Credit exchange entrance to your personal account. Credit Exchange. What is the meaning of the credit exchange


Credit exchanges are an online platform where different citizens gather in order to find lenders or borrowers. The process of issuing loans on such exchanges is organized at a high level.

To get a loan on the loan exchange, the borrower, in the same way as when applying for a loan at a bank, must provide complete information regarding his personal data, place of work, income level, etc. The list of documents required to obtain a loan on the Internet exchange is not much different from the bank list. All documents must be scanned and sent to the lender who is ready to lend you a certain amount. Some lenders may additionally request a 2-personal income tax certificate, a driver's license, a passport, and an extract from a credit history.

How to get a profitable loan on the loan exchange?

An online credit exchange is, of course, not a bank, which means that there may not be strict requirements for the borrower and his documents, but the borrower himself must be interested in the lenders trusting him. The level of trust is reflected in the rating of a potential borrower. The higher your credit score, the lower your interest rate will be. The minimum interest rate at which you can take a loan on the loan exchange starts from 15%, and those borrowers who do not want to provide additional documents can get a loan at 100% or more.

After the lender and the borrower agree on the amount of the loan, the terms of its repayment, the amount of the interest rate and the term of the loan, an agreement is concluded between the participants in the loan transaction. After signing a bilateral agreement, the lender transfers the funds to the borrower's account.

The loan exchange may soon become an excellent alternative to bank lending, especially since the requirements for borrowers from Internet lenders are somewhat “softer” than the requirements that bankers impose on their clients.

The disadvantage of this type of lending is a rather large overpayment and a high risk of Internet fraud (the borrower's personal data and money can be stolen before they reach the recipient).

Everyone who at least once in their life had to deal with obtaining a loan can imagine how beneficial this process is for lending banks. Regardless of interest rates, they always win. Of course, not everyone can afford to open their own bank and distribute loans. And institutions that offer "payday money" often cause distrust among potential borrowers. But one of the most popular payment systems WebMoney easily solves this problem.

With its help, today not only banks, but also ordinary users who have an electronic wallet can earn money on lending. Moreover, a large amount of money does not have to be on the account - sometimes loans on this service are limited to only a couple of tens of dollars. Of course, they are paid in a short time. And with interest.

In order to provide users with the opportunity to earn money by lending money and at interest, the WebMoney developers came up with a service such as "Loan Exchange". Here, anyone can become an investor by choosing a borrower from among those users who have applied for a loan.

Credit exchange WebMoney works like this:

  • First of all, the lender creates his own electronic wallet and draws up certificate not lower than personal.
  • Next, you need to put some amount of money on the wallet. It is clear that the larger it is, the higher the earnings, but you can start with small investments.
  • This is followed by identification on the stock exchange ""
  • When the formalities are over, the investor can start looking for a future borrower in the Loan Application section. Among personal data, borrowers indicate the amount of the desired loan, its terms and interest rate (it is possible to sort by the specified parameters). You can also view their credit history here. Of course, it is unlikely that anyone will want to lend money to a person who has already had problems with payments.
  • If the lender is ready to finance this or that borrower, then the transaction ends with the transfer of money.
  • Now it remains only to wait for the return of the money within the specified time frame and with interest.

The described procedure concerns a loan that is issued by one person to another. But on the stock exchange there is still such a thing as " collective loans”, when several creditors collect the required amount. As they say, with the world on a thread. In such a case, the user can deposit, for example, $1,000 out of the required $5,000 and then wait for others to respond to this application. As soon as all 5000 are collected, the loan term will begin to count.

Before you decide to make money on the WebMoney loan exchange, you should think 100 times and weigh everything carefully. After all, lending is a risky business. Moreover, the payment system itself does not insure anyone against these risks! Allegedly, you need to watch who you trust your own money to, carefully read the information about the borrower and not be fooled by too “appetizing” offers.

