Individual bank safes. Bank safe deposit box or individual bank safe (IBS) Bank safe deposit boxes


Let's face it, storing valuables in a mattress, under a pillow, or even in a hiding place hidden in the living room behind the landscape is a little old-fashioned. Alfa-Bank offers you a convenient, reliable and safe place to store valuables - an individual bank safe.

In an individual safe you can store money, jewelry, documents, securities, works of art - in a word, everything that you value and that you might want to hide from prying eyes.

Any shelf life

You can rent an individual safe for any period - from one week to several years. Short rental periods are especially convenient when you are going on vacation or a business trip.

My safe is my fortress

Individual safes are located in a specially equipped premises of Alfa-Bank - the depository. The depository premises are equipped with the most modern security equipment and are guarded around the clock. Safes are cells of various sizes in an armored cabinet. You choose the cell size yourself, depending on your needs. The safe is closed with two locks - electronic and mechanical. You can rest assured: access to the values ​​of third parties (including bank employees) is excluded. Only you have the keys to the safe.

The service is provided in Alfa-Bank branches with the identifier “Rental of individual bank safes”.


After explaining to you how to use the safe, the bank employee leaves the depository. No one except you is present there at the time of investing valuables in the cell - thus complete confidentiality is maintained.

Alfa-Bank highly values ​​your trust. If you have placed valuables in an individual safe, we guarantee their complete safety and absolute inviolability.

A safe deposit box or an individual bank safe is designed for storing precious things: documents, securities, jewelry, money, art and other valuables. Safety deposit boxes are often used for real estate transactions, during long-term departures (vacation, business trip), and also to avoid storing valuables at home - this is unsafe.

What is a repository?

A storage room or depository is most often a room with safe deposit boxes, reminiscent of mailboxes, only with two locks, not one. The room is guarded.

How to rent

To rent a safe deposit box you need:

  • select a bank;
  • come to the branch with the depository;
  • conclude an agreement with the bank for storing valuables in an individual bank safe;
  • pay for the service;
  • go to the depository and place valuables in the cell.

What can be stored

You can store anything in a safe deposit box, but there is a prohibition list:

  • explosive, flammable, toxic, radioactive, narcotic and other substances that have a harmful effect on humans and the environment,
  • firearms and ammunition;
  • property withdrawn from civil circulation in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation;
  • Food.

Lease agreement for safe deposit box

To conclude an agreement, you will need a passport or other identification document. The contract specifies the rental period, the size of the safe and the cost of the service.

In order to provide access to your cell to someone else, you need to issue a power of attorney for this person. A power of attorney is issued at a bank or a notary. The cost of a bank power of attorney depends on the bank; it may be free. Some banks only accept notarized powers of attorney.

The agreement for storing valuables in an individual bank safe is regulated by Article 922 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The client has the right to independently enter the storage facility, place and pick up valuables in a rented individual safe.

For free access to the safe deposit box, the client must have a passport, as well as a key to the safe and a card for the right to use the safe (or some kind of sign identifying the client). Some banks take a deposit for the key.

Banks provide safe deposit boxes for both individuals and legal entities, as well as for transactions with third parties (in real estate transactions).

Depository security

Vault security varies not only from bank to bank, but also from branch to bank. Some storage units are in the basement, some are not. In some banks, the client is given 2 keys, in some banks one key remains with the bank.

An approximate procedure for accessing a safe deposit box is as follows: the safe deposit tenant, together with a bank employee, enters the bank vault; a bank security guard is at the entrance. After opening the safe deposit box, the client goes to a separate room where he pledges property or removes it from the safe. Then the safe closes and returns to its place. Each bank has its own rules for using a safe deposit box.

There are depositories equipped with automated safes, and others equipped with automated entrances.

Bank's responsibility for contents

Banks provide clients with complete confidentiality when renting a safe. Its contents are not mentioned anywhere, are not recorded in any documents and are not controlled by the bank.

The bank’s responsibility is to ensure the safety of the safe and control access to it.

The bank is not responsible for the loss of contents in the cell.

It is rare, but there are cases of property disappearance from the safe. If the client wants to protect himself from such a situation, he can enter into a custody agreement with the bank.

Valuables will be transferred to the bank for storage according to the inventory with mandatory recalculation and verification. Access to the safe deposit box will only be carried out in the presence of a bank employee. The cost of the service will increase, but the bank will be responsible in case of loss of property. There are few banks that enter into custody agreements (Zenith Bank, SDM-Bank and others).

