Credit cards. Bank payment cards CashAlot from Belgazprombank


The number of bank plastic cards in circulation as of January 1, 2007 was 3,882,511. Specific gravities cards of domestic, international and domestic private systems accounted for 9.72%, 89.23% and 1.05%, respectively.

Today, 17 banks of the Republic of Belarus issue bank notes plastic cards domestic, international and domestic private payment systems:

The bank is a member of:

Salary card holders have access to the entire list of services using plastic cards of OJSC Belpromstroybank.

OJSC "Belgazprombank" is ready to offer any service option depending on the Client's wishes.

Cards are accepted for payment in more than 222 countries around the world. You can pay for goods and services, as well as withdraw cash in any currency in any country in the world at your request, regardless of the currency in which your card account is maintained. The bank offers bank cards of the international payment system VISA International and the domestic payment system BelCard. All types of cards are easy to use and responsive necessary requirements security and allow

use a wide range of services.
The bank is a member of:

- international payment system MasterCard International;

- international payment system Visa International

JSC "Trustbank" offers you bank cards of the international payment system Visa International. Bank cards are easy to use, meet the necessary security requirements and allow you to use a wide range of services. With a plastic card you can pay for any goods and services in those places where Visa International payment system cards are accepted for payment.

OJSC Paritetbank presents plastic cards of the international payment system VISA International.
VISA Electron plastic cards of Paritetbank OJSC are accepted at all ATMs with the VISA logo.

BANK CARDS of IB "MOSCOW-MINSK" Bank "Moscow-Minsk" is an affiliate member of the international payment system MasterCard International. Bank "Moscow-Minsk" offers MasterCard and Maestro plastic cards with accounts in Belarusian rubles and US dollars.

National Bank of the Republic of Belarus (only for system employees

  • National Bank
  • through the “Settlement” system (ERIP) in any way convenient for you: “Bank, Financial services" - "Banks, NKFO" - "Bank Solution"
  • on the Bank’s website - “Card replenishment (online)”;
  • from QIWI Wallet - “Card replenishment (online)”;
  • cards MasterCard World“Be Healthy”, MasterCard World “Velokarta”, Visa Gold and Visa Platinum at Belarusbank cash desks.

For transfers, you will need an agreement number; it can be viewed in Mobile Banking in the “About the card” section.

What bank cards does Reshenie Bank offer?

Reshenie Bank offers a wide selection of different bank cards, each of which has its own features and advantages.

On this moment Our Bank cooperates with all payment systems used in the Republic of Belarus: BELKART, Mastercard and Visa.

In our Bank you can issue widely used debit and salary plastic cards, which are possible in a more exclusive version, for example, premium and currency cards.

Thus, you have the opportunity to choose exactly the payment card that will best suit your needs and desires.

By geography of use we can distinguish:

  • bank cards for paying for goods and services only in the territory of the Republic of Belarus;
  • bank cards, which can be fully used both on the territory of the Republic of Belarus and abroad.

You can issue:

  • Salary plastic cards, which are issued by companies for their employees. Salaries are credited to these cards;
  • Debit cards are issued by clients independently, without being tied to a corporate program.

Bank card from Reshenie Bank: advantages and features

  • We offer a wide selection of cards, which will allow each client to choose the most optimal option.
  • You can be completely confident in the safety of your funds.
  • You have the opportunity to issue a card that, thanks to PayPass/payWave technologies, allows you to make contactless payments.
  • If you have a card, you can receive a number of related services that will make using our Bank cards even more comfortable (for example, you can set up automatic payments and SMS notifications about card transactions).
  • If you have a Solution Bank card, you can use the capabilities of mobile and Internet banking systems.
  • Your bank card will be issued at as soon as possible(within 1-2 days).
  • The Reshenie Bank card can be valid for up to 5 years.
  • Validity period - up to 5 years.
  • We have special loyalty programs for our card holders.

List of payment cards issued by our bank

Map– a popular choice among customers accustomed to getting the best. Card holders receive a large list of related services that make using such a card as comfortable as possible both in Belarus and abroad.

Visa Platinum card– a card with which you will have access to premium offers from Visa, various bonuses and discounts.

