Forex trading hours - when the Forex market opens. When is the best time to trade forex? How and when does Forex trading start?


Despite the fact that the Forex currency exchange seems to be a structure that never stops, in which world economic trends are in constant motion, and currency volumes once again confirm this, there are still days off.

Moreover, this weekend is standardly assigned to Saturday and Sunday. Of course, this does not mean that the Forex market completely freezes for two days. No, the fact is that global financial transactions are not subject to such temporary restrictions, however, for ease of use and functional norms, such holidays have been introduced.

Forex for the weekend. Features of the market on such days

Let's consider a standard example: working hours on Forex last from Monday morning to Saturday morning. However, there are some nuances that are important to know especially for novice traders and especially if you decide to start trading with a new broker.

The fact is that the time difference can occur with different Forex brokers and vary from one to two hours of the day, which in the concept of lightning global financial changes, can catastrophically affect your deposit.

In addition, some Forex brokers allow their clients to carry out transactions on weekends. Of course, some impose an additional "fee" for such an opportunity, and some do not impose such "sanctions", remaining quite loyal.

Perhaps this will cause uncertainty, bewilderment, but it has not yet been fully clarified how effective it is. trading on exits in the currency markets, including the Forex exchange. Exactly the same is not known, which are played on weekends at Forex.

Holidays and graphic breaks. Forex trading privileges

Most of the monitoring work and research was carried out during working, standard hours - from Monday to Saturday. And for these hours, the main schemes were calculated. For example, it is much more convenient and easier to use the usual Forex trading mode, guided by gaps on Monday or other trading strategies that open at the beginning of the working session on Monday.

Gaps, as most people already know, are gaps in time, gaps that affect in parallel the price policy of trends.

A similar situation occurs in the Forex market at the time when the Forex exchange opens due to the presence of some difference between the closing prices on Friday evening and their opening on Monday after 1 am.

However, such a situation associated with Forex weekends is not something common, it does not always happen. And, just the moments of their appearance must be used for the maximum inflow of capital to the trader. This is not possible for every trader, but for those who already have experience working with weekends and knowledge of the peculiarities of regional temporary trading.

It is worth mentioning right away that not everyone will be able to give such an opportunity. Many Forex brokers reflect the changes that have occurred during the "inactivity" of Forex, but they do not allow you to make transactions using this difference.

One of the mechanisms for this is the intentional smoothing by the dealing center of quotes that have changed on the Forex weekend.

But there is an advantage to this kind of day trading…

In this case, the execution of the trader is triggered. In this case, even if there was a break in the price of the trend, the trader's order will be "broken", canceled. If you use automatic trading tools in the Forex market, then this approach will not be replaceable. In this case, if there are constant incoming quotes for the adviser, it will “screen out” and select only effective ones, and unprofitable ones will be automatically closed.

As a result: - the robot chooses:

  • fix the order or alternatively
  • - do nothing), you will get rid (as much as possible) of possible failures and draining the deposit.

However, weekends are not the only “golden” time when gaps in price over time are possible. A similar situation is observed in Forex when important political, acute social and economic news is released that affects global financial flows. In the case when the Forex price overshoots a certain line (due to a motivating impulse), several points are immediately overcome. In this scenario, the important fact is what the broker will do: postpone the order, postpone it, or completely cancel it.

Many traders make good money on such a difference in price and time, so if you want to join their ranks, you first need to study the terms of cooperation, its brokerage services and opening hours. Equally important is to get acquainted with additional withdrawals of funds for the use of gaps, the presence or absence of requotes, the time of execution of orders, and so on.

Weekend Forex Trading Tips for Beginners

Over time, an experienced Forex trader already changes his work schedule and does not sit online all the time, his work changes. Now you will not meet him on Forex all the time. As an experienced hunter, he enters trades only when the corresponding signals are received from the adviser, indicator and other technical means of monitoring the Forex market. Also important is a certain instinct that traders develop over time and, sometimes, helps better than the most popular adviser.

However, if you are still an inexperienced user of the Forex market, then the following list of rules may help you:

trading on a trading strategy that provides for a long stay in the market, including weekends, is the wrong strategy. It is necessary to choose short-term, but effective options;

it is necessary to automate the work with Forex as much as possible, using the timely conditions of scripts or, corny, advisers.

it is very important how a trader spends a Forex weekend. If you have been working tirelessly all week, then mental and physical rest and relaxation should be of primary importance.