Should you keep your money in a safe deposit box? It's better than at home, but cheaper and safer than renting a safe.

Rent a cell for real estate transactions

The most popular situation when a safe deposit box is rented is the purchase and sale of real estate. Using a safe helps protect transaction participants from fraud. An alternative to this service is not very common in Russia.

Safe deposit box in Sberbank

As the largest bank in Russia, it has the largest number of individual safes. The cell can be rented for up to three years, the contract can be extended additionally. agreement.

The cost depends on the size of the safe and the rental period: the longer the period, the lower the cost, the larger the size of the safe, the higher the price.

Sberbank has branches with automated storage facilities (not all), where the security of the contents of the cell is increased.

The cost depends on the period; the longer the period, the lower the price. For example, renting the smallest safe with a height of 3.0 to 5.9 cm and a width of 35 cm:

  • period from 1 to 30 days - 75 rubles/day;
  • period from 31 to 60 days - 46 rubles/day;
  • period from 61 to 180 days - 45 rubles/day;
  • period from 181 to 360 days - 38 rubles/day;
  • from 361 to 1096 - 34 rubles/day.

(Tariffs are indicated for Moscow Bank branches located within the Third Transport Ring from 06/01/2017)

There is no deposit for the key.

Cell opening

The cell is opened without the client’s knowledge in the following cases:

  • natural disasters (fire, floods, earthquakes, etc.);
  • court decision or investigative actions;
  • if the client has expired the rental period and has not vacated the safe.

End of lease term

If the tenant does not vacate the box after the end of the lease, the bank will open the box and remove the contents. For days of delay, the bank will charge rent + penalty.

If the bank's license is revoked, the contents of the cells are not the property of the bank, but will be transferred to the tenant.

Find information about the type of storage, free cells and their cost on official banking websites.

Nina Polonskaya

  • jewelry, cash, securities, coins and bullion
  • documents (property, education, business papers, etc.)
  • family values, state awards, personal correspondence
  • much more *

* In individual bank safes it is prohibited to store explosive, flammable, toxic, radioactive, narcotic and other substances that can have a harmful effect on humans and the environment, firearms, ammunition and property withdrawn from civil circulation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Advantages of Sberbank individual safes


  • a wide network of bank branches providing safe rental services;
  • Possibility to use a safe during bank opening days. Access to the safe is provided 30 minutes after the office starts and ends 30 minutes before the office closes;
  • the possibility of granting the right to use the safe to an authorized person;
  • the possibility of granting access to the safe to third parties together with you or your authorized representative;
  • provision of equipment for recalculation and authentication of money;
  • the ability to choose the rental period: from 1 day to up to 3 years (with the possibility of extension);
  • possibility to choose the size of the safe: width from 31 to 62 cm, height from 4 to 60 cm.
  • the possibility of using an internal container in which it will be convenient for you to store valuables and documents (depending on the design of the safe).

Safety and reliability:

  • complete confidentiality of investments in the safe - only you have information about the contents of the rented safe;
  • the vaults are equipped with modern banking equipment, a security system and fire alarm systems;
  • you open the safe together with a bank employee (the bank employee unlocks the safe using an electronic access control system or uses a mechanical key);
  • You keep the key to the rented individual bank safe.


  • reduced rates for renting safes for long periods;
  • no deposit for the key;
  • for owners of the Sberbank Premier service package a special 20% discount is provided
  • For owners of the Sberbank First service package there is a special discount - 30%

Muscovites and guests of the capital are invited to rent individual bank safes at more than 190 bank offices in Moscow. You can also rent an individual safe at your place of stay on vacation or a business trip. You can obtain information about the addresses of storage facilities for customer valuables and tariffs for the service in various regions of the Russian Federation on the websites of the territorial banks of Sberbank PJSC.

The service can be used by individuals. The provision of services is formalized by a lease agreement, which stipulates the lease term, the amount of rent, the rights and obligations of the parties.

To conclude a rental agreement for an individual safe, you will need an identification document (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a general foreign passport (for persons permanently residing outside the Russian Federation), an identity card of a military personnel of the Russian Federation (for officers, warrant officers and midshipmen), a residence permit (for stateless persons permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation), etc.). If the document does not contain a registration mark, you will need a document confirming your registration at your place of residence in the Russian Federation.

If you are a citizen of another state, then the submitted document must contain an entry visa (except for cases providing for visa-free entry into the Russian Federation). You must also have with you a migration card and a document confirming your registration at your place of residence in the Russian Federation.

