They call from the pension fund asking for passport data. Fraudsters take away pension savings over the phone. How I was secretly transferred to the left fund and what it cost me


Planning your own future is a smart and responsible step. It is for this reason that many citizens of our country prefer to take care of their own pension provision in advance.

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Not all Russians currently trust the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Therefore, some of them turn to non-state pension provision.

Currently, there are more than 90 NPFs operating in Russia. To carry out activities within the law, any of these organizations must have an appropriate license.

Recently, one of the non-state funds has been on the buzz. So, many citizens are lost if they call and ask for the “Consent” pension fund. What is this organization and can it be trusted in 2020?

Fund Overview

This financial structure was established in 1994. It is included in the group of PJSC Moskovsky Credit Bank". This NPF was the first to create a system of digital access to savings through pension terminals.

In 2014, the structure underwent a reorganization procedure, as a result of which a new OAO NPF Soglasie emerged. The documents giving the right to carry out activities were revoked from the former organization, and the new company, on the contrary, received a license.

Data from 2016 indicates that the number of clients of the organization exceeds one million people. At the moment, the company manages more than 73 billion rubles. The organization positions itself in terms of a developing and reliable structure, which is confirmed by many years of practice.

According to representatives of OAO NPF Soglasie, its main guarantees and values ​​are:

  • compulsory insurance of all deposits;
  • high reliability of deposits;
  • higher return on investment.

Rules for concluding a contract

Many people choose this particular non-state pension fund in order to open savings deposit and save for future retirement. The first step for this is to conclude a cooperation agreement with the company.

You can inform about your intention to conclude a contract at the office of the company, on the official website or by phone. Anyone in doubt can get a free consultation from the organization's employees. The procedure for concluding an agreement is quite simple.

By opening a savings deposit in NPF "Consent", customers can control the status of the account using the official website of the organization.

Calls and questions

Often complaints come from different people that they receive phone calls. The person on the other end of the line says that he is calling to inform the client about the state of his pension savings in NPF "Consent".

If a person denies the fact of placing funds in the fund, then he is told that his employer placed them.

Further, the date of birth of a person is precisely called, and his current address is clarified in order to send a notification about the state of his account. Next, the citizen is informed that another employee will call him back and ask a few questions that should be answered “Yes”.

Then another call comes in.

Questions are asked like this:

  • "Are you Petrov Petr Petrovich?"
  • "Did you make a deal?"
  • "Do you have the contract?"

As a rule, vigilant citizens at this stage have doubts about the legality of such actions. They answer questions in the negative, and then start looking for information on this method divorce on the Internet or call the employer who allegedly transferred their savings.

So, what threatens to answer "Yes" to all the questions asked? Lawyers say that in this way a non-state fund may well receive a significant part of a person's pension. However, at the moment there are no real stories confirming the transfer of pensions “on call”.

Employees of NPF "Consent" comment on the situation in such a way that on their part the receipt of such calls potential clients unacceptable. They also notify citizens that on the official website you can see the number of the fund and call it in order to clarify information about the placement of savings. An employee of the organization will always be able to answer whether the client has savings in this fund, or not.

What questions do citizens worry about after participating in such schemes:

Where is my pension and how can I get it back?
  • PFR employees have repeatedly warned Russians about possible fraudulent schemes. If a citizen has doubts about his pension, then he can order a notification about the state of his personal account in the state pension fund on the websites of the State Services or the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
  • It is worth knowing that all manipulations of citizens with the funded part of the pension are voluntary. For example, some people may transfer it to the NPF and subsequently forget about it. Also, a non-state structure can be renamed.
  • What to do if the funded part of the pension was transferred to the wrong place? Firstly, it is worth checking with the organization on which papers the transfer was made.
  • Next, you need to write an application to the district branch of the state fund for the transfer of funds back. As a guarantee of the safety of savings in the future, it is recommended to draw up a statement that consent to transfer the pension to another fund is not given.
How to protect personal data? A company that has taken possession of personal data can be held liable through Roskomnadzor. This agency is actively involved in such cases.

