Correct use of a card with contactless payment: instructions. Card payment does not go through - POS equipment errors


More and more online entrepreneurs are using .

This payment method is widespread in the foreign part of the network and is only now gaining momentum on the Russian-language Internet. It is precisely because of the simplicity and speed of such payments that this payment method is popular not only among clients, but among entrepreneurs from all over the world.

How does payment by plastic card work?

In order to make a purchase of a product using a plastic card, the client only needs to fill out a couple of fields on the payment page for the product, click on a button and within a few seconds he will receive a message that his payment has been completed and he can receive the product he paid for.

But this is all so beautiful and smooth in theory.

Practice, unfortunately, shows the opposite...

Problems when paying with plastic cards

There are problems when paying with plastic cards, and if they are not discussed, online business owners will lose profits, and customers will be disappointed because they were unable to pay for the product or service they needed.

While accepting payment for my own goods and services using a plastic card, I noticed a certain pattern - not all of my clients’ payments go through.

After analyzing the situation that arose, I identified 5 reasons why my clients’ payments made with plastic cards did not go through. I suspect that there may be more such reasons, but at the moment I know only these.

Reason #1. A plastic card is not intended for making payments online.

Many clients try to pay for goods and services on the Internet with plastic cards that are not intended for making payments online. “Salary” cards, pension cards, and savings cards are used. With these cards you can withdraw money from banks and ATMs, pay for purchases in real stores, top up mobile phone accounts, pay utility bills and make a whole range of payments, but only offline - in real time outside the network.

Reason #2. The plastic card is not activated for making payments online.

The plastic card the client receives from the bank is not initially activated for making payments online. This is done specifically so that without his knowledge no one could use his card and make any payments on the Internet.

Of course, this is a good way to protect the client’s funds, but it is very bad when the issuing bank does not notify the client about this protection before issuing the card and he learns about this problem much later than he should have.

Reason #3. There are not enough funds on the plastic card.

Very often, when paying for goods and services on the Internet, the client does not know the exact balance of funds on the card and for this reason his payment may not go through. The reason is simple - there are not enough funds on the plastic card.

The client knows approximately what amount should be on the plastic card, but this amount does not always correspond to the real amount. Payments using a plastic card are made quickly and, most importantly, easily. For this reason, when making purchases in real life and on the Internet, many plastic card users do not monitor their cash balance.

Reason #4. Incorrect input of initial data for making a payment.

A certain percentage of clients cannot pay for goods and services on the Internet due to the fact that they make mistakes when entering the initial data for making a payment. Despite the seemingly absurdity of this reason, it exists and causes problems for clients.

When filling out the fields when paying with a plastic card, customers rush to enter all the information correctly and make mistakes when entering the plastic card number and CVV code. As a result of such haste, the payment does not go through and a bitter aftertaste remains on the client’s “soul.”

Reason #5. It takes a long time to enter initial data to make a payment.

Despite the fact that the system for accepting payments by plastic cards gives the client 800 seconds to enter all the initial data (credit card number, CVV code, full name, residential address, etc.), some of the clients still do not have time to invest in allocated time period.

More than thirteen minutes is not enough to enter data!

Incredible, but this is true. The client is looking for a plastic card, gets distracted, takes a long time to enter the initial data and... cannot pay, so the system does not process the payment due to exceeding the time limit for entering personal data.

As you can see, the reasons are simple and banal, but despite this, they do not allow the seller to make a profit, and the buyer does not receive the goods or services he pays for.

To ensure that your plastic card payments always go through and you receive the product or service you pay for, I recommend following three simple rules.

1. To make payments for goods and services on the Internet, use a card designed specifically for these purposes.

2. Monitor the final balance on your card to be sure that the payment will go through and you will receive the goods or services you paid for.

3. Correctly and quickly fill out all fields when entering initial payment data. Try to meet the allotted time, and fortune will always be on your side.

In our fast-paced age, we are used to doing everything remotely - working, communicating, shopping. We are very happy to pay with credit cards online, because it saves a lot of time and sometimes money. However, there are times when remote shopping fails. And when you make an online transaction, you receive a message that your card has been declined. Let's see why credit cards are not accepted?

First, on the morning of your payday, your wages will be automatically loaded onto your card.