The rental period for the safe is set at your request (from one day to three years). You can extend the rental period of a safe by concluding an appropriate additional agreement with the bank.

The rent is calculated according to the tariffs established by the bank. A convenient tariff system has been developed for you, which:

  • lease agreements;
  • cards for the right to use the safe.

You will also receive a key to a rented safe for your own storage and use, for which Sberbank does not take a deposit.

Having become our tenant, you can visit the storage facility for client valuables during opening hours by presenting a key, a card for the right to use the safe and an identification document (the details of which are specified in the rental agreement for an individual safe).

You can pay the rent in cash, by debiting funds from your existing deposit in this bank branch, or by debiting funds from a bank card account issued by Sberbank, while the rent payment is paid at a time for the entire rental period.

The service is provided by most regional banks. The exceptions are the Baikal, Far Eastern and Central Black Earth banks.

The automated storage of client valuables consists of individual safes enclosed in an armored case and is equipped with a mechanism for automatically delivering the safe to the client at the client terminal issuing window. The storage is installed in an isolated room, which you can access using an individual magnetic card. The rental safe is called by entering your individual PIN code. The automated vault safe is opened by you using a key.

The safety of storing property in an automated storage facility for client valuables is ensured by the following:

  • the device prevents the client or his authorized representative from accessing other individual safes;
  • the time of calling each safe and the caller code is recorded by the electronic access control system;
  • It is possible to change the PIN code at your request.

The provision of the service is formalized by a rental agreement for an individual safe, which stipulates the rental period, the amount of rent, the rights and obligations of the parties.

To conclude a rental agreement, you will need an identification document (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with a registration mark or a general foreign passport). If you are a citizen of another state, then the submitted document must contain an entry visa (except for cases providing for visa-free entry into the Russian Federation). You must also have your migration card with you.

The safe rental period is set at your request (from one day to three years) and can be extended. The rent is calculated according to the tariffs established by the bank. A convenient tariff system has been developed for you, which:

  • differentiated depending on the size of the safes;
  • decrease depending on the increase in lease term;
  • allow you to rent a safe for a period convenient for you.

By renting an individual safe, you receive a package of documents consisting of:

  • lease agreements;

When completing the acceptance certificate, you will receive a key and an individual magnetic card for your own storage and use, for which Sberbank does not take a deposit.

You can pay for the rent in cash, by debiting funds from your existing deposit in this bank branch, or by debiting funds from a bank card account issued by Sberbank, while the rent is paid at a time for the entire rental period.

When providing an individual safe for joint rent, all clients specified in the rental agreement (and there can be up to 4 persons) have equal rights to use the individual safe.

During the entire rental period, clients are allowed to use the safe in any composition at their discretion (1, 2, 3 or 4 people at a time).

A joint tenancy agreement is concluded in the presence of all tenants. If necessary, a joint lease agreement can be concluded by one or more clients on behalf of other clients on the basis of a notarized power of attorney issued for the right to conclude and/or extend the agreement.

The execution of powers of attorney for access to an individual safe rented under a joint tenancy agreement is not provided for for any other persons.

You can extend the rental period of an individual safe by concluding an appropriate additional agreement with the bank.

Based on the wishes of clients who appreciated the convenience of making payments through an individual safe for real estate purchase and sale transactions, Sberbank PJSC has developed a service for providing an individual safe to individuals for making settlements for purchase and sale transactions of other property.

If you want to make payments through a safe, you sign a lease agreement for an individual safe with the bank, which stipulates the rental period, conditions for access to the safe, as well as the rights and obligations of the parties. To conclude a rental agreement, you must provide an identification document (with a registration mark).

The safe rental period is set at your request (from one day to three years) and can be extended. In accordance with the bank's tariffs, when renting a safe for making payments, you pay the cost of renting an individual safe (depending on the size of the safe you choose and the rental period) and ensuring control over access to the individual safe in accordance with the terms of the agreement. Upon request, you will be provided with banking equipment for recalculation and verification of the authenticity of banknotes for an additional fee.

The payment is made at a time, by agreement, by one of the parties to the transaction in cash to the bank's cash desk, by debiting funds from a deposit opened in a bank branch, in the vault of which you have chosen an individual safe, or by debiting funds from a bank card account issued by Sberbank.

  • lease agreements;
  • act of acceptance and transfer for use of an individual safe.

When drawing up the transfer and acceptance certificate, the client - the buyer who has placed the payment instruments in the safe, will receive a key to the rented safe for self-storage. A separate card is issued for each payment participant for the right to use an individual safe.

