashback, and for keeping money in your account - interest.

How to get a debit card?

Debit cards of different banks differ in the cost of service, interest on the balance, cashback and additional services. Before you issue a debit card, think about how you will use it, how much you are willing to pay for the tariff.

If you fly frequently, a card with miles for buying air tickets is suitable. If you buy on Aliexpress, there are cards that will give you bonuses for this. If you like to save money, choose a card with a high percentage to the account balance.

On the aggregators "Banki.ru" and "Sravni.ru" it is convenient to compare cards of different banks.

Examples of debit cards

Tinkoff Black in Tinkoff Bank

Maintenance cost

99 R per month

up to 30% in rubles

Interest on balance

"Profitable card" in Alfa-Bank

Maintenance cost

89 R per month

2% in rubles

Interest on balance

"All at once" at Raiffeisenbank

Maintenance cost

1490 R per year from the second year

1 bonus for every 100 rubles spent

Interest on balance

"Mastercard standard" in the Russian standard

Maintenance cost

99 R per month

up to 5% bonuses

Interest on balance

"Visa Classic" in Sberbank

Maintenance cost

750 R per year

up to 20% bonuses

Interest on balance

It is most convenient to issue a card online on the bank's website. Fill out an application and wait for a call from the bank. When the card is ready, the courier will bring it. In Tinkoff-Bank, a debit card can be ordered on the website.

If the card cannot be ordered online, take your passport with you and go to the bank branch. Fill out the application there, and the employee will orient you about its readiness.

The most common debit cards support two payment systems: Visa and MasterCard. Also, Russia has its own payment system"Peace".

How much does the card service cost?

Maintenance cost debit cards depends on the tariff and payment system.

If you need a debit card to withdraw salaries and pay utility bills a couple of times a month, then Visa Electron and Mastercard Maestro will do. These cards are most often opened for free, and maintenance costs no more than 500 rubles a year. Most likely, your salary card is just that.

A payroll card is a debit card that an organization transfers your salary to. The organization negotiates the service and issues them together with the bank. In some banks, salary cards there is an overdraft credit limit the size of one or two salaries.

If you want to receive interest on the account balance and cashback for each purchase, then open Visa Classic and Mastercard Standard with the corresponding bank services. Maintenance costs an average of 700-2000 rubles a year. With such cards, you can pay for purchases on the Internet, fly to Europe on vacation, and receive increased cashback from bank partners. This is the standard level of maps.

The amount of cashback or interest on the balance often covers the amount of the service fee. For example, 290 rubles are debited for service every month, and 310 rubles are credited to the account balance and 270 rubles for cashback. Check the conditions on your card or consult a bank employee. At Tinkoff Bank, servicing a debit card will be free if you use a deposit at the same time.

If you often fly abroad, transfer a lot of money through the card and need access to additional bank features even at night, then Gold and Platinum will suit you. Annual service costs from 3000 rubles. The cards offer interest on the account balance, additional bonuses for flights and hotel reservations.

How does cashback for debit cards work?

If the bank accrues cashback in rubles, then this money can be spent anywhere: for servicing a card, for coffee with a friend, or set aside for a major purchase. If cashback is returned in bonuses, then you can spend them on those goods and services that the bank determines.

For all purchases, banks return 0.5-3 percent of cashback to the card account. For certain categories of spending, cashback can be increased - up to 30 percent. The bank makes such increased categories of cashback together with partner stores.

In Tinkoff Bank, cashback is 1% for all card purchases, 5% for increased cashback categories, and up to 30% for offers from partner stores.

In what currency to open a debit card?

Debit cards are available not only in rubles, but also in foreign currencies: dollars and euros. Opening a currency card in Tinkoff Bank is no more difficult than opening a ruble card. Before choosing, think about how you will use it.

If you are planning a trip to Europe, then a card with euros will come in handy. Top it up in Russia before your trip so that you can spend euros in Europe without losing rubles on conversion. If you are going to the States, save immediately in dollars.

You can simply save currency on a debit card to use it from time to time. It is convenient if a currency card was opened in the same bank where the ruble card was opened. Transfer rubles to the card, they will be converted at the rate of your bank.

Like a ruble card, choose a currency card and order it on the websites of banks. On the Banki.ru and Sravni.ru aggregators, you can compare the cards and conditions of different banks and choose the best one.

How do I pay with a debit card in stores and online?

In stores, you pay with a debit card at the terminal at the checkout.

Tell the cashier that you have a cashless payment so that he prepares the terminal for payment. In old terminals, you need to insert a card or swipe it through a magnetic tape reader, dial a pin code and confirm the payment.

If the terminal and the card support contactless payment, then pay for purchases by swiping the card against the terminal. If you have a Mastercard from Tinkoff Bank and the latest iPhone or Samsung Galaxy models, then you can pay using Apple Pay and Samsung Pay from your phone.

How to protect the card from scammers?

There are three ways to protect money on a debit card: use ATMs in bank branches, do not give the card into the hands of strangers, and open an additional card.

