How long does it take to make a Sberbank debit card? Production time for all Sberbank cards: from instant issue to a month


Nowadays, when technology does not stand still, the frequency of use non-cash payment everything increases, and cash gradually fades into the background.

This article will discuss in detail the topic of obtaining plastic cards, details of their design, all the pitfalls, as well as how much is being done salary card Sberbank.

Sberbank provides the opportunity to issue several types of cards - credit, salary, debit, personal, gold, savings and virtual. They all differ in purpose, appearance, degrees of protection, design details.

Salary is used in the corporate environment of the company, joining the conditions of the enterprise’s “salary” project.

So, what are the benefits of using such a card?

  • in case of loss, the funds are not lost;
  • the opportunity to pay for goods and services not only in the Russian Federation, but also abroad;
  • Access to Savings account to create savings.

To answer the question How long does it take to make a Sberbank salary card?, - you should familiarize yourself with the registration procedure in more detail.

Sometimes the Bank sends its employees to the enterprise and then the company’s employees can issue a card right there. Often, receiving it takes just a few minutes. In case of dismissal, employees can continue to use the cards.

You can also apply online to save time, but this method only works for credit and debit cards. In this case, the client is recommended to collect everything in advance Required documents– passport, documents for confirmation financial activities and labor activity (copy work book, employment contract etc.).

Salary cards can be of three types - Maestro, Visa and Gold. The first type allows you to withdraw funds only on the territory of the Russian Federation, and the last two also allow you to withdraw funds abroad. Therefore, Visa and Gold are paid, with an annual service fee.

However, all salary cards provide the opportunity interest-free withdrawal cash at the Bank's ATMs.

However, many people are interested how long does it take to do personalized card Sberbank The production time for such a card is longer than for a salary card - up to 2 weeks. This period is due to the difficulties of applying the embossed name of the owner. Its cost is higher than the cost of any non-name one, since it has additional degrees of information protection, and its use allows you to pay for goods and services outside the country with greater comfort.

Advantages of a Sberbank personalized card:

  • higher degrees of protection;
  • discount and privilege programs from Visa Inc.;
  • possibility of linking to electronic wallets;
  • in case of loss while traveling abroad - emergency money withdrawal service;
  • ability to manage accounts via mobile applications and Internet services.

Credit and debit card holders receive the same benefits with individual design.

Obtaining a gold card differs only in a larger list of documents to present to the manager, a higher cost, but also great privileges. If the Bank itself has offered the client to issue such a card, then a package of documents is not needed.

Main advantages:

  • free service;
  • additional protection using an electronic chip;
  • the possibility of contactless payment technology for purchases;
  • cash withdrawals from subsidiary banks abroad on the same terms as in Russian banks.

For registration pension card You must go to the nearest bank office with a passport and a document confirming receipt of a pension and submit an application for receipt.

The advantage is that you can order pension card even to persons who have temporary registration on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The older generation, of course, is interested - How long does it take to prepare a Sberbank card?. Its production time does not exceed two weeks.

Main advantages of a pension card:

  • absolutely free service;
  • additional degree of protection using an electronic chip;
  • free SMS alerts for the first two months after receiving the card;
  • bonus programs from the Bank.

Knowing your needs, you can easily issue a card for non-cash payments and not be afraid of troubles or problems, since Sberbank provides its clients with security guarantees, support and various programs bonuses.

Applying for a plastic card requires not only documents, but also time. Sometimes accrual Money occurs before the payment instrument itself is issued. Therefore, the question of how much it takes to make a Sberbank card is quite natural.

Production time

The delivery time is affected by several nuances. One of them is the method of completing the application. If you apply online, you will have to wait 3 to 5 days. Moreover, this time will be spent only on approval. After this, you will have to visit a physical Sberbank office to full registration. Also, the time required to issue a plastic card depends on its type and functionality.


This is the simplest option for opening an account. Therefore, issuing a debit card will be fast compared to other options. Even preparation for registration does not require the presentation of additional documents, only passports.

The average production time for such a card is 2 weeks. You can shorten it if you order a simplified version. For example, a youth debit card is issued immediately upon submission of an application. The range of its capabilities is not as wide as that of the standard one, but the functionality present will cope with basic payments and purchases. Also keep in mind that custom plastic designs take extra time.


A package of documents is required for registration. So, if the head office of the organization is located in another city, then a certificate of income from the place of work will cause additional difficulties. First it must be done in the accounting department, and then sent by mail to your address (fax or Email are not suitable, since the certificate must have a blue seal from the main office).

