Investing in gold. Is it worth investing in gold? Investing in gold - is it profitable?


Hello dear readers. I’m willing to bet that each of you is interested in the question of how to preserve your capital as reliably as possible in conditions of rapid inflation.

You don’t need to be a financial analyst to understand the need to withdraw funds from a rapidly depreciating monetary form into stable tangible assets, such as precious metals.

Let's talk about how to store money in gold and whether it is effective in terms of generating income.

This metal, unlike any national currency, is capable of not losing its value for many centuries. This is due to its small global reserves and the complex and expensive extraction process.

Our ancestors also widely used gold coins as a means of payment. Even then, the presence of this metal determined a person’s status and opened up wide life opportunities for him.

They looked for gold, they died and killed for it. Later, the irrationality of using expensive goods to buy cheap goods became clear, and gradually they began to be withdrawn from monetary circulation.

Nevertheless, even today gold remains a stable means of payment, allowing not only to preserve capital, but also to increase it. This trend is especially justified during economic times, when National currency is rapidly losing its purchasing power.

At this time, not only private investors turn their attention to this metal, but also the governments of entire states seek to replenish the country’s gold reserves as reserve currency.

According to quotes over the past decade, the price of a gram of gold bar has increased by almost 300%. It is not surprising that long-term investment in gold promises excellent prospects.

What alternatives are there for a potential investor?

Having decided to invest your capital in this precious metal, you have several options:

Buying jewelry

Their acquisition helps to emphasize status, and in many eastern countries is considered a mandatory manifestation of feelings for your spouse.

Is investing in jewelry profitable in terms of investment value? Definitely not. The thing is that their high price is determined not so much by the cost of the metal, but by the work of the craftsman.

If he is not a world-famous designer, this will not be taken into account when selling the jewelry, which will go for the price of ordinary scrap.

It is precisely because of the significant difference between sales and purchase prices that jewelry should be considered as an investment only in the event of a sharp devaluation of the currency and the absence of other alternatives for investing capital.

This does not apply to collectible or antique jewelry. They are considered rare and antique items, whose price is determined by their uniqueness, and not by their actual value.

Investments in gold shares

This method, like investing money in ordinary securities, impossible without mediation investment company and suggests two ways:

  • Buying shares of gold mining enterprises for the long term. The goal is to receive dividends and profits from the subsequent sale of securities that have increased in price.
  • Obtaining speculative income from the growth of quotations of “golden” shares in the short term. This option requires the ability to analyze current situation on stock exchange and cannot be recommended to the general public.

Considering that the volume of gold is in paper form far exceeds its physical quantity, playing with stocks can be very risky.

Buying gold coins

Any banking institution is ready to offer its clients to purchase gold coins, which can be:

  • investment;
  • memorable.

Investment coins are issued in large quantities by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Thanks to the simplified minting technology, their value is almost equal to the price of gold itself and does not in any way correlate with the indicated denomination.

The purchase of coins is not subject to tax, while when selling you will have to pay tax on income from profits individuals.

You can sell coins to a bank, pawnshop, private individual or jewelers who buy them as raw materials.

When considering this option as an investment, you should remember that it can only bring benefits in the long term, since the difference between the purchase and sale prices is at least 20%. Therefore, it is worth waiting for the price of gold to rise.

Commemorative coins are produced in limited editions and require a more complex production algorithm. This, as in the manufacture of jewelry, leads to an overestimation of the cost of coins compared to the price of the metal used. Therefore, they are usually of interest only to numismatists.

Purchasing bank bullion

The purchase and sale transaction is completed at the bank if you have a passport or other document proving your identity. In this case, you must make sure that the ingot has a stamp indicating the sample and manufacturer.

Also, the ingot must be accompanied by a cashier's receipt, passport and manufacturer's certificate.

