Commercial loan for individuals. How to take out a loan secured by commercial real estate for legal entities or individuals - review of bank offers

Loan termsFrom 1 to 120 months
Interest rate

From 11.0% in rubles 1

Loan currencyRussian rubles
An initial feeFrom 20% for agricultural producers,
From 25% for all other borrowers.
A down payment is not required when lending secured by an existing property(s).
Deferment of principal payment

Up to 12 months 2

Amount of credit

From 500,000 rubles.
From 5,000,000 rubles when lending secured by an existing property 3.
Maximum amount up to 200,000,000 rubles, for individual cities up to 600,000,000 rubles 4.

  • Pledge of purchased real estate
  • Pledge of property rights under an agreement of shared participation in construction, when purchasing a property under construction from an accredited developer
  • Pledge of existing property for the duration of construction, when purchasing a property under construction from non-accredited developers
  • Pledge of an existing property
  • Guarantee of individuals and/or legal entities
  • Guarantees of JSC "Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises"
Loan issue feeAbsent
Commission for early repayment loanAbsent

Collateral property is subject to compulsory insurance 5

Penalty for late transfer of loan repayment or interest payment0.1% of the amount of overdue debt. It is calculated on the amount of the overdue payment for each day the payment is late.

1 Data interest rate valid for a loan term of 120 months. and the loan amount is more than 5 million rubles. The final interest rate is set individually and depends on financial condition the borrower, the term and amount of the loan, as well as the collateral provided. Detailed information O credit products PJSC Sberbank for small businesses, loan terms and documents required to obtain a loan can be obtained from Bank branches serving legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

2 The maximum deferment amount for certain categories of Borrowers is indicated. The final amount of the deferment of repayment of the principal debt is established individually for each Borrower and depends on his solvency and credit history with the Bank for previously issued loans to legal entities.

3 The product is not provided to certain categories of customers, incl. individual entrepreneurs.

4 Maximum loan amount up to 600 million rubles. operates in the following cities: Volgograd, Voronezh, Yekaterinburg, Irkutsk, Kazan, Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Perm, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, St. Petersburg, Ufa, Chelyabinsk, Balashikha, Krasnogorsk, Mytishchi, Odintsovo, Podolsk, Ramenskoye, Khabarovsk. In other cities in the Russian Federation, the maximum loan amount is up to 200 million rubles.

5 With the exception of land plots

Commercial credit is a form of credit relationships in the economy that caused the circulation of bills and contributed to the development of non-cash circulation of funds between individuals and enterprises, which is expressed in the deferment of payments when selling services or goods for legal entities in financial and economic relations.

Commercial credit, its evolution and features

In the current paradigm, a commercial loan is a loan issued to each other by businesses. One of the implementation methods is a bill of exchange, indicating the legal relationship between the borrower and the lender (even a mortgaged bank falls under this).

In the Russian Federation, two types of bills of exchange are most widespread:

  • A simple form indicating the direct obligation of the debtor to repay a specific loan amount;
  • Transferable (draft), containing a written agreement of the parties to pay funds to the bearer of the bill or to a specific third party.

In the article civil code RF explains that commercial loan Civil Code of the Russian Federation 823 is conditioned by an agreement, the application of which is evidenced by the transfer of property to the opposite party or financial resources. A loan is also provided in the form of an advance, i.e. preliminary payments, installments or deferred payment for work, goods or services.

Today, the bill of exchange is entrusted with the functions of a standard agreement between the parties, regulating the transfer of ownership of the products being sold after making the established payments.

The fundamental difference between such a loan is that its provision can:

  • Produce not only special financial institutions, but also any physical entities.
  • Issued only in commodity form;
  • Average interest rates are lower than the rates provided by the bank;
  • When legally registering a transaction between the parties, payments directly for the debt itself are included in the price of the goods, i.e. they are not specifically indicated.

Commercial loan and commodity loan

Trade credit is an agreement between the parties to transfer things to the borrower from the lender into ownership. For these purposes, the bank provides individuals funds that the recipient undertakes to reimburse in fixed time taking into account the interest rate. The essence of the trade agreement is that an individual, instead of receiving cash, receives the goods.

