Gold card. What are the benefits of Sberbank credit cards? Conditions for issuing a card


A bank card of the Gold or Platinum category is the pinnacle of banking plastic products in any bank. The largest bank in Russia in terms of the number of branches, Sberbank, was no exception. Buying a Sberbank gold card is becoming commonplace. It is being purchased more and more often. This is connected not so much with the prestigious status of the card itself, but with the opportunities that open up when owning such plastic and using it. What is a gold card? This is a special one, which provides the holder of such a product with the following main dividends:

  • the widest discount and bonus system in numerous national and international retail chains providing a huge range of goods and services. These are mainly online stores, lines of boutiques in shopping centers, hotels and travel from leading tour operators;
  • maximum opportunities regarding monetary transactions, for example, a large credit card limit or favorable conditions for non-cash payments using debit plastic;
  • profitable, for example, a long grace period for a credit card;
  • currency versatility of the product - usually such a bank card works with all major world currencies (dollar, euro), and not just rubles;
  • in combination with the international status of the card, i.e. when plastic is accepted to pay for goods and services in other countries of the world, currency versatility turns gold plastic into an ideal electronic wallet, which, among other things, will save money by eliminating the need for currency conversion abroad and associated inevitable commissions and monetary losses due to changes in currency ratios.

Types of card products and their differences

The main advantages of the Sberbank gold card are the same as those of premium cards of other financial and credit organizations. However, Gold level plastic also varies. Sberbank gold cards differ in the following categories:

  1. Credit.
  2. Debit.
  3. Co-branded.

The Sberbank of Russia gold credit card is no different in its purpose from other Sberbank credit card products. This is plastic linked to a bank account containing a certain amount of money. When buying a credit card, the client takes out a permanent loan. That is, you can use the money from the plastic card at your discretion at any time and for an indefinite period of time, but later you need to return the spent amount to the account of this plastic card, taking into account interest.

Payment terms and interest are specified in the agreement and vary from one credit card to another. Otherwise, penalties will begin to accrue, and if further non-payment occurs, the card is blocked, and the client is enrolled in. The main differences between credit plastic and debit plastic are as follows:

  • the credit card limit is strictly limited, but the debit card limit is not (that is, the debit product can contain an arbitrarily large amount of money);
  • finances on credit cards are potentially borrowed, belonging to the organization that issued the card, while on debit cards they are personal, i.e., the card holder himself.

Owners of a Sberbank credit card of the “Gold” class use it within the framework of the specified conditions and rules. There are just a few more opportunities here than with lower-class credit cards. And such cards are also serviced using two major global payment formats - VISA and MasterCard. Only the subclasses differ.

Design features of elite gold plastic

Thus, a gold VISA card can be of different categories, for example Gold and Aeroflot. But how to get a Sberbank gold credit card? Just like getting a Sberbank gold card of any other profile. Anyone can write an application for this plastic certificate. In this case, a certain package of documents will have to be attached to the application:

  • passport and its full copy;
  • a certificate of income for the last six months from the tax service in form 2-NDFL, for entrepreneurs - form 3-NDFL;
  • work book, which indicates all places of work with certification by employers’ signatures. It is important that the client has already worked for at least six months at his last place of work (the employer’s confirmation signature is also required);
  • For entrepreneurs, you will need an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs or the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, as well as financial statements on the enterprise’s income for the last six months.

The application will be reviewed by Sberbank employees within three working days. You need to understand that plastic banking products of this kind are not given to anyone. This is not a nameless free debit card in VISA Electron format. In the Sberbank gold card, the conditions for receiving this elite product are as follows:

  • have a stable average income from an official permanent job or a normally functioning enterprise;
  • be over 21 years old and under 60 years old (55 years old for women), i.e. clients of retirement age cannot count on Sberbank gold plastic, alas;
  • not necessary, but in practice, to receive a gold card, it is highly desirable to be a regular customer of Sberbank and be in good standing there - a “clean” credit history of many repaid loans, a Sberbank salary card, etc.