Belkart-Maestro card "Dudutki"– with this card you will receive benefits such as cashback and discounts when paying for services of partner organizations.

MasterCard World "Be Healthy" Card– this card is ideal for those who pay special attention to their health. With it, you will have access to discounts when paying for medical services.

MasterCard World “Velokarta” card– this is a great option for all cycling enthusiasts. When you use this card to pay for goods in bike shops, you will receive pleasant bonuses.

Visa Virtual card is a virtual card for making online payments. Her main feature is that it does not have a physical medium. The holder receives card details, which are indicated when paying for goods and services.

Registration of a bank card

To apply for a traditional payment card at Reshenie Bank, you need to visit one of our bank branches, which are open both in Minsk and in other regions of Belarus. And if you want to become a card user Visa Virtual, then to register it you just need to use our bank’s mobile application.

Collapse Expand

A pressing question for Russian tourists and travelers is which card to choose for a trip: Visa or MasterCard? From which bank? Is it worth withdrawing money from a card at an ATM in Belarus? Does it make sense to take only cash with you, hoping to change it at an exchange office? Where better course- in banks of Belarus or in international payment systems Oh? Read about everything below.

The question of choosing a bank card for a trip arose before me quite recently - when planning a short trip around Belarus, materials from which will definitely appear on the site. I couldn’t find a clear answer to it on the Internet, so I decided to formulate it myself during the trip, taking with me three different debit cards and a small amount in cash. Looking ahead a little, I managed to find the best result.


Why has the relevance of bank plastic cards increased right now? The fact is that in Belarus on July 1, 2016, a denomination took place Belarusian ruble. And it turned out to be not as convenient as it once was in Russia. Let me remind you that three zeros were cut off. Thousands became rubles, the design of equivalent bills remained virtually unchanged. It was difficult to get confused, even when both old and new money were in circulation. In Belarus they went their own way and “cut off” four zeros. Those. The current paper thousand became equal to 10 metal kopecks. It is not comfortable. Especially considering that by the end of 2016 both old and new money will be in circulation. These are new:

In stores and others trading platforms you will see two price tags. Cash desks issue checks in different ways: some with old rubles, others with new ones. The change is also given to you mixed up. Belarusians themselves are confused, let alone travelers... But There’s no need to be confused when paying with a card, no need to check change, no need to worry about changing, and no need to carry a bunch of change or old-style paper rubles in your wallet.

A little more information about the denomination.

What if, for example, you have saved Belorussian rubles old model - is it worth rushing to Belarus to change them? No, it's not worth it. Until the end of 2016, they are in circulation throughout the country. , and if you don’t make it here, then before the end of 2021 you will be expected at the National Bank. I will also note that the money, although formally new, was printed back in 2009.

And yes, if before we came to Belarus and immediately became millionaires, now it’s the other way around.

Card or cash?


If we keep in mind Belarusian money, then everything is approximately the same as at home. Who likes what. However, there is one significant nuance, again related to denomination. This a large number of small change in your pockets (in this case, I mean coins). If in Russia the most valuable “trifle” is 10 rubles, then in Belarus it is 2 rubles(in terms of our approx. 67 rubles, not the smallest amount). If you can put change in your pocket and then give it all to the minibus driver, then in Belarus you will have to pay with it all the time, otherwise you will collect whole mountains of very expensive coins. When using a credit card, you can hardly remember the little things.


Cash, of course, is ubiquitous. What about bank cards? I traveled to various parts of Belarus for a week and a half and paid with cards everywhere: in museums, cafes, shops, metro stations, souvenir stalls, second-hand stores, railway and bus stations, hostels and much more.

Cards were not accepted only:

    In two hostels.

    In minibuses and trolleybuses (when purchasing a ticket from the driver).

    When purchasing a set of bed linen from the conductor in a reserved seat carriage. Yes, now linen is not included in the ticket price.

    At the ATM at the station to pay for local mobile communications (I will write more about this in the corresponding article later).

    At the self-service terminal at the station to purchase a train ticket. However, there were no problems at the railway ticket office.

Conclusion: you need to have some cash with you in any case.

