Types of mortgage securities. Mortgage-backed securities. mortgage securities market. Basic concepts and types


Interest and principal payments on such securities are made from funds received under secured loans.

Mortgage-backed securities(ancient Greek ὑποϑήκη - pledge, instruction) - a type of secondary valuable papers, serving as a universal tool for refinancing investments in housing construction, that is, a means for short-term restoration of financial investments in the construction of such residential properties that are purchased on the market through a mortgage. At the same time, the securities support the stability of refinancing mortgage construction due to the fact that the return Money to the investor is carried out in a time frame shorter than the repayment period of the mortgage loan amount.

Relations arising in connection with mortgage-backed securities differ in the issue, issuance, circulation of such securities and the fulfillment of obligations under them. In the territory Russian Federation all of the listed types of relations regarding any mortgage-backed securities, with the exception of mortgages, are regulated by the Federal Law of November 11, 2003 No. 152-FZ “On Mortgage-Based Securities”.

Purpose of mortgage-backed securities

The purpose of mortgage-backed securities is to minimize the risk of late repayment borrowed money when investing in mortgage construction, carried out using the securitization mechanism (from the English securities - securities). The essence of the securitization mechanism is the procedure for converting debt obligations associated with refinancing into securities with acceptable collateral and relatively high liquidity. The procedural side of securitization consists of implementing one of two tactics. In the first case, credit institutions engaged in mortgage lending issue secured securities. In the second case, there is a sale by mortgage investors of debt obligations to a mortgage agent - a specialized commercial organization that ultimately issues secured securities, since it has the right to issue mortgage-backed bonds.

Application of mortgage-backed securities in the refinancing process mortgage capital is carried out in three ways. The legislation provides for the issue by banks providing mortgage, mortgage-backed bonds. But it is also possible for banks to cede to mortgage agents rights of claim under credits (loans) secured by mortgages and/or mortgages. And finally, it is possible to assign these rights of claim to the management company in exchange for mortgage participation certificates.

Characteristics of mortgage-backed securities

Despite different kinds mortgage-backed securities, typically most MBS have the following general characteristics:

1) in almost all cases, payments paid to holders of securities are periodic. More often the period is monthly, less often quarterly;

2) payments from a pool of assets usually consist of two parts: interest (fees for using loans) and amortization (repayment of loans). Amortization payments can be scheduled or early, full or partial;

This is the amount of money that all of its mortgage borrowers must pay the bank (lender) under the loan agreements they have entered into, including payments of principal and interest. This indicator is used by the bank as a basis for calculating the possible volume of issue of mortgage securities.

Types of mortgage-backed securities

Mortgage-backed securities include mortgage notes, mortgage-backed bonds, and mortgage participation certificates.


A mortgage is a registered security that certifies the right of its legal owner to receive fulfillment of an obligation secured by a real estate pledge. The purpose of this paper is to accelerate the turnover of mortgaged real estate in order to expand the mortgagee's ability to quickly satisfy their claims. The transfer of rights under a mortgage by the mortgagee is carried out on the basis of assignment (assignment of rights of claim). The presence of this paper does not exclude the need to conclude a mortgage agreement, the terms of which must provide for the issuance of a mortgage to the mortgagee. However, the mortgage is given priority over the contract, so if there is a discrepancy between the contents of the contract, the contents of the mortgage must be followed.

Unlike most other securities (such as promissory notes, warrants, etc.), the contents of the mortgage may be changed or the mortgage may be replaced; this right is given to the debtor under the obligation secured by the mortgage, the mortgagor and the legal owner of the mortgage. Any changes or replacements are made only on the basis of an agreement between the specified parties. Replacement or modification of a mortgage is usually practiced in the case of private execution of the main obligation.

A mortgage is declared invalid in court in two cases - in case of violation of the procedure for its issuance or in connection with its loss by the legal owner, and the fact of loss is necessarily confirmed by the issuance of a duplicate of the mortgage to the mortgagee. A duplicate of the mortgage is issued by the body that carried out the state registration of the mortgage.

Mortgage-backed bonds

A mortgage-backed bond is a security the fulfillment of obligations under which is secured in whole or in part by the mortgage security. This paper is issued in both documentary and non-documentary forms. Mostly housing bonds are traded on the market, that is, they have covered claims secured by the mortgage of residential premises. However, housing bonds cannot be secured by collateral real estate, the construction of which is not completed.

Thus, a distinctive feature of bonds as a type of mortgage-backed securities is the fact that the fulfillment of obligations under such a bond is secured by a pledge of mortgage coverage (instead of a pledge of real estate), and this coverage in most cases is made up of claims secured by a mortgage.

It follows, in particular, that in order to confirm the requirement for the obligation secured by the mortgage as part of the mortgage coverage, the presence of a mortgage is sufficient. Therefore, in the event of a violation of the obligations that arise from such bonds (say, when the bank issuing mortgage bonds refused to pay on them), the owner of these securities has the right to foreclose on the mortgage coverage, which is the subject of the pledge. Meanwhile, the mortgagor (the owner of the residential premises) is liable for failure to fulfill only his obligation arising from the loan agreement secured by the mortgage of the residential premises.

The amount of liabilities for all outstanding mortgage-backed bonds should not exceed the amount of the mortgage coverage, which serves as an essential condition for protecting the rights of the owners of these bonds. At the same time, the amount of mortgage-backed claims included in the mortgage coverage of the bonds should not be less than 80% of the nominal value of the issued bonds. At the same time, the principal amount of claims under a loan agreement or credit agreement secured by a mortgage or pledge must not exceed 80% of the market value of the real estate constituting the subject of the mortgage and assessed by an independent appraiser.

The issue of mortgage-backed bonds can be carried out exclusively by credit institutions and mortgage agents, whose role is played by specialized commercial organizations (joint-stock companies), whose main activity is the acquisition of claims and the issuance of mortgage bonds. In the latter case, the bank that provided the mortgage loan assigns the rights of claims arising from the loan agreement to mortgage agents, which is also considered as a direction for refinancing mortgage capital, since this capital is replenished in the shortest possible time due to the rapid return of mortgage loan amounts (except for the interest specified in agreement between the bank and the mortgage agent).

Mortgage participation certificates

A mortgage participation certificate is a registered security without par value, certifying its owner’s share in the right common property for mortgage coverage, as well as the right to demand from the person who issued it proper trust management mortgage coverage and other rights provided for by law and close to the rights of the owner of an investment share. Mortgage participation certificates thus act as an exchange instrument when a credit institution transfers the rights of claim arising from loan agreements into trust management of the management company.

Only a commercial organization (joint stock company) that has a license to carry out activities related to the management of investment funds, mutual funds and non-state pension funds has the right to issue mortgage participation certificates. Management of the property complex constituting the mortgage coverage is carried out in the interests of the owners of mortgage participation certificates.

A credit institution that becomes the owner of a mortgage participation certificate acquires common shared ownership of the mortgage coverage, which is under trust management. This share includes a pool of property and liability rights, which consists of monetary claims, financial assets, securities and real estate. Possession, storage and accounting of the components of the mortgage coverage are carried out in accordance with the competence of the manager and the specialized depository. The first (manager) owns, uses and disposes of the mortgage coverage in the interests of the owners of mortgage participation certificates. The second (depository) exercises control over the activities of the manager by maintaining a register of mortgage coverage.

Types of Mortgage-Based Securities

Typically, the following types of mortgage-backed securities are distinguished:

  • Residential mortgage-backed securities(English) Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities - RMBS listen)) is the most common form of securitization. The collateral for such securities is a pool of homogeneous mortgage loans secured by residential real estate.
  • Commercial real estate mortgage-backed securities- (English) Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities - CMBS ) - Securities backed by one or more pools of mortgage loans. Collateral for such securities may consist of one or more loans secured by

We have to admit that the domestic securities market is in its infancy. Most of our citizens have never heard of any securities, let alone mortgages - and even more so.

This overseas miracle appeared in our area after the formation of the institution of real estate and, in fact, mortgages.

A mortgage bond is a right of claim under a mortgage loan, which is transferred by the bank, and is repaid as the borrower repays the debt. Its high reliability is guaranteed by collateral real estate.

Unfortunately, due to the imperfection of the legislative framework, this highly liquid investment instrument is not yet as popular here as in developed countries.

Read more about the features and advantages of using it in practice in the article.

Mortgage-backed securities

Mortgage-backed securities (MBS) are an investment vehicle. Their owners can make money from changes in prices for real estate on the basis of which these securities were issued. Today, MBS are one of the most popular financial instruments in the financial markets of many countries. Investors receive guaranteed income from the dynamics of rising prices for apartments and other housing.

Recently, prices in the Russian Federation for real estate have risen from 30 to 50% on average. Real estate is one of the few assets that shows almost no decline in value. This attracts investors and contributes to the development of the mortgage-backed securities market. Let's take a closer look at what MBS are, what types and conditions there are for them.