Sber credit card "Gold" class

It is not surprising, given that the purchase of “plastic gold” will cost about 10 thousand rubles, and subsequent maintenance – 3 thousand rubles annually. What benefits can lucky holders of a Sberbank gold credit card take advantage of? The following advantages can be mentioned:

  • The minimum limit for withdrawing up to a zero balance of gold credit plastic in Sberbank is 200 thousand rubles, and the maximum is half a million (for the most expensive VISA Gold), the average limit for such credit cards is around 300 thousand rubles (however, at Sberbank ATMs out of 300 you can withdraw cash is allowed no more than 100 thousand rubles);
  • interest-free use of the card is maintained for a period of 50 days after the first withdrawal of money, i.e. within 50 days you will have to return exactly as much as was spent, without standard credit interest. But if the principal payment is late, you will have to pay a fine of 23% per annum (interest is usually calculated on the total loan amount);
  • Gold class cards are also characterized by a lower interest rate compared to all other credit cards;
  • internationality - plastic “works” with at least three major currencies (ruble, dollar, euro) and is accepted in most major countries of the world. Thus, VISA Gold can be paid in 125 countries. First on the list after the Russian Federation itself are the countries of the European Union and the United States;
  • when a client receives such plastic, the bank automatically issues insurance for the life of the owner of the card product, which is useful if the owner travels often and a lot, especially in Third World countries;
  • as already mentioned, Sber gold cards are connected to numerous discount systems around the world. The number of different bonus programs is constantly growing. For example, Aeroflot VISA holders, as a minimum package of services for this card, are participants in the international Countdown program, which gives good discounts;
  • even if a client, while abroad, has lost a gold Sberbank credit card, he can immediately contact the embassy, ​​where he will be provided with a monetary allowance, since nothing happened to the bank account of the card (it will be enough to give the plastic number).

Among the disadvantages is the rather unprofitable conversion of money on the card into cash. If you withdraw from a Sberbank ATM, the commission will be 3%, which is quite significant. So, if you withdraw 10 thousand rubles, the commission will “eat up” 300 rubles. And in the terminal of a third-party financial organization the commission will be 4%. This can be explained by the bank's policy of preserving cash flows in electronic form and preventing their transfer to the form of paper bills.

Sber debit card "Gold" class

A debit gold card differs from a gold credit card in much the same way as, in principle, debit plastic differs from credit plastic (described above). The Sberbank gold debit card has all the main advantages that a premium Sberbank credit card has. At the same time, the properties of conventional debit card products are added:

  • the ability to withdraw cash from local ATMs with zero commission;
  • unlimited upper cash limit, which allows you to use the debit card as a piggy bank - there are no replenishment restrictions or upper limits;
  • cashless payment again with zero commission for goods and services both offline and online.

At the same time, the advantages of a gold debit card are added here - automatic issuance of international life insurance, bonus promotions and the option of setting up quick payment for urgent services (overdraft, payment for medical procedures, rescue and search operations, etc.). Among debit plastics, Sberbank produces special lines, each of which has its own unique bonus. For example, the “Golden Mask” card.

The holder of this plastic card will be constantly informed via SMS (Mobile Bank) and Sberbank Online about all premieres, tours and events in the theaters and opera houses of his city. And if you wish, you can quickly purchase tickets online using this card. Another Sberbank debit card of the VISA Gold level is called “Gift of Life”. When funds are debited from this card to pay for any product or service, 0.3% of the amount spent goes to a fund to help children with oncology and other serious illnesses.

What is the essence of co-branded plastic products?

Finally, the last type of elite card is the co-branded card. In principle, it would be more correct to say that this is one of the properties of both credit and debit plastics, but the popularity of this property forced it to be singled out as cards of a separate class. The bottom line is that the co-branded card is most involved in numerous affiliate programs and bonus promotions.

A striking example of such a plastic product is VISA Aeroflot. This plastic maintains contacts with leading tour operators who provide an interesting bonus program for clients, which is often called “rubles for miles.” That is, for example, when flying, it is calculated how far the client will cover by plane in one tour. After which the tour operator awards the traveler a certain number of bonuses.