A commercial loan is not considered a specific transaction. This is a condition of a mutual agreement, for example, the purchase and sale, transportation, rental of real estate, etc., taking into account the interest rate.

Their differences:

  • Providing things under a commodity contract means that the object of the agreement is physical items, not finances.
  • The conclusion of a commodity contract can be made between all subjects of civil law.

Commercial and commodity loans are always concluded in writing, otherwise the agreement will not be valid legal force. The content must comply with the articles of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Commercial loan in a supply agreement with deferred payment

For a deferred payment, the seller may receive a remuneration regulated by a specified interest rate. Potentially, the delay is disadvantageous for the supplier. Payment is received after delivery of the goods. There is a risk of not getting your money back. To avoid troubles, you need to carefully check the physical buyer, or a bank can act as a guarantor of your mutual settlements.

When taxing profits, the borrower has the right to include in non-operating expenses the interest paid on the loan, in accordance with Art. 265 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Loan for individuals for commercial real estate

The bank provides the same loan terms for legal entities and individuals. The bank evaluates the property.

The scheme includes the following stages:

  • An agreement is drawn up between the subjects of the purchase and sale of real estate.
  • The buyer transfers an advance to the seller (a set percentage of the cost of the property).
  • The bank, in a letter of guarantee, undertakes to pay the missing amount after the property has transferred ownership.
  • Rights are registered.
  • A pledge is issued, after which the borrower can immediately receive the remaining cash from the bank and give it to the seller or provide access to the deposit.

Loans for the purchase of commercial real estate are provided to legal entities and individuals. However, the bank gives preference to applications from financially stable borrowers. The condition of the property and the price on the market are also taken into account. The interest rate is specified in the contract. A loan for the purchase of real estate is often not suitable for the seller, since the waiting period for payment can last for months.

Loan secured by commercial real estate to individuals

A loan secured by real estate is the main direction of lending by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The object of the pledge can be any property (land, non-residential premises, outlets etc).
Individuals benefit from such a loan. If a subject needs a certain amount, but has a garage and other non-residential premises, the bank can provide him with a loan. In this situation, the bank is more willing to accommodate the borrower; depending on the property being pledged, the amount of funds provided increases, and the interest rate becomes more affordable.

The conditions for lending to individuals secured by property are more favorable in comparison with consumer lending. The main condition is that the object must be free from other claims.

Loan secured by commercial real estate

Today, domestic banks offer citizens different kinds loans, including a separate category is a loan secured by commercial real estate by an individual, including for the purchase non-residential premises collateral for the loan.

If we compare the purchase of commercial real estate or their registration as collateral in order to obtain credit funds, then the process is quite similar to a similar operation with apartments or residential buildings, i.e. With .

For reference! Commercial mortgage, i.e. receiving money either for the purpose of purchasing or collateralizing non-residential premises differs from ordinary mortgage loans only with a package of documents: it additionally includes special cadastral-pricing and construction documentation.

What documents will be needed?

Before taking out a loan secured by commercial real estate, an individual provides documentation to a bank or other credit institution, the list of which is different for each lender. The list of documents required to consider an application for this category of loans must include:

  • application form of an individual wishing to receive a loan;
  • passport and other documents identifying the borrower;
  • documents confirming a person’s solvency (information about income from places of work, information about receiving dividends from a business, financial and management reporting individual entrepreneur, etc.);
  • Feasibility study for obtaining financing if the loan is issued for investment or entrepreneurial purposes.

For commercial real estate registered as collateral, the following documents will be required:

  • documents confirming ownership of a non-residential property;
  • technical and cadastral documents;
  • certificate/extract from the Unified State Register for real estate;
  • property assessment report issued by a bank accredited appraisal company or another independent appraiser, etc.

Loan for the purchase of commercial real estate

Registration of a commercial mortgage is one of the most common and available ways organize for ordinary citizens private business or increase passive income.

Fact! Purchasing non-residential business real estate on credit is often more profitable than purchasing it under conditions of a one-time payment. Lending organizations know this, and therefore develop and offer similar loan offers.