As you know, the resources of the human body are not endless and the constant stress that a trader is exposed to in the Forex market requires recovery. Otherwise, not only work efficiency will decrease, but most importantly, the state of human health will deteriorate.

it is always necessary to remember that Forex trading is not a quick sprint, but a marathon that must be constantly, slowly, but surely passed, from the beginning to the victorious end.

Regional features of trading sessions over the weekend, relative to the global Forex trend

It is worth saying that the regions may also differ in terms of Forex weekends. So, for example, the dates of the New Year and other world holidays are common for most regions (Asian, European, American). The rest of the holidays, you need to study and be prepared for them, depending on the place of your trading.

A typical example of this is that by the time Russian traders are just starting to work in the Asian region, trading sessions are already ending.

— And just the Asian trading sessions often set the rhythm for the entire world currency community and form the main trends.

- The European trading session starts around 09.00 Moscow time and touches the end of the Asian period.

- The American, tough and unprincipled trading session partially affects the European one, starting at about 4 pm Moscow time.

On such days, the activity of Forex traders is not just reduced, meaning it's not just a weekend trend. During such periods, regional trading practically stops. Therefore, refraining from trading, canceling orders will be an excellent solution for this period.

Among the unpleasant surprises that may await a trader from the dealing center on Forex weekends, there may be a fee for transferring your chosen position (during minimum Forex activity), closing an order against you (again, at the discretion of the dealing center).

Thus, summing up, it should be noted that the weekend on the Forex currency exchange (more specifically, the first hours of trading after the weekend) gives the trader a good opportunity to replenish his deposit. However, it requires experience and a special approach, without which a trader can lose his deposit.

It is also necessary not to forget about complete relaxation (both physical and moral), because only a trader who is rested and full of strength can conquer the Forex exchange.

Forex on weekends. Is it worth trading?

It is useful for traders to know the opening hours of Forex and other exchanges in order to successfully work on financial markets. Also, their schedule helps to choose the most liquid period for trading, especially since there are such periods of time with strong volatility when it is better not to enter the market at all. You should carefully study the schedule (opening and closing markets) so as not to miss the opportunity to make a profit.

TOP 3 Forex brokers in the world:

Name Description Opening / closing time in Moscow
NASDAQ The main trading instruments are shares of high-tech companies. 17:30-0:00
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) The world's largest stock exchange. It determines the Dow-Jones index, shares of the largest companies are traded. 17:30-0:00
Chicago Stock Exchange One of the largest stock trading companies in the US. The first introduced automated trading. 18:30 – 1:00
London Stock Exchange It trades shares of almost all large companies in the world, including Russian ones, in the form of depository receipts. Market shares are divided into main and alternative. 11:00-19:00
Euronext This is where stocks and derivatives are traded. The site also provides clearing services and financial information. 10:00-18:00
Moscow Exchange It was formed in 2011 as a result of the merger of MICEX and RTS. Trading on the market takes place in stocks, bonds, precious metals, grain, derivative assets and all kinds of trading instruments. 10:00-18:50
Frankfurt Stock Exchange An exchange organization that includes major European trading platforms. The center is located in Frankfurt am Main. Work is carried out on various securities markets. 10:00-22:00

The opening hours of the exchanges may vary depending on the summer/winter period.

As for the optimal session for trading in the market, it depends on many factors:

  1. Usually liquidity and trading volumes increase from the time of the opening of the exchanges to the lunch hour.
  2. After lunch, trading activity begins to slowly fall.
  3. It should be borne in mind that the session of each exchange has its own specifics.
  4. Marketplaces are usually closed on Saturday and Sunday.
  5. The work of exchanges depends on holidays. During public holidays, one or another exchange may not work, even if the holiday fell on a weekday.

For example, almost no marketplace in the world operates on Catholic Christmas. Therefore, it is important to know the schedule of auctions and holidays.