In this way, you can quickly save up for an entire flight and pay the full cost of the ticket with bonuses. Aeroflot gold co-branded plastic is simply irreplaceable for those who travel a lot by air. It doesn’t matter whether it’s for vacation, business or study. Another popular service is cellular communication. And as part of this request, a line of co-branded Gold MasterCard MTC cards was created, when used to pay for goods and services, the same bonuses are credited to the client’s account.

Disadvantages of elite cards

These bonuses can later be used to pay for mobile communications. The resulting profit is obvious. It is clear that, despite the described advantages, Sberbank’s gold plastic cards, like, in principle, all elite card products, also have flaws. The Sberbank gold card has the following disadvantages:

  • high cost of the product itself and its annual maintenance;
  • with credit options it is extremely unprofitable to use cash;
  • ordering such plastic is very difficult, there is a high probability of refusal to issue a gold card;
  • It happens that many discounts and promotions are simply not needed by the cardholder, but the product is automatically connected to participation in these programs.

One way or another, this article was written in order to inform readers as fully as possible about the elite card offers of the largest bank in the country.

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Each season is fraught with its own worries and costs. The coming autumn insistently requires some to update their warm wardrobe. Others need to finish getting their child ready for school. Still others go on vacation only in the fall, trying to prolong the quickly departed summer.

Whatever expenses you personally face this fall, you may unexpectedly need additional funds. It’s better to take care in advance so that they are available at the right time.

Credit card is a lifesaver

Among the various products of Sberbank there is something that is necessary for a person who risks facing unplanned expenses and is forced to urgently borrow money (and this is almost any person). A credit card has become such a financial lifesaver. What's good about her? What are its advantages over other types of loans, for example, consumer loans?

Convenience of a credit card First of all, it contains extra money, which is always at hand and which costs you nothing if you do not use it. While the money is sitting quietly in your account, you only pay for annual card maintenance, if the tariff plan includes it. This is a serious difference between it and a consumer loan, which you will have to start repaying immediately along with interest, regardless of whether you managed to manage it at all.

In addition, the card allows you to borrow any amount from the bank, even a meager one, but they are unlikely to issue you a loan of 1,000 rubles. Therefore, if you need finance for a specific large purchase, it makes sense to take out a loan. However, if you simply want to insure yourself in case of unexpected expenses and you do not know when exactly you will need money, a credit card is the way to go. perfect option.

Credit card – debt without interest

Incredible but true: you don’t have to pay for a card loan. Sberbank has provided a grace period for lending, for which no interest is charged. It is valid for 20 days from the date of preparation of the monthly report. Therefore, you have up to 50 days when you can spend bank funds free of charge. Of these, the first 30 days are the time from the moment of your purchase until the next report is drawn up, and the last 20 days are Grace period.

For example, you made a purchase with a credit card on September 8, and the date for generating a report on your card is the 10th day of each month, so the deadline for payment is September 30. In this case, the grace period will be 22 days. And if the purchase was made on September 12, then the grace period will already be 49 days. If you fully repay the resulting debt before these 20 days expire, you will not have to pay interest on the loan.

It must be remembered that the grace period does not apply to cash withdrawal transactions. And when cash is withdrawn from an ATM, a commission is charged: within Sberbank - 3% of the withdrawn amount, in other banks - 4% (but at least 100 rubles in any case).

I borrowed it again, again...

Another huge credit card advantage The fact is that her credit limit is revolving. That is, you can spend the amount within the credit limit allocated by the bank, and then pay off the resulting debt by using the credit funds again. And so on as many times as you like, without drawing up any additional contracts.

You can repay the loan you took in cash or by non-cash method (transfer from another card or account) at bank offices, self-service devices, through the remote services “Mobile Bank” and “Sberbank Online”. “Mobile Banking” allows you to always know the status of your account and never miss the moment of loan payment.

Discounts and bonuses on card loans

Having completed a simple registration on the bank’s self-service devices or in Sberbank Online, for any purchase using a card you will receive bonus points - 0.5%, but sometimes Sberbank conducts incentive promotions, awarding special bonuses (up to 10%).