  • clients - buyer and seller - can visit the safe together;
  • the seller is allowed to access the individual safe if he has the key to the safe and upon presentation of the documents specified in the rental agreement;
  • if the transaction does not take place, the buyer can withdraw the payment funds within seven working days, starting from the day following the last day of rent, without additional payment for the specified period.

Get information about the service.

The service is provided to participants in a real estate transaction - buyer(s) and seller(s) (up to 2 persons on each side). In this case, the parties to the transaction can be both individuals and legal entities.

The provision of the service is formalized by a rental agreement for an individual safe, which stipulates the rental period, the amount of the service fee, the conditions for admitting clients to the safe, as well as the rights and obligations of the parties.

To conclude a rental agreement, each client submits the necessary documents specified in the sections “Renting individual safes to individuals”, “Renting individual safes to legal entities”, respectively.

The safe rental period is set at your request (from one day to three years) and can be extended. In accordance with the bank's tariffs, when renting a safe to make payments on real estate transactions, you pay the cost of renting the safe (which depends on the size of the safe you choose and the rental period) and the cost of providing services to ensure control over access to the safe.

At your request, we can provide equipment for recalculation and verification of the authenticity of banknotes.

The fee for services is paid by agreement by one of the parties to the transaction: an individual pays the fee in cash to the bank's cash desk, by debiting funds from a deposit available in this branch of Sberbank PJSC or by debiting funds from a bank card account issued by Sberbank; a legal entity pays for the service by bank transfer, and a safe reservation is provided (you can find the reservation conditions in the section “Renting individual safes to legal entities”).

Having rented an individual safe, each participant in the transaction will receive a package of documents consisting of:

  • lease agreements;
  • act of acceptance and transfer for use of an individual safe.

When completing the transfer and acceptance certificate, one of the buyers (by agreement) will receive a key to the rented safe for self-storage.

In order to ensure the reliability of payments, the following procedure is provided for clients to visit a rented safe:

  • During the rental period, all clients specified in the rental agreement can visit the safe together.
  • The seller is allowed to the safe after presenting the original purchase and sale agreement on alienation in favor of the Buyer of the real estate object with a mark on the state registration of the transfer of ownership of this object (or upon presentation of the original purchase and sale agreement on alienation in favor of the Buyer of the real estate object and an extract from the Unified state real estate register (USRN) for the property). At the same time, the Bank verifies the compliance of the information about the Seller and the Buyer specified in the lease agreement with the information set out in the submitted documents.
  • In the event of a failed transaction, the buyer will be able to collect the payment funds within seven working days, starting from the day following the last day of the rental, without additional payment for the specified period.
  • If several sellers or buyers of a property are listed among the tenants of an individual safe, then upon admission to the safe, the presence of all indicated sellers and/or buyers (depending on the stage of admission), as well as their mention in the real estate purchase and sale agreement, is mandatory.

Any seller or buyer may allow access to the safe by a trusted person within the framework of a valid lease agreement, which is detailed in the sections “Renting individual safes to individuals”, “Renting individual safes to legal entities”, respectively.

We also draw your attention to the fact that Sberbank provides the service of renting individual safes for settlements on real estate transactions made using bank credit funds.

As an alternative banking instrument, without using cash, for settlements under any contractual transaction We suggest using a Letter of Credit.Get information about the service.

If you wish to visit a rented safe accompanied by partners, clients, relatives (no more than 2 people), you can draw up an additional agreement for access to the individual safe for an expanded circle of people. However, any information about third parties is not indicated in the additional agreement. Thus, you can change the persons accompanying you at each visit at your discretion.

You can grant the right to visit the rented safe accompanied by third parties to your authorized representative. To do this, you must, for an additional fee, indicate the data of the authorized person in the additional agreement, and also issue a power of attorney in accordance with the requirements of the section “Renting individual safes to individuals.”

During the period of validity of the additional agreement, access to the rented safe, together with you or your authorized representative, will be granted to persons who have presented identification documents (no more than 2 people).

The service for admitting an expanded circle of persons is not provided when concluding a rental agreement for an individual safe in an automated storage facility, as well as when concluding an agreement for making payments between clients, incl. on real estate transactions.

What must be included in the power of attorney for renting a safe?

Private clients and individual entrepreneurs can issue powers of attorney from a notary. Legal entities draw up powers of attorney according to the rules established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

A power of attorney, including a general one, must contain the name and address of the bank office where the safe is rented, the number of the safe, as well as the powers vested in the tenant’s representative. If a power of attorney is issued to conclude an agreement, then the name and address of the bank office and the number of the safe may not be indicated.