When purchasing a bank bullion, you should consider the following points:

  • It is more profitable to purchase small bars, since the price of a gram of gold in them is higher. Therefore, if you need to buy a kilogram of metal, break it into several ingots.
  • You will have to pay VAT of 18%. You can avoid this by purchasing gold abroad. In the UAE, for example, bullion is sold simply in street vending machines. But then it’s worth taking care of storing them there, because you can import an ingot duty-free into the territory of the Russian Federation no more than once a month and in a monetary equivalent corresponding to a weight of less than 100 grams.
  • It is also worth taking care of storage options for the ingot, since putting it under the mattress at home is unwise. Will have to register safe deposit box, a safekeeping agreement or purchase a safe for personal use.

As for the return on your investment, I would recommend selling bullion no earlier than after their value has risen by one and a half times. This is explained by the fact that banks buy bullion with a spread between purchase and sale reaching up to 40%.

You will also need to pay for an examination to determine the authenticity and quality of the ingot. Therefore, from the point of view of payback, this gold investment belongs to the long-term category.

You can try to gain a little in price by selling bullion to jewelers who have the necessary permission. But transactions between individuals are prohibited (But no one can stop you from giving your friend a bullion for his birthday, and a little later receiving free financial assistance from him).

Opening a metal account

Essentially this is deposit deposit, whose currency is gold. Moreover, you are not buying a physical form, but an impersonal form of metal according to its current value on the world market.

Pros this method investing is:

  • low entry threshold: an account can be opened even for a gram of gold;
  • no need to pay VAT;
  • no need to worry about storing the actual precious metal;
  • ease of exchange for cash.

There are two types of metal accounts:

  • Term deposits – allow you to receive interest when the value of gold rises and at the end of the term to withdraw your deposit in the form of an ingot or cash equivalent. If you prefer bullion, remember to pay VAT.
  • Current – ​​give you the opportunity to sell your unallocated gold at any time at the current bank rate. This allows you to receive speculative income from exchange rate changes.

Please note that you should open metal accounts only in a reliable bank, preferably with a share of state ownership.

This is due to the fact that gold deposits are not subject to compulsory state insurance, so if the financial institution is liquidated, you will lose your money.

As you can see, there are plenty of options for storing savings in gold. But which one to choose is determined by many factors, ranging from the amount of cash available to the time during which you are willing to expect profit.

I wish you to make the right choice that will improve your financial well-being. Now I say goodbye to you and invite you to join the ranks of my subscribers.

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Gold has long been considered the most liquid asset in the world. banking sector. Recently, the precious metal, along with deposits and bonds, has become a reliable instrument for investment. Let's consider how it is profitable to invest money in gold at Sberbank, and what advantages and risks await novice investors.

Gold is one of the most successful objects for investing your savings.

There are two ways to open a gold deposit at Sberbank - buy gold bars or open an impersonal metal account.

The first method differs from the other in that the acquisition of precious metal is accompanied by a paid procedure for examination and further storage. Upon completion of the contract, the bullion is handed over to the owner with payment of tax. The opening of compulsory medical insurance occurs without the issuance of real gold, and monthly income is calculated based on the difference in quotations for the precious metal with subsequent conversion into money. If in a regular deposit the profit is determined by accruing interest, then under compulsory medical insurance no interest is accrued, and the income from the deposit depends only on the increase in metal prices by international market. This deposit is suitable for those clients who are accustomed to dealing with real money and making profits in the usual “paper” equivalent. Another advantage of an impersonal metal account is the absence of VAT and storage costs.

Before you invest money in gold at Sberbank at interest, buying real metal rather than virtual, you should consider options for storing it. It is best to do this in one institution: taxes and expenses will be lower. Experienced investors advise purchasing bars of 50 g and 100 g: they are more profitable than smaller volumes. The greater the weight of the purchased ingot, the lower the price of metal per 1 g. To avoid taxation, you can transfer the metal to a metal safekeeping account.

Gold bars will not only help you save and increase money, but are also an excellent gift.

Advantages of a gold deposit

Is it worth investing in gold at Sberbank, is it profitable? Let's consider the advantages of such investment:

  • unlike ruble and foreign currency accounts, gold deposits are safe - they are less susceptible to inflation;
  • at long term you can not only save own funds from inflation, but also to achieve a certain profit;
  • the steady rise in prices on the world market guarantees a small but stable and predictable profit;
  • the product has high liquidity;
  • an excellent tool for diversifying an investment portfolio;
  • high-quality gold bars can be used for any purpose;
  • The registration procedure takes a minimum of time, opening and maintaining an account is free;
  • a metal account can be opened for a child.

