Rosselkhozbank close the current account. Current account in Russian Agricultural Bank. Transfer fees and other transactions


For individual entrepreneurs, opening a bank account is not mandatory. Some entrepreneurs who are at the initial stage of commercial activity still do not use a bank account for their business, although the benefits of this for individual entrepreneurs are quite obvious. By opening a bank account, you get into your hands a powerful financial and economic tool that dramatically enhances your opportunities for further business development.

Advantages of opening a current account with Rosselkhozbank

Rosselkhozbank was created in 2000 as financial institution, intended primarily to provide full support to the Russian agro-industrial complex.

This direction still occupies an important place in financial policy jar. And today Rosselkhozbank helps agricultural enterprises, for example, by providing the lowest loan interest rates for peasant farms (peasant farms).

At the same time, Rosselkhozbank has a wide client base consisting of legal entities and individuals engaged in business activities that are very far from agriculture.

Rosselkhozbank ranks second in Russia in terms of the number of open branches: as of the beginning of 2018, there were about 80 branches and about 1.2 thousand offices in the regions of the country

Currently, Rosselkhozbank's clientele includes individual entrepreneurs, who are attracted here by a wide range of opportunities. The main advantages of opening a current account with Rosselkhozbank include the following:

  1. Easy opening procedure. Currently, you can open a current account here even without visiting a bank office, online.
  2. Opening a current account is free for certain groups of entrepreneurs.
  3. Quite low service prices, especially for banking operations, produced remotely.
  4. Possibility of urgent transfers cash.
  5. Carrying out a wide range financial transactions via the Internet via personal account.
  6. A large volume of benefits provided for entrepreneurs operating in the field of agribusiness.

Conditions for the provision of services by Rosselkhozbank to individual entrepreneurs

RSHB is one of the ten largest banks in Russia. Opening an account with this bank allows individual entrepreneurs to find quality services at reasonable prices. The main features of Rosselkhozbank include the opportunity to receive the most favorable conditions for beginners individual entrepreneurs.

Businessmen consider additional advantages of having an account with the Russian Agricultural Bank:

  • remote account opening and remote management of almost all financial transactions;
  • special investment programs;
  • issuance of corporate cards for individual entrepreneurs;
  • provision of guarantees by the bank;
  • creation of salary projects;
  • accrual of interest on the balance of funds accumulated in the account.

Rosselkhozbank provides individual entrepreneurs with the highest level of remote business management

Documents for opening an account in Rosselkhozbank

The package of documents required to open a current account in the Russian Agricultural Bank is practically no different from a similar list of documents for opening an account in other banks. This package includes the following papers:

  1. Application for opening an account.
  2. Certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur. From January 1, 2017, it is replaced by the registration sheet of the United state register(USRIP).
  3. License for certain types of business. Presented only for licensed activities.
  4. Information sheet for a businessman. Mostly filled out by a bank employee during a conversation with an entrepreneur.
  5. Identification document of a businessman: passport and copies of all its pages.
  6. Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN).
  7. List of employees who will work with the current account.

It should be noted that, unlike most other banks, this list does not include an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, the order of which requires a certain amount of time and effort.

Documents submitted to the bank to open a current account must be drawn up in accordance with business norms

To fill out the information sheet, a businessman must prepare in advance data reflecting his entrepreneurial activity. This includes the following items:

  • place of registration;
  • contact addresses and telephone numbers;
  • list of planned banking operations;
  • closest contractors and partners;
  • approximate volume of financial transactions;
  • information about major past banking transactions;
  • information on foreign economic activity;
  • main activities and sources of funds.

Account opening procedure

You can open an account with Rosselkhozbank by contacting the bank directly or online.

In case of a personal visit to a bank branch, it is necessary to fill out an information sheet containing basic information about the entrepreneur. After filling out this sheet with the help of a bank employee, the businessman notes the banking services he needs and chooses the tariff at which he will subsequently work with the bank.

Opening a current account online

The convenience and ease of opening an online current account with Rosselkhozbank is one of the features of the financial institution. In this case, the individual entrepreneur begins his acquaintance with the bank on its website located at Here you can familiarize yourself with all the conditions for opening an account and existing bank tariffs, select suitable option and send the specified papers to the bank. The time it takes to study documents sent to the bank is usually 3–5 days. After reviewing the documents, the credit institution informs you by email of the time of the visit to sign the agreement. By showing up exactly at the specified time, the entrepreneur will not wait in line, and the issue of opening an account will be resolved literally within a few minutes.