By accumulating such THANKS, you can use them to pay for goods in stores that are among the partners of Sberbank of Russia.

Money on credit - just extend your hand

If you always want to have money and are ready to appreciate everything advantages of a credit card based on personal experience, contact the Sberbank office. Any citizen of Russia from 21 to 65 can apply for a card. To do this, you need to present a passport, fill out an application form and provide documents that confirm your employment and financial status. The bank will make a decision within 2 business days.

If your salary is transferred to a Sberbank card, or you already have a deposit with it or have taken out a loan with it, then the bank, most likely, has already pre-approved the issuance of a credit card to you, and to receive it you will only need a passport. You can check whether such an offer has been approved for you in advance at any Sberbank branch.

A credit card is a convenient tool that performs two functions at the same time: you can store a certain supply of personal funds on it and use this money to make non-cash purchases, or you can simply keep the card with you so that in case of an emergency you can pay for something with borrowed money.

What's the benefit?

The advantages of Sberbank credit cards are obvious:

  1. it has both a debit and a credit limit, so there is always enough money to make purchases. The size of the limit varies and will be determined individually for each client based on the documents provided by him;
  2. For active and salaried clients, cards are offered on more favorable terms with a reduced interest rate under the agreement. By the way, annual service in such cases can also be free;
  3. a grace period for lending, during which the client does not have to pay interest on the use of borrowed funds. Equal to 50 days;
  4. there is no need to apply for a loan every time or go borrow from loved ones. Also, you will not have to use the programs of microcredit organizations, the interest rates of which are cosmic;
  5. With many cards, customers can receive bonuses. It is enough to pay with a credit card in the network of bank partners;
  6. You can apply for a card in advance on the company’s website and you won’t have to spend a lot of time on it.

Almost all cards issued by Sberbank are international, which means that they can be used outside the Russian Federation without any problems. The owner of the card can be a person who has reached the age of 21.

Disadvantages of Sberbank credit cards

At the same time, one cannot ignore the disadvantages of Sberbank credit cards:

  • For cash withdrawals, a commission of 3% and not less than 390 rubles is charged - and this is a fixed rate, regardless of the amount. To be fair, it should be noted that the interest rate for cashing out credit funds is high in all banks and Sberbank has not yet set the most stringent commission limits;
  • Every month you must make a mandatory monthly payment of 5% of the amount spent in order to be able to use the credit limit;
  • the credit limit is relatively low and amounts to only 600 thousand rubles, while with other banks it can reach a million or even more;
  • a fine is imposed for delays, but today no bank is ready to forgive even the slightest violation of the terms of the loan agreement, so this cannot be called a significant disadvantage.

In any case, if you want to use a Sberbank plastic card with a credit limit, you need to adhere to the rules. The first and most important thing is not to withdraw money from your account, spend it only on paying for goods by bank transfer.

Always keep an eye on the balance and pay off the debt within the established time frame and, if possible, take advantage of the grace period, in which case there will be no overpayment at all.

Always remember that the bank’s money is stored on the card, not your personal savings (except when the card is also used as a debit card), so you need to be smart about spending.

Pros and cons of premium cards

Premium credit cards Visa and MasterCard Gold are created specifically for wealthy clients, so what is the main difference between these cards and a simple Visa and are there any disadvantages?

The advantages include:

  1. clients who regularly travel abroad have more options and privileges available than holders of a regular Visa;
  2. With a Visa Gold card, you can activate the option of contactless payment technology, in addition, the card is protected by a special electronic chip;
  3. customer service with such a card is available around the clock, and if the card is lost abroad, you can use the urgent cash withdrawal service;
  4. annual service price is 0;
  5. The credit limit is 600 thousand rubles at an interest rate of 25.9%.

There are also some minor disadvantages:

  • card issuance is possible only for those clients who have received a special offer from the bank;
  • it is impossible to issue additional cards for it, which can be a significant problem;
  • The credit card is completely unsuitable for those who like to travel outside the Russian Federation, because despite various bonuses, the card’s currency is only rubles;
  • the use of promotions and discounts implies certain restrictions, which are detailed in the rules on the bank’s website.

