Into the following moments. Analysis of the factors influencing the assessment of personnel. List of products for proper nutrition


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Based on this, the profile may include the following points:

preferred relationships in the team, actions in conflict, attitude to work in a team;

In what style of leadership is the employee most effective, what vertical relationships are most prone to;

What values ​​do you consider to be the most important?

How and in what direction the candidate plans to develop further;

Preferences to the organization of working relations, in what conditions it is most effective.

The most deplorable and offensive situation is that a good employee comes to work in good company and may soon leave due to the fact that he and the company, while good individually, simply do not fit together. Compiling a profile and evaluating an employee in accordance with it will help us reduce the risk of such a situation. This profile can be based on the values ​​and culture of the organization, the views of the leader, existing traditions, on the one hand, and on the requirements for the work performed, on the other.

Before you make a profile, it is important to decide who exactly will take part in this process and decision making. The immediate supervisor of the employee who is supposed to be found, the HR manager, must necessarily take part in the formation of the profile. Each of them will contribute: the manager has a better idea of ​​the current tasks, the HR manager has a better understanding of the general trends in the company and the situation on the labor market. When it comes to those aspects of the profile that are important from the point of view of the company's value system, it is desirable that the entire top management participate in their determination.

At the same time, it is necessary to agree on terms and a common understanding of the tasks. Otherwise, the participants in the process will speak different languages. One of the ways to optimize such a process is training for all its participants, which allows to achieve a common understanding not only of the goals and objectives, but also of methods for evaluating people.

It is optimal when the company has a well-developed part of the profile that reflects corporate values ​​and norms. All managers or a majority of them should take part in compiling this part of the profile. It can be:

factors of priorities in decision-making (for example, the desire to resolve the conflict is always a priority, rather than avoiding it);

certain expectations for the preferred style of leadership;

main motivations (for example, the fact that the optimal candidate should be team-oriented and team-oriented or, conversely, prefer to work on independent projects);

· honesty and loyalty (again, different business environments have different preferences) and much more.

One of the easiest ways to complete this part of the profile is to conduct a survey of executives where they are asked to:

a) choose from the proposed list of competencies and values ​​what is mandatory and rank the significance of certain factors;

b) choose from the proposed list of competencies what they like best in already working employees;

c) choose those factors that are most dissatisfied in already working employees.

Based on these data, a profile will be compiled.

If your company has a Mission, a value system, or something similar (meaning actual decision-making rules, and not just written slogans), then it makes sense to compare the resulting profile with these documents.

The rest of the profile is based on the following factors:

The first factor is the work that the employee actually has to perform, and the competencies required for this position. Let's consider two relatively similar cases: a sales representative who will be responsible for maintaining contact with the retail network, tracking inventory, providing the customer with accurate information on time, and a sales representative who will have to look for new customers and create the network itself. With the same requirements of the company's corporate culture, in the first case, the leading competencies will be accuracy, diligence, detail and a tendency to repeat actions, and in the second - initiative, self-confidence, stress resistance, creativity and perseverance. The requirements for communication and the ability to work with conflicts will be unifying for both vacancies. If we swap these competencies or compose them universally for all sales representatives, then a large number of recruitment errors will appear.

The second factor is the specificity of intra-company interactions and leadership style. Democratic style of leadership and authoritarian require different features and competencies from employees. If with an authoritarian style it will be very important for us to correctly assess manageability and diligence, then with a democratic style, initiative and the ability to work in a team will be much more important.

The use of the new Soviet term occurred at the XXVII Congress of the CPSU in February 1986. The policy of glasnost declared new principles in the Soviet state apparatus: “More democracy, more socialism! Back to Lenin!”

The essence of politics

The reason for this was the opinion that it was necessary to deepen the socialist administration of the people. It was supposed to carry out a directed reaction of society to a change in the view of the historical development of socialism in the USSR. The main idea was to show the mistakes of the Stalinist path, the flaws of the previous general secretaries, but to preserve the correctness and inviolability of building socialism, and then communism in a single country.

Rice. 1. Portrait of M. S. Gorbachev.

