Sberbank refinancing loans from third-party banks. Refinancing a loan in a savings bank. Requirements for borrowers to obtain a loan


Now many banks credit institutions who are ready to give you a loan. In many cases, interest rates there are much higher and reach almost 40-50% per annum. When buying any equipment in stores, we do not pay attention to all these subtleties and take a loan as soon as possible. What to do later when you find out about too high interest rates?

Sberbank will help you solve this problem. After all, they have a special loan product - Refinancing, which allows you to take a loan to pay off current existing loans. With this service, you can repay up to 5 loans from different banks and organizations.

What are the consumer's conditions for refinancing?

  • The loan is issued in rubles;
  • Loan term from 3 months to 5 years;
  • Loan amount - from 30,000 rubles to 3,000,000 rubles.

Terms home loan for refinancing slightly different:

  • The interest rate will be from 12.5% ​​to 13.5% per annum (depending on the amount);
  • Loan term up to 5 years;
  • Loan amount up to 3,000,000 rubles.

You can combine up to 5 credits into 1 credit.

Interest rates on a loan for refinancing

Loan amount: from 500,000 ₽ Interest rate: 12.5%

Loan amount: up to 500,000 ₽ Interest rate: 13.5%

What are the requirements for a borrower?

To qualify for a loan, you must meet the following age and seniority requirements. You must be between 21 and 65 years of age (up to 75 for a home loan). Work experience 6 months at the last place of work and total work experience 1 year for the last 5 years * .

* For clients receiving a salary/pension to an account with Sberbank of Russia, the requirement to have a total work experience of at least 1 year for 5 years does not apply. For working clients receiving a pension to an account with Sberbank of Russia, the total length of service for the last 5 years must be at least 6 months.

How it works?

Why is it beneficial

  • Get a reduced rate (reduce overpayment on existing loans)
  • Combine up to 5 loans into one (make a payment only once a month)
  • Reduce the amount of the monthly payment (Pay less for a loan and choose a payment amount that is comfortable for you)
  • Take an additional amount (Without increasing the monthly loan payment)
  • We do not ask you to confirm the repayment of existing loans in other banks
  • Get a loan without collateral, guarantors and commissions

What loans can be refinanced at Sberbank

Received from other banks

  • Consumer loans
  • Auto loans
  • Credit cards
  • Overdraft Permitted Debit Cards

Received at Sberbank*

  • Consumer loans
  • Auto loans

* Subject to simultaneous refinancing of at least one loan provided by a third-party bank.

Requirements for refinanced loans

  • Timely repayment of debt within the last 12 months
  • The validity period of the refinanced loan at the time of application is at least 180 calendar days from the date of conclusion of the loan agreement
  • The period of time before the expiration of the loan agreement - at least 90 calendar days
  • Absence of restructuring on refinanced loans for the entire period of their validity

What do you need to provide to consider a loan application?

  • Your application form;
  • Your passport of a citizen of Russia with a registration mark;
  • Number and date of conclusion of the loan;
  • Help with information about the refinanced loan:
  1. The expiration date of the loan agreement or the expiration date of the credit card/debit card bank card to which the overdraft is open;
  2. The amount and currency of the loan under the agreement, credit card limit or overdraft limit on a debit bank card;
  3. The interest rate on the loan;
  4. The amount of the monthly payment;
  5. The rest of the debt.
  • Help with the details of your account opened for the purpose of repaying a refinanced loan:
  1. The number of the Borrower's account from which the loan is repaid from the Primary Lender (number of the current account/deposit account/bank card account of the Borrower);
  2. Details of the Primary Lender: correspondent account number, BIC, TIN, name, location address, and current account number.

How to get refinanced?

A loan can be issued in the same way as other loans. To do this, come with the necessary package of documents and write an application form. After reviewing your application, the bank will call you and notify you of the result. After the approval of the loan, you can receive money within 30 days.

What is the term for consideration of a loan application at Sberbank?

The main application processing period is 2 business days. The term can be extended up to 7 days at the discretion of the bank.

Loan repayment procedure

The loan is repaid monthly equal shares in accordance with the payment schedule. If necessary, you can repay the loan ahead of schedule without any additional fees.

In case of late repayment, the bank will impose a penalty on you in 20% per annum from the amount of the overdue payment.

If you are interested in this loan product Sberbank, then you can ask questions to Sberbank employees at branches or by calling a toll-free phone number.

On-lending in Sberbank consumer loans(same as) - this is just the process of obtaining a new loan, but with the sole purpose of repaying the current loan with a new loan, with which you may have ceased to cope or its conditions have ceased to suit you.