However, first, the victim needs to send a request to the company that took over the personal information, specifying the following requirements:

  • disclose the amount of personal data;
  • inform the source from where the personal data was obtained;
  • indicate the purpose for which personal data is used.

According to the requirements of the law, the request must be answered within 1 month. If no answer was received, or it seems doubtful, then this is the reason for contacting Roskomnadzor. In this case, the authority that has taken possession of personal data may be fined up to 70 thousand rubles. Experts in the field of law say that in recent years the number of applications to this supervisory authority has increased.

Fraud on their part

According to the depositors and employees of the organization, the management is conducting an aggressive campaign to attract new customers. At the same time, sometimes there are manifestations of fraud on their part.

How the company attracts investors:

Makes rounds of apartments on behalf of the FIU At the same time, potential investors are invited to get access to the office on the company's website under the guise of an insurance account of the PFR. In practice, this is how a non-state entity collects personal data. In the future, it is possible to draw up agreements on the transfer of clients to NPF "Consent".
Invitation to work The organization attracts applicants allegedly for the position of insurance agents. In parallel, they are offered to transfer their own pension savings to a personal account in this structure. The candidate remains on probation.
Forgery of documentation when trying to get a loan Often scammers are loan brokers. When providing their own loan assistance services, they submit applications to several financial and credit organizations. Among all the documents that are given to the client for signature, there is a paper on the transfer of savings to a non-state fund.

It is worth knowing that these are not the only options for attracting new customers. In all fraudulent schemes, the organization provides information in which most of it is reliable.

Employee Opinions

Sergey Unfortunately, the company's policy is such that sometimes they require to conclude an agreement with a client fraudulently. I don't like this kind of work. That was the reason for my dismissal.
Olga I have been with the foundation since 2010. Everything is more than satisfactory. The income is high. Competing organizations cannot offer such a level of salary.
Anastasia I did not like working in the fund for several reasons. First, uncomfortable working conditions. It is quite difficult to huddle at a small table in the conditions of constant paperwork. Secondly, there were occasional delays in the payment of wages.
Oleg I like working for the company. The work is simple, the employees do not require much effort. Convenient location of offices, especially for those who plan to live and work near the metro.
Alexander He left while still in training. During this period, applicants were required to enter into many contracts. Conclusion - the company never misses a chance to earn extra money.

As soon as the president addressed the people about pensions, they already call me on my mobile from pension fund. “Tell me, for what reason do you not collect information about the state of your pension account from the Russian Post?” a stern male voice asked. I mumbled something in response. And I became a potential victim of scammers who are hunting for my (and probably yours too) pension savings. What's the catch here? - the correspondent of "Gorod 812" found out.

"We know everything about you"

The phone call took me by surprise. The male voice in the receiver introduced himself unintelligibly and addressed by name and patronymic:

- My name is boo-boo-boo (inaudible). I am a representative of the hole-hole pension fund (inaudible), customer service quality control department. Please tell me why you do not collect information about the state of your pension account from the Russian Post? Notification not received? Or was it impossible to pick up? he asked forcefully.

“Apparently, it didn’t come,” I answered, trying to remember.

The voice on the other end was delighted with my answer and cheerfully announced that the information would be sent again. And then he gave my address, surname, date of birth - in general, everything, everything. He did not ask any questions - he said that he was just checking the information, and ordered to wait for a call from the “pension fund security service”.

- You will be asked a few questions. Nothing complicated! I still have two clarifying questions for you, and I confirm you, ”he rattled off a strange phrase. - Where did you conclude an OPS agreement with NPF "Consent"? At work, at home, through friends? he asked the first question.

My vigilance has finally woken up. And I myself began to ask questions: what kind of “Consent”? Where do they get my personal information from? And what is the purpose of the call?

The interlocutor was taken aback. According to him, a year ago I transferred my pension savings from the Pension Fund of Russia to the non-state pension fund Soglasie. And now the employer allegedly transfers 6% of my salary to this fund.

Of course, I stated that this is a scam. I did not apply to any non-state pension fund, I did not transfer money to anyone. What followed was a strange dialogue.

