They call from the pension fund to receive a card. Divorce of pensioners by phone ostensibly from the pension fund. How does the company attract investors?


Within the territory of Russian Federation for citizens, a pension is provided when they reach old age, or for other reasons.

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Put monthly payment is formed from insurance contributions that are made to a citizen by an employer during official employment. At the end, a monthly pension is provided from the funded part of the funds.

But for Russians, there is an opportunity to make contributions not only to the state Pension Fund, but also to NPFs (non-state pension funds).

One of these institutions is NPF Soglasie, about whose activities there are a lot of negative reviews on the Internet (the pension fund Soglasie, they call and ask for personal data, or ask to confirm the fact of concluding an agreement with them) - thus, fraudsters act on behalf of the organization or having nothing to do with her.

Information about the company

The activities of any NPF in Russia are regulated by this legislation, namely Federal Law No. 75 dated May 7, 1998 ( latest edition) "On Non-State Pension Funds".

In the 1990s, the number of such institutions numbered about 300 organizations. Subsequently, there was a merger of small companies and now Russian market their number does not exceed 30.

NPF "Consent" is one of the oldest institutions operating in the country since 1994.

On the this moment the company is among the ten leaders of the Russian market of non-state pension funds in terms of the volume of savings of citizens

At the end of 2017, the amount of savings amounted to 74 billion rubles. The company actively supports all existing government programs, including is engaged in the provision of certificates "maternity capital".

In addition, it should be noted that the guarantee of pension payments is carried out at the expense of the Active Deposit Insurance Association.

How phone scammers operate

Many citizens of Russia have already faced dishonorable actions on behalf of NPF "Consent". But in some cases, calls come from scammers, and not from company employees.

In this case, the actions by phone are as follows:

  1. A call comes in from a local number.
  2. Next, the citizen clarifies information about the conclusion of the contract.
  3. References are made to the translation in non-state fund employer.
  4. Clarify all personal data of a citizen.
  5. After that, they ask you to wait for a call from another number and confirm the answers to the questions that the personal data is correct, the contract was concluded, and whether a copy of the agreement is on hand.
  6. Then another operator calls back and asks these three questions.

At the same time, citizens are assured that after that all Required documents to the address where he lives.

According to the management of the Soglasie company, their employees do not engage in such fraudulent activities.

Also from Consent, namely its leadership, an apology was received to all citizens of the Russian Federation who faced such calls.

What says NPF "Consent"

The fund itself denied such a statement. According to the management of the organization, their agents do not act like that. Further, apologies were made from JSC NPF "Consent".

Here is how Dmitry Nazarkin (head of the public relations department) commented on the situation:

I responsibly declare that such calls from employees of the NPF "Consent" cannot be received. The fund does not fraudulently attract citizens to transfer funded pensions to the company, and also does not impose services on Russians. The official website of the organization has all Contact Information NPF, including phone numbers. At any time, a citizen has the right to call the institution and clarify information about whether he is a client of the company or not. It is also recommended to make relevant requests to the FIU regarding accruals, which can be done through the official website of the Pension Fund or the public services portal.

Through the website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or the portal of public services for the population, each citizen can obtain information about the state of his savings account, as well as find out who has the funds at his disposal.

Where is my pension

Representatives of the FIU regularly warn Russian citizens about fraudulent activities. It is not recommended to put signatures in dubious documents, as well as provide information about where the place of residence is located.

In case of any illegal actions on the part of scammers, you should immediately contact the police.

It should be remembered that all actions of citizens in relation to their funded pension are exclusively voluntary.

You can request information on FIU phone, where information will be provided on which state or commercial fund the citizen belongs to.

Also, when making a request to the NPF, you may encounter the fact that there are no savings in it, such situations can happen if the company has changed its name.

If necessary, a citizen can always return to the savings in the FIU, for this an application is written to the district branch of the state fund.

In the event that there are fears for savings that information for their transfer fell into the hands of malefactors, it is always possible to write a statement to the FIU or NPF that consent to the transfer was not given.

How to return it

To return the savings, as well as your personal data, you must contact Roskomnadzor.

The executive agency actively involved in such cases:

After the relevant proceedings are carried out, the citizen's personal data, as well as his funded part of the pension, will be withdrawn from the NPF and transferred back to the FIU.

How to terminate the contract

Termination of the contract with NPF "Consent" is possible in the event of certain cases, namely:

  • after the death of the insured person – automatic termination;
  • conclusion of a new agreement with the pension fund on OPS;
  • return to the State Pension Fund of Russia;
  • provided that the non-state foundation loses its license.