The implementation of the publicity policy included the following points:

  • a broad discussion of the new political course at rallies of citizens;
  • abolishing censorship of printed publications;
  • the formation of numerous public associations supporting perestroika;
  • holding conversations and discussions about choosing the path of development.

For the first time in the Soviet Union, a multi-party system was declared, which was also reflected in the amendment to the Constitution of the USSR.

As in any reform, here too there were achievements and costs of the policy of glasnost.

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Under the conditions of the new policy, the rehabilitation of the victims of Stalinist repressions resumed. Bukharin, Rykov, Kamenev, Zinoviev and others were acquitted. The development of scientific Stalinism began to be carried out.

Glasnost also affected the media. New programs began to be broadcast: "Look", "The Fifth Wheel". The works of Solzhenitsyn, Berdyaev, Solovyov and many dissidents were published.

Rice. 2. Portrait of Solzhenitsyn.

It was possible not to be afraid to criticize the existing government, which was actively done. The Iron Curtain was lifted, the Soviet people saw the life of the Western world. All this was a positive feature of the current policy.

At the same time, a letter to Sovetskaya Rossiya, written by Nina Andreeva, with the heading “I can’t compromise my principles,” can be attributed to the costs. She believed that glasnost falsifies the history and teachings of Marxism-Leninism. She believed that this policy was under the patronage of the West.

Such opinions were shared by a fairly large group of citizens of the USSR, which led to a clash of various ideological currents.

Rice. 3. Gorbachev and Raisa Maksimovna.

Table “Policy of glasnost: pros and cons”

Speaking briefly about the policy of glasnost, it is worth noting that it was she who revealed many of the flaws and shortcomings of the Soviet system. The values ​​of people were reoriented to Western ones, there was a change in the thinking of large masses of people, which ultimately led to the collapse of the USSR.

Topic quiz

Report Evaluation

Average rating: 4.4. Total ratings received: 239.

1. Determine what aspects of your image and the image of your organization need to be supported, consolidated, developed.

2. Decide what the main message you are going to convey to the public.

3. Try to state the main idea of ​​the speech in one sentence.

Day of the week
Time Morning day Evening ________________
Speakers consultants
business representatives
representatives of state structures
company management staff

Fig.6. Performance program. Memo.

4. It is necessary to immediately decide how the speech will be completed: on what note, what conclusion will be made.

5. Having prepared the conclusion, start writing the speech from the beginning. The opening should be such that it grabs the audience's attention and gives them an idea of ​​what to expect from you.

6. Having decided on the beginning and end, write the middle. Do not deviate from the subject matter.

7. Include a short summary of the main points from what you have said at the end of your speech.

8. Whenever possible, use visual aids to support your words and demonstrate what you are saying.

Depending on the type of event, various handouts can be used: printed information about the activities of the organization, its products and services (booklets, brochures, leaflets, annual reports, a list of places where goods and services are sold), information about the event itself (programme, scheme of the venue or description of how you can get to the venues of certain stages of the event; badges, list of participants, information about the entertainment program, excursions, meals, etc.), as well as mass souvenirs and printed materials with the symbols of the organizer (folders, notebooks, pens) .

The fourth "P" - Personnel (staff)

Personnel can be internal (personnel of the organization) and involved, as well as qualified and technical.

The composition of the staff may vary depending on the event. For example, to conduct a workshop, it may include the following individuals:

– two secretaries, who register participants, promptly answer those questions about the seminar program and organization that they are aware of and are able to solve;

– one general coordinator of this workshop;

– two representatives of the organization's leadership (the level of leadership is determined by the level of the seminar and invited participants) to meet high-ranking guests and speakers;

– account managers in accordance with the goods / services presented at the seminar or the type of activity of the organization presented.

To prepare and conduct a reception, staff may need to:

- registration desk;

– registration list, badges for all participants;

- program, note paper, pens, brochures, prepared speeches;

An example of an exemplary plan for working with personnel in the preparation and conduct of the event is presented in fig. 7.

