VTB mortgage interest rate 24. VTB mortgage lending - bank programs, requirements for borrowers, package of documents and interest rates. Documents for a mortgage under the “Victory over formalities” program


To date financial situation The situation is such that many consumers (more than 60.5% of working Russians) use bank mortgage loans when purchasing housing. The main criteria for choosing are the terms and rates of loans. An important role is played by the bank’s position in ratings and customer reviews.
According to official data, VTB24, a subsidiary of VTB Bank, has one of the largest branch networks in Russia and specializes in providing retail services to the population and small businesses. In 2018, VTB24 offers many programs and different rates for targeted loans.

  • registration through the bank’s website (follow the link “Application form for a mortgage”);
  • filling out an application at the bank's mortgage center.

General requirements to the borrower for issuing a mortgage at VTB24 Bank:

  • the potential user must have an official place of work in the territory Russian Federation;
  • citizenship can be any;
  • total seniority must be at least 1 year, and at the current place of work - at least 6 months.
IMPORTANT! When applying for a mortgage, a guarantee is not required. However, to increase the amount, the borrower has the right to take guarantors. In this case, when issuing a loan, the income of all clients participating in the transaction is summed up.

Interest rate in 2018

VTB24 Bank offers 5 main credit lines for consumers.

Product “More meters - lower rate!”

  • type of property for which the loan is issued: secondary/new building;
  • housing area: from 65 sq.m.;
  • interest rate: from 8.9%;
  • amount issued: from 600 thousand to 60 million rubles;
  • duration: up to 30 years;
  • down payment: from 20% of the cost of the purchased property;
  • additionally: comprehensive insurance.

Product “Purchase of finished housing” (standard option)

For housing purchased on the secondary market:
  • loan amount: from 600 thousand to 60 million rubles;
  • interest on payments: from 9.1%;
  • term for which the loan is issued: up to 30 years;
  • down payment: minimum 10% of the cost of the purchased property;
  • comprehensive insurance;

in a new building:

  • amount: 600 thousand – 60 million rubles;
  • rate: from 9.1%;
  • term, interest down payment– similar to the conditions when buying an apartment on the secondary market;
  • Comprehensive insurance is provided.

Mortgage loan refinancing program

  • rate: 8.8% (fixed);
  • currency of the refinanced mortgage loan: Russian rubles;
  • the loan amount can be no more than 80% of the cost of housing;
  • refinancing term: up to 30 years;
  • size Money for issue: up to 30 million rubles;
  • Maybe early repayment without restrictions or penalties.
REFERENCE. When considering an application based on 2 documents, the size of the refinancing loan is no more than 50% of the cost of housing, and the term is up to 20 years.

Product "Secured by real estate"

  • offered for housing that is pledged to the bank and put up for sale by the owner (both in a new building and on the secondary market);
  • loan amount provided: from 600 thousand to 60 million rubles;
  • rate: 9.6%;
  • term: up to 30 years;
  • down payment: from 20% of the property value.

Military mortgage

  • considered after 3 years of participation in the NIS. Moreover, targeted contributions are used as an initial deposit for the purchase of an apartment; a mortgage is provided for the remaining cost;
  • repayment of the mortgage - at the expense of NIS contributions (condition: the borrower must be a member of the NIS for the entire period for which they are issued);
  • amount: up to 2.435 million rubles;
  • rate: 9.3% (when leaving NIS the rate increases to 9.6%);
  • term: up to 20 years, but no later than the borrower reaching the age of 45 on the loan repayment date;
  • down payment: from 15% of the cost of the purchased property.
IMPORTANT! VTB24 Bank has an additional offer - the “Victory over formalities” program (not a separate credit line). Speeds up the decision-making process for issuing a loan by a bank to 1 day (and without proof of income).

When using this program:

  • the premium to the selected credit line will be +0.7% to the rate;
  • The down payment when purchasing a secondary home will be at least 40% of the cost of the purchased property, and when purchasing a new building - at least 30%.

This program is suitable for purchasing housing on the secondary and primary real estate markets, as well as when using mortgage loan refinancing.

What documents are needed for registration?

The procedure for obtaining a mortgage and documents for its registration at VTB24 have been simplified. Basic package of documents to be presented:

  1. Application (filled out either on the bank’s website or at a branch).
  2. Valid passport.
  3. Certificate pension insurance(SNILS for Russian citizens).
  4. Certificate of income (in form 2-NDFL) or declaration.
  5. A copy (with stamp and signature) or an extract from work book.
  6. Military ID (for men under 27 years old).
  7. For foreign citizens: document confirming official stay and employment in the Russian Federation.