What powers can be delegated by power of attorney?

The tenant may delegate to his representative the following powers:

Exercising all rights and obligations arising from the agreement;

Single and repeated access to the safe;

Inspection of the safe, insertion and removal of items during the term of the contract;

Concluding a lease agreement and additional agreements, including extension of the lease term, payment of rent, access to the safe for an expanded circle of people, replacement of the safe;

For actions to restore the safe’s functionality, for example: paying a fee to restore the safe’s functionality, filing a claim about damage or loss of the key, etc.;

Completion of the rental of the safe, including the return of the key to the safe, payment of rent and other payments in case of untimely completion of the lease, as well as receipt of a portion of the rent in case of early termination of the contract;

Other powers.

In what cases can a bank refuse access to a safe?

The representative will not have access to the safe until the power of attorney is verified by Sberbank. The verification takes up to 2 business days, not counting the day of submission of the power of attorney. Until the power of attorney is verified, the bank may refuse access to the safe:

If the powers of the tenant's representative are not formalized in accordance with the requirements specified in the lease agreement;

If there is information about the termination of the power of attorney or signs of its forgery, erasures, or unspecified corrections are discovered;

If the power of attorney for the disposal of property does not stipulate the actions of the representative when renting a safe.

How to issue a power of attorney for those who live abroad?

Powers of attorney of Russian citizens, foreign citizens and stateless persons living abroad can be certified by authorized bodies of the country of residence (with subsequent legalization at a consular office of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided by international treaties abolishing consular legalization), or by consular offices of the Russian Federation.

A power of attorney can be legalized at a consular office of the Russian Federation on the territory of the state where it was issued, or directly in the Russian Federation.

For which countries is it not necessary to legalize a power of attorney at the Russian consulate?

There is no need to legalize a power of attorney at the Russian consulate if you issued it in countries participating in the Hague Convention or the Minsk Convention. For countries party to the Hague Convention, the power of attorney must contain a special certification inscription (apostille).

Do I need a translation for a power of attorney in a foreign language?

For a power of attorney in a foreign language, a translation into Russian is required, including the names of the officials who signed the document and the seal impression (if available). The translation must be located on the same page with the text of the power of attorney, separated by a vertical line, or on a separate sheet. The translation must be certified by the translator's signature.

To obtain access to a safe deposit box in a bank, the tenant's heirs must bring to the bank a document from a notary confirming the right of inheritance (a certificate of inheritance by law or by will).

Before issuing such a document, the following procedure is provided:

  1. The notary sends a request to open a safe deposit box to the bank to draw up an inventory of the inherited property in his presence.
  2. The bank sets a date for opening the safe and collects a commission. On the agreed date, the bank commission opens the safe in the presence of the notary and the experts, appraisers, witnesses, and heirs invited by him.
  3. Based on the results of the opening, the notary draws up an inventory of the items in the safe. Subsequently, based on this inventory, the heirs are issued a document confirming the right of inheritance and the share of the inheritance.
  4. The notary determines the procedure for further storage of investment items.


    Items may be transferred for storage to a notary or other persons determined by the notary;

    If the rental period for the safe has not expired, the items can be placed back in the safe for storage. In this case, the lease agreement is not reissued to the heirs, and the lease term is not extended. The bank warns the notary and interested parties about the lease expiration date.

  5. To receive the investment items, all heirs must simultaneously contact the bank and present a document from a notary confirming the right of inheritance. If a document indicates several heirs, access to the safe is provided simultaneously to all heirs mentioned in the document or their representatives.

Rent individual bank safes for storing documents and valuables. We guarantee full security and control over access to the safe room (but without control over the client’s placement/removal of documents and valuables into the safe).

20 %
Discount for main holders
Gazprombank Premium bank cards.

Additional services:

  • Conducting real estate transactions when obtaining access to an individual bank safe for an expanded circle of persons (in accordance with the additional agreement to the contract);
  • Providing a banknote counter, currency detector for recalculation/authentication of banknotes by the client;
  • Recounting and checking the authenticity of banknotes by experienced cashiers-experts of Gazprombank.
It is prohibited to store in individual bank safes any items withdrawn from free circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as those that may pose any danger, cause harm or damage (the list of property prohibited for storage in an individual bank safe is indicated in the lease agreement for an individual bank safe).

