Industrial buildings and complexes. Requirements for the placement of industrial enterprises For the placement of industrial buildings


Types of permitted use of land plots (URI).
In accordance with the Methodological Guidelines for the state cadastral valuation of land plots in the category of settlements, 17 types of permitted use are established:

1. Land plots intended for the placement of mid-rise and high-rise residential buildings (1VRI).

2. Land plots intended for the placement of low-rise residential buildings, including individual residential buildings (2VRI).

3. Land plots intended for garages and parking lots (3VRI).

4. Land plots intended for summer cottage construction, gardening and vegetable gardening (4VRI).

5. Land plots intended for the placement of trade, public catering and consumer services (5VRI).

6. Land plots intended for hotel accommodation (6VRI).

7. Land plots intended for the placement of office buildings for business and commercial purposes (7VRI).

8. Land plots intended for the placement of recreational, medical and health facilities (8VRI).

9. Land plots intended for the placement of industrial and administrative buildings, buildings, industrial facilities, utilities, logistics, food supply, sales and procurement (9VRI).

10. Land plots intended for the location of power plants, structures and facilities serving them (10VRI).

11. Land plots intended for the location of ports, water, railway stations, road stations, airports, airfields, air terminals (11VRI).

12. Land plots occupied by water bodies in circulation (12VRI).

13. Land plots intended for the development of mineral resources, placement of railways, highways, artificially created inland waterways, berths, piers, rights-of-way of railways and highways, waterways, pipelines, cable, radio relay and overhead communication lines and radio lines , overhead power lines, structural elements and structures, objects necessary for operation, maintenance, construction, reconstruction, repair, development of above-ground and underground buildings, structures, structures, transport, energy and communications devices; placement of ground structures and satellite communications infrastructure, space activities, military facilities (13VRI).

14. Land plots occupied by specially protected territories and objects, urban forests, public gardens, parks, urban gardens (14VRI).

15. Land plots intended for agricultural use (15VRI).

16. Land plots of streets, avenues, squares, highways, alleys, boulevards, outposts, alleys, driveways, dead ends; land plots of reserve lands; land plots occupied by water bodies withdrawn from circulation or limited in circulation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation; land plots under the right of way of reservoirs, canals and sewers, embankments (16VRI).

17. Land plots intended for the placement of administrative buildings, educational, scientific, healthcare and social welfare facilities, physical education and sports, culture, art, religion (17VRI).

The location of buildings and structures on the territory of the enterprise relative to the cardinal points and the direction of the prevailing winds should provide the most favorable conditions for natural lighting and ventilation of the premises.

Industrial buildings and structures are usually located on the territory of the enterprise during the production process. At the same time, they should be grouped taking into account the common sanitary and fire safety requirements, as well as taking into account electricity consumption, traffic and human flows.

Production operations associated with the occurrence of particularly sharp noise (with a level of more than 90 dB A) must be located in isolated buildings or premises.

When combining workshops with different sanitary and hygienic conditions in one building, rooms with the same harmfulness must be grouped and located adjacently, isolating more harmful areas from less harmful ones.

Production facilities accompanied by significant heat and gas emissions should be located in one-story buildings. At the same time, the width and profile of the roof of such buildings should ensure the most effective removal of harmful emissions naturally (by aeration). To create the most favorable conditions for natural ventilation, the longitudinal axis of the building should be located perpendicularly or at an angle of at least 45° to the direction of the prevailing winds.

Production processes accompanied by air pollution of the working area with harmful emissions should be located in isolated rooms.

Rooms in hot shops that have significant heat generation from process equipment, heated materials, as well as rooms with harmful emissions (gases, dust, vapors) should be located near the outer walls of the building, which facilitates the flow of fresh air and natural ventilation of the room. In rooms with harmful emissions, which, according to the conditions of the technological process, cannot be placed near the outer walls of the building, the flow of fresh air should be ensured by artificial ventilation.

All buildings, structures and warehouses are located in zones in accordance with production characteristics, the nature of the hazard and the operating mode (Fig. 106).

Rice. 106. Schematic diagram of the location of buildings on the territory of an industrial enterprise: 1 - zone of general plant devices; 2 - zone of processing shops; 3 - zone of auxiliary workshops; 4 - hot shop zone; 5 - zone of woodworking shops; 6 - zone of energy devices; 7 - direction of prevailing winds

The hot shop zone (procurement shop zone) unites iron foundries, steel foundries, non-ferrous metal foundries, forging shops, press-forging shops and heat treatment shops. This zone is located closer to the railway line on the territory of the plant.

In the zone of processing workshops, in which workshops for cold metal processing, finishing, assembly (mechanical assembly), etc. are concentrated, as well as forwarding and finished product warehouses, they are located near the procurement workshops and the main entrance as workshops with a large number of workers.

