Home Credit Bank hotline. Home Credit Home Credit and Finance Bank


Home Credit Bank is represented in Moscow by 19 separate branches, including a cash settlement center. The bank's sales points are located in more than 20 Eldorado stores located in different districts and districts of Moscow, which makes access to financial services credit organization virtually hassle-free, fast and convenient.

Home Credit Bank offers potential clients in Moscow all types of services: lending to individuals and legal entities, raising funds for deposits, processing credit and debit cards, settlement and cash services and much more.

Acquainted with full list Home Credit Bank branches in Moscow can be found at the very bottom of the page. They are displayed in a list, but x can also be viewed on the map, which is more convenient.

How to get a loan from Home Credit in Moscow without going to the office?

To apply for a loan at Home Credit, a potential borrower does not have to go to the office. To do this, just fill out a form on the credit institution’s website, indicating all the necessary information for the bank to make a decision (passport details, personal information, information about the desired loan, registration and residence address, place of work and other information).

Within just 5-15 minutes, the client will receive a preliminary decision on the application by phone and will know whether he can count on approval. Only in case of a positive verdict should the borrower prepare required package documents and go to the nearest bank office.

The list of documents will depend on the selected credit program and the required amount. For example, to purchase goods on credit in partner stores, the client only needs to provide a passport and any other identification document of his choice. Usually this is SNILS, TIN or driver's license.

Non-working pensioners must take with them a pension certificate or a certificate of pension establishment.

Regular clients of the bank must provide a passport and SNILS. And new borrowers can bring a passport and any of the following documents: SNILS, driver’s license, foreign passport.

Who will get a loan from Home Credit Bank?

Based on the credit institution’s requirements for potential borrowers, we can conclude that the ideal client of Home Credit Bank is a citizen of the Russian Federation aged 22 to 64 years, permanently registered in Russia and having a constant source of income, good credit history. At the same time, minor delays in repaying loans from other banks are allowed for up to 30 days.

For example, the ideal borrower for Home Credit Bank would be an ordinary worker of the largest Russian Aluminum plant in Moscow with a good, stable salary, own or rented housing. The marital status of the potential borrower does not play a special role, but the purpose of the loan is a rather important factor.

A simple worker can get a one-time loan from Home Credit for an expensive purchase, a resort vacation, treatment, apartment renovation and any other consumer purposes.

Another thing is when the borrower often needs credit funds V a small amount, for example, with a constant delay in wages. In this case, a one-time large loan will not work and it would be better to apply for a Home Credit credit card. With it, the client will receive an impressive limit borrowed money with the possibility of preferential repayment without interest. Thanks to this, the borrower will be able to use the bank’s money for free.

The bank was registered in Zelenograd under the name Technopolis in 1990. The founders were the NPO Zenit, the scientific and technological innovation center Doka, the Zelenogradsky state farm, the Zelenograd canteen trust, PSMO Zelenogradstroy, and the Elpa research institute. The bank's participants also included the Russian Brokerage House and the Russian Oil Company. In March 2002, the bank was acquired by a Czech Home Credit Finance A.S., which is part of Home Credit Group*. Immediately after the purchase, the bank was refocused on consumer lending, and in March 2003 it was officially renamed Home Credit and Finance Bank (abbreviated as HCF Bank LLC).

Today, the Russian bank is part of the international group of companies PPF - one of the largest financial companies in Central and Eastern Europe. Currently, 99.9919% of the bank’s shares are owned by Home Credit B.V., 88.62% of the shares of which are controlled by PPF Financial Holdings B.V. (Netherlands), and 11.38% by Emma Omega LTD. The main beneficiaries of these organizations and, accordingly, Russian bank are the owner of PPF Group, one of the richest Czech businessmen Petr Kellner (with a share of 88.62%) and his business partner Jiri Šmejc (7.36%).

According to press reports, Schmeitz previously ceded his 5% stake in the PPF holding in exchange for minority stakes and participation in the capital of banks owned by the group.

On January 31, 2015, Ivan Svitek left the post of chairman of the bank’s board, and Yuri Andresov was appointed acting chairman of the board. He held this position until March 25, 2015, when the Central Bank of the Russian Federation approved his candidacy for the position of Chairman of the Board of HCF Bank LLC. Prior to this, Yuri Andresov was deputy chairman of the bank’s board, as well as director of the Home Credit banking network.

