What is the salary for a mortgage? Monthly income when obtaining a mortgage. How does a bank evaluate gray mortgage income


What should be the salary for a mortgage? How do you verify your income? What should borrowers with low or unofficial salaries do?

Salary for a mortgage: what income does the bank take into account and how to confirm them?

The level of income and permanent employment is one of the most important conditions for mortgage lending in Russia. What should be the salary for a mortgage for the bank to approve the loan, are there minimum thresholds required for approval loan application how to get a mortgage with a small and gray income, let's try to figure it out today.

What income does the bank take into account

When considering a mortgage loan application, all banking organizations pay close attention to the data of the application items "employment" and "income level". Almost always, in order to give a positive response to a loan, the bank indicates the requirements to provide a certificate of employment.

All credit organizations take into account, first of all, official earnings, but the bonus will be additional earnings, income, the presence of real estate or valuable property.

The main income is considered to include:

  1. Salary from the main place of work under a labor or contract;
  2. Income from entrepreneurial activity for individual entrepreneurs;
  3. Pension for pensioners.

Important point! Non-working pensioners, including disabled people, can get a mortgage in a limited number of banks. The most loyal for this category of borrowers are Sberbank and Transcapitalbank, where you can get a mortgage up to 75 years.

What can be taken into account by banks in addition to official earnings:

  • Additional income when renting real estate, documented;
  • part-time;
  • Income from entrepreneurial and other activities that bring stable cash receipts.

How to verify your income

Most credit organizations, as a basic condition, are required to submit a 2-NDFL salary certificate from the main place of work, or a document in the form established by the bank from the organization (bank certificate), if the income is “gray”.

Income from additional activities can be confirmed:

  1. Contract for the lease of residential or non-residential premises.
  2. Entries in the work book.
  3. Statements from bank accounts.
  4. income tax return for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

We have discussed in more detail in a separate article. Be sure to read it before applying.

What income does Sberbank take into account and how to confirm them

1. From a permanent place of work, a citizen can provide a salary certificate in the form 2-NDFL, or a certificate in the form public institution if it is not possible to issue documents 2-NDFL containing basic information about the position, salary of the employee, the duration of his stay in the organization. It may also be required to provide a certificate in the form established by the bank where the loan is issued.

2. Pension and other income:

  • Assigned ahead of schedule, or upon reaching the retirement age, a pension, a disability pension or a length of service;
  • Monthly lifetime payments to judges and certain categories of citizens;
  • Monthly payments (UDV) carried out through a bank branch;
  • Income from an additional job cash are confirmed, as well as on the main one, in case of impossibility to provide a certificate or a copy work book, the citizen may bring a copy employment contract with the dates for the start of work and the level of wages;
  • Tax return - for individual entrepreneurs - for 1 or 2 tax years.

3. The funds received from the lease of real estate are confirmed not only by a copy of the contract, but also by a 3-NDFL declaration, or a certificate of income in the form of 2-NDFL.

4. Remuneration under civil law contracts and from the use of the borrower's intellectual property is confirmed by a copy of the documents drawn up, if there is a 3-NDFL declaration or a 2-NDFL certificate - by them.

When a mortgage is calculated, monthly benefits and other income payments may be taken into account as additional cash income. Moreover, quite often written confirmation may not be required, the information in the questionnaire will be indicated according to the borrower. The bank can call on the specified contact details of the main and additional places of work and check the accuracy of the information, or take into account only positive credit history borrower. As a rule, Sberbank issues the largest amount among all other banks.

What cannot be credited as a source of income in Sberbank:

  • Coupon income from valuable papers;
  • Received insurance cash payments;
  • Income from participation in the activities of LLC and from shares of joint-stock companies;
  • Funds received from the sale of real estate or the purchase and sale of securities and / or movable property;
  • Winning the lottery or casino;
  • Penalties and fines recovered in favor of the borrower;
  • Alimony and scholarship payments received;
  • Bonuses and remuneration received outside the main place of work;
  • Other sources of income prohibited by the bank.

Preferential conditions for providing information about wages are borrowers of banks that own payroll cards of these particular credit institutions. In such cases, the submission of certificates from the main place of work is not required.