The area of ​​auxiliary shops, which includes tool, mechanical repair, electrical and other shops, is usually located in the center of the service or processing and procurement shops.

The area of ​​woodworking shops includes a woodworking shop, a sawmill, a container shop, a wood dryer, and wood warehouses. Since these workshops are flammable, they are located as far as possible from hot workshops in accordance with fire safety requirements.

In the zone of energy devices, central power plants (CPP), combined heat and power plants (CHP), boiler houses, gas generator stations and fuel depots serving them are located. Since the operation of these installations produces a lot of gases, smoke, fumes, and dust, which pose an increased danger, they are located on the leeward side in relation to other buildings.

The general plant facilities area is intended to accommodate administrative, public, educational, cultural, and utility buildings. This area is located at the main entrance of the plant, where the pre-factory area is created. The buildings of the main office, outpatient clinic (clinic), canteen, fire station are located outside the fence of the factory territory and must have entrances from the street.

Explosive and fire hazardous objects, as well as basic warehouses of combustible and flammable materials, toxic and explosive substances should be located in separate areas outside the territory of enterprises at distances determined by special standards; Protective green strips should be provided between this group of buildings and structures and the adjacent buildings.

The size of the gap between buildings illuminated through window openings must be no less than the greatest height to the eaves of the opposing buildings.

Between the individual buildings of a building with a semi-enclosed courtyard (U- or W-shaped development), the gap size should be no less than half the sum of the heights of the opposing buildings, no less than 15 m each, and in the absence of harmful emissions into the space - no less than 12 m.

Between the nearest buildings of a building with a closed courtyard on all sides, the sanitary gap must be at least double the height of the tallest building surrounding the courtyard, but not less than 20 m. In closed courtyards, through passages are made with a width of at least 4 m and a height of at least 4.25 m with a gate passage width of at least 3.5 m.

The gaps between buildings containing particularly noisy industries (with a noise level of more than 90 dB A) and neighboring ones must be at least 100 m (for example, nail production buildings).

Gaps from gas tanks with a capacity of 1000 m3 or more to residential buildings are set in the range from 100 to 150 m, to industrial and auxiliary buildings - from 20 to 60 m.

Open coal warehouses, as well as the most dangerous and harmful industries, must be separated from industrial buildings by at least 20 m, from domestic premises - by 25 m, and from auxiliary buildings - by 50 m. These gaps must be landscaped.

When determining gaps between buildings, the requirements for sanitary and fire hazards are compared. If the sanitary gaps turn out to be smaller than the fire gaps, the required fire gap is accepted.

Roads and passages on the premises of the enterprise should, as a rule, be straight. The width of the roads must correspond to the vehicles used, the loads being moved and the intensity of traffic, and also take into account the presence of oncoming traffic. The carriageway of roads must have a hard surface. Pits and other recesses constructed for technical purposes must be tightly and firmly closed or securely fenced.

In places of particularly intense railway traffic and on the main routes of people's movement, bridges-transitions are installed over the rail tracks or tunnels under the tracks. In the absence of this, crossings must be provided with automatically operating warning devices.

Traffic safety requires that, in addition to providing sufficient passages for transport, special paths (sidewalks) are allocated for the movement of people.

Helpful information:

When choosing the type of building for a workshop, it is necessary to take into account its compliance with modern functional, technical, economic, architectural and artistic requirements.

Functional requirements are to ensure the normal functioning of the technological equipment located in the workshop, workplaces and the creation of favorable sanitary and hygienic working conditions and consumer services for workers.

Technical requirements are to ensure strength, stability, durability and fire safety measures, as well as the possibility of constructing a building using industrial methods.

Economic requirements pursue the goal of minimizing the costs of construction and operation of the building.

Architectural and artistic requirements provide for giving the building a beautiful architectural appearance.

When designing new workshops for mechanical assembly production, production areas and support services are recommended to be located in production (one- and multi-story) buildings. Sanitary and administrative premises are located, as a rule, in an auxiliary (multi-story) building attached to the main production building, or in multi-storey inserts located perpendicular to the longitudinal wall of the production building.

Mechanical, assembly, MSC, IC, RMC for medium, heavy and especially heavy mechanical engineering are located, as a rule, in one-story industrial buildings. These buildings can be frameless and framed, single- and multi-span, craneless and equipped with light or heavy cranes, with light-aeration lanterns and lanternless, as well as windowless with an artificial microclimate and lighting.

The main parameters of a frame-type building are the width of the spans and their number, the pitch of the columns, the height of the spans, the length and width of the building (Fig. 5.1).

Span width - the distance between the axes of longitudinally located columns.

Column spacing - the distance between the axes of the columns in the direction of the longitudinal axis of the span.

Span height - the distance from the floor level to the bottom of the load-bearing structures of the coverings on the support.

Based on the location of the supports, industrial buildings are divided into span, cell and hall types.

Span type characterized by a predominance of spans over the pitch of columns (Fig. 5.1, a). Buildings of this type are used to accommodate production facilities with longitudinal direction of technological flows.

Cell type The building is characterized by a square or close to square grid of columns (Fig. 5.1, b). Such buildings are used for industries with different flow directions. Lifting and transport equipment can move in two mutually perpendicular directions. Floor and overhead transport are often used.

Building hall type used when it is necessary to provide a large internal space (Fig. 5.1, c). The width of spans in such buildings reaches 100 m or more.

Unified span sizes, column spacing and heights of one-story industrial buildings should be selected from the table. 5.10.

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Rice. 5.1. Types of one-story industrial buildings:

a, b, c – span, cell, hall type, respectively.

Table 5.10

Main parameters of unified standard sections

one-story industrial mechanical engineering buildings

Width, m

Span, m

Column pitch, m

Truss spacing, m

Height, m

Main sections for craneless buildings with suspended transport

Main sections for crane buildings

Additional sections for crane buildings

Shops of medium and heavy engineering enterprises are located in one-story industrial buildings, composed of main and additional unified standard sections (UTS).

The main sections (for longitudinal spans) have dimensions of 144x72 m and 72x72 m; additional sections (for cross spans) - 24x72 m, 48x72 m; 30x72 m. Column grids for one-story multi-span buildings are 18x12 m and 24x12 m, where 12 is the column pitch, 18, 24 is the width of the spans.

Shorter spans are used for workshops with small-sized equipment. For production facilities with large equipment, the span width can be increased to 30 or even 36 m.

For assembly spans, additional (crane) sections with dimensions of 24x72 m2, 48x72 m2 and 30x72 m2 are used.

The most common UTS with plan dimensions of 144x72 m2, with a grid of columns of 12x18 and 12x24 m2 are shown in Fig. 5.2.

In light engineering and instrument making, multi-story industrial buildings are most common. Such buildings are composed of unified standard sections with dimensions of 48x24, 48x36 and 48x48 m. Typically, these buildings have from 2 to 5 floors with a grid of columns 6x6, 6x9, 9x9, 6x12, 6x18 and 6x24 m.

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Rice. 5.2. Basic unified standard sections of single-story buildings

industrial buildings

The types and sizes of the main unified sections of multi-story industrial buildings are shown in Fig. 5.3. Multi-storey buildings with a grid of columns of 6x12, 6x18 and 6x24 m are widespread. Enlarged grids of columns increase the capacity of the building by (8...15)%. The width of the building is, as a rule, 24 m. Increasing the width of the building leads to poor illumination of the middle zone and is possible in the case of placing auxiliary and utility rooms in the middle spans, as well as when using combined lighting - natural at the outer walls and artificial in the middle part of the building. The height of the building ranges from 3.6 m (for floors without cranes) to 6 m (upper floors with overhead cranes) and even up to 7.2 m (lower floors).

Premises for sanitary, household, administrative and cultural services for workers and employees at machine-building plants are located in extensions to production buildings in separate buildings or directly in production buildings. The latter is undesirable due to the high cost of 1 m 2 of production area and the necessary sanitary and hygienic conditions that are difficult to implement according to SNiP 2.09.04-87. The extensions are adjacent either from the end or from the longitudinal walls. The first option is assumed (Fig. 5.4).

In some cases, sanitary and administrative and office premises are located in basements or semi-basements, on mezzanines, free production areas, in the inter-truss space, in special superstructures above the production building, which is also undesirable.

Due to the maximum blocking of buildings, it is widely practiced to place administrative, office and sanitary premises in inserts, which are located in the places of transverse and longitudinal expansion joints of the section (Fig. 5.4, c).

Space-planning solutions for administrative, office and sanitary premises of attached or detached auxiliary buildings are unified (SN and P 2.09.04-87. Administrative and domestic buildings). They are assembled from training equipment with a length of 36, 48, 60 m and a width of 12 or 18 m (Fig. 5.5). These control structures are based on a grid of columns (6+6)x6 m or (6+6+6)x6 m. For detached auxiliary buildings, a grid of columns (6+6+6)x6 m is most often used.

Auxiliary buildings for housing administrative, office and sanitary premises of the workshop are usually built with 2...4 floors (floor height - 3.3 m), which ensures the maximum proximity of general workshop services to production areas. Free space (on the upper floors) is used to accommodate general plant and general building services.

Fig.5.3. Basic unified standard sections of multi-storey industrial buildings

A) - Two-span, three-story craneless;

B) - two-span, four-story craneless;

B) – N-span three-story craneless;

D) - N-span four-story craneless;

D) - N-span five-story craneless;

E) – two-bay, three-story with a hanging crane;

G) – two-bay, four-story with a hanging crane;

H) – three-bay, three-story with a hanging crane;

I) - three-span, four-story with a hanging crane;

K) – three-bay, five-story with a hanging crane;

L) - three-span, three-story with an overhead crane;

M) - three-span, four-story with an overhead crane;

N) - three-span, five-story with an overhead crane.

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Rice. 5.4. Layout diagrams of household premises (shaded):

a) – extension to the end of the workshop; b) – extension to the longitudinal side of the workshop; c) – plan diagram of the main building of AvtoVAZ: 1 – body painting shop; 2- body shop; 3 – metal coating shop; 4- fittings and radiator shop; 5- upholstery workshop; 6- engine manufacturing and assembly workshop; 7- chassis and gearbox workshop; 8-automatic workshop; 9 – repair base; 10-wheel workshop.

Rice. 5.5. Space-planning solutions (UTS) of administrative buildings (composed of UTS 36, 48, 60 m long and 12 or 18 m wide. These UTS are based on grids of columns (6+6)x6 m or (6+6+6 ) x 6 m. For detached auxiliary buildings, the grid of columns (6+6+6) x 6 m is most often used.)

Rice. 5.6. Layout diagram of mechanical and assembly shops (or MSC sections):

a) and b) - the assembly shop (area) is located perpendicular to the machining lines, respectively, at the end or middle of the body in continuation of the spans of the mechanical shop (area);

c) and d) - the assembly shop is located in a separate span, respectively, perpendicular or parallel to the spans of the mechanical shops.

Buildings and structures at the production site must be located in such a way as to provide the most favorable conditions for natural lighting and ventilation of the premises.

As a rule, industrial buildings and structures are located on the territory of the enterprise along the production process and are grouped taking into account the common sanitary and fire safety requirements, electricity consumption, and human flows.

Particularly noisy industries (forging, riveting) with a noise level of more than 90 dBA should be located in isolated buildings and premises.

Production with significant heat and gas emissions should be located in one-story buildings.

If the concentration of harmful emissions does not exceed the maximum permissible concentrations, then it is possible to remove them from the building naturally (aeration). In this case, it is desirable that the longitudinal axis of the building be perpendicular to the direction of the prevailing winds. If the concentration of harmful emissions exceeds the maximum permissible limits, then the room must be equipped with effective supply and exhaust ventilation with purification of the exhaust air.

All buildings, structures and warehouses are located in zones in accordance with production characteristics, the nature of the hazard and the operating mode.

The area of ​​procurement shops (foundry, forging, thermal) is located closer to the railway on the territory of the plant.

The area of ​​processing and mechanical assembly shops, as well as warehouses for finished products, forwarding, etc. are concentrated near the procurement shops and near the main entrance as shops with a large number of workers.

The area of ​​auxiliary shops (tool shop, mechanical repair shop, etc.) is usually located near the processing and procurement shops.

Woodworking shops, due to their high fire hazard, are located as far as possible from hot shops.

The area of ​​energy devices (CHP, boiler houses, fuel warehouses) is located on the leeward side in relation to other workshops due to their increased gas, smoke and dust emissions. A pre-factory site is created at the main entrance of the plant, where administrative, educational, and utility buildings are located. The plant administration, clinic, and canteen are located outside the plant fence and must have entrances from the street.

The main warehouses of toxic, explosive and flammable liquids must be located outside the factory premises at distances determined by special standards. In accordance with sanitary standards, distances (gaps) between industrial buildings and structures are established. The size of the gap between buildings illuminated through window openings must be no less than the greatest height to the eaves of the opposing buildings.

Between separate buildings of buildings with a semi-closed courtyard (P and W-shaped development), the gap size must be at least 15 m. In closed courtyards, through passages are made with a width of at least 4 m and a height of at least 3.5 m. Gaps between buildings, in where particularly noisy industries are located, and the neighboring ones must be at least 100 m. When determining the gaps between buildings, the requirements for sanitary and fire hazards are compared. If the sanitary gaps are smaller than the fire gaps, the required fire gap is accepted.

Roads on the territory of industrial enterprises should, as a rule, be straight, with a hard surface, and provide two-way traffic. Sidewalks must be provided for the movement of people. Crossing bridges or a tunnel under the tracks are built across the railway track in areas of heavy traffic.


Industrial buildings and structures must ensure the most efficient implementation of the technological process, create a favorable production environment and eliminate fire hazards.

Main industrial buildings (where technological equipment is located) and warehouses, if possible, should have a rectangular shape, which provides the best lighting and ventilation.

The design of industrial buildings, their dimensions and number of floors are determined by the technological process, the degree of its fire and explosion safety, and the presence of harmful emissions in accordance with SNiP 31-03-2001 “Industrial buildings”.

For the safety of workers and the convenience of transporting goods, it is necessary to provide separate entrances and exits for people and vehicles in the workshops. Doors and gates must open outwards. In case of fire, industrial buildings are equipped with emergency exits.

At external exits it is necessary to install thermal air curtains or vestibules with two doors. The width of the vestibule for the passage of people should be equal to the width of the doorway plus 0.3 m in both directions.

Gates for railway transport must have a width equal to the width of the car plus 1.5 m, and a height equal to the height of the car plus 0.5 m. Gates for motor vehicles must have a width and height of at least 2.5 m.

Auxiliary premises (household, canteens, health centers, etc.) should be located in extensions to industrial buildings, or in separate buildings with a connection to the industrial building (gallery, underground passage).

Administrative and office premises (plant management, technology department, design bureau, etc.) are located in separate buildings. The height of administrative and office premises from floor to ceiling must be at least 3 m. There must be at least 4 m2 per worker in offices, and 6 m2 per drawing table in design offices. These rooms should have good natural light and ventilation.

The necessary auxiliary premises and their equipment are assigned in accordance with SP 44.13330-2011 depending on the group of production processes.

Household premises (dressing rooms, showers, washrooms, smoking rooms, rooms for heating, personal hygiene for women), except toilets, should be located in extensions to industrial buildings.

The composition, equipment and arrangement of household premises - depending on the sanitary characteristics of the production process.


The volume of production premises must be such that each worker has at least 15 m 3 of free space and at least 4.5 m 2 of area. The required height from floor to ceiling of production premises is at least 3.2 m, and to the bottom of structural elements protruding from the ceiling - at least 2.6 m.

The height of production premises with significant heat, moisture and gas emissions must ensure sufficient removal of harmful emissions from the working area. A work area is considered to be a space up to 2 m high above the floor level where the workplaces are located. In one-story industrial premises with natural ventilation, continuous extensions along the entire perimeter of the walls, which impair aeration, are not allowed.

The interior decoration of the walls of industrial premises where they work with toxic (mercury, lead, etc.) or radioactive substances must be provided with wet cleaning.

Rails in production premises are laid in such a way that they do not protrude above the floor level. Channels and holes in the floors are covered with special covers flush with the floor surface.

Tunnels for transport devices and pipelines must have a height of at least 0.8 m and a free passage width of at least 0.6 m.

The location of production premises in the basement floors, as a rule, is not allowed. In basements with a height of 2.25 m it is possible to place auxiliary equipment (pumps, electric motors, etc.). Such premises must be equipped with ventilation. The location of administrative and office premises in basements is not permitted.

The height of household premises from floor to ceiling should be at least 2.5 m and from the ceiling to the bottom of protruding structures - at least 2.2 m. The distance from food outlets to the workshop during a lunch break of up to 30 minutes should be no more than 300 m, and with a break of at least 1 hour - no more than 600 m.

Fire safety

A fire is a combustion that is uncontrolled in time and space. Fire is a disaster that is often accompanied by loss of life and irrevocable material losses. In terms of the power of destruction, fires are ranked among such natural disasters as earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, mudflows, avalanches, landslides, although they are not such (i.e. natural disasters).

Every year there are ~5 million fires on the planet, in which every thousandth inhabitant of the earth suffers thermal damage. In about every 9 out of 10 fires, a person is to blame. Thus, if a fire can be called an element, it can only be an element of human behavior.

Only in Russia every year, figuratively speaking, an entire regional city “burns down,” with all its shops, enterprises, infrastructure, etc. Every year the number of fires increases by 10%, and the death toll in them increases by 12%. For example, in 1994, more than 20 thousand fires occurred in Russia, in which about 17 thousand people died. This is a kind of undeclared war! At the same time (according to X. Banbury) about 60...80% of those killed in fires died from exposure to smoke and toxic gases.

As the height of buildings increases, the rate of smoke formation in escape routes in them (stairwells, elevator shafts, floor corridors) increases sharply.

Although, in addition to carbon monoxide, smoke also contains other potentially toxic components (for example, X. Banburn lists more than 50 components released during the destructive distillation of wood), it almost always has a higher concentration, which makes it possible to attribute the majority of deaths to it (up to 40% of corpses at autopsy contain carbon monoxide).

At the same time, when assessing the toxicity of some substances released during a fire, one should take into account the possibility of acute poisoning due to an increase in their concentration even for a short time. According to E. Butcher, the dangerous concentration for short-term exposure is ~20 times higher than the maximum permissible for long-term exposure.

However, the effect of exposure to toxic gases largely depends on the mental and physical state of people. It is well known that under conditions of mental stress arising from a fire, even very low concentrations of gases can lead to an accident or death.

The main causes of fires in the Nizhny Novgorod region:

1 - careless handling of fire;

2 - malfunction of stoves and chimneys;

3 - children playing pranks with fire;

4 - violation of the rules when firing stoves;

5 - household electrical appliances;

6 - arson;

7 - kerosene and gas appliances;

8 - electrical equipment malfunction.

At the same time, a very common cause of death is smoking while drunk (70...80 people die in the region every year).

Fire safety can be ensured by fire prevention measures and active fire protection.

Table 15.1

Toxic components that can be released during combustion
various materials (E. Butcher)

No. Toxic gas or vapor Source of education (material)
Carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide), carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide) All combustible materials containing carbon
Nitrogen oxides Celluloid, polyurethanes
Hydrogen cyanide Wood, silk, leather, nitrogen-containing plastics, cellulose materials, viscose, cellulose plastics
Acrolein Wood, paper
Sulfur dioxide Rubber, thiokols
Halogen-containing acids and other compounds (hydrochloric, hydrobromic, hydrofluoric acids; phosgene) Polyvinyl chloride, flame retardant plastics, fluorinated plastics
Ammonia Melamine, nylon, urea, formaldehyde resins
Aldehydes Formaldehyde, wood, nylon, polyester resins
Azo-bis-succinitrile Foam plastics
Components containing antimony Some fire resistant plastics
Benzene Polystyrene
Isocyanides Polyurethane foam

15.1. General information about the combustion process. Terms and Definitions

Combustion is a chemical oxidation reaction that releases heat and light. For combustion to occur, three factors are needed: 1 – a flammable substance; 2 – oxidizer (oxygen, chlorine, fluorine, bromine, iodine, nitrogen oxides, etc.) and 3 – source of ignition (energy pulse). Depending on the speed of the chemical reaction of oxidation of substances, fire is distinguished (~ 10 m/s), explosion (~ 100 m/s) and detonation (~ 1000 m/s). The combustion process is divided into several types:

· flash – rapid combustion of a flammable mixture not accompanied by the formation of compressed gases;

· explosion – rapid transformation of a substance (explosive combustion), accompanied by the release of energy and the formation of compressed gases capable of producing work;

· detonation - an instantaneous and destructive explosion caused by the explosion of another substance upon contact with it or at a distance;

· smoldering – combustion without glow, usually identified by the appearance of smoke;

· ignition – the occurrence of combustion under the influence of an ignition source;

· ignition – ignition accompanied by the appearance of a flame;

· spontaneous combustion is the phenomenon of a sharp increase in the rate of exothermic reactions before the combustion of a substance without an ignition source;

· spontaneous combustion – spontaneous combustion with the appearance of a flame;

· flash point - the lowest (under special test conditions) temperature of a combustible substance at which vapors and gases are formed above its surface that can ignite from an ignition source, but the rate of their formation is still insufficient for subsequent combustion;

· ignition temperature - the temperature of a flammable substance at which it emits flammable vapors or gases at such a speed that, after ignition from an ignition source, stable combustion occurs.

· smoldering temperature - the lowest temperature of a substance at which a sharp increase in the rate of exothermic reactions occurs, ending in the occurrence of smoldering;

· flammable liquid (FLL) – a liquid capable of burning independently after removal of the ignition source and having a flash point not higher than 61 o C; Explosive flammable liquids are those whose flash point does not exceed 61 o C, and the vapor pressure at 20 o C is less than 100 kPa (~ 1 atm);

· flammable liquid (FL) – a liquid capable of burning independently after removal of the ignition source and having a flash point of more than 61 o C; it is classified as fire hazardous, but when heated under production conditions to a flash point or higher, it is explosive;

· flammable gases – classified as explosive at any ambient temperature;

· flammable dusts and fibers are classified as explosive if their lower flammable concentration limit (LECL) is no more than 65 g/m 3 ;

· upper and lower concentration ignition limits (UCFL and LCFL) - respectively, the maximum and minimum concentrations of flammable gases, flammable liquid vapors, dust or fibers in the air, above and below which an explosion will not occur even if there is a source of initiation;

· ignition area – the area between the VCPV and LVPV. It depends on a number of factors: the power of the ignition source, the admixture of inert gases and vapors, the temperature and pressure of the combustible mixture.

Premises - a space fenced on all sides (including windows and doors), with a covering (ceiling) and a floor (the space under a canopy or limited by a mesh fence is not a premises).

Outdoor installation - installation located outdoors (outside), open or under a canopy or behind mesh (lattice) structures.

Explosive zone - a room or limited space in a room or outdoor installation in which explosive mixtures are present or may form.

Explosion-proof electrical equipment is one in which design measures are provided to eliminate or impede the possibility of ignition of its environment due to the operation of this electrical equipment.

General purpose electrical equipment is that which is made without taking into account the requirements specific to certain operating conditions.

Intrinsically safe electrical circuit is an electrical circuit designed so that electrical discharge or heating cannot ignite an explosive atmosphere under specified test conditions.

Safe Experimental Maximum Clearance (SECG) - the maximum gap between the flanges of the shell through which the transmission of an explosion from the shell to the environment does not yet occur at any concentration of the mixture in the air.

The fire hazard of substances is characterized by linear (m/s) and mass (g/s) combustion rates (flame spread), the maximum oxygen content at which combustion is still possible.

According to the degree of flammability, substances are divided into:

1) flammable (combustible) - when ignited by an external source, they continue to burn even after it is removed;

2) slow-burning (difficult to burn) - burn only in the presence of an ignition source;

3) non-flammable (non-combustible) - do not ignite even when exposed to sufficiently powerful impulses.

Thermal power plants. Collection of normative documents Team of authors


3.1. General provisions

3.1.1. The territory for the location of industrial buildings and structures of thermal power plants is determined by the design and passport of the thermal power plant.

3.1.2. During the operation of thermal power plants, systematic monitoring of buildings and structures is carried out. Control is carried out by persons from among the management personnel and specialists of the organization who have passed the test of knowledge of these Rules and appointed by order.

3.1.3. Each organization operating thermal installations compiles and permanently stores the following documentation:

administrative documents for the enterprise on the distribution of responsibility for the operation and repair of industrial buildings and structures for the placement of thermal power plants between the heads of the organization's departments with a clear list of buildings, structures, premises and areas of territory assigned to them;

copies of orders, instructions from management on the operation and repair of industrial buildings and structures;

an order or instruction on the selection from the personnel of the organization's divisions of those responsible for monitoring the operation of buildings, structures and territories transferred to the jurisdiction of the unit operating thermal power plants;

local instructions for the operation of buildings and structures of the organization’s divisions, developed on the basis of a standard one, taking into account specific local conditions;

a master plan of the organization with buildings and structures and the boundaries of dividing the territory into areas transferred under the responsibility of the units operating thermal power plants;

executive diagrams-general plans of underground structures and communications on the territory of the organization;

sets of drawings of the construction part of the projects of each building and structure of the organization with as-built drawings and diagrams for those structures and communications that were changed during the construction process against the original design solution; passports for each building and structure;

logs of technical inspections of building structures of buildings and structures;

logs of recording the results of groundwater level measurements in piezometer wells and materials of chemical analyzes of groundwater;

environmental logs for buildings and structures where processes periodically occur or are possible that violate environmental parameters determined by sanitary standards, or where corrosion processes in building structures are noted. The list of such buildings and structures is approved by the head of the organization;

information and technical literature, a set of necessary regulatory documents or instructions on the operation and repair of industrial buildings and structures;

job descriptions approved by the manager for personnel operating territories, buildings and structures for the placement of thermal power plants.

3.2. Territory

3.2.1. To ensure the proper operational and sanitary condition of the territory, buildings and structures, organizations for the placement of thermal power plants carry out and maintain in good condition:

fencing the relevant part of the territory; systems for draining surface water from the entire territory from buildings and structures (drains, connections, ditches, drainage channels, etc.);

water supply, sewerage, heat, transport, gaseous and liquid fuel networks, etc.;

outdoor lighting, communication, alarm networks; sources of drinking water, reservoirs and sanitary zones for the protection of water supply sources;

railway tracks and crossings, roads, fire passages, approaches to fire hydrants, reservoirs, bridges, pedestrian roads and crossings, etc.;

anti-landslide, anti-landslide, bank protection, anti-avalanche and anti-mudflow structures; basic and working benchmarks and marks;

piezometers and monitoring wells for monitoring the groundwater regime;

lightning protection and grounding systems.

3.2.2. Hidden underground communications: water pipes, sewerage, heating pipes, as well as gas pipelines, air pipes and cables for all purposes are indicated on the surface of the earth by signs.

3.2.3. If there are stray currents in the territory, protection of underground metal communications and structures is provided by electrochemical means.

3.2.4. By the beginning of floods, all drainage networks and devices must be inspected and prepared for the passage of surface water; places where cables, pipes, and ventilation ducts pass through walls are sealed, and pumping mechanisms are brought into a state of readiness for operation.

3.2.5. In boiler houses with an installed capacity of 10 Gcal/h or more, it is necessary to organize observations of the groundwater level in monitoring piezometer wells at the following intervals:

in 1 year of operation - at least 1 time per month;

in subsequent years - depending on changes in groundwater levels, but at least once a quarter.

Piezometer monitoring wells should be located in the area of ​​greatest density of water supply, sewerage and heat supply networks. The results of observations are recorded in a special journal.

In karst zones, control over the groundwater regime is organized according to special programs within the time limits provided for by local instructions.

3.2.6. In case of detection of subsidence and landslide phenomena, soil heaving in the area where thermal power plants are located, measures are taken to eliminate the causes that caused the violation of normal soil conditions and to eliminate their consequences.

3.2.7. Construction of buildings and structures is carried out only if there is a project.

All construction and installation work within the exclusion zone where thermal power plants are located is permitted with the permission of the head of the operating organization, subject to technical justification.

This text is an introductory fragment. From the book Rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants in questions and answers. A guide for studying and preparing for the knowledge test author Krasnik Valentin Viktorovich

2. ORGANIZATION OF OPERATION OF THERMAL POWER INSTALLATIONS 2.1. General provisions Question 6. What document appoints the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of thermal power plants and his deputy? Answer. Appointed by administrative document

From the book Thermal Power Plants. Collection of normative documents author Team of authors

Duplication during the operation of thermal power plants Question 33. What personnel undergo duplication? (Answer. Operational, operational and repair personnel and operational managers undergo duplication after an initial test of knowledge of these Rules, a long

From the book Rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants author Team of authors

2.4. Acceptance and approval for operation of thermal power plants Question 61. What tests are carried out before acceptance for operation of thermal power plants? Answer. Acceptance tests of equipment and commissioning of individual thermal elements are carried out

From the author's book

2.5. Monitoring the operating efficiency of thermal power plants Question 67. What measures does the organization provide for the efficient operation of thermal power plants? Answer. Provides: accounting of fuel and energy resources; development of regulatory

From the author's book

2.6. Technical control over the condition of thermal power plants Question 73. For what purpose are all thermal power plants subjected to technical inspection? Answer. Subjected for the purpose of: assessing their technical condition; establishing the terms and conditions of their

From the author's book

2.7. Maintenance, repair and conservation of thermal power plants Question 77. When are maintenance and repairs of thermal power plant controls carried out? Answer. Produced during the repair of main equipment (clause 2.7.5). Question 78.

From the author's book

3. TERRITORY, INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES FOR PLACEMENT OF THERMAL POWER INSTALLATIONS 3.1. General provisions Question 105. What documentation determines the territory for the location of thermal power plants? Answer. Determined by the project and thermal passport

From the author's book

3.3. Industrial buildings and structures Question 111. What is the schedule for inspections of each building and structure? Answer. Carried out according to schedule: for boiler houses with an installed capacity of 10 Gcal/h or more - at least once every 4 months. with a service life of more than 15 years; for

From the author's book

12. WATER TREATMENT AND WATER-CHEMICAL REGIME OF THERMAL POWER INSTALLATIONS AND NETWORKS Question 413. Which personnel organizes the water-chemical operation of equipment and controls it? Answer. Performed by trained chemical laboratory personnel or

From the author's book

RULES FOR TECHNICAL OPERATION OF THERMAL POWER INSTALLATIONS MINISTRY OF ENERGY OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Order No. 115 of March 24, 2003 Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 2, 2003 No. 4358 On approval of the rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants

From the author's book

From the author's book

From the author's book

Team of Authors Rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants MINISTRY OF ENERGY OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Order No. 115 dated March 24, 2003 Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation April 2, 2003 No. 4358 On approval of the rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants

From the author's book

2. ORGANIZATION OF OPERATION OF THERMAL POWER INSTALLATIONS 2.1. General provisions2.1.1. The operation of the organization's thermal power plants is carried out by trained thermal power personnel. Depending on the volume and complexity of the work on the operation of thermal power plants,

From the author's book

3. TERRITORY, INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES FOR PLACEMENT OF THERMAL POWER INSTALLATIONS 3.1. General provisions3.1.1. The territory for the location of industrial buildings and structures of thermal power plants is determined by the design and passport of the thermal power plant. 3.1.2.

From the author's book

12. WATER TREATMENT AND WATER-CHEMICAL REGIME OF THERMAL POWER INSTALLATIONS AND NETWORKS 12.1. Organize the water chemistry regime in order to ensure reliable operation of thermal power plants, pipelines and other equipment without damage and reduction in efficiency caused by