Cost of opening a current account and service tariffs

IN general case The cost of opening a current account at Rosselkhozbank depends on the location of the specific branch. In 2018 for Moscow and St. Petersburg it is 5,144 rubles. and 5244 rubles respectively. In other cities of Russia, the cost of opening an account for an individual entrepreneur ranges from 4944 rubles. in Arkhangelsk up to 5262 rubles. in Veliky Novgorod.

The average cost of opening an account for an individual entrepreneur in the TOP of one hundred Russian banks is 3,644 rubles. Obviously, the cost of opening an account with Rosselkhozbank is higher than average.

In some cases, you do not need to pay to open an account. Free account opening is possible under the following circumstances:

  • the entrepreneur has a deposit in the bank, as well as a special or savings account;
  • the businessman has guardianship or trusteeship responsibilities;
  • The account is opened within the framework of a special fund or project.

There is a monthly fee for maintaining a current account. Its size varies depending on the location of the branch. They charge the least for account servicing in Arkhangelsk - 850 rubles, and the most in Ivanovo and St. Petersburg - 1,500 rubles. And here service at Rosselkhozbank costs a large amount than the average value of this indicator in the TOP of one hundred banks in Russia, amounting to 1065 rubles.

However, in some cases, services for servicing a current account in Rosselkhozbank for individual entrepreneurs are provided free of charge:

  1. The procedure for transferring clients of other financial institutions to Rosselkhozbank is not paid.
  2. The major repair program services are provided free of charge.
  3. Nominal accounts are serviced free of charge.
  4. No money is charged for servicing the account if there are no funds on it and no financial transactions are carried out on this account.

An individual entrepreneur also does not have to pay to close an account. The closing procedure is usually completed over a period of 3 to 5 days.

The cost of transactions at Rosselkhozbank ranges from 30 to 40 rubles, with the average for the TOP of one hundred Russian banks being 26.7 rubles.

But it will be more profitable for a businessman to withdraw cash from his account at Rosselkhozbank than at other Russian banks. For this operation, the individual entrepreneur will leave in the bank from 1.2 to 1.4% at average 1.8% for TOP of one hundred Russian banks. For farms, cash withdrawals are carried out without bank commission.

True, the bank’s lowest commission is indicated here, which is charged when withdrawing cash in the amount of up to 800 thousand rubles. If an entrepreneur wants to withdraw from 800 thousand rubles within a month. up to 3 million rubles, then the bank interest will be 4.5%, when withdrawing from 3 to 5 million rubles. – 5.5%, and when selecting an amount over 5 million rubles. – 10%.

Other tariffs for servicing cash register services for individual entrepreneurs depend on specific conditions. If we take the average values, then for individual services they are as follows:

  • cost of electronic payment - 30 rubles;
  • connection to online banking- 2 thousand rubles;
  • cash deposit - 0.30%.

Rosselkhozbank is characterized by a very high quality remote financial management service.

Table: main tariffs for remote banking services of Rosselkhozbank

Service number Service name Tariff, rub.
1.1.1. Installation and configuration of software, restoration of the current functionality of the remote banking system with a visit to the client (for Moscow and the Moscow region)2000–3000
7.2.1. Transfer of a client from the RBS system "Bank-
Client"/"Internet Client" per system
RBS "Internet-Client" / "Bank-Client"
(according to client's request)
7.2.2. Transferring a client to a new version of the system
RBS with software provision
software and key media,
containing signing key certificates,
released on special
authorized persons of the client
For free
7.3.1. Maintenance of the RBS system "Bank-Client",
"Internet Client"
450 per month
350 per month
7.3.2. Maintenance of the remote banking system when more than one client connects to
one automated worker
place of the RBS system "Bank-Client"
350 per client per month
7.3.3. Maintenance of the remote banking system when installing several for one client
automated workstations
RBS systems "Bank-Client"
350 per month for each
but not more than 1500 per client

Rosselkhozbank is one of the largest state-owned banks in Russia, providing services for opening a current account and servicing it for individual entrepreneurs. The procedure for opening a current account in this bank and the scope of services provided, although they are standard for Russian credit institutions, but have their own characteristics.