How much do you need to earn

In order for you to be given a loan, you need not only to work in the last place for a certain time according to the requirements of the bank, but also to know What should be the salary to get a mortgage. The fact is that it is necessary to take into account the requirement of the bank to the ratio of income / expense.

Each bank has its own, but it is customary to single out three:

  1. Conservative (60/40) – according to the given ratio, the mortgage loan payment should not exceed 40% of the income. This approach is safe for borrowers because allows you to choose the optimal load on the budget, but in the realities of the Russian economy, such bank requirements are not very competitive due to the fact that the mortgage amount is the smallest among other competitors, and the borrower's real earnings are usually always higher than the official one.
  2. Standard (50/50) - quite a lot of banks estimate the borrower's income in this way. The loan payment must be equal to half of the salary or less.
  3. Optimal (40/60) - the most normal option for assessing solvency, which is followed by most banks - leaders in the mortgage business. Under this approach, mortgage payments can reach 60% of income.

When attracting one or more, the total income received by them will be taken into account. Also, the bank will take into account the monthly expenses incurred by the borrower, including for existing loans or mandatory payments, with the exception of utilities.

For example, Sberbank takes into account the number of dependents - minor children or elderly relatives who are in the care of the borrower and the cost of their maintenance. A loan may be denied to persons with large maintenance obligations or several outstanding loans.

It is important to know that a number of banks (VTB, Raiffeisen, Transcapitalbank, etc.) do not take into account dependents in the calculation of solvency. This will significantly increase the loan amount, and reduce the salary requirement.

Credit cards are also treated as loans. Depending on the bank, from 5 to 10% of the credit card limit is taken into account in calculating solvency. So, if you have a card with a limit of 50,000 rubles, then 2,500 - 5,000 rubles will be deducted from your total income.

It is important to understand that even if the card is not activated for you, you do not use it, and it just lies at your place - the bank will take into account 5-10% of its limit, because. you can withdraw the full amount from it at any time. At other times, such banks as Deltacredit, in general, do not take into account cards and consider them a positive aspect when considering an application, while other banks set a cut-off limit less than which cards are not taken into account.

General advice: close all cards before applying for a mortgage and take a letter from the bank on company letterhead, which will indicate the limit of the card, the date of opening and closing, and that the card was returned.

What should borrowers with low or unofficial salaries do?

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If it is not possible to confirm the official income in the required amount, or if there is a small salary, there are several ways in which a mortgage with a gray salary can be issued:

  • Attracting high-income co-borrowers;
  • For young families or families with children - participation in government programs subsidizing mortgage loans;
  • Increase the first installment;
  • Providing a certificate in the form of a bank - the form is not a form of strict reporting and there are many opportunities to artificially inflate the amount of wages;
  • Take advantage of the “two-document” lending program without confirming the employment and solvency of the borrower;
  • Submit additional income documents;
  • Choose a bank that does not take into account co-borrowers;
  • Choose a bank that either does not “see” your loans, or is ready to prescribe their closure under suspensive conditions;
  • Buying certificates is a common thing, but it is fraught with consequences.

Most banks try to be loyal to the category of borrowers who cannot confirm their income on the 2-personal income tax certificate and give mortgages under special lending programs:

  • Credit according to the provided passport and pension certificate;
  • A slight increase in interest rates and down payment;
  • Reducing the loan term.

If you have chosen the bank where you want to get a loan, and you know for sure:

  • The required loan amount;
  • interest rate;
  • The term for which you need to take a loan;
  • The date when you can collect the necessary documents;
  • Possible or not application maternity capital or early repayment...

…and most importantly, you have already chosen the housing you want to buy, you can calculate not only the amount that will make up the loan, but also what the minimum wage should be.

For example, you need to take a mortgage of 500,000 rubles for 10 years at 11% per annum. We take all the values, substitute them into the online calculator and get a monthly payment of about 6887.50.

The calculator will calculate at what salary such a loan will be approved based on the fact that the payment should be no more than 60% of income. Accordingly, with a payment of 6887.50 rubles, the level of income that you need to have is at least 11479.17 rubles per month.

Plus, an account must be made of all additional expenses that the family incurs each month and all money earned by each family member, the number of dependents, if applicable. The resulting calculations will give an idea of ​​the required level of earnings for loan approval, the borrower will be able to collect a package of documents to confirm it.

It is important to know what the salary must be in order to take out a mortgage. Minimum and maximum loan terms depending on monthly income.

50% of income is the maximum monthly payment.

Required monthly income for a mortgage - what is it?

The required monthly income for a potential borrower on a mortgage loan is a sufficient amount of income for banks to repay the principal debt on the loan, as well as interest on the use of borrowed funds.

The amount of monthly income also plays an important role for passing the procedure for considering an application for a mortgage. Due to the high monthly income, banks will be confident in the stability and solvency of a potential borrower. Depending on the amount of income, the bank decides on the amount of a possible loan.

How much do you need to earn when applying for a mortgage

The salary for obtaining a mortgage forms an understanding with the bank how much credit will be sufficient for the payer and will not become a heavy financial burden for him, entailing the appearance of penalties and delays. In different banks, the size and sufficiency of the salary is calculated in its own way.

Official earnings play an important role, but there are several other factors that, without the will of the borrower, can be seen by banks as mandatory payments. Some banks, with an official salary of 60,000 for a mortgage, take into account living wage in the region, as well as a fee for utility costs. For example, in the Moscow region, a person with such an income can get a mortgage with the maximum approved amount of 2,230,610 for 25 years at 11%.

With an income of 40 thousand, obtaining a loan requires the conclusion of a mortgage agreement with a maximum term and, accordingly, large interest payments. In many banks, it is enough to have a 2-NDFL certificate with such income in order to obtain a mortgage, but at the same time, the borrower should not have active loans and open credit cards.

The minimum salary for obtaining a loan for citizens of the Russian Federation

In every bank and for every line credit programs there is a minimum wage. So, if the borrower earns 20,000 rubles and does not seek to attract co-borrowers, then the cost of the proposed housing should not exceed 1,063,401, while the amount is equal to 40 percent of total cost apartment must be a down payment. Thus, the bank will provide a loan only in the amount of 759,572.41 rubles.

Therefore, among creditors, there are various kinds of programs that allow you to take into account the social status of people with a small salary. Teachers and doctors are considered low-income categories of working people, since their salaries are allocated from the budget of municipalities or regions. Thus, for example, in Sberbank until 2017 there was special program to attract as sponsors for teachers of special municipal and regional programs(subsidy).

Minimum salary for a mortgage to a foreigner in 2019

To obtain a mortgage, a foreigner must have a residence permit and a permanent well-paid job with the transfer of all tax payments to the relevant authorities. Banks are wary of foreigners, since in most cases the relationship with credit institutions in the home country is unknown to the lender. Moreover, the status of "temporary" residence in Russia also imposes certain risks for banks. The only reinsurance in this case is a pledge encumbrance. The apartment until the full repayment of the loan is in conditional ownership of the bank. By the way, the same algorithm is provided for Russian borrowers. Standard lending conditions by age, the presence of a down payment in a certain percentage also apply to foreign nationals.

For a foreigner, the salary of 50,000 rubles to get a mortgage is sometimes unrealistic. Not many Russians can show the bank a 2-personal income tax certificate with such monthly income. But still, under the circumstances of a real amount of 50,000 rubles, a foreigner can count on an amount of more than 2,000,000 rubles.

Sberbank and Gazprombank do not provide mortgages to foreigners, while VTB 24 is more loyal. At a rate of 12% and a maximum loan term, as well as 50% down payment, the initial loan amount will be 2,373,663 rubles 78 kopecks.

The subsistence minimum in the region also plays a very important role. So, the cost of living when calculating a mortgage at 15,000 thousand per month will be possible in Moscow. In 2017, the threshold for the food basket was set exactly at this level, respectively, the income of a person must be at least 50,000 rubles, and the condition established by the bank for the down payment must be at least 50 percent.

Black and gray salary and mortgage

In most cases with unconfirmed income, borrowers have to look for co-borrowers with a high regular income. Spouses must act as such, their income is added to that provided in the 2-personal income tax certificate with a low income.

What percentage of income can be a mortgage payment

At the legislative level, the question of how the income / expense ratio for mortgage payments should be distributed does not exist. There are three main approaches to this ratio.

The risk-oriented approach is that banks do not risk imposing more than 40% burden on the income side. With this calculation, the borrower has 60% of the salary in free access. Financial structures adhering to this approach are not ready to issue large amounts of loans or lend for a long or maximum period.