What it is

An MBS is a debt security that refinances a bank's investment in one or more mortgage loans. An example of the mechanism of operation of a mortgage bank: a bank issues a mortgage for 10 million rubles. and immediately issues securities for this amount.

The investor who purchased the paper returns the amount spent to the bank, which can already be issued to another borrower. After the sale of the securities, the bank begins to repay it from the funds that the borrower returns to it.

This type of financial investment instrument is quite popular because it is backed by real real estate. Their profitability is ensured by the value of real estate, which grows every year by several percentage points.

If we take recent years, the growth has reached 50%. If we evaluate the last 10-12 years, the growth has reached 200-400%. Not every financial mechanism can provide such a percentage of profitability. Investments in securities are mainly long-term (10-20 years). This is the common practice in the West. However, in Russia investors prefer shorter terms from 3 to 5 years.

It is worth noting that in Russia the securities market is still at an early stage of development. Some participants already want to issue mortgage securities en masse, but the Law “On Mortgage” has so many shortcomings that a lot of work still needs to be done so that the participants can have a good legislative basis for the development of the mortgage market.

There is also no practice of a unified approach to the issue of such securities. Banks have a good financial basis for issuing mortgage loans, so they don’t particularly want to get involved with securities. If we take the American market, then the practice of issuing securities has been used there for a long time.

Until now, mortgage certificates and bonds occupy a significant share of the stock market (about 40%). If not for this, America would hardly have survived at least one crisis. But due to the flow of money from stocks to the real estate market, the economy was able to withstand surges stock indices during a crisis period.

Features of mortgage-backed securities:

  • The principal debt on MBS is repaid periodically (once a month), and not at the end of the term in one amount, as is the case with ordinary securities.
  • The number of payments and the amount paid may vary depending on whether the borrower pays off the mortgage early. If the loan closes early deadline, then the bank repays the investor the purchased security ahead of schedule.
  • Securities securities have low liquidity (low negotiability) due to their high cost.
  • Mortgage securities are among the most reliable because they have real collateral and are purchased mainly by insurance companies, pension funds and the state.
  • Profitability depends on mortgage rate, from which the costs of servicing the loan, the share of the manager, depository, etc. are deducted. It is higher than the income from bank deposits or investments in government securities.


There are three types:

  1. Mortgage.
  2. She is declared as a registered c/w. It gives its owner the right to receive funds due to him, which are secured by real estate. A mortgage significantly speeds up the turnover of the collateral to get funds to the collateral owner faster.

  3. Mortgage-backed bonds.
  4. This is a paper, issued in documentary or non-documentary form. It is secured not by real estate, but by mortgage coverage, i.e. the amount that clients must pay the bank under mortgage agreements, including the principal amount of the debt and the interest accrued on it.

    If the bank refuses to pay the debt on such bonds, then the investor can foreclose on the amount that the bank must receive from the mortgage borrower.

    The bank cannot issue these bonds for an amount greater than it can receive from the borrowers. According to the rules, the total volume of bonds should not exceed 80% of the value of the real estate collateral. These securities can be issued by banks and mortgage agents who purchase securities and issue securities.

  5. Mortgage participation certificate.
  6. This is a registered security that has no face value. She specifies the investor's share of the mortgage coverage, for example, 30% of the total amount. Only special organizations that have a license to work with mutual funds or non-state pension funds can issue such certificates. They divide the acquired rights into several parts for a quick return on investment.

    For example, an investor acquired the right to compensation of 10 million rubles. on a bond. This right was then divided into 5.3 and 2 million rubles. and sold to subsequent investors, allowing for a quicker return on investment.

In the Russian Federation, mortgage participation certificates and mortgage-backed bonds are in circulation:

  • The former are acquired by larger investors due to their high cost (large state-owned companies, pension funds, non-state pension funds, investment funds, insurance organizations, etc.).
  • The latter are purchased by smaller companies (including individuals). These securities attract attention not so much for their profitability, but rather for their reliability and guaranteed income.


It depends on the average rate at which mortgage loans are provided. For example, if the rate reaches 15%, then the income on the MBS can reach 9-10%. The difference goes to reimburse the costs of intermediaries (agents, depositories, etc.).

When the rate decreases, profitability may decrease, as borrowers are refinanced at more low percentage or pay off the debt early. When repaying a mortgage early, the bank also repays the issued bond early, which reduces the investor's income.

How to buy

Like other securities, mortgage bonds can be purchased on stock exchanges. The investor can do this independently or with the help of specialized organizations: brokers, trustees, etc.

Source: "investor100.ru"

A mortgage bond is a security backed by a mortgage.

Mortgage bonds are securities issued by specialized mortgage banks or mortgage lending institutions. Their main difference from other debt securities is that these bonds are secured by mortgage claims.

Mortgage bonds allow the redistribution of funds from private and institutional investors (for example, insurance and pension funds) into housing finance through the stock exchange. Mortgage bonds are attractive to investors because they are backed by mortgage loans.

This is a reliable liquid financial instrument, the high rating of which is supported not only by the reliability of the issuing credit institutions, but also by the high quality of the mortgage loan portfolio, which reduces risks for investors compared to bonds that do not have such collateral.

Thus, mortgage bonds allow lenders to obtain long-term resources at a lower cost.

AI market in Europe

Currently, the mortgage bond market in Europe is concentrated in three countries. Germany, Denmark and Sweden account for 78% of the European mortgage bond market. The largest mortgage bond market in Europe has formed in Germany, which in terms of its scale is in third place in the world after the USA and Japan.


There are more than 80 issuers of mortgage bonds in Europe: 39 in Germany, 16 in Spain, 8 in Denmark, 5 each in Sweden and France, 3 each in Austria, Luxembourg and Finland, 2 in Switzerland. In almost all countries, mortgage bonds are issued by specialized credit institutions, whose activities are regulated by law and controlled by special organizations.

First of all, active operations of credit institutions and requirements for credit products are regulated. This approach is typical for Germany, Denmark, Sweden, France, Finland and Luxembourg. In some countries (including Austria, Spain, Portugal and Greece), the right to issue mortgage bonds is not limited to specialized credit institutions.

In Switzerland, any credit institution can provide mortgage loans, but mortgage bonds (Pfandbrief) can only be issued by two Pfandbriefe institutions.

The release of Pfandbrief in Germany is strictly regulated by law. In Germany, all organizations issuing mortgage bonds can be divided into three categories:

  1. private mortgage banks whose lending operations are limited to residential mortgage lending and lending to the utility sector;
  2. in addition to pure mortgage banks, there are two mixed banks that can also carry out the operations of universal commercial banks;
  3. credit institutions of the public (municipal) sector (land banks, etc.), the owners of which in most cases are regional savings banks;
  4. two private ship mortgage banks.

In July 2005, the law “On Amendments to the Legislation on Mortgage Bonds (Pfandbrief)” came into force in Germany, which abolishes the mandatory specialization requirement for banks issuing German mortgage bonds (Pfandbrief), leaving strict regulation of their activities to the state.

In Denmark, mortgage bonds are issued by mortgage banks, which, in accordance with the law, are specialized credit institutions that carry out only mortgage and related transactions.

The capital of mortgage banks is formed from funds of commercial and savings banks, as well as National Bank.

In France, mortgage bonds (obligations foncieres) are traditionally issued by two financial companies - Credit Foncier de France and Caisse de Refinancement de l'Habitat.

Starting from June 25, 1999, credit institutions societe de credit foncier - specialized credit organizations operating in the real estate sector - became issuers. There are currently two such organizations in operation.

Financing lending

The mortgage bond market in these countries provides lenders with medium- and long-term resources for residential mortgage lending at lower and more stable interest rates that are acceptable to borrowers.

Mortgage bonds in Western Europe provide resources for about 20% of mortgage housing loans. Thus, the importance of mortgage bonds as a source of financing for residential mortgage loans varies significantly across countries.

Countries that have traditionally used mortgage bonds include Denmark, Sweden, Austria and Germany.

In Denmark, mortgage loans are backed almost entirely by mortgage bonds, which are traded on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange. The law does not allow Danish mortgage banks attract deposits. Bonds are issued in series (or lots), the characteristics of which depend on the conditions of the mortgage loans securing them (term, interest rate, repayment terms).

In Sweden, mortgage companies generate 65% of their funds by issuing mortgage bonds. They can also request loans from other financial institutions (usually the parent company), but, as in Denmark, they are not allowed to take deposits.

In Germany, mortgage bonds finance about 20% of mortgage loans (worth €208,694 million in 2002). It should be noted that German mortgage bonds (Pfandbriefe) dominate the European market mortgage bonds.

In France and Spain, mortgage bonds are the second source of financing for mortgage loans after deposits, accounting respectively for 17% (44,351 million euros in 2002) and about 7% (25,266 million euros in 2002) of the total issued residential mortgage loans.

State and municipal sector

In a number of European countries, mortgage bonds are also used to provide financial security for loans to government and municipal sectors. These loans are usually used to finance infrastructure projects.