  • Online application for opening
  • Package offers for all business segments
  • Discounts on monthly service accounts for remote transactions
  • Providing special accounts with special banking regime
  • Service " Urgent translation funds from the client's account"
  • A simplified package of documents (without an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs)
  • Remote service
  • Servicing trade and service enterprises that accept payment cards for payment
  • Preferential conditions for cash settlement services for subsidiary plots and farms


Opening an account

2,500 rubles

Account management

2,000 rubles per month

Payment orders

Intrabank - 6 rubles

Interbank - 30 rubles

Urgent - 250 rubles

Transfers to individuals

To an account at Rosselzkhozbank - by individual agreement

To accounts in other banks - 1%, minimum 100 rubles

Cash deposit

0.3%, minimum 150 rubles

Cash issuance to individual entrepreneurs and legal entities

Up to 600,000 rubles - 1.2%

Up to 2,000,000 rubles - 3%

Up to 5,000,000 rubles - 6%

From 5,000,000 rubles - 10%

For salary payments - 0.5%, minimum 250 rubles

Cash distribution to peasant (farmer) households and agricultural consumer cooperatives

Up to 3,000,000 rubles - 1%

Up to 15,000,000 rubles - 1.5%

From 15,000,000 rubles - 10%

Corporate cards

Maintenance - 2,000 rubles per year

Cash withdrawal - 1% at RSHB ATMs, 2% at other ATMs

SMS notifications - 60 rubles per month for each number

Issuance of certificates

500 rubles for each

For peasant (farm) enterprises to apply for subsidies - 200 rubles for each

Internet banking

Connection - up to 4,000 rubles

Client bank service - 2,000 rubles per month

Internet banking service - 650 rubles per month

Issue of a key certificate - 2,050 rubles for each

To determine the size of the tariff for each operation, the TOTAL AMOUNT of funds is calculated, equal to the sum of the amount of funds already issued to the client in the current calendar month and the amount of the amount newly declared for issue.

When connecting to the RBS system “Internet-client” or “Bank-client”, Rosselkhozbank provides preferential rates for servicing and transferring funds.

In the “Small and micro-business” section, select the cash settlement services item and click the yellow “Online application” button.

We fill out the form that appears, in the columns of which we enter:

  • Service region
  • Mobile phone number
  • Email
  • Approximate annual revenue
  • Convenient time for an employee to call
  • Department where you would like to be served

After filling out the form, click the “Submit Application” button.

After about half an hour, a bank employee will contact you to clarify formalities and clarify the nuances.

Documents for opening an account

To open an account, a legal entity will have to provide:

  • Application for adherence to the Terms (2 copies)
  • TIN certificate
  • Certificate of state registration legal entity
  • Constituent documents
  • Certificate of entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
  • Documents confirming the powers of the sole executive body
  • Card with sample signatures and seal impressions (certified by a notary)
  • Letter with information about a possible combination of persons authorized to sign
  • Documents confirming the authority of the persons declared on the card
  • Identity documents of persons authorized to sign
  • Information letter

For individual entrepreneurs the package is somewhat simpler:

  • Application to join the terms and conditions
  • Identity document
  • Certificate OGRNIP
  • TIN certificate
  • Information letter
  • Notarized card with sample signatures and seals
  • Information about the client according to the bank form

Samples of the necessary applications and questionnaires can be downloaded in advance on the Rosselkhozbank website, filled out at home or in the office and provided to bank employees.

About the bank

Rosselkhozbank - large bank With state participation, one of the largest in Russia. Established in 2001 on the initiative of the Government of the Russian Federation. The bank's goal is to provide affordable banking products (primarily loans) to agricultural enterprises and rural residents. All shares of the bank have been controlled by the state represented by the Federal Property Management Agency since its founding.

Rosselkhozbank has the second largest network of branches among Russian banks. It includes 68 branches and several thousand offices in many localities of the country. The bank also has representative offices in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Tajikistan. The bank's general license number is 3349 dated August 12, 2015.

RSHB provides various services different categories clients, first of all - entrepreneurs working in agriculture. The bank offers them RKO, various types loans (including for seasonal work), bank cards, foreign trade services and leasing. The bank's services are used by many large agricultural producers throughout Russia.