Risks such investments are a minimum; the most important risk is the choice of bank and its reliability: gold deposits are not subject to insurance in the event of bankruptcy of the institution, and the client will not be able to return his funds.

Conditions for opening a gold deposit

Opening procedure gold deposit simplified to a minimum. The investor will need to provide the following documents:

  • passport,
  • TIN,
  • statement,
  • a signed agreement, which specifies all the conditions for maintaining and maintaining the deposit, the procedure for accepting and issuing precious metals;
  • an order to transfer bullion to a bank vault.

If an individual does not open compulsory medical insurance, but purchases real precious metal, then he will first have to make a payment for receiving the goods into storage and pay for an examination, which will determine the final price of the metal.

There are features of the procedure:

  • You can purchase precious metal in the range from 1 g to 1000 g;
  • no need to open a bank account;
  • Storage in a safe deposit box is allowed.

After the end of the contract, the investor can receive his bullion by pre-paying VAT.

How is the price of 999 fine bars determined?

To calculate the real cost of 999 gold per 1 gram on a specific date, you need to know that the exchange rate for precious metals is set by Sberbank daily and depends on prices on the world precious metals market. Among the factors influencing the price of bullion are the following:

  • investor demand;
  • high level of quality of bullion, since Sberbank works only with reliable manufacturers;
  • decrease in production volume on the international market;
  • Sberbank has a gold and foreign exchange reserve.

These are the factors that the bank takes into account when calculating the cost of gold bars. You can independently calculate the price for 1 gram of gold. To do this, compare the cost of 1 troy ounce of the precious metal to the dollar exchange rate on a specific day. Add VAT to this number (13-16%).

How to store money in gold in Sberbank

Buying bullion, you need to think about their proper storage. There are several arguments against keeping them at home. This is unsafe, and in addition, the client is unlikely to be able to provide good conditions to preserve the presentation of the ingot. The slightest scratch automatically reduces the value of the product; more serious damage may cause the bank to refuse the purchase. Sometimes damage to the packaging itself can significantly affect the price, and some institutions only accept products in original packaging. Therefore, most banks are reluctant to cooperate when purchasing bullion that has not been left in their custody. This is how banks seek to protect themselves from problems in the sale of goods. Therefore, the desire to keep gold at home may result in the fact that if you want to sell it in a bank, the price of the bullion will be equal to the price of scrap.

How to properly store money in gold in Sberbank? If the client prefers not virtual gold in the form of compulsory medical insurance, but real gold, then it is better to open a metal safekeeping account. It can only be opened in those departments where there is special equipment for assessing and measuring metal. When deposited, all bars have their own characteristics: fineness, weight, serial number, stamp, issue date. This information is recorded special document and during the transfer of bullion to the warehouse, an act is drawn up. The institution does not have the right to use bullion placed for safekeeping as credit funds, and is obliged to give the client his property upon first request. A commission is charged for such services - for depositing into a warehouse, monthly for maintaining a deposit, for issuing or transferring to another financial institution.

Today, in addition to bullion, this type of investment in gold, such as impersonal metal accounts, is gaining more and more popularity.


Before investing in gold at Sberbank, you should take into account several nuances and weigh all the possible advantages and risks of this investment.

You need to know that the price of gold does not always rise and there may be periods when it declines. Therefore the most profitable option– make investments for a long period. This is the main advice for new investors. Another important point Regarding storage: it is not profitable to keep gold at home.

Failure to comply with storage rules can lead to loss of the physical condition of the metal and packaging, which will significantly affect the price and complicate the further sale of the precious metal. Gold bars are subject to tax. Therefore there is alternative way– opening a virtual metal account, receiving a profit in monetary terms from the difference in precious metal prices.