When entering Belarus I changed 3000 Russian rubles , was more than enough. So much so that on the last day at the supermarket I specifically paid in cash.

Visa or MasterCard? In terms of distribution, it's almost the same. During the entire trip I came across only one supermarket that did not accept Visa. And MasterCard was accepted everywhere. Read about the benefits in terms of the course below.

Exchange cash or withdraw from an ATM?

It is definitely more profitable to acquire Belarusian rubles at exchange offices when transacting with cash. It is not profitable to withdraw money from a plastic card. Yes, the rate will remain the same, but a percentage for rent will be added to it. It is different for each bank.

The conclusion is still the same: you need to take some cash rubles with you in any case. Change them immediately upon arrival.

How do we calculate the course in this material?

As well as central bank RF, i.e. from our side - how many Russian rubles should be given for 1 Belarusian. The numbers, say, 33.34, indicate that 1 Belarusian ruble costs 33 Russian rubles and another 34 kopecks. - how many Belarusian rubles will they give us for 100 Russian rubles, don’t get confused. Do you see the rate of 3.02 in the exchanger? This means that for 100 of our rubles you will be given 3 Belarusian and two kopecks. To convert this rate to our original one, you need to divide 100 by 3.02. It will be 33.11.

Comparison of conversion rates between Russian rubles and Belarusian rubles


    Belinvestbank exchanger (represents the average rate for Belarusian banks, verified)

    Well Central Bank RF

    Three debit (i.e., we spend only what we have) bank cards - Yandex Money (hereinafter I), QIWI Visa Plastic (hereinafter - Kiwi), Corn

Why these cards and not others? Firstly, anyone can get them without much difficulty. Secondly, I didn’t have any other maps before the trip. But if you want to compare your bank's debit card, find out its tariffs and include them in the list yourself. And it’s probably not worth explaining once again why it’s better not to take a salary card or just a card with an impressive balance with you on a trip.

More about cards

Corn map(MasterCard payment system) can be obtained from Euroset for 100 rubles. Don't forget your passport. Moreover, these 100 rubles They will not take it away from you, but will put it into your own account. Roughly speaking, in a couple of minutes you will be able to spend them in a nearby store. The card is given for quite long term(I don’t remember when I received it, but there are still 5 years left until the end of the validity period).

The main inconvenience of Kukuruza is that without commission, the card balance can only be topped up at Euroset.(In 2018, several more places for interest-free replenishment were added, for example, Svyaznoy stores and MKB ATMs.)

Updated September 2019. It is also possible to replenish your Corn interest-free from a card of another bank, for example, Sberbank. One of the readers mentioned this. Subsequently, I repeated this experience myself. Read more at the end of the note.

Please note: Belarus also has Euroset, but it is not directly connected to the Russian one, and it will not be possible to replenish the Kukuruza balance there.

When you pay for various goods with Corn, you are awarded bonuses (0.5% or 1.5% of costs, the percentage depends on the card level). They can be spent in the same Euroset, paying 100% of the purchase with bonuses. I don’t need anything from Euroset, so I successfully spend bonuses at the Perekrestok supermarket, where they can be used to pay for up to 30% of the purchase (including promotional items and special offers).

And Kukuruza also offers free SMS notifications, which is rare these days. Upd. From March 12, 2019, SMS notifications from Kukuruza become paid, 49 rubles per month. So it makes sense to abandon it, replacing it with mobile Push notifications, and connect it only when traveling.

When converting to a foreign currency (not dollar or euro), the MasterCard rate for conversion to US dollars is used. Then the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is taken to convert dollars into rubles.

at the time of making the payment, an amount in rubles is blocked on your card at the above rates plus 5% (you receive information via SMS that the money has been debited, but this is not entirely true). The real write-off occurs after three days (+/-) at the rates for the corresponding date, the difference is returned to the account (they do not inform about this in SMS; in my opinion, this is correct). 5% is not a commission for Corn, it is insurance for the item sharp jump exchange rates. If it is not there, this 5% will be given back to you.