Upon revocation of the license, the concluded agreement is terminated automatically after three months.

After a citizen has chosen a new NPF, or decided to return to the Pension Fund and terminated the contract with the previous company, his funded part of the pension will be transferred to the appropriate account.

After the conclusion of a new contract, all information about it is entered in a single register.

Participation in ratings of expert agencies

As a rule, the conclusion of an agreement with an NPF in Russia occurs only after studying its ratings, as well as a long-term reflection of a citizen and making an appropriate decision.

Random or erroneous transitions from PFR to NPF are extremely rare. In this case, the organization "Consent" has the following ratings:

  • the company is a full leader in terms of profitability (61.59%);
  • NPF "Consent" is in the TOP-500 of the largest companies in the country;
  • the fund is one of the five oldest non-state insurance institutions;
  • is in the TOP-10 of the largest NPFs in Russia;
  • the company is the leader in terms of payments of average monthly compulsory pension insurance.

In accordance with the reports of NPF "Consent" has been a leader in the Russian market for five years.

Russian agencies that publish information on ratings assigned the company an A+ category. The reliability of the organization is rated above average with a positive outlook.

What threatens the transition from the FIU to a non-state company

In the event that a citizen transfers his savings from the state fund to commercial organization, there are some risks.

Let's consider in more detail what the transition threatens:

Based on this, we can conclude that, despite the high reliability rating, as well as profitability indicators, the transition from PFR to NPF is not always a reasonable step.

Non-state pension funds have been operating in the Russian market of insurance and providing the opportunity to accumulate pensions for a long time.

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How I was secretly transferred to the left fund and what it cost me

At the end of 2017, I got a call from a non-state pension fund and informed me that I am now their client.

Alexey Kashnikov

suffered from scammers in NPF

I didn’t conclude any contracts with anyone, and when I started to sort it out, it turned out that 80,000 R was actually stolen from me from my future pension.

At one time, I myself worked as an NPF agent, but even knowing all the tricks of insurers did not save me. In this article I will tell you how unscrupulous NPF agents can secretly deceive you.

This article is just the beginning of my fight against scammers. When there is some kind of continuation, I will supplement the article and report it on social networks - subscribe. But while I punish the scammers, a lot of time may pass, and you need to protect yourself from them now, so do not wait for my situation to be resolved - be prepared in advance.

What kind of NPF and what does old age have to do with it

Our future pension is divided into two parts: insurance and funded.

The insurance pension is money from people from the future. When you are old and someone else is young, the young will be thrown into your pension. How much you will receive in this part depends on many factors, from your experience to the scale of our country's imperial ambitions. We can significantly influence the size of the insurance pension, except perhaps by improving the demographic situation in the country, so that during our old age there will be many able-bodied taxpayers in Russia.

A funded pension is your own money, which the state has allowed you to set aside in advance for old age. So you would give all your deductions to current pensioners, and now you can leave part of it on the account. You can do nothing with the funded pension - and then your insurer will be the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, which by default will send savings to the management company VEB. People who choose this option are called "silent".

You can consciously choose the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation as your insurer by writing a statement about it. Then you will also remain in the FIU, but you will not be considered a “silent person”. You can also invest a funded pension through a non-state pension fund (NPF) and receive income with it. If the income is good and in the next 25 years no one decides to use it for the imperial ambitions of our country, then in old age you will have something to live on.

This is the same as if you are now investing part of your salary in stocks and bonds. You invest, investments bring income, and in old age you receive a pension from this money. Now imagine that you are not personally investing, but some Management Company, which collects a lot of money from the population, invests this pile in financial instruments and makes a profit. This company is the NPF - a non-state pension fund.

Non-government pension funds earn from the profits they generate for their depositors, so they compete for clients. The more customers, the more money and the greater the potential profit. Sometimes, in pursuit of turnover, funds begin to play a dishonest game - and let's talk about that.

NPF agents

Non-state pension funds are financial companies, they deal with money: a million there, a million here, bought paper, sold paper, debit-credit. They do not always have a network of offices throughout Russia and their own sellers.

In order to attract money from the population, NPFs quite often turn to the services of agents. The agent sells the services of the NPF for a fee - it can be a person or a company. For example, an NPF can negotiate with a promoted bank so that it sells the services of this NPF to its customers. For each executed contract, the NPF pays a fee to the bank. Everyone is happy.