  • Salary card.
  • Student card.
  • Holiday fund map.
  • Rainy day card.
  • You will have access to your funds immediately.
And once the funds are depleted, mom and dad can easily load funds onto the card. Just like building travel aids, you can do the same for Christmas. Ask your employer to deposit a portion of each payment onto your card.

Financial experts always recommend building a rainy day fund in case of an emergency. The cardholder can choose a refund at points of sale that offer this service. Some service stations may not accept payment for pump transactions. Note. . You can pick up your card at the Jacksonville Savings Bank West Morton location in Jacksonville, First Midwest in Virden or Litchfield Community Savings in Litchfield.

  • So, the first and most common reason is card blocking. Most often, the bank blocks the card if the client is late with the payment or in order to protect it from suspicious activities. In these cases, the bank employee immediately calls the card owner, but if it is not possible to contact him, the card is blocked and an SMS is sent to the client.
  • If payment is late for more than 30 days, the credit card may also be blocked.
  • Problems with paying for purchases can also be caused by exceeding established daily spending limits. These limits are set by the bank for security purposes: one for cash withdrawals, the other for purchases. If you exceed them, payment will not go through. The same thing can happen if you exceed the available limit on the card.
  • In addition, there are less probable reasons. For example, you simply forgot to activate a new credit card or, conversely, your card has expired.

How to protect yourself from the above situations? First of all, notify the bank about changes in your contact information so that an employee can contact you immediately. If you travel abroad, you should also inform the bank about this. Get yourself a second credit card that you can use as a backup. Don't forget to make the minimum card payments on time, and also keep your spending transactions under control. And most importantly, always have your bank’s 24-hour support phone number at hand.

A two-year investigation into retail banking by the Competition and Markets Authority found that customers could save £70 a year on average by switching banks. The rates are certainly attractive, but clients must meet a number of criteria to qualify. Providers may be asked to set direct debits and for minimum amounts to be paid each month.

Savers can earn 3 grand on balances up to £3, no interest is paid on funds above this. What's the catch? - new customers must set up three direct debits and pay £750 per month. This reduction reduces the maximum interest earned from £100 to £.

Problems may arise with payment for goods, today we will look in detail at why various errors may appear on the Aliexpress website, because this can happen for a number of reasons. Thanks to the error code, you can find out what the error means; below we will look in detail at what the error codes mean on the Aliexpress website. Typical error codes associated with payment for goods begin with IPAY_RS_10001_ХХХХ.

Customers who make 20 debit card transactions per month will be paid £5 per month. A further £5 will be paid if two direct debits are set up. What's the catch? Customers must pay £500 a month and register for online banking, paperless applications and paperless correspondence.

Maximum interest per year: £100. Otherwise there is a monthly fee of £5. Once verified, an on-screen message will appear indicating that the card is ready to use. This verification is part of our multi-layered approach to payment security.

Error codes on Aliexpress (errors when paying for an order on the Aliexpress website)

Error code: IPAY_RS_10001_2606- The card was rejected by your bank. Check if your card is valid or use another payment method.
Solution to the problem: Check the correctness of the entered data, if the error occurs again, contact your bank (call your bank).

In general, the IPAY RS 10001 2618 error is one of the most common errors on Aliexpress, because every 5 minutes 1000 orders are placed on the site, and during rush hour this figure is several times higher, which results in an overload of the payment system.

These include credit cards, debit cards and private credit cards.

  • Alternatively, you can tap “Enter card manually” and enter the card number.
  • Enter the security code found on your card and accept the terms.
The last card used or viewed will be the default card for payment.

How to add fingerprint as verification method?

You can swipe left and right to scroll through your payment cards and select the one you want to use to pay. Place your finger on the home key and then lift it as soon as you feel vibration. Repeat until you reach 100%. To ensure the entire fingerprint is recorded, move your finger.

Error code: IPAY_RS_10001_2616- not enough money
Solution to the problem: you need to top up your Visa/MasterCard account or electronic wallets WebMoney, Yandex.Money (, Qiwi (Qiwi wallet) or pay for the goods through a bank by selecting the Bank Transfer payment option.

Error code: IPAY_RS_10001_2618- Sorry, the payment was not completed. Reason: The operation is not authorized by the bank. (Error code: IPAY_RS_10001_2618) Recommendation: Please make sure you are using a valid card. If the problem persists, contact your bank or card issuer. Or use another payment method.