The bank's head office is located in Moscow; as of January 1, 2019, the bank's regional network included 225 offices and 27 regional representative offices. The financial institution did not have any operating branches as of this date. In its reporting for 2018, the bank explained that the branches were transformed into regional representative offices and clearing centers in order to optimize the structure of the financial institution. Shared network The distribution of Home Credit Bank, including its subsidiary bank in Kazakhstan, totaled about 117 thousand points of sale in partner stores.

At the beginning of May 2014, it became known that about 200 bank offices were closing (8% of the total network volume). The decision was due to the general slowdown in economic growth and the introduction of regulatory measures aimed at optimizing costs. The bank's headcount has also undergone a significant reduction: between mid-2013 and 2015, the bank cut 30% of its staff. The number of personnel at the beginning of January 2016 was 14,239 people (as of January 2015 - 28.9 thousand people; as of January 2014 - 32 thousand people). According to the latest available data, the average number of employees in 2017 was 13,389.

The priority areas of activity of the financial institution are the provision of loans and a full range of financial services to individuals when purchasing consumer goods (directly at points of sale), providing loans using plastic cards and cash through a network of our own offices, as well as through a partner network. The Bank is also developing cooperation with corporate clients, mainly within the framework of programs consumer lending, as well as within salary projects And deposit products. Among the bank's corporate partners are the largest federal (Eldorado, DNS, Svyaznoy, M. Video, Euroset, Lazurit) and regional (Nord, Poisk, Domotekhnika) retail chains, as well as about 11 thousand individual stores throughout Russia. In recent years, special attention has been paid to the development of online services, which include the Internet and mobile bank, mobile app“My Credit”, infrastructure for providing loans using online technologies, etc. At the end of 2018, the number of active clients who opened a deposit with the bank, took out a loan or are holders of debit/credit cards amounted to 3.5 million people.

From April 2018 to April 2019, the net assets of the credit institution remained almost unchanged in volume, amounting to 261.5 billion rubles. During the specified period, there was a repayment of liabilities in liabilities corporate clients(-46.0%), partially compensated by funds raised on the interbank market (+177.6%). In assets, despite their insignificant dynamics over the period, there were very noticeable structural changes. The bond portfolio decreased significantly (-84.3%), corporate loan portfolio(-38.3%) and highly liquid assets (-48.2%). At the same time, the bank increased its portfolio of issued interbank loans (from zero to 11.4% of assets) and retail loan portfolio (+10.4%).

In the passive part, 67% are deposits of individuals, 5.8% are funds of enterprises and organizations, the share of attracted interbank loans is 1.3%, the rest of the liabilities are formed own capital. Capital adequacy in accordance with the N1.0 standard amounted to reporting date comfortable 12.8% (with a minimum set value of 8%). Behind Last year The bank repaid about 96% of subordinated liabilities (in the form of Eurobonds) included in capital according to the Central Bank's methodology. As of the reporting date, the volume of remaining subordinated loans in capital amounted to 0.5 billion rubles. Turnovers on customer accounts in recent months amounted to about 69-76 billion rubles and were largely formed by payment activity individuals.

The asset portfolio is dominated by the loan portfolio, which accounts for 97% of net assets. The portfolio consists of 95% of loans provided to private clients, the rest - loans to enterprises and organizations. The share of delinquencies in the portfolio over the past year has not changed, amounting to 3.8% according to RAS, the level of provisioning in the portfolio also remained at the same level - 6.8%. The Bank periodically conducts transactions for the sale of overdue loans overdue for over a year to collection agencies; counterparties for purchase are selected through a tender.

Briefcase valuable papers occupies 2.9% of assets and is entirely represented by bonds. As of the reporting date, approximately two-thirds of the securities were Russian government bonds, and another third were Eurobonds. Trading volumes and repos in the portfolio are small and volatile.

The share of issued interbank loans in assets is 11.4%, another 1.9% is accounted for by highly liquid assets (balances in cash and correspondent accounts with the Central Bank). In the interbank lending market, the bank is active in both directions; lending turnover in the last months of the reporting period amounted to 20-140 billion rubles, and in attracting liquidity - 24-106 billion rubles.

At the end of 2018, the bank earned net profit in the amount of 9.8 billion rubles, which was less than the result of 2017 (11.9 billion rubles). In the first quarter of 2019, the financial institution received 4.7 billion rubles in net profit.

Board of Directors: Jiri Šmejc (chairman), Irina Kolikova, Galina Vaisband, Julius Tai.