In order not to have to bite your elbows every time you run into a scammer, you need to follow simple rules:

  • Yes, to users in good standing! The best indicator that a borrower is a conscientious one is a good credit history. If it can be seen from it that the user has repeatedly taken a loan and always paid it on time, then the risk of being deceived is significantly reduced, but not completely excluded ( in my practice of issuing loans, there was a case when a user with a personal certificate regularly took and repaid loans for more than three months, after which, having collected a total of about $ 10,000 from different lenders, he got lost). If the borrower's credit history is still empty, then the seriousness of intentions can be checked by the certificate, TL (Trust Level) and BL (Business Level). The first indicator must be at least personal, and the second and third must be at least 50 and 100, respectively.
  • Trust but check! Now, simply by entering the name and surname into any search engine, you can find out if this or that person is a scammer. In addition, the official website of the migration service has information about stolen or lost passports that could be used to create a WebMoney account.
  • Don't be greedy! Amounts over $1,000 (especially if nothing intelligible is written in the “Purpose” column) and too high interest rates should be treated with suspicion. A person who really wants to make such a deal is unlikely to look for creditors on the Internet.

Calculating profit

After reading the previous paragraph, beginners will probably wonder: is it possible at all earnings for issuing loansWebMoney? Answer: yes, yes and yes again! Provided that all of the above rules are met ...

The undoubted advantage of the exchange is that anyone can act as a lender, and this service does not require any serious investments. However, it may happen that at first you have to deal with unscrupulous users. However, there will also be borrowers who pay on time. Their interest rates are usually around 1-1.5% per day. You can get up to 40% per month from one issued loan. So with some financial losses, you can be sure of profits.

Honest borrowers, which the investor has already encountered, can return to the exchange again. Therefore, it is advisable to form a kind of client base in order to subsequently be sure that the debt will be returned.

Experienced lenders of the WebMoney exchange claim that in this way it is quite possible to earn from 200-300 dollars a month. Although they also stumble upon scammers, the system is still imperfect in this regard. However, who does not risk, he does not drink champagne! The phrase is as old as the world, but still relevant today ...

Investing in projects covered on this blog is associated with certain risks, up to the complete loss of invested funds. The author is not responsible for the actions of companies/projects described on the blog. Blog materials are for informational purposes only and do not call for any action.

The Webmoney credit exchange is an Internet service used by those who ask for a loan (borrowers) and those who lend this money (lenders). It is clear that lenders take payment for borrowed money. If you want to borrow money in this way, then on the stock exchange you must submit your application for a loan, in which you must specify:
the amount you want to borrow;
the period during which you will repay the loan;
the percentage you are willing to pay for the service.

The application will contain WMID (personal identifier of the WebMoney system participant), BL (Business level), part of the passport data. Other information can be noted in the note, in particular:

The purpose of the loan;
features of debt repayment;
own business;
presence of a guarantor.

The lender who is interested in your application can close it in whole or in part. It all depends on whether he has a specific amount of money or on the desire to fully satisfy the wishes of the borrower. If the application is partially satisfied, then it will be closed. But the borrower will have a chance to get the missing amount if he meets a lender who agrees to borrow it. But if the full amount for the term of the application is still not collected, then the money that is already on it will be returned back to the creditors. The application itself will be considered unfulfilled, the borrower will not receive anything. The entire history of applications can be viewed in the archive.

That is, the mechanism here is simple: either one creditor gives the entire amount indicated in the application, or it is closed by several creditors. As soon as the full amount is collected, the loan is issued to the borrower.

The larger the amount in the application, the more difficult it is to close it, because. most likely, the time of its closing will increase. Knowing this, experienced borrowers will not put up a large amount in one application. To do this, they have worked out a different approach: consistently expose small amounts. Place each next order after the previous one closes.

In this case, there is a reason to write about your intentions in a note. About, for example, that 800 WMZ is required (all settlements on the exchange are carried out in title signs of the dollar), but while I place an order for 200, there will be more applications for the rest of the amount.

