Sample form 2 for auction, example of filling. LLC “Independent Financial Company”. Financial results report: example of filling


It is called upon to introduce progressive ideas and technologies to the masses, allowing for significant budget savings and ensuring the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation. At the same time, it is important to understand that the quality of implementation of this law largely depends on the level of responsibility and literacy of each potential participant.

Today, in our regular column, we will address the issue concerning the basics of any procurement procedure, namely, preparing an application for participation in the procurement.

The common phrase “Form 2” has long been established among people, which is nothing more than a designation for the first part of an application for participation in an electronic auction. There are many companies offering you to professionally and very inexpensively fill out these mystical forms, providing you with incredible profits for a modest reward. But let's try to figure out what it is and whether it is so difficult to independently work with applications for participation in tenders.

1. Anatomy of an auction bid.

In short, the body of the application itself consists of two parts - the first and second. Let's deal with the first part.

The first part of the application you submit to participate in the electronic auction is a written offer of your service or product, as well as agreement to the conditions under which you will fulfill what you promised. You can familiarize yourself with the conditions and requirements for potential suppliers by reading the auction documentation posted in the Unified Information System.

An unprepared participant may be intimidated by the abundance of text and excerpts from legislation that do not carry any clarity, but at first, you may not read too much and immediately try to find a special section called Terms of reference(TZ).

Actually, this is the very point on which you should rely in preparing your application. Study everything that is written in the technical specifications and try to understand what the Customer ultimately wants to receive from you.

Important: in the auction documentation itself there is a clause " Requirements for the content and composition of an application for participation in an electronic auction", which describes in detail what the content of your application should be.

2. What do they do with it?

So, having studied the technical specifications, you must somehow convey to the Customer that you are ready to fulfill all his “wants” and describe in detail how you plan to implement this. In this case, you can use any methods of describing the product. The main thing is that they meet the Customer's requirements.

Example (very simplified):

The technical specifications indicate: PVC electrical insulating tape with a sticky layer. thickness not less than 0.40 mm, width not more than 30 mm GOST 16214-86. 100 pieces.

This means that you must send the customer exact information that you will supply the correct grade of electrical tape. Describe it using the form given in the technical specifications (you can use your own form, but this sometimes scares Customers), following the rules described in Instructions for completing the first part of the application, which is necessarily present in the auction documentation (usually next to the technical specifications).

Save your revised technical specification as a separate document.

3. I agree to everything.

Now, you need to express your consent to participate in the auction. To do this, under no circumstances should you call the Customer or the trading platform operator and inform them that you are ready. When submitting an application, each electronic platform on which the purchase you are interested in is posted contains either an automated option for signing your consent, or a special place where you can place your written consent.

Example of expressed consent:

The auction participant hereby confirms his agreement to deliver goods, perform work and/or provide services under the conditions stipulated by the electronic auction documentation: Supply of PVC electrical insulating tape with an adhesive layer, Notice number 033330000111100000. I agree.(auction name and number are fictitious)

By attaching your previously prepared proposal to this consent (see paragraph 2 above) and signing all the documents, you will complete the first part of the application to participate in the auction. This is “form 2” (although this is a rather vicious name).

Important: The trading platform will definitely require you to sign consent and other documents, so it’s hard to lose sight of this point.

Everything else is called the second part of the application, and is completed in a separate way.

Any application for participation in an electronic auction is placed absolutely free on 6 government trading platforms. Money in the amount of 1 to 5% of the initial auction price is needed for a security payment for your application and this money is returned to your account after the end of the auction, within a regulated period.

Placing an application on commercial platforms is usually paid. Keep this in mind when planning to apply.

4. When Form 2 is not needed.

There are auctions in which it is not necessary to draw up an offer according to the technical specifications. In this case, your first part of the application must be expressed only in the form of a signed Consent.

5. Training on cats.

Practice without theory is blind, theory without practice is dead. Remember this golden principle.

Find any small procedure that suits your geographical and financial situation (in case a miracle suddenly happens and your application, having been completed correctly, suddenly turns out to be the only one and you will be obliged to conclude a contract), and try to apply for participation.

We select specific indicators of materials and goods in strict accordance with GOST and customer requirements.