A dangerous ATM can be in a noisy shopping center or in a remote area of ​​the city. It's hard to recognize, but it's possible. Touch the panels of the ATM, examine the keyboard, the overlay on the card reader. False panels are fastened hastily and crookedly. If you don’t like something at an ATM, it’s better to withdraw money at a bank branch. If you use a dangerous ATM, then after a while money can be withdrawn from your account with a fake card.

Do not give your card to strangers. They can take a picture of it, rewrite the number, expiration date and security code. To purchase in some online stores, it is enough to know the card number and expiration date. If you receive an SMS code on your phone with a confirmation of a purchase that you did not make, then scammers have your data.

To protect your account and card from fraudsters, order an additional card from the bank. On both cards, you can set spending limits per month, go to cafes and shops with extra money, and keep the main one at home for large purchases.

Human life is very unimaginable without a plastic card. We are using less cash for shopping in stores, preferring to keep money on bank account. Giving preference to reliability, quality of service, Russians choose Sberbank of Russia.

What bank cards Sberbank offers, which one to choose and issue, whether it is possible to order on the Internet and how to use them - we will tell in this article.

What are debits

We can use a debit card every day, paying for purchases in stores or on the Internet, but we do not know exactly what it is called. Let's find out what it is and how it differs from a credit card.

Main types

In total, there are several types of payment cards, including those in Sberbank:

  • virtual cards– without physical media, suitable for paying for purchases on websites;
  • credit cards- the limit for spending funds is set by the bank, interest is charged on the funds used;
  • debit– the limit of funds for use is limited to the amount that the user himself has deposited into the account;
  • pension- every month a pension is transferred to them from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Cards are serviced by three payment systems: two of them are global, one is national Russian.

These are Visa and MasterCard - international, and the MIR system.

The latter was developed immediately after the European Union imposed sanctions against Russia, and is designed to protect any banking operations within the country from unforeseen situations.

On the pages of our site you will also learn a few simple ways, is a popular electronic system.

Is it possible to get a loan for a Qiwi wallet? About the conditions for receiving, interest rates and nuances when making, read.

Services and services:« Mobile bank», Personal Area on the site.

Online application: no, registration in the department.

Retirement Maestro and MIR

These Sberbank cards - special offer for pensioners receiving funds in a bank account.

Preferences for clients– accrual of funds to the balance of the account, in the amount of 3.5%. Produced quarterly.

The same conditions for cash withdrawals in Russia and abroad (Maestro). It is possible to issue additional payment cards, including for children from 7 years old.

Named plastic, free service issued for a period of 3 years. Account currency - Russian ruble(MIR), euros and dollars.

The main Sberbank card can be obtained from the age of 18 upon presentation of a passport, additional ones - to children from 7 years of age at the request of the holder.

Bonuses: Thank you, interest on your funds.

Services and services: the same as for Momentum.

Online application: No, registration in the department.


Designed specifically for youth audiences. You can order your own design of plastic, increased bonuses "THANKS" are provided. The cost of maintenance is only 12.5 rubles per month. Debit cards of Visa and MasterCard categories are issued.

Validity - 3 years, price annual service 150 rubles. You can apply from the age of 14 upon presentation of a passport.

Bonuses: "Thanks".

Services and services: the ability to replenish an account via SMS from a phone balance, a smartphone application, Mobile Banking, Sberbank Online.

Online application: through the bank's website.

Classic category

This includes several products of three payment systems– MIR, Visa, MasterCard. This is Aeroflot with special bonus miles accrued for operations cashless payment, and classic salary debit cards, and designer plastic, and “Give Life”.

Basic conditions of classic debit cards: validity period 3 years, nominal plastic, issue of additional debit cards is provided.

As part of salary projects, customers are offered to issue debit cards of this category.


  • Visa Classic, MasterCard Classic, MIR - 750 rubles per year;
  • Aeroflot - 900 rubles per year;
  • "Give life" - 1000 rubles a year;
  • from individual design- 1250 rubles per annum.

For cards with individual design and Classic Contactless payment is available. All cards are named. Account currency - rubles ("MIR"), euros and dollars.

Bonuses: "Thank you", "Aeroflot Bonus", "Give Life" (the bank donates 0.3% of the amount of your purchases on the card and 50% of the cost of annual maintenance to the fund for the fight against children's oncology).

Services: Mobile Bank, Sberbank Online, smartphone application.

Online application: through the bank's website.


These are premium cards. international systems . Available for issuing cards as part of the payroll project. Characterized by additional bonus programs from payment systems and an increased level of service. significantly higher than for conventional debit cards.

The validity period is 3 years, the cost of maintenance is 3,000 rubles. Support contactless payment technology. It operates both in Russia and abroad. Account currency - rubles, dollars, euros.

Bonus: Thank you special programs from Visa and MasterCard.

Services:"Mobile Bank", "Sberbank Online", smartphone application, "Autopayment", emergency cash withdrawal in case of loss of a card abroad.

Online application: through the bank's website - only for the Visa category.


For those who have large amounts of money, Sberbank offers the issuance of cards of the Platinum category.

Within this category, you can issue Visa card or Master Card. Interest is charged on the balance of the account, increased bonuses are provided within the framework of the "Thank you" program.