Credit rate

Loan secured by commercial real estate by an individual implies a more individual approach than standard ones consumer loans. That is why tariffs and interest rates can also be private.

Today, the rate range for loans secured by commercial real estate ranges from 12.5% ​​to 24% per annum.

Requirements for the borrower

Bank or any other investor when issuing credit money, first of all, is guided by the goal of making a profit. However, financing occurs only if all risks associated with it are justified and minimized. In order to avoid troubles in the future in the form of delays or non-repayment of debt on the part of the borrower, a number of requirements are formed for those applying to the bank.

The basic requirements for a citizen receiving a loan secured by commercial real estate are determined by the terms of the loan in each individual bank. Most often, these requirements are similar to those that are presented to borrowers when applying for a mortgage on residential real estate.

The standardized nature of the requirements is divided into categories:

  • presence of Russian citizenship. This requirement is represented mostly credit offers and only a few creditors agree to lend money to a non-resident of the Russian Federation;
  • age. Hardly loan secured by commercial real estate by an individual will be received if the borrower has not yet reached 21 years of age or is over 60 years of age;
  • place of registration and actual residence. Lenders often require that the collateral be located in the same region where the borrower is registered or permanently resides;
  • income level. As many banks require, the monthly loan payment should not exceed 40% of the potential borrower’s total monthly income;
  • credit rating. This indicator combines various options for assessing the risks of a loan issued to a specific individual. It includes and credit history person, and assessment according to various socio-economic factors: duration length of service, financial rating of the employing company, characteristics of the financial current and repaid obligations of the future borrower.

Amount of credit

How much money an individual can receive as a loan secured by business real estate is often limited to a range of 0.5 - 120 million rubles. The specific amount to be issued is determined by the value of the collateral and its liquidity.

Also, the amount of the loan will be influenced by the fact of the citizen’s previous cooperation with the bank (for example, there are already repaid loan obligations, the person is served by the bank under a salary, investment or savings project).

Duration of the loan agreement

Time of action loan agreement for a commercial mortgage can range from six months to 5 years, and in some cases 8 or 10 years.

Debt repayment methods

The loan repayment scheme is determined by the credit organization repayment schedule and can be either repayment in annuity (equal) payments or differentiated (decreasing) payments.

Pros and cons of secured lending

Obtaining a loan secured by commercial real estate by an individual has the following advantages:

  • this is a real and simple chance to become a businessman or increase your passive income;
  • can be taken relatively a large amount money for a long time;
  • This type of loan is issued under favorable conditions with an individual approach in each individual case.

The only downside is that often new bank clients can take advantage of only limited loan offers.

Loan secured by commercial real estate by an individual - facts was last modified: June 13th, 2018 by Alexander Nevskiy

Loans up to 100,000 rubles

  • up to 100,000 rubles
  • 1 year.

Consumer loans

  • 50,000 - 3,000,000 rubles
  • up to 7 years

A loan for commercial real estate is provided to legal entities that can confirm the profitability of their activities, secured by the purchased property.

Commercial real estate loan: what is it?

Commercial real estate is necessary for running your own business, so often beginning or existing entrepreneurs have to purchase it on credit. The presented actions make it possible to increase profits and even repaying the loan does not entail significant losses. What are the conditions for such registration? This question interests potential borrowers along with the choice of bank.

Both legal entities and individuals can take out a loan for commercial real estate

It is the registration of a pledge that makes it possible to register large sum on loan Some banks require you to indicate the purpose of the purchased property, while others do not require this fact.

In this case, the loan process involves required condition acquisition of an object related to the concept of commercial real estate. Firstly, these must be buildings and structures that will subsequently be registered as entity- an organization engaged in business. Secondly, commercial real estate means the following objects:

  1. Office buildings and structures are objects that provide for the formation of offices or business centers.
  2. Industrial property is predominantly production facilities, which may include workshops and warehouses for products.
  3. Retail real estate is shops, hotels and other premises where trade will directly take place.

When applying for a loan, the type of property will be specified in the contract without fail. This is often required by an appraisal organization that cooperates with the bank and confirms the correctness of the declared amount from the borrower.

