Shcheglovskaya estate VKontakte open group 4. Residential complex "Shcheglovskaya estate". Target audience of housing


In the next year and a half, the issue with the most sensational residential complex "Shcheglovskaya Usadba", the developer of which was the company "Navis", will be completely resolved. Already at the beginning of 2020, the completion of buildings "D", "B2" and "B3" will begin as part of the first agreement signed with the Fund for the Protection of the Rights of Citizens-Participants shared construction. And it would seem that everyone is already preparing for a happy “happy ending”, but there are also those who do not really need a successful outcome.

What's happening?

The activists of the residential complex "Shcheglovskaya Usadba" again decided to remind themselves, although the issue with the completion of their residential complex was completely resolved. Once again, they wanted attention and hype. Four shareholders wanted to go on a hunger strike until the Governor of the Leningrad Region personally came to them and told them about the exact timing of completion.

Photo of a "starving" equity holder

Everything that depended on the head of the region and the Government of the Leningrad Region has already been done:

already signed agreements with federal fund protection of the rights of citizens - affected participants in shared construction for the completion of problematic parts of the Leningrad region;
-5th stage of the residential complex "Shcheglovskaya usadba" is included in the list of priority objects of the first agreement;
-decisions on objects from the first list - to pay compensation to equity holders or complete construction - will be made by the Fund's Supervisory Board in November, but as it became known to Online47, the decision has already been made on the 5th stage - to complete construction.
Work on the site will begin in the first quarter of 2020.


“The authorities included them in the first place for completion, this was confirmed by Dom.RF This is the maximum that the authorities could do. With their decisions to settle the unfinished building and start a hunger strike, the Shcheglovskaya Usadba equity holders reduced the opportunity for a civilized dialogue to zero. They put forward obviously impossible demands, driving themselves into a corner. They leave no room for any normal interaction with them. Now, many shareholders of the Shcheglovskaya Estate are asking to organize a headquarters, discuss the current situation, plans for completion, and the course of bankruptcy. In the current situation, this is impossible and inexpedient until they stop their actions and leave the unfinished construction,” said an Online47 interlocutor in one of the sectoral departments of the 47th region.

How are other buildings completed?

But if, in resolving the issue with the 5th stage of the Shcheglovskaya Usadba residential complex, the region enlisted support from federal budget, then the rest of the buildings are being completed on their own. At the personal request of the Governor Alexander Drozdenko, two phases were completed for non-budgetary funds: in September, the transfer of apartments to shareholders from blocks B was completed, at present, the construction of buildings A2 and A3 has also been completed, so equity holders will receive the keys to the coveted apartments in the coming days.

Also, the leadership of the Leningrad region managed to agree with the company "Policy Group" on the completion of buildings B2 and B3. Completion work will begin under an agreement with the Federal Fund for Assistance to Shareholders.

Alexander Drozdenko, in addition, helped to ensure that the residential complex had its own substation and heating was connected to all buildings. But as the proverb says, "Do no good - you will not get evil."

The Governor of the Leningrad Region is always open to conversations and constantly answers questions from equity holders in social networks. In one of the comments, he noted that he was able to hear and understand people, so the Leningrad Region was among the first five regions in the completion of problematic facilities.

“We are the only ones in Russia who allocate real co-financing in the amount of 2.8 billion rubles to solve the problems of long-term construction, but there are legal procedures and deadlines that do not depend on the Government of the Leningrad Region,” the head of the 47th region answered one of the equity holders.

According to the Federal Fund, the completion of all the buildings of the Shcheglovskaya Estate will take about 446 million rubles. Half of this amount for the completion of the fifth stage of the residential complex will be allocated from the budget of the Leningrad region.

How else did the activists of the Shcheglovskaya Estate "accelerate" the completion?

Today's announced hunger strike by four real estate investors is a consequence of a two-week fake settlement. Around the 20th of October, the activists who bought apartments in Building D announced that they would move in without permission. In order to attract the attention of the local media, they decided to live in their unfinished apartments. Well, judging by the photos on social networks, everything turned out to be a one-time action, and then not for long. People don't live there, they work there. The general gathering is always organized before the arrival of journalists.

What else did the shareholders do:

- they invited the priest to “consecrate” the 5th building,
- tried to manipulate children, used them in actions and pickets;
- did not miss the opportunity to blackmail the authorities;
- organized spam attacks in the media and on personal page officials of the Leningrad region;
-planned to hang pirate flags over the residential complex and declare themselves social movement"Homeless Roger"


“Each of the deceived equity holders makes his own decision on how to survive this situation. Many equity holders decide to fight the authorities. This is strange, but understandable - after all, the leaders of their developer companies have already “retired” in various ways: some in isolation, some fled. Shareholders need to take out their anger on someone. People fight for their rights in various ways: petitions, letters, appeals, pickets, rallies, spam mailings, attacks on social networks, insults to officials, and so on. Of all these methods, the most monstrous is the use of children in this struggle. People expose them to TV cameras, throw them under the wheels of cars during actions, post their photos on social networks with compassionate posters, develop their complexes in a different way and endanger them. It is not customary to scold equity holders for this, because they are “victims” and they can do everything, including violence against their children. But to lose in trouble and or not to lose a human face is a personal decision of each equity holder and the question of his future relationship with his children, ”added the source of the publication.

The list of problem facilities to be completed under the first agreement with the federal Fund has already been approved. Therefore, there is no doubt that a "happy ending" will come for equity holders in the next 1.5-2 years.


I really liked the place and the houses themselves. For the first time, my son and I went to see what kind of Shcheglovskaya Manor is. We arrived, looked at the construction site, walked around the complex, talked with those who already live there. We were then told that there was a delay in the construction of houses, but I liked this complex so much that later I bought myself a small apartment here. Occasionally my son picks me up and we go to the construction site to see how things are going. But The best way to find out the truth, to talk again with the "neighbors-shcheglovtsy". They always tell me how good they are bad news. I myself would never have risked buying an apartment if not for my son. He is not a stupid person, and he smells scammers a mile away, but he said about my developer that he is reliable, only slow. Well, I have no hurry, for the sake of a decent life in old age, and you can wait.


My husband and I invested in an apartment in Shcheglovskaya Usadba in the 4th phase. It was back in 2016. Of course, then no one spoke about the postponement of the deadlines, for such a long time. We are very closely and closely following all the movements at the construction site, and not only ours, but also all the construction sites in Navis. The fact that nothing is done in our homes is complete nonsense! We personally came and walked around Shcheglovka, talked with neighbors, looked at the construction site, everything is done there. And people confirm that they work in houses. Also, our activists (special thanks to them for this) constantly keep us informed of what is happening, leaving for meetings with the developer and administration. Yes, we, all who are waiting, are pushing as hard as we can, trying to believe and making compromises, but there is something to wait for. It is interesting that Moskvin promised to settle the issue with the contract with Lenenergo, and to settle all the shareholders by November. The work is being done, and they have the money, otherwise they would have abandoned us long ago, and our buildings would have stood unfinished.


I bought an apartment in the 5th stage of the Shcheglovskaya estate. Construction stopped about 2 years ago. It turned out that the money of the equity holders had run out (wasted by NAVIS), there was no contract with Lenenergo, storm sewers had not been laid (the land issue had not been settled). Two months ago, webcams were turned off at the Shcheglovskaya Usadba, Scotland and Italian Quarter sites so that people could not see that NOTHING was being built. Although our volunteers go to the sites and write us the truth. In the NAVIS office on Lermontovsky pr., 35, a complete lie in the client department. They postponed the deadlines four times. Even the notification letters were not sent to equity holders, and the deadline for handing over the keys (next) on 06/30/2018 has already passed. According to rumors, they are going to postpone to December 2018. Management NAVIS does not inspire any confidence.The equity holders complain to various high authorities, they demand that the general director Lvovich be brought to justice.


An interesting complex, in the picture anyway. Low-rise building, neat courtyards. But somehow far from the city, this is already something like suburban housing. I think that with the infrastructure there is a complete ambush. The only good thing here is the environment. It’s inconvenient to get to the city, you don’t particularly take children to kindergartens, schools, because it’s far away and everything is already packed. And the price tag is not small here, due to the fact that it is far from civilization. And I don't really like that the territory is open. In principle, in terms of suburban housing, one could think of taking an apartment here, but I would not want to live here all the time.


We finally see the end of our wait! We'll get our keys any day! How glad we are that we invested in our time, Navis did not disappoint! Hello future neighbors!


At the Shcheglovskaya estate, at the end of 2015, on the instructions of my parents, I took a odnushka in the 4th stage. It’s good that at that moment I decided to invest in housing. Today, I could not afford such a luxury. The situation with the transfer of change was a little annoying, but I did not give in to panic. For all the necessary information, I turned to the developer, signed up with some shareholders for a meeting, and learned all the information we were interested in, firsthand. The delivery of my turn is not far off, the commission has already worked, it did not reveal any special problems. Work is in full swing in the houses. Navis promises to give out the keys soon.


My husband and I also wanted to move away from the city, so we chose the Shcheglovskaya Estate, nature, air, and not so far from civilization. I do not agree with the previous comment, the prices here are not the highest in the region, there are also more expensive ones, when choosing housing, we personally made sure. We are also looking forward to the delivery, of course, we have different emotions for Navis, but we are not afraid of complete bankruptcy, or a freeze on construction. Not every developer, in our time, keeps afloat. If you do not succumb to the panic that PR people or competitors like to breed, and really look at the completed Navis projects, you can calm down a bit and wait for your home without hysterics.

Upset Buyer

In-in, and we have been waiting for quite a long time, and it is not yet known when we will finally wait for our kopeck piece. They set rather high prices, at least they kept the deadlines. We dabbled in low-rise construction and distance from the city. Since we work with my wife on the Internet, there is no need to travel to work. Wanted to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city. But if they knew what kind of developer this Navis was, they would obviously have taken it elsewhere. Completely disappointed with the developer, there are no words. And we won’t understand in any way when we will move into our apartment and what quality it will be, since the company is sowing badly. In general, the complex is not bad, nature, clean air, neat such. We can only see all this in pictures...


People be vigilant, do not believe the "Tale of Navis". I will write about the 5th stage of the Shcheglovskaya Estate, it was supposed to be commissioned on 06/30/2017, the deadlines were postponed and in December there will be a postponement again. Practically nothing is being done, work schedules are not observed, there are no visible progress since April 2016! The Committee on Gosstroynadzor of the Leningrad Region conducts an unscheduled inspection of "Sch.u." on complaints! In the client department of the campaign, equity holders are deceived, the truthful information is hidden. In case of non-fulfillment of its obligations under old projects, Navis opens new ones! Is it possible to work like this?! In Kontakte there is a Community for free communication of the "Shcheglovskaya Estate", there is a "Constellation" and other objects. There, in communities of many thousands, shareholders and equity holders write the TRUTH, study it!

Tatyana Petrovna

I don’t know about anyone, but I really like the complex. I have long been a pensioner and the city noise, to tell the truth, is rather tired. This endless turmoil, people are always in a hurry somewhere, swearing, you can’t squeeze into transport. When my son offered to buy an apartment here, I was immediately delighted. We exchanged my three-ruble note and his kopeck piece, it was enough to buy a new one for him and his wife, nice apartment and I have a studio here. Since I'm already alone, that's enough for me. And I really like the place, there is decent greenery, the air is clearly fresher than in the metropolis, there will be shops nearby. And what else is needed at this age) Just babysit grandchildren)

February 27, 2019 Arbitration court Petersburg and the Leningrad region introduced bankruptcy proceedings against SK Navis LLC. Algorithm Development LLC will complete the construction of the problematic object .

Shcheglovskaya Usadba is a residential complex in the village of Shcheglovo in the Vsevolozhsk District of the Leningrad Region. Until February 2019, the Navis company was engaged in the construction of the facility.

Object characteristic

Residential complex "Shcheglovskaya Usadba" occupies an area of ​​about 7 hectares, on which it is planned to build almost 50 thousand sq.m. housing. The complex consists of sixteen 4-storey cast-in-place brick houses with aerated concrete walls and a facade made of facing brick having elements of decorative plaster. Artificial stone is used as a plinth cladding.

Apartments in the Shcheglovskaya Usadba are provided with a one- or two-room layout ranging from 31.28 to 52.5 square meters. m. Fine finishing will be done. Housing has a view of the green area (forest, park). There are no more apartments in queues 1, 2, 3. In the 4th stage, sales are carried out under the housing cooperative agreement, and in the 5th stage, according to the DDU.

The complex is equipped with parking and separate guest parking.


The residential complex "Shcheglovskaya Usadba" is located in the village, which is why one cannot count on good infrastructure. Nearby is a branch of Sberbank, the House of Culture, a sports club, a music school, a post office and shopping malls. Shcheglovo has 1 kindergarten and 1 secondary school for 560 students. The territory of the complex will be surrounded by a fence.

Remoteness from St. Petersburg will not allow you to quickly get to work. The ring road is 16 kilometers away.

Leningrad region. The construction of the facility is being carried out by the Navis company near St. Petersburg (16 km to the Ring Road). The residential complex is a small quarter, consisting of 16 four-story houses. The construction of houses is carried out on the territory of the village of Shcheglovo. This is an area with excellent ecology and good prospects.

LCD characteristic

More than half of the houses in the residential complex have already been commissioned on time. A total of 5 queues are planned, three of them have already been commissioned. The fourth stage was handed over late, the deadlines were postponed by two quarters. The Shcheglovskaya Usadba residential complex occupies 7 hectares, 50,000 meters of housing will be built here. The houses of the complex are made in a classical style without any special design techniques. This is an inexpensive economy class accommodation.

Key characteristics of the residential complex:

  • brick-monolithic buildings;
  • choice of basic or turnkey finishing;
  • house parking;
  • separate guest car parks;
  • windows with double-glazed windows;
  • metal entrance doors.
  1. Finishing: rough floor screed, plastered walls and ceilings, no plumbing and additional equipment.
  2. Turnkey: in the rooms, kitchen and hallway laminate flooring and wall papering, in the bathroom and bathroom ceramic tiles, ceiling painting with water compositions, MDF interior doors, bathtub, plumbing installation, electric stove.

Within the framework of the project, studios, 1, 2, 3 room apartments with a total area of ​​25.93-83.04 meters. Kitchen area - 9-13 meters. Most of the apartments in the complex are equipped with balconies. All studios and one-room apartments have a combined bathroom, in some two-room apartments it is also combined.

Landscaping is standard. The developer will carry out landscaping of the courtyard space, install playgrounds and sports complexes.

Transport accessibility

If you need to get to St. Petersburg, you should go to the Road of Life, and through it get to the Ring Road, the path will take 16 kilometers. The nearest city is Vsevolozhsk, 5 kilometers to go to it.

In the absence of your own transport, you can get to Vsevolozhsk or the metro station (26 km) by bus. In addition, not far from the residential complex "Shcheglovskaya Usadba" there is a railway station, by train you can directly get to the Finland Station or Lake Ladoga.


There will be no schools and kindergartens on the territory of the Shcheglovskaya Usadba residential complex. Residents have access to the general education school Shcheglovskaya school No. 1 and kindergarten No. 13 in the village of Shcheglovo. Everything is close within walking distance.

Since the development is carried out in the village, then about in large numbers objects of trade and service infrastructure are out of the question. But at the same time, the village has the necessary facilities: shops, pharmacies, Sberbank, a hospital, a post office. More extensive choice of shops and shopping centers in Vsevolozhsk, you can quickly get to it by car or bus.

Quality of life and safety

It is planned that the territory of the complex will be under protection. Each house provides a room for a concierge service. IN residential complex"Shcheglovskaya Usadba" will be organized by the HOA.

Environmental friendliness

In terms of ecology, the building site can be called ideal. This is a village, around only a forested area. There are no businesses. All apartments will have windows overlooking the forest. The nearest major road is far away, exhaust gases are not terrible for residents of the Shcheglovskaya Usadba residential complex.

Target audience of housing

This housing is a low price category, the cost square meter housing in a residential complex - 49,500 - 58,850 rubles. Apartments can be purchased by families with an average income and below average. IN more the focus is on families.

Expert opinion

This a good option acquisition of inexpensive housing outside of St. Petersburg, but at the same time in a place not too far from it. Of course, if a citizen works in St. Petersburg, then he will experience difficulties, it will take a long time to get to his place of work. But nearby is Vsevolozhsk, which also has enterprises and organizations where you can find a job. Vsevolozhsk itself is characterized by good infrastructure, not much different from the infrastructure of standard areas of St. Petersburg.

Yesterday, the regional State Construction Supervision Committee issued a permit for the commissioning of two buildings of the problematic Shcheglovskaya Usadba residential complex, as well as a conclusion on the compliance of the third phase of the Constellation residential complex.

Buildings B2 and B3 of the residential complex "Shcheglovskaya Usadba", designed for 192 apartments, are ready for occupancy. The total living area of ​​the two four-storey buildings is about 6500 sq.m. “The team of the city-planning block of the Leningrad Region in two weeks did what the developer could not do for years,” says Daniil Fedichev, the bankruptcy trustee of the Navis IC, on the page.

Applications to the State Construction Supervision Authority for the commissioning of the third stage of the Sozvezdie residential complex and two buildings of the Shcheglovskaya Usadba were submitted on March 7. Yesterday, the department issued an act on the commissioning of two buildings of the Shcheglovskaya Estate and a conclusion on the compliance of the residential complex Constellation in Murino.

Cases B2 and B3 were completely ready for a long time, it remained to connect them to the heat. "Navis" first promised to do it in the fall, then - by the new year, then - in January. But heat was supplied to the houses in February and only after the regional authorities themselves agreed with the heat supply organization. The remaining unfinished houses of the Shcheglovskaya Estate will be completed by the subsidiary of the regional administration - LenOblAIZhK. The complex occupies a plot of about 10 hectares in the village of Shcheglovo near Vsevolozhsk. In total, 16 four-story houses are planned here - in total about 80,000 sq.m.

The last stage of the residential complex "Constellation" for 933 apartments is completed by the company "Euroinvest" Andrey Berezin. Gosstroynadzor will issue an act of commissioning next week.