Then you will need to get bank approval to apply for a loan. In total, it will take about a month to produce such a card. It happens that the credit department has doubts about some information about the identity of a potential borrower, and therefore additional verification will take time.

If possible, it is better to contact the largest division of Sberbank to issue a card, since it is they who are engaged in production. This way you will reduce the time frame, since the process will take place through a direct contractor without intermediaries in the form of bank branches.

The question of how long it takes to make a Sberbank card is of interest to many Russians, since payment instruments the largest financial company in the Russian Federation are in great demand. A bank card is recognized as a reliable, convenient and multifunctional means for storing savings and making payments with suppliers of goods and services.

When ordering a salary, gold, classic, personalized Visa, World or MasterCard, users want to know how long it takes to issue a plastic card and what needs to be done to get it faster.

The card's production time is affected by:

  • appointment;
  • the region where it is manufactured.

For example, if we are talking about a card that does not require personal inscriptions, it can be done within a few minutes. When, on the contrary, we are talking about complex banking products with an original design and the owner’s name, the card is prepared in 10 days to 2 weeks.

At the offices of a financial institution, when filling out an application, the manager informs the client when the ordered card can be received.

The Momentum card, which does not have a name, is issued immediately upon request.

Deadline for creating Sberbank debit cards

From the moment of submitting an application for the production of a classic-type plastic debit card until notification of the completion of issue is received, at least 10 working days pass.

This time is necessary for Sberbank to physically create a card, apply a code to it, and register the monetary medium in the financial institution’s database. Also included in this period of time is the delivery of a plastic version of Mastercard or Visa classic to the applicant.

Production time for Sberbank credit cards

A credit card takes a little longer to produce than its debit counterpart. In this case, you will have to wait 3-5 days longer.

If you don’t want the creation process to last too long, place your order not via the Internet, but at one of the Sberbank branches.

Making credit cards takes a lot of time and for the reason that financial organization you need to collect as much information as possible about the applicant.

Average debit card arrives 2 weeks after submitting the application.

How long does it take to make a Sberbank Molodezhnaya card?

The most popular product among the younger generation of Russia is the “Youth” card. You can order it either in the office or online on the financial institution’s website. For this purpose, an application is completed and sent.

You can find out from your bank manager how long it will take to wait for the date to receive the plastic. On average, this type of card takes at least 10 days to prepare.

How long does it take to make Sberbank salary and social cards?

Social and salary cards are a special product of Sberbank, designed to store money that the state pays to citizens.

The question of how long it will take to process this type of plastic depends on several factors. For example, if manufacturing is carried out by a company that provides jobs to citizens, the process will be carried out faster.

Practice shows that salary and social cards are made in 1 to 3 weeks.

Reissue of salary card

Slightly different deadlines are needed when re-issuing cards, which is carried out in case of:

  • theft;
  • loss;
  • failure;
  • loss of PIN code, etc.

If it is necessary to reissue the salary plastic, the client is given the right to make a choice under the following conditions:

  • save old account data, tariff plan, payment form, etc.;
  • close the account to which the product was linked and cancel all data;
  • order another Sberbank analogue.

The answer to the question of when the map will be ready depends on its features. The standard version will take about 10 days. A payment instrument with an individual design lasts longer.

Personalized or with individual design

Personalized or exclusive plastic with a special design is an indicator of the client’s priority. This card cannot be confused with any other. She is the only one even on a global scale.

If you decide to order this particular option and want to know how many days you will have to wait for release, the answer is from 1 to 1.5 months.

Other cards

The waiting time for ordered plastic in the Sberbank concept extended from several minutes - “Momentum”, to 45 days - with an individual design, personalized, magnetic, etc.

Before you leave the bank after filling out your application, ask the manager when approximately you will be invited to be issued. Specialists always have such information.

Production time for instant card

The record holder for terms is the previously mentioned card Mastercard Momentum. It is made in 0 days. It is suitable for:

  • accumulation of funds;
  • sending transfers;
  • non-cash payments to stores for purchases.

The disadvantage of plastic is that it is not accepted for payment outside Russia and is not suitable for payments on the Internet.

If you need a card reissue

If we return to the reissue of plastic media, which was discussed in connection with salary types, then the answer to the question of how many days you will have to wait for a duplicate to be made will be disappointing. It will take about the same amount of time before you receive it as if you were receiving a completely new card.

How do I know when the card is ready?