Period Type of organizational event Responsible person Deadline
Prior to event: 17-18 weeks Development of the concept of the event, its approval by the management of the organization, preparation of proposals for the approximate composition of the working group for its preparation and holding
17–18 weeks Event budget approval
15–16 weeks Appointment of a responsible person (event coordinator) and approval of the composition of the working group
12–15 weeks Speaker Selection
12–15 weeks Selection of invited existing and prospective and VIP clients
12–15 weeks Choice of venue and company(s) providing necessary services (catering, technical support)
11 weeks Definition of the program of the event
11 weeks Approval of the list of speakers
11 weeks Conclusion of contracts with artists, musical group
11 weeks Obtaining the necessary permits, approvals, insurance
8 weeks Conclusion of an agreement, placing an order for printing invitations
6 weeks Placing an order for printing promotional materials
6 weeks Order for room decoration
5–6 weeks Sending invitations by mail
3–5 weeks Calling on the phone of the invited
2 weeks Determination of the composition of the group for meeting and greeting guests
Week 1 Compilation of the final list of participants and speakers
2 days Press release distribution
1 day Staff briefing
1 day
1 day Meeting of speakers (speakers) arriving from other cities
During the event: 2 hours before the start of performances Checking audiovisual and computer equipment and lighting
1 hour before performances Start of staff work at the information desk (registration desk)
1 hour before performances Checking readiness or the process of preparing treats (catering)
Meeting of speakers
30 minutes before performances Start of registration of participants
30 minutes before performances Distribution of badges and event materials
After the event: 2 days after the event Sending thank-you notes to speakers and VIP clients who attended the event
1 week after the event Sending thank you letters to customers and other people you are interested in who accepted the invitation and participated in the event

Rice. 7. Approximate plan of work with personnel in the preparation and conduct of the event

1. A clear unification of student documents confirming the level and quality of acquired knowledge in order to compare higher education in different countries. Such measures should ensure the employment of European citizens with higher education and the international competitiveness of European higher education.

2. Two-tier system of higher education. A big problem in many countries has become an excessively redundant list of specialties and specializations, both in Europe and in Ukraine. There are also significant differences between university and academy degrees. To ensure the standardization of degrees and specializations, it is planned to switch to a two-level system of educational and qualification levels: bachelor and master. A bachelor is a specialist who can work in his specialty or continue his education by moving to the second stage - to a master's program. The master's degree assumes the presence of deeper fundamental knowledge of the student and orients him to a scientific career. Training in the first cycle should be 3-4, in the second - 1-2 years. Postgraduate education is carried out in doctoral studies, which makes it possible to obtain a doctoral degree after 7-8 years of study. In countries participating in the Bologna process, there should be one doctoral degree, for example, a doctor of philosophy in the relevant fields of knowledge - natural sciences, socio-humanitarian, economic, etc.

3. Establishment of a credit system under the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). Credits are conventional units in which the volume of education is determined. Behind each such unit is a certain number of mastered concepts, connections between concepts, acquired skills, that is, the total labor intensity of the acquired knowledge and skills, including independent work of students and passing their intermediate and final exams, other types of educational work. A European bachelor's degree requires 180-240 hours of credits to be accumulated, and a master's degree requires an additional 60-120 hours. It is the system of credits that is considered as a means of increasing the mobility of students in the transition from one study program to another, including postgraduate education programs. ECTS will become a multi-purpose tool for student recognition and mobility, a tool for reforming curricula, as well as a tool for transferring loans to higher education institutions in other countries. The accumulative credit system makes it possible to take into account all the achievements of the student, not only the academic load, but also his participation in scientific research, conferences, subject Olympiads, etc. In some countries, as a condition for credits, the following requirement is put forward: the study load must include 50% or more of the student's independent work. Thanks to the accumulative credit system, a student will be able to enter a university in one country and graduate in another; change the university or the chosen specialty in the process of education; complete studies at any stage, having received a bachelor's or master's degree, continue education at a convenient period of life.

4. Strengthening the mobility of students, teachers, university administrations. To realize and assert the competitiveness of their knowledge and skills, each student should have the opportunity to study and train abroad for at least a short time, and thanks to this, in the main university, he can reduce the number of hours devoted to the study of foreign languages. Mobility of students is facilitated by targeted preparation for passing language tests such as TOEFL, tests for admission to the master's program in economics GRE, management GMAT and others.