Governing body: Yuri Andresov (chairman), Sergey Shcherbakov, Martin Shaffer, Artem Aleshkin, Alexander Antonenko, Olga Egorova.

* Home Credit Group specializes in the development of consumer lending in European countries and is one of the leaders in this market segment banking services. Home Credit Group is part of the international investment group of companies PRF, engaged in investment, banking and insurance business. The main owner (98.93% of voting shares) is one of the richest Czech businessmen, Petr Kellner (with a capital of $16 billion, he ranks 73rd on the world list of billionaires (2019) according to Forbes).

The territory of presence of the PPF group covers countries such as the Czech Republic, Russia, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Germany, Great Britain, Finland, Kazakhstan, China, Vietnam, Philippines, India, Indonesia, Romania , USA. The assets of the PPF group are concentrated in such industries as banks and finance (Home Credit, PPF banka and Air Bank), telecommunications (CETIN, O2,PPF Arena 1 B. V.), biotechnology (SOTIO and a number of others), real estate and development (PPF Real Estate Holding), insurance (PPF Life Insurance, Russia), Agriculture(“PAB Agro”, Russia), as well as a number of other projects in the countries of presence. The total volume of assets under management of the PPF group reaches 38 billion euros (according to group data as of June 30, 2018). The number of employees in the group companies by December 30, 2017 was 170 thousand people.

Internet banking from the bank Home Credit one of the leading offices for online control of funds in your accounts. Home Credit Bank was established in 2002 and is the leader in lending in Russia.

Login to the personal account of Home Credit Bank is carried out from the official page of the bank. To log in, just enter your username and password, and if filled out correctly, your account will open.

To enter your Home Credit Bank personal account, you must go to the bank’s official website at homecredit.ru and in the upper right corner click on the “Login” button.

The system will prompt you to choose where you want to go. Home Credit Bank has two types personal account:

  1. My loan
  2. Internet bank

If you go to the “My Loan” section, you will go to your loan control panel and can see key points related to debt, repayment period, date of next loan payment. In other words, this is a mini personal account where you can only control your loan, which you repay.

There is also a second, more complete version of your personal account - this is “Internet Banking”. Here you have access to all your assets that are registered in your name at Home Credit Bank: accounts, cards, loans. Here you can also manage services, pay for services, transfer money between your accounts or send it to another person.

Home Credit Bank personal account, security

  • Be careful: do not download or install applications and programs from unverified sources on your device (tablet, computer, phone or smartphone);
  • remember to install an anti-virus program, do not forget to update it periodically;
  • To avoid disclosure of personal data, do not give payment card and a mobile device for use by third parties, even relatives and friends;
  • when changing the phone number designated as a contact in Banking agreement, try to immediately notify the Bank about this;
  • No one (even Bank employees) except you should know the following information: your PIN code plastic card, password for authorization in Internet banking, CVV/CVC code (indicated on the back of the plastic card), one-time confirmation codes;
  • if a link to a web resource unknown to you came from an unreliable source, you cannot click on it;
  • If you suspect that your personal data has been disclosed to third parties, we recommend that you immediately notify the financial institution.

Have you discovered that your finances have been illegally debited from your account? Call the hotline immediately.

To stay up to date with the security rules for your accounts, follow the news on the official page financial organization www.homecredit.ru.

Home Credit personal account interface

In these photos you can see what functions the Homecredit interactive account has:

Description and capabilities of the Home Credit account

  • IN personal account you can carry out such intra-bank operations as: repaying loans, transferring money to other clients of the same Bank (indicating the amount and personal account number), opening deposits and replenishing them, tracking credit card debts.
  • The ability to transfer finances to any accounts (both organizations and individuals) without limiting the transfer amount. The commission is only 10 rubles.
  • By going to the account transaction history, you can add your own payment template or repeat it if necessary.
  • If necessary (for example, theft, loss), you can block your debit or credit plastic card yourself.
  • In your personal account, you can select and open a deposit without directly visiting the office of the service provider.
  • If you need to send remittance to a card from another bank in the country, you can make it by indicating only the recipient’s card number.
  • Without visiting the bank, you can get acquainted with complete information on all financial products bank you use. For example, interest accrued on a deposit for a certain period, loan payment terms and monthly amount payment on it, deadlines for closing the deposit, etc.
  • With “Internet banking” without leaving your home or workplace, you can quickly pay for any public utilities. To do this, it is not necessary to visit the Bank's office.
  • Do you use a credit card? Want to know about benefits? Use your interactive account to track the amount and terms of debt payment!
  • It is also easy to transfer funds to the specified bank account: indicate the amount and details for its transfer.
  • In your personal account, you can top up Home Credit Bank cards from payment cards of other banks.
  • Internet banking from Home Credit allows you to receive real money or open a credit card without directly visiting the office. To do this, you can fill out the form. After 1.5-2 hours, the entire requested amount will be transferred to your account. This function is available if there is a special offer from the Bank.

