New resolution to help mortgage borrowers. Extension of the new program to help mortgage borrowers. What is mortgage subsidization


Will there be state support for mortgages in 2017 and 2018? This question interested many Russian citizens after the AHML assistance program for mortgage borrowers ended.

From August 22, 2017, mortgage holders will begin to receive support from the state under new rules.

The updated version of the state program sets out new conditions for receiving assistance from the state budget. Previously existing rules are no longer relevant. The government promises to reduce mortgage debt by up to 30% for those who qualify for the program. We are talking about an amount of about 1.5 million rubles, but some categories of citizens can count on larger amounts.

The innovations concern mainly those who received a loan in foreign currency.

Basic rules by which state support is provided

The main requirement will be the amount of payment of the borrower who will apply to write off part of the debt. It is necessary that there is an excess of 30% compared to the initial conditions.

A special commission will decide by what percentage the debt will be reduced in each case that does not fit the general provisions. For everyone, the maximum write-off amount will be no more than 1.5 million rubles. And only some citizens can count on doubling this amount.

  • The period that has passed since receiving the loan is at least one year.
  • The loan recipient must have a dependent non-working student or minor child.
  • There is no requirement for disabled people and veterans to have children.
  • The borrower's income and the area of ​​his home should not exceed the values ​​​​established by the terms of the program.
  • The presence of other housing in the property plays a role.
  • You will need to come to an agreement with the lending institution regarding late fees.

What is the state support program?

Funds are allocated from the state budget to mortgage holders to help repay part of the debt. The debtor negotiates with the bank to carry out restructuring. The credit institution reduces the amount of debt, converts the balance into Russian rubles or lowers the interest rate.

Who will not be denied an application?

Not every mortgage holder is eligible to receive assistance from the state. You must meet certain requirements:

  • have a child under 18 years of age;
  • be the parent of a full-time student under 24 years of age;
  • be a veteran or disabled.

In some cases, childless families can also count on government assistance.

What should the income be?

It is necessary to prove that the income of family members is not enough to pay for the mortgage. To find out whether the borrower needs help, the following calculations will be made:

  1. The average family income per month will be determined based on the last 3 months.
  2. The monthly loan payment will be deducted from it.
  3. The difference will be divided by the number of family members.

If the result is below twice the regional subsistence level, then the debtor meets this condition.

In addition to income level, the size of the monthly payment matters. To receive assistance from the state budget, it is necessary that its size increase by 30% or more from the date of receipt of the loan.

Requirements for housing purchased with a mortgage

The house or apartment must be pledged.

The borrower is subject to the following conditions:

  • Mortgage housing is the only one;
  • the apartment (house) is registered in ownership or on the terms of shared construction;
  • the debtor and his close relatives did not own more than 50% of another apartment (house) from April 30, 2015;
  • The area of ​​a one-room apartment is no more than 45 m², a two-room apartment is 65 m², and an apartment with three or more rooms is 85 m².

How much money will be written off

Debtors can expect a 30% reduction in the loan amount. The calculation takes place in Russian currency at the exchange rate at the time of the restructuring. The maximum assistance limit is set at RUB 1.5 million.

This time the amount of state support does not take into account the number of children. Any family can have their debt reduced by the maximum amount.

For many borrowers, writing off 30% of the debt will not help resolve the debt issue. The program provides for the creation of a commission to provide assistance in particularly difficult cases. In some situations the limit may be increased.

Term of the mortgage agreement

You can receive support from the state budget if a year or more has passed since the mortgage was issued. The final date of signing the restructuring agreement is taken as the final date.

If a new agreement has been drawn up with a credit institution to transfer the loan into rubles, then the starting date when calculating the term is taken as the moment of concluding the original agreement in foreign currency.

Terms of the restructuring agreement

When the borrower applies for restructuring, the bank will formulate new conditions. They must be included in the restructuring agreement.

To receive assistance from the state, the contract must specify the conditions for a loan in foreign currency:

  • the amount of debt is converted into Russian currency at the current rate or lower;
  • the interest rate should not exceed 11.5%.

If the loan was issued in rubles, then the conditions are as follows:

  • the rate cannot be higher than that specified in the old contract.

The state support program assumes that a credit institution will reduce debt by 30%. This will lead to a reduction in the mandatory payment. The mortgage term cannot be shortened.

What will happen to the bank's penalties for late payments?

Participation in the state support program gives the debtor the right to write off bank penalties that have not yet been paid. The state will not reimburse money already transferred or collected by the bank.

The amount of the fine is not covered by the state budget. The bank must enter into a settlement agreement with the borrower providing for the write-off of these amounts.

Can registration of state aid be a paid service of the bank?

If a credit institution charges a commission for supporting transactions under a government program, then it is breaking the law. You can file a complaint with the AHML.

Can a borrower who does not meet the program conditions receive assistance from the government?

Even if the debtor does not meet all the requirements, he has a chance to receive government support.

If there are minor discrepancies with the rules of the program, but a special commission, having studied all the conditions, recognized that the family is not able to cope with the mortgage, then the decision may be made in favor of the debtor.

Such a commission must be organized before September 1. In any case, it is worth taking the restructuring application to the bank.

If a borrower applied for government support under previously existing conditions, but did not receive it in time, can he hope that his application will be considered under the new program?

The documents need to be collected again. The previous application is no longer valid. The previous requirements for debtors do not work. Assistance is provided only in accordance with the new conditions.

How much time is allocated for the implementation of the program?

Support for mortgage holders will remain in effect until the 2 billion rubles allocated for the program are spent. According to calculations, this should be enough for approximately 1,300 people, which is about 30% of all foreign currency mortgage holders in need of help. The total amount of debt on mortgage loans in foreign currency exceeds the amount allocated for state support by 10 times.

Therefore, in order to get help in time, you need to act actively. As quickly as possible, collect documents, submit an application and conclude a restructuring agreement.

Will help be given a second time to those who received it previously?

No, you can resort to writing off part of the debt only once.

Does it make sense for ruble mortgage holders to seek help?

In the case of a ruble mortgage, you should apply for state support only if the obligatory payment from the date of conclusion of the agreement has increased by 30%. Otherwise, the debtor will not be able to participate in the program.

A complex case can be considered by a commission, even if, by agreement with the bank, the borrower pays a fixed payment. If the situation is considered truly dire, assistance may be provided.

But such a development of the situation is unlikely. Acceptance of applications begins on August 22. In the meantime, a commission will be created and time will be spent on considering a specific case, the budget allocated for the program will end.

What is the procedure for foreign currency mortgage holders

  1. First, you need to carefully study all the provisions of the new program and analyze whether the borrower meets all the requirements. If it is suitable, then you can submit an application on a general basis, otherwise you should rely on the commission’s decision.
  2. Next, you need to visit the bank and find out what documents are required to collect. There you also need to clarify the conditions for receiving government assistance and discuss with bank employees the issue of penalties for late payment.
  3. Prepare a package of documents. Order all necessary certificates in advance.
  4. If you decide to go through the commission, you need to wait for the adoption of regulations regulating its activities. It may contain conditions that exclude the debtor from participating in the program.
  5. The most important thing when applying for government support is to take into account that assistance will be provided to those who managed to apply earlier than others.

Obtaining a mortgage loan is a salvation for many Russians in need of housing. The amounts required to purchase your own apartment or house are sometimes so large that it is difficult to buy real estate on your own. Mortgage restructuring with the help of the state is a rational solution to the housing issue.

The state of crisis in which the country's economy has been for the last few years is affecting people's well-being. Mortgage repayment conditions, which were difficult even without economic difficulties, are becoming an unbearable burden for many families. In such cases, large banking organizations offer a mortgage restructuring service.

What is mortgage restructuring

Mortgage loan restructuring helps borrowers rid themselves of the debtor status in cases where it is difficult to repay the loan on their own. The terms of the restructuring provide for variability in monthly payment amounts and payment terms. This service can be used by all payers who meet the program conditions.

During the restructuring process, the parties revise the previously concluded loan agreement. The purpose of the revision is to make changes that are primarily beneficial to the borrower. When temporary financial difficulties are confirmed, the bank meets halfway, having secured an order from AHML.

  1. The steps a credit institution takes to ensure the borrower fulfills the loan terms may be as follows:
  2. Extension of the loan repayment period. This entails a reduction in the monthly payment. It is worth remembering that increasing the term entails an increase in the amount of interest paid, but sometimes this option is the only possible one.
  3. Reducing the interest rate. This is possible if the level of development of the credit institution and the economic situation of the country allow this, for example, when the Central Bank rate was reduced after the signing of the agreement. The amount of savings the borrower receives is not significant on a monthly basis, but the amount saved over the course of a year can exceed the amount of one payment.
  4. Changing the loan payment currency. Since the depreciation of the ruble is directly related to the financial situation of many borrowers, the bank may decide to make dollar payments.
  5. Changing the repayment schedule. The lender may offer an option to change the payment amount for a certain amount of time: for 6 months, for a year. This time is enough for the borrower's financial situation to stabilize. It is possible to reduce the payment amount by up to 50 percent.

Providing credit holidays. The average period is 6 months. During the holidays, the borrower pays only the principal debt; he is exempt from paying interest during this time. In some cases, a complete exemption from making payments for a specified period is possible.

Restructuring a residential mortgage loan is a smart decision that brings benefits to both parties to the transaction. The bank is guaranteed to continue to receive payments, the borrower maintains a “clean” credit history without being included in the list of debtors. The existence of such a service in the banking market justifies itself. It is important not to accumulate debts, but to promptly contact AHML with a request for government support.

Borrowers in need of government assistance enter into a new mortgage agreement with a banking organization. This happens after a corresponding request is received from AHML, where the citizen must apply with the assistance of the bank. The agency's activities are regulated by legislative acts, since this organization is the federal operator of the project.

The last document signed by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev is dated July 25, 2017 (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 25, 2017 No. 1579-r). The program provides for spending 2 billion rubles to help citizens who find themselves in difficult financial situations and having difficulties repaying their mortgage loans. The terms of the program are specified in detail in the Resolution dated April 20, 2015.

If the borrower meets the program requirements, then he can count on support from the state in the form of:

  • interest rate reduction: maximum – 12%;
  • writing off part of the principal debt on the mortgage (but not more than 200,000 rubles);
  • suspension of payments for a certain period;
  • non-collection of commissions related to the restructuring procedure;
  • currency changes.

Participation in this program is completely free for payers. Property pledged to the bank must meet the following requirements:

  • not be luxury housing;
  • the area of ​​a one-room apartment is no more than 45 square meters;
  • area of ​​a two-room apartment – ​​no more than 65 square meters;
  • The size of a three-room apartment is no more than 85 meters.

An apartment pledged to a lender bank, for example, Sberbank, is the borrower’s only home. If there are three or more children under 18 years of age in a family, the space requirements are not relevant.

After contacting AHML, the borrower who received a positive decision again contacts the bank, where the parties contractually choose the restructuring option. The new agreement will allow the citizen to fulfill his loan obligations in full, but with a short delay. The Housing Mortgage Lending Agency (AHML) will transfer funds to the bank in the amount of the concession made to the borrower.

Who gets help?

Not every citizen can become a participant in the state program. The agency imposes a number of requirements on borrowers. Categories of citizens who can apply for participation in the program:

  • combat veterans;
  • large families with at least one minor child;
  • persons with disabilities;
  • parents of disabled children or who are disabled themselves;
  • citizens with at least one minor child and under the age of 35;
  • citizens who are employees of government bodies and local government bodies;
  • citizens who are employees of state and municipal institutions, organizations of the military-industrial and scientific-production complexes.

All program participants must be citizens of the Russian Federation whose income has recently fallen below that confirmed at the time of obtaining a mortgage. For each family member, the income must be less than the sum of two subsistence minimums. The property taken on credit must be located in Russia.


Anyone who meets the conditions of the program and wants to restructure a mortgage loan must first find out whether a bank, for example, VTB-24, cooperates with AHML. There is no direct contact with the Agency. The step-by-step instructions are as follows:

  1. Submitting a request to the bank for cooperation with AHML.
  2. If the answer is positive according to point 1, carefully read the terms of the program.
  3. Preparation of a package of documents requested by the Agency and required by the bank.
  4. Filling out an application on a form issued by the creditor bank.
  5. The reply is in process.
  6. If the answer to clause 5 is positive, a new loan agreement will be signed.

Required documents

If the answer is positive, you must provide a package of documents to the bank. It includes:

  • application form;
  • passports of all family members and copies;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • decision of the guardianship authorities on adoption;
  • Veteran's ID (if available);
  • documents confirming the borrower's disability;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • a copy of the work book;
  • certificate of income (2 – personal income tax);
  • certificate of registration with the employment service.

Given that the country's economy was faced with a sharp decline in the national currency, the standard of living of the population deteriorated sharply.

In this regard, the number of overdue loans has increased, which is why the need arose to provide state support to people who find themselves in a difficult financial situation.

Started operating in April 2015 Resolution No. 373 of April 20, 2015“On the main conditions for the implementation of assistance programs for certain categories of borrowers for housing mortgage loans”, based on the provisions of which the groups of citizens who receive from the state budget are determined.

But not every client of a credit institution can count on it, but it makes life much easier for those who find themselves in financial difficulties.

The Resolution has been amended several times. Today for main categories of borrowers restructuring with state support is possible for 20% of the remaining amount, but not more than 600 thousand rubles. Therefore, the maximum size subject to restructuring has not been established. But this applies to people belonging to certain social groups.

It should be noted that, first of all, such a program is aimed to increase the authorized capital Mortgage lending agencies (hereinafter referred to as AHML).

Concept and essence of the procedure

Restructuring involves a revision by a banking institution of the conditions for issuing a housing loan at the request of the borrower.

Wherein may be revised:

Loan review available only if the applicant’s living conditions deteriorate and it is impossible to repay the mortgage in the same amount. This applies to situations when a person stops paying wages or is fired. In order for the provisions of the mortgage agreement to be revised, the applicant must present evidence of a change in the conditions of his residence. For example, this could be a work book with a corresponding entry.

But there is no need to mislead the banking organization; if its employees do not find any reasons for changing the clauses of the contract, the applicant will receive a refusal. Without serious financial difficulties, you should not apply.

In addition, the bank will refuse if the person is in arrears on monthly payments. It should be noted that restructuring is carried out only at the initiative of the borrower and will not affect his image in any way.

Considering that the material obligations incurred by the person who issued the loan are reduced, and this comes from lowering the loan rate to 12% per annum. In addition, the financial institution provides deferment in debt payment for one and a half years.

Part of interest During that period, the loan holder pays, and 50% is reimbursed by AHML. This makes it possible to organize your material condition. In this case, the credit institution does not lose anything, so banks willingly agree to this procedure.

Existing forms

Revision of the provisions of the agreement can be expressed in:

Requirements for the borrower and terms of implementation

Assistance to mortgage borrowers is provided with the mutual consent of all participants in the mortgage agreement.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 20, 2015. determined rules for receiving state support. They are:

The state, represented by .

Everyone can count on it, but first of all it concerns privileged categories of people. They are:

  • Citizens with minor children. This affects both the natural child and those adopted and under guardianship;
  • Pensioners, veterans of various military operations;
  • People who have become disabled;
  • Parents raising disabled children;
  • Large families.

Order of conduct

Expecting to receive government support in the established amount, it is necessary take the following actions:

Required package of documents

To carry out the procedure will need to submit:


In accordance with the latest amendments made to the Government resolution, in 2019 minimum period of validity of the mortgage agreement on the day of filing an application for revision of the loan provisions does not matter and you can use state support at any stage of the credit line.

Advantages and disadvantages

Of course, there are pros and cons to implementing the process.

Regarding the bank, it is worth noting that it will always win. Besides, positive aspects are:

Basic but important negative point restructuring is served by an increase in the time of settlements with a banking organization, which may attract additional material costs for servicing the loan.

For information on the rules for allocating state aid to citizens who are unable to pay their mortgage, see the following video:

Mortgage loans, as one of the few affordable ways to get your own living space, are a fairly popular banking service. Long-term lending allows you not to postpone the purchase of a house or apartment, but has a certain financial risk. To eliminate problem debts and resolve foreign currency mortgage issues that arose due to sharp fluctuations in the US dollar, a state assistance program for certain categories of citizens, implemented by AHML, was launched at the state level.

The essence of the program and latest news

The purpose of the bill is to restructure a “problem” mortgage loan, the servicing of which becomes an unbearable obligation for an individual. The borrower can make changes to a previously signed agreement or enter into a new one, which results in a reduction in the rate, a change in the loan currency to rubles, and an exemption from paying fines.

The state program in force for 2019 is an extension of the previous Decree of the Government and State Duma of the Russian Federation dated April 20, 2015 No. 373. The updated terms of co-financing are regulated by Law No. 961 of August 11, 2017, which came into force on August 22, 2017. The main changes affected the amount of funds that can be written off at the expense of the state.

Important! If the borrower has previously submitted an application for debt restructuring before the latest provision of legislation came into force, but it was not accepted, the individual has the right to re-submit the papers for consideration.

In 2017, the state aid project provided for compensation in the amount of 20 percent of the actual amount of debt, but not more than 600 thousand rubles. After the latest amendments came into force, the conditions became different:

  • A fixed interest rate is established, not exceeding the value on the date of registration of the restructuring papers.
  • The amount of actual debt is reduced by 1.5 million, but according to the conditions, the debt can be repaid at the expense of the state by a maximum of 30 percent.
  • The obligation to pay penalties, penalties or other fines that accrued during the validity of the mortgage agreement is removed. Refunds of amounts already paid are not provided.
  • The rate for foreign currency loans is set at up to 11.5% per annum, for ruble loans - less than the rate applied at the time of signing the restructuring documents.

If the borrowed funds were initially received in foreign currency, it will be changed to rubles at a rate not exceeding the current one. When signing an agreement on loan restructuring, a banking institution does not have the right to demand payment of additional fees for actions taken and to reduce the payment period.

Today, assistance in case of financial problems with the repayment of mortgage debt is provided by the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending JSC. The same organization will compensate for losses incurred by credit institutions when part of the debt is closed.

Important! An approved application for participation in the state assistance program does not give the right to pay insurance payments from allocated funds (including title and personal insurance).

Conditions of participation in the state program and requirements

The state support program is not available to all citizens, but only to those who find themselves in a difficult life situation. All categories are designated in the Resolution dated August 11, 2017. However, by decision of the interdepartmental commission, the conditions can be revised, but within clearly defined limits.

Important! In accordance with paragraph 7 of Resolution No. 961, by decision of the interdepartmental commission, the amount to be reimbursed can be revised and increased at the request of the creditor bank, but not more than twice. Also, this governing body is able to approve an application from an individual if he does not meet one or two points of the requirements.

In order to become a participant in the program, you must simultaneously meet all the conditions and requirements specified in the law. Their general list looks like this:

  1. requirements for borrowers;
  2. requirements for the mortgaged property;
  3. criteria of the loan agreement;
  4. conditions of the borrower's financial condition;
  5. requirements for your own real estate.

The conditions for obtaining restructuring are specified in clause 8 of Resolution No. 961. Moreover, it is established that the borrower must meet all criteria, with the exception of the permitted deviation of 2 points, which will be analyzed by an interdepartmental commission.

Who can apply for government support?

The following categories of the population can take advantage of financial support for mortgages from AHML:

  • Parents or legal guardians with children under the age of majority.
  • Persons with disabilities and parents of disabled children.
  • Citizens who took part in hostilities.
  • Persons whose guardianship includes dependents under 24 years of age (students, students, graduate students, interns, interns, etc.) studying full-time.
  • At the same time, there are a number of conditions regarding the client’s financial condition:
  • Reduction in monthly income by at least 30%.
  • The total average monthly earnings of the borrower and other members of his family for at least 3 months should not exceed the subsistence minimum in double the amount for each person (monthly mortgage payments are taken into account).

Requirements for a mortgage agreement

Not every “problem” loan can be restructured. The state has established special requirements and conditions in this regard:

  1. Increase in the monthly payment amount by 30% or more. The first payment and the last one, which was made before submitting the application, are subject to comparison.
  2. The lending bank must be a participant in the assistance program.
  3. The original mortgage must be at least a year old at the time you apply for assistance. Exceptions are cases when a loan was taken to repay a housing loan received more than 12 months before the date of drawing up the restructuring document.
  4. Providing the bank with an application and a complete package of documents.

Paying attention to paragraph 1, we can conclude that for the most part the restructuring program is aimed at foreign currency mortgages. It is under such agreements that it is quite expected that the payment increased by a third or more, since the US dollar, in the period from 2014 to 2019, almost doubled in price. This also follows from the restructuring procedure, where among the simultaneous changes to the loan agreement, “change of currency to rubles” is indicated. However, this condition is not directly stated, that is, if the mortgage is in rubles (including the refinancing of a foreign currency mortgage into rubles), it makes sense to submit an application.

In other cases, as a rule, mortgage agreements imply a fixed or decreasing payment and a single interest rate for the entire payment period, which does not meet the requirements. The contribution amount may be changed due to debt restructuring without adjusting the term, variable rate or other factors.

Important! The total amount of credit debt, including arrears, and previous participation in the restructuring of the agreement do not matter. The client interacts with AHML through an intermediary acting as an agent bank to which the initial application is submitted.

What kind of mortgage can be restructured?

Russian legislation has established certain criteria that property acquired using loan funds must meet. These include the following:

  • This living space must be the only one owned by an individual and all members of his family (it is assumed that the borrower and another person from his family have a total share of less than 50% in other real estate).
  • The purchased property must be located in one of the populated areas of the Russian Federation and serve as collateral for the mortgage.
  • The program applies to all types of living space, including those acquired under an equity participation agreement.
  • Criteria for the real estate property itself: one-room apartment in an apartment building - up to 45 sq. m. m., if there are two living rooms - up to 65 sq. m., if the room has three or more rooms - up to 85 sq. m. m.
  • Price per 1 sq. m. of the secured object should not exceed the average cost of a similar apartment or house on the primary or secondary residential real estate market by more than 60% (for calculations, data from Rosstat of Russia and information from the regional market are used). The listed restrictions do not apply to large families (three or more children).

How to restructure debt: procedure

The entire procedure related to changes in conditions is carried out in several stages. The first involves visiting a financial institution in person and drawing up an official application. The borrower must contact the branch of the bank where the original loan agreement was concluded. Using the sample provided by the manager, you need to write a statement about the need for debt restructuring.

You can prepare it first at home. All necessary documentation is attached to it. After this, the borrower, together with the bank employee, discusses the new lending conditions.

Important! Restructuring of an existing mortgage loan is carried out according to a decision made by the creditor bank to which the client submitted an application.

All papers are carefully studied, and it is also checked whether all requirements and restrictions under the assistance program are met. After a certain time, the borrower will be notified by the credit committee of the decision. It should be noted that banks have the authority to independently set the minimum and maximum terms for considering an application and making a final verdict. As a rule, this should take about 30 days, but judging by the reviews, we can talk about longer periods, since the banking institution and AHML often require additional documents. At the final third stage, a new contract is concluded, with different conditions, or an additional agreement is drawn up to the previous one.

When these three stages are completed, the borrower needs to contact the Ministry of Justice with the old mortgage and a ready-made package of papers in order to register changes to the collateral agreement.

What documents are needed for registration?

To consider an application to revise the terms of the contract, mortgagers need to prepare in advance and attach a package of documentation (it can be found on the official AHML website), consisting of the following:

  • Identity cards of all participants in the transaction and family members (passports) and copies thereof.
  • Documents confirming that the borrower falls into one of the preferential categories of individuals applying for financing (children’s birth certificates, combat veteran’s certificate, VTEK certificate/medical and social examination (copy), etc.).
  • Documents confirming the amount of earnings of all participants in the transaction for at least the last 3 months (photocopies of the work record book, certificates of the amount of earnings according to the 2-NDFL sample or other official documents). Unemployed citizens also attach their employment certificate, a certificate of the amount and nature of accrued benefits, and information about the status of their account with the Pension Fund.
  • An extract obtained from the state register, which confirms the status of the pledge. Applications indicating the existing real estate owned by the borrower and his family or its absence (the application form can be downloaded).
  • Mortgage papers and all documents related to the mortgage (purchase and sale agreement and its copy, property appraisal report, mortgage payment schedule, cadastral and technical passport).
  • Agreement on shared participation in construction and its copy (if available).

The borrower will also be required to fill out an application form and consent to the processing of personal information. The forms of these papers depend on the specific bank.

In addition to the listed documents, each financial institution or AHML itself may require additional papers to be attached, depending on the situation, which will help make the right decision on the application for loan restructuring.

List of Russian banks participating in the program

Papers for the use of assistance under the state special program are accepted by most of the main banking institutions of Russia: Sberbank, Gazprombank, VTB, Rosselkhozbank, Bank of Moscow, UniCredit Bank, Promsvyazbank, Rosbank, Binbank, Absolut Bank", "Avtogradbank", "AK Bars", "Akibank", "Globex Bank", "Far Eastern" Bank, "Zapsibkombank", "Zenit" Bank, "Izhkomban", "Krayinvestbank", "Kurskprombank", "LOKO- Bank", "Metcombank", "MTS-Bank", "OTP-Bank", "Primsotsbank", "RosEvroBank", "Svyaz-Bank", "Sobinbank", "Center-Invest" bank, etc. Total, according to the AHML website

Assistance from the state is mainly aimed at supporting the most needy citizens of the Russian Federation, for whom the financial burden becomes unbearable. This is indicated by conditions for a decrease in earnings and an increase in the monthly payment - this situation can lead to the fact that the family’s income will be enough only for the loan installment. True, the interdepartmental commission considers applications from all persons who partially do not meet the requirements of the project, which implies not only strict adherence to the provisions of the resolution, but also an analysis of situations in private. At the same time, banks participating in the program also receive compensation.

In 2019, this is not the only form of government support for various categories of citizens. You will find an overview of all projects for assistance and financing of housing loans.

In 2015, a state program of assistance to mortgage borrowers was launched with the aim of helping people for whom they had actually become unbearable to fulfill their loan obligations.

The program began operating in 2016, was suspended, and then extended again. During this time, 18,887 families received assistance. By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 11, 2017 N 961, a decision was made to resume the program; the deadline was not specified in the document.

State support is provided through the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation through AHML. For this purpose, JSC Housing Mortgage Lending Agency allocated funds in the amount of 2 billion rubles for the purpose of compensating losses to lenders on housing mortgage loans.

AHML is a state organization with 100% state capital. Created to support banks that provide long-term loans for citizens to purchase housing.

How are AHML, the bank that issued the “problem” mortgage, and the borrower related to each other? Omitting the terms, we get the following algorithm:

  1. The bank issues a loan to the borrower from its own funds;
  2. To restore its reserves, it receives money from AHML;
  3. The agency buys the right to the issued loan from the bank, leaving it with the functions of an operator in settlements with the debtor. The bank slightly raises the interest rate on the loan and makes money on the difference in the rate.

The 2018 model program has been greatly changed taking into account the economic situation, lower mortgage rates and the emergence of banks’ own assistance programs (refinancing and restructuring) for problem debts. Support has become more personalized.

One thing remains unchanged: the program does not provide for payment of the borrower’s debt, but only helps to reduce the monthly financial burden to a feasible level.

Only four categories of citizens are eligible to receive state support:

  1. Parents, adoptive parents/guardians/trustees of a minor child (one or more).
  2. Persons whose dependents are citizens under 24 years of age who are undergoing full-time studies at a secondary or higher educational institution.
  3. Disabled people or citizens with disabled children.
  4. Combat veterans.
  5. In rare cases, revision of the terms of the contract is provided for other citizens at the request of executive authorities, State Duma deputies, and the Commissioner for Human Rights.

New: Reducing the interest rate on a mortgage taken to 6% for families with 2 and 3 children born in the period from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2022. Program “Family Mortgage with State Support”. AHML has already allocated money for this.

Requirements for your financial condition (both conditions are required):

  1. Three months before the date of application for assistance, the average family income per month must be less than or equal to two sizes of the regional subsistence minimum.
  2. The minimum mortgage payment has increased by 30% or more compared to the monthly payment determined at the time of concluding the loan agreement.

In essence, this is a condition that only those who have taken out a foreign currency mortgage can receive assistance, since the ruble amounts of the agreement are fixed and cannot increase by 30%. And with the jumping dollar and euro exchange rates, this is possible.

Limitations on the area of ​​mortgage housing for the purposes of receiving assistance:

  • 1-room apartment – ​​45 m2;
  • 2-room apartment – ​​65 m2;
  • 3-room apartment and other multi-room housing – 85 m2.

If the collateral housing is larger in size, the bank will simply advise you to sell it and buy an apartment of a smaller area.

Price 1 sq.m. collateral housing should not be higher than 60% of the market price of 1 sq.m. typical housing on the market (current data on the regional market is taken for calculation).

The last condition further narrows the circle of applicants for help. Prices for square meters on the market are subject to change. And if the apartment has dropped significantly in price, then support will be refused. But the space restrictions do not apply to families with three or more children.

Additional terms:

  1. 1. The borrower is a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  2. The mortgage was issued at least a year ago;
  3. The mortgaged housing is located on the territory of the Russian Federation and must be the only one for the borrower (it is possible to have one more housing, but provided that the joint share of the mortgagor and his family members is not higher than 50% of this property).

To get help, you need to contact the bank where the mortgage was issued. The bank must be included in the AHML list.

Latest news: AHML has been renamed JSC Dom.RF.

  1. Replacing a foreign currency loan with a ruble loan. The new loan rate should not be higher than for existing mortgage loans offered to banks at the time of renewal of the agreement, and not higher than 11.5%.
  2. Reducing obligations to a credit institution. The bank can reduce the amount of debt on the loan by 30% of the loan balance, but not more than 1.5 million rubles. The amount of compensation is the decision of the financial institution.

The amount of payments under the mortgage assistance program can (but is difficult!) be doubled by submitting an application to a special interdepartmental commission. The same commission will also consider your complaint if the bank refuses to provide assistance or if it is issued under 2 points of conditions from the list of mandatory ones.

During the restructuring period, the lender cannot demand a commission or other additional payments from the borrower.

All actions related to restructuring are carried out at the expense of the state.

List of necessary documents that must be collected before going to the bank:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • completed application form; (can be filled out using the form found on the bank’s website);
  • loan agreement;
  • birth certificate of children (minors);
  • combat veteran certificate;
  • documents on solvency for the last three months;
  • work book (original for the unemployed and a copy for the employed);
  • a certificate stating that the child is a full-time student;
  • decision of the guardianship authorities and court order (for guardians and adoptive parents of minors);
  • certificate of state registration of the property;
  • certificate of medical and social examination (for disabled people and in the presence of a disabled child);
  • a valid insurance policy and a receipt for payment of the insurance premium.

You can clarify the entire list of documents at the bank or on the bank’s website in the appropriate section.

What to do if you do not qualify for the program, but need help?

Let us repeat that in practice, only borrowers who have taken out a mortgage in foreign currency can count on receiving assistance from the state. For the rest there is a high percentage of refusals.

What should other borrowers who also find themselves in a difficult situation do?

Banks offer their own options for restructuring/refinancing, mortgage loans without the participation of AHML.

According to forecasts by Dom.RF JSC, average mortgage rates will be about 8% by the end of 2018, and a rate of 7% is “a one- to two-year perspective.”