5. Creation of comparable criteria and a common methodology for universities in all European countries. At the moment, the countries of Europe are intensively engaged in the creation of a network of agencies for quality control and accreditation. It is proposed to establish accreditation agencies independent of national governments and international organizations. The assessment of students will be based not on the duration or content of training, but on the knowledge, skills and abilities that graduates have acquired. At the same time, standards for transnational education will be set.

6. Bringing higher education in different countries to the same standards. This concerns the development of similar curricula, trainings, and research.

7. Implementation of the concept of continuous (lifelong) education, which allows a person to receive several diplomas and academic degrees during his life, and the university to significantly improve financial and material support by providing an information and material base for those wishing to continue their education. This concept is based on the idea of ​​LLL (Life Long Learning) - education, commensurate with the entire length of life.

8. Partnership of student organizations and official educational institutions.

9. Increasing the attractiveness (promotion) and competitiveness of European higher education.

10. Employment of graduates. One of the important provisions of the Bologna process is the orientation of higher education institutions towards the end result: the knowledge of graduates must be applicable and used for the benefit of both the people of their country and other European countries. Academic degrees and other qualifications should be in demand on the European labor market, professional recognition of qualifications should be simplified and facilitated. For the recognition of qualifications awarded by a particular university, it is planned to use the Diploma Supplements recommended by UNESCO everywhere.

The monitoring funded by the European Commission does not cover Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine. Russia joined the Bologna process quite recently. For intensive educational integration, it is necessary to radically reform the higher education in our country, and it should be borne in mind that in the context of the ongoing socio-economic crisis, it is dangerous to take rash steps. The Bologna process is an ambiguous phenomenon that requires a balanced approach to solving how individual issues and educational integration in general. Today, everything possible is being done in Ukraine to implement the principles of the Bologna process. Thus, the issues of reforming higher education in Ukraine are reflected in the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated September 14, 2000 " About the Program for Ukraine's integration into the European Union", in the relevant orders of the Cabinet of Ministers, in the decisions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The national doctrine of the development of education has passed the examination of the Council of Europe. Experts came to Ukraine who got acquainted with the practice of implementing the norms declared by domestic legislation in our universities and colleges. From 1993 to 2003 Higher educational institutions of Ukraine, together with leading universities in Europe, completed 105 TEMPUS / TACIS projects, which made it possible to introduce common curricula, new principles of university management, prepare and publish modern textbooks, develop approaches to the mutual recognition of documents on education. are consonant with common European approaches.

Last year, Ukraine completed the preparatory stage and is beginning to actively introduce the principles of the Bologna Declaration into the university education system. 2005 is defined as an important stage of monitoring: it is necessary to complete the preparation of the final modernization high school, to coordinate the activities of various universities in this direction. In particular, from September 1, 2005, Ukrainian medical universities are planning to approve a fundamentally new curriculum, as close as possible to the principles of the Bologna process.

Today in Ukraine a system of standards has been legally approved for each educational and qualification level and profile of training. The standards developed for 80% of areas (qualifications) contain all the requirements for competence, qualification characteristics and a system for determining the quality of knowledge. In 2001, the Ministry of Education developed a European Diploma Supplement, which was planned to be issued at the request of the student. But since the Bologna process declared the issuance of such an application free of charge to all students who graduate from the university after 2005, now it is necessary to decide main problem - financial security expenses for this purpose.

There is no system of continuous higher education in Ukraine. As in most post-Soviet states, science (especially fundamental science) traditionally remains the prerogative of the national Academies of Sciences, and is distanced from the educational process in universities. The same can be said about the training of highly qualified specialists - candidates and doctors of sciences. In the world, as you know, the continuous system is recognized as the most effective, which involves the training of doctors of sciences in universities, and not through the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC). The transition to such a system is also required by the Bologna process, which provides for an inseparable connection between two stages - a bachelor's degree (3 years of study) and a master's degree (2 years of study). At the same time, the first stage should fully provide access to the second stage, which, in turn, gives the right to continue postgraduate education and obtain the degree of Doctor of Science (PhD), the equivalent of which in Ukraine is the degree of Candidate of Science.

Thus, one can already see the difficulties of Ukraine's transition to European schemes and criteria. Our system of academic degrees is quite firmly rooted, despite the fact that it does not contribute to, but on the contrary, hinders the development of science: graduate students write a candidate’s dissertation for three or five years, then a doctoral dissertation for ten years, the topic of which, in the the moment of defense loses its relevance, becomes hopelessly outdated and in no way gives an incentive to the development of science in the country. Bachelor's and Master's programs in Ukraine are academic concepts, just a step towards a further scientific career. According to the Bologna process, it is assumed that a bachelor or master is a practitioner with diplomas recognized in the global labor market.

In addition, a very difficult requirement from the point of view of practical implementation is to ensure adequate bachelor's qualifications. The fact is that experts are sure that even with four years of study, it is not easy to provide sufficient opportunities for specialized and practical training of a bachelor. The Bologna process provides for the introduction of a three-year curriculum at the bachelor's level, which further complicates the task of acquiring a high level of fundamental and specialized education and sufficient competence for awarding a qualification. Therefore, it can be assumed that most countries will choose a four-year bachelor's degree program, as they did in the UK and Russia.

The traditional grading system must also change. Now there are four types of students in the student's record books, from "unsatisfactory" to "excellent", and unsatisfactory grades in most cases require a retake of the exam to a positive result. And although a five-point system is formally adopted, three positive ratings are actually used. In the future, a more advanced system of knowledge assessment is planned: "unsatisfactory", "bad", "mediocre", "good", "excellent" and "very good".

We must not forget about the parallel reform of the secondary school. In Europe, it never occurs to anyone to learn a foreign language at the university, because in secondary school students learn at least two foreign languages. If necessary, the student chooses another language for studying at the university, if it is needed for specialization, research. We also need to strive to ensure that a person comes to the university from a school with two foreign languages, otherwise the curriculum of a higher school will be overloaded, and student learning is limited by domestic sources of information, and then student mobility in the European space is unattainable.

A particularly large-scale reform in the system of higher education is the introduction of academic credits similar to ECTS. Universities in Europe have different schemes credit systems. And although many Ukrainian universities have introduced student achievement assessment schemes (modular rating, rating), there is still no link to ECTS. Our task today is to develop principles for building the educational process that are adequate to European ones. To this end, the Ministry of Education and Science began an experiment to introduce a new model of a credit-modular system, about fifty universities declared their desire to take part in it, including the country's main medical university - NMU. A. A. Bogomolets.

For full inclusion in the Bologna process, the formal implementation of its principles is not enough. One of the main tasks is to ensure transparent and strict quality control of education, primarily licensing and accreditation. In Ukraine, such schemes were introduced long ago, but they are not perfect, they are constantly reviewed and supplemented. Recently, the exactingness of expertise has increased significantly, but the problem of its quality remains quite acute. It is the Bologna process that will be a powerful stimulus for revising the principles and methodology of quality control of education in international standards, will allow attracting foreign experts to this work and will positively affect the quality of student training.

The issue of training scientific and teaching staff for higher education is also very painful for our country. We have a VAK system that does not exist in any civilized state. Many experts believe that this system is a rudiment in the scientific world, which should be disposed of. VAK introduces new rules every year, which, in fact, do not help to select the best personnel, and, at times, reduce the system of obtaining scientific titles to absurdity. Many people know firsthand how scientific degrees are awarded, it is not customary to talk about the growing number of fake diplomas confirming a scientific title, although this problem exists. The system of conferring scientific titles and awards has now discredited itself, and we cannot turn a blind eye to this.

And, of course, the most important question- employment of university graduates. The creation of the European Higher Education Area will contribute to the high mobility and competitiveness of knowledge and skills of Ukrainian citizens. In the context of the socio-economic state in which Ukraine is now (unemployment, lack of jobs, low wage, weak social protection), a stalemate may arise: increased migration of Ukrainian citizens to European countries in search of decent work, leakage of intellectual property from the country. Therefore, the solution of educational problems in Ukraine, in accordance with the Bologna agreements, requires the intensive development of production, the creation of a significant number of new jobs, providing young people, in accordance with Ukrainian legislation, with the right of the first job, which still remains only a slogan.

Education in Ukraine can and should be made cost-effective, highly efficient and competitive. This is not a formal whim of our European colleagues, but the requirements of the time and the real needs of our society.

It is necessary to learn to observe the regime of the day. This concept includes the following points: 1) sufficient and full sleep with a strictly established time for getting up and going to bed; 2) rational nutrition at the same hours; 3) certain times for preparing lessons, outdoor recreation, physical exercises, free activities and helping the family. The absence of a clear, strictly observed regimen has the most adverse effect on the body. Efficiency decreases, academic performance decreases, and over time, signs of health disorders appear.


A strict, rhythmic regime of work and rest is one of the most important conditions for the high working capacity of the human body. This should take into account the differences in living and working conditions. certain categories people whose work is associated with various activities.

The basic provisions of work and rest must be observed by everyone, regardless of the specifics of the activity.

Subject to a clear regimen, a certain biological rhythm of the functioning of the body is developed, i.e. a dynamic stereotype is developed in the form of a system of alternating conditioned reflexes. Being fixed, they make it easier for the body to perform its work, since they create conditions and opportunities for internal physiological preparation for the upcoming activity.

For example, if you are engaged in mental or physical labor every day, which takes place at the same hours, the body, as it were, is "brought" to increased efficiency, i.e. to the ability to get together.

The same thing happens with a regular diet. By the “programmed” time, there is an intensive secretion of digestive juice, intestinal peristalsis increases, which promotes and ensures efficient digestion. The assimilation of nutrients in this case is maximum, which is especially important for a growing organism. The body's readiness for a certain time is the general important physiological basis of the daily routine. If a person goes to bed at the same time every day and wakes up, has breakfast and lunch, performs morning exercises, and conducts hardening procedures, then a reflex is developed for a while. The consistent repetition of these actions forms the so-called dynamic stereotype of nervous processes in the cerebral cortex. A dynamic stereotype sets a certain rhythm of life, facilitating all life processes. If, for example, a child sits down for lessons at a certain time, then by this hour he has not only a psychological, but a physiological mood - breathing, blood circulation, brain activity, etc., are somewhat increased. This readiness to perform mental work allows you to complete the required task faster and better. These are the biological and physiological foundations of the daily routine.

Famous scientists Claude Bernard, Walter, Kennon, who developed the doctrine of the constancy of the internal environment - homeostasis, as well as our compatriots Sechenov I.M., Pavlov I.P., Vernadsky V.I., Timiryazev K.A., Chizhevsky A. L., Anokhin P.K. et al. have repeatedly emphasized the dependence of the state of the body on the oscillatory rhythmic phenomena of the external environment - the change of light and darkness, meteorological factors, the change of seasons, solar activity using the example of the earth's magnetic field.

At night, indicators of metabolic processes, the work of the cardiovascular, respiratory systems, and body temperature decrease. Pulse, frequency and depth of breathing decrease. The brain does not receive information, there is no load either physical or mental. The body rests and recovers.

During the day, the intensity of motor activity increases, which greatly intensifies the work of the cardiorespiratory system and metabolic processes. All functions of the central nervous system, metabolic processes increase. All functions of the central nervous system and higher nervous activity increase.

The working capacity of a person in the morning hours gradually increases and reaches its highest peak by 10-13 o'clock. After 14 hours there is a decrease in efficiency, and at 16-17 hours there is a wave of increase in all functions. recession functionality observed, as a rule, after 20 hours.

Do the individual characteristics of the organism affect or social factors for work and rest? Undoubtedly. It is impossible not to take into account these factors, but its main provisions must be observed. These include simple but necessary requirements:

  • - performing various activities strictly at a certain time;
  • - rational alternation of work and rest;
  • - regular and complete meals, at least 3 times a day and at the same hours;
  • - engaging in targeted motor (physical) activity, at least 6 hours a week;
  • - stay in fresh air, at least 2-3 hours a day;
  • - strict adherence to sleep hygiene, at least 8 hours a day, preferably night sleep at the same time.

These simple postulates promote health, increase vitality, prolong the functioning of all systems for many years.