About the intended purpose

A commercial real estate loan is not always a purchase loan. Funds are provided by the bank for the following purposes:

  • acquisition of an object for conducting commercial activities;
  • renovation of existing real estate, which the borrower provided as collateral;
  • construction of the facility according to your own plan.

The presented goals are necessarily indicated in the application and subsequent agreement. This data affects the interest rate and other loan terms. If the object is just under construction, it means that the borrower will subsequently draw up a collateral agreement.

Who can get a loan

A loan for commercial real estate can be issued not only by a legal entity. Here they highlight:

  1. Individuals– a loan for commercial real estate for individuals is issued only on the basis of submitted documents confirming their own solvency. This type of loan involves obtaining a commercial mortgage, which can be obtained a sum of money at a time or in installments. The way money is provided affects the interest rate and other terms.
  2. Legal entities– their loan amounts are much higher than those provided to individuals or individual entrepreneurs. In order to obtain a loan, they need to provide all the documentation on the opening of the organization, as well as information about the income taken in tax service. The allocated money by the bank is transferred to the company's current account, which is necessarily indicated in the accounting entries.
  3. Individual entrepreneurs– these persons can receive a loan secured by real estate in the standard manner. Entrepreneurs often send representatives to submit an application, which may be permitted, but on the basis of a power of attorney certified by a notary.

Each borrower has its own set of documents that must be submitted to receive a loan. Credit conditions in to a greater extent do not differ from the type of activity of the applicants.

Many banks offer attractive conditions for commercial real estate

Conditions for obtaining a loan

A loan for the purchase of commercial real estate is provided by banks based on the following conditions:

  1. A loan for commercial real estate is issued in two ways - for the purchase of the entire amount at once and for construction in parts according to the submitted estimate.
  2. For both methods, the bank sets a minimum and maximum loan amount.
  3. In most cases, there is a limit - 70-80% of the cost collateral real estate. This is where they resort to the services of an appraisal company.
  4. The average interest rate on a loan in the presented situation is 18.25% per annum. The rate is calculated individually for each company founder, taking into account the credit history and liquidity of the company. Some banks offer reduced interest rates to regular customers.
  5. The loan is issued only to those companies and individual entrepreneurs whose activities have been ongoing for six months or more. The enterprise must be profitable.

Since a loan for the purchase of real estate is a standard mortgage, the borrower needs to pay an initial feeset by the bank percentage of market value commercial real estate.

The loan can be issued for the purchase or construction of real estate

Advantageous offers from banks

Today we should highlight several interesting offers from banks that provide an opportunity to strengthen their position in business and gain additional profit. You can get a loan to purchase commercial real estate:

  1. Sberbank– offers the most minimum rates on a loan – from 11.8%. The maximum loan amount is 600 million rubles, which is issued only to large cities in Russia. The rest may be approved for an application of 200 million rubles. The down payment is 20% and 25% depending on the type of commercial activity.
  2. VTB 24– the second most popular bank for providing loans for the purchase of commercial real estate. Interest rate – 13.5%. The minimum loan amount is 10 million rubles with a maximum loan term of 10 years. Requires a down payment of 15%.
  3. Rosselkhozbank– differs from others exclusively in the individual lending rate. There are no limits on rates, but there are restrictions on the amount of lending - from 500 thousand rubles to 20 million rubles. This bank does not require a down payment, but providing it reduces the loan rates.
  4. Absolut Bank– the minimum interest rate is 17.45% per annum. It has no established restrictions on the amount of lending - it allows provision from 60% to 80% of the market value of the selected commercial property.
  5. Uralsib– offers a program commercial lending at a rate of 13.9% for an amount up to 170 million rubles. The maximum repayment period is 10 years. The bank issues funds in a single payment without requiring a down payment. The downside of working with a bank is the 1.2% commission.

A loan for the purchase of commercial real estate should be taken carefully, since often entrepreneurs close the business or liquidate one of the departments. The down payment made in such cases is not returned, and the bank takes away the collateral provided by it. Losses in large organizations become significant - sometimes even leading to bankruptcy.