A similar set of documents is requested by the bank for each of the guarantors.

REFERENCE. If the borrower is a salary client of the bank, then an income certificate is not presented.

Young family program

At the beginning of 2018 benefit programs There were no provisions for mortgage lending for young families at VTB24 Bank. However, according to the product “Purchase of ready-made housing” (the classic option without special offers and conditions), it is possible to use money from maternity capital for partial payment of the down payment or repayment of outstanding balances.

Is it worth taking out a mortgage VTB-24

The bank offers for consumers profitable terms at rates. Additional advantages that influence decision making include:

  • possibility of early repayment without commissions or any penalties;
  • participation of part-time salaries in calculating the amount to be paid;
  • minimum requirements for granting a loan (based on the number of documents and requirements for the client);
  • expanded range of mortgage loans;
  • reduction of rates for clients of JSC AHML;
  • bonus program;
  • the ability to speed up the process of considering an application for a targeted loan.

At the same time, the bank always accommodates clients: if difficulties arise with paying mortgage installments on time, alternative options are considered (temporary “freeze” of payments, extension of the term, etc.). Therefore, taking into account all factors, as well as flexibility credit products and efficiency in decision-making, we can say that mortgage lending at VTB24 is one of the best options on the Russian market.

Fill out an application to receive money

VTB24 Bank is one of the financially reliable Russian banking institutions. At the end of 2017, the entire parent structure of VTB ranked 2nd in financial results, and was also included in the TOP 15 banks according to popular ratings (in accordance with customer reviews and the degree of satisfaction in the bank’s products).

Mortgage calculator VTB 24 contains basic information on mortgage loans from this bank and is intended to calculate the actual cost of the loan and draw up a payment schedule.

VTB 24 Bank provides a wide selection mortgage programs lending, among which there are several basic programs:

  • “Purchase of finished housing” - for the purchase of finished housing;
  • “Apartment in a new building” - for the purchase of housing under construction;
  • “Victory over formalities” - a loan with simplified document requirements;

The bank also provides loans “Mortgage + maternity capital” and “Mortgage + housing certificate” with the ability to use state aid when paying the down payment, while the remaining conditions of these loans comply with the conditions of the “Resale Housing” and “Apartment in a New Building” programs.

In addition, VTB 24 also has mortgage loans with individual conditions, for example, “Mortgage for employees of Olympic facilities” and “Mortgage for the military.”

To determine the possibility of lending, the bank must provide the following documents:

  • Borrower questionnaire;
  • Borrower's passport;
  • A second document confirming your identity (military ID, sailor’s passport, driver’s license);
  • A copy of the work record book, employment contract;
  • Certificate of income;
  • Additional documents on employment, additional income and expenses, credit history And so on.

To receive a loan under the “Victory over formalities” program, it is enough to provide the bank with 2 documents: a passport and a second document of your choice (driver’s license or state pension insurance certificate).

Terms of lending secured by real estate:

Required condition Obtaining a mortgage from VTB 24 is insurance against the risk of loss and damage to the purchased home. The bank also offers its borrowers to insure the risks of loss of life and disability, as well as termination or limitation of property rights to housing. If the borrower refuses to take out the last two insurance options, the interest rate will be increased by 3% per annum.

In general, the mortgage lending conditions of VTB Bank 24 are interesting due to long terms lending, low down payment values. Interest rates are at an average level.

The largest bank in Russia, VTB 24, has helped more than one family in our country purchase housing and other real estate.

Human lending conditions, acceptable interest rates, a high level of professionalism of employees, affordable mortgages - all this attracts clients to VTB 24 year after year and, accordingly, brings it considerable profit. And this, in turn, allows us to improve service and provide the population with best conditions compared to competitors.

Basic lending conditions at VTB in 2016

The issuance of a loan from VTB 24 Bank, including mortgages, is carried out both in rubles and in the currencies of foreign countries. Despite this possibility, experts recommend using banking products in the currency in which you make a profit.

Among the main advantages of lending at VTB 24 are the transparency of all commissions, free account maintenance, the absence of penalties for early repayment of the loan and the ability to submit an application for consideration absolutely free of charge.

The interest rate on the loan varies widely. First of all, this indicator is influenced by factors such as:

  1. Loan period - the shorter the term, the higher the interest rate;
  2. Loan volume;
  3. The amount of the down payment;
  4. Market value of the collateral;
  5. The currency in which the citizen is credited;
  6. The presence or absence of life insurance;
  7. The presence or absence of title insurance.

If the mortgage is issued together with an insurance contract, then the interest rate in 2016 at VTB 24 Bank will immediately decrease by 3 points. If a citizen has the opportunity to make more than 20℅ of the total loan as a down payment, then this indicator will decrease by 3 to 7 points.

Mortgages with state support, for example, under the maternity capital program, at VTB 24 in 2016 will be provided with minimal interest rates.

Mortgage at VTB in 2016

The main requirements of VTB 24 in 2016 for potential recipients of funds for the purchase of housing, a garage or the construction of a private house are:
  • Reaching a certain age - at least 21 years old. At the same time, mortgages in 2016 at VTB 24 will be provided only to citizens who are under 65 years of age at the time of application;
  • Availability of permanent residence;
  • Availability of a permanent official place of work with a stable income;
  • Availability of funds to make a down payment of 10% of the purchased real estate - apartment, private house or garage.

In the event that a potential borrower cannot provide strong, documented evidence of his solvency and collect the entire list of documents required by a given credit institution, then the possibilities for mortgage lending will be reduced by 2 times. For example, the maximum mortgage term was reduced from 40 to 20 years, and the interest rate was increased from 10 to 20%.

Purchase of housing on the primary market in VTB 24 in 2016

Considering the fact that the purchase of housing on the primary market in the vast majority of cases is carried out during the period of its construction and, accordingly, has high risks, then the conditions for mortgage lending are much stricter.

One of the fundamental requirements of VTB 24 Bank for the developer is that he has accreditation with this credit institution. The amount of the down payment in this case cannot be less than a fifth of the total loan amount.

The minimum interest rate in VTB 24 for the purchase of apartments in new buildings when receiving a loan in national currency Russian Federation - rubles - is 13.5%. Only those citizens who can contribute 60% of the cost of housing can count on this interest rate. The loan period in this case is 7 years.

The maximum interest rate on mortgage lending for the purchase of housing on the primary market in VTB 24 in 2016 will be 14.95%. In this case, the borrower only needs to contribute 20% of the total amount. The loan term is 50 years.

It should be noted that in some cases the interest rate on a mortgage loan may be increased - for example, if the property has not yet been transferred to the independent category and is under construction. The increase does not exceed 2.5%.

Purchase of a garage at VTB 24 in 2016

In modern large cities of Russia, the cost of even a small garage can often reach the price of an apartment in the provinces. For this reason, to purchase this property, residents of megacities have to resort to the services of banks.

This opportunity is also provided by VTB 24 Bank. The interest rate for a down payment of 60% and a loan term of 5 years will be 11.95%. The maximum payment on a loan for the purchase of a garage at VTB 24 is 16.65%.

The above conditions apply to loans in national currency. When receiving a loan in the currency of a foreign country, the range of interest rates is from 1.95% to 13.15%.

Purchasing a private home under VTB 24 mortgage lending programs

Receiving funds for the purchase of residential property in the private sector from the bank we are considering is practically no different from purchasing an apartment in a new building.

The main nuance is that bank employees will have to verify that the house is being built on your site. For the construction of a private house from scratch, a mortgage from VTB 24 for new buildings is excellent.

In this case, the main feature will be the absence of the need to provide the bank with the developer’s accreditation document. However, you will still have to tinker, since the number of documents required to obtain such a loan increases significantly.

Mortgage lending at VTB 24 with government support

VTB 24 Bank has successfully implemented many government programs support of the population. These include the purchase of housing using maternity and military certificates, as well as subsidy programs for young scientists and families.

VTB 24 is one of those few banks that are ready to accommodate a potential borrower and change certain conditions loan agreement in his favor. It is quite possible that this will happen in your particular case. Loyalty, a flexible lending system, large amounts to individuals - this is what VTB 24 has been famous for for quite a long period of time.

Anna Frantsuzova

Reading time: 5 minutes


Flaw financial resources to purchase a home forces many citizens to turn to the services of banks that issue mortgage loans. The most favorable conditions for loans for the purchase of real estate are offered by VTB24 Bank. This is a big one financial organization with a reliable reputation, providing Banking services in 72 regions of Russia. One of the vectors of its activity is lending to both commercial structures and individuals.

The attractiveness of the numerous mortgage programs offered by this bank lies in the lowest interest rate. In addition, the client independently chooses the type of rate (variable or fixed). There are some mortgage programs that require as little as a 10% down payment.

has the following distinctive features lending:

  • The term of mortgage payments can last up to 50 years (in other banks this period does not exceed 30 years).
  • The borrower is allowed to fully repay the debt before the age of seventy-five (other banks limit the age to 60 years).
  • There is no prohibition for 90 days after the loan is issued; no penalties are applied.

At the same time, the bank imposes numerous conditions on borrowers when applying for mortgage loans. Future clients must provide a package of documents confirming their income, as well as the income of relatives acting as co-borrowers.

What bank requirements should be taken into account in order to take out a mortgage at VTB24?

The bank is willing to issue mortgage loans to anyone who meets a certain number of requirements.

Let's consider list of main criteria for a future borrower:

  1. The bank lends not only to citizens of the Russian Federation, but also to citizens of other countries employed within the Russian Federation.
  2. The loan can be issued if the borrower is already 21 years old. The maximum age at the time of full repayment of the loan should not exceed 65 years for men and 60 years for women (in some cases, 75 years of age is considered).
  3. It is mandatory to have a continuous three-month work experience in one place during the period of receiving the loan and a total one-year work experience for the last five years.
  4. The client's solvency must be confirmed by a stable income sufficient for monthly mortgage payments, that is, the amount of payments to the bank is within 40% of the salary. In cases of mortgage lending, the bank will definitely require a co-borrower or guarantor.
  5. A positive credit history is preferred.

A complete package of required documents for obtaining a mortgage at VTB24

Mortgage loans are among the most complex banking products. This is precisely the basis for its design to be carried out with the most thorough and responsible approach.

Brief list of main documents:

  • Statements from both the borrower himself and his co-borrowers or guarantors. The application is filled out on a form issued by the bank.
  • Passports of all persons taking responsibility for mortgage payments(borrower, co-borrowers).
  • Documents for the provided collateral. For example, if the collateral is existing property, then the borrower must provide a documented registered title to the home, a document giving the basis for ownership (purchase and sale agreement, donation, exchange), and a certificate confirming the right to inheritance. You will also need a document with an assessment of the cost of housing, a registration certificate, cadastral passport. You need to obtain an extract on the restriction of the right to property from the Unified State Register, the consent of the husband (wife) to transfer the real estate as collateral.

  • Documentary confirmation financial condition, both the borrower himself and his guarantor: an extract from the work book certified by the employer (the bank is interested in five recent years), certificate in form 2NDFL for the last six months of work. Pensioners and disabled people submit a certificate showing the amount of accrued pension for the last month. Entrepreneurs submit: a tax return, a 2NDFL certificate, which reflects the latter tax deadline, certificate of state registration of IPD.
  • Documents that make it possible to verify that the client has paid and will pay the first installment: Bank statement about the existing account balance or payment document about partial payment of the housing being financed. If the borrower sells existing housing at the same time as receiving a loan, VTB24 needs a document about the value of the property being sold.

For those who do not have the opportunity to collect a complete package of documents, VTB24 has a new mortgage program - simplified mortgage registration, consisting in providing only two documents: a passport and any other official paper confirming the identity of the future borrower (driver’s license, international passport, military ID and other similar documents).

List of additional documents for obtaining a mortgage at VTB24

Additional documentation is not required to be presented to VTB24, but when considering an application it can have an influential role in making a positive decision. In addition, attracting co-borrowers from close relatives will affect the receipt larger amount loan and will expand opportunities for purchasing more comfortable housing.

List of additional documents:

  • You can present copies of documents on other income provided for by the laws of the Russian Federation.
  • Documentation confirming the existence of a credit history (copies of agreements and account statements).
  • Information about the availability of assets of the borrower or his guarantor, these are documents confirming ownership of the existing real estate and other expensive property (car, yacht, etc.).
  • Documents on ownership of securities.
  • Co-borrowers who are close relatives are required to document their relationship.

Mortgage conditions at VTB in 2019 were recognized by many market analysts credit services as the most loyal. Taking part in the mortgage program is simple, just select the object of purchase and follow some formalities.

Mortgage conditions at VTB

New buildings and secondary housing are suitable for purchasing with a mortgage; the selection of an object depends on the individual requests of the lender. VTB Bank has developed several mortgage programs, each of which has unique conditions:

"New building" A program with a lending rate of 9.2%. The amount of the down payment for this product is from - 10% of the property price, the amounts provided range from 0.6 to 60 million rubles.
"Secondary housing" Loan product with a rate of 9.2%, initial payment from 10%. Mortgage size - from 600 thousand rubles. up to 30 million rubles Comfortable conditions allow you to buy housing of any class - from economy options to apartments
“More meters - lower rate” The object of the agreement is real estate whose area exceeds 65 square meters. meters. The VTB mortgage rate today starts at 9.2%. The minimum contribution is 20% of the cost of housing, the loan offered is from 0.6 to 60 million rubles.
"Mortgage with state support" Loan product with a rate of 5% on Grace period. Birth of another child from 01/01/2018
"Mortgage refinancing" A program designed for owners mortgage loans, issued in third party banks. Bid - from 9.6%, loan amount - no more than 30 million rubles.
"Mortgage for the military" Product for NIS participants with interest rate from 9.2% and an initial contribution of 15%. Limit size such a mortgage in monetary terms is 2.570 million rubles.
"Collateral real estate" Acquisition program collateral real estate put up for sale by the Bank. Bet size - from 10.1%, minimum contribution- from 20%, loan amount - from 0.6 to 60 million rubles.
“Loan secured by existing housing” A product aimed at property owners who want to get a loan to purchase land, renovate a house, purchase household appliances and other purposes. The interest rate for this program is from 11.7%, maximum amount - 15 million rubles.

Feel free to fill out an online application directly on the Bank’s website page or contact VTB consultants by phone number 8-800-100-2424 (calls within Russia are free).
The period for consideration of received applications is no more than 3 days. If the Bank makes a positive decision, the potential borrower is invited to the office credit institution to sign an agreement and receive money.

Preliminary calculation of monthly payments

To estimate the scale of monthly payments on a loan taken out for an apartment or house, you can use the site’s convenient online service. The mortgage calculator is a functional product that will calculate the payment amount for a long-term loan in a few minutes.

Mortgage calculator

Payment type



Apartment cost


An initial fee



Interest rate


Credit term


Payment type



Amount of credit


Interest rate


Credit term


Calculation results:

Monthly payment:

Amount of payments to the bank for the entire period, including interest:

Amount of overpayment:

The user provides the system with the following initial data:

  • Payment type
  • Apartment cost
  • An initial fee
  • Interest rate
  • Loan terms

If the cost of the found apartment is 4 million rubles, there is an amount for a down payment of 1.2 million rubles. (30% of the price of the property), and the loan term is 20 years, the calculator produces the following calculation results:

  • mortgage in the amount of 2.8 million rubles;
  • size monthly payment– 27.393 thousand rubles;
  • The minimum income of the borrower is 45,654 thousand rubles. per month;
  • interest rate on mortgages at VTB (%) – 10.2.

Attention: the information provided is for reference only and is provided to a wide range of consumers to become familiar with the functionality of the online calculator. More detailed information about loan amounts and terms of their repayment should be found at Bank branches.

Mortgage insurance issue

The mortgage rate indicated on the Bank’s website in 2019 is valid only if the borrower has insurance against the following types of risks:

  • loss of life or disability;
  • loss or damage to the mortgaged loan;
  • termination of the owner’s rights to the purchased property during the first 3 years of purchase, or restriction of these rights during similar period time.
    The risk of loss or any damage to real estate is considered mandatory and subject to insurance for any mortgage lending. If this insurance only includes the risk mentioned, the mortgage rate increases by 1% compared to the figures stated in the booklet. The exception is the military mortgage program.

The nuances of choosing an insurance company

The bank's analysts have already monitored the insurance market and selected the most reliable insurance companies for their clients - mortgage holders. These insurers are VTB partners who fully comply with legal requirements regarding the issuance of mortgage lines of credit.

Important: if the borrower offers his insurance company ready to comply with all VTB requirements regarding risk insurance in relation to purchased housing, the Bank undertakes to make this organization to the list of reliable partners within 3 weeks from the moment the documentation is verified. You can send a package of insurer documents for verification by VTB credit officers by mail, address: 101000, Moscow, Myasnitskaya, 35.

Mortgage loan repayment terms

Designed in VTB mortgage, the interest rate in 2019, which compares favorably, requires monthly repayment in equal parts. You can pay the loan in any way convenient for the borrower:

  • through online banking, which can be connected at any VTB branch;
  • at the Bank’s ATM, which can be found in almost any city in the Russian Federation;
  • VTB card issued in the name of the lender;
  • at the Bank's cash desk;
  • by bank transfer from an account opened in another financial institution;
  • at the post office (only for mortgages issued in the national currency of Russia).

Important: any VTB borrower has the right to pay off the mortgage early, without waiting for the end of the loan term. This can be done at any branch of the Bank; there are no monetary or other restrictions. There is also no fee for accepting payments.