The cost of filling out form 2 is from 300 rubles/sheet, depending on the number of requested parameters, complexity and method of registration.

Tell us the notification number of your auction, and we will tell you the cost of preparing the first part within an hour!

What is form 2 or the first part- consent of the electronic auction participant to perform work or provide services under the conditions provided for in the documentation, as well as specific indicators of the product or material. Admission is not yet a victory, but it is already a chance to fight for it!

What's difficult here is that there is nothing simpler than agreeing to the terms and offering a specific product that you use every day, purchased at a hardware store. However, when you open the table recommended for filling out, you are completely horrified. It becomes completely unclear why and for what purposes such sophisticated demands are made for ordinary repairs or something similar.

Let's take a closer look and answer a few simple questions.

№ 1 . Why do you need so many characteristics?

Answer: In order to scare off potential Order Participants (OPP), reject those who, despite difficulties, still decided to participate (it is much easier to find at least one discrepancy in a large technical specification than in a simple one). All this was done to ensure that those who really had to work at this facility with maximum benefit and minimal demotion passed through. Usually this is one or two URZ, so as not to cast a shadow on the organizers of the auction for rejecting everyone. I rarely allow three or more (after all, in order to participate, you need to block money on the electronic platform). It is “their contractors” who will compete for the lot among themselves with a reduction of 0.5 to 5%. In this situation, interested parties can count on a generous reward from the winner.

№ 2 . Who prepares such complex tables?

Answer: They are prepared by the competition department, but in some cases - by specialized agencies and give a guarantee close to 100% that only those who have been given a ready-made form in advance will be admitted. Who pays for such services - the potential winners.

№3 . Is it really impossible to be admitted to such a procedure?

Answer: Maybe. All characteristics must be specified accurately. Point by point, very carefully and thinking as much as possible into the whole process, analyzing each requirement and comparing all indicators into a single chain. This process is very labor-intensive and requires, in addition to technical knowledge, a high degree of erudition, an inquisitive mind, attention to detail and the maximum desire to complete your work 100%. Our auction specialists are motivated and focused only on positive results.

№ 4 . What to do if you are rejected?

Answer: Complain to the FAS Russia (Federal Antimonopoly Service) about the actions of the auction commission. Always defend your interests and fight injustice against you. In case of rejection, we always prepare a complaint to the FAS and defend the interests of our clients. Very often, employees of competition departments receive orders from above and are forced to remove everyone, even in violation of current legislation, so as not to lose their jobs. 60% of all complaints to the FAS are recognized as justified throughout Russia - this suggests that not all is lost and it is possible and necessary to fight. In 95% of cases, complaints were found to be justified, and the purchase was canceled or sent to the stage of reviewing the results.

№5 . They will cancel the purchase and what if I then win, how will I hand over the object?

Answer: And when you initially decided to work on electronic government procurement under Federal Laws 44 and 223, did you think it would be easy? Of course not. Fulfill the terms of the contract and deliver it as a regular order, and if unscrupulous receivers try to ask you for a kickback, you can contact the law enforcement agencies and there, the matter will take a different turn.

№ 6 . How do you still get access to the auction?

Answer: Order the preparation of the first part of the application for the auction in our organization and we will do everything necessary for this, we will write as many requests for clarification as necessary, reschedule, we will not leave the Customer alone until he allows you. We guarantee our work.

Order the preparation of the first part of the application (form 2)

By phone: 8-963-293-13-69, 8-952-053-39-42

By email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

Using the online form on the website: Online form

Specific indicators

Form 2

In accordance with Part 2 of Art. 19 of Law No. 44-FZ, the technical specification (TOR) is used to describe the procurement object and acts as one of the components of the procurement documentation, where the customer sets requirements for the quantity, quality, consumer properties and other characteristics of goods, works, services, allowing to ensure government and municipal needs. The technical specifications determine the object of procurement (clause 1, part 1, article 33 of Law No. 44-FZ).

According to Article 33 of Law 44-FZ, the description of the procurement object must be objective, the indicators must be specific and must make it possible to determine the compliance of the purchased product with the specified characteristics.