A little each time you touch a key, covering the key completely with your finger. Then hold your phone or device near the payment terminal to complete the transaction. Transactions are stored separately and listed for each payment card. If a merchant asks you to swipe your card, simply hold the back of your phone to the contactless payment terminal. If you're planning a trip abroad and don't want to arrive with an "empty wallet", you can order cash in foreign currency from your bank - online or in a branch.

To get your trip abroad off to a good start. The decisive factor is the appropriate exchange rate. Start your trip abroad well prepared and check your bank's information portal in advance about which payment methods work best for which country.

Solution to the problem: This situation often arises when paying with Visa Electron salary cards or Maestro cards. The only way out of the situation is to call your bank (the phone number is on the back of the card) and find out if it is possible to pay for purchases on the Internet and ask to enable this function/service. Regarding Maestro cards, they differ from Visa/MasterCard cards and not all goods can be paid for with such a card, so if you have a Maestro card, we recommend that you get an additional Visa/Mastercard card and when registering, do not forget to tell the bank employee that the card is needed You to pay for purchases in online stores online.

If you want to send a Direct Debit, it's quick and easy. In your online banking you will find the menu item “direct debit contradiction”. All reserved direct debits are displayed there, with one click you can return the corresponding direct debit.

Haven't used online banking yet?

The form also allows you to pay all expenses, split the expenses between you and the recipient, or pay the entire expense. And to every German bank account. All you need is a mobile phone number. Simply select a recipient from your contact list and send them the desired amount. Your personal data will then be displayed to you and stored in our system. Current accounts, daily accounts and fixed accounts are immediately displayed to you in online banking. You will receive a transcript of the contract directly in your email inbox. In addition, future extracts and information about the completed product can now be conveniently and easily received at home via your email inbox.

  • For the desired product, click the “Close Online” button and log in to online banking.
  • Then confirm the product details.
  • Review them and update if necessary.
  • You will then receive the offer documents with the offer code.
  • Click on the "close online" button for the desired product.
  • Then confirm your product details and enter your personal information.
  • Select the procedure you want to use to legitimize yourself.
At the same time, you will be able to set up online banking and an email account.

Error code: PAY_RS_10001_2626- the order amount exceeds the limit/limit
Solution to the problem: check your limit for the chosen payment method, usually limits can be set by your bank for Visa/Mastercard cards (you need to call your bank and increase the limit, the phone number is usually on the back of the card and indicated in small print). If you did everything correctly, try paying again or try a different card or another payment method.

Current accounts, credit cards, daily and fixed accounts are visible to you after receiving your online banking access details. Extracts and information about the finished product can be easily and conveniently delivered to your home via your email inbox. Sometimes it's better to go directly to the company's website.

Discreet practice, but illegal. Holiday bookings have started and you can already see yourself heading to the Caribbean on the cheap? If prices can be teased online, it's your payment options you should be careful about.

Error code: IPAY_RS_10001_2903- The order amount exceeds the permissible card payment limit.
Solution to the problem: On the back of your card there is the phone number of your bank, tech. Support works around the clock in banks and your problem will be solved in 5 minutes, just tell them to increase the limit on card payments. This happens if you want to buy something expensive, sometimes the limit for withdrawals from ATMs is, say, 1000 rubles, hryvnia, tenge, dollars or euros, and for payments on the Internet the default limit can be much lower, usually this is done for your own safety.

The price displayed at the beginning is tempting, but flames at the crucial moment of choosing your credit card type. Price differences range from 6 euros to almost 700 euros depending on the sites, calculated daily. “The full price, regardless of payment method, is available on the search page,” the Parisian site justifies.

Partnerships with card issuers

Discreet practice, but illegal. "In France, it is not practical to charge additional fees for promoting a payment method," says Camille Bertrand, a lawyer. But sales intermediaries such as tour operators can promote a payment method by offering a discount. Specifically, it is prohibited to announce a price of 100 euros per ticket in order to finally charge 130 euros according to the bank card. But the tour operator may announce 130 euros from the beginning and then announce a discount depending on the payment method. Rates, however, vary depending on the partnership between reservationists and payment card companies. “We partner with card issuers to offer discounts on our fees when paying with a specific card,” says Opodo.