In this material:

Gold is the world's most liquid asset. Moreover, throughout the history of the market, prices for the precious metal have been steadily rising. As a consequence, an increase in the level of funds invested in it. Let's figure out how to invest money in gold and is it worth investing in it?

What motivates investors to invest in gold: reasons

Investing in gold is a recognized way to diversify finances. Buying gold allows you to reduce the risk of depreciation during times of high inflation and receive a stable income during severe financial cataclysms.

Gold, as mentioned above, is the most liquid asset of the capital market. It can be sold at any time by transferring it to any world currency, in the shortest time possible.

Advantages of investing in gold:

  1. The most stable asset with constant growth in value;
  2. An excellent insurance tool against the consequences of global financial and political crises;
  3. High profitability rate;
  4. High liquidity ratio;
  5. A universal diversification asset.

Many opponents of investing in gold argue that the precious metal is not capable of providing significant returns when compared to various securities, derivatives and debt instruments that are traded in the financial market. However, as history shows (the 2008 crisis), with accurate calculations and the right timing, profits can reach 90 percent of the initially invested funds.

Opportunities for investing in gold

For obvious reasons, public investment in gold in Russia is not as widespread as abroad. But recently, this earning tool has become more accessible. Banking organizations offer many investment services, including the purchase of precious metals.

Buying gold bars

Purchasing gold bars is the most famous investment method Money. However, like all other investment instruments, buying a gold bar has its own specific features.

A gold bar is a pure chemical element with a purity of 999.95. Two main types are produced: stamped and cut ingots (from large sheets). In the vast majority of cases, gold bars are round in weight. The most typical values ​​(in grams): one, ten, one hundred, thousand. Not long ago, gold bars the size of regular credit card(ChipGold), weighing from 1-20 grams.

When purchasing a gold bar, you should definitely pay attention to whether there is any contamination in it. It is important to check the documentation (manufacturer’s passport and certificate). The cash receipt must include:

  • Purchase cost;
  • Gold bar weight;
  • Quantity of metal purchased;
  • Serial number;
  • Try;
  • Name of the noble metal;
  • Time of the completed transaction.

Today there are two types of quality classification: excellent and satisfactory. Each gold bar must comply with GOST R 51572-2000.

Opening a compulsory medical insurance (an impersonal metal account)

Among the advantages of using compulsory medical insurance as an investment instrument is the absence of storage costs. The thing is that when opening an impersonal metal account, the client does not receive precious metal in his hands. All gold is stored in special bank vaults. Also, compulsory medical insurance is not subject to personal income tax. There is no need to pay VAT.

Before opening a metal account, the following requirements must be met:

  • Select a bank, check availability of licenses;
  • Check the bank’s reputation, because not a single metal account is covered by the deposit insurance program for individuals;
  • Find out what types of gold deposits the selected bank offers. The legislation of the Russian Federation specifies two possible options;
  • Prepare all the required documents for opening a compulsory medical insurance (identification account, passport);
  • Find out whether you will need to pay additional money for servicing an impersonal metal account. According to current legislation, there is no need to pay VAT.

In most cases, opening a compulsory medical insurance is free. The only cost that the investor bears is the spread between the purchase and sale prices (at the time of account cancellation). One of the disadvantages of this method of investing is a small percentage accrual (up to two percent) or its complete absence. An impersonal metal account is perfect for speculative transactions in order to make a profit.

Buying gold coins

Purchasing investment and commemorative gold coins is one of the effective ways not only to protect your funds from the harmful effects of inflation, but also to earn considerable sum of money.


  • There is no need to pay VAT;
  • Do not depend on changes in state legislation;
  • Are not subject to the reliability of the banking sector;
  • Opportunity to get double profits.


  • Low liquidity ratio;
  • Overpriced, possible loss in case of urgent sale;
  • Storage costs.

Investments in gold coins have specific features, especially in comparison with the purchase of gold bars or the opening of compulsory medical insurance. The price of gold coins is determined not so much by the current quotations of the precious metal on the market, but by the level of demand. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the date of issue of the coin, its circulation and appearance. Before buying gold coins, it is best to look at the reviews of those who have already worked with similar investment instruments.