Thus, the developers of the law on the contract system wanted to establish a framework for unscrupulous suppliers so that they would not have the opportunity to “shove” low-quality materials to the government customer. In fact, as practice shows, after writing an incredibly complex technical specification and maximally detailing the requirements for each material that is reflected in the estimate, using even hidden material resources, to maximize complexity, customers or bankruptcy trustees received a powerful tool for weeding out unwanted ones, rejecting them for the slightest inaccuracy .

How do you still fill out Form 2? How to indicate specific indicators of materials, if even these parameters are not reflected in quality certificates and even specialists who have been selling these materials for many years have never heard of them?

Practical tips for specifying specific indicators:

1. Before you begin, read the instructions included in each documentation very carefully. If you cannot find it, we recommend that you immediately send a request through the electronic platform.

2. After the instructions have been read and comprehended for the interpretation of clarifying words no more, no less, over, symbols ±, ≥, ≠ punctuation marks - comma, colon, ellipsis, semicolon, various types of ranges, from and to you can proceed. Beware of hidden traps, double interpretations and various inconsistencies.

3. The instructions often contain references to GOST standards according to which you must supply materials.

4. If the specified document is outdated and not available, additional information must be used in the current edition.

5. The main rule is not to rush anywhere! Hurry is needed when catching fleas! We find GOST for the specified material and for the first time quickly read all the requested characteristics. This must be done to narrow down the selection options. Many parameters are mutually exclusive. Therefore, it is necessary to indicate exactly the product with those characteristics that will satisfy not only all the conditions but also exist in reality, otherwise the inspector will reject the application for providing false information.

Once everything is ready in your opinion, you should stop filling out this application and postpone it until today. You will ask why, your eyes are “blurry” and you no longer notice the most basic mistakes, even omissions, your brain has already learned all the points by heart and therefore when you look, it already knows what is written there. This circumstance does not allow you to objectively check your application. In our organization, after one employee has filled out an application, he gives it to another for verification. A new employee, after reading the instructions, first reads the entire text and searches for slips, typos, omissions - while his head is fresh. After eliminating the indicated defects, they begin to refill in accordance with GOST, as if from the beginning. After he re-checked each indicator and, in a discussion with the first employee, they decided on all the indicators, the application goes to the desk of the head of the tender department, who, in turn, carries out the final check of the finished form. This way we achieve maximum effect. After verification, the form is sent to the customer.

  1. If there is only one specialist in your organization, then it may take him more than 5 days to accurately fill out one application (for example, 100 sheets) and there will still be unresolved issues. It is not recommended to complete complex technical assignments alone in any case.
  2. To successfully fill out Form 2 and receive the much-desired ADMISSION to the auction, we recommend that you contact us! Our specialists will spend as much nerves and effort as necessary and achieve the desired result.
  3. Admission is not a victory yet, but it is already a chance to fight for it!

We will be glad to cooperate on mutually beneficial terms.

Form 2 of financial statements is a profit and loss statement known to all accountants. More recently, it changed its name, but the essence remained the same. Where can I find the current form? How to fill it out correctly? How to check for errors? We will consider the answers to these and other questions using an example in the material below.

Accounting statements: forms 1 and 2

Accounting statements are prepared and presented in accordance with the forms approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 2, 2010 No. 66n. Accounting statements - forms 1 and 2 - are submitted by all organizations. In addition to forms 1 and 2 of the financial statements, there are appendices to them (clauses 2, 4 of the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 2, 2010 No. 66n):

  • statement of changes in equity;
  • cash flow statement;
  • Explanations to the balance sheet and income statement.

For small enterprises, as part of the annual reporting, it is mandatory to submit only Form 1 of the financial statements and Form 2.

Have you encountered difficulties in filling out financial statements? Ask on our forum! For example, experts advise forum members on how to reflect a major transaction on the balance sheet.

Form 2 of the balance sheet: one report - two titles

Form 2 of the balance sheet - by this name we traditionally mean a reporting form that contains information about the income, expenses and financial results of the organization. Its current form is contained in the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 2, 2010 No. 66n, in which it is called a report on financial results.

In the Law “On Accounting” dated November 21, 1996 No. 129-FZ, which was in force until 2013, this form was called the Profit and Loss Statement, and in the law that replaced it dated December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ, it was called the Financial Results Report. At the same time, the form itself began to bear this name quite recently: the “Profit and Loss Statement” was officially renamed to the Financial Results Statement only on May 17, 2015, when Order No. 57n of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated April 6, 2015, which introduced changes to the reporting forms, came into force .