Many citizens of Russia are wondering - is it possible to refinance in Sberbank? Yes, sure. On-lending is not some secret product available only to VIP clients. In addition, the banks themselves are very interested in on-lending.

In addition, the bank is available for the borrower: refinancing a car loan at Sberbank, as well as refinancing consumer loans.

On-lending at Sberbank for consumer loans is no different from on-lending at other banks - for example,. And more general information about on-lending in the banking system as a whole can be found.

  • no commission for loan approval and other commissions
  • absence compulsory insurance life of the borrower, in the event of on-lending consumer loans in Sberbank
  • availability of special conditions for payroll clients of Sberbank
  • Sberbank takes into account the conditions of the state mortgage program "young family"


To get on-lending at Sberbank of Consumer Loans, you need to follow a certain procedure:

  • conduct reconnaissance in combat - find out completely and thoroughly all the requirements for the borrower, all the conditions for refinancing, and also whether your loan agreement prohibits early repayment of the loan
  • if everything suits you, and you decide that it will be profitable and easy for you to refinance in Sberbank, then move on
  • contact the branch of Sberbank - communicate with the loan manager
  • based on the conversation, you collect a complete package of documents for applying for on-lending at Sberbank
  • submit at the same time online application for on-lending
  • waiting for application approval
  • after approval, submit the collected package of documents
  • sign a loan agreement
  • in the case of mortgage on-lending, re-insure the collateral and re-register it with Sberbank
  • you receive money, or rather, Sberbank repays your loan itself, without your participation and without issuing money to you in cash

ATTENTION! When refinancing consumer loans at Sberbank, as in any other bank, the bank does not give you money in cash, but independently pays off the debt with your bank. True, if new loan will be more than your debt, then the difference is given to the borrower.

Requirements for the borrower

On-lending at Sberbank for consumer loans implies a certain list of requirements for a candidate for on-lending.


The conditions for on-lending at Sberbank are not particularly different from the conditions for on-lending at other banks in Russia. And besides, they are also more rigid.


  • on-lending currency - only Russian rubles
  • the minimum loan amount is 300,000 rubles
  • the maximum amount of on-lending should not exceed the balance of the current loan
  • loan term up to 30 years
  • interest rate from 13%, but constantly changing depending on economic situation in the country
  • on-lending consumer loans at Sberbank implies a certain system of discounts for its payroll clients
  • to refinance a mortgage at Sberbank, a remortgage of property or additional collateral is required
  • in some cases, guarantors and co-borrowers are required
  • Compulsory insurance applies to mortgaged property
  • in the case of mortgage on-lending, Sberbank has a special state program - "Young Family"

ATTENTION! The Young Family program provides for a certain set of concessions when applying for a mortgage for Russian families under the age of 35. For example, an initial fee is only 20% of the mortgage amount, the borrower can also take advantage of the deferred payment of the mortgage in the event of the birth of a child and attract co-borrowers with a very wide range of parameters.

The documents

How to apply for a loan in Sberbank Online?

To apply for a loan at Sberbank Online, go to the "Loans" section in the top menu.

Click "Take a loan from Sberbank." A form for selecting loan parameters will open. Choose the options that suit you, including the amount and term of the loan. Please note: the interest rate and monthly payment are calculated automatically. Next to the amount of the monthly payment, the loan repayment schedule is indicated. Choose a convenient service office for you and click the "Apply a loan" button. Confirm the application for a loan with an SMS password and fill in all the fields of the questionnaire. After filling out the form, the "Submit Application" button will become active. You can submit your application for review immediately or save it to submit later. A pending application will be in the "Draft" status - you can find it in the "Credits" section.

How long does it take to consider an application for a loan at Sberbank?

The maximum processing time for an application is 2 working days.

How to get money for an approved application?

You can receive money within 30 days from the date of approval. The deadline for enrollment is 1 business day after the approval and signing of the documents.

If you receive a salary or pension to accounts opened with Sberbank, you can receive money in Sberbank Online in the Loans section. On the screen with an approved application, click "Apply for a loan". If this button is not available, go to Sberbank Online again or contact the Sberbank office indicated in the application.

If you do not receive a salary or pension to your Sberbank accounts, contact the Sberbank office to receive a loan.

When applying for a loan in Sberbank Online, you can:

Choose insurance for the loan;

View the preliminary payment schedule;

Choose a convenient repayment date;

View individual loan conditions;

Select a card for crediting a loan (here you can also refuse a loan, for example, if you need to make a new application).

Important: the loan is credited to the account of a debit card opened in the region where the loan is issued.

Card requirements:

The overdraft has been repaid or not being used;

The card is active and there are more than 2 months left before the expiration date;

Card currency - rubles;

The card account has not been seized.

How can I find out what my monthly loan payment consists of?

Information on your payment can be viewed in Sberbank Online in the Loans section. Select the loan you are interested in - on the loan page you will see all the information on the monthly payment.

How to find out the debt on the loan?

Information on your debt can be viewed in Sberbank Online in the Loans section. Select the loan you are interested in - on the loan page you will see all the information on the debt.

How do I find out if I have debt on loans at Sberbank?

You can view all debts in Sberbank Online in the Loans section.

How do I know if I have outstanding loans at Sberbank?

You can view information on loans outstanding at Sberbank in Sberbank Online in the Loans section.

How can I get an early repayment on a loan?

How can I find out what penalties were charged to me if I did not repay the loan on time?

You can find out information on accrued penalties in Sberbank Online in the Loans section.

Sberbank offers to take out a loan in order to profitably refinance your existing loans that were issued in third-party financial organizations. Attractive conditions and a reduced interest rate will reduce the amount of the monthly loan payment. In addition, refinancing a loan has many advantages:

  • you can combine loans from other financial institutions and Sberbank's own products (consumer or car loans);
  • you can refinance your mortgage, consumer and car loans by combining them into one payment;
  • if you are a holder of a credit card or card with a third party overdraft facility available financial organization, then they can also be included in the number of refinanced products;
  • at the request of the client, the bank may issue additional funds that can be disposed of at its discretion.

Refinancing terms

In order to apply for refinancing, the borrower ( individual) must meet the basic requirements. He must be a citizen of the Russian Federation at the age of 21, but at the time of full repayment of the debt he should not be more than 70 years old. The borrower must have a total work experience of at least one year, while at the last workplace it is necessary to work for at least six months. In addition, there are a number of requirements for refinanced loans. In particular, they must be issued at least 6 months ago, have no debts, and be in ruble currency. It is allowed to combine up to five different loans into one payment, while there should not be restructuring for them.

Registration procedure

You can apply at A convenient online loan calculator will help you make preliminary calculations. Indicate in the appropriate fields the amount you need and the period in which you plan to repay the debt in full. Click "Calculate loan", after which the system will display the result. The screen will display the amount of the monthly payment, as well as the amount of interest and the repayment schedule.

You can apply for a loan at a bank branch or online. In this case, the borrower must provide a package of documents confirming solvency:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • completed application form for the borrower;
  • documents on existing loans;
  • certificate 2-NDFL or an extract of a personal account from the Pension Fund;
  • copy work book and contracts certified by a notary.

Advice. If you are a member salary project, then it is enough to provide a passport and certificates of open loans.

After your application is approved, cash will go to accounts in other organizations to close current obligations, and you will only have to wait for the fact of payment of debts. Next, you will need to make payments according to the new schedule.

Refinancing at Sberbank is a product that allows its customers to improve the terms of the current agreement for the better: extend the loan repayment period and, accordingly, reduce the repayment period. This offer will be interesting:

  • borrowers who want to reduce the interest rate under the current loan agreement;
  • bank customers who are in a difficult financial situation and want to reduce the monthly installment and increase the term, so as not to spoil the credit history.

In practice, the procedure for changing conditions is carried out by those borrowers who have a mortgage. A special percentage calculator will help you find out the benefits of changing conditions.

To generate a calculation, you will need to go to the official website of the financial company. To generate a report, you will need to specify:

  • the amount of debt under the current document;
  • the size of the interest rate;
  • validity period, indicating the date of commencement of the contract;
  • currency;
  • type of payment: differentiated or annuity;
  • type of lending: mortgage, consumer loan or car loan.

After entering the necessary data, a new condition will be known for the selected program.

Sberbank loan refinancing calculator online

Savings Bank, like VTB, offers all customers to use a convenient online service and calculate new payment on credit. After entering all the necessary information into a special calculator, a detailed report will appear, taking into account the changes made.

In the resulting calculation, each individual citizen will see:

  • how the amount of the overpayment will change;
  • what will be the interest rate under the contract;
  • the amount of the monthly installment.

Any individual can also read the terms and conditions. Experienced credit specialists advise changing only the terms of a long-term contract. If there is a year left to pay the debt, then the borrower will not benefit from this procedure, since most of the debt and interest have been repaid.

You can generate a calculation at any time convenient for you. The service is completely free and 24 hours a day.

The main mission of the lender is to enable borrowers not only to receive information remotely, but also to calculate the benefits from this product: it will help customers save on overpayments.