Purchasing precious metal at Sberbank

In Russia market relations began to actively develop in 1997. Today, there are a significant number of financial operators on the market offering opportunities for investing in gold. About two hundred are registered in the register of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation banking organizations holding licenses for operations with precious metals. In this example, we will consider the possibilities of buying gold at Sberbank.

Sberbank offers its clients both standard and measured gold bars. Each one is produced in Russia and weighs from one to a thousand grams. As with any other financial operator, at Sberbank the cost of gold is higher than the current compulsory medical insurance quotes.

The process of buying gold at Sberbank is simple. All that is required from the client is an identification document. On the part of Sberbank employees, all transactions (with precious metals) are carried out only in the presence of the client. Legal issues at the time of purchasing gold are provided by Sberbank.

At Sberbank you can also purchase bullion, unallocated metal accounts (OMS), investment coins. Special storage lockers are also available at Sberbank, with a low rental cost.

Profitable strategy for buying gold

There are two ways to trade gold: hedging risks and buying for profit. As stated above, gold is an ideal defensive asset against the financial turmoil of the world. In the vast majority of cases, investors purchase precious metals in order to diversify their assets, or to protect themselves from the harmful effects of rising inflation. All these methods involve extracting an extremely low level of profit.

However, despite the seemingly “calm nature” of gold as an investment instrument, it is not possible to make great money. The principle is simple - buy cheaper, sell more expensive.

The main driver of the value of each asset is the volume of transactions concluded. Today the main buyers of the precious metal are:

  • Jewelry workshops;
  • Exchange Traded Funds;
  • High-tech companies;
  • Central banks of the world.

Before you finally decide to invest in precious metals, it is important to determine the following parameters:

  1. The relationship between supply and demand (who buys, who sells);
  2. Dynamics of production volumes (if there is a glut in the market, the price will not increase);
  3. The economic situation in the leading countries of the world (in the overwhelming majority of cases in the USA).

Having determined all the above components, you can make a purchasing decision.

A striking example profitable investment into gold - financial crisis 2008. At the beginning of the crisis (November 2008), the cost of one troy ounce of gold was $762. Over the next three years, the value of the precious metal increased by more than 100 percent, to 1762 American dollar(August 2011). But what contributed to such a rapid rise in the price of gold?

Gold price dynamics

Financial cataclysm, uncertainty, bankruptcy - a huge number of banks, investment funds and government regulators around the world began to transfer their assets into gold, in fear of losing their capital. The level of demand for the precious metal was several times higher than the available volume on the market. Ideal situation for profitable investment into precious metals.

Similar situations occur in different financial markets with a frequency of four years (according to the established theory of crisis phenomena). However, even in calm times, you can make money by buying and selling precious metals using simple strategy"Corridor trading" Now, due to the crisis, we are again seeing a decline in gold prices and this is a good time to invest in it. It is important to catch the moment when the fall ends and growth begins.


When deciding to purchase a precious metal, you should always conduct a thorough and scrupulous analysis, weigh all the risks and opportunities, and always take into account the following:

  • The price of gold does not always rise; there are times when the price begins to correct and decline;
  • Beginner investors should not use short-term gold trading strategies. Best choice– long-term;
  • Always work with licensed resellers. There are many on the market financial pyramids and scammers.

You should also be wary of purchasing securities of gold mining companies that do not have their own reserves of the precious metal. This may indicate a lack of production results, and as a result, a decrease in the value of shares on the market.

Gold has long been considered a stable and reliable means of payment. Therefore, many investors give it their preference for preserving and increasing capital. The precious metals market is constantly increasing its volumes; more and more businessmen prefer to store money in gold. This trend has especially increased since 2008, at the time of the onset of the global economic crisis.

The increase in the number of deposits in the “yellow” metal in 2008 was not accidental. During periods of crisis, the situation stock markets very unpredictable, the economy of many countries is experiencing a recession, the volume of investment is declining, so governments are trying to replace their foreign exchange reserves with gold. This is done to reduce the risk associated with changes in the exchange rates of freely convertible currencies.

Since the price of gold rises during a period of crisis in the global economy, a period of recession best time to invest money in a reliable means of payment, namely in gold.

This is easily confirmed by the graph, which you can see below. It shows that prices for precious metals have increased twice over the past 50 years: first in the eighties, due to the then-current stagflation (increasing inflation rates coupled with unemployment) and in 2010 after the mortgage crisis.

In addition, based on Bloomberg data, storing money in gold is preferred among large investors who have a significantly larger share of precious metals compared to investments in securities, real estate and oil.

Various stages of the rise and fall of gold prices.

Analysts have established a connection between gold prices and changes in the global economy. It turned out that the price of gold goes up if any of these conditions are met:

  • Increased dynamics of changes in world currency rates;
  • Decrease in stock market indices;
  • Central banks are increasing the volume of purchases of gold and other precious metals;
  • Decrease in the volume of gold mined.

The question arises: should you invest your money in gold and what benefits can you get from it?

Despite the fact that global gold production volumes are about two and a half tons, the price of this metal continues to rise steadily. At the same time, it is indisputable that its price is determined by the level of supply and demand. Compared to oil, there is an important difference in that after extraction and processing the metals are not lost, but are kept by investors and used as a reserve currency. central banks many states. Naturally, there were periods of significant decline in the cost of precious metals, but usually this was associated with the withdrawal of the countries' economies from recession and the improvement investment attractiveness other currencies.

But in the long run, if you want to invest your money profitably, investing in gold will be one of the best investments. If you look at quotes over the last ten years, the price of one gram of gold bullion has increased by more than three hundred percent. And this despite the fact that profitability indicators for this period were recorded at the “zero” level only twice, and otherwise they were significantly higher than bank deposit rates. So, investing in gold, focusing on the long term, is very profitable.

In the long term, gold is a profitable investment.

In addition to this, in last years the price of gold is steadily growing; during 2011, record values ​​for the value of this metal were recorded in the entire history of sales 4 times. 10 August on international exchange COMEX gold futures were issued at a price of $1,800 per troy ounce. And just 13 days after that, an even higher value of gold was recorded - $1,911.46 was paid per troy ounce.

How to make maximum profit?

The cost of gold may vary depending on the form in which the metal is supplied. When thinking about how to invest your money in this precious metal, this should be considered first. Let's study the main approaches to investing in gold.

Investments in jewelry

We can say that investing in gold in the form of jewelry, after studying investor reviews, is the least profitable, because the cost of the product includes the price of the craftsman’s work, and when selling metal in a pawnshop, only the weight of the precious metal is assessed.

For those who plan to store gold bars at home, they will have to pay a tax of 18%. Because of this, the investor will have to pay much a large amount than the real value of gold.

Compulsory medical insurance

However, by choosing to keep your money in gold in a non-personal metal account, you avoid paying tax on your purchase of precious metals. Anonymized accounts have a number of advantages, while actually having no disadvantages; the owner of such an account can carry out purchase and sale transactions at any time, which makes it possible to use the moments of the “peak” of gold metal quotes to increase their income. Some banks provide the opportunity to open not only compulsory medical insurance accounts, but also time deposits, with interest accrued in rubles or grams. The disadvantage of such accounts is that their status is not bank deposit, and therefore, it does not have a state guarantee of money back.

Income from investments in gold

Investing in gold in the form of purchasing investment coins is beneficial because such coins, especially those issued by Sberbank, are quickly sold out to private collections, which is why their price increases significantly, since the collection price of such coins is already in use.

"Olympic" series of investment coins.

It should also be noted that the cost of a gold bar depends on its weight: a one kilogram bar costs much less than two 500 gram bars. When purchasing gold coins in batches (starting from ten pieces), some banks provide a discount.

In addition, you can invest in gold using the exchange, which reduces the cost of purchasing investments. You can buy a gold futures contract, the price of which depends on the spot price rates.

With this type of investment, it is necessary to quickly respond to changes in gold prices in order to increase the efficiency of investments. This investment approach is speculative and not suitable for long-term investing.