Agents can be banks, shops, website owners, your postman, your Apple dealer, your employer, and even all sorts of shady characters. By and large, the NPF does not matter through whom you executed the contract: the main thing is that you agree to transfer your money to this NPF. And the main thing for the agent is to draw up papers and get your fee. It doesn't matter to everyone, so it turns out ...

The fund works with agents directly or through brokers

Early transfer to another NPF

The state wants you to choose one pension fund and leave money there for a long time. Therefore, according to the law, you can move from one fund to another without financial losses once every five years. If you switch early, you will lose all investment income.

That is exactly what happened to me. In 2015, I signed an agreement with NPF "Doverie". At that time, there were 33,000 R in the savings account. For two years, my NPF invested money, and I received income. When I was fraudulently transferred to a new NPF, everything I earned burned down, and the original 33,000 R remained on the account.

But the losses didn't end there. The fact is that money from one NPF to another is not transferred clearly on January 1, but in the period from January 1 to April 1. That is, if during this period the funded pension has already left the old NPF, but has not yet entered the new one, then during this time you will not receive any income either. In fact, the money may freeze, they will be transferred to a new account later - in my NPF they told me that sometimes the deadline is delayed until September. With a yield of 10%, losses increase from 6930 to 8000 R.

I was quite satisfied with the yield of my old NPF - 10%. This is twice the rate of inflation. Now I am 35 years old, I have at least another 25 years before retirement. All this time, the lost money would continue to work. With a yield of 10%, 8,000 R by 2042 would turn into 80,000 R! I will miss this amount due to the fact that back in 2017 someone decided to transfer me to another NPF.

How scammers deceive in NPF

Some agents make a transfer from one NPF to another secretly from the client: the main thing is to get passport data and SNILS number from him. For each client brought, the agent receives from 500 to 5000 R, depending on the amount on the account of the future pensioner.

When I worked as an agent, our company used only legal ways to find clients. The most common are door-to-door visits and holding meetings of employees in large organizations. In addition, so-called cross-selling was widespread, when credit managers in banks or stores acted as agents. They suggested that clients conclude an agreement with NPFs when they received a loan or bought goods on credit. Before signing the contract, the client was always told what kind of fund we represent, what profitability it has, etc.

Width="1350" height="1424" class=" outline-bordered" style="max-width: 675.0px; height: auto" data-bordered="true"> In 2013 when I was working in brokerage company- agent, NPF paid from 1200 to 1500 R for each client

How they cheat when going around apartments

Sometimes agents cheat when going door-to-door, when you can talk to a person one-on-one, without witnesses. For example, agents pose as employees of a pension fund. From the point of view of the law, everything is clean here, because the NPF is also a pension fund, only a non-state one. Potential client but he thinks that they came to him from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, and trusts the guest.

Offering a contract, agents can intimidate, saying that it is necessary to sign it, otherwise you can lose part of your future pension. This, by the way, is also half-truth: the agent can show the profitability of the fund - if it is higher than your current NPF, then part of the future pension is really lost.

Our competitors even opened a company with the name "Gosfond", issued certificates to agents with such an inscription - and sales soared. Conscientious NPFs never do this - we have the phrase "I'm from the pension fund" was banned.

One of my clients told how agents came to her house and said that our fund had closed and she had to urgently sign an agreement with a new NPF. In fact, our company simply merged with another NPF and changed its name. Competitors found out about this and began to scare customers.

Agents came to my house too. I let them in out of professional interest. They used this technique: they asked for SNILS “for verification”, they immediately called somewhere and told me that I was no longer in the customer database and that the contract urgently needed to be reissued. In fact, they checked SNILS with the combined database of several NPFs, but I was not there, because my fund simply did not submit data there.

How to cheat during a cross-sell

An employee of a bank, insurance company or microfinance organization can simultaneously work for an NPF. In this case, you may be given to sign an agreement under the guise of other documents. For example, when you apply for a store loan and sign on in large numbers papers. They may say that this is an insurance contract, it is free.

Many recruitment agencies work this way. The task is facilitated by the fact that for employment they need the same documents as for concluding an OPS agreement: a passport and SNILS. Applicants come to a recruitment agency and fill out a job search form. In fact, they are given to sign an application and a questionnaire for transfer to the NPF. Citizens after filling out the questionnaire are told that they will receive a call. They will have to confirm that they agree to the transition, and then they will be contacted for work. When the client confirms the transfer to the NPF, they may indeed be offered some vacancies, or they may even forget about it.