Error code: IPAY_RS_10001_2906- Sorry, the payment was not completed. Reason: The system is temporarily unavailable. (Error code: IPAY_RS_10001_2906) Recommendation: Please try paying again. If the problem persists, please contact Alipay customer service.
Solution to the problem: This error usually occurs when paying for an order with a Visa or MasterCard plastic card, sometimes when paying using a Qiwi wallet. The fact is that all payments and monetary transactions on Aliexpress are serviced by the Alipay payment system, which belongs to the Alibaba Group, which includes the Aliexpress online store.

Airlines, agencies and other flight comparators. The order is not always followed. This is a real problem because it creates a competitive distortion, says David Cawtell, co-founder of flight comparator Algofli. “Tour operators are playing with words by charging card fees differently.”

Camille Bertrand, lawyer at the European Consumer Centre. Another subtlety in this game of hide and seek is the name given to these card collections. Tour operators play with words by presenting them differently, such as agency fees or travel costs, notes Camille Bertrand, but most of the time there is only one offering the lowest price on all the cards. consumers, “there is a need for further European harmonization,” says the lawyer, since some sites based abroad also play with the rules of their countries, which may differ from our legislation and are not always aware of the French system.

We specifically wrote a request to AliPay, and we were told that the Visa and MasterCard payment server in the Alipay system is not always stable and sometimes payments with plastic cards cannot always be completed successfully, sometimes this is due to system load, system updates or technical work in the Alipay payment service.

So what to do in this case, we recommend trying to place a repeat order or a completely new order from the product page by clicking the BUY button. You can also try using a different browser, paying with a different card, changing the quantity of an item, or trying to buy from a different seller. Well, if this doesn’t help, try paying for the order later or use another payment method (Webmoney, Yandex.Money, Qiwi wallet, Bank transfer/payment via bank or Western Union).

Buyers can also turn to consumer associations to assert their rights, but the ability to win a settlement is not always guaranteed. Another tip: directly on company websites. Sometimes the starting price seems higher, but it ends up being a better deal with less agency fees or credit card fees.

Typically, you will need to contact your bank or credit card issuer to resolve the issue. You then have several options to pay your pending payment to get your ads running again. To resolve a declined payment, you need to find out why it was declined. . From time to time a payment is rejected. In this case, we may pause your ads until payment is cleared. To learn how to make sure your ads are running again, select the type of disavowal that occurred.

Error code: IPAY_RS_10001_2917- unable to pay for the order. Reason: Contact your card issuer.
Solution to the problem: You need to call your bank and ask to enable online payment on the Internet.

Error code: IPAY_RS_10001_3007- The card number you provided is invalid. (Error Code: IPAY_RS_10001_3007) Suggestion: Please make sure you pay with a valid credit card. If the problem persists, please try again using a different form of payment or contact the bank or agency that issued your card.
Solution to the problem: Check the validity period of the card, as well as the entered numbers from the card, first and last name (entered in Latin letters). If this doesn't help, there is a phone number for your bank on the back of the card; customer support is usually available 24 hours a day.

Error code: IPAY_RS_10001_3010 Security code is incorrect.
Solution to the problem: Check the entered security code (CCV2 code), it is located on the back of the card where the signature is and consists of 3 digits, enter it in the appropriate field when filling out the data and try payment again. If this code is not on your card, call your bank (your bank's phone number is on the back of your card) and find out if you have the opportunity to pay for goods via the Internet and what you need to enter instead of the CCV2 code.

Error code: IPAY_RS_10001_3012 Not enough money (Not enough money)
Solution to the problem: Make sure you have money on your Visa/masterCard, you can also try using another card with money to pay. If it doesn’t help, use another payment method or top up your card or top up your electronic money account (WM, Yad, Qiwi), also don’t forget that you can pay through a bank or Western Union.

Error code: IPAY_RS_10001_3017 The card issuer does not allow this operation
Solution to the problem: Make sure you are using the correct Visa/MasterCard and also try contacting your bank. This error occurs if payment on the Internet is not available or if you use cards other than Visa/MasterCard, but cards such as Maestro, American Express, etc.

Error code: IPAY_RS_520000500 Sorry, the payment was not completed. Cause The system is temporarily unavailable. (Error code: IPAY_RS_520000500) Recommendation: Please try paying again. If the problem persists, please contact Alipay customer service.
Solution to the problem: try to pay later, perhaps the payment server or payment gateways are overloaded, so the payment did not go through. Sometimes changing the browser helps, you can also try paying with a card from another bank (if you have one).