A considerable number of lenders leave comments on the applications of their borrowers, which can be both negative and positive. By doing this, they warn their other colleagues: this borrower has delayed repayment of the loan, and the other has repaid it ahead of schedule. It is clear that the second of them will look more attractive than the first.

On the Webmoney exchange, refinancing is common. This refers to the repayment of previous loans with money received from new applications. The lender has the opportunity to see, by looking at the list of borrowers, exactly how much each borrower lent money and how much he returned. The difference between these amounts, the so-called. credit delta, for lenders is an important indicator of the borrower. If it is large, then such a client begins to lose attractiveness and many of the creditors will ignore him.

However, this does not mean that such a borrower has nothing to do on the stock exchange. If the interest payments in the application are high enough, and the repayment period is short, then there will almost certainly be lenders (especially those that are newly listed on the exchange).

Borrowers who owe on previous loans while applying for new ones are not necessarily scammers. Often these are those who have a certain business on the Web, the proceeds from which are not always predictable.

Borrowers with 5 years or more of experience on the Webmoney credit exchange are considered to be more trustworthy. They get loans on favorable terms. At their service there is a service "Confidence Limits" with permanent credit lines.

There are two special types of wallets in the Webmoney system: C and D. They serve for the convenience of controlling existing debts and issued money. When issuing a loan, the money on the Z-wallet of the lender decreases, and on the D-wallet it increases. For the borrower, the money increases on both the Z-wallet and the C-wallet.

Suppose a loan was issued for 200 WMZ for a period of 1 month at 11%. This means that 201.6 WMZ will be debited from the lender's Z-purse (including the WebMoney system fee of 0.8%). The amount of 222 WMZ (what the borrower owes him) will be added to his D-wallet. The amount of 200 WMZ will be transferred to the borrower's Z-purse, and 222 WMZ to the C-purse (what will be returned in 1 month).

The service of the system is designed in such a way that the debt is automatically returned to the creditor after the expiration of the credit period. That is, it will be debited from the borrower's Z-purse if, for example, he forgets about the debt. If there is not enough money on the Z-wallet, then the system will block the debtor's funds for withdrawal (from all wallets). In the future, it will only be possible to replenish wallets, exchange other title units for WMZ (on the official WM service). Again, after reaching enough money in the Z-wallet, it will be transferred to the lender. And only after the full repayment of debts it will be possible to withdraw funds for all other needs.

For those who are constantly engaged in online business, late payment can have another unpleasant moment: resetting BL indicators. This will lower the level of trust in the WMID owner among those who deal with the Webmoney system. But after paying off the debt, BL will return to its previous indicators.

For its services, the exchange takes a very small fee from the lender.

The borrower has a number of requirements. Here they are:

The presence of a "Personal passport" (at least 6 months);
use of the E-num service in working with the exchange (for authorization);
accept the contract with the creditor (guarantee of security for the giver of money).

The acceptance of the contract will allow the creditor to recover debts from the defaulter in court.

It can also be noted that the amount of credit that can really be hoped for will directly depend on the BL indicator.

In today's dynamic society, many people are trying to solve their financial problems in the same fast-paced style. Fortunately, this goal is accompanied by the possibilities of the Internet.

Nevertheless, even the fact that the Internet reduces the distance between lenders and borrowers, minimizes the time for processing a loan, and opens up a number of other advantages, but it does not guarantee full satisfaction of borrowers' requests.

To effectively use the possibilities of online lending, it would not hurt to know about the services that provide them.

Where can I get a loan online

In fact, there are not so many such services that deal with issuing loans via the Internet. Most of the online loan services are provided by intermediary structures. Although cooperation with them also bears signs of effectiveness.

1. Online loans WebMoney

The most common lending service in the Russian-speaking segment of the network is the WebMoney payment system, in particular, its credit service

The conditions for obtaining a loan amount here are:

  • Mandatory registration of the system user;
  • Verification of passport data based on screenshots of its individual pages;
  • Phone number verification;

All these procedures are traditionally carried out at the initial stage of registration in the Webmoney system.

