Diagnostics of the financial condition of the organization. Adjustment of Russian financial statements for financial analysis: algorithm of actions Adjusted current assets

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    Thus, the indicator of the security of the debtor’s obligations with its assets focuses attention on the intra-company situation on determining the possibilities of self-financing and financial independence of the company Adjusted non-current assets are the sum of intangible assets without business reputation and organizational expenses of fixed assets
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    The coefficient of provision of own working capital is calculated as the ratio of the difference between own funds and adjusted non-current assets to the value of current assets The coefficient of provision with own working capital is calculated in the program... General formula for calculating the coefficient Kosos Own capital Non-current assets Current assets Coefficient of provision with own working capital
  3. The ratio of security of current assets with own working capital
    The ratio of security of current assets with own working capital is calculated as the ratio of the difference between own funds and adjusted of non-current assets to the value of current assets The ratio of security of current assets with own working capital is calculated... General formula for calculating the coefficient Kooasos Own capital Non-current assets Current assets Ratio of security of current assets with own
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    So, on the one hand, the constant part of current assets can be defined as the difference between permanent capital and non-current assets. On the other hand, the question arises regarding the presence of the most constant part of current assets in... KOskor - short-term liabilities adjusted KZ - accounts payable PKO - other short-term liabilities 2 variable part of current assets ... We will use the following formulas for calculating indicators 1 autonomy coefficient Ka Ka UVVNA NFSKVNA UVCHOK NFSKCHO UVPCHOA NFSKCHOA
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    Tsdkr sr character for the formation of non-current and current assets; secondly, return on assets is the maximum possible weighted average price of long-term securities... CD% In the formulas for calculating the financial potential of an enterprise, the market price should be adjusted for tax corrector 1 -
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    Taking into account all these assumptions, the formula for calculating the monetary return on invested capital is Kin p initial cost of invested capital calculated... Non-depreciable part of non-current assets thousand dollars 1,480,232 2,048,803 1,657,027 Market value... Market rate on long-term borrowed capital adjusted taking into account the rating % 11 11.71 12.42 Market rate on short-term borrowed capital adjusted
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    Analysis of the results of empirical studies 60-22 allows us to come to the conclusion that the main determinants of the target debt level within the framework of dynamic models of the theory of compromise are the size of the company, profitability of operations, the share of non-current assets in the property structure, the ratio of market value to the book value of equity capital. An attempt to approximate... Practical the implementation of compromise theories to justify financial decisions is reflected in the method adjusted present value With Myers adjusted present value AGC 25 allowing as an optimal structure... This is carried out according to the formula ARV NPV РVs e where ARV - adjusted present value NPV - present value
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    EVA Ve Vd RSP of the company's own debt capital Formula for assessing return on equity where EAT profit after taxes EAT NOPAT - ... DP adjusted to the current value of investments in non-current and working capital that caused this change 6. CFROI ... SV liquidation value of assets Calculation of the relative CFROI indicator is based on annual information on DP To assess efficiency
  9. Analysis of financial and economic activities for administrations of constituent entities of the Russian Federation
    The ratio of provision of own working capital, the share of own working capital in current assets, determines the degree of provision of the organization with its own working capital necessary for its financial stability and is calculated as the ratio of the difference between own funds and adjusted non-current assets to the value of current assets The equity ratio as of 01/01/2015 increased... The current liquidity ratio is determined by the formula as the ratio of the actual value of the working capital available to the enterprise in the form of production
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    Indicator Formula Calculation Results Financial leverage ratio in 2012 CFL2012 &Sum Ud2012 DZK2012 &Sum Ud2012 DSC2012 ... The main role in reducing the financial leverage ratio was played by such factors as a decrease in the share of non-current assets and an increase in borrowed capital. The financial leverage ratio is not only an indicator of financial stability... For this amount in adjusted balance sheet items should increase in value Using the obtained forecast data, we will draw up a forecast balance sheet of the organization
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    Own sources of funds - Non-current assets K d to e Financial leverage Characterizes the ratio of borrowed and equity funds Borrowed... Criteria which allows you to compare different sets of explanatory variables The formula for determining this indicator is as follows where n is the number of observations k is the number of parameters... A similar picture can also be observed by adjusted coefficient of determination which in the model with the inclusion of the autonomy indicator is equal to 0.2324, and in the model
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    AS 36 As a result, it remains unclear how exactly to reflect in accounting bringing the book value of assets, including intangible ones, to their recoverable value, which accounts should Russian organizations use to reflect asset impairment in profit or loss, we are talking about accounts 84, 90, 91, 99 how adjust depreciation charges on an impaired asset in future periods Intangible assets are accounted for at the cost of acquisition... Investments in non-current assets An intangible asset has been put into operation A card is drawn up in the form of intangible asset-1 2. CREATION of intangible asset... ZBO Calculation of a complex technical and economic indicator of commercial significance of scientific development is carried out according to the formula where Pcom is an indicator of the commercial significance of scientific development coefficient Ki - coefficients of the significance of technical and economic
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    K1 > 2. The insolvency of an enterprise established in accordance with clause 3.1 is considered not directly related to the state’s debt to it if - value adjusted The current liquidity ratio calculated in accordance with clause 4.4.2 is below the criterion value of the specified ratio... The most easily liquid assets of an enterprise include cash in accounts as well as short-term securities; the most difficult to sell assets are fixed assets on the balance sheet of the enterprise and other non-current assets A change in the structure of the enterprise's assets in favor of increasing the share of working capital may indicate... From this table, the calculation using the formula page 1, gr 4 6 T page 1, gr 4 - page 1, gr
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    A detailed analysis of the structure of funding sources allows us to identify aspects of strengthening financial stability that will allow us to develop a financial strategy and justify the main directions of the organization’s capital management policy adjust management decisions in the field of building an optimal ratio between the amounts of debt and equity capital to reduce... A significant share of sources of equity capital 92.16% and 100.0%, respectively, at the beginning and end of the reporting period was directed to the acquisition of fixed assets and other non-current assets Only 7, 84% of the sources of own funds at the beginning of the period were used to replenish working capital... Then the calculation formula will look like this: SOK SK DO - VA 9 According to T
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    Effective tax rate 18.52 rd adj adjusted cost of borrowed capital % 8.37 In the latter case, the assumption was used that the required return on... FA1 - FA0 non-current assets thousand rubles -8292 2530 91026 343916 174657 190927 208714 145917 - NWC1 - ... ATg % calculated using the Higgins R formula 24, 96 14.97 18.15 Average growth rate gavg % calculated using the formula P
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    Indicator and its formula Note Ratio of borrowed and equity funds in percent Borrowed funds Own funds x Assets participating in the calculation non-current and current assets with the exception of the debt of the founders on their contributions to the charter... Total current liabilities for loans and settlements 14707 14707 Adjusted current ratio 0.651 The cost of equity capital is equal to the average return on shares on the stock market
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    OD where VASkr is non-current assets adjusted that is, minus business reputation as part of intangible assets and capital... Olson was the first to use this formula in 1974 by D Chesser 16, who developed a valuation model specifically for the banking sector
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    The bank profitability spread, determined separately for each characteristic, is calculated using the same formula, but only the calculation result is divided by the number of characteristics included in the rating. As can be seen from... Other non-current assets 110,179 40,754 33,546 Non-current assets intended for sale - - 194,286 BALANCE SHEET 8 716 990 13 075 ... In addition, fixed costs adjusted by the amount of other results not including interest payable. Variable expenses include production
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    It is advisable to calculate the limit for each debtor, taking into account the history of relations with him and other available information on a monthly basis according to the following formula 4 Table 8. Algorithm for calculating indicators for assessing the financial risk of a debtor Indicators of financial condition Algorithm... VA non-current assets 3 inventories and costs DZ av pr - accounts receivable in terms of advances... Based on analytical data for the previous year and planned indicators for the coming year, with detail by type of product and taking into account the seasonality factor, the break-even point is determined when calculating which the price and cost of production should be adjusted on the inflation index 2. The minimum batch size Qmin for which a discount can be provided is determined
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    The given formula for calculating the estimated debt is necessary adjust taking into account the changes and additions made 3 to the procedure for carrying out procedures for the financial rehabilitation of an external... In contrast to the traditional current solvency ratio, it requires additional adjustments to the composition of both current assets and short-term financial liabilities determined by the crisis financial condition of the debtor. The formula proposed by Professor IA Blank can be used to calculate the ratio of the net current solvency of the organization... Kch t p less than unity, the analysis of financial stabilization will be an analysis of the main measures for which it is recommended to use measures of accelerated partial disinvestment of non-current assets Content of the main measures for the accelerated transfer of part of the enterprise’s assets into cash and accelerated

Diagnostics has the goal of identifying and highlighting the most significant problems in the production, economic and financial activities of an organization, and establishing the causes of their occurrence. To carry out the analysis, financial indicators are used, calculated on the basis of the main forms of financial statements.

Most methods for diagnosing the financial condition of organizations are based on calculations and analysis of various financial and economic ratios.

1. Main indicators of the financial and economic activities of the debtor:

- total assets (liabilities)- balance of assets (liabilities);

- adjusted non-current assets- the sum of the value of intangible assets (without organizational expenses), fixed assets (without capital costs for leased fixed assets), incomplete capital investments (without incomplete capital costs for leased fixed assets), profitable investments in tangible assets, long-term financial investments, other non-current assets ;

- current assets- the sum of the cost of inventories (excluding the cost of shipped goods), long-term accounts receivable, liquid assets, value added tax on acquired assets, debt of founders for contributions to the authorized capital, own shares purchased from shareholders;

- long-term accounts receivable- accounts receivable, payments for which are expected more than 12 months after the reporting date;

- liquid assets- the sum of the cost of the most liquid current assets, short-term receivables, and other current assets;

- short-term receivables- the amount of the cost of shipped goods, accounts receivable, payments for which are expected within 12 months after the reporting date (without the debt of the founders for contributions to the authorized capital);

- potential current assets for return- the amount of receivables written off at a loss and the amount of guarantees and sureties issued;

- own funds- the amount of capital and reserves, deferred income, reserves for future expenses minus capital costs for leased property, debt of shareholders for contributions to the authorized capital and the cost of own shares purchased from shareholders;

- debtor's obligations- the amount of current and long-term obligations of the debtor;

- debtor's long-term obligations- the amount of loans and credits subject to repayment more than 12 months after the reporting date, and other long-term liabilities;

- debtor's current obligations- the amount of loans and credits subject to repayment within 12 months after the reporting date, accounts payable, debt to the founders for payment of income and other short-term liabilities;

- net revenue- revenue from the sale of goods, works, services minus VAT, excise taxes and other similar mandatory payments;

- gross receipts- revenue from the sale of goods, works, services without deductions;

- average monthly revenue- the ratio of the amount of gross revenue received for a certain period, both in cash and in the form of offsets, to the number of months in the period;

- Net income (loss)- net retained profit (loss) of the reporting period remaining after payment of income tax and other similar mandatory payments.

2. Coefficients characterizing the debtor’s solvency:

- absolute liquidity ratio- shows what part of short-term liabilities can be repaid immediately, and is calculated as the ratio of the most liquid current assets to the debtor’s current liabilities;

- current ratio- characterizes the organization’s provision of working capital for conducting business activities and timely repayment of obligations and is defined as the ratio of liquid assets to the current obligations of the debtor;

- indicator of the security of the debtor's obligations with its assets- characterizes the amount of the debtor’s assets per unit of debt, and is defined as the ratio of the amount of liquid and adjusted non-current assets to the debtor’s liabilities;

- degree of solvency for current obligations- determines the current solvency of the organization, the volume of its short-term borrowed funds and the period of possible repayment by the organization of current debt to creditors at the expense of revenue and is calculated as the ratio of the debtor’s current obligations to the amount of average monthly revenue.

3. Coefficients characterizing the financial stability of the debtor:

- autonomy coefficient (financial independence)- shows the share of the debtor’s assets that are secured by its own funds, and is defined as the ratio of its own funds to total assets;

- working capital ratio(share of own working capital in current assets) - determines the degree of provision of the organization with its own working capital necessary for its financial stability, and is calculated as the ratio of the difference between own funds and adjusted non-current assets to the value of current assets;

- share of overdue accounts payable in liabilities- characterizes the presence of overdue accounts payable and its share in the total liabilities of the organization and is determined as a percentage as the ratio of overdue accounts payable to total liabilities;

- ratio of accounts receivable to total assets- is defined as the ratio of the sum of long-term receivables, short-term receivables and potential current assets subject to return to the total assets of the organization.

4. Coefficients characterizing the debtor’s business activity:

- return on assets- shows the degree of efficiency in the use of the organization’s property, the professional qualifications of the enterprise’s management and is determined as a percentage as the ratio of net profit (loss) to the total assets of the organization;

- net profit margin- characterizes the level of profitability of the organization’s economic activities and is determined as a percentage as the ratio of net profit to revenue (net).

Depending on the speed at which assets are converted into cash, they are divided into the following 4 groups.

1. The most liquid assets(A1) include cash and short-term financial investments in securities on the stock exchange, deposits.

2. Quickly realizable assets (A2) are defined as the sum of Accounts Receivable (payments for which are expected within 12 months) + Goods shipped + Loans provided to other enterprises.

3. Slow moving assets (A3) are determined by the formula:

Inventories - Goods shipped + Accounts receivable (payments for which are expected in more than 12 months) + Other current assets + Long-term financial investments.

4. Hard to sell assets(A4) are determined by the formula:

Total for the non-current assets section (A4) - Long-term financial investments + Value added tax on acquired assets.

The organization's assets consist of two dissimilar parts: current and non-current. The non-current part is assets whose useful life is more than one year. In the practice of financial analysis of a business entity, the concept of adjusted non-current assets (ACNA) is used. The adjustment occurs for a number of indicators of non-current assets by excluding them from the total amount. Adjusted non-current assets are used in calculations of key relative indicators of a firm's economic strength.

What are adjusted non-current assets?

Non-current assets that are used to obtain economic benefit in an organization for more than a year include:

  • research and development, according to the final result of the latter;
  • financial investments with an expected economic effect within a period of more than a year;
  • other assets that have characteristics of non-current.

SVNA is:

  • Intangible assets without business reputation and organizational costs;
  • OS without capital investments for OS rental;
  • other assets with a long-term period of use.

Based on the data presented, the key differences in the calculation of the two indicators and the data excluded from non-current assets when calculating SVNA are easily determined.

The methodology for determining IVA, based on the organization’s balance sheet, uses the following values:

  • intangible assets as of the reporting date, less the value of goodwill;
  • fixed assets, minus capital expenditures incurred on the rented part of these assets;
  • unfinished capital investments, minus amounts related to the lease of fixed assets;
  • the amount of profitable investments in material assets, as indicated in the balance sheet;
  • the amount of financial investments of a long-term nature, as indicated in the balance sheet;
  • the amount of other non-current assets as shown on the balance sheet.

It is enshrined in Government Decree No. 367 of June 25, 2003. This is a document intended for insolvency practitioners; it presents detailed rules according to which responsible persons are required to conduct a financial analysis of a business entity.

It is convenient to present the composition of the SVNA in the form of a formula, according to the lines of the balance sheet: SVNA = With. 1110 + p. 1150 + s. 1160 + p. 1170 + p. 1190.

Data on:

  • capital costs for OS rental;
  • unfinished drip investments;
  • unfinished capital expenditures for OS rental;
  • business reputation of the company;
  • organizational expenses

can be found in the income statement and in the notes to the balance sheet - forms included in the financial statements.

On a note. Currently, explanations to the balance sheet are not mandatory, but only a recommended reporting form for completion. Submitted in the form of a table, in accordance with pr. 66 dated 02-07-10, issued by the Ministry of Finance.

How are adjusted non-current assets calculated?

Let us assume that the financial statements contain the following data as of the reporting date of the end of the year:

Intangible assets (p. 1110) – 55,000 rubles, OS (p. 1150) – 930,000 rubles;

  • profitable investments in MC (p. 1160) – 42,000 rubles;
  • Finnish investments (p. 1170) – 88,000 rubles;
  • other VNA (equipment requiring installation, p. 1190) – 110,000 rubles.

In addition, from the explanations of the income statement it is known that:

  • business reputation of the company - 31,000 rubles;
  • costs for leased operating systems – 15,000 rubles;
  • unfinished capital investments – 77,500 rubles;
  • similar unfinished investments for the lease of fixed assets - 5,200 rubles.

Calculation of SVNA indicators:

  • NMA. 55,000 – 31,000 = 24,000 rubles;
  • OS. 930000 – 15000 = 78000 rub.;
  • Unfinished capital investments. 77500 – 5200 = 72300 rub.;
  • Profitable investments in MC, completely. 42,000 rub.;
  • Financial investments are long-term, completely. 88,000 rub.;
  • The equipment is the same as other VNA, completely. 110,000 rub.

SVNA = 24000 + 78000 + 72300 + 42000 + 88000 + 110000 = 414300 rub.

When analyzing the financial condition, as a rule, indicators are calculated for the previous 3 years, and, if necessary, for a longer period.

On a note. Regulatory documents provide for analysis at least 2 years before the bankruptcy of a business entity. The rules (order 367) recommend the calculation of quarterly indicators of financial and economic condition and for the period of bankruptcy procedures, in dynamics.

The results are presented in the form of tables for ease of perception and subsequent calculations of coefficients characterizing the economy of the research object.

Using the indicator when calculating coefficients

Resolution No. 367, mentioned above, is a practical guide to action for insolvency practitioners. The manager, one of whose responsibilities is to carry out analytical work aimed at assessing the real financial condition of the bankrupt and the prospects for repayment of his debts, uses the SVNA indicator on its own, as well as as part of calculations.

According to the Rules, several economic coefficients are calculated based on the SVNA:

  1. An indicator of the security of an economic entity with its assets. It is included in the group of coefficients characterizing the level of solvency of the organization.
    This is the amount of assets per unit of debt, determined by the ratio of the sum of liquid assets and SVNA to liabilities.
  2. An indicator of an economic entity's provision of its own working capital, or the share of these funds in the total of all current assets. It is part of the group of coefficients that determine the financial stability of an organization. This is the result of the difference between equity and SVNA, in relation to the volume of current assets.


  1. Adjusted non-current assets (ACNA) are non-current assets from which certain amounts are excluded.
  2. The data for calculating SVNA is taken from the balance sheet, as well as a number of accounts that decipher its data.
  3. Calculation of SVNA is necessary when carrying out the bankruptcy process of an organization. The data is used by arbitration managers for the purpose of objectively assessing the debtor’s solvency.
  4. The obtained data are used on their own and as part of a number of economic coefficients.

Each enterprise has current and non-current assets. Unlike current assets, i.e. those involved in the turnover from which the company’s products are made, non-current assets contribute to the production process or completely provide it. For example, a product is produced on a machine with software, which is located in a workshop, located, in turn, in the factory building. All of them - the program, the machine, the workshop, and the plant building - are non-current assets and make production possible. Let's talk about them in more detail.

The concept of non-current assets

So, non-current assets of an enterprise are property that supports the production process over a long period of time, or is used to generate income. The service life of these assets is more than 1 year, and they are represented by a very diverse composition of property. All of them are grouped in the first asset section of the balance sheet. Let us briefly describe each category of assets, united by the definition of non-current and occupying a certain balance sheet line.

Structure of non-current assets

Such property includes:

  • Page 1110 Intangible assets (IMA), i.e. intangible property (for example, software products, trademarks, company reputation, etc.);
  • Page 1150 Fixed assets (FPE) – buildings, premises, equipment, machines, vehicles, etc.;
  • Page 1160 Income investments (II) in assets - fixed assets provided for rent, leasing, rented out for the purpose of generating income;
  • Page 1170 Financial investments (FI) – contributions to shares, securities, authorized capitals of third-party companies that involve receiving dividends in the future;
  • Page 1180 Deferred tax assets (DTA) - the share of deferred income tax (DIT), which will subsequently reduce the DIT;
  • Page 1190 Other assets with characteristics of non-current.

Classification of non-current assets

Assets are classified according to:

  • functional affiliation. For example, fixed assets, as means of labor, are used repeatedly, gradually transferring their own value into the produced product;
  • types of activities that use:
    • operating room, i.e. directly in the main production;
    • investment, i.e. formed as a result of the investment process;
    • non-productive, i.e. used to meet the social needs of personnel;
  • nature of ownership - own or rented.

Features of operating non-current assets

Of greatest interest to business entities, operating non-current assets in the production process are characterized by the following qualities:

  • they are practically not subject to inflation, that is, they are protected from its influence;
  • have minimal risk of commercial losses;
  • consistently ensure profit generation;
  • make it possible to expand production volumes using created reserves when market conditions rise.

Along with these properties, they also have disadvantages, expressed in the following manifestations:

  • managing non-current assets is a difficult process, since they do not change structurally, and a drop in demand for the manufactured product can provoke a decrease in the service life of the operating system if production is not repurposed in time;
  • subject to obsolescence, especially during periods of rapid development of new technologies;
  • are considered low-liquidity property, since they cannot be quickly sold to serve as a means of payment.

What are non-current assets in accounting

Accounting reliably reflects information about these assets, accumulating information in financial statements. The unit of accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets is an inventory object. For example, an OS object is recognized as a separate item or an item equipped with the necessary devices, intended for certain functions or performance of work. The object of intangible property is the right to own the subject of intellectual property.

To summarize accounting information about fixed assets, account 01 is used. Property acquired for rent or rental, i.e., used as income-generating investments, is accounted for in account 03. Information about intangible assets is generated in account 04. Analytical analysis is maintained for all these balance sheet accounts accounting that provides the ability to obtain operational information about the presence and movement of these assets.

All incoming fixed assets and intangible assets are taken into account at their original cost, depending on the method of acquisition. Accounting entries:



An asset was purchased from a supplier

VAT on the acquired asset

Bill payment


VAT credited

Self-made OS production

Combining the costs of manufacturing an object

10, 70, 69, 76, 02

Acceptance for registration

Contribution to the authorized capital

CC announced

The investment of fixed assets in the management company is reflected


Free receipt

The object was received free of charge

Delivery costs are included in the price of the item

The object has been accepted for registration

Fixed assets and intangible assets wear out during operation and, through depreciation, transfer their value to the finished product. The company chooses its own calculation methods and establishes it in its accounting policies. Depreciation is not accrued for environmental management facilities, plots of land, museum collections and objects.

The amounts of accrued depreciation on fixed assets and intangible assets are accumulated in separate accounts:

  • by OS on account 02;
  • for intangible assets on account 05.

Postings: D/t 20, 23, 25, 26, 29 – K/t 02, 05

Accounting for non-current assets the main basis for analyzing the state of the enterprise. For example, an increase in non-current assets indicates an increase in production capacity and investment injections, which is considered a positive indicator that can generate income in the future. But the decline in business in the company and the decrease in liquidity is indicated by a decrease in non-current assets. Consequently, the company does not yet have to count on profit; on the contrary, considerable investments may be required.

Adjusted non-current assets: formula

When analyzing the state of the company, the economist calculates a number of values ​​for various indicators, including calculating adjusted non-current assets. To calculate the adjusted indicator, the values ​​as of the reporting date are summed up:

  • Intangible assets minus the business reputation indicator;
  • fixed assets minus capital costs spent on leased fixed assets;
  • Capital investments for work in progress (except for costs of leased fixed assets);
  • DV value according to balance;
  • Long-term financial investments on the balance sheet;
  • Indicator of other assets equivalent to non-current assets.

If the company does not have leased facilities, then you can calculate adjusted non-current assets in the balance sheet by adding the lines: line 1110 + line 1150 + line 1160 + line 1170 + line 1190.

The essence of the calculation is to isolate the amount of assets operating in the enterprise, without taking into account the costs aimed at maintaining not their own, but leased operating systems and the value of business reputation.