The stable approach allows banks to impose an encumbrance on half of all income. At the same time, 50% of income is the maximum amount of the monthly payment.

The optimal approach expands the potential of the borrower, as it assumes that the maximum amount of the monthly payment will be equal to sixty percent of income.

Consider the example of the amount of possible lending with an income of 25 thousand for the approval of a mortgage.

In order to receive a loan on a salary of 25 thousand under such conditions, no additional financial repayments should be imposed (for example, payment of a consumer loan or alimony, and in some cases, banks take into account the presence of dependents in the care of the lender). When choosing a mortgage loan, using the example of wages of such an amount, it is clear that the bank's approach to the distribution of income and expenditure for repaying the mortgage plays a role.

What income is taken into account when approving a mortgage

Mortgage approval can be concluded not only on the basis of monthly high income, but also if the borrower provides confirmed civil law contracts and other sources of income. Also, the income of the borrower may include the salary of the spouse. Thus, when calculating the amount of a mortgage loan, you can take the minimum family income for obtaining a mortgage.

  • Another help may be a lease agreement, which the borrower concludes with the tenant, that is, acts as the landlord. Naturally, such an agreement must be registered with the justice authority.
  • If the recipient of the loan is engaged in entrepreneurial activity, then these incomes should also be disclosed to the bank. All options are summed up, even if the mortgage applicant works part-time at several jobs.

What other criteria are needed for a mortgage

In order for the bank to consider the borrower as conscientious and respectable, his labor activity. So, frequent job changes or a short overall experience may be the reason for refusal to issue a mortgage.

Mortgages with a minimum total work experience can only be approved by small and very unreliable banks. Credit institutions that are among the top ten will not give a mortgage if the person's experience is less than the minimum established by the bank. Thus, people under the age of 21 do not even have the opportunity to apply, let alone receive a loan.

The bank will also request information about persons cohabiting with the borrower. If there are dependents on the list, then the subsistence minimum will be proportionally divided among children.

The amount of income for obtaining a mortgage with children will be proportionally reduced by the number of children.

What to do if the approved mortgage amount is not enough

If housing costs more than the bank approved, it is worth finding another credit organization or increase your down payment. It may be worth looking in the real estate market for the option that will allow you to use an approved bank.

There is also a practice of obtaining a consumer loan for the balance of the missing amount. In this case, you should be very careful, since covering two or more loans will cost more in the end.

So, the maximum mortgage amount for a salary of 45,000 rubles can be increased if a short loan term was initially chosen. Paying off the loan over 25 years will reduce your monthly financial burden.

Bank conditions

Sberbank can provide a loan, provided that the net salary after all mandatory payments and deducting the interests of dependents will be 25,000. The summary table shows the salary estimate to take a mortgage of 1,000,000 at Sberbank.

VTB 24, with a similar loan amount and making 50 percent of the down payment, provides for the required monthly payment in the amount of 9,783 rubles. At the same time, the official income should be 16,305 rubles with a loan term of 20 years (the maximum for VTB24). It is worth noting the interest rate under this program - 10.2%.

Rosselkhozbank provides an interest rate of 9.5 percent. At the same time, depending on the term of the loan, the total cost of the loan will increase and, accordingly, the monthly payment will decrease.

TermsSberbankVTB Bank of Moscow / VTB 24GazprombankRosselkhozbankAlfa Bank
Interest ratefrom 7.4* to 10%from 9.25 to 10.75%from 9.25 to 10.5%from 9.5** to 12.75%From 10%
Loan termsfrom 12 to 30 yearsfrom 1 year to 30 yearsfrom 1 year to 30 yearsup to 30 yearsfrom 5 to 25 years
Minimum amount300 000 rubles600 000 rubles500 000 rubles300 000 rublesNot***
Down paymentfrom 15%from 10%from 10%from 10%10 to 40%
  • 7.4% for applying for a loan through the DomClick service
  • * 7-8% for offers from partner developers
  • ** invites customers to issue consumer credit for the down payment

Questions and answers

How to calculate - how much will they give a mortgage on a salary of 40,000?

Before calculating a mortgage on a salary, it is necessary to clarify a number of parameters. For example, VTB24 indicates that with such a salary, the borrower can count on mortgage in the amount of not more than 2,495,552 rubles, subject to making at least 1,200,000 rubles as an initial contribution. In accordance with the terms of the loan, the monthly payment will be 24,000 rubles in accordance with the parameters of the interest rate of 9.95% and the maximum loan term of 20 years.

If such lending conditions are not suitable, then it is necessary to find a bank that will either have a lower down payment or a longer total loan repayment period.

What should be the salary to give a mortgage of 1500000?

In order to get a mortgage in the amount of 1,500,000 rubles, for example, in Sberbank you need to have a salary of at least 30,000 thousand rubles. At the same time, such an amount at such a salary will be available if the loan is issued for a maximum period of 25 years with an average interest rate at 11%. When calculating the rate, the parameters of participation in the life insurance program and the availability of a salary card in one of the branches are taken into account. Thus, if the answer is negative for two parameters, then the rate will jump by 1.5 percent and the amount of one and a half million will no longer be available.

Income 30,000, how much will mortgages give?

If you choose among popular banks, then you should take into account the proposed interest rate, the availability salary card in this bank, a list of documents to be provided and, of course, a down payment.

For example, in the Russian Agricultural Bank, subject to the provision of two documents, the payment of 40% of the cost of housing and the allocation of 50% of wages to repay the loan, you can count on a loan in the amount of up to 1,500,000 rubles, since the interest rate in this bank will be around 11.5 and The loan term will be 20 years.

With a salary of 35,000, how much will they give a mortgage?

If the borrower applies to VTB24, then you can count on a housing loan in the amount of 2,213,938 rubles, while the initial payment will be 1,000,000 rubles. Since today this bank has the most low interest at 9.75%. This rate is valid if the area of ​​the purchased apartment is less than 65 square meters. If the area is larger, then the interest rate is reduced by half a percent. It is important to know that the minimum amount of the down payment is 600,000 rubles. If the loan applicant submits only 2 documents, the interest rate will increase to 10.5 percent. VTB24 offers to make a monthly payment of 21,000 rubles with an income of 35,000.

The Federal Law “On Mortgage” (pledge of real estate) of 1998 does not provide for clear requirements for the borrower’s salary:

The higher the client's income, the higher his chances of being approved for a mortgage loan with a low interest rate;
With low incomes, the probability of failure is high.

Calculation of the required salary for a mortgage

Approximate calculations are only suitable for obtaining a mortgage with annuity payments. In this case, the amount of payments does not change throughout the entire period of payments. The amount of monthly payments should not exceed 40% of the borrower's income. Then the banks will give a mortgage without any problems. You can calculate at what salary you will be approved for a mortgage.

If the monthly payments are 32,000 rubles, then the income should be 80,000 rubles. Only a few can consistently receive such amounts, but even they will not be enough to purchase a good apartment in Moscow.

Ways to increase income

Not only official wages are taken into account by the bank.

What options are suitable for the borrower:

  • Additional income
  • Co-borrower

Borrower's additional income

Some people earn good money every month, but they do not know how to indicate it in the questionnaire. For example, dividends on personal deposits in other banks. They are quite suitable for obtaining a mortgage.

When there are deposits in other banks, it is enough to contact the nearest branch and get a printout for the last 3 months. Large deposits are the guarantor of the solvency of the borrower.

Banks are ready to take into account the availability of debit plastic cards in other banks. And it doesn't matter what contribution is made to them.

Nowadays, real estate prices are constantly rising and for many, owning a home becomes a pipe dream. The only way out of this situation is a mortgage in a bank.

According to statistics, low wages, along with bad credit history, are becoming the most popular reason for refusing citizens. (you can check your credit history for free via the Internet. Details).

When applying for a mortgage for a preliminary check, a bank employee in most cases will require a potential borrower to provide a certificate of income for the last six months. However, banks have no requirements for specific figures on wages, although very often it is a small salary that can be the reason for refusing a loan. How to be in this situation, we will discuss further.

Requirements of banks to borrowers when applying for a mortgage

Many are faced with the question: What should be the salary to get a mortgage? As a rule, financial institutions among the requirements for borrowers do not indicate the official salary in numbers. But,

according to generally accepted standards, the cost of loans and mortgages cannot be more than 40-50% of the client's salary

If according to the documents that individual provided to the bank, the amount does not meet these conditions, it will be difficult to get a positive decision on the submitted application. Some banks will immediately refuse, others may offer a smaller mortgage amount if the client's credit history is crystal clear. Co-borrowers who also provide information about their income can also help out.

It is important to remember that the bank takes into account not only the “white” salary, but also income from securities, real estate or business activities. That is, when applying for a mortgage loan, it is important to demonstrate to the bank all sources of income.

In addition, the algorithm for calculating monthly payments, which is used by the bank, plays an important role. Annuity payments require a lower level of income than differentiated payments. Since in the first case, the client pays equal shares throughout the entire loan period, and in the second case, the remaining debt is paid at the maximum interest for the first time.

How much should be the salary to take a mortgage in Sberbank?

Sberbank pays attention to the client's region of residence and takes into account the cost of living established in a particular region. However, if your salary is within the living wage, you should not count on the approval of the application.

In general, a number of factors affect the approval of a mortgage application:

  • stability of earnings;
  • the presence of property that can be secured on security (in this case, most banking institutions do not even ask for a certificate of wages, since the lender receives security in the form of the borrower's real estate);
  • the presence of guarantors;
  • "clean" credit history.

How to get a mortgage if the official salary is low?

A small salary will be a serious obstacle to obtaining a mortgage, but there are ways out of this situation. The client must increase the bank's level of confidence in itself by attracting a co-borrower, providing collateral. In addition, you can provide documents confirming additional types of earnings. For example, a lease agreement, according to which an individual receives a certain amount from tenants every month.

Is it possible to get a mortgage without an official salary?

A mortgage with a gray salary can also become a reality. In some banks, when applying for a loan, you can provide a certificate of income in the form of a bank. For the document to take effect, you must certify it at your work. But whether the employer will confirm the solvency of his employee is a question of a different nature. This confirmation may result in problems with the tax office for him.

You can also try to negotiate with the management about the official registration at the minimum rate, this option is also possible if there are several works. The main salary will be entered in the work book, and the rest will be recorded as part-time work. The bank will take into account the total official income. Attracting co-borrowers will also increase the chance of mortgage approval.

Where can I get a mortgage without proof of income?

Many banks practice issuing . These two documents are most often a passport and a second document at the discretion financial organization. This can be a driver's license, passport, housing certificate, TIN, SNILS.

With this option for applying for a real estate loan, a potential borrower should prepare for restrictions on the loan amount and a rather high interest rate. Banks take risks by issuing such loans, so they try to play it safe. You can get a mortgage without proof of income:

In Sberbank if you are his payroll client, or under the Young Families Support Program.

  • The minimum loan amount is 300,000 rubles;
  • Down payment 15%;
  • Interest rate up to 12.5%;
  • Mortgage term up to 30 years.

VTB Bank offers:

  • Mortgage for a period of 20 years;
  • Interest rate not higher than 15%;
  • The amount of the down payment is 40%.

IN Delta Credit Bank offer a mortgage at an inflated interest with a down payment of 40%, but only a passport is required for registration.

According to two documents in Sberbank

The amount of the down payment will be 50% of the total mortgage. Minimum size mortgages: 300,000 rubles. The possibility of attracting co-borrowers is allowed.

On the security of real estate in Sberbank

Another option for obtaining a housing loan without an income certificate, or provided that the numbers on it are small, is the presence of collateral in the form of real estate.

A mortgage secured by real estate in Sberbank has a number of advantages, among which it is worth noting:

  • Benefits for payroll clients;
  • Relatively low percentage: from 11%;
  • Almost any type of real estate can be used as a guarantee;
  • Cooperation with a reliable bank, which is a leader in the field of mortgage lending in the Russian Federation.

The property of the client will act as a guarantor of the return of funds to the bank. In case of non-payment of the mortgage, the property will be transferred to Sberbank. To apply, you will need to provide a standard package of documents with additional confirmation of ownership of the mortgaged property.

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Are you interested in the question of how much income a borrower should have to get a mortgage at Sberbank or another financial institution? In this review, we will tell you about how the required salary is calculated to evaluate a potential borrower.

For many Russians, the housing problem is very acute. Children grow up, new young families are created, who need their own personal space. Unfortunately, real estate is now very expensive, but salaries are not very high, and therefore the most acceptable option is to get the long-awaited square meters is to get a mortgage.

The process of obtaining a home loan

At the first visit to a banking institution, a loan officer will require documents from the client that confirm his solvency, namely, a copy of the work book and a 2-NDFL certificate for the last 6 months.

Thus, the bank is convinced that this person has a stable official income, thanks to which he can easily make monthly installments on his loan.

The received documents are sent for verification, the borrower himself passes the verification-scoring. If the CI is positive, there is enough income, there are no other debts, then the application will be approved and you will be invited to the office to sign the contract.

However, it is at this stage that many of us receive a bank refusal to issue a loan due to insufficient solvency. Our readers are perplexed: I have enough to live on, I support my family, why does the refusal to issue a mortgage come?

Here it is necessary to remember , that the bank is guided by strict regulations, which state: the cost of the client's loan obligations should not exceed 40-50% of the amount of his monthly earnings . For example: if you receive a salary of 20 thousand, you will be able to approve a loan with payments of no more than 10 thousand per month, if you receive 40,000, then no more than 20,000 rubles. etc.


Now let's look at an example: let's take for comparison the average amount that is taken on credit - 2 million rubles. Let's take the average return period - 15 years. We also take into account the average percentage, which is now about 10-11% per annum.

If you take all these parameters, then the monthly payment will be at least 15-20 thousand rubles, the calculation is convenient to carry out on this calculator:

Rate % per year:
Term (month):
Credit amount:
Monthly payment:
Pay in total:
Overpayment on a loan

You can use our advanced calculator with the ability to build a payment schedule and calculate early repayment on this page.

Accordingly, the value of the property you want to purchase is very important. The loan officer takes this figure and, based on it, calculates the installment that the client will have to make on a monthly basis and compares it with his income.

If the contribution is less than 40-50% of the specified salary, then the application will be approved, and if not, then you will either not be approved at all, or they will offer a smaller amount that matches your income.

Please note that when checking a client, the bank necessarily checks his credit history, which indicates that you have existing debts. If they are, then your net income will decrease by their amount of payments. The same applies to mandatory payments, for example, alimony.

What salary is enough for a mortgage

To date, an acceptable indicator of earnings for a person who wants to get a housing loan is an amount of at least 30-40 thousand rubles of net income. At the same time, monthly deductions for existing loans, alimony and other obligations, if you have them, are deducted from the salary.

In Sberbank of Russia, when applying from a potential borrower, only official income is taken into account, i.e. the figure that is indicated by your employer or accountant in the certificate in the form 2-NDFL. In the event that you cannot document your ability to pay, your chances of approval of the application are very small.

Some other banks also consider other income of applicants:

  • from part-time work
  • from shares and deposits
  • from property rental
  • insurance payments, etc.

When applying for a mortgage, you need to realistically assess your solvency and choose the conditions that will help you not get a negative answer and in the future to pay off the debt without any problems.

For example, the shorter the term, the higher the salary you should have. If you are not earning that much, then apply for a home loan with a maximum term.

In Sberbank for the Moscow region there is no concept of a minimum wage, but there is a living wage - 15 thousand rubles per family member. That is, if your salary is 80 thousand rubles, then the maximum mortgage payment can be 40 thousand rubles.

What to do if there is not enough income?

There are several options:

  1. You can check with the branch if additional income will be taken into account, for example, from the presence of securities, a deposit, from renting out real estate, from combining work, etc. The more documents you provide confirming your financial security, the larger the amount approved for you will be,
  2. Try to find co-borrowers, Sberbank allows bringing up to 3 people. Their income will be added to yours, which will lead to an increase in the total loan amount. Please note that the spouse becomes co-borrowers under the agreement automatically,
  3. You can also provide the bank with collateral in the form of real estate you already own or bring a guarantor. All this will increase your chances and loyalty to the banking company.

A person who wants to get a mortgage needs to be clear that the income required to successfully pay off a mortgage and the minimum income required to obtain a home loan are two different things. The borrower must be prepared for the fact that even if some troubles happen in his life and his financial situation changes, he will still be able to continue to fulfill his loan obligations without any problems.

That is, if, under certain difficulties, you can continue to pay your debts without delay, then you really have a sufficient level of income.

What is worth remembering?

Not always the borrower is denied the application only because of insolvency. Of course, income is the first thing a loan officer looks at, but there are other factors to consider.