However, the chances of obtaining a loan here will not be extensive enough if the new user does not have a special certificate confirming the accuracy of his details. Therefore, without delay, you will have to apply for a certificate. An initial or personal passport can be obtained here by submitting an application.

Loans in the WebMoney system are provided in electronic currency equivalent to real currency assets - in rubles, euros, hryvnias, dollars, Belarusian rubles, tenge and monetary units of many other countries.

The convenience of this lending service can be called an extensive range of interest rates and loyal conditions for using a loan. Each lender offers its own conditions, and the borrower is given the right to choose the best online loan.

The procedure for obtaining a loan is not complicated - for this, a system participant who wants to borrow, needs to go to the page for placing applications and select a suitable offer from lenders. If no suitable loan parameters were found, you can leave your own application, indicating the desired loan amount and the guaranteed repayment period. In most cases, lenders promptly respond to a new application and respond to it.

But this technology of online lending has some difficulties. In particular, the case concerns trust and guarantees regarding the return of the amount borrowed. The payment system itself provides a system for assessing the reliability of the user according to two criteria:

  • BL is a rating that characterizes the degree of user activity;
  • TL - a rating that reflects the level of trust of other users;

But the difficulty lies in the fact that these indicators are formed only during long-term use of the system, and therefore a new user is unlikely to be able to convince creditors with his zero indicators of his own solvency and responsibility.

2. Electronic wallets

YandexMoney is another opportunity to become the owner of a borrowed amount over the Internet. But in this case, the Poison wallet is used only as a means to transfer credit funds. The service provider in this case is traditionally microfinance organizations.

The situation is similar with the electronic wallet of the Qiwi payment system - by using the account of this EPS, you can receive a money transfer of a borrowed amount, which can be cashed in one of the terminals.

In both of these cases, the procedure is also not difficult.

  • The borrower is required to choose the appropriate conditions for one of the MFIs (Express Money, Mig Credit, Money Veo, Rosmikrokredit or others). In some cases, you can also use banking offers (Alfa Bank, Sberbank), which cooperate with microcredit organizations or with Yandex Money and Qiwi payment systems.
  • By specifying the details of the electronic wallet, and submitting an application, you can expect a cash receipt in 12-20 minutes.

In this lending technology, the efficiency of transactions, low requirements for the borrower and free access to the services of the lender are beneficial.

3. Exchanges of loans on the Internet

You can borrow money online on specialized forums and special services that are somewhat less popular than the methods described above.

Summing up, we can conclude that online loans are available for any category of borrowers. At the same time, this does not always require experience as a user of the credit system, it is not necessary to have a package of documents, and it is even possible to receive money with a bad credit history.

Credit exchanges operate within the most popular payment systems in Runet. With the help of the exchange, system participants get the opportunity to borrow cryptocurrency at interest. One of the users acts as a borrower and the other as a lender. There are no guarantees of return in case of default. The only measure that is applied against unscrupulous participants is account blocking. Despite the peculiar rules of the game, the credit exchange is considered one of the most promising places to make money online.

Credit exchange online

The most popular credit exchanges on the Russian Internet are WebMoney and Perfect Money. The principles of operation at both sites are approximately the same. But it is still worth paying attention to some differences. Perfect Money operates on the condition of anonymity, so it is recommended to choose borrowers more carefully. The risk of parting forever with the funds lent, even on very favorable terms, is too great. The key to future success and prosperity at PM is the knowledge of the maximum number of wallets of decent people who are used to fulfilling existing obligations on time.

Credit exchange Webmoney

The WebMoney credit exchange is available to all system participants who have certificates of the elementary type and higher. Such users have the opportunity to provide and receive loans in the WMZ cryptocurrency. The owners of electronic wallets who have free funds can start issuing at a certain percentage and thus create another source of income.