Error code: IPAY_RS_7032: the bank’s payment system is overloaded
Solution to the problem: I called the bank, they said that due to promotions on Aliexpress (a large number of requests), the payment system of the bank, which transfers money to Aliexpress, had crashed and advised me to try to pay later.

Error code: IPAY_RS_7777- Sorry, we are temporarily unable to process your order. Reason: Sorry, the payment was not completed. The system is temporarily unavailable. Please try to pay again. (Error code: IPAY_RS_7777)

Solution to the problem: This error often appears when paying for an order through the Aliexpress Mobile application, try updating it or paying through a computer/laptop. If this error appears on your computer, you can try changing your browser or just wait and try to pay later. To continue placing your order, log in to the Aliexpress website and simply go to the My Orders section and your product will be there in the list marked unpaid, click on it and you can try to pay again.

This error in 99% of cases pops up when the card cannot pass authentication, due to the fact that the ability to pay using this card on the Internet is not connected, so the payment does not go through (on the back of the card there is your bank number, just call the bank and ask if there is Is it possible for your Visa/MasterCard/Maestro card to pay on the Internet? If not, then usually within 5 minutes everything will be connected and activated for you for free, after which you will be able to pay online in any online stores without any errors. This function is disabled for security reasons, so that the grandson doesn’t take a card from his grandmother and buy for his entire pension, for example, VKontakte votes or some online games).

Often the error IPAY_RS_7777 is associated with cards of Sberbank of the Russian Federation, when paying by card, one-time SMS passwords are additionally required, but in order for them to arrive, you need to connect mobile banking, or rather register in the mobile banking services system or get a list of one-time passwords from an ATM, there are similar nuances in others banks, just call the bank and your issue will be quickly resolved, below is a screenshot of this error on the computer (in the Aliexpress mobile application for some reason it does not show and just writes the error IPAY_RS_7777)

Error code: ISC_RS_5100102051- For security reasons this process can not be continued. If you make a payment from your card and the page shows this error code, it means that your payment was declined for security reasons and it is recommended that you use other payment methods or a different card. (perhaps you have several cards and you pay for purchases with different cards or other people’s cards, although sometimes payment with someone else’s card goes through without problems).

The Aliexpress security system regards your account or payment as unreliable; perhaps you are using a card that does not belong to you or the same card in different accounts, which has aroused suspicion among the Aliexpress security service.

The easiest way to bypass the ISC_RS_5100102051 error is to use a different payment method or a different Visa/MasterCard card.

Officially, in order to resume the possibility of paying with Visa/MasterCard cards, you need to write a letter with the subject “Checking the order on Aliexpress”, the following documents must be attached to the letter: If you used a personal card for the transaction, send a copy of your ID or passport or if you used a corporate credit card (company card), you also need to attach a copy of the business registration.

But that’s not all, you also need to prove that this is your card, so in the letter you need to attach another copy (scan) of the credit card on both sides and make a copy of the bank statement showing at least one payment via Aliexpress (you can take a screenshot of the screen from the online page banking). In principle, you can do without a bank statement, but this will be a powerful argument to prove that you are you. Information about this error recently appeared on Alipay (the payment system that processes all payments from Aliexpress), here is the info:

By the way, this error has recently been observed among buyers from Crimea and when paying by any means, it is recommended in this case to wait and try to pay later, or when paying, indicate a different region in the delivery address and MUST write to the seller with a request to correct the region immediately after payment and agree, i.e. warn the seller that you will indicate the wrong address BEFORE payment (when you change the region in the delivery address, payment starts working and goes through without problems, it is advisable to indicate neighboring regions such as Krasnodar, Moscow, ...).
It is better to pay through the website or from a computer, and not through the mobile application or mobile version of Aliexpress (sometimes due to the Aliexpress application for Android/iOS, errors appear even when changing the region). You can additionally try to pay through the English version of the Aliexpress website, in some cases it helps to get rid of errors when paying.

New information has appeared, the Chinese additionally identify Crimean residents by IP, so in addition to changing the region, use an anonymizer, proxy or services for changing/replacing IP (there are thousands of such services on Google, it helps even if VK is blocked at work). So now no sanctions from Aliexpress are scary).
They say that the failure is due to an increase in the cost of delivery to Crimea, and also due to the fact that there is a partial lack of electricity (light) in Crimea, which directly affects delivery times.. Tech. Aliexpress support promises that payment errors will soon disappear and this is a system failure.

