FTP federal target program. State and federal target (departmental) programs. Systems of State Target Programs in the regions of Russia


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1. Federal target programs

1.1 The concept of federal target programs in the Russian Federation

1.2 Structure of federal targeted programs

1.3 Federal target programs operating in the Russian Federation

2. FTP "Housing"

2.1 Basic data about the FTP "Housing"

2.2 Main parameters of the FTP "Housing" for 2011-2015

3. State policy in the field of FTP

3.1 Main problems in the development and implementation of FTPs

3.2 Prospects and ways to solve problems in the field of FTP




The relevance of the research topic is beyond doubt, due to the fact that at present federal targeted programs are one of the most important means of implementing the structural policy of the state, actively influencing its socio-economic development and should be focused on the implementation of large-scale, most important investment and scientific and technical projects for the state, aimed at solving systemic problems that fall within the competence of the federal executive authorities.

Object of study is a federal target program of the Russian Federation.

Subject of study is the process of developing and implementing federal targeted programs as a tool for financing budget investments.

The purpose of this work is the analysis of theoretical and practical aspects of federal targeted programs in the Russian Federation.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks:

1) To study the theoretical foundations of federal target programs of the Russian Federation;

2) to characterize and analyze the Federal Target Program of the Russian Federation.

3) determine the goals, functions and objectives of the implementation and financing of FTPs;

4) study of federal targeted programs and their role in solving socio-economic problems;

5) develop directions for improving federal target programs.

The goals and objectives set in this work determined structure term paper, consisting of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and appendices.

Research method- collection, generalization and systematization of information, analysis, formalized presentation. The solution of the goal set in the course work is carried out on the basis of a systematic approach, a logical and comparative analysis of the available theoretical and practical data.

Theoretical and methodological basis of the study in the area of Central Bank Russia is presented with the works of famous Russian and foreign authors: A. Anikin, V. Vinogradov, A. Vishnevsky, K. Gavald, G. Desmond, Yu. Kashin, O. Lavrushin, I. Larionova, I.D. Mamonov, G. Panov, Polterovich V.M., Polyaka G.B., A. Potemkin and others.

Information base work amounted to legislative acts, materials of foreign and domestic periodicals and Internet resources.

1 . Federal target programs

federal target program

1.1 Fe conceptderal target programs in the Russian Federation

In a market economy, the program-target method of management becomes, along with forecasting the socio-economic development of the country and its regions, one of the main tools for implementing the state regional economic and social policy

Federal target programs and interstate target programs, in which the Russian Federation participates, represent a complex of research, development, production, socio-economic, organizational, economic and other measures linked by resources, executors and deadlines for implementation. effective solution tasks in the field of state, economic, environmental, social and cultural development Russian Federation.

In Russia, the first program in the conditions of the prevalence of state ownership was the GOELRO plan - a comprehensive state plan for the electrification of the country, adopted in 1920. Gvozdetsky V. GOERLO plan. Myths and reality // Science and life. -- 2005. -- No. 5 The first government decision on federal targeted programs (FTP) was adopted at the end of 1993 - under the Fuel and Energy program. After that, an avalanche-like process of their "reproduction" began. Until the middle of 1995, this process had an exclusively strong-willed and unsystematic character, since there was no normative regulation in the sphere of development and implementation of FTPs. And only after the adoption of the law on the supply of products for federal state needs A government decree was adopted, which approved the procedure for the development and implementation of FTPs. Dmitrieva O.G. Economic diagnostics. St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2008

The key task of the development of the Russian Federation at present is the transition to a model of dynamic and sustainable economic growth on the basis of increasing the efficiency of the work of state institutions, increasing the degree of competitiveness of the Russian economy, diversifying production and exports. This implies a shift in emphasis in the state economic policy from solving the current problems of ensuring social and macroeconomic balance to a policy aimed at intensifying structural changes. Such changes, in turn, mean an extension of the planning horizon, an increase in the priority of medium-term and long-term development goals, and the development of appropriate methods for achieving them.

One of the necessary conditions for increasing the competitiveness of the economy and ensuring sustainable development is to increase the efficiency of public administration through administrative reform, improvement of budgeting methods, and the transition from “resource planning” to “results planning”. The focus of management on achieving specific goals (results), regardless of the specific structure of government bodies and the distribution of functions, predetermines an increase in the role and place of program-target management methods. Ignatieva A.V. Research of control systems: Proc. allowance for students. universities, education according to special "State and municipal administration" and "Management". - M.: UNITI, 2010

Federal target programs are currently the main, and in fact the only well-established and effectively operating tool for program-targeted planning in the Russian Federation. The main features and advantages of this tool are Lazhentsev V.N. Territorial development: methodology and experience of regulation. St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2007:

Focus on solving the complex tasks facing the Russian Federation as a state and as a socio-economic system;

Longer planning horizon, comparable with the terms of return and payback of investments and allowing to evaluate medium-term and long-term socio-economic effects;

A systematic approach to the formation of a set of mutually agreed on resources and timing of activities to achieve the goals;

A more open and public procedure for the formation of programs and the progress of their implementation compared to other methods of public financing;

A high degree of transparency of government orders and procurement within the framework of program activities, ensuring control over the efficiency of spending state budget funds;

Availability of the ability to quickly and effectively adjust program activities, ensuring the flexibility of the policy pursued, and the ability to quickly respond to changing conditions program implementation;

Opportunity within the framework of programs to combine and unite the efforts of authorities at various levels and the private sector of the economy.

1.2 Structure of federal targeted programs

The target program may include several subprograms aimed at solving specific problems within the program. The division of the target program into subprograms is carried out on the basis of the scale and complexity of the problems being solved, as well as the need for a rational organization of their solution. Lazhentsev V.N. Territorial development: methodology and experience of regulation. St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2007

The target program consists of the following sections: http://www.programs-gov.ru/ - "Federal target programs"

e description of the problem that the target program is aimed at solving;

e the main goals and objectives of the target program, indicating the timing and stages of its implementation, as well as target indicators and indicators;

e list of program activities;

e substantiation of the resource support of the target program;

e mechanism for the implementation of the target program, including the mechanism for managing the program and the mechanism for the interaction of government customers;

e evaluation of the socio-economic and environmental performance of the target program.

The target program also contains a passport of the federal target program, which indicates: the name, the date of the decision to develop the program, the date of its approval, the state customer, the state customer-coordinator, the main developers, the goals and objectives of the program.

First section the target program should contain a detailed statement of the problem, including an analysis of the causes of its occurrence, the justification of its connection with the national priorities of socio-economic development, the expediency of a programmatic solution to the problem at the federal level. The section should also contain a rationale for the need to solve the problem by the program-target method and an analysis of the various options for this solution, as well as a description of the main risks associated with the program-target method of solving the problem.

Second section the target program should contain detailed formulations of the goals and objectives of the program, indicating target indicators and indicators.

Requirements for the goals of the program: Lazhentsev V.N. Territorial development: methodology and experience of regulation. St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2007

§ specificity (goals must correspond to the competence of state customers of the target program);

§ achievability (goals must be potentially achievable);

§ measurability (it should be possible to verify the achievement of goals);

§ binding to the time schedule (the deadline for achieving the goal and the stages of implementing the target program with the definition of relevant goals should be established).

The section should contain a rationale for the need to solve the set tasks in order to achieve the formulated goals of the program and justify the timing of solving the tasks and implementing the program, describing the main stages of implementation and indicating the predicted values ​​of target indicators and indicators for each stage, as well as the conditions for early termination of the implementation of the target program.

Third section The target program should contain a list of activities that are proposed to be implemented to solve the tasks of the target program and achieve the goals set, as well as information on the resources required for the implementation of each activity (indicating the items of expenditure and sources of funding) and the timing. Program activities should be linked in terms of time and resources and ensure the solution of the objectives of the target program. http://www.programs-gov.ru/ - "Federal target programs"

Program activities should include a set of measures to prevent negative consequences that may arise during their implementation.

In some cases, in order to achieve the goals of the program, to amend the regulatory legal acts, the target program may contain an annex with a plan for the preparation and adoption of the necessary regulatory legal acts.

In the fourth section The target program should contain a rationale for the resource support necessary for the implementation of the program, as well as the timing and sources of funding. In addition, the section should include a justification for the possibility of attracting (in addition to funds federal budget) outside budget funds and funds from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the implementation of program activities and a description of the mechanisms for attracting these funds.

Basic requirements for fifth section target program are set out in section VII of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2004 N 842 "On Amendments to the Procedure for the Development and Implementation of Federal Target Programs and Interstate Target Programs in which the Russian Federation Participates". http://www.programs-gov.ru/ - "Federal target programs"

sixth section The target program should contain a description of the social, economic and environmental consequences that may arise during the implementation of the program, an overall assessment of the contribution of the target program to economic development, as well as an assessment of the efficiency of spending budget funds. Efficiency evaluation is carried out by years or stages during the entire period of implementation of the target program, and, if necessary, after its implementation.

The methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of the target program is developed by government customers (government customers-coordinators), taking into account the specifics of the program, and should serve as an appendix to the text of the program.

1.3 Federal target programs operating in the Russian Federation

Federal targeted programs are an important tool for the effective use of federal budget funds, which makes it possible to ensure the concentration of resources in key areas of economic growth and in its competitive sectors, including those with high innovation potential. Fedorov N.V., Kurakov L.P. Forecasting the socio-economic development of regions. M., 2009

The implementation of the FTP provides for investing in the development of human potential, the implementation of environmental protection measures and the creation of conditions for safe life. Ignatieva A.V. Research of control systems: Proc. allowance for students. universities, education according to special "State and municipal administration" and "Management". - M.: UNITI, 2010

Federal programs are developed in accordance with federal law RF dated 12/13/1994 No. 60-FZ "On the supply of products for federal state needs", Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated 07/21/2005 No. 94-FZ "On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state municipal needs", Decrees President of the Russian Federation and Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation.

In 2010, there were 53 federal target programs (46 subprograms) in the Russian Federation, and in 2011 this figure increased to 57 federal target programs (42 subprograms).

Figure 1. The share of FTP in the expenditure part of the federal budget (billion rubles) Data from the Department of State Target Programs and capital investments Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation - http://fcp.economy.gov.ru/

On the basis of this diagram, it can be concluded that expenditures on federal targeted programs of the total volume of federal budget expenditures are kept at the level of 7.5% - 8.5%, so in 2010 this figure was 7.53%, and in 2011 - 8.65%. Those. increased by 1.13%, which may be directly related to the fact that in 2011 the start of new FTPs is envisaged - 4 new FTPs will be financed. For more information about the FTP, see full list federal targeted programs in 2011.

On average, 15.7 billion rubles were provided for one program in 2009, and 14.6 billion rubles in 2010. rubles, and in 2011 this figure is planned at the level of 16.2 billion rubles.

Next, you can analyze the amount of budget financing, which, according to Department of State Targeted Programs and Capital Investments of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Volumes of budgetary financing of federal targeted programs

Volumes of budget allocations, mln rub


Other needs


To analyze these data, it is convenient to present them in a graphical form - Figure 2.

Figure 2. Amounts of budget financing of federal targeted programs (million rubles)

Thus, it can be seen that in terms of budget financing, the STB is in the lead - they make up more than 50% of the total volume, followed by "Other needs" and in third place - "R&D".

As for the volume of budget financing for each FTP, Figure 3 shows the 10 FTPs with the largest funding from the federal budget in 2011.

Figure 3. Ranking of programs by volumes of budget financing (10 FTPs with the largest funding from the federal budget) (million rubles) /

It is also necessary to determine the priority areas for financing federal targeted programs, which are presented in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Budget financing of federal target programs in 2011 by priorities (million rubles)

In 2011, the priority direction of budget financing of federal targeted programs is transport infrastructure, the second place is occupied by the development of high technologies, and in the third place is security.

So, based on the above statistics, the following main areas of financing can be distinguished:

In 2011 - FTP "Development of the transport system of Russia (2010-2015)" will amount to 282.2 billion, FTP "Economic and social development Far East and Transbaikalia for the period up to 2013" - 88.4 billion rubles.

Thus, the development of infrastructure and the social sphere over the past years has been one of the top priority areas for financing the FTP, and this year is no exception.

2. FTP "dwelling»

2.1 Basic data about the FTP "Housing"

In the course of the implementation of the State Target Program "Housing", approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation of June 20, 1993 No. 595, the Main Directions for the New Stage of the Implementation of the State Target Program "Housing", approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 29, 1996 No. 431, and the first stage of the federal target program "Housing" for 2002-2010 (hereinafter referred to as the Program), the legal and organizational foundations of the state housing policy were created, its priority areas were identified and implementation mechanisms were worked out. http://www.fcpdom.ru/prog.php - FTP "Housing"

During this period, a regulatory legal framework was formed, which is the basis for regulating issues related to housing construction, housing and communal services, ensuring property rights in the housing sector in the context of developing market relations.

Most Significant Development legislative framework was provided in 2004 as a result of the adoption of 25 federal laws aimed at creating an affordable housing market, including Housing Code Russian Federation and Urban Planning Code Russian Federation. Nikolaev S. "Inexpensive alternative" - ​​http://realty.lenta.ru/articles/2010/11/24/analitika/

New legal conditions create the basis for the implementation of the goals set in practice and require large-scale coordinated actions at all levels of state power and local self-government and the implementation of measures of a regulatory, administrative, organizational, budgetary and financial nature.

The severity of problems in the housing sector and the importance of their solution for the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation require the implementation of a set of measures within the framework of the priority national project "Affordable and Comfortable Housing for the Citizens of Russia".

The inclusion of the task of forming an affordable housing market and ensuring comfortable living conditions among the priority national projects, along with the development of education and healthcare, determines the social orientation of a new stage of economic transformation in the country. A real opportunity to earn decent housing for large groups of the population will contribute to the activation of their economic activity, and a clear definition of the groups to which society is obligated to meet their housing needs - to overcome the dependent attitudes among a significant part of the country's population. http://www.fcpdom.ru/prog.php - FTP "Housing" - "About the program"

As a result of the implementation of the priority national project "Affordable and comfortable housing for the citizens of Russia", a model for providing housing for the main groups of the population should be formed, significant results have been achieved to improve living conditions citizens of the Russian Federation.

The second stage of the Program implementation (2006-2010) provided for the continuation of reforms in the housing sector, as well as the implementation of a set of measures within the framework of the priority national project "Affordable and Comfortable Housing for the Citizens of Russia".

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2010 No. 1050, the period for implementing the federal target program "Housing" and its subprograms was extended for the period 2011-2015. http://lenta.ru/news/2011/03/31/kurator/ - “Medvedev has replaced the curator of the Affordable Housing program

At the same time, along with the previously existing subprograms and activities of the federal target program "Housing", new areas of housing provision were added, as well as solutions to the problems of housing and communal services.

2.2 The main parameters of the FTP "Housing" for 2011-2015

The decision to develop the program was made by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 2008 No. 1996-r.

State customer - Program coordinator

State customers of the Program- federal executive authorities, the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation

Main Developer of the Program- Ministry regional development Russian Federation

The goals and objectives of the Program are determined by the long-term strategic goals and priority objectives of the state housing policy, as well as the goals and objectives of the priority national project "Affordable and comfortable housing for the citizens of Russia" (hereinafter referred to as the national project), since the Program is the main tool for its implementation.

common goal The national project is the formation of an affordable housing market and the provision of comfortable living conditions for Russian citizens.

Main goals The programs are aimed at creating an affordable economy-class housing market that meets the requirements of energy efficiency and environmental friendliness, fulfilling state obligations to provide housing for categories of citizens established by federal law.

The main objectives of the Program are :

creation of conditions for the development of mass construction of economy-class housing;

increasing the level of provision of the population with housing by increasing the volume housing construction and development of financial and credit institutions of the housing market;

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Ensuring that housing is more affordable in line with

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solvent demand of citizens and standards for providing them with living quarters.

To achieve the goal and solve the main tasks set in the Program, a set of regulatory legal, organizational and financial measures and events.

The priority areas of the Program are:

§ stimulating the development of housing construction;

§ supporting effective demand for housing, including through mortgage lending;

§ fulfillment of state obligations to provide housing for categories of citizens established by federal law;

§ improvement of the quality of communal infrastructure;

§ carrying out research work.

For each of the identified priority areas of the Program, the implementation of specific measures is envisaged, on the implementation of which the main financial and organizational efforts should be concentrated, which are implemented within the framework of the relevant subprograms that are part of the Program. Measures of a general regulatory legal and organizational nature are implemented within the framework of the Program as a whole.

To stimulate the development of housing construction in priority order, it is necessary to ensure the solution of the following tasks Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1050 of December 17, 2010 - FTP "Housing" for 2011-2015 - part II :

o formation of a new segment of economy-class housing that meets the requirements of energy efficiency, environmental friendliness and affordability, including the development of low-rise housing construction and new forms of citizens' participation in housing construction;

o provision of land plots with engineering, social and road infrastructure;

o state support for the introduction of new modern technologies and projects in the implementation of housing construction that meets the standards of economy class housing, including low-rise housing;

o development of a regulatory legal framework that ensures the involvement of additional land resources in the economic turnover;

o modernization and renewal of equipment, increasing the efficiency of construction technologies and the production of building materials.

In addition, the Program will address the following tasks Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1050 of December 17, 2010 - FTP "Housing" for 2011-2015 - part II :

v simplification of the procedure for granting land for low-rise housing construction and individual housing construction, including housing construction cooperatives;

v the development of competition and the reduction of administrative barriers in the housing construction market, the creation of effective mechanisms to combat the high level of monopolization and administrative protectionism in the market, the further development of transparent competitive procedures for the provision of land plots for housing construction;

v development of lending to developers for housing construction purposes;

v integrated development of territories for housing construction, creation of conditions for attracting credit funds and private investment for these purposes;

v complex development of territories, reconstruction and renovation of existing buildings;

v support of effective demand for housing, including through mortgage lending.

In addition, the Program needs Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1050 dated 12/17/2010 - FTP "Housing" for 2011-2015. - part III :

Ш provide legal conditions for the development of mortgage lending and other mechanisms for financing the population for the purchase (construction) of housing;

Ø to improve the unified system of refinancing mortgage housing loans and ensure the development of the mortgage securities market;

Ø improve the system of state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it;

Ø to assist in increasing the level of affordability of housing and mortgage housing loans for the population;

Ш develop new market institutions and mechanisms that form the infrastructure of mortgage lending and the housing market (Bureau credit histories, non-bank credit organizations that carry out lending operations to provide mortgage loans for the purchase of housing, etc.);

Ø improve the system of protection of the rights of citizens - purchasers of housing and citizens participating in the financing of housing construction.

Resource support of the Program Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1050 dated 12/17/2010 - FTP "Housing" for 2011-2015. - part V :

It is assumed that the total amount of financing of the Program in 2011-2015 from all sources of financing will amount to 620.69 billion rubles, including:

at the expense of the federal budget - 291.15 billion rubles, of which for the management of the implementation of the Program - 0.46 billion rubles;

at the expense of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets - 109.96 billion rubles;

at the expense of non-budgetary sources - 219.58 billion rubles, including at the expense of investors - 0.39 billion rubles, young families - 219.19 billion rubles.

It should be noted that in 2010 the FTP "Housing" was the leader in terms of funding in the direction of other needs, which can be seen in Figure 5.

Figure 5 . Ranking of programs in terms of budget funding in the direction of other needs in 2010 (10 FTPs with the largest funding from the federal budget) (million rubles) http://fcp.economy.gov.ru/cgi-bin/cis/fcp.cgi /Fcp/Graphics/pub_dynamic_range_fcp_other/2010/ - Department of State Targeted Programs and Capital Investments of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, "Analysis of FTP"

And in 2011, in terms of funding, the FTP "Housing" was second only to the FTP "development of the transport system", which is also clearly shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6. Ranking of programs by volume of budget financing in the direction of other needs in 2011 (10 FTPs with the largest funding from the federal budget) (million rubles) http://fcp.economy.gov.ru/cgi-bin/cis/ fcp.cgi/Fcp/Graphics/pub_dynamic_range_fcp_other/2011/ - Department of State Targeted Programs and Capital Investments of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia "Analysis of FTP"

The implementation of the Program should ensure the achievement in 2015 year of the following indicators (compared to 2009 year): Passport FTP "Housing" - http://www.fcpdom.ru/prog.php

and improving the living conditions of citizens of the Russian Federation (an increase in housing provision from 22.4 sq. meters per person to 24.2 sq. meters per person);

and increasing the affordability of housing, when average cost standard apartment with a total area of ​​54 sq. meters will be equal to the average annual cumulative money income families of 3 people in 4 years (in 2009 - 4.8 years);

and an increase in the proportion of families who will be able to purchase housing that meets the standards for providing living quarters, using their own and borrowed funds - from 12 to 30 percent;

and an increase in the annual volume of housing commissioning from 59.8 million square meters. meters of the total area of ​​housing in 2009 to 90 million square meters. meters in 2015, including at least 20 million sq. meters per land plots involved in turnover in accordance with the Federal Law "On the promotion of housing construction";

and the construction since 2012 annually of at least 30 percent of housing in the Russian Federation on land plots involved in circulation in accordance with the Federal Law "On the Promotion of Housing Construction";

and an increase in the share of commissioning of housing that meets economy class standards by 2015 to 60 percent;

and assistance in providing housing at the expense of the federal budget, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets in 2011-2015, 172 thousand young families;

and the improvement of living conditions in 2011-2015 at the expense of the federal budget for about 86.9 thousand families of citizens belonging to the categories established by federal law; Passport FTP "Housing" - http://www.fcpdom.ru/prog.php

and completion of construction of 10 dormitories for undergraduate and graduate students;

and completion of construction and reconstruction of 19 utility infrastructure facilities;

and improvement of the regulatory legal framework of the Russian Federation in order to increase the availability of housing for the population;

but creating conditions for improving the demographic situation in the country, implementing an effective migration policy, and reducing social tension in society;

and resettlement in 2011-2012 of 480 thousand families from dilapidated housing stock at the expense of financial support provided in accordance with the Federal Law "On the Fund for Assistance to the Reform of Housing and Communal Services"

3. Analysis of development and implementationFTP

3.1 The main problems in the development and implementation of FTPs

At present, one of the goals of the state is to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of federal target programs as a tool for solving major socio-economic problems.

The main problems in this area are:

The federal budget expenditures for the implementation of a number of federal targeted programs are not linked to the budget's capabilities during the entire period of the programs' implementation. Some state customers of federal targeted programs, when approving programs, managed to establish indicators of their financing from the federal budget, especially from 2008-2009, more than 2 times exceeding its capabilities. The volumes of their financing from the federal budget adopted when approving the programs turned out to be beyond the limits of budgetary possibilities. In the process of preparing programs, state customers unreasonably overestimated the need for federal budget funds, while significant funds were proposed to be used for current activities. As time has shown, at the stage of program formation, the issues of financing program activities from all possible sources and the degree of obligatory and guaranteed implementation of expenses, in addition to the federal budget, by program participants were not sufficiently worked out. Yakutenko I. "Word and Dell" - http://lenta.ru/articles/2010/07/20/gelfand/

When preparing programs, state customers include significant amounts of funds from extra-budgetary sources and budget funds of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation into the indicators of financing program activities, using this as an important argument in favor of adopting the program.

Normative regulation of the financing of expenditures for the implementation of federal target programs currently does not establish direct and strict obligations of the state customer for their financing at the expense of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and extrabudgetary sources. Klyuchkin A. "Avarice is not a vice" - http://lenta.ru /articles/2010/06/15/budjet/

The obligations of the federal budget are formed within the framework of the procedures for accounting for the costs of the program when forming budget projections for the next financial year and for the medium term. ), article 184. Article 179 of the Budget Code provides for the need to include in federal targeted programs information on the distribution of volumes and sources of funding by years from all sources. At the same time, in the course of preparing a draft federal law on the federal budget for the next financial year, it is necessary to link the costs of implementing federal targeted programs with the volumes and parameters of financing provided for in the prospective budget. financial terms. Budget Code of the Russian Federation of July 31, 1998 N 145-FZ (as amended on November 29, 2010, as amended on December 28, 2010), article 179

This circumstance allows for the possibility of actually revising financial indicators, incorporated in the programs when they are approved, which allows state customers of federal target programs to reasonably (or unreasonably) make proposals for adjusting programs and their resource part. This often happens as early as the second year of program implementation. Changing the parameters of financing leads to the need to adjust the goals and objectives, shifting the timing of the implementation of program activities in the direction of their increase.

A number of programs lack the most important performance indicators, defined in quantitative terms, and the necessary program indicators for the years of implementation. Government customers are quite willing to provide general indicators that reflect the overall progress of financing and expected results for the entire period of program implementation to the detriment of specific indicators that reflect the progress and results of the implementation of program activities and the stages of implementation of federal target programs. The absence of these indicators devalues ​​the federal program as an integral systemic document aimed at achieving specific results, makes it impossible to carry out a substantive and comprehensive analysis of federal target programs proposed for implementation, as well as an assessment of the effectiveness, efficiency and subsequent control over their implementation. Leksin V.N., Shvetsov A.N. State and regions. Theory and practice of state regulation of territorial development. M.: Ros. fund legal problems, 2008.

Not always allocated budget allocations correspond to the amount of funds needed to complete the construction of facilities financed under the program of external borrowings (including for the purchase of expensive imported equipment for federal needs) within the prescribed time frame. This is due, among other things, to the fact that there is no synchronization in terms of financing the construction of facilities included in external borrowing programs and the Federal Targeted Investment Program.

The problem of the redistribution of state capital investments also remains acute. Dmitrieva O.G. Economic diagnostics. St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2008.

Negative results in the implementation of targeted programs at the regional level are associated with organizational, methodological, economic problems, the lack of appropriate legislative and regulatory support.

Article 192 of the Budget Code refers to federal target programs and federal target programs for regional development, but what are the differences between them, how the procedures for designing and implementing these types of programs differ, is not specified anywhere. Although these differences are significant.

The noted shortcomings indicate that the existing procedure does not sufficiently regulate the selection of problems that are subject to a program solution. This largely predetermines randomness in the choice of problems for which complex target programs should be used, and creates the prerequisites for the emergence of an excessively large number of various target programs, as a result of which it becomes impossible to ensure the proper quality of program development. Ignatieva A.V. Research of control systems: Proc. allowance for students. universities, education according to special "State and municipal administration" and "Management". - M.: UNITI, 2010.

There are shortcomings in the existing legislation and in terms of holding competitions for developed programs, in statistical reporting, and in the organization of their financing and the formation of a fund for the development of regions.

There is a need to make adjustments in terms of co-financing by private business of the costs of implementing targeted programs. On the one hand, the established requirements for the ratio of budgetary and extrabudgetary funds during their implementation are carried out exclusively formally - by providing non-binding letters of intent or interest. On the other hand, these requirements create restrictions for the state to invest in those areas of growth where private initiative is not sufficient in principle.

3.2 Prospects and ways to solve problems in the field of FTP

Let's start with the management mechanisms of targeted programs that need to be changed. Effective interagency cooperation is required not only at the interprogram and program levels, but also in relation to individual activities. The interdisciplinarity of many programs leads to the presence of several government customers even at this level, which means that here, too, there are problems in choosing priority objects and distributing funds for the implementation of a particular event among different customers. In the absence of law-supported mechanisms for appropriate coordination, the risk of programs being unbalanced, bargaining between departments for resources in the process of coordinating and implementing targeted programs increases.

In practice, targeted programs have become more of a way of budgetary co-financing of many disparate projects, rather than a means of ensuring progressive structural changes in economics. The multiplicity of areas of program regulation, combined with the extremely low level of program and inter-program coordination of activities, has only led to a dissipation of funds. The insufficient effectiveness of the FTPs is largely due to the irrational structure of their budget financing.

Successful implementation of federal targeted programs is determined by the completeness and timeliness of financing, and above all investment projects. The effectiveness of federal targeted programs depends on this. Lazhentsev V.N. Territorial development: methodology and experience of regulation. St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2007

In order to unconditionally achieve the goals of federal target programs approved by the Government of the Russian Federation within the established timeframe, it is necessary to prepare proposals for streamlining and systematizing state capital investments within the framework of the Federal Targeted Investment Program, ensuring funding for federal target programs on time and in full, and first of all, their investment projects. Seliverstov V.E. et al. Methodological foundations for the development of a federal program of assistance to depressive and backward regions//Region: Economics and Sociology. - 2006. - No. 6.

All of the above leads to the conclusion that main problem in the implementation of the FTP is insufficient funding. Successful implementation of federal targeted programs is determined by the completeness and timeliness of financing, and above all investment projects. The effectiveness of federal targeted programs depends on this.


Federal target programs are a complex of research, development, production, socio-economic, organizational and other measures linked by resources, performers and deadlines that ensure the effective solution of target tasks in the field of state, economic and social development of the Russian Federation

Federal targeted programs are a flexible tool for implementing long-term economic policy state, active influence on production and economic processes. They include specific goals and results to be achieved based on the established priorities of the medium-term program of the country's socio-economic development, as well as a list of investment and innovation projects that ensure the achievement of these goals and reasonable resource provision, including from the federal budget.

To date, federal targeted programs are the most transparent tool for pursuing socio-economic policy using support from the federal budget. Federal targeted programs, their necessity, goals, objectives, set of measures, implementation time and the amount of their funding, including from the federal budget, are discussed at meetings of the Government of the Russian Federation, in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

One of the main directions related to increasing the efficiency of federal targeted programs is to find ways to provide optimal solutions to the problems of their formation and implementation, including funding.

Successful implementation of federal targeted programs is determined by the completeness and timeliness of financing, primarily investment projects. The effectiveness of federal targeted programs depends on this.

Thus, we can conclude that the FTP, being a complex complex method, allows the most effective solution of most socio-economic problems, however, the application of this method requires careful development and strict control over execution.


1. Budget Code of the Russian Federation" dated July 31, 1998 N 145-FZ (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on July 17, 1998) (as amended on November 29, 2010, as amended on December 28, 2010)

2. Federal programs are developed in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 13, 1994 No. 60-FZ "On the supply of products for federal state needs" (as amended on July 24, 2007)

3. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2005 No. 94-FZ "On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state municipal needs" (as amended and supplemented, effective from 01.01.2011)

4. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1050 dated 12/17/2010 - FTP "Housing" for 2011-2015

5. Dmitrieva O.G. Economic diagnostics. St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2008.

6. Ignatieva A.V. Research of control systems: Proc. allowance for students. universities, education according to special "State and municipal administration" and "Management". - M.: UNITI, 2010

7. Lazhentsev V.N. Territorial development: methodology and experience of regulation. St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2007

8. Leksin V.N., Shvetsov A.N. State and regions. Theory and practice of state regulation of territorial development. M.: Ros. fund of legal problems, 2008.

9. Ratner N.M. Regional Disproportions: Assessment and Ways to Overcome. Yekaterinburg: USUE, 2010

10. Fedorov N.V., Kurakov L.P. Forecasting the socio-economic development of regions. M., 2009

11. Gvozdetsky V. Plan GOERLO. Myths and reality // Science and life. -- 2005. -- No. 5

12. Seliverstov V.E. et al. Methodological foundations for the development of a federal program of assistance to depressive and backward regions//Region: Economics and Sociology. - 2006. - No. 6

13. http://www.gks.ru - Official website of Rosstat

14. http://finansmag.ru - magazine "Finance"

15. http://www.programs-gov.ru/ - Federal target programs

16. http://fcp.economy.gov.ru/ - Department of State Target Programs and Capital Investments of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

17. http://www.fcpdom.ru/prog.php - FTP "Housing"

18. http://www.ach.gov.ru/ru/ - Official website of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation

19. http://www.rbc.ru - official website of RosBusinessConsulting

20. http://www.inpravo.ru - Legal portal

21. http://www.alti.ru - Business portal Alti.ru

22. http://www.lenta.ru - information portal Lenta.RU

Hosted on Allbest.ru


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Federal state budget educational

institution of higher professional education

“Yaroslavl State University. P.G. Demidov"

Department of Finance and Credit


by discipline

Regional and Territorial Administration

"State Target Programs and Development of Russian Regions"

scientific adviser

Date of defense __________________ Doctor of Economics, Professor

L.B. Parfyonova

Evaluation taking into account the defense ________ "___" ______________ 2015

Signatures _____________________ Student of the GMU-31bo group

Kruglova O.M.

"___" ___________2015

Yaroslavl 2015


    The concept of State Target Programs in the Russian Federation

      Essence and types of State Target Programs

      The main stages of the implementation of the State Target Programs

      Problems of Formation of State Target Programs

    Systems of State Target Programs in the regions of Russia

    1. Problems of implementation of regional State Target Programs

      Models of Regional Target Programs

      Prospects for the development of State Target Programs





The Federal Target Program for the Development of Problem Regions is a complex of research, development, production, socio-economic, organizational, economic and other measures linked by tasks, resources and deadlines that ensure the effective solution of systemic problems in the field of state, economic, environmental , social and cultural development of the Russian Federation.

The target program may include several subprograms aimed at solving specific problems within the program. The division of the target program into subprograms is carried out on the basis of the scale and complexity of the problems being solved, as well as the need for a rational organization of their solution.

To improve the efficiency of the country's regional economy as a multilevel socio-economic system, it seems appropriate to ensure the coordination of work on the development and implementation of federal targeted programs.

The object of the research is federal targeted programs.

The subject of the research is the process of development and implementation of federal targeted programs and the development of Russian regions.

The purpose of the course work is to study the problems of development and implementation of federal targeted programs at the federal and regional levels.

To achieve this goal, a number of important tasks are carried out, such as:

    the study theoretical foundations state target programs of the Russian Federation;

    identification of the role of program-target methods in the management of the country;

    consideration of the conditions for the application of the program-target method;

    studying the application of state target programs at the federal and regional levels;

    identification of problems in the implementation of state target programs;

    development of directions for improving federal targeted programs.

The topic of the course work "State Target Programs and the Development of the Regions of Russia" is relevant today, because federal target programs are designed to help in solving strategic problems of economic and social development, especially in cases where it is necessary to concentrate resources to achieve specific goals within the given terms.

    The concept of State Target Programs in the Russian Federation.

      Essence and types of State Target Programs.

In a market economy, the program-target method of management becomes, along with forecasting the socio-economic development of the country and its regions, one of the main tools for implementing the state regional economic and social policy.

Federal target programs and interstate target programs, in which the Russian Federation participates, represent a complex of research, development, production, socio-economic, organizational, economic and other measures linked by resources, executors and implementation timeframes that provide an effective solution tasks in the field of state, economic, environmental, social and cultural development of the Russian Federation.

In Russia, the first program was the GOELRO plan - a comprehensive state plan for the electrification of the country, adopted in 1920. The first government decision in modern Russia on federal targeted programs (FTP) was made at the end of 1993 - under the Fuel and Energy program. . Until the middle of 1995, this process had an exclusively strong-willed and unsystematic character, since there was no normative regulation in the sphere of development and implementation of FTPs. One of the first laws that determined the methodology for the development and implementation of FTPs was the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 60-FZ “On the supply of products for federal state needs” dated December 13, 1995. And only after the adoption of this law was a government decree adopted, which approved the procedure development and implementation of FTP.

The key task for the development of the Russian Federation at present is the transition to a model of dynamic and sustainable economic growth based on improving the efficiency of state institutions, increasing the degree of competitiveness of the Russian economy, and diversifying production and exports. This implies a shift in emphasis in the state economic policy from solving the current problems of ensuring social and macroeconomic balance to a policy aimed at intensifying structural changes. Such changes, in turn, mean an extension of the planning horizon, an increase in the priority of medium-term and long-term development goals, and the development of appropriate methods for achieving them.

One of the necessary conditions for the competitiveness of the economy and ensuring sustainable development is to increase the efficiency of public administration through administrative reform, improvement of budgeting methods, the transition from "resource planning" to "results planning". The focus of management on achieving specific goals (results), regardless of the specific structure of government bodies and the distribution of functions, predetermines an increase in the role and place of program-target management methods.

The main goal of developing state target programs is to promote the implementation public policy in priority areas of development of the state, individual sectors of the economy and administrative-territorial units. This goal is achieved by ensuring the concentration of financial, material, technical and labor resources in priority areas for the development of the national economy, coordinating the activities of central and local executive authorities, enterprises, institutions and organizations.

It is important to note that the development of the state target program is carried out under the following conditions:

    the existence of a problem that cannot be resolved by means of territorial or sectoral management and state support is needed;

    conformity of the goal of the program with priority areas of state policy;

    the presence of a real possibility of resource support for the execution of the program.

Federal target programs are currently the main, and in fact the only well-established and effectively operating tool for program-targeted planning in the Russian Federation.

The main features and benefits of this tool are:

    focus on solving the complex tasks facing the Russian Federation as a state and as a socio-economic system;

    longer planning horizon, comparable with the terms of return and payback of investments and allowing to evaluate medium-term and long-term socio-economic effects;

    a systematic approach to the formation of a set of mutually agreed on resources and timing of activities to achieve the goals;

    a high degree of transparency of government orders and purchases within the framework of program activities, ensuring control over the efficiency of spending state budget funds;

    the availability of the possibility of prompt and effective adjustment of program activities, ensuring the flexibility of the policy pursued, and the possibility of a quick response to changes in the conditions for the implementation of the program;

    the opportunity within the framework of programs to combine and unite the efforts of authorities at various levels and the private sector of the economy.

It should be noted that there are many types of targeted programs that can be classified by status, purpose, timing, focus and implementation mechanisms (see Fig. 1)

Classification of target programs

By status

By implementation time

Implementation mechanisms

Federal Interregional Regional Municipal


Short-term Medium-term Long-term


By appointment

By direction






Scientific and technical

Rice. one. Classification of target programs.

According to the status, target programs are divided into:





By appointment, they distinguish:

    comprehensive targeted programs that ensure the socio-economic development of the country, region or municipality;

    problematic targeted programs that provide a solution to one specific problem.

According to the timing of implementation, there are:

    short-term (1 year) targeted programs;

    medium-term (3-5 years) targeted programs;

    long-term (10-15 or more years) targeted programs.

Long-term programs are aimed at achieving strategic goals. As a rule, the achievement of a strategic goal is a long process associated with significant structural shifts in the economy, which, due to the inertia of the economy, cannot be implemented quickly. Medium-term programs solve tactical problems. Short-term programs are aimed at solving current problems (operational goals).

According to the direction of the problems to be solved, there are:




    scientific and technical;

According to the implementation mechanism, there are:

    custom target programs with predetermined executors;

    competitive, when the performers are selected by the commission after the approval of the program and the amount of its funding.

Municipalities, on whose territory the activities of federal and regional target programs are implemented, can receive appropriate investments from the federal and regional budgets.

Sometimes experts distinguish projects by the level of significance of the program problem:

    international programs affecting the interests of the world community;

    federal programs solving problems of federal importance;

    regional programs that solve problems on the scale of the subjects of the federation;

    municipal programs, the area of ​​action of which affects the interests of residents of a particular municipality;

    industry programs that solve problems on an industry or sub-industry scale.

Thus, FTPs support the implementation of state policy in priority areas of development of the state, administrative-territorial units and individual sectors of the economy. The main advantages of this tool are: focus on solving complex problems, a long planning horizon, a high degree of transparency of government orders and procurement within the framework of program activities, etc. It should also be noted that targeted programs can be classified by status, purpose, timing, focus and mechanisms implementation.

      The main stages of the implementation of the State Target Programs.

Targeted programs are one of the most important means of implementing the structural policy of the state, actively influencing its socio-economic development and should be focused on the implementation of large-scale, most important investment and scientific and technical projects for the state aimed at solving systemic problems that fall within the competence of federal executive authorities.

Target programs are developed in accordance with the needs of a particular industry and are interconnected with the goals and priorities of the socio-economic development of the region.

Target programs exist at different levels: federal, regional, interregional, municipal.

The solution of large-scale intersectoral (sectoral) and regional problems, as a rule, is associated with the development and implementation of federal target programs, which should be considered as one of the means of the structural and regional policy of the state.

Regional programs - programs for the economic and social development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, unlike federal targeted programs, are developed and implemented by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which themselves determine the goals and objectives of such programs, the procedure for their development and the mechanism for implementation.

For targeted programs, problems and goals are selected that are difficult to solve by other methods and it is impossible to use the mechanisms of market self-regulation.

Without a special target program, it is sometimes impossible to concentrate resources and coordinate the activities of numerous state authorities at various levels, to conclude interregional economic agreements.

When selecting specific production facilities and projects, the main factor is not violating equal competitive conditions and the ability to ensure maximum economic and budgetary efficiency.

Priority is given to those projects and production facilities where the provision of budgetary funds is expected mainly on a repayable basis and can lead to the largest inflow of extrabudgetary funds, including foreign investors.

The following main stages in the development of targeted programs can be distinguished:

    Selecting a program object. The object of the program (industry, cluster) should be a strategic priority for the region or the country as a whole. At the same time, the program should not be too broad, covering too much scope of work, but also not too narrow, not providing a breakthrough. Here are the following sub-steps:

    Selection of goals, building a "tree of goals". For the target program, goals are selected, and then their hierarchy is built. The main goal is determined, and then the goals of the first, second, and, if necessary, the third levels that specify it. A comprehensive analysis of these goals is needed so that the set of lower-level goals ensures the achievement of higher-level goals. Goals should be formulated as clearly and specifically as possible.

    Justification of the system of activities necessary to achieve the goals of the program, targeting of these activities (who and when should implement them), building a schedule for the implementation of the program, as well as determining the performance criteria by which the activities will be evaluated.

    Structuring the program, defining program components, blocks of projects and individual projects, since each project of the program makes a certain contribution to achieving the overall result.

    Estimation of resources (primarily for R&D and investments) necessary for the implementation of projects and the program as a whole, possible sources of financing and conditions for their receipt (own funds, loans, issue of shares, budget support) .

    Creation of an organizational structure for the implementation of the program, training. Usually, a target organizational structure is created for the implementation of programs (a consortium, a holding company, a financial and industrial group, etc.).

    Control and acceptance of works. It is necessary to carry out extra-program control over the progress and results of the program in order to make timely adjustments to it, to carry out the acceptance of each completed project, subsystem, each stage of the program, comparing the results obtained with the set goals and the project.

    Monitoring the implementation of the program should be constantly monitored. To monitor the degree of achievement of the main and intermediate results of the program, it is necessary to develop a system of balanced scorecards.

    Forecast of results. The program should include not only a forecast of the final results, but also intermediate results for comparing the results of the stages of the program implementation and forecasts in order to adjust the actions to implement the program.

In addition, the target program may include several subprograms aimed at solving specific problems within the program. The division of the target program into subprograms is carried out on the basis of the scale and complexity of the problems being solved, as well as the need for a rational organization of their solution.

The target program consists of the following sections:

    characteristics of the problem, the solution of which is directed by the target program;

    the main goals and objectives of the target program, indicating the timing and stages of its implementation, as well as target indicators and indicators;

    list of program activities;

    substantiation of resource provision of the target program;

    mechanism for the implementation of the target program, including the mechanism for managing the program and the mechanism for the interaction of state customers;

    assessment of socio-economic and environmental efficiency of the target program.

The target program also contains a passport of the federal target program, which indicates: name, date of the decision to develop the program, date of its approval, state customer, state customer-coordinator, main developers, goals and objectives of the program (Appendix 1).

    The first section of the target program should contain a detailed statement of the problem, including an analysis of the causes of its occurrence, justification of its connection with the national priorities of socio-economic development, and the expediency of a programmatic solution to the problem at the federal level. The section should also contain a rationale for the need to solve the problem by the program-target method and an analysis of the various options for this solution, as well as a description of the main risks associated with the program-target method of solving the problem.

    The second section of the target program should contain detailed formulations of the goals and objectives of the program, indicating target indicators and indicators. Requirements for the goals of the program: specificity (goals must correspond to the competence of state customers of the target program); achievability (goals must be potentially achievable); measurability (it should be possible to verify the achievement of goals); binding to the time schedule (the deadline for achieving the goal and the stages of implementing the target program with the definition of relevant goals should be established). The section should contain a rationale for the need to solve the set tasks in order to achieve the formulated goals of the program and justify the timing of solving the tasks and implementing the program, describing the main stages of implementation and indicating the predicted values ​​of target indicators and indicators for each stage, as well as the conditions for early termination of the implementation of the target program.

    The third section of the target program should contain a list of activities that are proposed to be implemented to solve the tasks of the target program and achieve the goals set, as well as information on the resources required for the implementation of each activity (indicating the items of expenditure and funding sources) and the timing. Program activities should be linked in terms of time and resources, and ensure the solution of the objectives of the target program. Program activities should provide for a set of measures to prevent negative consequences that may arise during their implementation. In some cases, in order to achieve the goals of the program, make changes to regulatory legal acts, the target program may contain an annex with a plan for the preparation and adoption of the necessary regulatory legal acts.

    In the fourth section The target program should contain a rationale for the resource support necessary for the implementation of the program, as well as the timing and sources of funding. In addition, the section should include a justification for the possibility of attracting (in addition to federal budget funds) extra-budgetary funds and funds from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the implementation of program activities and a description of the mechanisms for attracting these funds.

    The main requirements for the fifth section of the target program are set out in section VII of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2004 N 842 “On Amendments to the Procedure for the Development and Implementation of Federal Target Programs and Interstate Target Programs in which the Russian Federation Participates”.

    The sixth section of the target program should contain a description of the social, economic and environmental consequences that may arise during the implementation of the program, a general assessment of the contribution of the target program to economic development, as well as an assessment of the efficiency of spending budget funds. Efficiency evaluation is carried out by years or stages during the entire period of implementation of the target program, and, if necessary, after its implementation. The methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of a target program is developed by government customers (government customers-coordinators), taking into account the specifics of the program, and should serve as an annex to the text of the program.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that targeted programs can be developed both within the administration and outsourced to external organizations, consulting companies. The state customer is responsible for timely and high-quality preparation, as well as the implementation of the targeted program. In addition, he prepares the initial task for its formation, manages the actions of the developers, manages the executors of the program after its approval, and ensures the effective use of funds allocated for the implementation of the program. Federal target programs consist of six sections and have certain requirements for their content. In addition, there are five main stages in the development of targeted programs: the choice of the object of the program, the creation of an organizational structure for the implementation of the program, the control and acceptance of work, the monitoring of program implementation, and the forecast of results.

      Problems of Formation of State Target Programs.

The problems of development and implementation of targeted programs are becoming essential in the current conditions of economic development.

Solving the problems of developing and implementing targeted programs and improving the approach to applying the program-target method is currently becoming the most relevant. Federal targeted programs are an important tool for the effective use of federal budget funds, which allows for maximum concentration of resources in key areas of growth of the national economy and in its competitive sectors, including those with high innovative potential.

Despite the fact that target programs are the most important tool for implementing the state economic policy for the development of the country, an effective mechanism for solving priority tasks, they are often implemented with insufficient efficiency and do not achieve the planned results. All this points to the need to improve them.

Problems are present both at the initial stage of project development and at the stage of approval of targeted programs. However, the main number of problems arises at the stage of implementation of target programs and the most important task of state authorities is to develop proposals for improving the application of the program-target method. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 26, 1995 No. 594 determines the procedure for the development of federal targeted programs. In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and at the local level, relevant regulatory documents are adopted on the basis of the procedure approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. A study of target programs operating in the Russian Federation revealed a number of shortcomings in the current procedure for developing and approving target programs.

One of the main problems is the insufficient elaboration of the mechanism and procedures for making decisions on the development of federal targeted programs. To do this, it is necessary to develop in detail the goals of the program, the formulations of which are not always specific and clear in order to determine those priority areas for the achievement of which the program was prepared. Therefore, when developing draft programs, it would be advisable to organize an Interdepartmental Commission for a detailed review of programs and their individual activities before they are adopted and formalized.

One of the shortcomings of targeted programs is also insufficient structuring of activities that are not united among themselves. common goal. Therefore, the bodies responsible for their implementation are not always successful in ensuring a reasonable selection of projects from among those submitted for execution. In some programs, there is no list of specific activities, deadlines for their implementation, the amount of resources required at each step of the program implementation is not calculated, which leads to a delay in the implementation of the program, and therefore reduces its effectiveness. Therefore, the need for resources to achieve the goals and results of the program must be justified, linked to tasks and deadlines that take into account external conditions and risks.

In addition, the system for managing the implementation of the program should be determined, including the delimitation of the powers and responsibilities of the subjects of management. Sometimes indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of program implementation, defined in quantitative terms, as well as indicative indicators that are mandatory for monitoring implementation by the planned stages and years, are not given. The absence of these indicators does not allow to perceive the program as an integral systemic document aimed at achieving the intended results, makes it impossible to conduct a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the activities planned for implementation, as well as assess their effectiveness and follow-up control. Consequently, a poorly developed program does not ensure the full achievement of the goals and positive results.

If the planned results of target programs cannot be quantified (because they do not have numerical indicators), then with a reduction in funding for target programs, the criteria and volumes of target indicators, as well as the planned socio-economic effect, remain unchanged, which violates the cost-benefit ratio and makes the program declarative. The existing approaches to financing targeted programs have a significant impact on the effectiveness of their implementation. The amount of resources is determined not by the goals that need to be achieved, but depending on the available resources. financial resources, only after that the goals and objectives of the program are outlined. Therefore, the goals of the program are always a compromise between the desired result and the available funds.

Also, one of the problems is the adjustment of programs that are associated with a decrease in funding. As a result, the totality of the achieved results does not correspond to the chosen priorities and poorly ensures the achievement of the set goals of the program. To solve this problem, the amount of allocated funds necessary for the implementation of existing target programs should ensure the achievement of planned results at each stage of the program. The reduction in funding should be closely linked to the adjustment of the goals and results of programs. In modern conditions, there is a tendency to increase the number of targeted programs. Budget expenditures for the implementation of target programs are not consistent with the real possibilities of the budget over the period of the programs' implementation. As a result, the overburdened budget is not able to provide full funding for all programs, even with additional funding from extrabudgetary sources. The consequence of this is a reduction in funding, which does not allow to achieve the planned results. An unreasonable increase in the number of target programs can be avoided by introducing a funding limit for a certain industry, when the preparation of the program does not lead to the need to finance one or another direction in excess of the established limits. The system of control over the implementation of targeted programs also needs to be improved. The state financial control of targeted programs is mainly reduced to control over the targeted use of budgetary funds and the timeliness of financing the activities of the program in accordance with its implementation. In modern conditions, preliminary control should be given greater importance. Preliminary control is necessary, as it allows to separate inefficient programs before their approval and execution, as well as to exclude from programs uncontrolled and unfunded activities.

Another problem of targeted programs is that the monitoring and evaluation of their effectiveness by state customers is not always carried out at the proper level. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that there is no sanction in the legislation for the unreliability of information collected by state customers on the financing of federal targeted programs from the budget of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and extrabudgetary sources. Such liability is provided only for inefficient spending of federal budget funds, which, of course, can be considered a gap in Russian legislation. Monitoring is an inseparable element of the target program implementation mechanism. With its help, a comparison of the actual implementation of the program with the planned one is provided, after which measures are formed to correct it. Monitoring of targeted programs can be rationally divided into: monitoring the effectiveness of the program (assessing the degree of achievement of the goal or goals) and monitoring the effectiveness of the program (estimating the costs of its implementation). The lack of order in most target programs, methods for assessing the effectiveness of its implementation and the effectiveness of expenses incurred makes it possible for the control and accounting authorities only to record a violation of the RF BC in this part, but does not allow for a comprehensive assessment of efficiency.

Thus, the weakest link in targeted programs is the procedure, including the methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of its implementation and evaluating the effectiveness of expenditures, as well as the lack of a clear link between goals, objectives, activities and planned results. Therefore, in order to solve this problem, executive authorities should provide for an assessment of the effectiveness of spending funds by year or stage, the procedure and methodology for assessing the effectiveness of program implementation, forms and procedures for reporting and control.

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the Federal target programs are developed in accordance with the needs of a particular industry and are interconnected with the goals and priorities of the socio-economic development of the region. Target programs exist at different levels: federal, regional, interregional, municipal. They have a certain development structure, as well as certain criteria for the content of the program. The development and implementation of target programs occupies one of the main places in solving problems at the state modern stage of economic development. Despite their effectiveness, there are certain problems, the main number of which arises at the stage of implementation of targeted programs. First of all, in order to solve emerging problems, it is necessary to focus on the implementation of already developed programs and only then on the development of new ones, it is also necessary to cope with the identified shortcomings and use the accumulated positive experience to solve problems that arise in the implementation of targeted programs. Targeted programs can become an effective management tool if their development and implementation is scientifically based.

2. Systems of State Target Programs in the regions of Russia.

      Problems of implementation of regional State Target Programs.

A new planning system is being actively formed in the country, in which a special place is given to state targeted programs as a tool for solving complex problems of society. In the process of their development and implementation, the interrelations and interactions of participants are taken into account, the integration of organizations and sectors of the economy is carried out, and the interconnection of social and economic parameters of the functioning of the regions and the center is ensured.

The term "program" is used no less than the term "plan", but despite the large amount of program documentation at all levels of management, the effect of their implementation is often minimal, since achieving the effectiveness of the program-target method in Russian practice is constrained by a number of unresolved organizational, economic, social and legal problems.

Program-targeted planning (PPP) has become one of the forms of state regulation in the current conditions. This is due to the fact that it is widely and effectively used in countries with a market economy, over the years of centralized management, in our country, a sufficiently high theoretical and methodological level has been achieved, the development of targeted programs and practical experience in their implementation has been accumulated.

After the adoption of the law “On State Forecasting and Programs for the Socio-Economic Development of the Russian Federation”, as well as the “Procedure for the Development and Implementation of Federal Target Programs and Interstate Target Programs in which the Russian Federation Participates”, an intensive and mostly unsystematic growth in the number of federal target programs began. all directions. At the same time, ignoring economic conditions has led to low efficiency of government programs.

The growth in their number had a negative impact on the quality of execution of each of these programs, and on their financing.

According to the government's plans, since 2006 the program-target method has become the main mechanism for managing public investments. In addition to the issues of financing (in terms of volumes and sources), which, like several years ago, are in the foreground, the implementation of the potential of the program-target method is hampered by the shortcomings of a number of programs, the organizational and methodological tools for their formation and implementation require improvement.

Despite the fact that much attention is paid to improving the processes of formation and implementation of target programs, inefficient approaches still prevail in the methodology of state programming. A rather tangible number of programs at various levels is more declarative than scientifically based. These programs are long lists of investment proposals. They do not contain clearly formulated performance indicators and target indicators, they do not indicate a focus on specific results - one of the main advantages of targeted programs. Another, significant group of programs mostly fit the definition of the plan. It can be assumed that the programs have some features that distinguish them from other planned organizational and managerial documents.

The program is focused, first of all, on creating an idea about the process of activity itself, therefore, creating a clear image of the desired result and ways to achieve it, appropriate in terms of the state programming, is more appropriate in the form of target priorities.

The most significant problem affecting the implementation of federal targeted programs is the economic crisis that has broken out. In 2012, the budget had to be reduced, abandoning many expenses and current investments. Even then it was clear that the federal targeted programs would have to be reduced by almost half. For example, this year the budget of the federal target program "Maintaining, developing the use of the GLONASS system for 2012-2020" will be cut by more than 5 billion rubles. Such changes are contained in the bill adopted by the State Duma in the first reading. Financing of GLONASS for 2015 will be reduced by 10% and, thus, it will amount to 42.5 billion rubles. An indicator of 10% is the average indicative size for the group of programs "Space activities of the Russian Federation for 2013-2020" .

According to the bill, as a result of GLONASS budget cuts, the state does not make contributions to the authorized capitals of such companies as Siberian Devices and Systems OJSC, Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern, Russian Corporation for Rocket and Space Instrumentation and Information Systems, NPP Salyut , JSC "Plant "Navigator", NPP "Kvant" and "Information satellite systems named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev".

A large-scale budget reform has begun in Russia. As follows from the program for improving the efficiency of budget spending published by the Ministry of Finance, ministries and departments will receive state money only for specific long-term targeted programs that federal departments will be asked to write based on the goals of the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of Russia until 2020. Each ministry will have at least one target program. This will make the implementation of the federal target program more efficient and not scatter budget investments. But to implement the reform, legislative and documentary revision is needed to eliminate red tape.

But, there are also features of the FTP that reduce their effectiveness:

    underfunding of FTPs from extrabudgetary sources;

    project approach in transport, social sphere, real sector.

The effectiveness of the program-target method is reduced as a result of:

    lack of a systematic vision of the country's spatial development priorities;

    difficulties in launching projects that have not received the highest political priority.

Thus, the complexity of programmable systems implies a high degree of uncertainty, so the emphasis should be shifted from planned mental structures to the reality in which the action unfolds. Even if the development of the program is based on serious forecasts, which is rare, a well-executed, detailed program that does not imply adjustments obviously becomes unfeasible. There are no clear mechanisms for improving program activities, and without a significant change in target indicators, the slightest difficulties in the implementation of program activities at a certain stage can reduce the level of its effectiveness to nothing.

Since the problems of lack of funding and incompleteness of program activities cannot be avoided, the program should first of all indicate directions for action. Otherwise, at the initial stage of the program implementation, significant changes in reality may occur, which will lead to the inefficiency of this process. Program management has a potential that can mobilize resources to solve such economic and social problems that do not find the necessary correspondence and material support in the structure of interests of the existing sectors of the economy.

Based on the foregoing, it can be said that in Russian practice, the achievement of the effectiveness of the program-target method is hindered by a number of unresolved problems of an organizational, economic, social and legal nature. The main ones are the shortcomings of the organizational and methodological tools, its financing and implementation, which require improvement. In addition, there are shortcomings in the groups of programs corresponding to the definition of the plan, as well as the developed economic crisis, taking into account which a significant share of the budget had to be reduced.

      Models of Regional Target Programs.

At present, there are 52 federal targeted programs and projects in the Russian Federation, including: 48 active FTPs; 4 draft FTPs (+ 1 draft of a new subprogram within the framework of the current FTP) (Appendix 2).

When developing a comprehensive and functional program, it is necessary to be guided by the ideas, the general idea of ​​the concept of regional development. The concept contains criteria for selection and ranking of territorial problems, sets the main goal and goals of other orders. Guided by conceptual provisions, complex and functional targeted programs are developed for each region. The complex program is aimed at solving the key socio-economic and environmental problem, functional - at solving particular problems: social, environmental, economic.

Comprehensive targeted programs are long-term and are designed to solve the problems of regional policy. Their implementation will improve conditions, improve the level and quality of life of the population, implement fundamental structural changes, increase the efficiency of the regional economy and the social sphere, ensure socio-economic and environmental security, and rational use of natural resources.

Target programs are developed in the form single document, which usually includes the following sections:

    The main goals and objectives, terms and stages of the program implementation.

    A set of program activities.

    Resource support for the program.

    Program implementation mechanism.

    Organization of program management and control over the course of its implementation.

    Evaluation of the expected effectiveness, social, economic, environmental consequences of the implementation of the program.

    Program Passport.

The schematic model of the target complex program for the development of regions consists of five blocks: target, resource, procedural, coordinating and providing (see Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Schematic model of the target integrated program.

The target block includes an analysis of the problem situation and the definition of goals of the first, second and subsequent orders.

The resource block reflects the internal potential of the region and includes natural resource, bioecological, production, demographic, social, innovation, and investment factors. Based on the analysis of primary information and diagnostic calculations, material, financial, and labor resource balances are developed. The balance method allows you to determine the timing and choose rational options for the implementation of the program.

The procedural block includes all processes of regional development, from technological, industrial, agricultural and ending with social and spiritual ones. It is a link between the target and resource blocks. On the basis of network graphs and directed graphs, all processes are interconnected in terms of time, resources and performers. Particular attention is drawn to the combination of existing and newly created economic, infrastructural and other facilities.

The coordinating block allows you to balance goals and resources, subprograms and the program as a whole, identify customers and organize the work of performers. In this block, all the “threads” of interaction between the elements of the program are revealed, the activities of the performers, the volumes and deadlines for the implementation of interrelated activities are coordinated.

The enabling unit plays an important role in the development and implementation of the program. It includes methodological, legal, financial, scientific and technical, information support. Special attention should be paid to scientific, including geographical, support, which allows the most constructive development and implementation of programs, taking into account innovative achievements.

Comprehensive programs for the socio-economic development of regions are becoming essential documents in the "package" of programs of cross-functional and functional profile. In this "package" an attempt is made to link the content of the programs with each other, with material and financial resources.

Among the functional programs, the highest priority are social, demographic, industrial, agricultural, environmental, infrastructure, construction, innovation, scientific and technical. Priorities are usually specified and may vary by territory, cycles and stages of development of specific areas of people's life. In each region, such programs are being developed that are the most relevant and at the same time resource-provided, capable of directly or indirectly affecting the livelihoods of the population. They must also correspond to the interests and needs of territorial communities of people. In the regions, the most common programs are "housing", "education" and "health".

The basis of targeted programs is a system of activities, tasks, including social, industrial, technological, organizational and other works (the third block of Fig. 2). The system of activities should be aimed at achieving program goals and agreed on resources, performers and deadlines. To increase the efficiency of programs, the sequence and complexity of the planned work is very important.

When developing programs, it is especially necessary to carefully calculate and balance resource provision. Financial, informational, innovative, constitutional and other resources are allocated in the support structure. Financial costs consist of the costs of developing programs and the costs of its implementation. The cost of research and development includes not only current costs, but also the costs of wages, the maintenance of bodies that regulate the process of implementing programs, transport services and communications, and business trips.

Financial provision of regional programs is carried out at the expense of budgetary and extrabudgetary funds. First of all, they are usually guided by their own budgets of the subjects of the Federation, as well as by the federal budget and the budgets of interested municipalities. Extra-budgetary sources include own funds of enterprises and funds, bank loans, private investors. In connection with the limited financial support, a very important point is the selection of priority projects and programs, energy production chains of production.

The tool for implementing targeted programs includes all the levers of regional policy. In relation to objects of regional property, this can be direct financing and numerous manifestations of the monetary mechanism, as well as tax benefits, export-import duties. In relation to objects of other forms of ownership, they use indirect economic methods (soft loans, tax breaks).

The opening of funding for the implementation of targeted programs should be consistent with other types of resource provision. Each planned object, successfully “fitting” into the regional structure, should be “provided” with a rational place on the territory of the region and in the geoecological space, natural and labor resources, and infrastructure services.

Due to the diversity of objects of different forms of ownership and financing, it is necessary to organize the management of the target program. Management functions can be assumed by the executive power of the region, or they are assigned to specially created bodies: the executive directorate, the coordinating council.

At all stages of the implementation of the target program, the executive and especially the legislative regional authorities carry out control functions that make it possible to establish the relationship between the final results and the costs of the program, to develop effective measures of influence that will ensure its implementation (fourth block of Fig. 2). The program usually defines the range of indicators necessary to monitor and evaluate its implementation. Among the indicators, the most objective are: the degree of implementation of program activities, the volume of resources used, compliance with the deadlines for the implementation of work. It is desirable to create monitoring observations and information centers in which the collection, storage, processing and presentation of all information on the target program will be carried out.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the target program is carried out during its development and in the process of implementation. The evaluation is determined by comparing the actual and target indicators of the program, as well as the ratio of program results to the costs of achieving them. In addition to the economic evaluation of the effectiveness of the program, it is desirable to evaluate the social, environmental, scientific and technical effectiveness. The indicators of such assessments can be an increase in life expectancy, an improvement in the structure of nutrition, an increase in living standards, the creation of new jobs, improvement of the environment, an increase in product quality, and an increase in the share of intellectual labor.

The evaluation of the consequences of the program implementation includes the identification of planned and unplanned final economic, social, environmental, cultural, scientific, technical and other results. To take into account all the consequences of the implementation of the program, it is necessary to conduct regional, analytical, diagnostic and predictive studies. These studies should be of a comprehensive nature and have broader chorological and chronological parameters; they will cover not only the socio-economic development of the region itself, but also the adjacent territories, as well as time limits that exceed the program deadlines. The assessment of the consequences of the implementation of targeted programs should be taken into account in the process of conducting regional policy.

Thus, programming, which has become the main link in regional planning, regulation and management, one of the methods of regional policy for conceptual reasons, needs further methodological and methodological improvement.

Based on the considered schematic model of the target complex program, which consists of five blocks: the target block, the resource block, the procedural block, the coordinating block and the providing block, it can be concluded that each of them plays an important role in the development and implementation of programs, it can be concluded that targeted programs developed at the federal, regional and municipal levels should be coordinated with each other in terms of goals and objectives, resources and means of putting them into action, deadlines and executors.

Coordination of programs, incorporated in the strategy and concepts of regional development, is the prerogative not only of management structures, but also of independent expertise and regulatory bodies that ensure a balance of interregional, regional and intermunicipal functioning

      Prospects for the development of State Target Programs.

The practice of developing and implementing FTPs for the economic and social development of regions in Russia has certain advantages and disadvantages.

The first ones include:

    focus on solving the fundamental problems of the regions, on restructuring their economies, on bringing it in line with new market realities, including through the activation of growth poles (sectoral and territorial), regions, centers, industries that can pull the regional economy out of the crisis ;

    the focus of the entire set of regional federal target programs on regions with the most acute economic, social and environmental problems and, thereby, on solving the problems of asymmetry in the territorial structure of the country's economy;

    a wide range of work on the preparation of regional FTPs. Although there are reasons to consider it too wide, especially in comparison with the limited possibilities for implementing such a number of programs, however, it is quite explainable by the large number of problem regions and is justified by the fact that it made it possible to cover most of the regions with software developments. This makes it possible for the leadership of the regions, engaged in solving everyday problems, to see strategic goals, to determine, at least for themselves, a consistent program of their own actions to improve regional finances, solve the region's fundamental economic and social problems in cooperation with all economic entities;

    the presence of a regulatory and legislative framework that provides an established mechanism for the preparation and adoption of FTPs, and the procedure for subsequent work with programs.

Among the shortcomings of working with regional FTPs, the most significant are the following:

    insufficient funding from the federal budget, regional budgets, and, which is especially important, from extrabudgetary sources, since the programs themselves rely on the fact that these sources should be the main ones. Weak funding from the federal budget has negative consequences, far exceeding its quantitative share in the structure of funding sources, since in most cases it is federal funds that should play a leading role, attracting other sources of funding and activating the entire investment activity in the region.

    the function of regional FTPs to be the organizer of the collection of money, and not the form of their distribution, was not sufficiently implemented, especially from the federal budget. In a number of regions, a dependent view of the federal target program has been preserved simply as a source of additional income. financial resources from the center (in this sense, the proposals sometimes coming from the regions to allocate federal funds for sectoral FTPs not to state customers of these programs, but to the regions are indicative - it is completely overlooked that the funds for these FTPs are targeted, that specific problems of federal significance should be solved at their expense for the modernization of industry complexes);

    the necessary sequence of implementation of program activities is insufficiently observed, the determination of the amount of state support for these activities begins anew every year, with the formation of the next federal budget. At the same time, of course, it is difficult to maintain the approach to the program as an integral, interconnected system of measures. True, events from programs are selected for financing, which are the result of a systematic study of the entire range of regional problems, but this does not stop them from being only separate elements of the program, and their interconnection and the necessary sequence of implementation are not always adequately taken into account;

    the necessary degree of coordination of all FTPs implemented in the territory of one region is not ensured, since in a number of sectoral programs the tasks and funds for their implementation are not distributed by region, and the interaction of state customers of these programs with regional administrations is not well-established in all regions;

    the need to give a certain priority to the objects included in the approved FTPs is not properly taken into account in the specific “filling up” of foreign credit lines provided under interstate agreements and under agreements with international organizations;

    in the practice of developing and implementing FTPs, the opportunities contained in the organic combination of market mechanisms and methods of state regulation are not sufficiently used.

Despite these shortcomings, federal targeted programs are very popular in the regions, as evidenced by the ongoing flow of applications from the regions to the government with requests to make decisions on the development of federal programs for these regions. It is important that an increasing number of regional leaders have well understood that, with all the costs in the practice of applying the program-target method, the federal programs of the regions make it possible, with skillful use, to attract domestic and foreign investors to solve the fundamental problems of the region's economy, using the availability of an approved Government of the program, confirming the seriousness of the intentions of the federal and regional authorities. And, besides, as already mentioned above, even the process of preparing the Program, even before its approval, gives the leadership of the region the opportunity to take a systematic look at the problems of the region and build their own action program not for a month or a year with inevitably limited goals, but for much a longer period and, accordingly, set more radical goals, the achievement of which would ensure a radical improvement in the situation in the regional economy and social sphere.

Thus, a quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation of the FTPs of the regions is very difficult now because, despite the large number of them and the accumulated diverse experience, the process of their implementation, in essence, is at an early stage. Nevertheless, for almost every program (except, of course, those just adopted) there are some real results in the form of implemented program activities.

So, for example, in Russia, in order to solve regional problems, the Federal Target Program "Reducing differences in the socio-economic development of the regions of the Russian Federation (2002-2010 and up to 2015)" is being implemented, based on the main directions of the socio-economic policy of the Government of the Russian Federation, in which set the task of adapting program mechanisms to a fundamentally new structure of priorities, forms and methods of state participation in solving the socio-economic problems of individual regions.

The need to solve this problem is determined by the presence of such generally recognized shortcomings of the modern practice of federal program regulation, such as:

    blurring of goals;

    lack of federal priorities;

    formality of program selection procedures;

    insufficient responsibility for the implementation of program activities.

Currently, financial assistance from the federal budget to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is provided through:

    Fund for Financial Support of the Subjects of the Russian Federation;

    Compensation Fund;

    Regional Development Fund.

Funds from the Regional Development Fund are used to finance facilities provided for in dozens of federal target programs for the development of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The current practice does not allow for an effective regional policy of state support for the regions. The program is oriented towards softening the inter-regional contrasts that have arisen during the transition period.

The most important arguments in favor of the implementation of the Program activities include:

    the possibility of combining many federal targeted programs for the development of regions into one program while maintaining the same volumes of their financing from the federal budget (through the Regional Development Fund);

    simplification of the procedure for coordinating decisions on issues related to the receipt of state support by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

    the possibility of forming, within the framework of the Program, a set of regulatory, legal and financial conditions to further increase the budgetary self-sufficiency of regions whose level of socio-economic development lags behind the average Russian one.

The resources of the Program will be targeted at the implementation of program activities for state support of the regions, which will prevent the emergence of new hotbeds of political and national-ethnic tension.

Achieving the main goals of the Program - reducing differences in the level of socio-economic development of the regions of the Russian Federation, reducing the gap in the main indicators of socio-economic development between the most developed and lagging regions - will allow solving such important tasks of regional economic policy as maintaining a single economic space of the country and developing processes of interregional economic integration, the formation of the all-Russian and regional markets, ensuring the economic independence of the regions.

The program involves the selection of regions to provide them with state support. Subjects of the Russian Federation applying for state support under the Program will be recognized as those in which the pace, scale and duration of the decline in production, declining living standards, the growth of negative trends in the field of employment, demographic and environmental development, the provision of social services are lower than all-Russian indicators .

For each such region, certain sets of measures are being developed that require state support, aimed at overcoming its lag in socio-economic development.

The program is designed for the long term. At each stage of its implementation, an assessment of effectiveness is carried out and, on this basis, both the methodology for selecting regions and the content of program activities are refined.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that Russia is actively developing and implementing Federal Target Programs. Despite their certain and obvious shortcomings in the formation, implementation and other areas, FTPs are a relevant and popular tool for implementing the state regional economic and social policy.

At present, the advantages of the program-target approach for solving the tasks facing the ministries and departments are not used enough.

The developed proposals in the field of improving the procedure for the formation and implementation of federal target programs are the initial stage of work, during which it is necessary to implement a number of measures listed below.

Determine the functions that it is expedient to implement through federal targeted programs at the stage of optimization and delimitation of the functions of government bodies.

Make a decision on the choice of programmatic or estimated funding for a particular function in each individual case on the basis of a reasonable analysis of the comparative effectiveness of achieving the goals facing the agency.

When developing concepts for new federal targeted programs and adjusting existing ones, provide for various options for their implementation.

When selecting federal targeted programs being developed and clarifying existing programs, first of all, evaluate the possibility of implementing, in a given time interval, the tasks that are set for the program by the Government of the Russian Federation:

    achievement of the goals of the programs within the established time frame, including the stages of program implementation;

    ensuring the indicators of effectiveness and efficiency of programs established by the Government of the Russian Federation according to the stages of their implementation;

    ensuring the possibility of financing programs according to the established stages from all sources, including from the federal budget;

    compliance of tasks solved by federal target programs, in specific time intervals, with the tasks of the program of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the medium term;

    compliance with the plan for the implementation of program activities according to the time stages established in the program;

    monitoring the progress of implementation of program activities at the stages of program implementation;

    the ability of state customers to implement the intermediate goals of the programs formed for individual stages, and not just the final goals of the programs.

Expand the typology of target programs in terms of managing federal target programs. In particular, it is advisable to separate programs that implement the goals of federal policy and are funded exclusively from the federal budget, programs focused on solving social problems, funded from regional budgets and from sources other than the federal budget, and programs that have a commercial result, funded mainly from extrabudgetary sources. Such a division is predetermined by various schemes for managing and implementing programs, the complexity of their administration, and various criteria for budgetary and economic efficiency.

Raise the requirements for state customers for the unconditional financing of federal target programs at the expense of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and extra-budgetary sources.

Carry out an annual analysis of the activities of directorates of federal target programs.

Tighten the requirements for annual reports on the implementation of federal targeted programs.

In addition, in order to strengthen control over the efficiency of spending federal budget funds, achieve maximum transparency in the process of determining the cost of construction sites and facilities during tenders, as well as introduce the principles of stability and predictability of financing construction sites and facilities for the entire period of their construction, it is necessary:

    develop and implement for mandatory use a standard contract (contract) for use in construction projects funded from the federal budget and valid for the entire period of work;

    carry out the approval by state customers of assignments for the design of buildings and facilities for federal state needs after the assignments have been agreed with the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia;

    exercise control over contract tenders (tenders) for all newly started construction projects included in the list of construction projects and facilities for federal state needs, entrusting these functions to the supervisory body in this area in accordance with the draft federal law "On placing orders for the supply of goods, fulfillment works, provision of services for state needs”;

    to finance newly started construction projects only after the control body confirms the legality of holding contract tenders (competitions) and submission of title lists of construction projects for the entire construction period;

    clarify the methodology for conducting contract tenders (competitions) and opening financing for newly started construction projects at the expense of the federal budget and budgets of other levels (mixed financing).

The adoption of these measures will make it possible to bring some stability into the process of forming and implementing the list of construction sites and facilities and minimize the need to reallocate funds during the year.

These proposals will make it possible to increase the effectiveness of the implementation of federal target programs as a tool for budget investments and to solve the most important socio-economic tasks of the development of the Russian Federation.


In this course work, the theoretical foundations of state targeted programs, their development and implementation at the federal and regional levels were considered. The goals and objectives of the work determined the structure of the study, which made it possible to visually present the material on the topic of this work.

The first chapter revealed:

    conditions for the development of FTPs: the existence of a problem that cannot be resolved by means of territorial or sectoral management and state support is needed; conformity of the goal of the program with priority areas of state policy; the presence of a real possibility of resource support for the execution of the program.

    classification of targeted programs by status, implementation timeframe, implementation mechanisms, purpose and direction.

    the main stages in the development of the FTP: the choice of the object of the program, the creation of an organizational structure for the implementation of the program, control and acceptance of work, monitoring the implementation of programs, as well as forecasting the results.

In addition, the features and advantages of program-targeted planning were considered:

    focus on solving complex problems;

    longer planning horizon;

    a systematic approach to the formation of a set of mutually agreed on resources and timing of activities;

    a more open and public procedure for the formation of programs and the progress of their implementation compared to other methods of public financing;

    a high degree of transparency of government orders and procurement within the framework of program activities;

    the possibility of prompt and effective adjustment of program activities;

    the opportunity within the framework of programs to combine and unite the efforts of authorities at various levels and the private sector of the economy.

In addition, problems and ways to solve them in the formation of state programs were considered.

In the second chapter of this work, a study was made of the problems of implementing regional federal target programs. The most significant problem affecting the implementation of federal target programs is the outbreak of the economic crisis, which affected the reduction in funding for federal target programs.

A schematic model of a comprehensive target program was also considered, its advantages and disadvantages were disclosed.

In addition, further prospects for the development of state target programs were identified, which were considered on the example of the Federal Target Program "Reducing differences in the socio-economic development of the regions of the Russian Federation (2002-2010 and up to 2015)".

Based on this course work, we can conclude that Russia is actively developing and implementing Federal Target Programs. Despite their certain and obvious shortcomings in the formation, implementation and other areas, FTPs are a relevant and popular tool for implementing the state regional economic and social policy.

Federal and regional targeted programs act as the most important direct regulators of the economic processes taking place on the territory of the country. They represent a coordinated set of design, research, production, organizational, economic and other activities carried out with the support of the state, linked in terms of time, resources and performers.

Federal and regional target programs

For many decades, since the 1920s, the drawing up of economic plans has been widespread in the USSR. Together with them, complex, including regional targeted programs were developed. Currently, they provide solutions to problems in the scientific, technical, economic, socio-cultural, and environmental spheres. Federal targeted programs are aimed at implementing the policy in the field of public economy with the support of the state. Today they are quite common, and their number is constantly growing. Target programs at the regional level are distinguished by pronounced territorial characteristics, the specifics of information sources and the composition of participants. Their role is to integrate individual, collective, state interests into market economy, mobilization of forces for the implementation of major projects.


Regional targeted programs are used as a tool for the direct impact of the state on the market economy within a particular territory. This method of management acts as one of the most important means of influencing problem areas: developed, depressive. At the same time, regional targeted programs of Russia are being successfully implemented in relatively wealthy territories. In both cases, the solution of both current and future tasks is provided. An example is the regional targeted programs of the Leningrad region. Currently, the attention of the authorities is drawn to improving the quality of life, the state of the economy of St. Petersburg. In particular, programs are being developed to create conditions for attracting labor resources to the city.

The essence of new projects

The targeted regional and municipal programs being developed today embody the complex of "free market" and "hard plan". Projects set strict guidelines economic activity. At the same time, stimulation and implementation of targeted programs are carried out on a commercial basis. Methods of attracting performers and ways of allocating resources are based on the principles of voluntariness, collective and individual interest. Financial incentives are also important. Regional target programs imply targeting and obligatory execution of the planned activities by all participants. They are provided with economic contracts, combined with a set of economic incentives, and not directive tasks, as was the case before.

Problem selection

By preparing regional targeted programs, the developers solve a number of methodological problems. The main one relates to problem selection. In modern conditions, the tasks of territorial and national economic development are changing quite quickly. At the same time, the available financial and other resources are always limited. The criteria for selecting a problem are:

  1. The significance of the issue for the national and territorial economy, the connection with structural changes, strengthening the efficiency of the economic system, improving the quality of life of citizens, ensuring environmental safety, etc.
  2. The multifaceted and intersectoral nature of the problem, the presence of executors of decisions and the need to coordinate their work. In a nutshell, this criterion can be defined as the complexity and complexity of the issue.
  3. Progressiveness and novelty of organizational, technical and other measures, expected high performance.

Additional Features

The above criteria should also include the complexity or impossibility of solving the problem within a reasonable time using market mechanism and the need to attract government support. However, according to experts, this sign is disputable, since complex and urgent problems can be solved exclusively by program methods and with the participation of the authorities.

Determination of goals

This is quite a responsible task. The clear target nature of the program is expressed in the strict orientation of each event and the use of any resource, as well as the activities of all participants. The main task is reduced to specific targeted tasks. When developing, it is recommended to use a graphic-analytical approach. With its help, the goal is divided into tasks by levels. Their quantitative assessment is carried out using relative indicators of meeting the needs of the territory. However, the reliability of this approach remains questionable.

In practice, when developing projects, it is used quite rarely. Moreover, it is not possible in all cases to determine normative indicators. As an alternative, socio-economic indicators can be used. They indirectly express the levels of performance of certain tasks. For example, regional targeted programs to preserve the health of the population can use the average duration of active professional activity, life, etc. as indicators.

Efficiency mark

The effectiveness of the development and subsequent implementation of the program is expressed by specific outcome indicators. Analysis of the relationship between them and expenditures is reflected in private and general values ​​of economic, comparative and absolute efficiency (volume of national income per person, proportionality of consumption and accumulation funds, etc.). Private indicators characterize the level of resource use: capital, capital, material efficiency, and so on. Taking into account domestic and foreign practice, the specifics of adaptation to market conditions, depending on the type of program, it is usually recommended to use different values ​​to analyze its effectiveness. Among them: the size of specific capital investments, labor productivity, and so on. In the analysis, one can also use the volumes of production of key types of products, the commissioning of non-production facilities and production capacities, indicators of scientific and technological development, import and resource substitution.

Features of indicators

The importance of using different indicators in programs is obvious. But at the same time, cross-cutting quantities should be present among them in the first place. They are used to compare programs and outcomes across the country as a whole. In addition, you must use. Some programs may require a set value system. In market conditions, quantitative assessments of the results of commercial activities are of the greatest relevance.


Meanwhile, for macroeconomic analysis, it is necessary to identify the national economic performance. The requirement of national expediency must be observed when determining the entire system of indicators. For example, one should not be limited by the capital turnover ratio in the developed territories, since this may lead to the creation of an industry structure that will not meet the specifics and needs of the regions, as well as the promising interests of the state.

Event specifics

The regional program may include a set of measures to improve the economy and social sphere. These include, for example, the satisfaction of needs in fuel and energy resources, the regulation of tariffs, the elimination of the consequences of a natural disaster, and so on. Measures to stabilize the situation may be planned as the next stage. Among them:

  1. Reducing the fuel and energy deficit.
  2. Overcoming stagnation in industries of specialization.
  3. Consolidation of new economic ties.
  4. Formation of conditions for economic growth.

At the next stage, the revitalization of the economic complex can be carried out. Within the framework of this activity, efforts are concentrated on issues of structural adjustment and sustainable development. Key activities may include:

  1. Expansion of transport infrastructure.
  2. Complex solution of energy problems.
  3. Expansion of the export potential of the territory.

At all stages, it is necessary to ensure:

  1. Prevention of outflow of citizens.
  2. Retaining skilled workers. This is ensured through state assistance in the field of employment and social protection.
  3. Nature protection and rational use of natural resources.


The implementation of regional target programs is of great practical importance for the population. In some cases, there is a need for a phased solution of the problems of accelerated development, advanced, adequate strengthening of infrastructure, and improving the quality of life of citizens. In small areas, the range of problems may be limited, for example, to activities in the agro-industrial and construction complexes, the sphere of development of the border area and social services. In any program, a separate section is reserved for funding issues. Funds from budgets and extra-budgetary funds are attracted for the implementation of activities. However, private investors provide most of the funding.

Complexes of measures included in programs are usually considered in several versions. For example, becoming transport complex can be represented in the scenario of using the existing infrastructure and its active improvement. Meanwhile, according to some experts, there are currently too many programs. Many of them are subject to constant revision. At the same time, their goals and content are violated. There is also the problem of financing, which negatively affects the process of program implementation.

Federal targeted programs are an important tool for the effective use of federal budget funds, which makes it possible to ensure the concentration of resources in key areas of economic growth and in its competitive sectors, including those with high innovation potential. Fedorov N.V., Kurakov L.P. Forecasting the socio-economic development of regions. M., 2011

The implementation of the FTP provides for investing in the development of human potential, the implementation of environmental protection measures and the creation of conditions for safe life. Ignatieva A.V. Research of control systems: Proc. allowance for students. universities, education according to special "State and municipal administration" and "Management". - M.: UNITI, 2010

Federal programs are developed in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 13, 1994 No. 60-FZ "On the supply of products for federal state needs", the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2005 No. 94-FZ "On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision services for state municipal needs", Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation.

In 2010, there were 53 federal target programs (46 subprograms) in the Russian Federation, and in 2011 this figure increased to 57 federal target programs (42 subprograms).

Picture 1

The share of FTP in the expenditure part of the federal budget (billion rubles). Data from the Department of State Target Programs and Capital Investments of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation - http://fcp.economy.gov.ru/

On the basis of this diagram, it can be concluded that expenditures on federal targeted programs of the total volume of federal budget expenditures are kept at the level of 7.5% - 8.5%, so in 2010 this figure was 7.53%, and in 2011 - 8.65%. Those. increased by 1.13%, which may be directly related to the fact that in 2011 the start of new FTPs is envisaged - 4 new FTPs will be financed. For a more detailed acquaintance with the FTP, you can view the full list of federal targeted programs in 2011 (Appendix 2).

On average, 15.7 billion rubles were provided for one program in 2009, and 14.6 billion rubles in 2010. rubles, and in 2011 this indicator is planned at the level of 16.2 billion rubles

Table 1

Volumes of budgetary financing of federal targeted programs Data from the Department of State Targeted Programs and Capital Investments of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation “Amounts of budgetary financing of federal targeted programs” - http://fcp.economy.gov.ru/

Volumes of budget allocations, million rubles

Other needs

To analyze these data, it is convenient to present them in a graphical form - Figure 2.

Figure 2

Volumes of budgetary financing of federal targeted programs (million rubles) Data from the Department of State Targeted Programs and Capital Investments of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation “Amounts of budgetary financing of FTPs” - http://fcp.economy.gov.ru/

Thus, it can be seen that in terms of budget financing, the STB is in the lead - they make up more than 50% of the total volume, followed by "Other needs" and in third place - "R&D".

As for the volumes of budget financing for each FTP, Figure 3 (according to Appendix 1) shows 10 FTPs with the largest funding from the federal budget in 2011.

Figure 3

Ranking of programs by volumes of budget financing (10 FTPs with the largest funding from the federal budget) (million rubles)

It is also necessary to determine the priority areas for financing federal targeted programs, which are presented in Figure 4 (according to Appendix 1).

Figure 4

Budget financing of federal targeted programs in 2011 by priorities (million rubles). Data from the Department of State Targeted Programs and Capital Investments of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation "Program Ranking" - http://fcp.economy.gov.ru/

In 2011, the priority direction of budget financing of federal target programs is transport infrastructure, the second place is taken by the development of high technologies, and the third place is security.

So, based on the above statistics, the following main areas of financing can be distinguished:

In 2011 - the FTP "Development of the transport system of Russia (2010-2015)" will amount to 282.2 billion, the FTP "Economic and social development of the Far East and Transbaikalia for the period up to 2013" - 88.4 billion rubles.

Thus, the development of infrastructure and the social sphere over the past years has been one of the top priority areas for financing the FTP, and this year is no exception.