The WebMoney credit exchange allows you not only to issue, but also to issue loans in your own name. So, in case of an urgent need for additional funds, users of the system are given the opportunity to receive the required amount on the terms of return within the terms previously agreed with the creditor.

Perfect Money Credit Exchange

Lenders who are just starting to work for PerfectMoney are advised to lend small amounts and try to work exclusively with verified accounts. There are a number of factors that it is recommended to pay attention to before proceeding with the design of the next one:

  1. Find out how long the account has been in existence. From 6 to 12 months is already something. But the more, the better.
  2. A high rating is also an indicative value, but with a minimum account life, the risk of artificial cheating increases.
  3. Account statistics will help you make the final decision. Find out how many credits the user has at the moment, see what is the ratio of returned and non-repaid loans.
  4. Verifications and user data should also be in order.

Why do we need a credit exchange?

Credit service WebMoney Transfer is a fully automated resource for issuing and receiving loans in real time. Why you need a WebMoney credit exchange can be found out based on its functionality. The advantages of the interface include the simplicity and convenience of placing applications and accepting proposals. For its work, the WebMoney credit exchange does not require a commission, which is also quite profitable. If necessary, the borrower can use a service called a "collective loan", when the required amount is issued not by one, but by several lenders. In addition, the WebMoney Transfer credit exchange allows you to earn on your own by issuing loans.

Credit Exchange - technical details

Since the exchange interface is fully automated, the risks of error are minimal. In response to the transferred debt obligations, the credit is transferred automatically. However, for successful work in the system, it is necessary to carefully analyze the data of existing loan applicants. These include guarantees, the borrower's credit history, passport details, the purpose of the loan, and attestation data. This approach allows you to secure the lender and reduce the risk of default. The credit exchange (technical details) is organized thoughtfully and functionally. Different wallets are used to create loan applications and grant loans (C and D, respectively).

The procedure for obtaining a loan

In order to receive a loan in the WebMoney Transfer system, you need to log in to your C-type wallet in the WM Keeper system and submit an application for a loan. The procedure for obtaining a loan is as follows: you need to fill out a form called "Application for a loan", which must indicate two amounts - the amount to be received and the amount to be returned. Also, in the application form, you must specify the repayment period, guarantees, the purpose of obtaining a loan, and the Z-type wallet number for crediting credit funds. The finished application is sent to the "List of applications for a loan" and waits there for its lender, who will be completely satisfied with its conditions.

WebMoney trust limits

Trust limits in the WebMoney Transfer system are necessary to establish a trust relationship between the parties to the transaction - the lender and the borrower. The creditor always opens the trust limit, using the “Correspondents” tab in his wallet for this. The trust limit opened by the borrower automatically becomes an offer. The offer is sent to the borrower through an arbitration service, after which the borrower can accept the limit with favorable conditions or reject it. The borrower can see the WebMoney trust limits offered by lenders in the tab called “Trust Me - Trust Limits”.

Borrower Definition

A detailed assessment of the borrower allows you to protect yourself from non-repayment of loan funds. To do this, the WebMoney credit exchange offers a number of reliable and effective tools. The following characteristics help to simplify the definition of a borrower and find a bona fide borrower:

  • The level of the certificate starts from "Personal". This simplifies the debt collection process;
  • The presence of positive feedback about the borrower from well-known lenders;
  • Absence of blocking claims and WMID warning claims;
  • Sufficient age of the certificate (preferably not younger than 1 year);
  • Reliable passport details and email address.
Advice from Working on credit exchanges can really bring profit. Beginners are encouraged to start a business in the WebMoney system. A high level of security has never harmed anyone. If on the Perfect Money site a person can simply give up on obligations and donate a blocked account, then on WM such a practice is unacceptable. The loss of an account in the leading payment system of the country is fraught with serious problems in business, which is associated with work or the provision of services on the network. It is almost impossible to register a new WM-account when the first WMID is blocked.