You will be notified by a call from Sberbank that the ordered bank card is ready. The manager will inform you that the plastic can be picked up at such and such a time, at such and such a Sberbank branch.

If a few years ago Russians kept their cash in a wallet or home stash, now in the best possible way cash savings steel plastic cards. The main advantage of such payment instruments is the unlimited funds that can be transferred to the card and used for non-cash payments. Most of our citizens are active clients of Sberbank, the largest and most reliable bank in Russia.

Citizens are also eagerly beginning to acquire plastic from the Russian national payment system WORLD. These cards have recently appeared in the everyday life of Russian users and, of course, still raise many questions. For example, one of the most popular is interest in the production of plastic, how long it takes to make a Sberbank MIR card and how to find out about its readiness.

The production time for a MIR card from Sberbank is identical to the processing time for plastic from other payment systems

What determines the period of issue of the World card?

When specifying how long it takes to prepare a plastic card, you should pay attention to its type. Release dates are directly affected by the following factors regarding manufacturing:

  1. Will there be a personalized card?
  2. Card type (gold, standard or social).
  3. Type of card (salary, debit or credit).
  4. What design: standard or custom design.
  5. Where the application for registration was submitted (in the office or remotely).

It is also worth considering that in addition to the above points, the production time is directly affected by the duration of the production stages. In particular:

  1. The production of plastic itself.
  2. Application of security codes (CVV2 or CVC2).
  3. Processing of the customer’s personal data by the bank.
  4. Registration of the card in the Sberbank database (entering it into the register).
  5. Submitting an application for a card (time is spent on its consideration by the bank).
  6. Registration and signing of contractual obligations for maintenance and work with plastic.
  7. Delivery (to a Sberbank branch or, with a separate request, to the courier service to the customer’s apartment).
  8. If a credit card is issued, then an additional period is required for the banking structure to verify the submitted data of the applicant.

It is almost impossible to predict exactly how long a particular stage of registration will take. Therefore, the production time for a Sberbank MIR card is on average 2–14 banking days.

How long does it take to make a MIR card?

You can take a closer look at the production time of the card, taking into account its variety and type. Production time plastic carrier will be different in each case.

The production time for a MIR card depends on its type


Debit plastic is estimated to be the most popular type of monetary medium. To find out how long it takes to make a MIR card in Sberbank in this direction, it is worth considering its type. For example:

  • Momentum cards (instant issue, unnamed) are issued to the client 10–15 minutes after ordering them;
  • personalized cards with the client’s personal data (last name and first name) printed on them will, on average, be ready only after 7–14 days.

The production time for debit cards at Sberbank does not depend on the type of payment system (MIR, VISA or Mastercard).

According to the current regulations of Sberbank, when issuing gold plastic ( Gold cards, Premium, Premium+) their release time is reduced. Such cards are issued to the customer after 3–5 banking days.


Credit cards take longer to produce than debit cards. On average, production time increases by 2–7 days and sometimes can be more than 3 weeks from the date of receipt of the application from the client. This extension of time is influenced by a number of factors. Namely:

  • how the application for a credit card was submitted: in person, at the Sber office or through the bank’s website;
  • how long after the application is approved will the client visit the bank office to receive a loan and credit card;
  • the amount of funds being loaned (the larger the loan, the more carefully the security service checks the borrower’s data and, accordingly, spends more time on it);
  • checking the documents submitted for a loan (it is worth considering that many certificates, due to the applicant’s sluggishness, lose their expiration date and have to be reissued).

When applying for a credit card, Sberbank allows the possibility of issuing instant plastic. Such a loan is issued as a microloan, and the plastic itself is issued to the applicant on the day of application.

You should know that Sberbank is on this moment does not issue or issue MIR credit cards.

This plastic appeared on the market not long ago. Russian market and credit cards from this payment system are not yet in great demand. But, due to the growing demand for MIR cards, we should expect changes in Sber’s policy in the near future.


This type of plastic is classified as debit. Therefore, their production time will accordingly be up to 2 weeks (minimum 7 days). But it’s worth knowing that Sberbank allows you to order this plastic and submit a preliminary application remotely, via the Internet. This slightly increases the waiting period for the future plastic holder, but in general the production period does not go beyond the required 14 days.

Production times for cards with custom designs are increasing


The main task of this type of card is to accrue wages from employers. By the way, Sberbank’s salary clients have numerous benefits. But, nevertheless, the production time of such plastic does not apply to preferential and shortened ones. Much depends on the nuances. For example, with a centralized (“wholesale”) order of such plastic (for all employees at once) banking organization extends processing times.

On average, salary cards from Sberbank are prepared within 10–21 days. Production time becomes minimal with a separate additional payment for urgency.

We can summarize and say that the production time for MIR salary cards from Sberbank is as follows:

  1. Centralized order - 10–21 days.
  2. Individual registration - 10–14 days.


Social plastic MIR is intended for persons receiving pension contributions. This means that this type of card is classified as a debit card. And, therefore, it has an average production time of 1–2 weeks.

Dates for issuing a card with an individual design

Many Sberbank clients want to have not just personalized plastic, but a card with a special design. The bank provides for this possibility. Of course, for a fee. But there are many who want it - after all, everyone wants to have a card with a unique and inimitable design, this gives status. According to the client's request front side such a card can be designed in accordance with his personal wishes - up to placing a photo from his personal archive on it.

But it is worth considering that such plastic will take much longer to produce than regular plastic. Indeed, in the process of working on the design, you will have to repeatedly agree current work, adjust, and sometimes completely change. Therefore, this plastic has the longest production period. It takes from a month to 45 days.

The client receives a notification that the card is ready

How long does it take to make a card ordered online?

Sberbank cards of any kind monetary systems can be ordered through Sberbank Online. When ordering remotely, the processing time for plastic increases by an average of 2-3 days than when placing it in a Sberbank office. This depends on the need to double-check the personal data of the future owner. On average, the production time for plastic ordered remotely is as follows:

  • debit card: 1–2.5 weeks;
  • credit cards: increases during the period of verification of the customer’s data.

In general, you can make a summary table showing the production time of plastic cards ordered via the Internet:

Where can I find out if the plastic is ready?

As soon as the specified time has passed, you can contact the Sberbank office to receive a plastic card. But, of course, it’s still better to check first about the readiness of the plastic.. This can be done in several ways:

  1. IN personal account Sberbank Online.
  2. Personally going to a Sberbank branch.
  3. By contacting the operators of the technical department (bank call center).

The timing of the MIR card issue depends on a number of conditions; on average, they are issued in 1–2 weeks

How long does it take to reissue a card?

All plastic money carriers have their own expiration date (for MIR system cards it is 5 years, for international plastic it is 3 years). At the end of which the cards must be reissued. Reissue may also be unplanned (if the card is stolen/lost or was accidentally damaged). On average, the time for re-issuing plastic takes about 2 months (60 days).

What to do if deadlines are missed

If all the planned deadlines have passed, including those personally stated by the bank manager, but there is no message that the plastic is ready, you need to act. But only if not only the approximate time indicated by the Sberbank employee has expired, but also all the regulated deadlines have passed. In such a situation, you will have to find out the reason for the delay..

The best way to do this is to call hotline Sberbank (8-800-555-55-50). After checking, the consultant operator will provide full information about the reasons for the delay in issuing plastic. You can also visit a Sberbank office in person with your passport in hand.


By analyzing how long it takes to issue a MIR card from Sberbank, you can indicate the average time frame. This is 10–14 days (the time increases when issuing personalized cards with an individual design and issuing salary plastic). If a planned reissue is necessary, then there is no need to worry - in order to maintain the comfort of service, Sberbank automatically starts the production of new plastic 2-3 weeks before the expiration date of the old one. And in case of early reissue, the production time is standardized by analogy with the issuance of a card as during the initial application.

In contact with

Sberbank cards are issued according to a certain procedure, which includes several stages. Therefore, it is not possible to get it quickly. Let's look at how long it takes to make a Sberbank card, and how long it takes to reissue it.

How long does it take to make a card in Sberbank?

How long it takes to make a Sberbank card depends mainly on the type of product and, sometimes, on the method of submitting the application.

The process of obtaining a debit card includes the following steps:

  1. choosing a map and suitable conditions;
  2. writing an application at the department, presenting your passport;
  3. card production;
  4. opening an account, signing a service agreement;
  5. transfer of plastic to the client;

The third stage takes the longest while they are doing bank card, since it requires the owner’s name and some other information to be written on it.

This takes up to 7-14 days, since plastic card still needs to be delivered to Sberbank.

Persons with temporary or permanent registration who have reached the age of 14 can receive a bank card. Additional card You can even order for a child over 7 years old, which requires permission from a representative.


How many days it takes to issue a Sberbank card does not depend on its status or type of payment system (Visa, MasterCard, MIR). Classical and gold card are done in the same amount of time. The exception is bonuses. They are sometimes made faster than expected for classic ones. This is due to the policy of Sberbank.

A personalized card is made within 10-14 days. This time is enough to produce the plastic, equip it with a security chip, and apply the details: number, expiration date, client name. This time includes delivery of the card, processing of the client’s personal data and creation of a virtual account.

When the card arrives at the Sberbank office, the employee informs the applicant that it is ready and asks him to come forward to receive it. If after 2 weeks you have not received a call from Sberbank, you should call the hotline and inquire about the reason for the delay.

You can issue a debit card in 10 minutes - Momentum. This map unnamed, i.e. has no information about the owner. This is what explains the issuance speed. The finished cards are already in the office and are immediately handed over to the applicant.


Get credit card Citizens who have reached the age of 21 and have permanent registration can apply. All you need is a passport for registration. But if the borrower provides information about his income and other evidence of solvency, he can count on a higher credit limit.

A credit card is issued according to a slightly different procedure. In particular, the approval stage is included. This is necessary to assess the characteristics and solvency of the borrower. It lasts 2-3 days, sometimes more.

Considering how long a credit card is made, it can be noted that the duration is identical to debit. But due to the need to obtain a preliminary positive decision on the application, the total release time reaches up to 20 days or more.

Sberbank's assortment includes instant credit cards. They are issued without waiting. But you can only get them when applying for a loan or through an individual offer.

With individual design via the Internet

You can order classic cards from Sberbank. This means applying an image chosen by the user to the plastic. Since it is difficult to assign an image in person, this product You can order online.

The application can be filled out directly on the Sberbank website in the Debit Cards – With Individual Design section. First, you need to select a photo from the suggested options of Sberbank or download it from your computer. It is worth first studying the requirements for photographs. In particular, they should not be someone else's intellectual property or contain indecent images, logos, advertising texts, etc.

After looking at how the photo will look on the card, you can change the color of the Sberbank logo so that it better suits the scheme.

Further instructions include:

  • telephone number for checking the applicant's data;
  • record passport and personal information;
  • enter your residence address;
  • select a branch (service region).

Such cards take much longer to make – about a month.

In reviews when asked how many days it takes to issue a Sberbank card with a unique photo, they note that sometimes you have to wait up to 2 months. Users are advised to periodically check the status of their application. There were cases when the application was lost, which the user found out about only after applying again.

Youth card

The Sberbank youth card is designed for young people under the age of 25. Due to the features target audience, Sberbank allows you to request a youth card via the Internet.

You need to go to Sberbank’s online resource in Debit Cards – Youth, and fill out the form:

  • personal information;
  • contacts;
  • passport details;
  • address;
  • region.

The youth card is officially issued within 2 weeks. But, according to reviews, it is clear that when applying online, it takes longer than when applying in person.

Bank card MIR

Sberbank's capabilities and conditions are similar to classic international products, and even have a similar cost.

Almost the only difference is the inability to use MIR abroad. But in Russia you can pay with it in retail outlets, withdraw cash from ATMs and make transfers and payments online. The government announced the mandatory transfer of state employees and pensioners to receive payments directly to the MIR card.

The registration procedure does not differ from the standard one. The card is personal, and therefore it is also issued in 10-14 days.

Classic personalized salary card

A Sberbank salary card can be ordered independently or by an employer. In the first case, you need to go through a standard procedure. You are allowed to choose almost any card based on your preferences. A salary card takes a little longer to make than a regular one - 14-30 days.

The employer opens salary project for its employees, usually by assigning the same type of card to everyone. The company often pays for the service itself. When understanding how much a Sberbank card is issued through a company, you need to understand that the conditions are the same for everyone. A salary card is issued for up to a month. The employer assumes the responsibility for delivering cards to employees.

For employees budgetary organizations Today, only the MIR salary card is offered, as required by the government bill.

How many days does it take to reissue a Sberbank card?

The card product can be used for 3 years, after which it must be replaced.


Users do not know how many days it takes to reissue a Sberbank card, since the process occurs automatically (without client participation) according to the following scheme:

  1. a certain time before the end, Sberbank sends a request to issue a new one.
  2. plastic is produced.
  3. the card arrives at the Sberbank office.
  4. the owner is sent a message that the product is ready.
  5. he comes to the department with a card with expired validity and passport.
  6. the old card is confiscated and destroyed, a new one is issued.

Reissuing a card implies linking it to a current account. But the card will be equipped with other details: number and expiration date. Thus, if there is no failure, then everything happens automatically and by the time you apply, the card is already in the bank. Planned reissue is always free of charge.