By the way, now Form 2 is not the official, but the generally accepted name of the report. It has ceased to be official since 2011, when the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 22, 2003 No. 67n, which approved the previous forms of accounting, which were called: Form 1 “Balance Sheet”, Form 2 “Profit and Loss Statement”, Form 3 “Statement of changes in capital.”

Form 2 of the balance sheet is a table above which are given:

  • reporting period and date;
  • information about the organization (including codes OKPO, INN, OKVED, OKOPF, OKFS);
  • unit of measurement (most often it is expressed in thousand rubles).

The table with reporting indicators consists of 5 columns:

  • number of the explanation to the report;
  • name of the indicator;
  • line code (it is taken from Appendix 4 to Order No. 66n);
  • the value of the indicator for the reporting period and the same period of the previous year, which is transferred from the report for the previous year.

The indicators of the previous and reporting year must be comparable. This means that if the accounting rules change, last year’s ones should be transformed to the rules in force in the reporting year.

Statement of financial results - decoding of lines is carried out according to certain rules. Let's look at how to fill out individual lines of the report.

1. Revenue (line code - 2110).

Here they show income from ordinary activities, in particular from the sale of goods, performance of work, provision of services (clauses 4, 5 of PBU 9/99 “Income of the organization”, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated May 6, 1999 No. 32n).

This is the credit turnover of account 90-1 “Revenue”, reduced by the debit turnover of subaccounts 90-3 “VAT”, 90-4 “Excise taxes”.

To find out whether it is possible to judge the amount of revenue from the balance sheet, read the article “How is revenue reflected on the balance sheet?” .

2. Cost of sales (line code - 2120).

Here is the amount of expenses for ordinary activities, for example, expenses associated with the manufacture of products, the purchase of goods, the performance of work, the provision of services (clauses 9, 21 PBU 10/99 “Organization expenses”, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated May 6, 1999 No. 33n).

This is the total debit turnover for subaccount 90-2 in correspondence with accounts 20, 23, 29, 41, 43, 40, 46, except for accounts 26 and 44.

The indicator is given in parentheses because it is subtracted when calculating the financial result.

3. Gross profit (loss) (line code - 2100).

This is profit from ordinary activities excluding selling and administrative expenses. It is defined as the difference between the indicators of lines 2110 “Revenue” and 2120 “Cost of sales”. The loss, as a negative value, is reflected hereinafter in parentheses.

4. Selling expenses (line code - 2210, value written in parentheses).

These are various expenses associated with the sale of goods, works, services (clauses 5, 7, 21 PBU 10/99), that is, debit turnover on subaccount 90-2 in correspondence with account 44.

5. Administrative expenses (line code - 2220, the value is written in parentheses).

The costs of managing the organization are shown here if the accounting policy does not provide for their inclusion in the cost price, i.e. if they are written off not to account 20 (25), but to account 90-2. Then this line indicates the debit turnover for subaccount 90-2 in correspondence with account 26.

6. Profit (loss) from sales (line code - 2200).

Profit (loss) from ordinary activities is shown here. The indicator is calculated by subtracting lines 2210 “Commercial expenses” and 2220 “Administrative expenses” from line 2100 “Gross profit (loss)”; its value corresponds to the balance of account 99 in the analytical account of profit (loss) from sales.

7. Income from participation in other organizations (line code - 2310).

These include dividends and the value of property received upon leaving the company or upon its liquidation (clause 7 of PBU 9/99). The data is taken from the analytics for the loan of account 91-1.

8. Interest receivable (line code - 2320).

This is interest on loans, securities, commercial loans, as well as interest paid by the bank for the use of money available in the organization’s current account (clause 7 of PBU 9/99). Information is also taken from the analytics on the loan of account 91-1.

9. Interest payable (line code - 2330, value written in parentheses).

This reflects interest paid on all types of borrowed obligations (except those included in the cost of an investment asset), and the discount payable on bonds and bills. This is analytics for the debit of account 91-1.