“You must have signed a contract at work,” prompted the operator Boo-boo-boo.

- Not! Where do you get my personal data from? – I was indignant.

- From the pension fund "Consent".

- And where do they get the fund from?

- Well, you signed an agreement with our fund.

I didn't conclude...

The circle is closed. But the young man on the phone didn't notice. He was clearly voicing a role in someone else's script. If my answers did not fall into "his answers", he simply ignored them and read further from the piece of paper.

- Tell me, was the contract drawn up at your place of work or at home? Did you hand it over to you? No complaints from the employer? he bent his line.

- There are no claims to the employer, but there are - to you ...

My answers did not interest him.

- Wait for a call from the security service! Be sure to pick up the phone and answer the questions correctly! he warned.

About ten minutes after this conversation - another call. From the same number: +7495-660-05-99, Beeline, Moscow region.

- I represent the control service of the "Consent" pension fund. I control whether you signed an agreement with our fund or not,” said the operator, who identified himself as Maxim Lolenko. We talked with Maxim for about five minutes: I - about the fact that I did not conclude an agreement with NPF "Consent". He is about what she concluded, since there is an agreement in the database of the NPF.

We said goodbye without understanding.

An application is received - and we translate

Strange calls made me turn on quickly Personal Area(LC) on the official website of the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR). There you can get information about the real state of your pension account: where is the money and how much is it. According to the FIU, all my pension savings are currently in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Relieved from the heart. But not for long. Why then were these strange calls?

I'm calling hotline Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. I don’t even have time to really explain the situation, as the operator interrupts:

- These are scammers! You are not the first today. They go from house to house and make phone calls! Two women in a row just applied: the scammers told them that in order to receive a recalculation of pensions for August, they need to provide their data ... Be careful! Scammers can apply to transfer your pension to their non-government pension fund.

Can they apply on my behalf? I didn't believe it.

- They can do anything! If they have your SNILS and passport, they can transfer funds, and then next year your pension will go to their fund.

- How so? Is my signature required on the application? Don't you check it? I was even more surprised.

- Not! Imagine, you need to have a whole staff to double-check! We receive an application and we translate it. The application can be submitted through a personal account, and through the MFC, and by mail. You are not the first one,” the representative of the Pension Fund sighed.

She taught me how to deceive scammers. That is, try to save your funds from a fraudulent transfer to a non-state fund.

- If you do not want your pension to be in a non-state pension fund, then at the end of December go to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and write an application to transfer your pension to the state pension fund. Even if the scammers file an application on your behalf now, you will file another one later. Transfers for the next year are formed according to the last registered application. If yours is the last, it will be taken into account, - the operator encouraged.

In the NPF "Consent", where my pension money is allegedly going to "go away", they also turned out to be well acquainted with the situation. According to the representative of the NPF, the phone from which they called me does not belong to the fund (by the way, it is impossible to get through to it).

- They could have called in order to confirm your personal data, so that later on your behalf to apply for the transfer of funds to any non-state fund. A few years ago, they called me myself, introducing themselves as VTB. Last year there was a ringing from Sberbank. Don't you know that in Russia you can buy almost any database for little money? Perhaps some organization where you provided your personal data leaked the database, the operator sympathized.

According to her, the transfer of funds to their fund without the personal signature of the applicant is impossible and the signature is additionally checked by their "staff graphologist". But there is a fund with a similar name - "Consent-OPS". Until November 2017, this fund was simply called “Consent”, and then it was renamed, adding the prefix “ops”. Perhaps this is their work? she suggested.

I call "Consent-OPS". I explain the situation. But, unlike other pension funds, they did not talk to me in this one. They said that they had nothing to do with "Consent". Which, of course, is not entirely true. Because less than a year ago that was the name of the same fund.

For forgery - a ridiculous fine

After talking with representatives of pension funds, I already understood that my story is not unique. But I could not even imagine the scale of the disaster. It turned out that the problem is not new.