Important information!!! All intrabank transfers and transfers to personal accounts in other banks in the country are carried out exclusively with a debit bank card. Any payments in Internet banking (payments are available for more than 800 organizations) are made without charging commissions.

The online client account service (“Internet banking”) is provided free of charge!

Credit office Home Credit

Getting authorized in the Homecredit Credit Account is quite simple. Enter the following information in the form fields: user’s date of birth, mobile number, the code from the picture and the confirmation SMS code sent to your phone.

The difference between the Homecredit Credit Account and a personal account is that the client, while in the system, will only be able to control the receipt and expenditure of funds on the loan, obtain data on credit card or a loan taken. In this system, you cannot send messages to the Bank, transfer funds, open deposits, change settings, make payments, apply for a loan or open a credit card.

Like the online account, the function “ Credit office» is also provided free of charge.

Do you have any questions about the operation of the Bank’s interactive system? Add a comment to the article with a question you are interested in, we will try to answer them as thoroughly and accurately as possible.

Home Credit Hotline

Today, one of the leaders in lending to individuals is Home Credit Bank. This bank is among the top twenty in this category. And today he does not resign and continues to actively search for new clients that will bring new profit. As a result, Home Credit Bank significantly reduced interest rate, and when issuing loans he waived the additional commission. Moreover, the bank’s management, one might say, went all-in, attracting borrowers in the field of mortgages and car loans. And for this, the number of required documents was reduced. In order to attract new customers, Home Credit Bank began to actively cooperate with chains of various stores and supermarkets, which led to improved positions in the market.

One of the bank’s achievements was the introduction of machines that will speed up the work of Home Credit. Thanks to them you will be able to:

  • Find out about the status of consumer and mortgage loans.
  • Activate or block bank card.
  • Get information on financial transfers and deposits.
  • Addresses and locations of the nearest ATMs and branches of Home Credit Bank.

But what if you experience certain problems with one of the bank’s services? How to quickly resolve issues that arise?

Home Credit Hotline – a step forward!

The most common problems that Home Credit Bank clients encounter are the loss of a card or incorrect loan repayment, for example, the money that you deposited within a clearly specified period was taken into account. Of course, you can fill out an application or call the bank. But it is not always possible to get a quick answer and the problem will worsen accordingly. That's why optimal solution there will be a call to the hotline. Moreover, such a call will be absolutely free and it doesn’t matter if you are calling from mobile phone or stationary. An exception is a call from abroad. It will be charged according to your operator's tariff.

So, a free call to the Home Credit Bank hotline is a high-quality and at the same time automated assistant for solving your problems. Thanks to this telephone line, you can improve your communication with the bank and make it more pleasant and efficient. For everyone banking products, submitting and completing an application, you will be able to conduct a dialogue with the Home Credit Bank contact center. IN online mode, namely by calling the hotline you can get the most objective information on registration online loan, savings deposits, credit cards and so on. You can also make a call or contact the bank through the official website.

The automatic call system is very simple. It starts with the combination “8 800”. The menu has voice prompts for different sections. For example, you can:

  • Connect your personal account.
  • Apply for a loan.
  • Leave or find out a review about the bank.
  • What kind of loan is profitable?
  • How to get cash.
  • Credit calculator etc.

Hotline assistant from Home Credit

So, by contacting the hotline operator, you can get help in solving various problems. Now let's talk about the conditions for obtaining this or that information.

  1. Block the card. If you lose your bank card, you can block it using the hotline. But to do this you need to name its last four digits. If you do not know them, then you will have to go through the authentication procedure using a passport.
  2. Find out the debt on a loan or card. You can get this information for absolutely any account. But to do this, you must provide your card number or contract number. The operator may also require some passport information from you.
  3. Information on account balance. You have the opportunity to obtain information on the balance of your deposit, loan repayment account and simply information on the settlement network.
  4. Apply for a card or loan. To get cash, you can apply for a loan. If you find out about the positive result of your application by calling the hotline, you will need to contact the nearest bank branch.
  5. Solve any technical question or restore access to Home Credit Internet Banking. You can confidently call the hotline if you are unable to access the Internet bank. The operator will help eliminate possible problem, which may be related to browser settings.
  6. Find out information on the work schedule of the Home Credit Bank branch. Home Credit banks employ thousands of employees, and offices are scattered throughout Russia. Moreover, new branches are constantly opening and closing. And by calling the hotline you can find out the current schedule, telephone number and address of a branch in any bank.

Waiting period for hotline response

If you make a call on a weekday, then you should realistically understand that the line may be busier than in the evening. Moreover, you may be switched to other operators. New evening hours there are also fewer operators. If you have questions about economic category, then you won’t be able to get an answer in the evening, since the economists will no longer be working. The management of Home Credit Bank is working to improve this area, so don’t be upset when faced with something like this.

Advantages of the Home Credit Bank hotline

The main advantage of the Home Credit hotline is its round-the-clock operation, as well as absolutely free calls. This means that at absolutely any time of the day, the operator will provide all possible assistance for you. You will be able to quickly obtain information on any bank service provided. As mentioned above, the presence of a voice menu allows you to solve some of your questions. This is a big plus to the existing hotline.

So, main task Home Credit Bank is providing profitable, simple and convenient banking services. As a result, if you are an active client of this banking organization, your life will become more comfortable. And an important aspect of improving service delivery is the relationship with the client. And the hotline is a breakthrough in this regard. Home Credit Bank is waiting for new clients who will not be disappointed!

Home Credit bank support service and hotline.

The most important issue for the bank's attention was fast and high-quality service. The bank was one of the first to open a technical support hotline for bank clients, and not one, but two! You can always quickly reach them from any corner of Russia, and it’s completely free. You can discuss any question with the operator, be it the loan balance, the necessary documents for the loan, current rates Home Loan on deposits and much more by typing Home Credit bank hotline number . Contact Center Home Credit was created for the most profitable and useful communication between clients regarding all banking products, car loans, and processing loan applications without certificates and documents.

Hom Credit Bank loans information from the hotline

A loan is a form of borrowed capital expressed most often in in cash, or in the commodity. Often, a loan is issued on the condition of repayment, payment, security and urgency. In Hom, credit relations are understood as a separate particle economic relations associated with the provision of funds on loan with the return of the debt along with interest. Object credit relations

stands for the value that was lent in order to make a profit. The subjects of credit relations can be independent enterprises. One of the characteristics of credit relations is that they imply the existence of two entities - the lender - Home Credit Bank and the borrower. The object of lending is usually money, but can also be different kinds inventory items, work performed or services performed for which a loan agreement is concluded. Conditions loan agreement

You can find out by calling the home bank hotline.

Reasons for lending:
1) General economic;
1.1 Operation of the enterprise on the principles of commercial calculation;
1.2 Time gap between the shipped goods and its payment;
1.3 The need to ensure a continuous renewal process at the enterprise;
1.4 The need for enterprise development;
2) Specific;
2.1 Long operating cycle;
2.2 Seasonality;
2.3 Violation of circulating money standards;

2.4 Lack of professionalism of financial managers.
Types of lending to enterprises:
1. Overdraft;
2. Commercial loan;
3. Factoring;

4. Leasing. Overdraft - short term loan Home Credit Bank, in excess of the balance of money on current account enterprise or person. Overdraft conditions for You can find out by calling the Home Credit hotline. If the company has used an overdraft, then interest is calculated daily until the loan is repaid in full. Overdraft is not secured by anything.
A commercial loan is a type of borrowed capital in the form of deferred payment for shipped products, goods, work or services.

There are such types commercial loan:
1) Accounts receivable and accounts payable;
2) Debt formalized by a bill of exchange;
3) Consignment - transfer of the right to sell goods.

Factoring is a type of loan from Home Bank that allows you to refinance an enterprise as a result of the emergence of accounts receivable. About the possibility of use of this loan It’s worth checking with the Home Credit Bank hotline.

Types of factoring:
1) Factoring “with” or “without” prepayment;
2) Open or closed factoring;
3) Factoring without recourse or with recourse.

Leasing is a long-term lease of movable or immovable property.

Lease payment structure:
1) Depreciation;
2) Insurance;
3) Risk premium;
4) Leasing margin;
5) Payment for resources.