QIWI Visa Plastic(payment Visa system) is a card from Qiwi wallet, card balance = your wallet balance. Convenient if, for example, you receive wages via Qiwi. To withdraw cash from it, you will have to lose interest, but payments in regular stores, etc., occur without interest, this is profitable. The most budget Qiwi card costs 150 rubles for two years. You can receive it by mail. SMS notification - 49 rubles per month.

When converting into foreign currency (not directly exchanged by the Qiwi bank, i.e. not dollar, euro, tenge, hryvnia, Swiss frank, somoni) the Visa rate is used to convert into dollars, then at the Qiwi Bank rate the dollars are converted into rubles.

When paying, the amount in rubles is debited from your account at current rates. All. There will be no more operations. The only inconvenient thing is that in the Qiwi interface all this is reflected only in rubles, and if you do not save the receipt from the store, you will not be able to actually calculate the exchange rate.

(MasterCard payment system) - everything is the same here as with Qiwi. Just a different payment system. The poison card costs 300 rubles for three years. SMS notification - 50 rubles per month (350 rubles per year) .

When converting into foreign currency, the MasterCard rate is used, to which YaD adds 2%.

at the time of making the payment, an amount in rubles is debited from your account at the current MasterCard rate + 2% (income percentage of the poison, it will not be returned to you). In a day or two there will be a recalculation at the new MasterCard rate, and some small difference will be added to your account or, on the contrary, written off (which they will not fail to inform you about).


It’s kind of difficult to do the calculations, right? In order not to go into deep jungle, all the following rates on cards were derived by me solely from a comparison of Belarusian rubles spent (on checks) with the amount of Russian rubles written off on cards based on payment history. Where there was an exchange rate adjustment, the amount already adjusted was taken into account, i.e. actual. I should immediately note that the rates for cards, as it turns out, are not fixed during the day. I won’t go into details, which I don’t understand myself yet, just don’t be surprised that the daily numbers will vary. Well, it is clear that in this case, the lower the rate, the more profitable the deal.

Some statistics

    Poison Map
    First payment = rate 34.09
    Second payment = rate 34.07

    Kiwi Map
    = rate 33.74

    Exchanger "Belinvestbank"
    = rate 33.78

    TSB RF

    Poison Map
    First payment = rate 33.94
    Second payment = rate 34.06
    Third payment = rate 34.08

The rest of the courses are the same, since it is a weekend.

  • First payment = rate 33.09
    Second payment =
    Third payment =
  • Poison Map
    = rate 33.82

    TSB RF
    = 33,25

    It was not possible to find the Belinvestbank exchange rate for this date. But it is definitely not lower than the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Let's sum it up

As you can see, of the three cards offered, as well as the average Belarusian exchanger, the Corn card is the sole leader, with the most favorable rate. With ease of use and even some bonuses. This is the answer to the question from the title of the article, short and to the point: .

Qiwi card at a rate approximately at the level of the average exchanger. The only benefit is convenience. What, You can easily take it with you as a spare. But the YaD card showed the worst result, thanks to its 2% commission; its rate covers even the most unfavorable currency exchangers. It's no good, so It’s better to leave your Yandex Money card at home when traveling.

The statistics, of course, are not the most complete, but quite indicative. Below in the note there will be a comparison of Kukuruza with Sberbank cards, and in the comments you can find information about other bank cards, for example, VTB or Tinkoff.

Important: about security policy

I accidentally came across an article about traveling with a YaD card on their official blog (the information was later confirmed in the Yandex Money certificate). And it says there that The card may be blocked when paying abroad. Like, suddenly someone stole your card and went to spend your money.

How to prove that you are not a camel? And how can you relax without fear of a possible card blocking? Before your trip, you need to send a message to with the subject “Travel abroad with a Yandex.Money card.” The message must indicate "full name, phone number linked to the account, travel dates and countries you plan to visit."

Not bad? To the question - why does Yandex need so much detailed information, they won't answer you. Either send it or worry about blocking. Moreover, dates require specific indications, for example, “I don’t know yet, I’ll be back somewhere in early October” will not work. I didn’t want to worry, I sent them all the information, the card was not blocked, although they were forced to enter a PIN code everywhere.