As part of the Gift of Life program, debit cards of the Platinum category are also issued.

Validity - 3 years, maintenance - 4900 rubles per year. Account currency - rubles, dollars, euros. The possibility of contactless payment, plastic is valid both in the Russian Federation and abroad. Suitable for salary projects. It can be issued to citizens of the Russian Federation over 18 years old.

Bonuses: special programs from Visa and MasterCard, "Thank you" from Sberbank, "Give Life".

It involves the use of "Mobile Bank", a smartphone application, a personal account, insurance of goods purchased with a card (90-day guarantee), "Autopayment", emergency cash withdrawal in case of loss of a card abroad, medical and legal support abroad.

Online application: on the bank's website.


Black plastic for wealthy people issued within the framework of Sberbank Premier. Free service is provided if the funds on the account are more than 1,500,000 rubles. If the amount is less, then the fee will be 2500 rubles per month.

Validity - 3 years, maintenance - 30,000 rubles per year. Account currency - rubles, dollars, euros. The possibility of contactless payment, plastic is valid both in the Russian Federation and abroad. It can be issued to citizens of the Russian Federation over 18 years old.

Bonuses: special programs Visa and MasterCard, "Thank you", access to business lounges for rest at airports, issuance of up to 5 cards for free, higher deposit rates, preferential exchange rates, insurance for the plastic holder and his family members when traveling abroad.

Services and services: personal account, "Auto payment", "Mobile Bank", insurance of goods purchased with a card (90-day guarantee), smartphone application, medical and legal support abroad, personal client manager, dedicated line of the contact center for calls, emergency cash withdrawal if the card is lost abroad.

Online application: on the bank's website.

On our website, find out about credit, about the basic requirements of the bank for a potential borrower.

How is the procedure for obtaining a card if you issued it yourself.

You can use two methods:

  • apply on the website and come to the department for ready-made plastic;
  • complete and submit an application at a bank branch.

The easiest way is to use the Internet service. To do this, just select the type of card, fill in the required fields in the application and indicate the branch where it will be convenient to pick it up.

As soon as the plastic is made, an SMS notification will be sent to the phone number indicated in the questionnaire. With a passport and the amount of the annual fee, you will need to go to Sberbank, sign an agreement and activate a debit card.

Making a debit at the bank office is done in approximately the same way.- the manager will fill out an application for issuing a card according to your words, it will be necessary to sign it and wait for the card to be made. Or (if it is an instant issue) immediately pick up the plastic and activate it.

A ready-made debit card is issued together with a PIN code in a separate envelope. Activation is carried out either by the bank itself within 24 hours from the moment you receive the card, or during the first operation through an ATM using a PIN code.

Usually the manager offers to do it in front of him., paying through the device a fee for the year, and additional card services (SMS notification, "Mobile Bank").

Immediately after activation, you can start using your new debit card.

How to use this card

The rules for using a debit card are very simple.

She can pay for purchases in stores or other points of sale, where there are terminals, pay for purchases on the Internet, withdraw cash or replenish an account at ATMs.

Through Sberbank-Online you can transfer funds to plastic of any banks, pay for public Utilities, repay debts and fines to the traffic police and a number of other organizations.

Your debit card is valid for 3 years from the moment of its activation. The expiration date is indicated on the plastic itself.

It is important to keep the card carefully, and prevent damage to the magnetic stripe - or it will become unusable.

In case of loss or theft of plastic, you must immediately call the bank, block it and order the release of a new one.

Do not keep the PIN code next to the card, in order to avoid the loss of confidential data and theft of funds from the account. If the PIN code is lost, you will have to order a reissue of plastic.

How to close

If you want to stop using the card, you need to know how to close it.

If the card is closed but the account is not closed, the service fee continues to be charged. If you do not cover it in a timely manner, a debt is formed on the account, which spoils the client credit history and then prevents you from getting a loan from any bank. With the accumulation of a more or less decent amount of debt, the bank transfers it to the court for collection.

To correctly refuse a debit, funds need to be withdrawn, and then contact the bank branch with a card, passport and service agreement. After writing a statement of refusal of service and closing of the account, wait for it to be accepted by the manager and you will be notified.

It should indicate that the account is closed and there is no debt. Hand over the plastic - it must be destroyed in your presence.

Irina, 42, Moscow

“I trust my funds only to Sberu, and I have been using their services for more than 7 years. Visa Gold suits my requirements. In addition, she issued several debit cards to children so that they could withdraw money and pay in stores. Satisfied with the service."

Maria, 25 years old, Izhevsk

“My love is the youth card, as it provides a lot of bonuses and it is very profitable. I like to pay with bonuses for movie tickets or plane tickets.

Gennady, 34 years old, Rostov-on-Don

“I use salary plastic, I’m happy with everything, thanks to it you can quickly confirm solvency on a loan, when funds are urgently needed - it replaces certificates and copies of labor.”

Taras, 34 years old, St. Petersburg

“I am a freelancer, I was looking for plastic that would be convenient to receive payment from clients for services. I chose Sber. I am satisfied with the quality of services, the fact that there are many ATMs in every city, cash withdrawals are free.”