The illegal transfer of pension savings from the Pension Fund of Russia to non-state funds is the most massive violation in this area. Last year, the number of such cases reached a critical mass, and the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation took up the situation. After verification, she announced massive falsification of statements for five years - in 2012-2016. Usually fraud is carried out with the help of a simple forgery: applications for the transfer of funds are forged using illegally obtained personal data of citizens.

According to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, in 2016, 6.45 million Russians transferred their pension savings from one fund to another ahead of schedule. But early transfer of funds (more than once every five years) leads to a loss of investment income. Few people know about this, and in non-state pension funds, new clients are not reminded of this. The total investment losses of Russians from these transfers in 2016 are estimated at 40 billion rubles. In 2017, at least 55 billion. In 2018, according to forecasts, the losses of insured citizens may increase to 70-80 billion rubles.

Formally, before the law, non-state pension funds are clean or almost clean. The falsification of applications for the transfer of funds is not carried out by funds, but by agents who work not for fear, but for commissions. On average, the agency fee is 4–10% of the amount of funds raised. For example, my pension savings currently amount to more than 176 thousand rubles. That is, for the transfer of my funds from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to the NPF (which already has my personal data, so fraud is only a matter of time), the agent / agents who called me from Moscow numbers will receive from 8,000 to 18,000 thousand rubles. How many people do they manage to call/earn in a day?

Of course, if a justified complaint is received against the NPF, the naughty fund will be fined - however, for a ridiculous amount. According to Article 15.29 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, “representation by a non-state pension fund to the Pension Fund Russian Federation false information... and false statements of insured persons on the choice of an insurer ... resulting in the unlawful transfer of pension savings to a non-state pension fund” threatens with a fine for officials from 10,000 to 30,000 rubles. For legal entities - from three hundred to five hundred thousand rubles. Not very scary amounts, given that the funds available, for example, NPF "Consent-OPS", according to open data, amount to about 110 billion rubles.

Wrestling Interest Groups

The state has entrusted the fight against pension fraudsters to the future pensioners themselves. For some reason, for many years the authorities have not been able to resolve this issue by law. Which, of course, is strange and makes you think: who benefits?

Therefore, if someone disposed of your pension funds without your knowledge, you will have to go to court for justice. Affected by the NPF unite in groups and movements in social networks, write letters to the president. As well as complaints on the official pages of the Pension Fund of Russia.

Most offended, in my opinion, just from the NPF "Consent", which was renamed a year ago in "Consent-OPS". And, as it turned out, this fund is going to change its name again - in connection with the reorganization under the wing of Rosneft. Here is a recent story of Vladimir from Moscow, whose pension savings were leaked to this NPF. Vladimir suspects that the state Pension Fund of Russia is in a share with the non-state Soglasie-OPS.

- Some scammers transferred my savings to NPF "Consent" without my knowledge. I entered the personal account of the PFR and wrote an appeal about this (before that, the history of appeals was clean). A week later, a record appeared in the personal account about my alleged appeal about the choice of an insurer dated 01/31/2018. It needs to be understood how the FIU is in the share and is now covering its tracks? How did this appeal appear in my personal account and why did it appear only on 08/07/2018, if it was allegedly created on 01/31/2018? – the man writes in August 2018.

According to Vladimir, he turned to the NPF "Consent-OPS" and there they even sympathized with him, blaming a certain "partner who set them up and deceived" for everything. The man was offered to simply write a "reverse" application - to transfer funds to the Pension Fund of Russia. At the same time, the NPF did not say about the loss of investment income due to early (more than once every five years) transfer of funds from fund to fund. Vladimir wants to return not only pension savings to the Pension Fund, but also lost investment income (about 20-60% of the face value of the amount transferred to the NPF). So he plans to go to court.

- In a week I receive a certificate of damage from the FIU and go to court. I have already filed a police report with in electronic format through the Internet reception of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The case was transferred to the OBEP. From there, they have already sent requests to the FIU and the NPF to receive copies of my statements and the contract. Upon the fact of the underscore examination (that the signature was forged), a decision will be made to initiate a criminal case under 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud), because. there is damage. Arbitrage practice has developed in such cases is quite routine. More often, NPFs want to get off, getting off with a pre-trial agreement. For a court decision in relation to such a fund is a reason for sanctions by the Central Bank. And the criminal case will, of course, not be against the NPF itself. A stupid employee of a partner organization of the NPF, who forged applications, will go under the slaughter, since he receives 3,000 rubles for each. paid in case of transition. The NPF, probably, knows perfectly well where the statements come from, but when it comes to kipish, it gets into a pose that it had nothing to do with it and was deceived. However, the legislator assigned responsibility for verifying statements to NPFs, so NPFs are also involved in administrative responsibility. In addition, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, having received a scolding, will block all transfers to this NPF, even according to these statements, Vladimir explained.

There are few such active fighters as Vladimir among the victims. As a rule, in non-state funds the funds of the "silent people" who had little or no interest in their retirement account are being taken away. Most of them don't even know where their retirement savings are. I was one of those too.

Thanks to the scammers: now I consciously and vigilantly approach my own pension. And on December 31, I will go to the FIU and write a statement so that my funds are not transferred anywhere.

Reference. About Soglasie-OPS and Rosneft

NPF Soglasie-OPS is now in the top 10 in terms of pension savings. The number of insured persons following the results of the transition campaign in 2017 increased by more than 300 thousand people.

JSC "NPF Soglasie-OPS" is in the process of merging with NPF "Neftegarant" and JSC "NPF "Neftegarant" - under the brand of JSC "NPF "Neftegarant"". The founder of NPF Neftegarant is Rosneft. More than 1.2 million people will become clients of the joint fund.

According to open sources

What to do if your savings were transferred to NPF without your knowledge?

A memo for citizens with this heading was posted on its official website by the Pension Fund of Russia. Briefly its essence:

1) Contact the nearest branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and submit a written application-complaint in free form.

2) Write an application with a claim to the NPF, to which your funds were transferred without your consent. The NPF is obliged to inform you on the basis of what this happened. In particular, the NPF must have an agreement with you to transfer your pension savings to the NPF. You must request a copy of it.

3) If you want your funds to be transferred back, you must write an application for the transfer of funds.

4) In order to return pension savings back this year, it is necessary to file a lawsuit against the NPF.

Elena Rotkevich

There are more and more schemes by which scammers deceive pensioners every day. One of them is a divorce for money using a phone call allegedly from the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR). Pseudo-employees use different tricks: extra payments not accrued on time, overpaid money, funded pension.

How pensioners are deceived by false employees of the pension fund

According to operational data, the number of phone calls from fraudsters posing as employees of the FIU has recently increased. The number usually belongs to a mobile operator or the call comes from another region. Fraudsters call pensioners on their home phones and address them by their first and middle names. This immediately disposes older people to the conversation.

It is important to understand that it is not difficult to get information about the owner of a landline and even a mobile phone now. The bases are publicly available on the Internet or they can be purchased on removable media.

Important: in exceptional cases, PFR employees call citizens and, as a rule, only to agree on the time of the visit. For communication, notifications sent by registered mail are used.

The main goal of deceiving pensioners by phone scammers is to gain access to their personal account, persuade them to transfer money to another bank card or set the proposed number. mobile phones as a trust, which will allow scammers to enter mobile bank pensioner.

Wrongly calculated payments

Divorce of pensioners by phone, allegedly from the Pension Fund, often concerns issues of calculating additional payments. The attackers call the pensioner and in a stern voice report that his pension was increased by mistake and an overpayment was formed. The dumbfounded old man begins to get nervous. When asked how this could happen, he gets one answer: the money must be returned, otherwise the citizen faces a fine for wasting budget money.

The elderly man, in a state of shock, agrees to return the overpaid funds. To do this, the attackers offer to name the details of the bank card where the pension is credited, ostensibly for verification.

After receiving the data, telephone scammers get full access to the pensioner's account.

Call of scammers about additional payments to pension

Telephone divorces for money may have another option - an elderly person is entitled to an increase. Scammers call and say that the citizen should receive a payment not accrued on time (for example, a new governor's allowance). The appeal is that notices were sent to the home address, but the recipient never showed up at the FIU.

Most of these calls occur at the end of the month.

The main argument when deceiving a pensioner: if they don’t have time to transfer money, an elderly person will never issue compensation.

PFR false employees offer a citizen to check the balance at an ATM for additional payments. A person sees that there was no cash receipts, then he is recommended:

  • Link the proposed phone number to the card as a trusted one. This is how scammers gain access to mobile banking and can manage the money of the deceived.
  • Make a transfer from an account to a card. Please note that scammers do not name the amount, for example, "ten thousand". They work differently: enter the numbers "one, zero and three more zeros."

Divorce by phone for the money of the funded part of the pension

A new way to deceive pensioners over the phone is to transfer money to non-state pension funds (NPFs). An elderly person receives a call from a certain NPF. They address the pensioner by name and patronymic and report that they want to inform about the state of the personal account.

The deceived begins to say that he did not conclude anything, to which they answer in the receiver that this was done by his former employer. After they say that now they will call him back from another number and ask him to answer in the affirmative to three questions:

  1. Your name is …?
  2. Have you entered into an agreement with NPF “…”?
  3. Do you have a contract?

The essence of a telephone divorce is that the deceived pensioner gives his consent to transfer to another fund. For this, the agent who calls by phone receives a certain commission from the NPF (several thousand rubles - it all depends on the amount of the pensioner's savings). The old man himself has no benefit. And if the transition is made more than once every five years, all savings are lost - such is the legislation.

How to protect yourself from scammers for older people

According to statistics, scammers deceive pensioners more often than others, since older people are more gullible compared to other categories of the population. In order not to get into an unpleasant situation, you need to follow some rules. Remember:

  1. Representatives of the Pension Fund never call their clients from mobile phone numbers.
  2. PFR employees do not ask for card details.
  3. Additional payments to the pension are made either automatically or at the request of the pensioner. You can submit it only when visiting the branch, through your personal account or by sending it by mail.
  4. PFR employees do not call citizens to obtain personal information. They receive all information from documents provided by a citizen during a personal visit.

What confidential information should not be disclosed

When calling from an unknown phone number, always ask the person to give their last name, first name and patronymic, as well as the position and branch of the Pension Fund in which he works. In order to protect personal data from phone scammers, under no circumstances should you call:

  • passport data;
  • SNILS number;
  • six-digit bank card number;
  • pin;
  • cvc-code - a three-digit number on the back of the card, which is used for online payments.


That Yekaterinburg residents began to be attacked with calls from a certain NPF "Consent".

How scammers operate

First, an unfamiliar number is displayed on the mobile screen (either a cell phone number or a city number that does not belong to our region). What follows is a dialogue like this:

Operator: Good afternoon. Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich?

Companion: Yes, hello.

O: NPF Soglasie, your pension fund, is calling you. You have entered into an agreement with us, we would like to inform you about the status of your pension account.

With: I didn't conclude anything with you.

O: So your employer has concluded. Your date of birth is 01/01/1981?

WITH: Yes.

O: We have sent notifications to your address. Did you receive them?


O: Let's clarify your address: Yekaterinburg, Malysheva street, house 20, right?

WITH: Yes, but I live at a different address.

O: Please provide your address so that we can send you notifications about the status of your retirement account.

With: Well, send me to the address ...

O: Now, after our conversation, you will receive a call from another number again and will be asked three questions, to which you must answer “yes”. Questions: “Are you Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich?” - "Yes". - "Did you sign a contract?" - "Yes". “Do you have the contract?” - "Yes".

After about 15 minutes, a call from a mobile number follows, and the operator asks the very three cherished questions to which you should have answered “yes”.

At this stage, vigilant citizens, as a rule, begin to doubt, and when they call again, they answer negatively, and then they call the employer or go looking for information on the Internet.