Error code: ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE- Occurs when trying to log in to the site.
Solution to the problem: This can be solved by clearing the cache in the browser.

Error: Sorry, your payment was not successful! No money has been deducted. Reason: 5, Duplicate Order- order duplication.
Solution to the problem: The order may have already been paid, try going and looking at this information in the My Orders section. If the order has not been paid, you can try clicking the pay button which will be next to the order.

Error: Your account is temporarily unavailable due to security reasons- The account was blocked. Most likely you have not activated your account on Aliexpress, so your profile is blocked.

Solution to the problem: A link to activate your account will be sent by email when registering on Aliexpress. The link is active for 3 days, after which the account is blocked. But don’t worry, now Aliexpress has already lifted these restrictions, just rummage through your mailbox and find the account activation letter and follow the link provided in the letter. If you couldn’t find the letter, then there are a couple more ways to activate your account on Aliexpress..

If you manage to log in with your username and password, then go to the My Aliexpress section, then edit your profile, then click the edit button and only then will you see a button next to the email “click here to confirm” to resend the activation letter, this way you can confirm your email address (e-mail). But if you don’t log into your account at all, then under the error message there will be a link with the words “Appeal for account reactivation”, click on it, fill out the form and within 5 days you will receive a link to activate your account. Although it’s easier to register a new account, you’ll actually have to use a new email.

Error: Reason: An unknown error has occurred. Solution: Please try again later.- Unknown error
Solution to the problem: can be solved by re-ordering, this happens because the session may have expired or there is simply a glitch on Ali’s website.

Error: Something went wrong. Please check your order history before attempting to pay again. This will help you make sure you don't pay for the same item twice.
Solution to the problem: Typically, such a sign pops up if your orders already have this product marked “Waiting for payment”, and you are trying to pay for the order through the product page. How to fix? Go to the "My Orders" section, find this order there (usually it is in first place) and click "pay" there. The fact is that if you get to the page with a choice of payment options, the product will automatically be saved in the “My Orders” section, and if something goes wrong, you can only pay for it from my orders (although you can also delete the product from the My Orders section by clicking on the basket icon next to the order)

Can't access the site
The server DNS address for cannot be found.

This is a DNS server error, there can be 2 reasons, either the DNS records on the side of your provider have not been updated or there are temporary problems on the side of the Aliexpress DNS server. As an option, try logging in from your phone or from a different IP, or wait 1-24 hours.

Error: Error 404- page not found, product or seller’s store has been deleted or does not exist
Solution to the problem: This error happens in several cases, most often when there is an error in writing the link, it also happens if the seller’s store is deleted, the product is deleted, or you simply come across an outdated link.

If, for example, you bought a product, but the seller does not send the order for a long time, the parcel takes too long or the order protection time is running out and you want to contact the seller and when you go to the page with the seller’s store you get a “404 error”, then you can immediately

A POS terminal is a multifunctional complex that allows you to fully automate the cashier-operator’s workplace. If you follow all the requirements and maintenance rules, then there will be no problems with your unique device.

Let's figure out why the payment system may not work and fail, and also determine what the cashier should do in the event of a breakdown.

Reasons if card payment does not go through at the POS terminal

Since the POS terminal includes several important elements (customer display, cashier monitor, keyboard, cash drawer, card reader), there can be many reasons for failure.

In particular, payment by card may not go through if:

  1. There is no power from the external power supply. Before turning on the equipment, you should check whether it is connected to the network.
  2. The telephone connection is broken . You should also check whether all parts of the complex are working.
  3. The device is discharged or has lost connection with the base. This condition is important for mobile terminals that can operate without communication with anything, as independent equipment.
  4. A violation has occurred in the PC system or software.
  5. The equipment has disconnected from the computer , or from other devices.
  6. Lost connection with the bank via dial-up modem.
  7. The Internet connection has disappeared, wi-fi has disappeared.
  8. The electronic card from which the information is read does not fit this terminal. In different regions, clients can pay using cards from different banks. When choosing a POS terminal, you should pay attention to the popularity of banks in your region, region, or city.
  9. There are not enough funds on the client's card. The bank operator checking the availability of funds sent a refusal to the equipment.
  10. The buyer did not enter the PIN code, made a mistake or forgot. This case is the most common.
  11. Chip cards cannot be read since contactless payment is valid.
  12. No cashier training who performs the operation.