Features of Sberbank credit cards

We looked at all the pros and cons of Sberbank credit cards. Finally, I would like to go through a little more about some of the disadvantages, first of all, the difficulty of obtaining a card for young people who have not reached 21 years of age.

But even meeting the minimum age bar does not guarantee that the application for the card will be approved. If the client wants to receive a premium card, the difficulties become even greater and in any case it may be necessary to collect documents proving solvency.

At Sberbank, clients have access to a 50-day grace period, the rules for using which we will look at using a simple example. If the date for generating the statement is May 1, and the first purchase using credit funds was made on May 3 and the amount was 5 thousand rubles, then by June 21 it will be necessary to repay the debt amount.

In this example, the grace period will be 49 days and if we assume that the interest on a credit card is 24%, then in a situation where the card holder manages to repay the debt on time, he will save 161 rubles (24% of the spent amount of 5,000 rubles - exactly so much commission will need to be paid if the payment deadline for the grace period is missed).

Otherwise, using credit cards from Sberbank is very profitable and the process is not much different from using a debit card.

With their help, you can transfer payments to third parties and accept them in your favor, pay for housing and communal services directly from home using your personal account, pay off fines or taxes, top up your mobile account and the account of your loved ones, and much more.

More about the map

  • 100 days Without interest on the loan;
  • Limit loan up to 500,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 14.99%;
  • The cost of annual maintenance is from 1190 rubles;
  • Free deposit and withdrawal of cash;
  • Free Internet banking;
  • Free mobile banking.
Card from Tinkoff Bank Apply for a card

More about the map

  • 55 days Without interest on loan;
  • Interest rate from 12%;
  • Installment plan at 0% up to 12 months;
  • The cost of annual maintenance is from 590 rubles;
  • Minimum payment up to 8%;
  • Free card replenishment;
  • Bonus points for spending on the card;
  • Free Internet banking;
  • Free mobile banking.
Card from Eastern Bank Apply for a card

More about the map

  • 56 days Without interest on the loan;
  • Limit loan up to 300,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 11.5%;
  • Issuance of passport in 5 minutes;
  • Free Internet banking;
  • Free mobile banking.
Card from Raiffeisenbank Apply for a card

More about the map

  • 110 days without interest on the loan;
  • Limit loan up to 600,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 23.9%;
  • The cost of annual maintenance is free;
  • Cashback up to 5% on everything;
  • Free Internet banking;
  • Passport registration.
Card from UBRD Bank Apply for a card

More about the map

  • 120 days without interest on the loan;
  • Limit loan up to 300,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 29%;
  • The cost of annual maintenance is free;
  • Cashback 1%;
  • Free Internet banking;
  • Free mobile banking.

Installment card "Conscience".

Sberbank is the oldest bank in Russia. Over the entire history of its development (approximately two centuries), the bank has established itself as the largest and most reliable financial institution in the country. In this article we will look at the advantages of a product such as a credit card from Sberbank.

What is the reason for such popularity? Let's take a closer look:

  • Sberbank of Russia has a state label, which inspires confidence in people and gives it an advantage over competitors in the lending industry.
  • The bank can afford to offer acceptable interest rates on loans.
  • The development of numerous branches and offices of the bank, as well as the development of an entire network of ATMs and terminals, the development of online banking makes it possible to use the bank’s services anywhere in the country.
  • Sberbank has a wide range of services, which makes it possible for potential clients to choose the most profitable option.

It should be noted that Sberbank of Russia is the country's largest lender.

Requirements for the borrower to obtain Visa gold

There are certain requirements that the client must meet:

  • You must be a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • There are age restrictions: you must be at least 21 years old and not more than 65 years old.
  • You must be registered in any locality of the Russian Federation; in this case, temporary registration will be sufficient; permanent registration does not necessarily have to be.
  • It is necessary that you are already a client of Sberbank: use any products of this bank, which include cards to which salaries or pensions are credited. Opening a deposit and purchasing a consumer loan from Sberbank is also suitable.

All this, as well as clarifications on the lending limit, are indicated in a special document - a personally approved proposal, which will need to be submitted to the bank for consideration.

Terms of use of a credit card

This loan product can be issued at Sberbank on the following conditions:

  • The term of the agreement to use the credit card is 3 years.
  • A service fee of up to 3,000 rubles is charged per year.
  • Loan interest, considered the lowest offered in the lending industry, is set for each client individually, so the value varies from 23.9% to 27.9% per year.
  • The service for issuing additional cards is not possible with this product.
  • Interest-free use of money from the card is available for 50 days, 30 days of which are the reporting period, the remaining 20 days are the payment period.
  • Of course, there is a pleasant bonus in the form of an accessible Thank you program from Sberbank, where you receive a 0.5% return on every purchase from the card. You can get a return from 5% to 20% on purchases with a card from companies that cooperate with Sberbank. There are about 77 such companies, among them there are online stores of various goods and services, including travel agencies.

Advantages and disadvantages of a credit card

A credit card from this financial institution has a number of advantages compared to offers from other banks:

  • The refund percentage depends on the company. You can find a complete list of companies and the bonuses they offer on the Sberbank website, everything is in the public domain.
  • By taking advantage of a personal loan offer from Sberbank, you have access to a limit = up to 600,000 rubles; if you chose a mass offer, then the limit is up to 300,000 rubles.
  • Sberbank offers many additional features, which are mainly focused on safe and comfortable use of the card.
  • Credits to the card arrive no later than 1 day, in some cases the period can be 3 days, but this rarely happens
  • If you need to withdraw cash from a card, take into account the commission, which will be 3% of the amount (at least 390 rubles)


So, using the card correctly will allow you to always win. It is recommended to make only non-cash payments by credit card and repay 5% of the amount spent every month. All of the above can be attributed to the advantages of the Sberbank Visa gold credit card.

Sberbank of Russia has long been the leader in issuing credit and debit cards on the market.

Many Russians who use entry-level and classic bank cards are thinking about purchasing “golden” plastic.

What is the bank ready to offer its clients, what is so good about the Sberbank gold card, what are its pros and cons?

Advantages of Gold category plastic for payroll clients

Many receive a card only based on an individual offer from the bank– if there is a deposit in the accounts, or active and careful use of credit products.

"Golden" cards are issued owners of individual entrepreneurs, employees of salaried enterprises, general directors and, in general, clients with a confirmed high income.

NOTE! A Gold category card based on an individual offer from the bank is issued and serviced free of charge.

The “gold” category allows its holder to enjoy an expanded package of bonuses and privileges. Among them are increased rates, insurance when traveling abroad, and the possibility of urgent withdrawal of funds in a foreign country if the card is suddenly lost. And this is only part of the bonuses.

On the pages of our website you will also learn how, and how profitable its offers are!

Credit offers

A “golden” credit card from Sberbank is a clear indicator that you have succeeded as a client.

This plastic is offered only to loyal payers who closed more than two loans without a single delay, or persons receiving a salary of more than 50 thousand rubles per month.

And Gold is also issued to holders of deposits whose amount exceeds 500,000 rubles.

To receive a card issued on an individual offer from the bank, no proof of income or employment required– just sign the loan agreement and activate the plastic card.

If you apply for a “golden” credit card “off the street” and are not a Sberbank client, you should not count on these conditions. Yes, and you will have to confirm your income.

Maintenance: 3,000 rubles per year. Grace period for service: yes, up to 50 days.

Credit limit: up to 600,000 rubles (for new clients a limit of 100-200 thousand is set, with the possibility of increasing).

Interest rate for using borrowed funds: 25.9% per year (19.9-21.9% for existing clients).

Requirements for the borrower: age 21-65 years, permanent residence in Russia, work experience in the last place - at least 12 months.

Features and benefits of debit cards

For those who want to receive bonuses, have a premium and earn interest on their account balance, gold debit cards are suitable.

Advantages: an extended package of privileges, convenient management, fast deposit of funds, account replenishment via SMS, the ability to create an image of a loyal client for lending for large amounts in the future.

Flaws– annual service fee.

Gold plastic is an indicator of your well-being, and will become one of the tools for confirming solvency when lending to another bank.

Those who often travel abroad will appreciate the opportunity to exchange currency between accounts at a preferential rate.

Cards have three accounts: rubles and dollars for Visa, rubles and euros for MasterCard. In addition to one account, you can open up to 5 cards, including for children from the age of 7 years.

Service: 3,000 rubles per year.

Contactless payment: yes, for Visa.

Bonuses, privileges, annual service cost

Surely you have already become interested - what bonuses and benefits does Sberbank offer to gold card holders- Let's see:

  • free insurance for those traveling abroad;
  • the opportunity to sign up to join the “Gift of Life!” program a card from each purchase through which funds will be transferred to a fund for children with cancer;
  • preferential medical care;
  • discounts in more than 20 thousand stores, restaurants, hotels (information about them can be found on the websites of payment systems);
  • additional protection of funds in the account;
  • participation in the “THANK YOU” program - accumulate points by using them to pay for purchases and entertainment with partners;
  • emergency issuance of money if the card is lost abroad.

USEFUL TO KNOW: Withdrawals from Sberbank ATMs occur without commission, the card can be linked to electronic wallets.

And finally - The “golden” card is a privilege from the bank for its beloved clients. Receiving an extended list of bonuses for free, or pre-approved plastic with a limit of up to 600 thousand is, of course, nice.

Conditions for receiving, how to apply online

You can apply for a “golden” card provided that you meet the requirements established by the bank for this category of plastic.

Firstly, permanent registration in the Russian Federation is required(stateless persons or those without registration will be denied the product).

Secondly, age – from 21 years, presentation of documents (passport, income certificate and copy of work book) if you are a new client.

There are two options for how to order and receive a “golden” Sberbank card:

  • leave a request for production on the website online;
  • fill out an application at a bank branch.

The first one is more convenient and mobile, especially for those who have a Sberbank personal account. You just need to log in, select the type of card you are interested in and click the “Order” button.

After making the plastic, you will receive an SMS notification, and the card can be picked up at the branch.

Second option - go to the nearest Sber office, and leave an application for the production of a card there. It will take no more than 15 minutes.

The bank makes a decision on issue within 2-3 days and produces a personalized gold card. Immediately after it is sent to the desired office, you will receive an SMS informing you that you can come and receive a card.

The card is stored at the branch for 30 days; if the client does not pick it up during this time, the plastic is destroyed.

If you applied for a debit card, you will need to present your passport and a second document; for a credit card - a passport, a second document, a certificate of income and a copy of the extract and work book.

Terms of use

Before use your new card must be activated.

To do this, you can wait until the bank itself performs the operation (within 24 hours from the moment you sign the service agreement) or carry out the first transaction using a PIN code.

Managers at the branch help clients with self-activation, for which an ATM or payment terminal is usually used.

An annual service fee is paid to the card account and at the same time it is activated. You can then pay her for purchases in stores, shopping centers, the Internet, withdraw cash and make transfers.

ATTENTION! For “gold” cards, all transactions must be confirmed using a PIN code, which is issued along with the plastic card.

Plastic is a fragile thing, you need keep your debits carefully. Do not damage the magnetic stripe, do not give the card into the wrong hands.

If you lose your card or PIN code, immediately call the Sberbank hotline and block it.

Replenishment, cash withdrawal

To use your new payment method, you need to top up your bank account.

You can do this in the following ways:

  • transfer funds via mobile banking via SMS;
  • deposit them through an ATM or payment terminal;
  • top up your account at the cash desk;
  • make a transfer from another bank;
  • withdraw cash to a card from an electronic wallet.

There are already funds on the credit card, but You will be required to make monthly payments towards your debt..

The easiest and fastest, given the huge number of them, is to deposit money through an ATM with a cash-acceptance function.

To do this, insert the plastic into the device, enter the PIN code and select “Top up your account”. Enter the required amount and insert the bills into the receiver.