10. Other income (time code - 2340) and expenses (code - 2350).

This is all other income and expenses that went through 91 accounts, except those indicated above. Expenses are written in parentheses.

11. Profit (loss) before tax (line 2300).

The line shows the accounting profit (loss) of the organization. To calculate it, to the indicator of line 2200 “Profit (loss) from sales” you need to add the values ​​of lines 2310 “Income from participation in other organizations”, 2320 “Interest receivable”, 2340 “Other income” and subtract the indicators of lines 2330 “Interest to payment" and 2350 "Other expenses". The value of the line corresponds to the balance of account 99 in the analytical account of accounting profit (loss).

12. Current income tax (line code - 2410).

This is the amount of tax accrued for payment according to the income tax return.

Organizations in special regimes reflect on this line the tax corresponding to the applied regime (for example, UTII, Unified Agricultural Tax). If taxes under special regimes are paid along with income tax (when combining regimes), then the indicators for each tax are reflected separately on separate lines entered after the current income tax indicator (attachment to the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 02/06/2015 No. 07-04- 06/5027 and 06/25/2008 No. 07-05-09/3).

Organizations applying PBU 18/02 (approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 19, 2002 No. 114n) further show:

  • permanent tax liabilities (assets) (line code - 2421);
  • change IT (line 2430) and ONA (line 2450).

Line 2460 “Other” reflects information about other indicators that affect net profit.

The net profit itself is shown on line 2400.

  • about the result of the revaluation of non-current assets, not included in the net profit (loss) of the period (line 2510);
  • as a result of other operations not included in the net profit (loss) of the period (line 2520);
  • the cumulative financial result of the period (line 2500);
  • basic and diluted earnings (loss) per share (lines 2900 and 2910, respectively).

The head of the organization signs Form 2 of the balance sheet. The signature of the chief accountant has been excluded from it since May 17, 2015 (Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated April 6, 2015 No. 57n).

Financial results report: example of filling

For clarity, we present excerpts from the balance sheet for 2018 (in rubles), generated before the balance sheet reform and necessary for filling out the statement of financial results.

Account (sub-account)


Deferred tax assets

Deferred tax liabilities

Cost of sales

Administrative expenses

Profit/loss from sales

other expenses

Balance of other expenses

Profit and loss

Profits and losses (excluding income tax)

Income tax

Conditional income tax expense

Permanent tax liability

When reforming the balance sheet, posting Dt 99.01.1 Kt 84.01 will write off net profit in the amount of RUB 8,590,800.

Based on the above data, let's look at Form 2 of the financial statements - sample completion for 2018 (data for 2017 taken from last year's report):

Indicator name

For 2018

For 2017

Cost of sales

Gross profit (loss)

Business expenses

Administrative expenses

Profit (loss) from sales

Income from participation in other organizations

Interest receivable

Percentage to be paid

Other income

other expenses

Profit (loss) before tax

Current income tax

including permanent tax liabilities (assets)

Change in deferred tax liabilities

Change in deferred tax assets

Net income (loss)

Indicator name 2)

For 2018

For 2017

Result from the revaluation of non-current assets, not included in the net profit (loss) of the period

Result from other operations not included in the net profit (loss) of the period

Total financial result of the period

For information

Basic earnings (loss) per share

Diluted earnings (loss) per share

Where to find Form 2 balance sheet

Form 2 of the balance sheet can be downloaded from our website.

Also, templates for all forms of accounting and tax reporting are available on the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation in the section "Tax and accounting reporting".


Form 2, or a report on financial results, is created on a standard form and is subject to certain filling rules. Its data shows from what type of income and expenses net profit is formed in the reporting period.

When participating in a procurement, the first priority is to focus on drawing up and submitting the first part of the application for participation, in particular Form 2 or other requirements for the goods supplied or materials used.

It is at this stage that most participants make mistakes and, as a result, are denied admission to the auction.

The first part of the application for an electronic auction - important points

The application must contain the contractor's signed digital signature consent to participate in the electronic auction and perform work/services under certain conditions specified by the customer in the tender documentation.

In cases where the announced tender is aimed at supplying a product or its equivalent, the application must include the technical properties of the product described in Form 2 or in any other form as part of the documentation. The products specified by the contractor must meet the requirements specified in the tender documentation, and also include the necessary information on the trademark (if any).