Please note that these reasons are external. And there are also internal ones, which are related to the operation of the equipment interface; it is also called a virtual POS terminal.

The service system is built according to the following scheme: client or buyer – bank operator – virtual device.

Typically, the terminal operates in a fraction of a second. This time is required for the operator to check whether the card is valid, whether it really belongs to the buyer, and also to find out what the balance is on it and whether the client will be able to pay for the purchase. If the scheme of this operation is violated, the payment by electronic card will not go through. This is another important reason.

What should the cashier and the buyer do if the card payment does not go through - instructions

To avoid problems with clients and the tax service? A store employee must know what to do if payment via an electronic card does not go through.

You should proceed according to this scheme:

  • Save the printed receipt - even if the payment did not go through completely. And it happens that money is withdrawn from the card, but the payment does not go through the system. It may contain important information, for example, about the time of the operation, the number of the operation.
  • Call the support hotline, or what will be indicated on the check, and explain the situation.
  • Tell the bank operator the POS terminal number, as well as the number of the operation being performed.
  • Run a z-report in order to reconcile the funds in the system. If they are credited to the organization’s account, then the payment can be considered completed. If not, then the amount will remain unchanged.
              • Advice: Try not to lose touch with the specialist you call. Many people complain that it is impossible to call the support service again. You can tell the operator that you are willing to wait and stay on the line until he gives a clear answer and resolves the problem.
  • While you wait, the specialist will have to find your payment in the computer accounting system and make the payment manually, not automatically. If this is not offered to you, you will have to resolve the issue by visiting the bank.
  • After talking with the operator, you can check how the entire complex is connected. Perhaps the terminal or other parts have disconnected from the network or are not communicating with each other. You can try rebooting the equipment, in some cases this helps. Don't worry that the entered data will be lost - it will be saved in the fiscal memory. You can then see what payments were made during the day or a certain period of time.

If the problem persists, call the programmer at the Technical Service Center. Specialists They will be happy to answer all your questions and help you set up the equipment.

If the telephone consultation does not suit you, then the employee can go to the site and solve your problem in a short period of time.

Thanks to the responsibility and experience of specialists , your business will operate as before.

What to do if a payment made through a Sberbank cash register or ATM does not go through? This company offers convenient and fast money transfers, often instantaneous.

But sometimes it happens that funds are delayed in transit or do not reach the recipient. This article is about how to solve such issues. Some possible reasons are discussed here.

Incorrect details.

You were provided with incorrect information, either you entered it incorrectly, or the cashier made a mistake when filling it out. Also, sometimes organizations change their current account, so it is quite possible that payments to the old accounts are no longer accepted.

If the funds do not arrive for a long time, you should check whether you entered all the details correctly. Read more about what data is needed for transfer on this page.

Deception on the part of the recipient.

Let's say you sent funds to the seller from whom you want to receive the goods by mail. But he claims that your funds did not reach him.

It is possible that you became a victim of a scam, and the attacker received the full amount. To avoid this, get confirmation of a successful transfer of funds from the bank, and also file a statement with the police.

The card is blocked.

This can happen for many reasons. For example, its validity period has expired, or the bank has prohibited you from making payments due to your overdue payment. Then you need to find out the reasons and correct them by contacting your banking institution.

Mobile Banking is not connected.

The client wants to send funds to another recipient via SMS to a Sberbank short number, but to no avail. The explanation is simple - to use this service, the sender must have this service activated. Read how to connect on this page.

Problems in Sberbank Online.

Technical problems mean that the payment process is not carried out instantly. Sometimes it drags on for several days. If your payment via the Internet has not reached the recipient, demand its return - the funds must be returned within 20 days or another period required by law.

This situation happens very often, when the sender sends money to the recipient and hopes that it will arrive on the same day. However, this happens only in rare cases; according to the law, banking companies are given up to 3 working days to complete the transfer.

Those. If you made a payment before weekends or holidays, a delay of 1-2 days is normal. Don’t worry, as soon as the system starts functioning again in operating mode, the operation will be completed. And only after 3 days, if the recipient still has not received his money, should he contact the branch for help.

Whatever the reason, you should contact the bank in a way convenient for you - through Internet support, by calling the hotline at 8-800-555-55-50 or at the nearest company office.

Here is a useful video about what to do if your payment does not go through a Sberbank terminal or ATM: