Non-cash transfer. Cashless payment: application Form of payment in cash


Virtually all large companies or enterprises begin their activities by opening a current bank account. How to issue an invoice for payment by bank transfer and why is it necessary? According to the law, an amount exceeding 60,000 rubles must be paid via a cashless payment system.

Non-cash payments are carried out without the material presence of money, that is, through an electronic system by transferring currency to the bank accounts of organizations or entrepreneurs. It should be noted that non-cash payments play a huge role in the development of the circulation of funds, the limitation of cash, and the costs of currency circulation in the country.

All non-cash payments must be carried out in compliance with legal regulations. According to Federal Law No. 161-F3, transactions related to payment for services carried out using an electronic payment system must take place only through credit institutions and with the consent of the client. If you violate this law, this may result in a serious fine, since the tax office carefully monitors all cash receipts.

It is much wiser to protect yourself from unnecessary troubles; besides, by following all the rules, you gain financial immunity and a good reputation. Operations will speed up, and it will be possible to unintentionally record transactions. All payment transactions are recorded in the database and if conflict situations arise, there is proof of the payment being made; they can be provided at any time by making a printout.

The functionality of a current account is developed not only in one direction - receiving payment for a product, service, work product, but also for paying for large purchases, for example, raw materials.

It is convenient to use cashless payments. Now many banks have individual computer programs for bank users, which are installed on the clients’ personal computer. The client at any time, while at home or on vacation, can top up or withdraw money from his personal account, make payments for services or purchases, and all information about the state of the subscriber’s personal account is also available.

If you are not a registered user in such a program and you need to pay a bill, receive cash, or make a deposit, then there are special machines for such operations. Most often they are located in bank branches or located in various parts of the city.

Invoice or payment form by bank transfer

An invoice or otherwise an invoice is a sales document that contains grouped information: payment prices for goods (services), quantity of products, the date of the maximum payment period for the invoice, an invoice for payment is issued after the final acceptance of the order by the official representative to the consumer.

An official representative is a seller, contractor or service provider. Consumer – customer or client.

The invoice may be printed on company or organization letterhead. Do not forget that the score is one of the components of the face of the organization. When drawing up an invoice, it is advisable to include the company's corporate identity, slogan, design or advertising, although all this is an optional condition. The appearance of the account depends entirely on the industry and the direction of the company’s activities.

An electronic invoice is an important document for both parties, like any other official document, the representative should keep a copy, and the consumer will need a duplicate to register the purchase. Mandatory features in the process of drawing up an invoice are an electronic signature and the presence of all the data on the form.

What is an electronic signature of an organization and an individual entrepreneur?

An electronic signature is a part in an electronic document that contains a set of individual numbers assigned to a specific person or organization.

  • Electronic signature for individual entrepreneurs.

Always, in all documents, including electronic signature, the individual entrepreneur signs himself. If the individual entrepreneur is absent and does not have the opportunity to sign (he is away, on vacation or in the hospital), then the signature can be signed by a trusted person (deputy or accountant).

  • Organization.

Signing an organization is much more difficult, since several people are involved in this process - the director and the accountant. If the organization is small, then it is quite possible that the director may also be an accountant as a substitute, then the signature is affixed by one person. But if two different people hold positions, there must be two signatures; for this, two columns are allocated in the account form.

Ingredients for filling out the form for payment by bank transfer

  • Information about the official representative.

This section includes all possible information about the performer, his name, surname, address, type of activity, contact information, payment information.

If the company has a certain organizational and legal form, then you need to enter information about the specific place of management of the enterprise. For example, a company abroad (Europe, America). The information provided includes: legal address of the organization and registration code.

  • Characteristics of a current account.

Invoice characteristics are all the nuances associated with concluding a business transaction agreement, they include: order number, conclusion date, payment deadline date, last name, first name and patronymic of the customer, cost of services.

To indicate the final payment deadline, there is a special term “net 30”, that is, payment must take place no later than 30 days from the date of conclusion of the contract. The form is marked as “5\14 net 30”, translation: a five percent discount is valid for payment within 14 days and the payment deadline is 30 days.

This term is best used if your customer is versed in business language. If the customer is an ordinary buyer, then use everyday language: “Please note, payment must be completed no later than 30 days, namely 09/29/2012.”

The transfer of funds may take place in an international format, there is a risk that confusion will arise between different time zones. For a more accurate design, it is better to write the month in words, for example, September 29, 2012.

The term “Upon Receipt” stands for “pay instantly upon receipt,” but some customers have had difficulty with this. Instead of paying immediately, they believed that payment could be made at their convenience. Therefore, some people increasingly began to see the signature “pay immediately.”

  • Client

In this field we indicate everything you need to know about the client. His last name, first name, patronymic, address, contact information.

  • Name

The form itself is called “invoice”, but the name may vary depending on the type of activity: “invoice”, “proforma invoice”, “invoice”, “quick invoice”.

An account number is a unique set of numbers that determines the order of matching. Each account must have its own unique serial number.

The legislation of some countries requires invoices to be numbered in ascending order, but if you do not want to convey to the client the number of your payments, you can swap the numbers, for example, “invoice No. 0006”, the subsequent “invoice No. 0012”, “invoice No. 0020”.

  • List of goods and services

A special list is compiled of what the client should receive for a certain amount of money: the name of the product or service, the price for one unit of goods, the amount of the discount and payment, tax, the final amount to be paid.

In this section, you need to show as much accuracy and specificity as possible, all amounts and names must be written correctly and no mistakes should be made. Indicate the price for a single product or, if it is an hourly job, then the cost of the service per hour.

  • Notes

Here you can specify various information for the client. You can attribute gratitude, or warn about payment deadlines. Specify another type of payment for services.

Mistakes that are made when preparing an invoice for payment by bank transfer

Analyzing the errors made with the registration of an invoice, a number of frequently repeated ones stand out:

  • Filling out the form columns incorrectly, incorrectly indicating or making mistakes in the First Name, Last Name, Patronymic, personal account number or individual code, and so on.
  • The date indicated in the copy from the official party does not correspond to the date in the copy from the consumer (this may happen due to corrections).
  • Delay in the established five-day period for submitting an invoice to the consumer.
  • The invoice did not pass through the announced deadline for VAT deduction.

How to issue an invoice correctly

For each taxation system, an invoice is issued with a certain feature:

  • Account for the simplified taxation system (STS).

Most often, payments by non-cash account are made using this taxation system (USN).

According to the conditions, an enterprise or entrepreneur operating on this system is exempt from VAT taxes. Therefore, you should not write a VAT column in the issued invoice, since it will have to be paid personally from the company’s funds.

  • Account for the Unified Tax of Imputed Income (UTII).

Carrying out payment of UTII tax prohibits performing monetary transactions with current accounts. If receipts are made to an account subject to UTII, then it will be necessary to draw up a report to the OSNO system.

  • Account for the Patent Tax System (PTS).

Problems may arise with this system, since it is a patent type, and for it there is actually no possibility of providing an invoice by bank transfer.

  • Account for the General System of Taxation (OSNO).

The easiest way to issue an invoice using this system is that it is generated using a standard type and the VAT tax must be indicated. There can also be several options for issuing an invoice: the first, when each form is filled out anew, including various information, and the second, when there is a certain standard template for filling out the form for all ongoing monetary transactions.

Payment methods have evolved since the emergence of economic relations and have now reached significant diversity. This process has accelerated significantly with the advent of computer technology and the Internet.

Cash and non-cash payment

Payment types can be grouped according to various criteria. It is generally accepted to divide payments into cash and non-cash, which is supported by the provisions of Article 140 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Cash payment involves transferring “live” money (bills, coins) from one person to another or depositing it into special devices.

What does non-cash payment mean? Non-cash payment involves making payments without the participation of money in its natural form, funds are debited from the account of one party and transferred to the other (credited to the account).

Cash payment methods

At the origin of economic relations, the role of money was played by various goods - grain, salt, animal skins and even stones. Then metal money appeared in the form of coins, and later paper bills (notes). These are the ones that are used in our time to make cash payments, among which are the following:

  • transfer of money from one person to another - a contractor, a supplier of goods or services, a cashier in a store, bank, post office or other third party. The transfer procedure may be accompanied by the presentation of a receipt (payment order) indicating the recipient’s details;
  • depositing money through ATMs and payment terminals. Money is inserted into the bill acceptor, funds are transferred to the recipient's account, and the cash is at the disposal of the owner of the terminal or ATM. The range of paid services is very wide - housing and communal services, mobile communications, fines, duties, repayment of debts on loans and microloans, etc.
  • making payments through money transfer systems (Zolotaya Korona, Leader, Contact, etc.). To do this, you need to come to a branch of the system (as a rule, these functions are taken over by banks and mobile phone stores), indicate the payment details and deposit money.

Cashless payment: how it works

Payment by bank transfer is believed to have originated in the 18th century in Great Britain. Settlement (clearing) chambers were created to service them. Cashless payment - what is it? This is a form of payment when one person transferred to another not money, but documents drawn up in a special way - checks and bills. The person who received the check cashed it at the clearing house or received funds into his account, which were debited from the account of the person who issued the check.

The check settlement system became widespread in Western countries, especially among wealthy people, until the advent of computer networks. Currently, this method has given way to others based on the use of innovative technologies.

Payment by bank transfer is currently carried out in the following ways:

  • bank cards, today this is the most common of all types of non-cash payments among individuals. In recent years, plastic cards with a magnetic stripe have begun to give way to cards with a chip. To carry out the transaction, a card with a chip is inserted into the POS terminal, and a card with a magnetic stripe is “stretched” through it. Also, if necessary, a PIN code is entered, after which funds are debited from the holder’s account and the purchase becomes paid;
  • bank cards that support Pay Wave (Visa) and PayPass (Mastercard) technologies – a growing method of contactless payment for purchases. Such a card does not come into direct contact with the POS terminal, but is only brought close to it (the terminal must also support contactless technology and be equipped with a special label). Today, terminals supporting contactless technology are not very common, but it is only a matter of time;
  • virtual payments using bank card details; this method is used when purchasing goods and services in online stores and on specialized sites. To carry out the operation, the buyer must enter the details indicated on the front side: first and last name in Latin letters, 16-digit identification number, year and month of expiration of its validity. In addition, the 3-digit CVC/CVV2 code is entered, which is indicated on the back of the card;
  • payment by electronic money by debiting funds from a QIWI wallet, Yandex.Money, Webmoney and other systems. To carry out the operation, the buyer must open an electronic wallet and transfer the required amount to the recipient’s electronic wallet, card or bank account, or pay the invoice issued to him, depending on the form of payment established by the supplier of goods (services);
  • payments by mobile phone, a method that is not very common (yet) in our country. A smartphone that supports NFC (near field communication) technology must be brought close to the reader. Funds will be debited from a bank card, which is linked to a mobile phone through special applications (Android Pay, Samsung Pay, etc.);
  • bank transfer from the account. In the classic version, you need to come to a bank branch and present a payment order. In a more modern one, you can use an ATM, an online banking system or an application for a mobile device. In this case, the sender's bank debits funds from the account of one person, and the recipient's bank, after conducting interbank settlements, credits them to the account of the second. The latter has the opportunity to receive funds in cash through bank transfer systems Unistirim, Western Union, etc.

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Cashless payments- settlements carried out between an individual and a legal entity without the use of cash, by transferring funds through a bank from the payer’s settlement (current) account to the recipient’s account.

This payment format is available to everyone - legal entities, entrepreneurs and ordinary citizens.

Cashless payment is one of the most convenient options for making payments due to the high speed of payments and the almost complete absence of regulatory restrictions in making payments.

During non-cash payments, funds are credited and written off electronically.

At the end of the working day, the account owner is provided with an account statement, which reflects the balance at the beginning and end of the day, as well as all incoming and outgoing transactions, which allows the account owner to control cash flows.

Forms of non-cash payments

There are several forms in which non-cash payments are made:

    settlements using payment orders;

    settlements via letter of credit;

    settlements through collection orders or collection;

    payments through check books;

    payments using plastic cards;

    settlements in the form of electronic money transfer.

Settlements using payment orders

In this case, a document is drawn up, which contains an instruction to the bank to transfer the amount specified in the payment document at the expense of the payer.

A payment order as a form of settlement for the execution of a transfer is a payment instruction, according to which the sending bank transfers funds to the receiving bank to the person specified in the order.

The parties are the payer and the payee, the participant is the bank that carries out the transfer operation.

The transfer is carried out within the time frame and to the person specified in the order.

The validity period of the payment order is ten days, which does not include the day the document was drawn up.

Settlements via letter of credit

A letter of credit is a special account that is used for settlements on transactions requiring the mediation of a bank.

A letter of credit is an order from the buyer's bank to the supplier's bank to pay the invoices of this supplier for goods shipped or services provided under the conditions specified in the letter of credit application.

Payments under a letter of credit include:

    the applicant who applies to the bank with a request to open a letter of credit;

    recipient of funds;

    a bank that is engaged to transfer a letter of credit to the recipient of funds.

In the case of making payments using a letter of credit, the payer instructs the bank to transfer funds to the recipient, but only if the recipient of the funds complies with special conditions, for example, delivery of goods, provision of documents and other conditions.

Settlements using a letter of credit are carried out as follows.

The buyer opens a letter of credit with his bank and transfers there the cost of his purchase.

The supplier will be able to receive these funds provided that the goods are delivered and the accompanying documents are transferred to the bank where the letter of credit is opened.

And only after this the bank transfers funds.

The convenience of this form of payment lies in the security of the transaction.

Settlements through collection orders or collection

Such calculations are possible only if the claimant (recipient) has the right to make claims against the debtor's (payer) account.

These rights may be provided for by law or by an agreement concluded between the account holder (debtor) and the bank.

Collection is inherently demanding.

Thus, the recipient of funds, in order to collect the required amount, must provide the bank holding the payer’s account with the necessary information about the debtor and his obligation.

Payments using check books

Payments by checks from checkbooks are made by:

    legal entities (entrepreneurs) or individual entrepreneurs - check holders who are recipients of payment by check from the checkbook;

    individuals - check drawers.

In this case, funds are written off from the drawer's account to the check holder's account or cash is issued to him.

Checks are settled only if the drawer has a sufficient amount of money in his account and after the identity of the bearer of the check has been confirmed and the authenticity of the check itself has been verified.

Payments using plastic cards

A plastic card is a payment instrument through which its holders can make non-cash payments and receive cash. Payments with plastic cards presuppose the presence of a certain system, which includes banks and other participants who jointly issue into circulation and carry out transactions using plastic cards.

Non-cash payments using plastic cards are made in accordance with an agreement concluded by the bank with the owner of the payment system in accordance with the standards and rules established by it.

Payments in the form of electronic money transfer

As part of this type of non-cash payments, a citizen () provides the operator with funds from his personal bank account for conducting transactions.

Principles of non-cash payments

The non-cash payment system is based on the following principles:

    principle of legality. All non-cash transactions are carried out in accordance with legal requirements and are carried out only within the framework of the law;

    principle of sufficiency of funds. All settlement transactions must be secured with an amount sufficient to make payments;

    principle of acceptance. This principle is that without the consent or prior notice of the account holder, no funds can be debited from the account;

    the principle of conducting all operations on the basis of a contract. This principle is based on the fact that the servicing bank is obliged to act only within the framework of the agreement valid between it and the account holder, which establishes the rules of relations between the bank and the owner of the account opened with the bank;

    principle of urgency of payment. This means that any payment made from a bank account must be made within the deadline specified by the payer;

  • the principle of freedom of choice. The essence of this principle is that the payment participant is free to choose any type of non-cash payments. And the bank cannot influence this choice.

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The global financial system is constantly improving. The main priority of banks and legal entities is the security and speed of transactions. Because of this trend, non-cash funds have become very popular. What is a non-cash payment and what are the methods for making it?

What is cashless payment

The presented payment format is implemented by money transfers through bank accounts without the use of paper currency and coins. It can be used by legal entities, individuals and entrepreneurs. The concept of non-cash payments implies the use of payment cards, bills and checks to carry out transactions. The transfer of payments occurs between the parties to the property relationship or with the help of an additional entity represented by a credit institution.


Organizing financial transactions using this type of payment is beneficial to banks and the state, because allows you to avoid a sharp increase in treatment delays. The essence of non-cash payments is the implementation of payments by transferring currency to accounts intended to replace cash. By using a non-cash form of payment at an enterprise, you can get rid of cash registers and comply with the rules for their use.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of this payment method is its flexibility. Non-cash money can be stored in special accounts for an unlimited time. Bank documents can be connected to the transaction at any time. They establish and confirm the fact of the transaction. Enterprises that use non-cash payments are freed from the need to constantly transfer money to the bank.

The main disadvantage of the method is its dependence on the bank. A non-cash transfer cannot be carried out if the holder of the funds has problems with their circulation. Owners of regular and special accounts will have to pay the bank a commission for transactions performed. The pros and cons of non-cash payments compensate each other, making this payment method the most convenient in the realities of our time.

Forms of non-cash payments

The characteristics, structure, and meaning of payment transactions are determined by their type. Depending on the variety, they can be used by enterprises and individuals. In the Russian financial system, the following forms of non-cash payments are distinguished:

  • transfers using payment requests and orders;
  • letter of credit payments;
  • payments through check books;
  • collection settlements;
  • payments by electronic money transfer;
  • money transfers by direct debit.

Types of non-cash payments

Payments of this type are classified according to various criteria. Depending on the economic nature, remittances are needed to pay for non-commodity transactions and to purchase goods or services. Payments can be intra-republican and interstate. Funds transferred within the state are divided depending on the region and locality. The following types of non-cash payments are also distinguished:

  • guaranteed, in which the collateral is the funds reserved in the budget account;
  • non-guaranteed;
  • transfers with instant debiting of funds from the account;
  • payments with deferred transfer of money.


Payment documents represent legally formalized demands, instructions and orders for the transfer of funds for the receipt of goods, services, and works. They can be implemented in the form of collection orders, bank transfers, letters of credit. Depending on the type of payment document, contact and contactless methods of non-cash payments are distinguished. These include:

  • payments using a bank card through POS terminals;
  • transferring money from cards using Pay Wave/PayPass technology;
  • payments using card details, often used to pay for services via the Internet and purchase goods in stores;
  • sending money through online wallet systems (QIWI, WebMoney, Skrill, etc.), where special terminals or transfers from bank cards are used to top up the balance;
  • Internet banking services offered to users of Sberbank and other financial organizations;
  • payments using NFS technology via smartphone.

Cashless payment system

It is based on bank accounts with settlement documents. The non-cash payment system must work as quickly as possible in order to quickly execute payment orders, open accounts for new clients, and maintain a continuous flow of funds. If economic authorities come to an agreement, then payments can be made bypassing the bank.

Principles of organization

The presented payment method is one of the important tools for the development of the country's market economy. It is voluntary in nature, allowing you to transfer and receive wages, savings from deposits and other income without visiting financial institutions. Continuity of money transfers is ensured by the principles on which the organization of non-cash payments is based:

  1. Enterprises and organizations participating in operations themselves choose their form, regardless of the scope of their activities.
  2. The client's rights to manage funds are not limited.
  3. Transactions are implemented on a first-come, first-served basis.
  4. Payments are transferred from account to account if funds are available.

Implementation principles

Compliance by business firms and banks with established rules ensures that this type of payment meets modern requirements such as reliability, efficiency, and speed of transactions. For this purpose, principles for implementing wire transfers were developed. The procedure for making non-cash payments is determined by the following principles:

  • The principle of acceptance. Without obtaining the consent or notification of the cash account holder, funds cannot be debited. This rule even applies to requests from government agencies.
  • The principle of freedom of choice. Payment participants can conduct transactions in any form convenient for them. Financial organizations cannot influence the choice of non-cash payment methods.
  • The principle of legality. All operations must be carried out within the framework of current legislation and regulated by it.
  • The principle of urgency of payment. Any transfer of funds must be carried out within the time frame established by the payer. If they were violated, then sanctions fall on the bank.

These principles not only lie in making payments without withdrawing currency, but also in their implementation. The payer's current account must always have the required amount of funds to carry out transactions. All transactions are always carried out on the basis of an agreement between the bank and the account holder. You can go beyond the scope of the agreement only if a new contract is concluded with the client.

Rules for non-cash payments

Financial law regulates all monetary transactions between entrepreneurs, individuals and legal entities, shops, and other institutions. For these purposes, rules for non-cash payments were developed, the main one of which states that money should be debited from the client’s account only by his order. Payment documents used for transactions must contain:

  • TIN of the account owner;
  • name and account number of the credit institution;
  • name of the payer's bank;
  • account number and BIC of the transfer recipient.

Payment by bank transfer

Money transfer is carried out using one of the methods listed above. The correspondent account reflects the details of the sender and recipient of the funds, the amount of the transfer and the name of the paid service or product. Therefore, if the seller does not fulfill his obligations, the non-cash payment will be returned to the buyer with the exception of the banking system commission.

Refund to buyer

The customer has the right to return or replace goods purchased in the store. Refunds to the buyer by bank transfer are carried out upon presentation of the product, receipt, warranty card, and identity documents. Scans of the listed documents must be sent to the store’s mail. The transfer of funds to a client may be refused in the following situations:

  • the product is a food product and is of good quality;
  • documents on the transfer of funds are lost;
  • the purchase belongs to the list of non-replaceable products.

Purchase returns

Products of inadequate quality must be sent by the client to the store warehouse. The return of goods by bank transfer is stipulated in the contract of each enterprise separately. The company can compensate for the costs of sending the goods if such a clause is in its rules. Non-cash forms of payment involve the transfer of money to the buyer's current account immediately after sending the products back to the seller.


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Cashless payment: application

The development of technology has an impact on all areas of human life. To a greater extent, these changes are positive, such as non-cash payments - it is convenient, fast and safe. How does this system work? What are its pros and cons? About this and much more in the article.


In the Russian Federation, the non-cash payment system is the sphere of competence of financial and civil law. Cashless payments are regulated by 3 regulations:

  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation, where Chapter 46 “Settlements” contains the necessary information about this type of payment.
  • Regulations on the rules for transferring funds and Regulations on the issuance of payment cards approved by the Bank of Russia. They discuss the forms, procedures for non-cash payments in the Russian Federation and requirements for payment documents.


The organization of non-cash payments is designed in such a way that its participants can make payments without spending a lot of time.

According to the above documents, participants in non-cash payments can be:

  • individuals;
  • legal entities;
  • entrepreneurs;
  • the shops;
  • other institutions.

Participants in non-cash payments after carrying out monetary transactions receive payment documents confirming the fact of the transaction. They contain the following mandatory information:

  • account details and BIC of the transfer recipient;
  • name of the payer's bank;
  • TIN of the account owner from which funds will be debited;
  • name and account number of the credit institution.


Based on the content of the above documents, it can be noted that non-cash payment is a payment that is made without the use of cash through the transfer of money from the payer’s bank account to the recipient’s bank account. This type of payment is available to everyone - individuals and legal entities, entrepreneurs. But the payment process is possible only in banks and credit institutions that have a license to carry out such operations.


Cashless payment is a system that is based on certain principles. Compliance with them ensures the order and security of non-cash payments. So, the organization of non-cash payments is based on the principle:

  • Acceptance, which implies mandatory consent or notification of the account holder for debiting money from the account. Even requests from government agencies are subject to this rule.
  • Urgency, which presupposes the presence of a time frame established by the payer within which the funds must be written off. If they are violated, the bank is responsible.
  • Freedom of choice, which implies the possibility for participants to choose the form of payment.
  • Legality, which implies the mandatory compliance of all operations carried out with current legislation.
  • The principle of liquidity, which implies maintaining the necessary amount in the account for uninterrupted payments.
  • Control, which implies the need to monitor the correctness of transactions and compliance with established provisions on the procedure for non-cash payments.
  • Liability, which implies the presence of material or non-material liability for non-compliance with the terms of the agreement between the parties to the transaction.


Forms of non-cash payments are transfers or payments through:

  • payment request and order;
  • direct debit;
  • electronic money;
  • letter of credit settlement;
  • check books;
  • collection.

A payment request is a requirement of the recipient of funds (creditor) to pay a certain amount through the bank for goods delivered, work performed or services rendered.

Direct debit is a debit of funds from the payer's account in favor of the recipient of the funds (creditor), provided that the payer has provided the bank with a payment order, which contains information about to whom, when and in what amount the funds need to be paid.

Electronic money is a virtual replacement for cash that can be used to pay through an electronic wallet if you have access to the Internet.

Letter of credit settlement is a settlement under a letter of credit (instruction) of the payer, which specifies the amount and terms of payment for the recipient of funds.

A checkbook is a brochure consisting of 25 or 50 sheets - checks, each of which contains information about the payer - the holder of the book. One sheet, signed by the payer, allows you to receive the amount indicated on it to the account of the recipient of the funds.

Collection is a bank service by which it undertakes to transfer a payment from the payer’s account to the recipient’s account without the participation of the latter, but with the presence of an order and other necessary documents.


Cashless payment is a type of payment that has practically no boundaries and time, since in this way you can pay for goods and services in one country, but be in another, not to mention the city. Based on this fact, all types of non-cash payments can be:

  • Non-commodity, which includes payment for utilities, tuition at an educational institution, consultations and treatment in a medical institution and other similar services.
  • Commodity, which includes payment for things intended to be exchanged for money or other products and services: raw materials, materials, finished products.
  • Interstate, which includes settlements between the payer and the recipient of funds whose correspondent accounts are located in different countries.
  • Intra-republican, which include settlements between the payer and the recipient of funds whose accounts are located in the same federal district.
  • Guaranteed, in which the payment amount is reserved in the payer’s account and transferred to the recipient of the funds after he fulfills his obligations to the payer.
  • Non-guaranteed, which includes payments that are not documented.
  • Instant, which includes payment made at the time of purchasing a product or receiving a service.
  • Deferred, in which payment for goods or services is made after the time specified in the contract, and not immediately. This form of payment includes a loan, installment plan, or mortgage.


Payment methods for non-cash payments can be contact and contactless:

  • payments by bank cards via POS terminal;
  • payments using NFS technologies using a smartphone;
  • transfer of funds from a card using PayPass and Pay Wave technologies;
  • services provided by Internet banking;
  • payment via card details using Internet access;
  • transferring money through online wallets using terminals.


Non-cash payment is a transfer of funds from one correspondent account to another, which reflects information about the sender, recipient, transfer amount and name of the product or service. If the seller does not fulfill his obligations to the buyer, the amount will be returned to the client minus the banking system commission.

According to legal documents, payment by bank transfer is based on the following principles:

  • all transactions must be carried out on the basis of an agreement between the bank and the owner of the correspondent account;
  • payment is transferred from one correspondent account to another only if there is an amount sufficient for payment;
  • transactions are carried out on a first-come, first-served basis;
  • participants of non-cash payments have the right to choose any of the available forms of non-cash payments, regardless of their field of activity;
  • Non-cash payment participants have the right to dispose of available funds at their own discretion.


A product or service purchased by bank transfer may be of poor quality. In this case, the client has the right to return the money spent. To confirm the purchase or purchase of a service, the client must provide a receipt, passport (or other identification document) and a warranty card to the store or organization. If the service or purchase was made online, the client sends scanned documents via mail to the company’s warehouse address. The seller either exchanges the product for the one the buyer needs, or returns the money to his bank account.

But the client is not always right, since the seller of the product or service has the right to refuse to return the money spent. Such cases include:

  • the product is food and is of good quality;
  • the product is a non-replaceable product and cannot be returned;
  • documents on the transfer of money to the seller’s account are lost;
  • The product has been used and has lost its presentation.


Cashless payments are an already proven payment method that has earned the trust of users due to its undeniable advantages. These include:

  • a flexible system allows you to make both one and several transactions in the form of a “chain” with the possibility of additional payment;
  • there is no need for a cash register and, therefore, you can save on its maintenance;
  • provability of non-cash payments, since you can obtain the necessary bank documents if necessary;
  • funds can be stored in bank accounts for an unlimited time;
  • security, since there is no possibility of fraudulent activities using counterfeit money;
  • reduced distribution costs;
  • the need to transfer cash to the bank within three days after it arrives at the cash desk saves time, since there is no need for additional transactions with the bank.


Despite the large number of advantages of non-cash payment, this method of payment for services also has a number of disadvantages:

  • the banking system, like any other, is not immune to operational interruptions, which can lead to problems when transferring money or withdrawing it from an account;
  • Constant interaction with the bank leads to additional and, possibly, mandatory payments.

This method of payment may be unprofitable for beginning entrepreneurs, since it assumes the presence of a regular cash flow to pay salaries to employees and pay for bank services.