- There is such a non-state pension fund "Consent". They call from Moscow numbers and assure me that I have an agreement with them, - said Yulia from Yekaterinburg. - This is after a nice girl calls from another pension organization, calls all your passport data and says that I won’t be able to order an extract on pension savings from the public services portal. Even if I don’t need this in principle and I don’t use such a service, she strongly recommends answering the girl from the non-state pension fund who will call next (and she really calls!) That yes, I agree to conclude an agreement. This is some kind of scam.

What threatens triple "yes"? According to lawyers, in this way it is possible to get the funded part of the pension at the disposal of a certain fund. However, so far there are no real stories that this happened “on call” at the disposal of the editors.

What says NPF "Consent"

In the Soglasie fund itself, we were assured that their agents do not operate with such schemes.

“On behalf of the foundation, we apologize to citizens for the inconvenience when receiving such calls,” said Dmitry Nazarkin, head of the foundation's public relations department. – However, we responsibly declare that fraud on the part of NPF Soglasie JSC is excluded. The Fund has nothing to do with these calls - NPF employees do not offer or impose services over the phone, they do not agitate to become a client. All phone numbers of NPF Soglasie JSC are presented on the official website of the fund and only on it. In turn, we see the need to inform citizens that everyone can call the single toll-free number of the Fund's contact center and clarify whether he is our client. We also recommend that you request a notice of the status of your personal account with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the website of the Pension Fund itself or through the public services portal.

In Moscow and the Moscow region, another wave of fraud is gaining momentum - monetary reform. Unknown people ring the doorbell or phone, introduce themselves as postmen, social workers, tell pensioners about monetary reform and offer to "exchange old banknotes for new ones." Citizens believe and exchange. The scammers take the real money and give out souvenirs instead, but this is revealed after some time.

The hotline of the PFR Department for the city of Moscow and the Moscow Region receives messages from citizens about appeals to them by unknown people who are trying to different ways find out the numbers bank cards, SNILS data - ostensibly for the delivery of payments, compensations, additional payments to pensions. To give credibility, unknowns use all possible ways: they address citizens by name - patronymic, call the first digits of bank card numbers, indicate to citizens their real address, make an appointment in the building of the Pension Fund, etc., lulling vigilance.

The most common schemes fraudulent activities to date are:

  • Phone calls. Unknown persons introduce themselves as employees of the Pension Fund, give their first name, patronymic and report that the person was not paid extra, for example, for seniority. All funds will be transferred to a bank card, for which you need to name its details and dictate the code that will come in SMS.
  • Spamming via messengers - Viber or WhatsApp, via SMS, via e-mail, as well as through special programs. A link from such a letter usually leads to the PFR pseudo-site. Seeing a familiar interface, users begin to perform the prescribed: enter the SNILS number or passport data, transfer certain payments in order to get “access to databases”. After payment, of course, no receipt of funds occurs.
  • Services of lawyers on fake websites of the FIU. On fake sites of the Pension Fund and the PFR Branch for Moscow and the Moscow Region in particular, which maximally repeat the pages of the official site of the PFR, it is proposed to receive answers to all available questions. To do this, it is necessary to formulate a question and fill in the data - city, name, phone number, and then wait for a call and an invitation to a “free” legal consultation, where paid services will eventually be offered.
  • Tour of the apartments. Unknown people ring the doorbell, introduce themselves as employees of the Pension Fund, ask various questions and, as a rule, ask to provide SNILS data for some kind of re-registration. Then the financial scams unfold.

There are many options for fraud. The task of each person is to remain vigilant and not provide unknown people with their personal data - passport, SNILS, especially bank card numbers. We strongly recommend that you immediately report suspicious cases of alleged criminals to law enforcement agencies.

The branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for Moscow and the Moscow Region reminds that employees of the Pension Fund of Russia do not visit citizens at home, do not provide public services at home, do not conduct surveys on the street, do not request personal data, bank card details, report unexpected cash receipts, are not senders of messages in instant messengers, social networks and other resources.

Please note that reliable news, hotline phone numbers, reception schedules, contacts territorial bodies and another helpful information placed on the official site Pension Fund of Russia/ , on the pages of the Department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for Moscow and the Moscow Region.