Technical characteristics and product data are indicated in the first part of the application, as a result of which it is often informally called Form 2 for an auction under 44 Federal Laws.

It is a table with a certain number of columns and the required number of rows to display all the data.

If you need help in drawing up the first part of the application (form 2) or are not sure about filling it out correctly, you can use our application form service or get a free consultation from our specialists.

Form 2 for electronic auction 44-FZ

Sample of the first part of the application under 44-FZ

In fact, a significant portion of the application for participation is occupied by Form 2. It is errors in its preparation that are the most common prerequisites for the rejection of a participant.

Advice: There can be many problems that may arise when filling out Form 2 for an auction under 44-FZ. The contractor must pay great attention to the correct entry of technical data about the product.

The most common mistake is to search the Internet for any standardized form 2 according to 44-FZ or a sample of it. As a result, subsequent problems arise, since there is no standardized form, and therefore no single standard for its design. And the typed phrase “first part of the application under 44-FZ sample” will add even more reasons for you to contact specialists.

Filling out the first part of the application under 44 Federal Laws - errors in the interpretation of the technical specifications

Eg, the customer specified a condition for the GF-021 primer - the mass fraction of non-volatile substances in the range of 54-60%. The contractor provided data on his product to participate in this competition - the mass fraction of non-volatile substances in the range of 54-60% complies with GOST 25129-82 standards. He was rejected for providing interval data rather than specific product data. The range of permitted values ​​of the indicator according to GOST for this product is not considered a certain value, according to the conclusion of the client’s commission

How many days are applications accepted?

The procedure for collecting and processing applications for participation in the auction takes place within the period specified in the notice. The general period for accepting applications is:

  • at least 7 days (if the initial (maximum) contract price does not exceed 3 million rubles);
  • at least 15 days (if the initial (maximum) contract price exceeds 3 million rubles).

The results of the tender commission's review of the first parts are summed up no later than 7 days from the deadline for submitting applications. During the review process, the accuracy of filling out Form 2 and the correctness of the attached documents are checked, according to the specified list in the notice and documentation.

Evaluation of applications under 44-FZ

Rejection of participants in the first parts of applications occurs based on the results of their consideration.

The information provided is assessed by the auction commission, and then by the customer. The first parts of applications with Form 2 placed are processed within no more than seven calendar days. As a result of data analysis and verification, a protocol for considering the first parts of applications is drawn up.

Advice: the contractor can find out about admission to procurement by contacting an ETP specialist after the deadline for reviewing the first parts has expired. If there is no admission, the funds contributed to secure participation will be unblocked within one working day.

The first part of the application for participation in the auction - errors and difficulties

As described above, errors and inaccuracies in filling out Form 2 of the first part of the auction application very often lead to rejection by the contractor. As a result, it is very important to group and analyze what mistakes happen and how they can be avoided. We list the main ones:

    The procedure for submitting documents has been violated- all documentation related to the services or goods that are the subject of procurement must be attached to the first part, if such a condition is specified in the electronic auction documentation, and data related to the supplier’s organization must be attached to the second part of the application.

    The consent to participate in the auction is filled in with errors- the contractor must fill out and sign a consent to fulfill the customer’s conditions in strict accordance with the requirements of the documentation. If a contract for services is concluded, it is sufficient to agree to the requirements specified in the contract. If we are talking about a product or its equivalent, then all its technical characteristics must be indicated.

Protocol on the results of consideration of 1 part of applications

Drawing up a protocol for the consideration of the first parts of applications, in particular Form 2, is a mandatory step following the assessment. It is prepared by the auction commission and displays the conclusion of all its members for each contractor.

Based on the results of consideration of the first parts, the customer’s commission comes to the conclusion that the application complies or does not comply with the requirements of the documentation. After this, bidders who have submitted bids found to be eligible are allowed to participate in the auction. After the completion of the electronic auction itself, the operator sends the second part of the applications to the Customer, based on the results of consideration of which the winner is determined.

A prerequisite is to list received applications by number with a note indicating whether the applicant is admitted or not.

In case of deviation, one of the reasons must always be indicated:

    indication of the point in the competition documentation for which the application does not meet the stated requirements;

    a message about the names of the missing documents that must be attached to part 1 of the application.

The protocol is transferred to the ETP specialist, and is also published in the Unified Information System (UIS). The auction is declared void if all bidders are rejected or only one candidate is accepted. This information about this is also displayed in the UIS.

OOO ICC"RusTender"

The material is the property of the site. Any use of the article without indicating the source - the site is prohibited in accordance with Article 1259 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

To participate in an electronic auction, you will need to follow 5 basic rules for preparing Form 2:

  1. Always study auction documentation for a specific tender and monitor the tender deadlines. Pay attention to the requirements for the composition of the first and second parts, the list of works, and most importantly, find the list of materials that are required for delivery. It is this information that is key to filling out construction Form 2.
  2. Be sure to fill out the tender application in accordance with GOST requirements. The customer is obliged to indicate the entire list of required regulatory and legal documents as part of the auction documentation. The specified characteristics of the goods must not only meet the Customer’s requirements, but also comply with the current versions of GOSTs.
  3. Learn and follow instructions for completing construction Form 2. According to 44 Federal Laws, the customer, as part of the tender documentation, is obliged to prescribe the rules for filling out the tender application, which contains the rules for reading signs, features of the interpretation of symbols, designation of ranges and all other information that will help the URZ fill out construction Form 2 in accordance with the norms of 44 Federal Laws. If there are no instructions, then you need to file a complaint against the auction documentation, since the Customer, by not posting the material, violated the law.
  4. Submit requests for clarification of documentation. If, when filling out Form 2, you do not understand the Customer’s requirements, then submit a request in free form using an electronic signature and the official website. This will allow you to understand what the Customer requires from you in this or that point and can serve as an argument in case of unlawful rejection of the first part of the auction application.
  5. Always indicate the manufacturer of the product and its place of origin. Indicate actual manufacturers and the region in which they are located. Do not use the phrases “for all goods the place of origin is the Russian Federation” or a BMW car manufactured by Nika LLC. This is a reason for rejection, since Nika LLC is not the manufacturer of the car, but is a dealer.

We present to your attention the algorithm by which we have been compiling for many years quality construction Forms 2 for electronic auctions.

  • read the instructions for filling out construction Form 2, terms of reference, deadlines for submission and consideration of the first parts of the application, auction documentation;
  • select a GOST database on specific materials;
  • fill in the indicators strictly according to current GOSTs and in accordance with the Customer’s instructions;
  • compose and submit requests for clarification of auction documentation. Include in requests for clarification all materials for which you find it difficult to fill out indicators;
  • compose and submit complaint about auction documentation, if the answer to your request is not satisfactory. If such a complaint is recognized as justified, the FAS will reassign the auction and order the Customer to bring the documentation and Form 2 into compliance with the norms of 44 Federal Laws;
  • put down manufacturers and indicate the place of origin of the goods(see explanations above);
  • submit first part of the application participation in an electronic auction.

After filling out the application, it is necessary to verify the correctness of filling out Form 2 in construction:

  1. After filling out the application, 2 days later, selectively check the materials in accordance with GOST;
  2. Pay attention to the interconnection of materials. The form must not mislead the Customer;
  3. We recommend passing several materials on to a colleague for review; a fresh look will help you find inaccuracies;
  4. Study carefully again instructions for filling out the application.

When participating in construction tenders and submitting Form 2 in construction, our clients are interested in the procedure for filing a complaint with the FAS and the likelihood of a positive outcome for themselves. Here are the main stages, the passage of which will help you defend your interests in the FAS;

  • In the complaint, indicate the details of the contract, the reason for non-admission with a quote from the letter from the site, your full details and contact information;
  • Briefly outline the arguments of the complaint (indicate that your application complies with 44 Federal Laws and the tender documentation submitted by the Customer), attach excerpts from GOSTs to the text of the complaint;
  • Specify the requirements for the commission (check all applications, allow you to participate in the tender, fine the Customer, audit tender documentation, etc.).

GC "Tender Solutions" will be happy to help you in all matters related to the admission of your organization to tenders on construction topics. Construction Form 2 is our strategic product. The rules for completing Construction Form 2 given in the material are not mandatory for your application to be successful, but they help us achieve success in our work over the course of five years.