One client told me how an unfamiliar man came to their village and said that he was recruiting people for work. Under this pretext, he collected passport and SNILS data from those who wanted to find a job, then he gave them some papers to sign and left. No one got a job, but the next year everyone received a notice of transfer to the NPF.

  1. OPS agreement in triplicate. There will be 3 copies of the contract in total, each of which will be signed at least in two places.
  2. Applications for early transfer. Usually, just in case, clients are given two applications to sign at once: on the transfer from the PFR to the NPF and on the transfer from the NPF to the NPF.
  3. Consent to the processing of personal data.

Forgery of signatures

Forgery of signatures is already a crime. The fraudster receives a passport and SNILS, forges signatures, submits documents to the NPF - it seems like he himself sold services to a person. The client learns that he moved to a new NPF, only a few months later, having received a letter from the old one.

This is what happened in my case. As I later found out, an employee of the bank where I received the card transferred me to the new fund. She scanned my passport and SNILS, which was in the passport cover, quietly filled out the documents and reported to the fund: “Here, they say, they brought you a new client, give me money.”

It is difficult to avoid such a situation, because the cases when we are asked for copies of the passport and SNILS are not rare. At the same time, non-state pension funds themselves are trying to fight fraud. For example, they call and clarify whether the client really entered into an agreement - this is how they double-check the integrity of their agents.

Some NPFs require a photo of the client's passport from agents. True, scammers manage to bypass these barriers, buy databases of scanned documents, enter their own phone numbers into the contract in order to answer calls from NPFs on behalf of clients.

One of my colleagues from the NPF told me that scammers open entire factories for the production of false contracts: they hire special people who forge signatures, other employees answer the phones of the NPF, confirming the transition, and others hand over documents.

According to the law, forging signatures, providing copies of the passport and answering for the client by phone is still not enough to transfer the pension. After that, my identity and signatures are certified by one of three options: a personal visit to the FIU or the MFC, with the help of a notary public or an electronic signature. Who confirmed my identity, I don't know yet. My new NPF ignored this question, and now I am waiting for a response from the Pension Fund.

How to check if your money is safe

It will not work to find out if you were transferred ahead of schedule without your knowledge until the money leaves one NPF to another. In the old fund, they find out that the client has dropped out, already in fact - from the PFR. You will receive a letter stating that your money is in the new NPF, also only after the transfer.

Therefore, you need to regularly check if you have changed NPF. You can check it on the website of public services by selecting the section “Notification of the status of a personal account in the PFR” in your personal account:

Click "Get Service" and then "Get Full Details":

When the statement opens, you will see all the deductions of your employers and your insurer, as well as the date the contract with it comes into force:

The amount of the funded pension and profitability are not reflected in the statement, they can be found in the fund - on the website or by calling the hotline.

The agreement does not come into force immediately, but next year. If, while reading this article, you remembered that you recently signed something like that, you have a chance to return to the old NPF without financial losses. Find the new fund's hotline number on their website or in your copy of the contract and find out how to cancel the transfer.

What to do

If you find out that the funded part of the pension was transferred to a new NPF secretly from you, go to court demanding that the contract be declared invalid. The money, together with the accumulated income, will be returned within 30 days - in such a situation, a special procedure for transferring the funded pension applies.

To do this, request by registered mail from your new fund an agreement and consent to the processing of personal data that you allegedly signed. They can be used as evidence in court. When I received my documents, I saw that the signatures for me were made by someone else's hand. Now I have filed a lawsuit.

You can go to court even if you signed the contract yourself, but you were not told about the loss of profitability. As practice shows, the courts also satisfy such claims.

Remember that the law is on your side. If you yourself did not sign the contract or you were misled, then you can prove everything in court.

Unfortunately, many people, when they find out about the transfer to a new NPF, simply wave their hands at it: they say, the money is small, why bother now, maybe the new fund will be better. There are three things to understand here:

  1. Now the money is small, but in 10-20 years they will run into significant interest.
  2. The choice of an insurer for compulsory pension insurance is your legal right. If you did not choose this NPF, there is no reason to stay in it.
  3. Most likely, you will only need to collect documents and appear at the court hearing. My lawyers say that they are not needed there and I can do everything myself.


  1. If you change NPF more than once every five years, you will lose investment income.
  2. It would seem small lost amounts investment income for retirement can turn into tens or even hundreds of thousands of rubles.
  3. Carefully read all the documents that you sign when obtaining a loan or employment (and in general always).
  4. Your passport and SNILS are enough for scammers to transfer you to a new NPF.
  5. If you have become a victim of unscrupulous agents, complain to your new NPF, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Central Bank.
  6. To return the funded part of the pension and income, apply to the court with a claim to recognize the OPS agreement as invalid.