Bank electronic services

Rosselkhozbank provides all the necessary services for remote account management:

  • Internet Client. Here you can perform any operations with accounts and cards: accept and send payments, monitor the status of your account, exchange currency, transfer salaries to employees, and many others. Through this service, you can send some documents to the bank, including in any form, and request certificates and statements. Accounts of subsidiaries registered in different branches of Rosselkhozbank can be connected to one Internet bank and managed at the same time. The Internet Client system interacts with services from 1C. Service cost - from 650 rubles per month

Please note that online banking is not compatible with many modern browsers. It can only be used in Internet Explorer version 5.0 or higher.

  • Mobile bank. Using it, you can monitor the status of your account and the execution of payment documents, send and receive payments, and provide details to counterparties. Like Internet banking, it can work with several accounts at once. From the app you can call or send an email to your bank. The application is available for smartphones and tablets based on iOS version 9.0 and above and Android version 4.1. The cost is included in the Internet Client service
  • SMS bank. When you receive it, you will receive messages about transactions on accounts and corporate cards, receiving payment passwords, technical problems bank and others. Via SMS you can request information about the balance (code BALXXXX) or urgently block the card (code BLOCXXXX) (ХХХХ - the last four digits of the number corporate card). The cost of the service is 60 rubles per month for each phone number connected to SMS banking

Evgeniy Malyar


# Banks for business

Features of a current account at RSHB

The advantage of RSHB is the opportunity to take advantage of one of benefit programs state support. A client classified as an agricultural producer is exempt from paying many fees.

Article navigation

  • Advantages of cooperation with Rosselkhozbank
  • Disadvantages of working with RSHB
  • What are the benefits of a current account at Rosselkhozbank for individual entrepreneurs?
  • Tariffs for individual entrepreneurs for withdrawing cash from an account
  • Tariffs for current services
  • Opening, maintaining and closing an individual entrepreneur account in Rosselkhozbank
  • How to open a current account at the Russian Agricultural Bank for individual entrepreneurs
  • List necessary documents
  • How to open an account for legal entities at Rosselkhozbank
  • Closing a legal entity account
  • Conclusion

Rosselkhozbank (RSHB) was created by the state to support Russian farmers, but in recent years life itself dictated the need to expand the target client base. The commercial success of the institution is facilitated by the favorable conditions offered to all clients. An article about the benefits of a current account at Rosselkhozbank. The disadvantages will also be discussed.

Advantages of cooperation with Rosselkhozbank

All voting shares of this bank belong to the state, which creates advantages for it when conducting credit policy. The advantages of a current account in this financial institution are expressed by the following points:

  • A Rosselkhozbank client has a better chance of taking advantage of one of credit programs with favorable interest rates.
  • When switching to service from another bank (within three months), a current account is opened for the client free of charge. Perhaps this technique may seem like enticement to some, but it should be remembered that offering such a condition is not prohibited to anyone. The factor may be decisive for an entrepreneur choosing new bank service.
  • It is possible to open a current account with Rosselkhozbank online without having to visit a branch again. The application is submitted online via official website, and the documents can be entered later, when the contract is ready and agreed upon.
  • Simplified requirements for the package of documents apply: extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or USRIP is not needed.
  • Remote services provide reduced rates.
  • It is possible to make urgent payments.
  • You can manage your accounts “classically” (as many are used to) or using a virtual personal account.
  • Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs with an agricultural profile enjoy benefits. Still, the name obliges!

Disadvantages of working with RSHB

Beneficial interest rates on loans and inexpensive services attract clients, especially if they represent an agricultural business, but it is also impossible not to mention some of the difficulties that await them. These include:

  • Bureaucratic procedure for opening an account. At Rosselkhozbank, documents are studied very carefully and, therefore, not very quickly. This is a price to pay for reliability.
  • Some clients complain about difficulties encountered when calling bank phones. They are often busy and you have to wait a long time in line to communicate directly with the operator.
  • The quality of the electronic services of Rosselkhozbank is cause for criticism. However, many problems have already been fixed, while others are in the process of improvement.

What are the benefits of a current account at Rosselkhozbank for individual entrepreneurs?

Tariffs for Rosselkhozbank clients, regardless of the organizational and legal form of business, in most cases are negotiated individually. As in other financial institutions, they include fees for opening an account, providing ongoing services and operations, and closing (if such a need arises).

Most detailed description deserve account maintenance rates. Each operation is paid for separately by the entrepreneur, and this section of the contract is the most extensive.

Opening an account for a new client without benefits will cost 2.5 thousand rubles. There are a number of categories of business entities exempt from paying this tariff.

Rosselkhozbank describes in detail in the contract the cost of each operation carried out with the participation of the account of an individual entrepreneur:

  • settlement and cash services;
  • transfers between accounts within Rosselkhozbank and to other banks;
  • cash withdrawal;
  • delivery and verification of documents for collection payments;
  • search for erroneous payments and their revocation;
  • other actions in the interests of the client.

Tariffs for individual entrepreneurs for withdrawing cash from an account

The cost of cashing services significantly depends on the profile of the individual entrepreneur being served and the amount of his turnover.

Individual and collective farms exempt from commission.

Individual entrepreneurs are charged 1.2% of the amount issued in hand (up to 800 thousand rubles). If you need to receive monthly more money, then the commission percentage grows according to a progressive dependence:

These conditions are specified for cases of cash issuance with preliminary applications. Funds can be withdrawn from the account at any time, but if the client has not warned about this in advance, he will pay a commission that is half a percent higher.

For withdrawal of salary from the account, 0.5% of its amount and 250 rubles are charged.

Tariffs for current services

Payment for transactions by individual entrepreneurs is made according to the rates accepted by Rosselkhozbank:

  • Topping up your account costs 0.3% of the deposited amount plus a fixed fee of 250 rubles. for each operation.
  • Recalling a payment or searching for erroneously transferred funds – 300 rubles.
  • A transfer between your accounts at RSHB costs only 6 rubles.
  • Transfer to an account in another bank – 30 rubles.
  • Payment order or collection request in in paper form– 200 rub.
  • The same online through your personal account – 50 rubles.
  • Registration of each payment document – ​​150 rubles.

Opening, maintaining and closing an individual entrepreneur account in Rosselkhozbank

There is a one-time fee for opening an account in the amount of 2.5 thousand rubles. Maintaining a bank account costs 2 thousand rubles. monthly, and remote control– 750 rub. If there are no transactions within a month, the client does not make payment.

How to open a current account at the Russian Agricultural Bank for individual entrepreneurs

Opening an account significantly expands an entrepreneur’s ability to accept payments. You can come to Rosselkhozbank in person and settle all the issues, or do otherwise by submitting an application online for home page. In any case, it is quite simple and convenient.

When opening an account “live”, the client personally fills out a questionnaire in which, in addition to personal data and information about the business, it is possible to choose the most suitable tariff plan and required services.

Online registration is similar in meaning to the described method. Its advantages can be fully appreciated by experienced entrepreneurs who know enough about various banking products to make an error-free choice.

Both options have their advantages: the first allows you to immediately ask the manager about any questionable point, and the second saves time.

Usually the application is processed quite quickly - from three to five days. The individual entrepreneur is notified of the result by email, and in the same letter is invited to the office to draw up an agreement. As a rule, if you come at the specified time, you don’t have to wait, and the procedure itself takes literally a matter of minutes.

List of required documents

The entrepreneur’s package of documents is delivered to the bank branch in advance and includes:

  • application for opening an account;
  • individual entrepreneur registration certificate, which has replaced the state register extract (USRIP) since the beginning of 2017;
  • licenses (if they are needed for the type of activity of the individual entrepreneur);
  • passport (original and copy of all facing pages);

The information required to open an account is entered into a special form by a bank employee during the interview, based on the above documents presented and according to the applicant. They include:

  • place of registration;
  • sources of income and occupation of the entrepreneur;
  • contact details (address, telephone, email, Skype, etc.);
  • a list of operations (services) that the future client intends to use;
  • a list of the applicant’s most significant business partners and contractors;
  • approximate monthly turnover of the client;
  • history of relations with other banks;
  • information about possible export or import activities.

How to open an account for legal entities at Rosselkhozbank

The procedure for signing a settlement agreement for enterprises at Rosselkhozbank is approximately the same for LLCs and individual entrepreneurs. There are differences in the required package of documents and compliance with the requirements of some legislative acts regulating the service. For example, for enterprises it will be mandatory to maintain checkbook. As for tariff plans and other conditions, they are the same.

When concluding a contract, the management of the company provides the following documents:

  • Statement of intention to join the terms of service of Rosselkhozbank. Compiled according to established by the bank sample in duplicate.
  • Charter (for a private enterprise), agreement of founders (for LLC) or agreement (for a peasant farm).
  • Certificate of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, if changes were made to the constituent documents.
  • Decision on the appointment of a manager (extract from the order).
  • Signature card for authorized persons. They are certified at a notary office or at a branch of Rosselkhozbank.
  • A letter that describes options for combinations of signatures when preparing payment and other documents.
  • Documentary confirmation of the powers of the persons indicated in the signature and seal card (power of attorney).
  • Passports of these persons.
  • Information from Rosstat about the codes.
  • Documentary confirmation of the authority of the person concluding an agreement with Rosselkhozbank.
  • Licenses (if needed).
  • Information about the enterprise, compiled according to the Rosselkhozbank form.
  • Self-certification form on Rosselkhozbank letterhead.

The parties sign a typical sample bank account agreement with detailed tariffs for cash settlement services and the obligations of the parties.

To the bank's website

Closing a legal entity account

There is no fee for closing a current account at Rosselkhozbank. The conditions for terminating the agreement correspond to the usual rules in force in other banks:

  • advance repayment of all commissions and other payments on obligations and debts;
  • surrender of all unused check books;
  • resetting the balance to zero by withdrawing funds from an ATM, through a cash register or transferring to other accounts belonging to the client.

These operations must be carried out within five days after submitting a written application to close the current account.

A relevant feature of the provision of banking services by Rosselkhozbank for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs is the presence of a single tariff plan, which is valid for all representatives of private business. At the same time, it is possible to create personal conditions for each client, which is achieved by including certain paid and free services in the agreement for cash and cash services.

The main tariffs directly related to settlement and cash services for corporate clients include the following:

  • opening a ruble account - 2.5 thousand rubles;
  • open currency accounts - $70;
  • maintaining a ruble account - 2.0 thousand rubles monthly with standard form maintenance and 0.75 thousand rubles. when receiving RBS services;
  • maintaining a currency account - $27 with the usual form of service and $7 when using remote banking services;
  • accrual of bank interest on account balances - the amount of interest and the possibility of receiving the service is determined for each legal entity individually;
  • making a payment within the bank – 350 rubles. when providing a payment in paper format and 6 rubles. when using RBS;
  • making a payment to an account third party bank– 350 rub. when providing an order in paper format and 30 rubles. when using RBS;
  • commission for transferring funds to individual accounts – 1% of the transfer amount, but not less than 100 rubles;
  • collection payments – 200 rub. when using paper media and 50 rub. in electronic format;
  • revocation of a payment order at the request of a corporate client – ​​300 rubles. az every operation;
  • registration of a card with a seal imprint and sample signatures - 400 rubles. for each signature.

Tariffs of Rosselkhozbank for cash transactions are as follows:

  • commission for withdrawing cash from an account – from 0.5% to 10%, depending on the size and purpose of the withdrawn amount;
  • commission for issuing the balance when closing an account with the bank – 10%;
  • commission for crediting cash to an account – from 0.2% to 0.3% of the received amount;
  • exchange of coins or banknotes for others – from 2% to 4%.

Besides standard services related to the provision of settlement and cash services, corporate clients Numerous additional services are provided, including:

  • acquiring – the size of the commission is determined individually by agreement of the parties;
  • RBS services - connection will cost the client 3-4 thousand rubles, maintenance - from 0.65 to 1.2 thousand rubles. monthly;
  • rent safe deposit boxes– the rate depends on the size of the safe and the duration of the rental;
  • release and further maintenance of corporate bank cards– the tariff is determined taking into account the number of cards and turnover on them;
  • collection - 0.05% -0.15% of the collected amount, with no less than 1.2 thousand rubles when delivering cash from the Bank of Russia;
  • opening deposits, implementing currency control, performing currency transactions, etc.

Which tariff should I choose?

The choice of tariff when concluding an agreement on cash settlement services with Rosselkhozbank is determined by the characteristics of the business conducted by the legal entity. The above prices for various types of banking services clearly demonstrate that today the most profitable are remote services, which are provided online via the Internet.

Before opening a ruble or foreign currency current account at the Russian Agricultural Bank, it is recommended to carefully study the information about the proposed terms of cooperation, which is located on its website. This is necessary, given that working with this bank has a number of characteristic features, including:

  • a single tariff plan for all corporate clients;
  • cost determination large quantity individual services;
  • the ability to combine various paid and free services.

What services are included in RKO?

When concluding a contract for cash settlement services, the client independently determines which services of Rosselkhozbank will be included in it. In most cases, cash management services involve the following financial transactions:

  • opening and closing accounts, ruble or foreign currency;
  • making payments both from and to the account;
  • preparation of related documents for the account - statements, reports, etc.;
  • depositing and issuing cash;
  • additional services, for example, acquiring, foreign exchange transactions etc.

How to connect RKO

The rules of Rosselkhozbank provide for a standard procedure, the implementation of which allows you to open an account and conclude an agreement on cash settlement services. It involves the following actions on the part of the corporate client:

  • submitting an online application to open a bank account;
  • provision of documents necessary for drawing up an agreement for cash settlement services;
  • conclusion of an agreement for settlement and cash services;
  • connecting RBS services, if such a service option was selected by the user.

It is obvious that Internet banking is in greatest demand today among RSHB clients. The cost of its connection was given above. The list of documentation provided by a legal entity to open an account includes:

  • application for opening a bank account and joining the terms of service offered by the bank;
  • the charter and other constituent documents in the latest officially registered version;
  • certificates that the company is registered and registered, as well as a letter from Rosstat on the assignment of codes;
  • a card with samples of the company’s seal and signatures of persons who will work with the bank;
  • documents that confirm the powers of these persons and the head of the company;
  • the LLC's licenses and other permits;
  • client questionnaire compiled according to the RSHB form;
  • self-certification form.

Rosselkhozbank is included in the list of the 30 largest Russian banks as of 2016. This state bank, created in the spring of 2000, providing a wide range of services to the population.

Although its main activity is servicing the agro-industrial production sector, financial institution successfully cooperates with business clients.

Advantages of settlement and cash services at Rosselkhozbank

You contacted the department within three months after closing an account opened in another branch of the bank? In this case, you can count on opening an account account for free. Similar benefits are provided to other clients.

In other cases, a current account is opened after payment of a commission fee in the amount of 2,500 rubles.

The advantages of servicing at Rosselkhozbank include:

  • low tariff for maintaining an account;
  • the ability to accrue interest on the account balance;
  • low fees for payment transactions;
  • establishing the amount of the fee for replenishing the account on a personal basis;
  • opening a bank account in Russian or foreign currency;
  • benefits for certain categories of clients (for example, those employed in the agricultural industry).

Currently the service remote maintenance underdeveloped. Electronic services may function intermittently, but the bank is committed to correcting these shortcomings.

Clients who have opened an account with Rosselkhozbank can order additional services and options. We are talking about obtaining a loan for a business, making a deposit, connecting currency control, trade acquiring, etc.

Tariffs for cash settlement services in Rosselkhozbank

Currently, all bank clients are served at a single rate. from Rosselkhozbank for legal entities and private entrepreneurs are often established on a personal basis, because separate categories individuals are entitled to certain benefits.

Listed below are the main characteristics of the account service opened at the bank, which you should familiarize yourself with before submitting your application.

Tariff plan characteristics

Cost of service or option

Registration of account

2,500 rubles (in some cases – free)

Account maintenance

2,000 rubles monthly

Maintaining accounts when using the RBS system

750 rubles monthly

Servicing a bank account during bankruptcy proceedings

1,000 rubles per month

Maintaining an account in the absence of transactions

for free

Transfer of money to an account opened with Rosselkhozbank

from 6 rubles per operation

Transferring money to a third-party bank

from 30 rubles per operation

Reception payment orders for collection

from 50 rubles per document

Registration settlement document

150 rubles for each

Closing an account

for free

Opening a bank account in foreign currency is usually accompanied by payment of a fee of 70 American dollars.

The cost of service ranges from 7 to 27 dollars, while free account maintenance is acceptable (for example, if there are no transactions during a calendar month).

How to open a current account in Rosselkhozbank for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities?

You can submit an application at any bank office or remotely through the website. In the latter case, online application for a current account in Rosselkhozbank discussed in as soon as possible.

The following information is indicated in the electronic form:

  • client's first and last name;
  • e-mail;
  • annual revenue amounts;
  • name of the subject of interest banking product;
  • contact phone number;
  • bank office address for signing the agreement;
  • message for the manager (for example, a convenient time to call).

You can open a current account with Rosselkhozbank for LLCs and individual entrepreneurs after submitting certain documentation to the office and signing the corresponding agreement. It is recommended to clarify the terms of service in advance with bank employees by phone or directly during a personal visit to the branch.

Documents for opening a current account in Rosselkhozbank

To get the required banking services the client will need to prepare a voluminous set of documentation. Individual entrepreneurs must have a passport, TIN, a letter with statistics codes from Rosstat, an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, information about business reputation, a card with sample signatures and seal impressions.

Legal entities undertake to prepare:

  • constituent documents;
  • passports officials, having access to the account;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • letter from Rosstat;
  • order on the appointment of a manager;
  • a card with sample signatures and seal impressions;
  • licenses, patents;
  • information about business reputation;
  • financial statements.

If necessary, the list of documentation indicated above can be supplemented at the request of the manager. Before contacting the department, please call 8-800-100-0-100 to find out what documents are requested in your case.

In the office, the client must fill out forms according to the bank’s form before signing the relevant agreement, for example, an application for registration of an account.

Reviews about cash settlement services in Rosselkhozbank

Kirill, Lipetsk

I like the cash settlement services for individual entrepreneurs at Rosselkhozbank. Subscription fees are low and payments are made quickly. But the Internet bank periodically works intermittently. I called the support service and they said that the problems were temporary and would be resolved soon. I hope so! Otherwise there are no complaints.

Gleb, Yakutsk

Glad to be a client of Rosselkhozbank! Good quality of service, low commissions, no hidden fees, prompt transfer of money to counterparties. The work of the support service deserves special attention. Any question can be resolved by phone, regardless of the time of day.

Polina, Volgograd

Indeed, you can open a business account at Rosselkhozbank very quickly! Although it required a lot of paperwork, the process did not take as long as I expected. I was also pleased that I was consulted in detail in the office on all issues and advised on what additional services I could connect to develop my business.

Are you going to open a current account?


Check out bank offers
RKO in Tochka Bank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Opening an account is free in 10 minutes;
  • Maintenance – from 0 rubles/month;
  • Free payment cards – up to 20 pcs./month.
  • Up to 7% on account balance;
  • Overdraft possible;
  • Internet banking – free;
  • Mobile banking is free.
RKO in Raiffeisenbank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Opening an account is free in 5 minutes;
  • Maintenance – from 490 rubles/month;
  • Minimum commissions.
  • Registration salary cards- for free;
  • Overdraft possible;
  • Internet banking – free;
  • Mobile banking is free.
RKO in Tinkoff Bank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Free opening of account in 10 minutes;
  • The first 2 months are free of charge;
  • After 2 months from 490 RUR/month;
  • Up to 8% on account balance;
  • Free accounting for individual entrepreneurs on Simplified;
  • Free Internet banking;
  • Free mobile banking.
RKO in Sberbank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Opening an account - 0 rub.;
  • Maintenance – from 0 rubles/month;
  • Free “Sberbank Business Online”;
  • Lots of extra services.

RKO in VTB. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Opening an account – free of charge in 5 minutes;
  • 3 months of service 0 rubles;
  • Transfers and cash transactions - 0 rubles;

More about the current account

  • 0 rub. opening an account;
  • 0 rub. Internet banking and mobile banking for account management;
  • 0 rub. issuing a business card for depositing and withdrawing cash at any ATM;
  • 0 rub. first deposit of cash into the account;
  • 0 rub. tax and budget payments, transfers to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in Alfa-Bank;
  • 0 rub. account maintenance if there is no turnover.
RKO in the Eastern Bank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Opening an account is free;
  • Reservation in 1 minute;
  • Internet banking and mobile application for free;
  • 3 months of service free of charge;
  • after 3 months from 490 rub./month.
RKO in LOKO Bank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Opening an account is free;
  • Reservation in 1 minute;
  • Maintenance – from 0 rubles/month;
  • Cash withdrawal from 0.6%;
  • Free terminal for acquiring;
  • Internet banking and mobile application are free.
RKO in Expert Bank.