Forex business hours

What time does Forex open? This market has a slightly different specificity: unlike exchange trading, transactions made on currency pairs do not stop even for a second 5 days a week. This does not mean that the currency exchanges of a particular country work without interruption. Since the market is decentralized and international, it does not have a single center. Therefore, the trading period is transferred from the currency exchange of one region to another, and so on in a circle for 5 days.

Forex trading time is divided into the following trading sessions:

  1. Pacific (Australian).
  2. Asian.
  3. European.
  4. American.

Trading begins with the opening of the Tokyo currency exchanges at 03:00 am Moscow time. At 4:00 am trading begins in Singapore and Hong Kong. Trading sessions can overlap, and for some time trading takes place in two world regions, so the market volatility increases.

The Asian session intersects with the European one, and at 10:00 am Moscow time, transactions begin in Europe from the exchanges of Zurich, Paris and Frankfurt am Main. The highest volatility occurs during the hours of the London Stock Exchange at 11:00 am and continues right up to 12:00, after which Japanese and Singaporean traders close trading. At 13:00, the session on the Hong Kong stock exchange closes.

Europeans trade quietly until 16:00, and then the biggest fever in the market begins, because at the same time as the largest stock exchange - New York - the European-American trading session opens. The Chicago Stock Exchange opens at 6:00 pm. From 16:00 to 18:00 is the most liquid moment in the Forex market, at this moment huge volumes are traded. At 18:00 all European stock exchanges are closed, and at 19:00 - London. After that, the market becomes more calm. In New York they trade until 00:00 Moscow time, and in Chicago until 01:00. At 00:00, the calmest, flat trading session begins, the Wellington Stock Exchange opens. Sydney starts operating at 01:00. Until 03:00 am the market is very calm, but after the opening of the exchange in Tokyo, the volatility begins to gradually increase, and everything starts again in a circle.

Opening hours of the Forex market in summer / winter.

Trading session Summer opening/closing time in Moscow Winter opening/closing time in Moscow
Asian 04:00-13:00 03:00-12:00
European 09:00-18:00 09:00-18:00
American 16:00-01:00 16:00-01:00
Pacific 0:00-09:00 0:00-09:00

This is not the exact schedule of the interbank market. There can be no fixed time due to the fact that various central banks, which create the interbank market, open at different periods, so the time may vary slightly.

Important! For domestic traders who don't want to pay a rollover fee (a swap that is charged during the bank rollover period), it is better to close them on Friday before 22:00 so that the position is not rolled over through the weekend and swaps are not charged triple.

In order to avoid unpleasant surprises in the form of a triple negative swap, it is better to close them if the strategy does not imply a profit on swaps or these are not long-term transactions.

In addition, traders will have to take holidays into account. It is rare when Forex does not work for a whole day, but trading may not be conducted at one of the sessions. Therefore, such days need to be known.

Weekends on Forex:

Also, the American and European sessions do not work on Easter, but its date changes every year. Such dates can be viewed in the economic calendar.

Keeping track of exchange schedules is important and necessary in order to create your own schedule. In addition, you need to take into account all the factors and specifics for your trading style and strategy. There are moments in the market that are very attractive for some traders and extremely dangerous for others.

Quotes every trading week currency pairs in our terminal “freeze” on Friday at 23:59:59 and start moving again on Monday at 00:00:01. Trading on Saturday and Sunday is not held due to the lack of prices, so many traders believe that on weekends currency market does not work. You will be surprised, but they are wrong. Let's talk about why you need to mean about weekend quotes.

What happens to quotes on weekends?

Forex continues to work even on weekends - at the interbank level, currency exchange operations continue to take place, which are initiated by market makers.

Over Saturday and Sunday trading volumes accumulate and in the first second of Monday they come into force. If there is a significant buy or sell bias, Monday's open price will be very different from Friday's close price, forming a gap.

Why do we need weekend quotes?

Of course, if your trading strategy involves closing all transactions at the end of the trading week, there is no need to monitor quotes on weekends. However, there are a number of reasons why it is still worth doing:

Earn on. Based on the analysis of these data, it is possible to obtain information about the prerequisites for the emergence of a gap and predict its direction.

Make a trading plan. If there is no excess in orders or is insignificant, you can conduct a technical analysis of the traded currency pair, determine the nearest support and resistance and draw up a trading plan for next week.

Work out the deal. If a trader left for the weekend with an open deal, then monitoring quotes will allow him to plan his actions at the opening of trading in advance. It can be partial or full profit taking, order correction, etc.

Where can I see currency pair quotes on weekends?

As you know, the most common trading terminals MetaTrader 4 and 5 do not provide information on Forex quotes on weekends. However, you can use other simple and convenient sources of quotes. We will share the most common of them with you:

  • OANDA is a market maker with access to world base data. Quote values ​​are updated every 5 seconds. For ease of use, the entire table is divided into categories: major pairs, euro pairs, other pairs, metals.
  • QUESTRADE is a Canadian broker partnering with Morningstar, Inc. Due to this, the maximum delay in quotes is no more than 15 minutes. The presented table has a convenient filter that allows you to work with 8 tools at the same time.
  • XE - quotes from this company are highly reliable, as they are collected from 100 different sources. The data on the page is updated automatically every 10 seconds. At its discretion, the user can use a general or special table. The first allows you to view information only on popular assets, and with the help of the second you can check the data of any pair.
  • TRADINGCHARTS - this platform has a convenient filter system that allows you to divide all assets into categories. Updates occur automatically, however, to speed up the process, a trader can update the data himself using a special button.

When is the best time to watch quotes of currency pairs on the weekend?

On weekends, as a rule, the receipt of applications and accumulation trading volumes happens unevenly. To see the most objective picture, weekend quotes are best viewed on Sunday 4-6 hours before the start of trading.

Now you can easily find out the Forex currency pair you need on a day off, and this information will help you see the trading situation more clearly and make the right decisions leading to profit.

Therefore, you can start trading no earlier than 3:00 Moscow time on Monday, and close all orders gently no later than 2:00 on Saturday. Otherwise, your position will be carried over to the next week and you will have to pay an additional commission. It is for this reason that many traders choose to simply not trade on Friday.

When does Forex work?

At the same time, do not forget that there is such a thing as “Winter and summer Forex hours” and in winter the start of trading takes place an hour later.

Trading on the Forex market goes around the clock, except for national holidays and weekends. This is due to the fact that Forex is an over-the-counter market and does not have a single center.

This position has a number of advantages for traders, allowing you to work at any convenient time. What time does the Forex market open on Monday? The work begins with the opening of the stock exchange in Wellington (New Zealand). Most brokers open at 23:00 GMT on Sundays.

Although the Forex market operates around the clock, the main movements exchange rates occur during the work of major world stock exchanges. In this regard, it is customary to divide working hours into four trading sessions - Pacific, Asian, European and American.

Recently, the Pacific and Asian sessions have been combined. This is due to the fact that trading on the stock exchanges of New Zealand and Australia do not have a significant impact on exchange rates. The main volume of transactions, and strong fluctuations in currency pairs, fall on the stock exchange in Tokyo - from midnight to eight in the morning GMT.

During this period, the trader's actions should be especially cautious when working with pairs in which the Yen is present.

Trading weekend: Forex closing time on Friday

This is due to the fact that the Central Bank of Japan can carry out large-scale foreign exchange interventions to maintain its currency.

By the time the activity on the stock exchanges of the Asian region fades, the European exchanges are included in the work. At this time, when the market is influenced by two coinciding trading sessions, significant fluctuations in rates are possible, as well as a change in the existing trends in the movement of currency pairs. Consider what time the Forex market opens in Europe.

The exchanges in Paris, Zurich and Frankfurt are the first to open - this happens at 5 am GMT. The London Stock Exchange opens in an hour. The volume of trading during the European session is the largest in a working day, and fluctuations in rates associated with the release of important economic news from the Eurozone can reach several hundred points.

The start of the American exchanges, in New York and Chicago, falls at noon (GMT). At this time, the most aggressive changes in rates occur, the trends that have been established during the day are actively developing or interrupted.

This is due to the fact that published economic news has a strong impact on the global economy. The release of such news falls on 12:30 GMT. Trading on the New York Stock Exchange has a strong influence on the dynamics of exchange rates, especially changes in the cost of gold, oil and stock indices. Active trading in the Forex market ends at 18:00 on Friday.

Information about what time the Forex market opens in a particular region allows a trader to effectively use his working time. Using the knowledge of the time of trading sessions, you can plan the time of opening and closing deals.

Forex business hours.

The Forex exchange operates 24 hours a day, except for weekends and holidays, while there is some division into trading sessions depending on time zones. This moment should also be taken into account in order to make your trading more successful, since it is the sessions that usually characterize the market activity for certain currency pairs and have distinctive features trade.

Forex trading hours start at 23:00 GMT (GMT) on Sunday and end at 22:00 on Friday. It is GMT that is taken as the basis for all calculations, the difference with Moscow time is +4 hours.

Therefore, you can start trading no earlier than 3:00 Moscow time on Monday, and close all orders gently no later than 2:00 on Saturday. Otherwise, your position will be carried over to the next week and you will have to pay an additional commission.

Schedule of trading sessions

It is for this reason that many traders choose to simply not trade on Friday. At the same time, do not forget that there is such a thing as “Winter and summer Forex hours” and in winter the start of trading takes place an hour later.

This table shows the time of the currency market in Greenwich, to determine your region, simply add or subtract the difference of your time zone Moscow +4.

Pacific or Australian session - runs from 19 pm to 6 am, the quietest time, the main financial centers are closed, so you can not wait for the release of global financial news. Trading at night and early in the morning is suitable for beginner traders.

Asian - captures the period from 23 to 9 in the morning, special activity is observed in the second half of the work on this trading floor, according to Moscow time, this is the period from 8 am to 13 pm. Just at this time, European markets also begin to work, which enhances the movement of currencies. Therefore, if you want to get the most profit, then trade in the morning.

European - operates from 6 am to 4 pm, and is the most comfortable working time, as it practically coincides with Moscow.

From 12 to 16 it intersects with the American trading session, according to statistics, it is during this period that most contracts are concluded and there are sharp jumps in the rate.

American - starts working from 12 o'clock in the afternoon and finishes its work late in the evening at 22 o'clock. Ideal for those who like a dynamic trend and work in the evenings, as the session closes at 2 am Moscow time.

The choice of a suitable trading session does not end only with its working hours, but also contains a lot of additional parameters such as market volatility and the popularity of individual currency pairs, the impact of news on the exchange rate and some other points.

Forex business hours.

The Forex exchange operates 24 hours a day, except for weekends and holidays, while there is some division into trading sessions depending on time zones. This moment should also be taken into account in order to make your trading more successful, since it is the sessions that usually characterize the market activity for certain currency pairs and have distinctive trading features.

Forex trading hours start at 23:00 GMT (GMT) on Sunday and end at 22:00 on Friday. It is GMT that is taken as the basis for all calculations, the difference with Moscow time is +4 hours.

Therefore, you can start trading no earlier than 3:00 Moscow time on Monday, and close all orders gently no later than 2:00 on Saturday. Otherwise, your position will be carried over to the next week and you will have to pay an additional commission. It is for this reason that many traders choose to simply not trade on Friday. At the same time, do not forget that there is such a thing as “Winter and summer Forex hours” and in winter the start of trading takes place an hour later.

This table shows the time of the currency market in Greenwich, to determine your region, simply add or subtract the difference of your time zone Moscow +4.

Pacific or Australian session - runs from 19 pm to 6 am, the quietest time, the main financial centers are closed, so you can not wait for the release of global financial news.

Opening and closing times for stock exchanges around the world

Trading at night and early in the morning is suitable for beginner traders.

Asian - captures the period from 23 to 9 in the morning, special activity is observed in the second half of the work on this trading floor, according to Moscow time, this is the period from 8 am to 13 pm. Just at this time, European markets also begin to work, which enhances the movement of currencies. Therefore, if you want to get the most profit, then trade in the morning.

European - operates from 6 am to 4 pm, and is the most comfortable working time, as it practically coincides with Moscow. From 12 to 16 it intersects with the American trading session, according to statistics, it is during this period that most contracts are concluded and there are sharp jumps in the rate.

American - starts working from 12 o'clock in the afternoon and finishes its work late in the evening at 22 o'clock. Ideal for those who like a dynamic trend and work in the evenings, as the session closes at 2 am Moscow time.

The choice of a suitable trading session does not end only with its working hours, but also contains a lot of additional parameters such as market volatility and the popularity of individual currency pairs, the impact of news on the exchange rate and some other points.

How to trade on the weekend?

Most traders are at work on weekdays, and therefore, the opportunities to engage in trading are very limited. The stock market, for example, operates on Moscow time from morning to evening, just the period of the day when people sit at their jobs. Forex is a round-the-clock trading platform, but in the evening and at night, the price behavior is also not very volatile.

To trade on weekends weeks you can turn your attention to the market binary options. Tools such as One-Touch just allow you to analyze the market situation and purchase an option on your day off.

Trade on the weekend theoretically, it is also possible on Forex, since small volumes of currency exchange still take place. True, in this case, you need to choose a broker who does not stop accepting orders on weekends from clients, and there are not many of them. In addition, the market is very "sluggish", which will most likely not allow you to engage in intraday trading.

It remains to take the opportunity to use One-Touch binary options, especially since they have a very high percentage profit.

What are the benefits of weekend trading?

  • on the weekend you can calmly analyze the market
  • profitability on One-Touch is very high (200-600% of the transaction amount)
  • option expiration time - a week, which allows you not to "shrink" with transactions

On weekends, as a rule, time is freed up that can be devoted to trading. True, there is another way to combine the conclusion of transactions in the market with the main work. We are talking about long-term operations that can be engaged in both the binary options market and Forex.

For example, before going to work, a trader opens his price chart and analyzes the situation. On Forex, you can place a pending order at a certain price so that a deal is opened only at the moment when the market reaches the specified price value. Also, you can open a position immediately on the market, if the situation turned out to be suitable.

In the same way, you can work with options, buying contracts with a long expiration moment, or, on the contrary, engage in very short-term trading, for example, with an option expiration time of the order of one minute.

Remember that the success of trading largely depends on the choice of a brokerage company.

What time does the Forex exchange open on Monday in Moscow?

Today, many organizations that provide services to their clients in the financial markets strive to create conditions for trading at any time of the day. This allows more people to join the ranks of traders. Offering One-Touch options is another step towards weekend trading.

Considering that you can scalp with option trades of just one minute duration, as well as work on the contrary with long-term positions, trading on the weekends is no longer something incredibly original and convenient.

What time does Forex open, everyone should know

Despite the fact that the currency market operates around the clock with a weekend break, the dynamics of quotes for many pairs differ significantly on weekdays. Today's review will be devoted to Forex trading on Monday, because this day is of the greatest interest to speculators who have rested and recovered from the shocks of the previous week.

What is special about Monday? In the "people" this day of the week is called "difficult", as problems accumulate over the weekend that require immediate solutions, which ultimately leads to rush, stress and panic in some impressionable individuals.

Paradox but true - Forex trading on Monday has little to do with trends in real sector, on the contrary, this is one of the most calm (and even boring for aggressive scalpers) days, the only thing that can disturb the calmness is the weekend gap (what is a gap / gap), which looks like this:

And since we are talking about gaps, here I would like to warn beginners against using strategies focused on closing them. I am skeptical about such methods for several reasons:

  1. This tactic was copied from stock market, on which the price is formed according to a completely different principle, if only because the algorithms of market makers and large market operators differ from the strategies of large banks on FOREX.
  2. On the stock exchange, the gap often closes, as it is formed in the course of trading on the so-called low-liquid "premarket".
  3. And the last most important point - the opening time of trading at many dealing centers may differ by 1-2 hours. If a gap has formed in one terminal, then in fact it may not exist at all, so in this case the probability of success will be exactly the same as when trading with a coin (meaning tossing a coin - heads or tails).

In all other respects, heps when trading Forex on Monday harmless enough, since the resulting window will in no way affect medium- and long-term goals. Caution should be exercised only when placing stop-loss and pending orders, since if they fall into the price gap range, they will work not at the stated price, but at the first market quote.

But enough about the sad, because the main advantage of Forex trading on Monday is the calm nature of the movement of major currency pairs. For example, the following figure shows a chart that compares the average volatility of EURUSD by day of the week:

As you can see, the average volatility of the euro on Monday is lower than on all other days, which means that at the beginning of the week, false impulses leading to a "breakdown" of stop losses will form much less frequently than on Thursday or Friday, for example .

This pattern is due to the fact that very few important macroeconomic statistics are published on Monday, and representatives of central banks prefer not to touch on key issues in their speeches, which is why traders behave relatively calmly.

By the way, for the same reason, Monday intraday trends are relatively stable, so there is no better time for experienced scalpers to work.

Separately, I would like to pay attention to the strategies focused only on buying EURUSD on Monday. The fact is that the statistics of observations collected since 2002 show that the probability of an increase in the euro exchange rate on the first working day of the week is 75%, so it is better for beginners to refrain from selling in this case.

Instead, when trading Forex on Monday, it is recommended to combine the identified bullish pattern and tools to find signals. technical analysis. Taking into account the fact that the probability of a successful outcome from the purchase itself remains quite high, standard indicators, for example, CCI and Stochastic, will suit the role of auxiliary tools that identify the trend and optimal points for opening orders:

What is Forex CFD
Noise in Forex

When is Forex trading banned on Monday?

Unfortunately, not every week starts calmly, sometimes "institutional" massively close positions, as a result of which strong and chaotic movements are observed on all currency pairs.

Such behavior of the market is always a reaction to weekend events that can lead to irreversible consequences or indicate that the real situation in the global economy is far from the picture outlined by analysts. The following situations can be cited as an example:

  • Start of hostilities. In particular, the aggravation of the situation in the Middle East indirectly affects the dynamics of the euro (mainly through fuel prices).
  • Publication of negative data on China. The Chinese often announce important statistics on the weekends, and it is increasingly turning out to be negative (according to the calculations of IMF economists, a 0.5% slowdown in China leads to a decrease in the GDP of neighboring Asian countries by 1-1.5% - hence the violent reaction of the market ).
  • Disappointment following the results of the G20, G7 summits, meetings of the IMF directors and other meetings of the "powerful of this world." All these events most often take place on weekends, so the reaction to them follows on Monday.

It is possible to list such examples for a long time, but Forex trading exactly on Monday still remains the most predictable, since it is one thing to evaluate the consequences of an event and make a decision after the fact, and quite another to face an unpleasant surprise when the position is already open, which very often happens on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

Why is Forex trading on the weekend dangerous for your earnings?

As you know, it is possible for twenty-four hours a day all week, which is very attractive to people who go to work. But at the same time, not every broker or market maker is ready to work all week in a row. Most of them take a weekend break and close their trading platforms, which also makes it impossible for their traders to trade Forex on the weekend.

But at the same time, there are those intermediaries who will give you the opportunity to conclude trade deals on the weekend. But before you make a decision to open and close trading operations during the weekend, you need to weigh the pros and cons and find out why Forex trading on the weekend is dangerous.

If you still decide to trade on the weekend, you can use original strategies. However, the Forexone blog does not recommend using some trading strategies such as , because with this strategy you can only lose your cash, because it is calculated for market fluctuations on weekdays.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Weekend Forex Trading

Weekend Forex trading can be an opportunity for a trader to increase their profits or correct a losing situation in case your trading week was not successful enough. Also, the advantages of Forex trading on the weekends include the opportunity to make higher profits than during a normal trading week.

Nevertheless, it is necessary to take into account the main disadvantages of such trading, which will make it clear how dangerous Forex trading is at the weekend:

  1. Too low liquidity of the Forex market.
    Due to the fact that most brokers and traders have a rest on the weekends, the market is very low liquidity, which leads to inflated spreads and commissions in the foreign exchange market.
  2. Inflated spreads.
    During Forex trading on weekends, spreads can reach 20 pips or more, which significantly reduces the profitability of making trades.
  3. High risks.
    Weekend trading carries excessively high risks due to inflated spreads and too little market liquidity during this period.
  4. High probability of loss.
    Since the Forex market is illiquid during the weekend, due to the small number of market participants, their influence on the behavior of currency pairs can be ambiguous. And because of this, the market price can change ambiguously and chaotically, which can not only lead to the fact that the trader enters trading at unfavorable prices for him, but can also cause serious losses in the event of a sharp fluctuation against the trader's currency position.

What to learn from weekend trading

If you study the dangers of weekend Forex trading and decide that its advantages are not enough to make trades on the weekend, then you better refrain from such trading.