Fraudsters are increasingly active and sophisticated trying to deceive pensioners and cash in on their modest retirement savings. Today there is a new outbreak of the fraud epidemic in Moscow. Fraudsters are becoming more and more cynical and brazen. On the basis of regularly received applications from citizens from the districts of Moscow, cities and districts of the Moscow region, the PFR Department recalls the constant encroachments on fraudulent activities by unknown persons in relation to citizens, both older generations and young people.

For the current period, alarm signals have been received from the Northern Administrative District of Moscow, Northern Western Administrative District of Moscow, Northern Eastern Administrative District of Moscow, Khimki urban district, Mytishchi urban district, Korolev city of the Moscow region, Mozhaisk municipal district and many others. Alleged violators of the law introduce themselves as employees of the Pension Fund, they report that they are collecting data to replace the SNILS, transfer the funded pension, to pay the newly assigned additional payment, to transfer compensation funds, etc. The main task of fraudsters is to obtain personal data of citizens: passport data, numbers bank cards and other.

Moreover, cases of mass mailing of letters from postal addresses allegedly belonging to the Pension Fund have recently become more frequent, containing a request to follow a link that at first glance points to the PFR website ( However, the link provided in the email contains malicious software that can disrupt your computer.

These facts are especially alarming, and require extreme caution from users of Internet services.

In this connection, the Pension Fund warns that it does not send emails containing attachments, and urges you to be more careful about the received correspondence and not to succumb to the tricks of scammers. Citizens can obtain all the necessary information at the PFR client service or through Personal Area citizen on our website.

Just the other day, in the SAO of Moscow, and in the urban district of Khimki, Moscow Region, in the entrances of houses, announcements were hung, certified by the official seal of a certain “centre for the promotion of pension reforms” that in high-rise building in November-December, “from 12:00 to 21:00 there will be a scheduled round on pensions for citizens of the Russian Federation from 21 to 49 years old. Specialists will explain the essence of the pension reform and help with the preparation of DPS (mandatory pension insurance) forms only if you have a passport and an insurance certificate of SNILS. And of course, pension bank cards.

This is already a new invention of scammers who are becoming more sophisticated and finding new loopholes to violate the law. In a word, they mutate like new varieties of infectious flu, develop immunity from preventive exposure and punishment under the criminal article: “fraud”.

According to Alexander Akimenko, head of PFR No. 5, serving citizens of the SAO of Moscow and the cities of Khimki and Dolgoprudny near Moscow, - pension fund experts do not request personal data over the phone, they are not authorized to visit citizens, as well as provide public services at home .

According to him, the number of scammers who are trying to deceive pensioners and cash in on their pennies is not decreasing. At the same time, they “invent” new forms of deceiving people. So, for example, taking advantage of the gullibility of older people, scammers call pension recipients and, posing as specialists from the Pension Fund, offer them financial subsidies - to replace batteries, windows, etc., after which they ask for a bank card number.

I also want to draw attention to the surge in the activity of fraudsters specializing in the transfer of pensioners from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to Non-State Pension Funds, including by illegal means, - says A. Akimenko.

Along with new scheme old, already well-known methods are also used: scammers introduce themselves FIU employees, give job advertisements for citizens in order to collect documents and others.

He especially stressed that the necessary measures had been taken on the fact of illegal posting of such announcements.

Activists of the Union of Pensioners of Moscow and the Moscow Region, at our request, warned the employees of the territorial REU about this, and continue to call pensioners and warn of the necessary vigilance for such announcements. At the same time, they ask to immediately report such facts to law enforcement agencies or to “ hotline» our management by phone8-495-987-09-19 .

He once again recalled that the reception of the population on issues related to the provision of pensions to citizens, namely: obtaining and exchanging SNILS, managing pension savings, the appointment and recalculation of a pension, the choice of a method for delivering a pension, obtaining a certificate for maternity (family) capital, etc., is carried out only in customer services territorial bodies PFR, subordinated to the PFR Department for Moscow and the Moscow Region, and strictly according to the established schedule.

Information on the schedule of reception of citizens and contacts of the territorial bodies of the PFR, subordinated to the PFR Department for Moscow and the Moscow Region, can be obtained at official website of the Pension Fund of Russia by the address: