Loans in Belarus for individual entrepreneurs. Loan products under the program to support small and medium-sized businesses Leasing in Belarus for starting a small business


Financial difficulties always arise unexpectedly and cause problems. To improve your financial situation, contact a Moscow microfinance company that offers cash loans to citizens of Belarus and other CIS countries. Completing the application will take a few minutes, and the amount will be credited to your bank account almost immediately as soon as the lender makes a positive decision. In most cases, the application is checked automatically, so the likelihood of being rejected is minimal.

Benefits of microcredit

One of the advantages of MFOs is that they do not ask about the purpose of lending. Citizens of Belarus and other borrowers can spend money at their own discretion. To cash out at an ATM, you need to read the information about the commission. This will avoid unnecessary expenses.

Taking out a loan using an electronic wallet or virtual card is the best solution for those who often make purchases in online stores or pay for services online.

Other advantages of microcredit include:

  • minimum requirements for borrowers;
  • the ability to take cash for any purpose;
  • no need for a good credit history;
  • possibility of deferred payment;
  • convenient methods of receipt and repayment;
  • possibility of early loan repayment.

Any able-bodied citizen of the Republic of Belarus can become a client of an MFO. Urgent cash loan processing is a fast and convenient procedure that allows you to receive money on the day you apply.

How to repay a debt

Microfinance organizations in Moscow offer favorable credit conditions to citizens of Belarus and several ways to repay debt. The main thing is to avoid delays in payments and remember that on holidays and weekends the transfer takes longer than usual. To avoid delays, make the transfer 1-2 days before the holiday weekend.

Warn the lender if you cannot make your next payment on the due date. There is a chance that they will meet you halfway and not charge you a fine. In case of delay, the loan will become less profitable, and data on non-payment will be entered into the credit history; to restore it, successful repayment of one or more loans will be required. To avoid such difficulties, monitor payment deadlines and do not violate the terms of the contract. This way you can take out a loan without refusal again.

Reshenie Bank offers a wide range of loan products for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, which best suits your needs and capabilities.

Our clients have the opportunity to take out a profitable foreign currency loan in euros, Russian rubles or American dollars.
Financing is also carried out in Belarusian rubles.

    Thanks to the credit support provided, you will be able to:
  • master the production of new types of products or simply replenish working capital;
  • buy new high-performance equipment;
  • purchase corporate transport;
  • purchase or construct commercial or business premises;
  • take your business to a whole new level.

Credit support is provided to enterprises and organizations of all sectors of the national economy and all forms of ownership

  • revolving credit line with a tranche of up to 360 days;
  • non-revolving line of credit;
  • one-time loan;
  • renewable multi-currency line with a tranche of up to 360 days;
  • continuous business period - 6 months;
  • absence of current overdue debt on existing bank loans and other credit transactions as of the date of application;
  • absence of seizure of current (settlement) and other bank accounts on the date of the decision to provide a loan product.
  • in current activities - up to 2 years inclusive;
  • for investments - up to 7 years inclusive.

Specific loan repayment terms are set individually depending on the nature of the transaction.

The interest rate on the loan depends on the client’s credit history, the purpose of the loan, the amount and term of the loan, and methods of ensuring the fulfillment of obligations under the loan agreement.

Interest is calculated by applying it to the actual daily balance of the credit debt account. Interest is paid at least once a month within the terms specified in the loan agreement.

A loan can be issued subject to the provision of sufficient collateral. Fulfillment of obligations to repay the loan and interest for its use can be ensured by: a pledge of real and movable property (property rights), a guarantee, a security deposit of money, a guarantee and other methods provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

One borrower can simultaneously use several methods to ensure the fulfillment of obligations under a loan agreement.

Loans are provided to organizations of all organizational and legal forms and fields of activity, in Bank branches in Minsk, Grodno, Brest, Gomel, Vitebsk, Mogilev and other cities of the Republic of Belarus where Reshenie Bank operates.

Lending is carried out after signing an agreement on individual terms.

The main requirements for those wishing to take out a loan are solvency and financial solvency. A detailed assessment of the organization’s economic situation is carried out on an individual basis, when studying the documents provided.

Loans for starting a business from scratch for aspiring entrepreneurs are issued if the borrower has highly liquid collateral.

  • money is issued for any purpose;
  • flexible loan repayment schedule, as well as the possibility of deferring payment of the principal debt;
  • the form of loan issuance is adapted to the needs of your business
  • various ways to ensure fulfillment of obligations;
  • affordable interest rate;
  • competent advice, assistance in selecting a loan on optimal terms and transaction support.


This is a financial instrument that represents a loan in different currencies within a common limit.

The loan rate is set individually, taking into account the client’s financial condition, loan collateral, income that the client brings from servicing the Bank and other factors.

The only cost to the client is the interest rate. The bank does not charge a fee for early loan repayment or document review.

If you are going to finance your investment project in several stages, then a credit line is more profitable for you, since in this case you pay only for the funds actually used, and with a one-time loan, interest is accrued immediately on the entire loan amount, regardless of what part You really spent.

An individual entrepreneur is a person who runs a business and is its sole creator. An individual entrepreneur may have hired employees, but they may also not have them. In Belarus, according to statistics, the number of people switching to self-employment is steadily increasing. This is due to the small supply of good vacancies on the labor market and to the increase in the entrepreneurial potential of the country's residents.

It is clear that opening an individual entrepreneur requires money. This applies not only to the registration of a person, but also to the conduct of activities. If a businessman is unable to raise the required amount on his own, banks come to the rescue. Now let’s look at what loan programs they offer to small and medium-sized businesses and how relevant these offers are to modern market conditions.

How realistic is it to get a loan for an individual entrepreneur in Belarus?

The economic situation in Belarus is stabilizing today. President A.G. Lukashenko issues all kinds of laws to support agriculture and the agricultural sector, national industry, domestic and international trade. From this we can conclude that enterprising people in this country are worth their weight in gold.

Banks, keeping pace with government policy, are also developing programs aimed at providing assistance and support to start-up businessmen registered as individual entrepreneurs. Loans for small businesses in Belarus are relatively large sums of money lent at low rates and for extended periods.

Specifics of providing loans for individual entrepreneurs in Belarus

Several factors can be identified as determining the difference between consumer loans and small business loans.

  1. The category to which the recipient of the funds belongs. In particular, we are talking about the legal form of the borrower. We will only consider individual entrepreneurs.
  2. The purpose of receiving money. This may be the opening of a business related to the purchase of necessary equipment and raw materials. This also includes the financing of investment projects, the purchase of fixed assets, contributions to working capital and assets.

It is safe to say that these criteria are the main ones and play the most important role when choosing a particular loan program.

What is the amount of overpayments on loans for individual entrepreneurs in Belarus

The interest rates that banks can offer to small and medium-sized entrepreneurs are usually higher than the terms of consumer loans. And the package of papers is also more extensive, because it includes many more documents than for an individual. The application review process itself will also be more thorough, since the bank takes a risk by issuing a certain amount of funds to the entrepreneur.

As for the interest rate, it is individual for each individual case. The same principle applies here as when issuing loans to individuals: rates may fluctuate depending on the loan term, amount, provision of collateral (third party guarantees or collateral).

Particular attention is paid to the client’s credit history. If it is good, that is, he has no arrears and other problems on former loans, the likelihood of issuing a loan increases. If difficulties arose previously, the bank will think 100 times before making a positive decision.

Terms and amounts of individual entrepreneur lending in Belarus

As for the periods during which the loans are valid, they are similar to consumer lending. That is, the average period of use of borrowed money is three years or a little more. As for the amounts, their sizes also vary. This is due to the scale of activities of the company owned by the individual entrepreneur and the purpose of using the money. Banks are ready to give only 100,000 rubles to some citizens. for 1 year, while other individual entrepreneurs can receive up to several million rubles for the long term. As you can see, everything is individual here.

Is it necessary to ensure the fulfillment of the obligations of an individual entrepreneur in Belarus?

The provision of security in the Republic of Belarus also has its own characteristics. Typically, representatives of this category of borrowers own their own property, which, by the way, has a high value. So it is not surprising that banks allow any property or guarantee to be provided as collateral. But in some cases, banking organizations do not require any collateral, but provide loan funds on less favorable terms.

Opening a credit line for individual entrepreneurs in Belarus

Along with obtaining a loan in the Republic of Belarus, a line of credit is also widely used, which has two types:

  • a non-revolving line of credit is a program that involves gradually disbursing the loan as needed;
  • revolving line - it implies repeated use of the received amount, as well as re-paid funds, over a certain period of time.

Loan repayment options for individual entrepreneurs in Belarus

In addition to other conditions, banks choose a fairly flexible approach to the issue related to loan repayment. In some cases, they may provide a deferred payment, and sometimes specialists create a personal repayment scheme taking into account financial flows. Another advantage of lending from most Belarusian banks is that they provide the opportunity for early repayment of debt without charging penalties.

Types of loans for individual entrepreneurs in Belarus

Taking into account the specifics and characteristics of the company’s activities, you can choose the most acceptable form of lending:

  • targeted loan (issued to solve specific problems);
  • non-targeted consumer loan.

In some situations, representatives of financial institutions require clients to be serviced by them for a certain time. The following aspects can be identified as auxiliary parameters for classifying a company as a small business:

  • total duration of activity;
  • the time during which the company makes a profit;
  • average number of personnel;
  • revenue volume for the year;
  • turnover and size of inventory;
  • credit history of the enterprise.

Loans in Belarus for individual entrepreneurs offer a wide variety of programs. Below we will consider the key offers of banks of the Republic of Belarus for individual entrepreneurs.

Which banks should you apply for a loan for individual entrepreneurs in Belarus: programs and conditions

Having examined the list of organizations that issue loans to self-employed citizens, it can be noted that in the Republic of Belarus there are many banks that are ready to provide assistance.


The program of this organization includes a loan for current activities. This means that by taking out such a loan, an entrepreneur can count on purchasing working capital, purchasing raw materials and equipment, and paying wages to employees. The average rate in this bank is 12%, and the term depends on certain factors that we discussed in previous paragraphs. You can also get a loan on the founder’s card at a rate of 18%.

Lending programs at MTBANK

BNB Bank

This company offers a series of Smart loans. The “Smart Start” program involves issuing a loan at 10% per annum, and the “Smart Lady” program at 12%. There are a few more suggestions. These are Express 30, 60 and Impulse at a rate of 13%. The bank is one of the most popular organizations in the country and is always improving its policies. Therefore, whenever you contact it, you can always come across new unique offers.

Smart Smart program

Idea Bank

Almost all loans from this company addressed to individual entrepreneurs are sold at 13%. You can take out a loan for any goals and objectives, the conditions are more than flexible, and the terms are determined in accordance with individual situations.

Idea Bank programs


This is the main agricultural bank of the country, so its goal is to finance and support the agricultural sector. All small businesses registered in Belarus and meeting a certain set of requirements can count on receiving loans. Relatively low rates are also encouraging, averaging 9%.

The bank issues a loan for current activities at 7%


This organization provides several relevant and effective programs aimed at the development of small businesses in the Republic of Belarus:

  • revolving credit line for the purpose of updating current assets (12%, up to 36 months);

For example, the terms of a revolving credit line for working capital replenishment

  • a loan issued to cover an overdraft (12.5%, up to 36 months, from 100 rubles);
  • a loan called “Successful Start” is issued to start a commercial activity at a favorable rate of 13%;
  • loans for the purchase of fixed assets and renewal of assets in circulation (13%);
  • the “Faster than Fast” program is aimed at providing express lending with mandatory surety collateral (13%);
  • Together with OJSC Development Organization of the Republic of Belarus, a program has been created to finance startup companies at 13%.

All programs are provided to both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs.

RRB Bank

This is another organization that is considered popular in terms of financing business activities carried out by individual entrepreneurs.

All lending programs at RRB Bank for business

  • “Development” - a loan under this program is issued at 12.5% ​​for a period of up to 60 months. The initial amount is 30,000 rubles.
  • “Micro loan” - loan in the range of 5-30 thousand rubles. at a rate of 12.5%;
  • “Turnover” - a cash loan is issued to replenish the organization’s current assets and for a period of up to 36 months;
  • “Overdraft” - a loan is offered in the amount of up to 300 thousand at 12.5%.

Bank "Resolution"

The purpose of the loan products provided by this bank is for the client to invest funds in the development of their own business. The average rate is 13%, and the maximum loan period is 2 years. You can take out a loan for a business from scratch or loans to continue the development of an existing business. The bank actively cooperates with individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, constantly expanding its range of products and capabilities.

Conditions and forms of providing a loan for business at Reshenie Bank

How to get a loan for small business development for individual entrepreneurs in Belarus

To borrow from a bank, you need to follow an algorithm - a clear scheme of actions.

  • select an institution;
  • prepare documents;
  • submit an application;
  • wait for approval;
  • get money;
  • return the funds.

Now let's look at all these steps in order.

Choosing an institution

Currently, there are many enterprises on the market that are ready to provide financial assistance at interest. Your task as a borrower is to find the most favorable conditions.

Preparation of documents

The papers must include personal data of the individual entrepreneur, as well as information about the company (certificate of registration, accounting documents, business plan).

Filing an application

You can do this online, sitting at home or at your workplace, or you can go to the bank office in person. The first option is the most preferable, because it saves time. To do this, you need to indicate the name of the company, information about the contact person, phone number, place of business, UNP.

Waiting for a decision, receiving money

In most cases, when providing the necessary documents, the bank gives a positive answer, that is, it agrees to issue a loan. He will notify you about this by phone. All you have to do is come to the organization and receive cash, or choose another method of transferring funds to your account.

Loan repayment

Loan repayment can be done online using special terminals, or in a bank. Which option is most convenient for you is up to you to decide. Loan repayment is carried out by annuities (equal amounts) or differentiated payments. It is important to return the money on time to avoid penalties.

It is possible to get a loan for business development for individual entrepreneurs in Belarus, and this is real.

When determining the amount of a business development loan for an individual entrepreneur, the profitability of business activities, participation as a guarantor in other loan programs, and the availability of a bank account are taken into account. It is better to take out a loan from the banking institution where the account is opened, where the proceeds are received.

Business loans for individual entrepreneurs can be taken out without a voluminous package of documents, collateral or guarantee, if this is a bank client who uses various banking products.

How to get a loan for an individual entrepreneur?

Our financial portal contains a list of organizations that are ready to provide loans to individual entrepreneurs. We only have current offers with detailed information on loan terms, interest rates, repayment periods, types of payments, the amount of overpayment and a set of necessary documents.

When choosing a loan for an individual entrepreneur in Minsk, compare offers with each other and send a request to get advice on lending from bank employees. When using an online calculator, applicants can assess their solvency in order to repay the loan debt for individual entrepreneurs in the Republic of Belarus without much difficulty.

About loans for Small Businesses and Individual Entrepreneurs.

The defining differences between small business loans are:
- borrower category(organizational and legal form) - individual entrepreneur, legal entity or founder,
- And purpose of obtaining it- a loan for starting a small business - investment projects, acquisition of fixed assets, investments in working capital, or overdraft lending.
We can say that these are the primary parameters for choosing a particular loan product by the Client.

Interest rates for loans to small and medium-sized businesses are usually higher compared to consumer lending, and the package of documents will be much larger, and consideration of the issue of issuing a loan will be more detailed. All this is due to a higher risk of lending, as well as large amounts of loan funds.
The interest rate for this type of lending is set individually in each case. A special feature is also the change in the range of possible interest rates, both up and down when the amount and term of the loan changes, when the client re-applies for a loan.

Relatively deadlines lending can be seen to be similar to consumer lending, with a greater concentration of offers for a period of up to 3 years.

Gradation of sizes provided amounts funds on credit largely depends on the scale of the organization’s activities and the purpose of using these funds and can range from several thousand to hundreds of thousands of dollars (in equivalent).

There are also specific features in providing ensuring the fulfillment of obligations for loan repayment, due to the fact that this category of borrowers interact with various types of property, mostly of considerable value. Hence, banks make it possible to provide various property, property rights, and guarantees as collateral. The costs of registering a particular property as collateral can require considerable expenses. In some cases, it is possible to obtain a loan without providing collateral.

In this type of lending, along with a one-time loan, such form of its provision How to open a credit line:
. non-renewable, involving the gradual expenditure of allocated funds as needed;
. renewable, repeated use of both received funds and repaid funds to repay the loan within a certain period.

Additionally, banks can be more flexible in their approach to the issue loan repayment, providing in some cases a deferment, and drawing up an individual loan repayment schedule, taking into account financial flows.
Another plus is opportunity to repay the loan early without penalties.

Taking into account the specifics and focus of the organization’s activities, it is possible to choose a more acceptable form for yourself.

As part of the products offered, banks may require the use of funds for specific purposes, additionally requesting the provision of documents, and also check intended use.
In some cases and for certain products, banks require customer service directly at their premises for a certain period of time. This largely concerns overdraft lending, i.e. temporary provision of funds for settlements when there is insufficient amount in the client’s current account.

Additional criteria for classifying an organization as a small business may include: the period of activity of the enterprise as a whole, and the period of profitable activity, the average number of employees, annual revenue, turnover of the enterprise, the amount of debt on loans, etc.

Lack of own funds to open a business and further entrepreneurial activities can significantly affect the further advancement of your own business. A business loan in such cases can be the best way out of the situation, especially if the entrepreneur’s business idea is confirmed by accurate calculations and is ready for implementation.

What is a business loan?

There are situations in business in which timely receipts have a decisive influence on the successful development of a business entity in all subsequent years.

It is especially important to take out a business loan when you expect:

  1. expansion of the enterprise;
  2. opening new branches, shopping centers or stores;
  3. organization of new production facilities, transition to new types of products, etc.

For individual entrepreneurs, of no less interest is a loan for a business from scratch in Belarus, which is necessary for the successful start of your own business. A common way for many people to get a loan for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs is to contact a banking institution.

Although interest rates for this category of borrowers are higher, and the package of documents is more voluminous. But how can you get a loan for an individual entrepreneur or small business if the bank is in no hurry to make a decision?

Why is it beneficial to use the services of a credit broker to obtain business loans?

An experienced person will help you get a business loan quickly and on favorable terms, through a loan from an individual to a legal entity. As a participant in the financial market, a credit broker assumes the functions of an intermediary between the lender and the borrower.

Having complete information about the conditions for obtaining a loan for small businesses and individual entrepreneurs, the broker will help you obtain a profitable loan for a legal entity in the Republic of Belarus secured by real estate. This is especially important if money is needed urgently, and the bank delays making a decision or requires a high interest rate on the loan.

The broker will provide qualified assistance in obtaining loans for small businesses in Belarus, including:

  • In choosing a reliable lender.
  • In the selection of optimal lending schemes and conditions at rates lower than bank rates.
  • In the preparation of leasing agreements.
  • In negotiations and legal support of a credit transaction.

Who are business loans available for?

The participation of a credit broker is a guarantee of obtaining the most profitable loans, including:

  1. for business from scratch in Minsk;
  2. for start-ups (at the initial stage of entrepreneurship);
  3. for business development for individual entrepreneurs;
  4. for existing private enterprises - in order to expand production;
  5. when opening a franchise business.

Business loan terms

Practical skills and established connections in financial circles allow the credit broker to choose the most profitable and loyal conditions for obtaining loans secured by real estate for clients - start-ups and experienced businessmen, in particular:

  • for a period from 3 months to 4 years;
  • with an interest rate of 1.5 to 5% per month (18-60% per annum).

When processing transactions, an individual approach to each client is provided, taking into account the specific circumstances and financial capabilities of the borrower.