To rent an individual bank safe you need:

  • contact one of the Gazprombank offices equipped with individual bank safe deposit boxes and select a safe of the required size;
  • enter into a rental agreement for an individual bank safe upon presentation of an identification document;
  • pay rent and receive a key to an individual bank safe.
You can use the safe after paying the rent.


  • depends on the rental period and the size of the safe and is calculated in accordance with the Gazprombank Tariffs in force on the date of concluding the lease agreement for an individual bank safe (when extending the rental period - in accordance with the Gazprombank Tariffs in force on the date of concluding the corresponding additional agreement to the contract);
  • is paid at a time on the day of conclusion of the contract (or additional agreement to the contract) for the entire period of use of the safe;
  • accepted both in cash and in non-cash form (for individuals - only from an account opened with Bank GPB (JSC));
  • returned in connection with the early termination of the safe rental (except for agreements with a legal entity - a non-credit organization, individual entrepreneur and individual engaged in private practice in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation).
Access to the safe is provided during customer service days and hours at Gazprombank upon presentation of an identification document and the key to the safe. Access to the safe by authorized persons is possible with the key to the safe, presentation of an identification document and a notarized power of attorney. You can issue a notarized power of attorney to a third party (your representative) for the right to conclude a rental agreement for an individual bank safe (additional agreements to the agreement), use of the safe.

Rental period:

  • is established by the contract (at your request - from one day to one year or more) and is calculated in whole calendar days (for a rental period of up to 1 month) and in whole months (for a rental period of 1 month or more);
  • calculated from the date of payment of rent;
  • may be extended by concluding an appropriate additional agreement to the lease agreement for an individual bank safe (no later than the day the lease expires).
Director of the SDM-Bank branch in Voronezh


In 1997 she graduated from Voronezh State University with a degree in Accounting and Auditing. Fluent in English.

Career at SDM-BANK

The story of Alla Vladimirovna and SDM Bank is more than just the story of a successful career as a top manager. According to Alla Vladimirovna, the Voronezh branch is not just a job, a service, a career. This is part of life, part of family, second home. Moreover, now we can speak with confidence about a labor dynasty: Alla Vladimirovna became the director of the branch after her father, Vladimir Andreevich Voronov. It was he who was the first head of the branch, who created it in 1995 and ensured the sustainable development of the business until 2012.

By the time of her appointment to the position of director, Alla Vladimirovna had worked at SDM-Bank for more than 15 years. She started, as befits a yesterday’s student, as an economist.

Now Alla Vladimirovna remembers with a smile that she had to do almost everything, not limited to her direct responsibilities, “except that I didn’t work as a driver or an IT specialist - and so I was on hand everywhere.” The attitude towards the branch was formed precisely by her father’s leadership: never approach tasks formally, live at work, treat the branch as your brainchild - these are the basic principles on which Alla Vladimirovna’s work was based throughout her career.

The list of Alla Vladimirovna’s positions eloquently confirms that it is precisely this attitude that is the key to success of both the business and the person in it.

  • 1997 – economist;
  • In 2000, she was transferred to the position of internal control inspector;
  • In 2003, she was appointed to the position of loan officer;
  • In 2004, she was transferred to the position of head of the credit department;
  • In 2008, she was appointed to the position of deputy director of the SDM-Bank branch in Voronezh;
  • In 2012, she became the director of the branch.

Personal qualities

Even before Alla Vladimirovna became her father’s “right hand” at the bank, her personal achievements were impressive. She graduated from mathematics school, graduated from the University with honors and without a single B, and was one of the best students of the course. Alla Vladimirovna admits that mathematics and numbers not only do not frighten her, on the contrary, in this area her soul “sings.” That’s why he remembers working in the credit department with particular warmth. “Of all the departments, the credit department is my favorite,” admits Alla Vladimirovna.

The secret to a successful career

It is always admirable when you can see that a person is in his place and doing what he likes and what he is good at. Alla Vladimirovna admits that she was invited to work in other banks many times, but she could not leave her native bank.

Now the SDM-Bank branch in Voronezh employs 28 people, and Alla Vladimirovna makes every effort to ensure that all employees at the bank are interested and that the work, no matter how much of it, is enjoyable. “In our branch there is very little staff turnover. And we are very proud of this. I try to convey my positive attitude and responsible attitude to all my employees,” notes Alla Vladimirovna.

The core team of the branch has been working together for more than 10 years. Moreover, everyone, both employees and, very importantly, clients, really like our microclimate and atmosphere. Hence the large number of regular customers who have been serving us for about 19 years. Customers remain loyal to the bank, and the branch team is also very proud of this.