To summarize, we can say that the desire to invest money in gold is a profitable and safe way to increase capital. Demand for this metal is increasing, with growth peaks during recessions. Therefore, when deciding whether it is profitable to buy and invest in gold, you need to take into account that gold is a long-term investment, which short term may remain unchanged in price or even decrease, but if you invest for a period of more than several years, then this a precious metal brings tangible profits.

Precious metals have always been considered a profitable and reliable investment instrument. The price of these assets fluctuates depending on political situation in the world, market conditions and changes occurring in foreign exchange market. In this regard, many investors are asking the question, is it worth investing in gold in 2018? In this article we will try to answer this question based on expert forecasts.

Types of investment

There are several ways to invest in precious metals. To understand whether it is profitable to invest in gold in 2018, you need to familiarize yourself with their advantages and disadvantages. All these options have one thing in common general characteristics– they show effectiveness only in the long term.

The main advantage of investing in gold is its high liquidity. You can sell at any time physical gold and turn it into “real” money. If you choose the right investment instrument, such conversion will take place with minimal losses.

Golden coins

All precious coins are divided into two types - investment and commemorative. The second version is produced in limited edition. It could be one hundred units or several thousand units. For investors, commemorative or collectible coins are of no interest. Their main disadvantages are the 18% VAT charge and the too high cost, which is due to the numismatic value of a particular specimen. Therefore, commemorative coins are most often purchased by collectors. After a few decades, commemorative gold coins can significantly increase in price and bring good profits to their owner.

Investment coins are the most profitable investment option, since their sale is not subject to VAT. Such products are produced in huge quantities of several million units. If you can't decide how to invest money in gold, the easiest way is to purchase investment coins. For collectors, such products are of no value, since their value is determined by the amount of precious metal contained in their composition. You can purchase investment coins at any bank. Recently, they have become in great demand, since the price of some copies has increased several times since their release.

If you decide to give preference to this investment instrument, you should remember that when selling coins you will have to pay a 13% tax to the state. In addition, banks can set the exchange rate for transactions with gold coins independently, so the difference between buying and selling sometimes reaches 10%.

Gold bars

Before investing money in gold bars, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for purchasing them. If you decide to use a gold financial instrument, you need to remember that such operations cannot be carried out without an investor’s identity document. The bullion is weighed with an accuracy of 0.01 grams in the presence of the buyer.

All gold bars must strictly comply with established standards. There should be no mechanical damage or contamination on their surface. When purchasing a gold bar, the client receives a passport from the manufacturer and a certificate confirming its authenticity. In addition, you need to issue cash orders.

They indicate:

  • A mass of ingots;
  • Cleanliness;
  • Number;
  • Number of ingots;
  • Date of purchase;
  • Amount.

At first glance, it may seem that purchasing gold bars is the easiest way to invest in gold. In fact, there are many pitfalls here that every investor who is interested in whether it is profitable to invest in gold should be aware of.

The main problem is the current Tax code. According to the law, gold bars are considered property, so their sale is subject to 18% VAT. In addition, if you want to sell them to the bank, you will have to pay income tax 13%. Taking into account such features of domestic legislation, we can conclude that investing savings in gold bars is not so profitable. In order to cover all expenses, the cost of the bullion must increase by at least 30%, and this is practically unrealistic even within 1-2 years.

Unallocated metal accounts

This is a fairly reasonable way. Its essence lies in the fact that you deposit not gold into your account, but an amount of money equivalent to a certain amount of this precious metal. Banks offer only 1.5–2% per annum on such deposits.

IN developed countries investing in compulsory medical insurance is very popular. This type of investment is beneficial not only for banks, but also for investors who, in addition to certain interest on the deposit, earn money from rising gold prices.

If you can’t decide where to invest money to make money in Ukraine, choose large bank with large capital and serious support, and open an impersonal metal account there. Don't chase high percentages. It's better to receive a little, but at the same time sleep peacefully and know that your savings are in good hands.

Private electronic money

If you are looking for options for your savings, pay attention to electronic money backed by gold. This is one of the new ways of investing, the reliability of which depends on the reputation of the company issuing such money.

Since these investments are not controlled by the government, you can invest your capital anonymously. In addition, electronic money has good liquidity. They can be used to pay for goods and services on the Internet. Withdrawing electronic money to real accounts is quite expensive, since payment systems charge large commissions for such a service. If you can't decide whether to invest in gold, pay attention to this modern way of investing.

Gold Forex

Today, this method of investing is the simplest and most accessible for ordinary citizens. Investing in Forex gold does not imply the physical acquisition of this precious metal. At the same time, the investor can make a profit on the rise or fall in gold prices.

The main advantage of this type of investment is the ability to use “leverage”, that is, you can trade gold in volumes significantly exceeding your deposit. If the trade is carried out using leverage, do not forget to leave a small margin of funds on your balance, otherwise you may get stopped out.

Novice investors often ask the question: is it profitable to invest money in Forex gold in 2018? It is profitable if you work through a trusted broker. In this case, you will not have to pay taxes and worry about the safety of storing gold.

How to get maximum income

Many novice investors are interested in how to invest money in gold in order to get maximum profit? The most profitable option is investing in gold investment coins, since their sale is not subject to VAT. Choose not the smallest coins, since the cost of one gram of such a product is quite high due to the high costs of their production. The largest coins may not increase in value, so choose something in between these two options. Also, do not forget that coins must be stored very carefully, otherwise the bank may not buy them back.

Another way to avoid paying VAT is an impersonal metal account or renting a savings cell. But banks charge commissions for operations with compulsory medical insurance, and long-term rental of a cell is not cheap, so all your profits may, as a result, be reduced to zero.

Since no one can guarantee that gold prices will rise, you should not invest all your savings in this precious metal. Experts recommend investing 5–25% of your total capital in gold. It should be remembered that good profits can only be obtained from long-term investments. Accordingly, if you are looking for investing in gold, it is better to refuse immediately.

Decide for yourself whether it is profitable to invest in gold. If you can approach this issue wisely, you can achieve good returns on such investments.

Expert forecasts

Financial analysts suggest:

  • In the first half of 2018, the price of gold will rise slightly, after which it will consolidate at the level of 1050–1100 dollars per ounce;
  • By the end of the year, the price will gradually decrease and in December stop at around $950-1000.

But there are a number of factors that can cause gold prices to rise:

  • The price of this precious metal can be artificially raised by mine owners, since a further drop in prices can result in large losses for them;
  • The price of gold may rise due to its purchase into the national reserve of one or more countries of the world;
  • Last year, some companies significantly reduced gold production volumes, and therefore, there may be a shortage of gold in the market and prices will begin to rise.

When making a decision, you should also not forget that an increase in the dollar exchange rate can also increase the cost of this precious metal.

Expert forecasts are quite contradictory, but despite this, experienced financiers believe that this is one of the most profitable investment instruments. Therefore, if you doubt whether it is profitable to invest in gold now, listen to the opinion of experts.

Advantages and disadvantages of investing in gold

Let's figure out whether it's worth investing in gold? According to experienced financiers, this is the most reliable and calm type of investment. It does not bring much profit, but at the same time it guarantees the safety of funds. Gold does not fall in price during economic crises, wars or defaults.

Despite the fact that gold practically does not depreciate, its price can fluctuate within a wide range. This is the main disadvantage of short-term investment in this precious metal, since a significant decline in prices can lead to large losses. Another important drawback is the high spread that accompanies the purchase and sale of gold. For this reason, this investment method is not very flexible.

Many citizens of our country often ask the question: is it possible to invest in gold during a crisis? It is possible and even necessary, but you should not hope that you will get rich quickly. Gold mines will not soon exhaust their potential, so prices for this precious metal will not rise significantly in the near future. If you decide to invest your savings in this financial instrument, all its features should be taken into account.

Another question that can be heard from novice investors is when is the best time to invest in gold? On this moment gold prices have stabilized, so you can safely invest your money in this metal today. It is almost impossible to predict the behavior of prices on the market, since their fluctuations depend on a variety of factors. The main advantage of gold is that it is present in the world in limited quantities. How more money will be printed by different states, the faster the price will rise.