Why is all this being done? “For your own safety, in case your card is stolen.” Is it possible to take care of your own safety, i.e. warn your comrades from the bank once, and then calmly travel abroad, without fear of blocking? No you can not. Every time it’s like being in first grade.

The situation is the same in Kukuruza, however, everything can be resolved over the phone in a couple of minutes (look for the phone number on the map). Again, I personally warned about the trip, the card was not blocked. Although, judging by the reviews on the Internet, most likely they would not have blocked it anyway.

I didn’t find an item about blocking in Qiwi. That's why I didn't inform anyone. The card was not blocked.

The above is current as of October 2016, with partial later edits./em>

Update January 2017

This time I didn’t use the Yandex-money card in Belarus, because it couldn’t stand the competition. He also advised his companions to arrange a Corn for themselves before the trip, but they safely ignored the advice (they said, “What kind of Corn is this? Come on”) and went to Belarus with cash.

In total, they spent several hours in Minsk searching for working exchangers with the best rate, while I calmly paid for purchases with Kukuruza or Qiwi cards: in stores, in cafes, and in a dental clinic (read about dental treatment in Belarus in this note). Cards were not accepted only when renting housing from a private owner, at the Komarovsky market (however, there is an exchange office right at the entrance) and paying for a bus/minibus.

The conclusions are as follows: my companions, having abandoned Corn, lost at least 50 Russian kopecks from each Belarusian ruble due to the difference in exchange rates. From 10 thousand - that's 150 rubles(+ 50 rubles in bonuses). This is not much, in general. But comfort and convenience, coupled with financial benefits, can hardly be overestimated. By the way, unlike my companions, I did not need to frantically spend the rest of my Belarusian cash before leaving. I took with me “just in case” 20 rubles. (620 rubles), the same amount remained in my pocket.

January rate comparison

Everything is demonstrative and clear. The jumps in the Corn price literally by the minute are interesting. The first number in the list is the time, the second is the course.

    Kiwi Map
    20:17 = 31,14

  • 10:26 = 30,48
    10:30 = 30,45
    11:30 = 30,41
    12:30 = 30,48
    20:17 = 30,46
    21:00 = 30,55
    21:23 = 30,56

    Exchanger of "Eurotorginvestbank"
    18:04 = 32,05

    Technobank exchanger (one of the most profitable in Minsk)
    20:18 = 31,25

    Kiwi Map
    17:26 = 30,88
    22:47 = 30,88

  • 11:25 = 30,69
    13:25 = 30,65
    14:53 = 30,66
    15:10 = 30,70
    15:34 = 30,60

    Exchanger "Technobank"
    13:33 = 31,06

    Kiwi Map
    13:12 = 30,84
    13:46 = 30,84

  • 9:31 = 30,39
  • Central Bank rate
    = 30,57


    The Qiwi card again blocked exchangers in terms of profit, and Kukuruza predictably blocked it too.

    In Qiwi, it seems, the exchange rate does not change during the day, unlike Belarusian exchange offices or the same Corn.

    The difference between the Corn rate and the exchange rate is quite significant. On average - from 50 kopecks to 1 ruble.

    The exchange rate of the Belarusian ruble is still rapidly falling, so holding Belarusian cash on hand is extremely unprofitable.

Another remark about “security policy”. This time I did not inform anyone, the cards were not blocked.

Comparison of rates for payments with Kukuruza and Sberbank cards from July 2018

Due to numerous requests, during my next trip to Belarus, I decided to get a couple of Sberbank bank cards at my disposal and compare the rates of the Belarusian ruble between them and Kukuruza. If possible, I tried to bring the calculations to the same time.

The results, although predictable, were still interesting in their own way.

Cards available:

    Sberbank Visa(regular, salary)

    Sberbank Maestro(not social, regular, salary)

    Maestro uses exchange rate from MasterCard , incl. calculations for Maestro must coincide with these for cards Sberbank MasterCard . Let me remind you that social Maestro, as well as cards WORLD, will not operate abroad.

    Corn MasterCard

Comparison of Belarusian ruble rates using Sberbank bank cards and the Kukuruza card

And then we immediately get the first problem with Sberbank. Unlike Corn, the most popular bank in the country does not inform about the rate at which it writes off funds. Even in Sberbank. There is no online course, only the actual amount in foreign currency. And how to navigate this, you ask?..

The solution, of course, lies on the surface - you just need to take the amount in rubles that was before the purchase, subtract from it the account balance after the purchase and divide the difference by the costs in Belarusian rubles. And so on for each operation. Loss of time is guaranteed, but here is the exchange rate of the Belarusian ruble from Sberbank. It’s convenient [?] to take all the numbers from SMS alerts, if, of course, you have a mobile bank connected.

In the table below, I tried to fit the obtained and calculated data into the most compact volume. Possible excessive scrupulousness is intentional, since in some places even the definition by minutes shows interesting results.

I did not add information about the exchanger to the table, since I only used it once. Yes and June 15 The rate has been jumping all day, so the numbers are not very useful for drawing conclusions. However, on a separate line:

Especially for those who do not have the desire or time to dig deep and look at the picture, here are a couple of illustrative examples with the simultaneous (+/- minute) participation of all three cards:

11 June 2018, 19:08
Sberbank Visa - 32,85
Sberbank Maestro - 31,71
Corn MasterCard- 31.17 (reserve); 31.17 (write-off)

15 June 2018, 18:13
Sberbank Visa - 33,13
Sberbank Maestro - 32,94
Corn MasterCard- 31.60 (reserve); 31.25 (write-off)


Bonus: how to withdraw cash from Kukuruza at ATMs in Belarus without commission?

I used it myself. Liked. I decided to devote space in the note. By a funny coincidence, I withdrew money not just anywhere, but from an ATM of the Belarusian Sberbank.

To remove the commission on Corn, you just need to connect the “interest on balance” option to your card. Come with your card and passport to any Euroset or Svyaznoy, sign a couple of documents and that’s it. Relevant for any Corn: Standard. World, PayPass. As a result, you can withdraw money without extra interest in Belarus, Russia, Europe and around the world. Fast, convenient and the best rate.

    What are the nuances:

    Blocked on the card 249 rubles(they will be available again when you disable the option). Update from September 2019: the card must have at least 259 rubles. For a while these 259 rubles are blocked, a few days after connecting interest on the balance they will be returned to the balance.

    There is no subscription fee, provided that either the card balance is from 5,000 rubles, or spending or topping up the card during the month exceeded 5,000 rubles[since September 2019] monthly card expenses amount to at least 3,000 rubles, not including payments from a mobile application or online bank (for example, topping up your phone balance from the application does not count). If the condition with three thousand is not met they'll write it off in a month 70 rubles subscription fee.

    If this is a problem, you can enable the option, go where you want and disable it. In the first two months, the service is free in any case.

    To avoid commission, you must withdraw at least 5,000 rubles(or equivalent in local currency) and no more 50,000 rubles per month; in other cases there will be a standard 1%, but not less 100 rubles.

    For me, the minimum withdrawal amount is the most inconvenient restriction, since such an amount of cash is simply not required in Belarus. Since September 2019, a great inconvenience was also caused by the change in the conditions regarding the subscription fee, which was mentioned just above.

    The ATM itself may charge a commission (which it must inform about), but there are very few ATMs with a commission in our time; I have not yet come across them.

    The card balance is converted into a bank deposit(banks may be different; now it is Renaissance Credit or Otkritie).
    Nothing changes in terms of using the card. Deposits are insured.

    The name of the option clearly hints that some more interest will be added to the balance.
    They really drip every month. It's a small thing, but nice.

    Where to shoot? At any ATM with a logo MasterCard(i.e. in almost any).

If you do not enable the option, the commission for cash withdrawal will be 1% (but not less than 100 rubles). At the most favorable rate 1% is also generally not bad.

How can I easily and without commission transfer money from a Sberbank card to Kukuruza? Update from September 2019

That's not news. The option has been available for several years. But since I am not a client of Sberbank, I still could not verify the information on personal experience. I tried with other cards mentioned in the article, the commission was charged on them.

Although, according to user reviews, most large banks do not charge interest for such a transfer. Specifically Sberbank really gives you the opportunity to “withdraw” money from your card without commission. I tested the usual one pension card World from Sberbank. [Subsequently, the simplest Maestro, but not on the Kukuruzovo service.]

    What should be done:

    IN mobile application“Corn”, select the “replenish” item.

    Enter the Sberbank card number, expiration date and transfer amount, which should be at least 3,000 rubles, otherwise “Kukuruza” will take its own commission, about which the corresponding information should appear.

    Click “top up” and wait until an SMS is sent to the phone to which the donor card is linked (in this case, Sberbank).

    Enter the code and wait for withdrawal/replenishment. In my experience when translating 6,000 rubles the wait was just seconds.

    Subsequently, the used card will be saved in the Corn application for quick translation without new dialing and expiration date. But you can delete it immediately.

Let me clarify once again: the transfer must be made not through Sberbank Online (they will definitely charge a commission there), but through the Kukuruzy mobile application. On the Euroset website they write that the Kukuruza online bank is also suitable, but I haven’t used it for several years. By the way, other banks, for example, MKB, have similar services for interest-free savings.

A nuance regarding Visa cards, information from the Kukuruzy website: “For Visa cards without using the Visa Direct service (VPP - visa personal payments) - [a commission is charged] 1% (minimum 30 rubles) of the transfer amount. For information about using the service, check with the Bank that issued your card.". If you plan to transfer money from a Visa, this issue should be clarified in advance.

When transferring a relatively large amount, order 100,000 rubles, be prepared for the fact that the Sberbank security service may have questions, and you will need to provide them with some personal information over the phone, such as a codeword or cardholder's passport number.

Another bonus: how to get it as a gift 300 rubles from "Corn"?

For new holders of the “Kukuruza” card, it is currently possible, through simple manipulations, get 300 bonus points to your account(those. 300 rubles). What is needed for this?

    Get the Corn card.

    Install the Kukuruzy mobile application on your phone (available in Google Play, and in App Store). A convenient program, but if you don’t need it, you can delete it later.

    Go to the application under your card, enter the promotional code FR2391A7W
    From the moment you receive the card you have 7 days to enter the code. Further it will no longer be relevant.

    Use your Kukuruza to pay for any product in any store, online, or make a payment in a mobile application (purchases from Euroset, Svyaznoy and their websites are not taken into account). The purchase amount does not matter.
    This must be done within 30 days of receiving the card.

The code can only be used once and only for new owners of Kukuruza.

When I use the promotional code mentioned above, I will also receive a bonus. So if the note or comments below helped you or gave you useful information, this Kuruzov campaign - good opportunity and get it for yourself 300 bonuses, and express gratitude to the author. Although, the comments are also nice to read.

Please note: Euroset has finally abandoned the extra zero in bonuses, now 1 bonus point equals 1 ruble. Those. the former 3,000 turned into 300, somewhere they are displayed like this, somewhere like that, but in essence they are the same 300 rubles.

Also note: comparison of rates between the exchanger and Corn (from July 2017), helpful information O VTB card(strange commission + comparison of rates from 2018), and another good comment (cashbacks and interest-free transfer to Corn from a Sberbank card).

According to the payment mechanism, bank cards are divided into credit and debit.
Operations by debit transactions are made only at the expense of funds that are currently on the card account of the cardholder. Such cards are used to pay for goods and services, and receive cash in. In some cases it is possible to spend Money in excess of the amount deposited by the client by providing the bank with a loan (overdraft) to the client.
Credit cards make it possible to use a loan provided by the bank within the limit established by it. The limit is determined by the bank for each cardholder individually, depending on their financial situation And credit history. In case of overspending of the credited funds, as well as delay in repayment, the bank has the right to charge pre-agreed interest.

Scroll payment systems, within the framework of which banks of the Republic of Belarus issue (issue into circulation) and/or acquire (accept for payment) bank payment cards:

  1. Internal system "BelCart"
  2. International system "MASTERCARD"
  3. International system "VISA"
  4. International system "Union Card"
  5. International system "Diners Club"
  6. International JCB system
  7. International system "American Express"
  8. International private system "Golden Crown"

In the Republic of Belarus, bank payment cards are issued by the following banks:

  • OJSC "Belagroprombank"
  • OJSC "Belgazprombank"
  • OJSC "Bank Moscow-Minsk"
  • OJSC "BPS-Sberbank"
  • CJSC "RRB-Bank"
  • CJSC "Delta Bank"
  • JSC " ASB Belarusbank»
  • CJSC "MTBank"
  • CJSC InterPayBank
  • OJSC Belinvestbank
  • OJSC "Technobank"
  • OJSC "HKBank"
  • "Priorbank" OJSC
  • "Fransabank" OJSC
  • CJSC "BTA Bank"
  • OJSC "Bank BelVEB"
  • CJSC "Trustbank"
  • CJSC "BSB Bank"
  • OJSC "Paritetbank"
  • CJSC VTB Bank (Belarus)
  • OJSC "BNB-Bank"
  • CJSC Alfa-Bank
  • CJSC "Idea Bank"
  • The banks of our republic mainly issue debit cards points This means that the conditions for purchasing such cards are the presence or opening of an account for the applicant and the transfer of money to it. Transactions on them are possible only if there are funds in the account. Banks issue cards that provide access to accounts both in Belarusian rubles and in foreign currency.
    With international cards issued in national and foreign currencies, on the territory of the republic it is possible to receive funds in both national currency, and in foreign currency. In addition, plastic card holders are given the opportunity to receive cash foreign currency and outside the republic, which makes them the most attractive. Money placed on a card account does not need to be declared or confirmed with certificates when traveling abroad.

    In Belarus you can cash out Belarusian rubles, US dollars or euros. The commission percentage for the provision of services depends on the bank whose ATM is used. Payments by bank cards for goods in or shopping centers are carried out without charging a commission.

    Bank plastic card- means non-cash payments, allowing you to pay for goods and services, receive cash from ATMs both in the territory of the Republic of Belarus and abroad. Bank plastic cards are divided into different kinds in accordance with the capabilities they provide, terms of service and additional services. Based on these characteristics, cards are divided into more expensive and prestigious “gold” cards - Visa Gold, universal “classic” cards Visa Classic and MasterCard, inexpensive “electronic” cards Visa Electron, Maestro and virtual Visa Internet.

    Bank cards are also divided into “credit plastic cards” and “debit plastic cards” depending on the funds (borrowed or own) the client uses to make transactions. Debit card transactions are carried out at the expense of your own funds, which must first be deposited into the account. In some cases, it is possible to spend funds in excess of the amount deposited by the client by providing the bank with a loan (overdraft) to the client. Operations by credit card are carried out at the expense of bank funds taken by you on credit. The process of issuing debit cards is simpler as it does not involve extensive customer verification. Interest is charged on the balance on the card.

    Below is information that allows you to avoid unnecessary expenses when using a bank card (debit) at ATMs of various banks.

    cards Type of bank card Card transactions in other banks without charging a commission phones
    OJSC "Belagroprombank" Visa Electron, Visa Classic, Visa Gold, Maestro, MasterCard Standard, MasterCard Gold, BelCard at ATMs of JSC "ASB Belarusbank", JSC "Belinvestbank", "Priorbank" JSC (Visa).
    OJSC "BPS-SBERBANK" Visa Electron, Maestro, MasterCard, Visa Classic, Visa Gold at ATMs of JSC "JSSB "Belarusbank", "Priorbank" JSC 148
    OJSC "ASB Belarusbank" Visa Electron, Maestro, MasterCard, Visa Classic, Visa Gold, BelCard No fee is charged when withdrawing cash:
    - at ATMs of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus, OJSC Belinvestbank, OJSC BPS-SBERBANK using Maestro, VISA Electron, VISA (Classic, Gold), MasterCard (Standard, Gold), BelCard cards with a magnetic stripe;
    - at ATMs of OJSC Belagroprombank using VISA Electron, VISA (Classic, Gold), BelCard cards with a magnetic stripe
    OJSC "Belinvestbank" Visa Electron, Maestro, MasterCard, Visa Classic, Visa Gold, BelCard