Such bonds (often called state, regional or municipal mortgage bonds) are widely used in Germany and Austria. In these countries, loans provided to the public sector are mainly financed by this type of mortgage bond.

In Germany, such public collateralized bonds account for 78% of the total volume of German mortgage bonds, in Austria - 59%.


Mortgage bonds are regulated by law. Primarily, mortgage loans secured by mortgage bonds are regulated. There are LTV requirements. Thus, in Germany and Austria LTV is 60%, in Denmark - up to 80% for residential mortgage and 60% for commercial real estate.

Banks must comply with the requirement that assets and liabilities match their terms, as well as interest on loans and bonds. In most countries, the main investors in mortgage bonds are pension funds and insurance companies, as well as credit institutions.

Source: "textbooks.studio"

Everything about mortgage bonds in simple language

Mortgage bonds, a financial instrument that has long been known abroad, are now coming to Russia. Analysts have been talking about the imminent appearance of these securities in the Russian Federation since the end of 2015, however, more specific information was made public only in the spring of 2016.

K. Zakharin, director of the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending (AHML), “let slip” - he announced extensive cooperation with Sberbank and the issue of bonds worth 50 billion rubles. The scale of cooperation is impressive, however, it is not yet clear whether the bonds will help the end user of services benefit and, if so, how.

There is almost no doubt that a new financial instrument will soon become available in Russia - in May, Putin made a proposal to work on the issue of mortgage-backed securities at a meeting of the State Council. And no one, apparently, is afraid that it was MBS that provoked the largest financial crisis in history.

Example, advantages and alternatives

Unfortunately, the securities market in Russia is at such a primitive stage of development that many Russians have no idea about bonds in general, and even more so about mortgages. Therefore, it is important to clarify what mortgage bonds are, in simple language, to consider the types and general characteristics of mortgage securities.

A mortgage bond is a debt security that refinances an investment in a real estate loan.

It is easy to understand the essence of this financial instrument using the following example:

  • Bank XXX issued a loan for real estate for 5 million rubles and immediately issued a security, that is, a mortgage bond. The security is put up for sale - the wait for the buyer begins.
  • Investor S is announced, looking for a fairly stable asset to preserve his impressive savings, while taking minimal risks.
  • Investor S. transfers 5 million rubles to Bank XXX (issuer), receiving in return the treasured paper.
  • Bank XXX issues the amount of 5 million rubles again, financing another mortgage, and the bank begins to pay for the bond, which is in the hands of investor S., with the money that the borrower returns under the mortgage.

As a result, everything is a plus:

  1. The bank increases the number of transactions, which means it has more interest income.
  2. An investor invests money in a truly reliable asset and can count on a significant increase in funds. The rate on MBS is traditionally lower than on a mortgage, so investors receive the greatest profit due to rising housing prices. Statistics say that over the past 10-12 years, property values ​​have increased by approximately 200%.
  3. Borrower – an increase in the number of transactions should lead to banks lowering mortgage rates, which are this moment look sky-high. No one is talking about a significant reduction - it is predicted that lenders will “throw off” up to 1.5% - however, given the high cost of housing, the savings for borrowers in absolute terms may turn out to be quite impressive.

This is what a mortgage bond is in simple words, not scientific theses.

Every investor should understand that a mortgage bond is only one type of mortgage-backed security. There are also alternatives:

  • A mortgage is a security that confirms the holder’s right to receive money under a financial obligation (from the borrower), as well as the right to property that was transferred by the borrower as collateral. The mortgage is a personal document and contains all the main parameters of the loan agreement, as well as space for transfer notes - with the consent of the borrower, the mortgage can change the “owner”.
  • Mortgage participation certificate – expressed as a share of the loan amount taken to purchase the asset. Accordingly, the holder of the certificate has the right to a share of the profit that comes from using the asset purchased with borrowed funds.

De jure, mortgage securities appeared in Russia much earlier than de facto: they began back in 2003, when Federal Law No. 152 “On Mortgage Securities” came into force, which already mentioned, for example, certificates participation.

Features and problems of MBS in the Russian Federation

It is unlikely that it will be possible to adopt foreign experience with mortgage bonds in the Russian Federation: in our country, perhaps, there is no market that would be suitable for the characteristic “stable” - it does not suit the real estate market at all.

A senior analyst at the famous broker Alpari, A. Bodrova, notes that over the past 14 months, housing prices in the Russian Federation have seriously decreased - against the background of this, investors have doubts: is MBS really such a reliable instrument as theorists say?

There is a risk that mortgage-backed securities in 2018 will not be as popular among investors as AHML was counting on when prices were stubbornly rising. Instability is the first problem of Russian securities.

Another feature of mortgage bonds in Russia is their high cost - it is obvious that private investors will not be able to afford them (not to mention ordinary citizens).

It is planned that interest in the bonds will be shown by non-state pension funds, insurers and banks - organizations with a large number of free funds and a burning desire to increase them. According to A. Bodrova, it is the first investors who can “skim the foam” - get an impressive income from securities, and in the future, as MBS spread and the market develops, the level of their profitability will decrease.

Finally, the final aspect that casts doubt on the prospects for mortgage-backed securities in the Russian Federation is the imperfection of legislation. The Federal Law “On Mortgage Securities,” alas, cannot be called a high-quality legislative framework for the development of the housing lending market.

What do we get in the “dry residue”? A rather crude idea - the intention to issue expensive bonds, the future profitability of which is not certain.

But there is still hope for the success of this idea, because AHML and, in particular, K. Zakarin understands the shortcomings of the financial instrument (as he talks about in the interview) and sets the most ambitious goals: to make domestic mortgage bonds a more highly liquid and investment-attractive asset, than mortgages. However, experts say it could take up to 10 years to achieve these goals.

Source: "subsidii.net"

Mortgage-backed bond

In accordance with Art. 2 of the Federal Law “On Mortgage Securities”, a mortgage-backed bond is a bond, the fulfillment of obligations under which is secured by the pledge of mortgage coverage.

Objects of mortgage coverage include claims arising from real estate pledge agreements (mortgages), including mortgage participation certificates certified by mortgages, cash (including foreign currency), government securities, and real estate.

According to Russian legislation, a mortgage-backed bond is a “deep” type of secured bond, one of the types of which is collateral. Other possible types of security for a bond may be: surety, bank guarantee, state or municipal guarantee.

A bond that is secured by collateral is called a secured bond. When the basis of the latter is a pledge of real estate, a mortgage-backed bond arises.

The presence or absence of one or another type of security for a bond does not have any impact on its essence as a bond in general. Collateral is important for reducing risk or increasing reliability, guaranteeing the fulfillment of obligations under a bond, and is reflected in its market price, level of profitability, and composition of investors.

Main characteristics

The same as for any bond:

  1. debt;
  2. emission;
  3. profitable;
  4. documentary or non-documentary;
  5. urgent. A mortgage bond cannot be issued for a period exceeding the duration of the original mortgage agreement, which cannot be less than one year and exceed 40 years.
  6. bearer or registered;
  7. nominated.

Release order

Unlike other types of bonds, mortgage-backed bonds can be issued not by any market participants, but only by credit institutions and mortgage agents.

A mortgage agent is a professional market participant whose exclusive activity is the acquisition of claims on credits (loans) secured by mortgages and (or) mortgages.

Apart from these market participants, no one has the right to issue such securities. Otherwise, the issue of this type of bonds is carried out in a manner common to all bonds.


Mortgage-backed bonds are freely traded on the secondary market until they mature.

The owner of this bond has the right to demand its early repayment by the issuer in cases where:

  • the amount of mortgage coverage will be less than the amount of obligations on bonds;
  • the procedure for replacing the property constituting the mortgage coverage has been violated;
  • there are other violations on the part of the issuer compared to the rules established by law or in the decision to issue this bond.

Source: "k2x2.info"

What are mortgage bonds

Mortgage bonds are a single-tier secondary mortgage market instrument.

A mortgage bond is a financial instrument secured by a corresponding package of mortgages, which is evidence of guaranteed claims against the mortgage lender.

In world practice, various mortgage bonds are used, which differ in the types of assets with which they are secured, guarantees, etc. As with mortgages, the requirements for the form and content of mortgage bonds are not unified for different countries.

They are defined in legislative and regulatory acts governing the legal principles, conditions and procedure for the issue, placement and accounting of mortgage-backed securities. When issuing mortgage bonds, the mortgage lender holds the mortgages on its balance sheet, meaning the risks on mortgage loans remain with the bank.

A special segment of the single-tier secondary mortgage market is large packages of bonds worth at least 500 million euros, which are based on loans to government agencies. For example, in Germany, local governments receive mortgages against real estate they own.

They are considered reliable borrowers, therefore the issuance and placement of mortgage bonds secured by property pledged by government organizations is considered the least risky, and combining them into large packages makes it possible to place them even on international markets securities, strengthens the own position of German banks.

Source: "webinvesto.ru"

Mortgage Securities

Mortgage Securities are the general name for securities backed by mortgage loans. Mortgage-backed securities differ primarily from traditional debt instruments - corporate and government (Treasury) bonds in that:

  • The balance of the principal debt (face value) on them is paid partially on a monthly or quarterly basis, and not in full at the end of the circulation period.
  • The size and number of regular payments on them changes during the circulation period depending on the speed of early repayment of mortgage loans providing MBS.
  • The interest rate of the periodic payment on them can change over time, in contrast to the fixed coupon of the bond.


  1. Covered mortgage bond (Mortgage Bond, Covered Bonds) is a bond secured as collateral by mortgage loans or mortgages on the issuer’s balance sheet.
  2. To protect investors, the value of the collateral is regularly reviewed and, if necessary, replenished so that it is sufficient to pay the face value and current interest on the bond.

    Mortgage bonds pay semiannual interest payments and mature at maturity. The maturity and payment dates for such a bond are known in advance.

  3. Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS) are securities whose payments match the cash flows from a pool of mortgages less servicing fees and guarantees on those securities.
  4. The most important feature MBS is due to the fact that when they are issued, the pool of mortgage loans "leaves" the issuer's balance sheet, whereas when a covered mortgage bond is issued, the collateral remains on the issuer's balance sheet.

    Pass-through mortgage securities may be issued:

  • Directly by the bank based on its portfolio of mortgage loans involving Ginnie Mae, as government organization, which provides guarantees from the US government. In this regard, securities guaranteed by Ginnie Mae are assessed as risk-free (from the point of view of credit risk).
  • A specialized mortgage fund based on mortgages purchased from bank lenders, with organizations such as Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac providing their own guarantees on the MBS. Papers guaranteed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are called Agency Pass-Throughs.

Pass-through mortgage-backed securities differ from mortgage bonds in that the frequency and size of payments, and, as a consequence, the exact period until their maturity, are unknown in advance. This is due to the borrower having the opportunity to repay the loan early at any time and in any installments. Thus, the end investor assumes the risk of early repayment of mortgage loans.

Prepayment Risk is the risk of a decrease in investment returns due to the fact that part or all of the invested amount will be paid before the due date.
  • Mortgage Pass-Through Certificate - is a registered security certifying its owner’s share in the ownership of a pool of mortgage loans.
  • A mortgage participation certificate has no face value, is available for trading on the securities market, and cannot be used to issue derivative securities.

    Unlike mortgage bonds, which pay off the principal at maturity, mortgage participation certificates make monthly payments of both interest and amortization of the principal (less a pool servicing fee).

  • Mortgage Pay-Through Bond - bonds that combine the properties of mortgage bonds and mortgage certificates.
  • On the one hand, it is a debt security secured by a pool of mortgage loans on the issuer's balance sheet. On the other hand, payments on certificates depend on payments on the collateral pool.

  • Collateralized Mortgage Obligation (CMO) is a structured security consisting of pools of mortgage-backed securities grouped into classes based on payment type (interest only, principal only, interest and principal), maturities and level of risk.
  • Payments for each class of securities are calculated monthly and distributed in accordance with established rules. Payouts are first sent to the higher-ranking class and then redirected to the next-ranking classes. That is, class “A” is extinguished first, then “B”, etc.

    Source: "mindspace.ru"

    A new vector in the development of the stock market

    Buying real estate for a modern person has become not only a way to purchase housing, but also a tool for investing available funds. The desire of investors to profit from fluctuations in the value of real estate has influenced the increase in financial instruments.

    The line of securities market offerings is about to be supplemented by a new investment instrument - mortgage-backed securities. In a number of countries, this type of financial instrument has already become widespread, but for the financial market of Kyrgyzstan they are still completely new.

    Considering the availability of investment instruments that already exist and are traded on the market, the question inevitably arises: Is there a need to create mortgage-backed securities? In order to answer this question, let’s first examine the very concept of “mortgage security” and its main characteristics.

    In simple words A “mortgage-backed security” (MSB) is a security backed by a mortgage loan. By purchasing it, the investor becomes the owner of a stable and reliable source of additional income, since they are provided with real real estate, which always increases in price.

    MBS can be of two types: mortgage bonds and mortgage participation certificates. In both cases, they are collateralized securities. The only difference is that mortgage participation certificates are a mechanism for protecting investors and are issued only if the company that issued the mortgage bond is unable to make payments on its obligations.

    The level of profitability of mortgage bonds as a debt instrument depends on the level of risk of non-payment, as well as the maturity period. The risk of default on a mortgage bond, in turn, is directly related to its collateral. Backed by real estate and a government guarantee, mortgage bonds mean they will be less risky (and profitable) than corporate bonds, but more profitable than government bonds.

    In general, MBS are characterized by such indicators as reliability, transparency, accessibility and durability.

    The meaning of a new financial instrument

    So why is there a need for a new financial instrument—mortgage-backed securities? The main motive for creating MBS is to solve the problem of housing lending in the country. At the moment, high interest rates on mortgage loans do not allow the average citizen to purchase a home with a mortgage.

    As a result, banks are unable to increase their portfolio of mortgage loans, and there is also stagnation in the country's housing sector.

    With the help of MBS, it is planned to reduce interest rates on mortgage loans, which, in combination with the state program of affordable housing, will enable the ordinary population to become owners of their own living space, and will also serve as a stimulator for housing and banking sector countries.

    The value of MBS for each financial market participant is high in its own way:

    • for investors - a way to obtain additional income,
    • for banks - an effective refinancing mechanism,
    • for the population - the opportunity to obtain a mortgage loan at low interest rates,
    • for the country - a way to improve the state of the economy as a whole.

    World experience

    The MBS market is at the design stage. Mechanisms, procedures and legal documents are being developed, as a result of which all conditions must be created for the normal functioning of this market. Therefore, the study of foreign experience is of significant interest for the domestic securities market.

    In most countries in Europe and the United States, mortgages were the first assets to be converted into bonds and certificates. In world practice, two schemes for attracting financing through mortgage loans are most widespread: “American” - through an intermediary, “German” - independently by the loan organizer.

    The USA has the most developed MBS market. But its development began with the mortgage lending market. It was in the US mortgage market that for the first time various mortgage lending schemes began to be developed, allowing each borrower to choose the most suitable option for himself. The next step in the evolution of mortgage loans in the United States was the creation of a completely new financial instrument - mortgage-backed securities.

    Government-controlled or government-owned agencies played a major role in the MBS market. At the initial stage, considerable amounts of budget money were invested in these agencies, perhaps this was the main impetus for the successful development of MBS in the market.

    In Germany, the MBS market developed thanks to credit institutions. Distinctive feature is that the securities are issued directly by the loan arranger within the framework of strict regulatory regulation.

    Considering the fact that the stock market has just begun to gain momentum, and financial literacy population still requires close attention and support from the state, the most applicable experience for the domestic market may be the experience of the United States, where state-owned mortgage companies were at the helm.

    But the possibility of combining both models is not excluded, which implies the creation of a state mortgage company and empowering banks to issue securities themselves.

    MBS circulation scheme

    The circulation scheme of MBS, with the participation of the state mortgage company, will look like this:

    1. An agreement is concluded between the bank and the borrower to issue a mortgage loan.
    2. The borrower transfers the property he purchased to the bank as collateral.
    3. The bank, based on the mortgage loans it has issued, forms a so-called “mortgage pool” (a group of mortgages of the same type) and sells it to the Mortgage Company.
    4. The mortgage company provides resources to the bank in the form of fees for mortgages.
    5. A mortgage company issues securities based on a “pool of mortgages.”
    6. Investors purchase an MBS from a mortgage company. Payment of interest on them is carried out through the repayment of the mortgage loan by the borrower.

    In general, MBS are a very promising investment instrument that can expand not only the range of offers on the securities market, but also contribute to solving the problem of residential mortgage lending in the country.

    In developed countries, it was the expansion of the volume of resources attracted to mortgages from the securities market that made it possible to reduce the cost of mortgage loans. As a result, MBS have become the main mechanism for attracting funds from the capital market to the housing sector.

    Within the competence of the Federal Law “On Mortgage Securities” dated November 11, 2003 No. 152-FZ

    1. Mortgage-backed bond– a bond, the fulfillment of obligations under which is secured in whole or in part by the mortgage security.

    Mortgage coverage – claims secured by a mortgage for the return of the principal amount of the debt or for the payment of interest under credit agreements and loan agreements, incl. certified by mortgages.

    Mortgage participation certificates

    Cash in Russian currency or in foreign currency.

    State Central Banks

    Real estate in cases provided for by law

    Payment of interest must be made at least once a year. These are coupon bonds. These bonds can be issued credit organizations And mortgage agents(- a specialized commercial organization that meets established requirements and whose exclusive activity is the acquisition of claims on loans and the acquisition of mortgages). They are issued only in the form of documentary bearer securities or registered non-documentary securities.

    2. Mortgage participation certificate– registered share investment market undocumented securities, certifying the share of its owner in the right of common ownership of the mortgage coverage; as well as the right to demand proper trust management of mortgage coverage, the right to receive money. Wed as income from this Central Bank. It is not an issuing Central Bank.

    Owners bear the risk of default on the obligations on which the mortgage is covered.

    3. Mortgage– in accordance with the mortgage agreement, the mortgagee-creditor (bank) has the right to receive satisfaction of its claims against the debtor from the value of the mortgaged real estate of the other party.

    Used literature on the topic:

    1. Civil Code RF

    2. “On the securities market” Federal Law dated April 22, 1996 No. 39-FZ

    3. “On JSC” Federal Law dated December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ

    4. “On mortgage-backed securities” Federal Law dated November 11, 2003 No. 152-FZ

    5. “On promissory notes and bills of exchange” dated March 11, 1997 No. 48-FZ

    6. Galanov V A. Securities market. M: Infra-M, 2010

    6. Genesis of the Russian stock market: textbook. manual for university students studying in the direction 080100.62 Economics / E.S. Vasiliev, T.G. Volkova, R.A. Galiakhmetov. - Izhevsk: IzhSTU Publishing House, 2012

    7. Kilyachkov AA, Chaldaeva L A. Securities market and stock exchange business. M.: Yurayt, 2010.

    Topic 8. Financial institutions

    The implementation of investment demand and supply is carried out by financial intermediaries endowed with broad capabilities to serve the investment and financial needs of economic entities. Such intermediaries are called - financial and credit institutions (FCI).

    FKI - These are organizations that mobilize investment resources of households and the production sector, with their subsequent investment in financial markets in the form of investment or vessel capital.

    Types of FCI:

      Commercial banks

      Insurance companies

      NPF (non-state pension funds) + PFR ( Pension Fund Russia)

      Investment companies

      Investment funds.

      Stock exchanges

      Credit unions.


    A separate group among FCIs are ANDcollective investment institutions.

    With collective investing in the financial market, funds invested by a large number of investors are combined into a single pool (fund) under the management of a professional manager for their subsequent investment in order to obtain investment income.

    As a rule, forms of collective investment have the following characteristics:

    Funds are raised by placing securities or concluding agreements;

    The main activity is investing collected funds in securities and other property permitted by law;

    The main share of investment income is obtained in the form of income from securities and transactions with financial assets;

    Distribution of income received from investment among participants in a collective investment scheme in the form of dividends, interest and other payments.

    Collective investing has a number of advantages:

      possibility of professional management;

      diversification (diversity of investment locations in order to reduce investment risk);

      reduction of costs associated with investment;

      access to foreign financial markets;

      protection of investors' rights

      use of a favorable tax regime.

    Types of collective investment in world practice:

    1. Corporate investment (forms are created in the form of joint-stock companies, fund participants are shareholders. The management company works in their interests) - USA, Luxembourg

    2. Trust (funds are created on the basis of a contract between the trustee and the owner or trustee of the fund) – Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, USA

    3. Contract (fund assets belong to the management company) – Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Japan.

    Collective investors in the Russian Federation include::

      Investment funds managed by management companies

    Mutual Funds - mutual investment funds;

    AIFs - joint-stock investment funds;

      Non-state pension funds (NPF);

      Credit consumer cooperatives of citizens.

    Investment fund- a property complex owned by a joint-stock company, or in the common shared ownership of individuals or legal entities, the use and disposal of which is carried out by the management company exclusively in the interests of the founders of the fund (shareholders, shareholders). [Federal Law “On Investment Funds”]

    AIF- This is an OJSC whose exclusive activity is the investment of property in securities and other objects provided for by law. (real estate, precious metals, venture investments, etc.)

    Not entitled to carry out other types of activities other than investment. Has a license. Shareholders may be individuals. and legal persons other than the special depository, registrar, appraiser and auditor serving the AIF. AIF property is divided into: property intended for investment (investment assets) and property intended to support the activities of the fund's bodies. The assets of the AIF (investment assets) are transferred to trust management by the management company. AIF shares must be ordinary shares only, and must be paid in full upon placement, and only in cash. Dividends are paid based on the results of the financial year, if there is a profit of the AIF, that is, if the amount of net assets at the end of the year exceeds the amount of net assets at the beginning of the year.

    mutual fund This is a separate property complex consisting of property transferred to trust management by the management company, the founders of trust management (shareholders), with the condition of combining this property, and property received in the process of trust management. The share in the ownership of this property is certified by a security - share.

    Investment share - a registered security certifying its owner’s share in the ownership of the property constituting a mutual investment fund. The share gives the following rights to the shareholder:

    The right to demand from the management company the proper management of the mutual fund;

    The right to receive monetary compensation upon termination of the mutual fund trust management agreement with all shareholders;

    The right to purchase or sell shares from the management company that manages the mutual fund or from its agents.

    Each share certifies the same share and gives the same rights, while it is not an issue-grade security or a book-entry security. Rights to shares are taken into account by a specialized depository or register holder. A mutual fund is not a legal entity, therefore there is no income tax or other taxes for legal entities, there is only personal income tax! The estimated value of an investment unit is determined by dividing the NAV (net asset value), calculated on a day not earlier than the day of acceptance of applications, by the number of investment units of the mutual fund.

    NAV = Assets - liabilities of the mutual fund.

    Estimated share price = NAV/number of shares.

    Actual share price (purchase) = Settlement price + premium (max 1.5%)

    Actual share price (sales) = estimated price - discount (max 3%)

    Income = (Actual sale price - Actual purchase price)

    Income (if any) is subject to personal income tax.

    Types of mutual funds.

    1. Depending on the method of submitting applications for the purchase/sale of shares, funds are divided into:




    IN open mutual funds The shareholder has the right on any working day to demand that the management company accept an application for the sale or purchase of a share.

    IN interval mutual funds such a right exists only during established periods, but at least once a year.

    In closed mutual funds, the shareholder does not have such a right.

    The purchase of shares is carried out at the beginning, and the sale at the end of the mutual fund's validity period. A closed mutual fund has a validity period from 3 to 15 years.

    2. Depending on the method of placing mutual funds, mutual funds are:

      Mutual fund of shares

      Mutual Fund of bonds

      Mutual investment fund

      Money market mutual fund

      Direct investment mutual fund

      Mutual fund for venture investments

      Mutual Funds

      Rental mutual fund

      Real estate mutual fund

      Mortgage mutual fund

      Index mutual fund

      Credit mutual fund

      Commodity market mutual fund

      Hedge - Mutual Fund

    The management company (MC) managing the assets of the mutual fund does not have the right to:

      alienate the assets of the mutual fund free of charge;

      does not have the right to purchase AIF shares and mutual fund property under trust management;

      does not have the right to acquire for the mutual fund property owned by this management company;

      Does not have the right to purchase securities issued by a special depository, registrar, appraiser, or mutual fund auditor;

    Does not have the right to use property owned by the mutual fund to ensure the fulfillment of its own obligations!!

    Non-state pension funds (NPF)- this is a special organizational and legal form of a non-profit social security organization, the exclusive type of activity of which is non-state pension provision of fund participants on the basis of agreements on non-state pension provision of the population with fund investors in favor of fund participants, as well as the implementation of compulsory pension insurance as part of the management of a funded fund part of the labor pension.

    Species NPF activities are:

      Activities for non-state (voluntary) pension provision of participants in accordance with non-state pension provision agreements;

      Acting as an insurer for compulsory pension insurance in accordance with contracts on compulsory insurance education;

    The main activity of the NPF is non-state pension provision. This activity includes the following:

      Accumulation of pension contributions of participants

      Placement and organization of placement of pension reserves

      Accounting for pension obligations in funds

      Assignment and payment of non-state pensions to fund participants

    The fund's activities as an insurer compulsory pension insurance includes:

      Accumulation of funds pension savings(cumulative part of labor pension)

      Organization of investment of investment savings funds

      Accounting for pension savings of insured persons

      Assignment and payment of the funded part of the labor pension to insured persons


      PFR (Pension Fund of Russia)




      insured persons

      specialist. Depository

    Participants relations on non-state pension provision and compulsory pension insurance are:

    • credit organizations

      other organizations involved in the process of placing funds in pension reserves

    Terminology used by NPF:

    Investor- an individual or legal entity who is a party to a pension agreement and pays pension contributions to the Pension Fund.

    Policyholder- an individual or legal entity obligated to transfer insurance contributions to finance the funded part of a labor pension in favor of the insured person.

    Participant- an individual to whom non-state pension payments are to be made or are being made.

    Insured person- an individual who has entered into an agreement on compulsory pension insurance.

    Pension reserves- funds for the fulfillment of NPF obligations to participants.

    Pension savings- means for fulfilling obligations to insured persons.

    Credit Union is a consumer cooperative of citizens created by citizens who voluntarily united to meet the needs for mutual financial assistance.

    Cooperatives can be created on the basis of: community of residence, work activity, professional affiliation or any other community of citizens. The number of members can be no less than 15 and no more than 2000 people.

    The main principles of the activities of credit unions are:

      voluntary entry;

      freedom of exit;

      equality of rights and duties of all its members;

      personal participation of members in the management of the credit union;

    Property of a credit cooperative (union) is formed from the share contributions of its members, income from financial activities carried out by credit unions, as well as from sponsorship contributions and charitable donations. The property belongs to the cooperative on the right of ownership.

    Share contributions are funds transferred to members of a credit union into the ownership of the credit union for the implementation of its activities.

    The personal savings of members of a consumer cooperative, attracted by it, are not its property and are not burdened with the fulfillment of its obligations.

    Personal savings are funds transferred by a member of a cooperative to a cooperative on the basis of an agreement for use in accordance with the goals of the citizens’ credit cooperative.

    Mutual Financial Assistance Fund - funds used by a credit cooperative and formed from the cooperative’s own funds and the personal savings of its members.

    The funds of the credit cooperative are divided into:

    1. Mutual Financial Assistance Fund

    2. Funds necessary to carry out activities as a legal entity.

    The Mutual Financial Assistance Fund is used to provide loans to cooperative members. The temporarily free balance of the mutual financial assistance fund (no more than half of the fund) can be used exclusively for the acquisition of state and municipal securities, as well as for storing them in bank deposit accounts.

      issue loans to citizens who are not members of the credit union;

      Issue loans to legal entities;

      Act as a guarantor for the obligations of your own or third parties

      Contribute property to the authorized capital of third parties;

      Buy shares and securities

      You cannot carry out transactions on financial markets using these funds.

      Issue your own securities.

    The transfer of funds from the cooperative to its members is formalized by a loan agreement, the agreement is drawn up in writing. The cooperative can provide its members with the following services:


      conclude insurance contracts on behalf and on behalf of its clients, but in accordance with its Charter.

    Members of a consumer cooperative have the right:

      use all services provided by the cooperative

      participate in the management of the cooperative

      transfer personal savings to a cooperative

      get loans

      receive information about the activities of the cooperative

      upon termination of membership in the cooperative, receive the monetary value of a share of the property of the cooperative.

    The bodies of the credit consumer cooperative of citizens are:

    General meeting of members of the cooperative, board of the cooperative, audit commission of the cooperative, director.

    Credit organisation- a legal entity that, in order to make a profit as the main goal of its activities, on the basis of a special permit (license) of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia), has the right to carry out banking operations provided for by law..

    Bank- a credit institution that has the exclusive right to carry out the following banking operations in total:

    Attracting funds from individuals and legal entities into deposits,

    Placement of these funds on your own behalf and at your own expense on the terms of repayment, payment, urgency,

    Opening and maintaining bank accounts for individuals and legal entities.

    Banking operations include:

    1) attracting funds from individuals and legal entities to deposits (on demand and for a certain period);

    2) placement of raised funds on one’s own behalf and at one’s own expense;

    3) opening and maintaining bank accounts for individuals and legal entities;

    4) carrying out transfers of funds on behalf of individuals and legal entities, including correspondent banks, through their bank accounts;

    5) collection of funds, bills, payment and settlement documents and cash services for individuals and legal entities;

    6) purchase and sale of foreign currency in cash and non-cash forms;

    7) attraction of deposits and placement of precious metals;

    8) issuance of bank guarantees;

    9) making money transfers without opening bank accounts, including electronic money (with the exception of postal transfers).

    Credit institution in addition to the listed banking operations has the right to carry out the following transactions:

    1) issuance of guarantees for third parties, providing for the fulfillment of obligations in monetary form;

    2) acquisition of the right to demand from third parties the fulfillment of obligations in monetary form;

    3) trust management of funds and other property under an agreement with individuals and legal entities;

    4) carrying out transactions with precious metals and precious stones in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

    5) leasing to individuals and legal entities special premises or safes located in them for storing documents and valuables;

    6) leasing operations;

    7) provision of consulting and information services.

    A credit institution has the right to carry out other transactions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    All banking operations and other transactions are carried out in rubles, and, if there is an appropriate license from the Bank of Russia, in foreign currency. The rules for carrying out banking operations, including the rules for their material and technical support, are established by the Bank of Russia in accordance with federal laws.

    Credit organization prohibited engage in manufacturing, trading and insurance activities.

    All banking operations can be divided into active and passive. Examples of active and passive operations are given in the table.

    Active Operations

    Passive Operations

    1. Lending to individuals

    2. Lending to legal entities

    3. Mortgage lending (real estate pledge)

    4. Leasing operations - a loan in the form of movable property secured by it.

    5. Factoring operations - repurchase of legal obligations. Persons

    6. Bill transactions:

    Accounting for bills - redemption for the purpose of repayment

    Collection - the operation of repaying bills on behalf of the client

    Acceptance - agreement to become a payer on client bills

    Bill of exchange loan - loan in the form of bills of exchange

    Loan secured by bills of exchange

    7. Investment in securities and authorized capitals of other legal entities.

    8. Currency transactions

    9. Operations with precious metals

    10. Mandatory reserves with the Central Bank and the Deposit Insurance Agency

    1. Issue of shares

    2. Issue of bonds

    3. Issue of bills and bank certificates

    4. Deposit operations

    5. Settlement and cash services(opening current accounts for legal entities)

    6. Interbank loans

    7. Creation of required bank reserves

    Features of the activity investment banks- is their focus on attracting long-term capital and providing it through long-term lending, acquisition of securities and participation in the founding activities of other legal entities.

    Mortgage banks receive and place funds on a long-term credit basis secured by real estate. A feature of raising funds in such a bank is the issue mortgage securities- mortgage-backed bonds and mortgage participation certificates.

    Trust Banks- specialize in the implementation of trust management on the basis of an appropriate license.


    The development of mortgage housing subsidies in Russia is one of the main tasks of the state. However, the interest rate on collateral is often high, making it impossible for many potential borrowers to take out a loan. According to experts, mortgage-backed securities - MBS, which are a mechanism for investing funds, will help level out the resulting imbalance. The owners of the mentioned documents are able to profit from changes in the price of real estate, as a result of which these securities were issued - Central Bank. The current situation suggests that they are positioned as the most desirable financial documents on the lending and securities market.

    Such securities containing property rights are represented by debt securities that reinvest investments of financial institutions in mortgage lines of credit. This happens in the following way. Banking institution issued loans, for example, for 50 million rubles, and immediately issued certificates of property rights for the same amount. Arrived property documents the investor returns the amount spent by the bank, which immediately goes as a credit line to another borrower. Having sold the property certificate, the bank repays the issued amount with the applicant’s repayable funds.

    These financial instruments are gaining great popularity because they are secured by real estate. Their profitability is determined by an increase in the value of real estate, which annually gains a certain number of percentage points. Over the past 10-15 years, the growth in profitability has reached 400%, which cannot be achieved by any other financial mechanism. Investments in securities are usually long-term - up to 20 years, but Russian investors prefer shorter terms, maximum 5.

    Maybe, short term is explained by the lack of a good legislative framework, which cannot be said about European and American financial markets. And our banks have a good financial base, which affects their reluctance to deal with property certificates.

    Features of mortgage-backed securities

    The publication of these property certificates takes on a variety of specifics, which still have some characteristic features, such as:

    1. As a rule, holders of such documents pay systematic payments. They differ in monthly or quarterly terms.
    2. Payments from assets combined after consolidation are usually divided into two parts - interest and depreciation. The first is for using the credit line, the second is for repaying it. Depreciation is also presented in two planned variations.
    3. The first is activated by the procedure of systematic repayment of the credit line, which leads to full payment before the end of its validity period. Corporate bonds work in a different way. The line is not redeemed until its expiration; it is only supported by the payment of the bond's face value - the coupon rate.
    4. Premature repayment of the line is determined by the borrower’s ability to close the loan early through the sale of real estate, which was collateral at the conclusion of the agreement.

    Of course, at the same time, certificates have some disadvantages, for example:

    • low level of feasibility;
    • the presence of a risk of prolonged repayment, which is not conducive to calculating profitability.

    Among the advantages, it should be noted the proper level of legal protection, durability, and general accessibility.

    MBS in Russia

    The domestic market tested the bonds in question at the beginning of the 2000s, after the law regulating mortgage lending came into force. Many entrepreneurs were attracted by their thorough legal protection and easy feasibility. Such certificates are of interest to investors who want to invest financial resources into real estate for future profit.

    Mortgage loans have received a legislative basis and the number of borrowers is constantly increasing. The practice of consumer subsidies in past years has proven attractive to the population and commercial financial institutions. Its volume increases significantly every year. This is explained by the growth of household incomes and the expansion of the scope of activities of banking institutions.

    In addition to the appearance of mortgage certificates on domestic market, financial institutions began issuing Euromortgage bonds. They are characterized by three tranches, different in volume, assigned rating, and profitability. The eldest of them has the highest indicators typical of Russian bill issuers. The circulation period of documents is at least 29 years.

    The main goal of issuing IBC is aimed at attracting long-term resources to the capital market, which will be used for loans to the population. This also includes subsidies that have undergone government registration, real estate property bonds pledged by Vneshtorgbank, insured by the largest Russian insurance agencies.

    Relations that arise during the issue, circulation of securities, their issuance, except for mortgage documents, are regulated by the Federal Law on Mortgage-Based Securities.

    Types of securities

    Many securities are represented by documents secured by property, various valuables, bonds, mortgages, and credit certificates.


    The described registered document confirms the right of its owner to receive fulfillment of an obligation that is covered by a guarantee of real estate. The mortgage function is designed to speed up the turnover of mortgaged real estate based on transfer monetary document. The presence of this certificate leads to the conclusion of a mortgage agreement, and the mortgage certificate is given its priority. If the terms of the transaction do not match, the contents of the mentioned document will allow it not only to be optimized, but also to make adjustments. Other cases deem the document invalid, such as:

    • violation of the procedure for issuing paper;
    • the presence of an existing duplicate when the original is lost.

    You can only obtain a copy from the mortgage agreement registration authority.

    Mortgage-backed bonds

    The mentioned bonds are secured by housing coverage, for which the issuer's agreement is fulfilled. They are positioned as personalized valuable documents. The bond confirms the contribution of financial resources by its owner, the obligation of the issuer to return the nominal value of the bond, cash income. If the issuer fails to comply with the agreement, the holder has the right to satisfy the requirement for the coverage account.

    Mortgage bonds are:

    • ordinary;
    • structured.

    The issue of the former is carried out by mortgage lenders, the latter by specialized mortgage organizations that are responsible for the implementation of agreements on these documents.

    Mortgage bonds are issued in a non-documentary manner. The global certificate of issue of bonds contains their name, references to ensuring housing coverage of the issuer's obligations. Other details may be present as required by law.

    Mortgage certificates

    Presented valuable certificates secured by assets or mortgage. May be issued in the form of fixed income certificates, or. Certificates have a turnover period, with a fixed return - a nominal price, participation certificates - part of the total amount of debt formed by extending the validity of loans, or combining previously issued ones into one. Moreover, the nominal price and the period of circulation of documents must be the same. The price is set in national currency, taking into account inflationary warnings. The required details of the described documents are:

    • the phrase mortgage certificate is represented by part of its name;
    • full name, location of the body producing the emission;
    • indication of type - registered or bearer;
    • number, series of the document;
    • the face value of a fixed-income securities market, or part of the consolidated debt that is attributable to the participation document tied to the date of registration of the publication;
    • period of circulation of the certificate, procedure and time of payment;
    • information on securing this issue of securities;
    • on insurance of the certificate owner against currency and other risks;
    • signature of the head of the institution conducting the issue;
    • presence of wet printing.

    The personal document must contain the name and legal address of the owner - for corporate holders, passport details - for individuals.

    Such securities are issued by structures operating on a commercial basis. The latter are required to have an appropriate license allowing them to manage the structures of investment resources.

    Return on investment securities

    The yield category is based on the average rate at which mortgage loans are issued. If the interest rate reaches 15 units, then the profit can vary from 9 to 10%. The remaining amount reimburses the costs of intermediaries.

    A rate cut also leads to a decrease in profitability. Applicants have the right to refinance at a lower rate or repay the debt early. The latter results in the redemption of the issued bond, which affects the decrease in the investor’s income.

    How to buy MBS

    All valuable property certificates, mortgage documents purchased on the stock exchange. The investor has the right to independently complete the deed of purchase, or through agents, trustees of specialized organizations leading the mortgage securities market.

    The investor, first of all, needs to decide on investment tools. The property securities market has two interrelated categories - risk and return. However, as profitability increases, risk situations also increase, and vice versa.

    The following concepts are arranged in descending order of profitability and risk:

    • government bonds;
    • bank deposits, deposit accounts, monetary obligations;
    • corporate interest bonds;
    • shares of industrial enterprises;
    • derivative financial securities.

    The investor has the right to choose to independently manage his personal portfolio of documents, or transfer them to professional market partners. The latter are expressed by the following attributes of trust management of deposits:

    • mutual investment fund;
    • trust management of banking organizations;
    • an agreement for the private management of an investment company with an advisory license.

    Legislation imposes some restrictions on market partners, which is reflected in a reduction in the range of instruments. The transfer of property certificates and financial assets to departments often turns into round sums. Mutual funds charge up to 5% per annum of net asset price for their services, regardless of the results obtained. Financial institutions and investment agencies take up to a quarter of the income received from the investor. Yes, and the company makes decisions, but it still places responsibility on the investor. Based on the above, you can make either a profit or a loss. Of course, self-direction can be even worse.

    An investor can trade property securities himself, but he does not have the right to voluntarily enter the exchange where trading participants are located. The best solution he will find a good broker, the following criteria will help him evaluate:

    • reliability, high professionalism;
    • availability of the necessary license;
    • membership in the Russian Commodity or Interbank Currency Exchange;
    • commission amount;
    • Availability of remote access for clients.

    Consultations will help a novice investor investment companies, brokerage agencies.


    The development of the mortgage lending sector is leading investors to invest in housing loan securities. Their high yield will allow the owner to receive high mortgage swaps in the future. However, the investor must decide who he will entrust the management of the bonds to, whether he will use the services of a trust company or an exchange broker.

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    The Federal Law on Mortgage-Based Securities was signed on November 11, 2003. Its essence lies in the fact that now every person or organization can become investors in a housing mortgage fund. Securities are secured by collateral and repayable loan obligations of borrowers. Risk insurance is provided by large insurers.

    Federal Law No. 152 is intended not only to regulate the financial relations of lenders, borrowers and potential investors in the housing construction market. This normative document was developed primarily to obtain an instrument for effective investment of funds from various government funds.

    Thus, if you look at the experience of Western countries, you can see that up to more than half of the funds accumulated for pensions are placed in mortgage and housing securities. Today in our country the effect of this law is limited to certain circles. mutual funds do place part of their investment funds in mortgage-backed securities. However, this financial instrument never fully worked.

    The crisis of 2015 had an impact with a sharp drop in denomination national currency. Investing in housing construction has become unprofitable due to the high risk of bankruptcy. The Law on Bankruptcy of Individuals has only aggravated the risks of potential investors.

    Basic concepts of the Federal Law on mortgage-backed securities

    To begin with, it is worth understanding the basic basic concepts on which the Federal Law on mortgage-backed securities is built. This regulatory document operates with the following concepts:

    • By mortgage-backed securities, the law understands documents secured by collateral that give the right to receive a certain profit in the future;
    • Mortgage-backed bonds are securities issued by financial institutions using their portfolio as collateral. mortgage agreements fully secured with collateral real estate;
    • a housing bond is secured only by collateral risks and is not a document giving the right to share participation in the distribution of credit profits;
    • a mortgage agent can be a specialized organization operating within the framework of a license issued by the Central Bank of Russia; its activities are aimed at the formation of packages of mortgage-backed securities and mediation between banks and potential investors in the housing market of the Russian Federation;
    • A mortgage participation certificate is also a security, but with limited validity, so its holder cannot claim distribution of profits received from the sale of collateral property.

    These basic terms are at the heart of the federal mortgage-backed securities law. They can only be used to secure the obligations assumed by the creditor. Financing is carried out within the framework of concluded investment agreements. The amount of dividends to be paid is determined during a meeting of the board of directors of the credit institution and in agreement with the mortgage agent.

    What is mortgage coverage?

    According to the Federal Law on Mortgage-Based Securities, they are all mortgage-backed and insure the investor against possible risks of losses due to the presence of collateral and credit obligations of borrowers.

    What is mortgage coverage under the federal law described? These can be real estate, mortgages, loan obligations to repay the principal amount of debt and interest accrued for the use of financial resources. Everything that guarantees the safety of an investor's investment in securities is mortgage coverage. The bank that issues the mortgage securities is responsible for the safety of these funds. Responsibility for compliance with legislation in this area lies with the mortgage agent, who has a specially issued permitting license.

    Thus, the mortgage agent has the opportunity and direct responsibility to conduct full audits of the financial organization and respect the rights of investors in the area of ​​safety of invested financial assets.

    An exception to mortgage coverage is the amount that covers more than 80% of the assessed value of the collateral property. In practice, this means that if a borrower takes out a mortgage loan without a down payment, then when including this asset in its package of mortgage securities, the bank is obliged to cover 20% of the amount from its financial assets.

    A residential mortgage loan agreement is mortgage coverage for the issue of securities, certificates and bonds. But there are a number of federal law requirements for the preparation of this document:

    1. the form of the agreement must indicate that it only involves settlement in the form of a transfer of cash or non-cash funds (settlement by barter is not provided for by current legislation);
    2. the mortgage agreement must be accompanied by an insurance policy against the risks of damage and loss of the purchased property;
    3. the mortgage loan agreement is concluded for a certain amount of financing, it should not exceed 80% of the appraised value of the property being purchased;
    4. The contract is accompanied by an assessment of the market value of an apartment, house, room, or detached commercial building;
    5. it is mandatory to formalize collateral obligations with the receipt of the mortgage and its transfer for safekeeping to the credit organization that is the mortgagee;
    6. the agreement must indicate that the mortgagor does not have the right to alienate this property without the appropriate permission of the creditor until full fulfillment of all financial obligations to the bank.

    All real estate for which registration has not been carried out is subject to exclusion from mortgage coverage. insurance policy for all points and risks provided for by the mortgage law. All other types of insurance are optional. And if the borrower does not take out a mortgage insurance policy for the property, then the bank does not have the right to include this agreement in its loan portfolio and transfer it to the database of mortgage securities. Thus, the credit institution does not receive a return of funds and loses its working capital for the entire period of lending to its borrower. This becomes a legitimate justification for raising interest rates.

    Mortgage agent: form of organization, rights and obligations

    A mortgage agent is a specialized organization whose rights and responsibilities include regulating the Russian mortgage securities market. A mortgage agent can work in the legal form of an organization in the form joint stock company open and closed type, limited liability companies. To start activities, it is necessary to register a legal entity, issue all the required permits and obtain a license from the Central Bank of Russia, which gives the right to conduct financial activities on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    The mortgage agent has the following rights and responsibilities:

    • it can purchase loan obligations from banking institutions;
    • check the bank’s work in the field of managing collateral assets and ensuring the safety of mortgage coverage in order to comply with the principles of limiting the risks of potential investors;
    • after repurchase of loan and collateral obligations, form a separate package of investment proposals;
    • attract borrowed funds from the disposal of both individuals and legal entities located on the territory of the Russian Federation or abroad;
    • control the process of distribution of means of profit;
    • participation in meetings on the distribution of dividends received.

    In another way, the agent may be called a specialized mortgage organization. One of the two names that reflect the main essence of economic activity must be included in the formation of the full name.

    A mortgage agent is not a full-fledged commercial organization and does not have the right to enter into contracts with individuals on a reimbursable (paid) basis. Any entrepreneurial activity related to the sale of information or the transfer of valuable information, provides for liability in the form of judicial liquidation of the organization.

    Voluntary liquidation of a specialized mortgage organization is possible only after it has fulfilled all its obligations.

    Mortgage cover register

    Each mortgage agent is required by the federal mortgage-backed securities law to maintain complete records. The mortgage cover register is a database in which all accepted objects must be entered for investment of borrowed funds.

    The register of mortgage coverage is maintained simultaneously in electronic and paper format. The deadline for entering the received information is 24 hours after receipt and processing. Controlling government bodies (Central Bank of Russia), credit organizations on whose balance sheet this collateral is located, investors and holders of certificates and bonds have access to information from this register.

    The following information must be entered into the mortgage coverage register:

    • full address of the property location;
    • its estimated cadastral and market liquid value;
    • provision of collateral obligations;
    • validity period of the concluded mortgage loan agreement;
    • types of insurance applied to this property;
    • potential profit margin on an annualized basis;
    • a note on attracting borrowed funds to refinance a loan;
    • the remaining share subject to restructuring by attracting investment packages.

    All this information must be provided to holders of mortgage-backed securities upon their written request. All information regarding the loss of collateral, replacement, increase or decrease in its market liquid value must be promptly entered into the register.

    Forms of certification of rights

    When issuing a mortgage-backed bond, a special form of certification of the rights of its holder is used. As security, paper and electronic denominations may be issued indicating the collateral coverage and obligations.

    The main form of ensuring the right of the owner of a security is its inclusion in the state register. This register is maintained by government agencies. Even if the paper or electronic version of a bond or certificate is lost, an investor can contact the Central Bank of Russia with a request to restore his legal rights. After which an identification document will be issued. This certificate makes it possible to receive interest and dividends. You can also use it to order the issue of duplicates with the denominations of previously issued bonds and certificates.

    Interest and security for its payment

    After issuing mortgage-backed securities and placing them on the financial market, the mortgage agent is required to make interest payments. the amount of profitability is determined in advance in agreement with the financial organization that is the mortgagee of the real estate. Then, when attracting investments from legal entities and individuals, the contract specifies the date of payment of accrued interest and the amount of profitability. throughout the entire period of raising investment funds for the issue of mortgage securities, a decrease in the specified percentage of yield is not allowed.

    Payments cannot be made less than once a year. Otherwise may be stipulated by the terms of the contract. But paying interest less than once every twelve months is not allowed by the law on mortgage-backed securities.

    Ensuring guaranteed payments to holders of bonds and certificates is carried out through collateral mortgage coverage. Every bank has funds authorized capital. If these reserves decrease, the Central Bank initiates the revocation of the license and termination of the credit institution. The non-reducibility of the balance of own assets is a guarantee of the ability to fulfill all the bank’s obligations assumed financial obligations to investors.

    Issue (issue) of mortgage securities

    The issue or release into circulation of mortgage-backed securities is strictly regulated by the current version of the Federal Law. Quite stringent requirements are imposed already at the stage of forming the initial package of proposals for potential investors.

    In particular, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

    • before issuing mortgage-backed bonds, a register must be compiled that contains all the basic information regarding the collateral real estate;
    • the volume of issue is limited to 80% of the liquid market value of the collateral included in the register;
    • collateral mortgaged property and the bank's own assets are accepted as collateral;
    • After the sale of the entire package of the investment proposal, the register is closed and changes are made to it only in the event of replacement of property or change in its value.

    When issuing a bond or mortgage certificate, the most important information is indicated in its face value:

    1. the validity period of this security (usually it is limited to the term of the mortgage lending under which the collateral real estate was received);
    2. full name of the legal entity or surname, name and patronymic of the individual, holder of the security;
    3. face value and mortgage coverage;
    4. the amount of interest accrued and paid to the holder annually.
    5. also, upon issuance, all conditions of security and additional financial guarantees to the investor are prescribed.

    When issuing mortgage-backed securities, preference in their placement is given to a single redemption of the entire nominal value. Therefore, most often such investment packages fall into the hands of mutual funds and other funds.

    Mortgage coverage requirements

    The Federal Mortgage-Backed Securities Act imposes increased coverage or collateral requirements. In particular, the bulk of the coverage cannot contain objects with low market liquidity.

    It is for this reason that all banks draw up their own requirements for real estate loans. This is due to the fact that apartments located, for example, in dilapidated housing stock, do not have market liquidity and cannot be included in the register of mortgage coverage. Accordingly, it will not be possible to obtain a mortgage loan against the issued mortgage. investment funds from third party contributors.

    Requirements include cost. It must be less than 80% of the face value of the issued bonds and certificates. The rest of the collateral value must be compensated by the bank from its own reserve funds.

    If a consumer characteristic is lost, any property included in the register for the issue of securities mortgage securities must be replaced with a similar one at a liquid market value. This clause forces banks to act in the event that a client pays off a mortgage early.

    In such a situation, the collateral must be removed from the register of mortgage-backed bonds within 30 days. After this, the fact of termination is registered collateral agreement to the registration chamber and the information is entered into the electronic database. By this time, another property should appear in the register of mortgage coverage, covering the resulting shortfall at its liquid market value.

    The second case is the occurrence of an insured event. if, for example, a collapse occurs wall structures buildings and real estate are destroyed, then Insurance Company pays the bank the full amount of damage caused. In such a situation, a gap is formed in the register of mortgage coverage.

    Turnover of mortgage bonds and certificates

    The existing turnover of mortgage certificates and bonds implies their repayment, foreclosure of a property nature, sale and other methods of sale, including in the event of bankruptcy of the issuer.

    So, in accordance with the Federal Law on mortgage-backed securities, they are the property of those holders who are indicated at par and entered in the state register of securities. Accordingly, owners of mortgage bonds have the right:

    • withdraw your financial resources by redeeming a security;
    • through the subsequent resale of the bond to a third party, but only with the assistance of a mortgage agent;
    • require early fulfillment of obligations in the event of bankruptcy of the issuer.

    Mortgage certificates and bonds may be foreclosed on in favor of injured persons in order to compensate for property damage caused. This is usually done upon request from the service bailiffs when attaching a copy of the court order, writ of execution and other legal forms of documents.

    Early repayment of issued mortgage bonds and certificates is possible both at the request of the issuer and at the request of the security holder. If significant irregularities are detected in the work of a financial institution or a specialized mortgage organization, early repayment of mortgage-backed securities may be initiated Central Bank Russia. The basis for early termination of a mortgage security may be a significant change in the structural part of the mortgage coverage register.

    Watch the main points of the Federal Law on Mortgage-Based Securities in the attached video, where an expert lawyer talks about all the possible difficulties of its implementation in practice for potential investors: