Gasification of the population. K. Molodtsov. On the prospects for gasification of Russian regions. Quite frankly. Why gasification in the Russian Federation failed


Since 2016, the state has developed a special program for gasification of rural settlements. To date, only 15% of villages and other populated areas have undergone gasification. Therefore, a significant part of the population is heated with wood or coal. What and when people should pay for during the gasification of villages will be discussed below.

Laying gas pipelines refers to the implementation of capital linear construction

According to the approved program, gasification is carried out on the following grounds:

  1. At the state and regional (local) level, it is being developed special program, which includes a list of settlements that will be subject to gasification. At the same time, the costs of laying central gas pipelines are borne by Gazprom, and the installation of low-pressure gas pipelines from them (to populated areas and citizens’ homes) is paid for by municipal authorities.
  2. Residents of the locality independently create an initiative group, after which they collect a package special documents, permits, and supply gas to their village. This is used for those settlements that for some reason were not included in the state and regional programs gasification.

Speaking about the regional program, it should be noted that gas workers independently prepare all project documentation, find organizations that have permission to build gas pipelines, and pay all costs together with the municipal authorities, with the exception of direct connection of a household or apartment.

If citizens do this on their own, then the entire burden of preparing documents, projects, and finding contractors falls on their shoulders. It must be remembered that laying gas pipelines refers to the carrying out of capital linear construction. Therefore, such work requires not only technical documents, but also obtaining various permits from municipal and regional authorities.

What is needed for gasification

Now let's move on to consider the question of what is needed to carry out gasification. To begin with, village residents must receive information about whether gasification of their settlement is possible. To do this, it is necessary to create an initiative group, select a chairman, or a senior person, and empower him. To do this, citizens hold a meeting at which they express their desire to install gas, and elect a leader. All this is documented in a protocol.

The elder must compose a letter and send it to the head of the municipality (regional authority), asking for information whether their village is included in the state program or not. Depending on the response received, gasification will be carried out. If the village is on the lists state program, which means the answer will indicate this information, as well as the date when work on laying pipelines will begin. Information will also be provided on how much it will cost to connect each residential premises to the common gas main.

That is, citizens need to wait for the work to begin, pay a certain amount, and wait for gas to be supplied to their home. If the answer indicates that the settlement is not subject to state gasification, then such issues must be resolved independently. This will be discussed in detail below. You need to know that currently for families with low incomes, the pension fund and authorities social protection provide subsidies that can be used to pay for gas installations and connections.

How is gasification carried out if the village is not included in the program?

To begin with, you need to carry out general meeting residents of a particular village

The process of gasification without participation in the program will occur according to the following algorithm:

  1. First, it is necessary to hold a general meeting of residents of a particular village, at which the majority must be present. On it, select an initiative group and its head, who will collect all documents and sign contracts. All this is documented in the minutes of the general meeting.
  2. The next step is collecting all the necessary information. To do this, the head of the initiative group must send a request to the municipal authorities so that they provide a clear list necessary documents, as well as in oblgaz. The latter must provide detailed information about whether it is possible to supply gas to this locality, which organizations have licenses to develop projects, and lay pipes.
  3. If all answers are positive, then next question, this is the definition of the owner of the central gas pipeline. It could be a municipality, regional gas company, Gazprom, or any entity. Identification of the owner is necessary to obtain permission from him to insert other pipes through which gas will flow to residential premises.
  4. The next stage is preparation technical documentation. To do this, the head of the initiative group must contact the design organization and conclude an agreement with them for the development of the corresponding project, as well as the cost of the work.
  5. Next, it will be necessary (after receiving the project) to obtain (approval) from municipal and regional authorities. This will be done by the head of the initiative group. In practice, companies that deal with project documentation include approvals in the cost of their work.
  6. When the project is ready, the head of the initiative group must find a contractor that can carry out the work of laying and inserting pipes into the central gas pipeline, as well as connect all interested subscribers. Naturally, this will not be free, so you also need to agree on the cost of the work.
  7. After the work is completed, subscribers buy gas appliances, they are checked by representatives of regional gas companies, and only after that the fuel is supplied to their homes.

As can be seen from this algorithm, the costs of gasification, if the village was not included in the program, will be significant. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that if there is no main pipeline near the settlement, it will not be possible to obtain permission to gasify the village. In this case, the initiative group will have to coordinate this issue with representatives of Gazprom or the regional gas company.

Procedure for writing an application

The last question that remains to be clarified is the connection of a particular subscriber to gas. It will happen according to the following algorithm:

  • the subscriber must contact the regional gas authority with an application requesting to connect his facility (residential) to gas, it indicates the address, as well as the number of devices that will be used (documents confirming ownership of the residential premises are attached to this document);
  • after this, the subscriber must contact the regional gas office, where they must prepare a connection project for him (no approvals will be required for this);
  • After all approvals, the subscriber purchases a gas meter (needed to record the consumption of gas and pay according to its readings), and enters into an agreement with the contractor whose employees will carry out the connection.

The release of gas to a resident’s household occurs in the presence of representatives of the regional gas company. According to the plan for gasification of villages in the Russian Federation, it occurs on the basis of a program adopted at the state and regional level. In this case, subscribers pay only for their connection. If the village is not included in this program, then the wiring of the main line and the preparation of technical documentation will fall on the shoulders of the village residents.

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May 11, 2018 104

Discussion: 3 comments

    I think that if the state were really interested in gasification of villages, it would cover the costs of purchasing gas meters and drawing up project documentation. Or one could oblige Gazprom to do this with the money spent on sponsoring foreign and Russian sports teams.


    For gasification rural settlement Residents of the Moscow region are practically not identified. The head of the region, Vorobiev and Mosoblgaz, Dmitry Golubkov, privatized Mosoblgaz in 2017-2018 and are now working in personal interests. The allocated budget money is spent on gasification economic zones to create industrial structures there and, of course, for personal interests, while rural residents are promoted to “smart” gasification, the essence of which is that the villagers themselves create commercial structures, collect money and pay for gasification to their homes. The cost of these works starts from 220 thousand rubles from each resident. But the timing of gas delivery takes years. And then residents hand over these gas lines to Mosoblgaz for free. This new way robbing rural residents of the Moscow region. This is the way of leading a united Russia. And in the Moscow region there are more than 3 thousand settlements without gas.


    “for those settlements that for any reason were not included in the state and regional gasification programs” - Constitution, Article 19. Everyone is equal before the law and the court. 2. The state guarantees... It’s somehow unclear: for some it’s for budgetary-regional-municipal money, and for others for personal money... What’s the catch?


Gasification of villages in Russia is not being carried out as quickly as we would like. Only 8% of villages received gas; the percentage is negligible compared to the total area of ​​such villages on the map of the Russian Federation.

The rest still use wood and coal to heat their homes, so the problem is more acute than ever.

The rural gasification program is approved at the state level, and if your region for some reason has not become a participant in the program, it is better not to wait in vain, but to try to solve the problem yourself.

If the general gasification plan does not include the territory, the difficulties of supplying a gas pipeline to your land plot and a number of other problems - all this falls on your shoulders.

Gasification is not carried out just like that

It is worth understanding that street gas pipelines are linear objects capital construction, which means that in order to carry out any manipulations, you will need to collect a whole package of permits so that the construction project can be put into operation without any problems.

Therefore, you will have to be patient, collect enough money and remember that the process can take a lot of time.

Before initiating the gasification procedure, it is worth clarifying two important points:

  1. is it technically possible to carry out gasification of a rural settlement and whether technical permits have been obtained to use the gas pipeline. The problem is the capacity of the pipes, because if gasification was completed a long time ago, then you will not be given permission for new connections.
  2. whose property is the gas pipeline. If it is private, it is worth checking with the owner that all permits are available. At the same stage, you need to obtain his consent for you to bring the pipe to your home; this will be discussed in more detail later. project documentation and the price of the issue is decided. If there is good throughput, connection to the state gas pipeline is free of charge.

If it is not possible to obtain information about these points, you need to contact the interdistrict gas industry with a request to answer your questions.

How is gasification carried out?

Bringing gas to a village is a series of sequential actions according to an approved plan. The process usually involves initiative group, so it’s worth gathering those interested in advance and choosing a leader who will represent the interests of all citizens.

This leader, on behalf of all members of the organization, submits an application to the regional organization that deals with gasification issues.

What people should pay for in the process of rural gasification is an open question. In all populated areas, low-pressure gas pipelines, according to the classic genre, are financed from the pockets of residents.

The price of the issue varies depending on the region and a number of other parameters: if in one village 10-15 thousand rubles are spent on gasification, then in another 30 thousand rubles may not be enough.

Define approximate cost it is possible at the stage of solving organizational issues: what approximate length of pipes will be needed, how far the village is from the main gas pipeline to which they will connect.

Today Pension Fund attempts to provide a small number of subsidies and assistance to financially insecure pensioners or large families, which will help pay the notorious 10-40 thousand for gasification.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to provide social support to everyone, so investors are actively being sought to cover the costs of a particular region. They could be cooperatives or local enterprises that are also interested in constructing a gas pipeline.

How to write an application?

As soon as everything organizational problems We decided it was time to write a statement. In addition to the completed document you will have to attach:

  • documents that confirm the authority of the applicant;
  • copying the land plot where the village is located from the general plan of the area;
  • executed documents of ownership of those areas that have already been gasified and those where gasification is planned;
  • the amount of expected gas consumption (m3/hour, m3/year), which was determined by specialists from a special bureau. In most cases, people turn to the regional gas service to carry out such procedures. This organization will later issue technical conditions that must be met for connection.

Immediately upon receipt technical specifications You will need to personally contact the design company to create a project according to which the connection will be made.

After developing and receiving the project, it will have to be agreed upon with all authorities of the district and even the region. Only after this stage can you look for a company that can make the connection in accordance with all the conditions.

It is also recommended to check the availability of a license and permission to carry out such work. After all work has been completed and accepted, an agreement is concluded between the owner and the regional gas distribution company for gas supply.


Since gasification of remote settlements is a social and large-scale problem, their connection is the main priority in Gazprom’s work.

For this purpose, special gasification plans were developed, according to which financing for the construction of inter-settlement gas pipelines is covered by Gazprom, but the work on carrying gas to the settlement points and their preparation rests entirely on the shoulders of the regional authorities.

On this moment main task Gazprom is connecting such remote regions of Russia as Eastern Siberia and the Far East.

Thanks to the work of specialists, new plans for gas production and the construction of gas transportation routes were developed. This will solve the problem of remote villages.

Throughout the development of the gas industry, simultaneously with the development of gas fields, the construction of main gas pipelines and the creation of the Unified Gas Supply System, such an important area of ​​activity of Gazprom PJSC as gas supply and gasification of subjects was developed Russian Federation.


In 2001, in the process of improving this work, OJSC Gazprom (since July 17, 2015 - PJSC Gazprom) with the involvement of LLC Gazprom Mezhregiongaz, for the first time, organized work on the formation and approval of annual gasification programs for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the basis of a systematic approach to the selection of objects for construction.

In 2005, to accelerate the pace of gasification Russian regions, mainly settlements in rural areas, the management of OAO Gazprom decided to significantly increase the volume of investments. The functions of organizing and coordinating work related to the implementation of the Gasification Program for the regions of the Russian Federation were assigned to Gazprom Mezhregiongaz. At the same time, regional gas sales companies that are part of the Gazprom Mezhregiongaz structure were instructed to represent the interests of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz in the regions and exercise control at all stages of project implementation.

The functions of the construction customer were entrusted to the organizations OJSC Regiongazholding and OJSC Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie (since April 18, 2016 - JSC Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie).

Synchronization schedules define the responsibilities of the parties.

Since 2005, the main goal of implementing gasification programs is to bring gas to the end consumer. To solve this problem, plans and schedules for synchronizing the implementation of gasification programs began to be signed annually together with regional administrations. The schedules for each settlement to which the inter-settlement pipeline is connected indicate the planned number of consumers, including households and boiler houses that are subject to gasification, with clear deadlines for completing the work.

In accordance with the assigned areas of responsibility, Gazprom Mezhregiongaz LLC carries out the construction of inter-settlement gas pipelines in accordance with the Gasification Program for the Regions of the Russian Federation approved by PJSC Gazprom, which is formed on the basis of proposals from regional administrations.

At the same time, the construction of street (intra-village) distribution networks and the preparation of consumers to receive gas is ensured by the administrations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation by attracting funds from budgets of all levels and other sources of financing.

Thus, Gazprom Mezhregiongaz provides financing for design and survey work and the construction of inter-settlement gas pipelines. Gazprom Mezhregiongaz is also entrusted with the functions of interaction with the administrations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to coordinate work.

The schedule plans signed between PJSC Gazprom and regional administrations are aimed at ensuring the synchronization of work on the construction of inter-settlement gas pipelines and the construction of distribution networks with the preparation of consumers to receive gas from the moment the constructed capacities are put into operation.

In accordance with the Concept of participation of PJSC Gazprom in the gasification of regions of the Russian Federation, when constructing intra-village gas pipelines, regions must apply the technical requirements of PJSC Gazprom. This makes it possible to significantly increase the safety of the construction and operation of gas distribution facilities, and also does not violate the architectural appearance of the settlements being gasified, since the technical requirements provide for the construction of intra-village gas pipelines by overhead method only in case of special justification.

Financing priorities for the Gasification Program in the regions:

  • full payment for current gas supplies by consumers in the region and repayment of debt for previously supplied gas;
  • economic efficiency of gasification facilities proposed for construction;
  • ensuring the readiness of consumers to receive gas;
  • loading of existing gas pipelines and gas distribution stations;
  • assistance from regional administrations in the implementation of energy-saving technologies.

Investment volumes for new construction are envisaged in those regions where, based on the results of work in the reporting year, the administrations successfully prepared consumers to receive gas. In regions where administrations do not fulfill their obligations, investments are allocated only for work on projects that have already begun construction. The allocation of investments for the construction of new facilities is provided only after the completion of training of consumers in the required volumes under the programs.

Based on the results of the implementation of annual gasification programs, it should be noted that Gazprom consistently fulfills its obligations on time and in full.

Results of the program implementation

The joint work of Gazprom and the administrations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation made it possible to take a significant step in the development of gasification of the Russian Federation.

If in just 12 years (since 2001) more than 190 billion rubles were allocated under the Gasification Programs for the regions of the Russian Federation, then for the period from 2005 to 2016 - about 295.2 billion rubles, and this does not take into account Money, aimed at the design and construction of gas pipelines and gas distribution stations (gas distribution stations), which are an integral part of the gasification of the regions.

The funds invested from 2005 to 2016 made it possible to ensure the construction of 2,046 gas pipelines with a length of more than 28 thousand km. At the same time, 5,060 boiler houses and more than 815.1 thousand households and apartments were gasified.

The obligations of PJSC Gazprom are fulfilled in full.

As a result of the implementation of the Gasification Program for the regions of the Russian Federation from 2005 to 2016. the average level of gasification in Russia increased from 53.3% to 67.2%, including in cities - from 60% to 70.9%, in rural areas - from 34.8% to 57.1%.

Present and future

To implement the Program for Gasification of the Regions of the Russian Federation, investments in the amount of 25 billion rubles were allocated in 2016 - for design and survey work, development and adjustment of general schemes for gas supply and gasification of regions and construction of gas distribution networks in 67 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

To consolidate the obligations of PJSC Gazprom and regional administrations, in 2016 the practice of jointly signing schedules for synchronizing the implementation of gasification programs was continued.

Given the current economic situation, when distributing the volumes of investments allocated by PJSC Gazprom for 2017 and subsequent years, special consideration will be given to the fulfillment by constituent entities of the Russian Federation of their obligations to prepare consumers to receive gas in previous years and compliance by consumers with payment discipline when paying for gas supplied to them.

Gasification concept

In accordance with the Concept of participation of OJSC Gazprom in the gasification of regions of the Russian Federation, Gazprom carries out differentiated participation in gasification, taking into account the availability and development of natural gas reserves in the regions, as well as the use of alternative energy sources, including liquefied and compressed natural gas (LNG and CNG), liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). At the same time, depending on the level and prospects for the development of gas supply systems, regions can be classified into the following three groups.

The first group includes regions that have a developed gas pipeline system and are connected to the Unified Gas Supply System (UGSS). Their gasification will be carried out primarily with network natural gas. For remote areas, autonomous (using only LNG, CNG and LPG) or complex gasification (through the construction of both gas pipelines and autonomous gasification facilities) can be used.

The second group includes constituent entities of the Russian Federation in which there is a local gas supply system, separate from the UGSS, or there are gas (gas condensate) fields. Gasification of these regions will be carried out through the creation or development of existing gas supply systems and connections to the systems of neighboring territories and regions. If the regional gas supply system has not yet been created or is poorly developed, autonomous gasification is provided, which can be maintained on a permanent basis for remote areas.

The third group includes regions that are not connected to the UGSS and have neither regional gas supply systems nor gas (gas condensate) fields. Only autonomous gasification will be used here.

The authorized company in the Gazprom group for the construction and operation of autonomous gasification facilities for LPG and LNG is JSC Gazprom Gazenergoset (a subsidiary of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz LLC).


The main priority areas of activity of PJSC Gazprom in the field of regional gasification remain:

  • further development of gasification of the regions of the Russian Federation: aimed at achieving the maximum, economically justified level of gasification of territories, satisfying effective demand for gas, improving the living conditions of the population, mainly in rural areas, and growing the economic potential of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • improving the joint work of PJSC Gazprom and the administrations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation: aimed at the synchronous creation of the gas pipeline-consumer complex and the utilization of constructed capacities from the moment of the start of operation;
  • gasification and gas supply to the regions of the Far East and southern regions of Russia.

The population will have to earn their own money for “blue fuel”

The low level of regional gasification remains one of the main problems of the Russian fuel and energy complex. Despite promises from the government and industry, residents of more than a third of the country's regions still have to heat their homes with coal and wood.

Only serious amounts of investment can save the situation, but so far neither officials nor gas market players are in a hurry to make such sacrifices. Therefore, there is a high probability that the state will finally shift these costs onto the shoulders of ordinary people, who will ultimately be left alone with the problems of providing themselves with “blue fuel”.

The level of gasification in Russia can increase to a maximum of 90%. Moreover, this level will not be reached until 2030.

“It is a shame when a country that produces the most gas in the world nevertheless has such a low level of gasification of its population.” This loud statement was made by the head Russian government Dmitry Medvedev in July last year.

The Prime Minister’s anger was justified and was caused, to put it mildly, by the insufficiently high level of provision of “blue fuel” to Russian residents. The same Medvedev, back in 2007, as Deputy Prime Minister and head of the board of directors of Gazprom, announced the real possibility of completely gasifying all of Russia within a ten-year period. Ten years have passed, the promise has not been fulfilled, and the prime minister can only be angry.

On the one hand, over the past ten years our country has really managed to make serious progress in the gasification of the population’s housing. If in 2007 the average level of supply of “blue fuel” to the country’s constituent entities barely exceeded 50%, then at the end of 2016 this figure increased to 67.2%. On the other hand, there is still a gap to a 100% result, and, apparently, it will take more than one decade to overcome it.

Moreover, quite recently - in mid-March - the head of the Ministry of Energy, Alexander Novak, admitted that the vast territory of our country will never be 100% gasified. “In some regions we will never have gas transportation infrastructure,” he said.

According to Gazprom estimates, the most we can count on is a gasification level of 90%. Moreover, this level will not be reached until 2030. Many factors prevent the process from accelerating, in particular, the slowdown in economic growth, considered a monopoly.

“The state is not ready to take such steps”

To say that the gas monopolist is not trying to force the problem of providing the population with “blue fuel” would be unfair. According to the deputy head of Gazprom, Valery Golubev, for his company, “intensification of gasification is absolutely economically beneficial.”

Since 2005, the concern has invested 270 billion rubles in these projects across the country. By 2020, Gazprom intends to allocate another 450 billion rubles for similar purposes. However, even such serious investments will not completely close the gaps in Russian regions’ access to the gas pipeline - investments will increase the level of gasification by only 8%, and no more.

In addition, given the general economic problems, it is hard to believe that over the next three years Gazprom will spend more than one and a half times more on gasification than in the previous 10 years. Moreover, the monopoly’s expenses under this item are constantly decreasing: from 34 billion rubles in 2013 to 25 billion in 2016. In order to increase these numbers, according to Gazprom, it is necessary to involve independent producers of “blue fuel” in fulfilling this task.

But, according to Alexey Grivach, Deputy Director General for Gas Problems of the National Energy Security Fund, private companies are not engaged in gasification due to the lack of economic incentives and obligations imposed from above. In exchange for participation in these projects, they demand a reduction in the tax burden on new and under construction networks, as well as the opportunity to borrow free use state lands for laying pipes.

The state is not yet ready to take such steps. As Dmitry Medvedev noted, “our Gazprom, of course, is a national treasure. But we have other companies that are also involved in gasification. From a legal point of view, they are not much different from Gazprom - they are the same joint stock companies, have good incomes and large production volumes.” Therefore, they are not given any government concessions, except for reducing the duration of procedures for connecting to gas distribution networks, and, as a result, private owners do not show any interest in the development of medium and low pressure pipelines.

Another unpleasant point that, according to Gazprom, hinders the progress of gasification is consumer debt for “blue fuel”. She's impressive. Thus, the debt of heat supply enterprises exceeds 65 billion rubles, and that of the population - 67 billion. The total gas debt of all consumers, including industry, is close to 200 billion rubles. And until the situation improves, the concern does not intend to increase the volume of investments in gasification.

It is more profitable to sell to Europe

There is also a flip side to the coin. It is indeed unprofitable and, moreover, unprofitable for the concern to run an expensive gas pipeline to a remote village on Far East, which is home to two dozen semi-poor residents. Such projects will never pay off. This is the main reason why remote villages are still not supplied with gas. We can agree with this. In fact, in this case, providing the outback with “blue fuel” is social direction, and it should be subsidized by the state, not Gazprom.

However, in Russia there are more than 150 thousand settlements that cannot boast of having their own gas facilities. Among them there are quite a few that are located near large cities, including in the central part of the country. The population living there is solvent and would gladly take advantage of such a benefit of civilization as natural gas. Moreover, as a result it could save on electricity. You don’t have to go far - there are such ones even in the Moscow region.

The explanation for the lack of gas distribution pipes in well-off towns and villages is similar to the one faced by the godforsaken province. It simply makes no sense for Gazprom to invest in the construction of local gas pipelines if it is more profitable to sell fuel to Europe through existing pipes. It should be taken into account that gas prices for Europeans and for the Russian population are different and differ almost by an order of magnitude. Previously, Gazprom expected that the cost of “blue fuel” for the domestic and foreign markets would be equal in 2014. True, for now this intention remains only on paper.

But then how to explain Gazprom’s promise to invest up to 100 billion rubles in the gas transportation system of Kyrgyzstan? It is clear that this money will be invested gradually, over 14 years, and the annual investment of 7 billion is almost invisible against the background net profit monopolies worth 710 billion rubles. But at the same time, 7 billion is 25% of the annual costs for gasification of Russian settlements, and in comparison with this indicator, such a volume of funds no longer seems insignificant. For example, Gazprom allocated exactly 7 billion rubles for gasification of the Novosibirsk region in 2005–2016. The area of ​​Kyrgyzstan is about 200 thousand square meters. kilometers, the Novosibirsk region - 177 thousand. The gasification level of the Asian republic is 22%, the Novosibirsk Territory - less than 10% (as of January 1, 2016). This begs the question: is the gas holding company setting its priorities correctly?

The authorities and other Russian regions have accumulated many complaints against the concern. In particular, in early April, the governor of the Leningrad region, Alexander Drozdenko, accused the monopoly of disrupting the gasification of his region. “We signed an unprecedented program with Gazprom for 18.5 billion rubles. But, unfortunately, for the first time we are faced with a situation where it is not we who are not implementing the synchronization program (we are working at a faster pace), but Gazprom is missing the deadlines for completing the program. For the first time, we have villages where gas has already been distributed to houses, gas pipelines between the streets, but they are empty because we cannot supply gas there,” Drozdenko said.

Firewood is cheaper

However, the ordinary population is at an astronomical distance from such matters as economic interests Gazprom and private gas production companies. Russians need fuel, as they say, here and now. However, in our country there are often paradoxical cases when local residents gasified villages are in no hurry to connect to pipelines and continue to heat their stoves with available raw materials - firewood and coal. And this is not a whim or an old-regime relic. It just turns out to be cheaper.

As Alexey Grivach notes, even if there is a distribution network, you will have to pay a significant amount for a gas outlet to your own home. Local administrations do not have excess funds - the share of municipal budgets is only 5% of the total budget of the country. Therefore, the resident will have to carry out the following manipulations with his own hands and at his own expense. First, apply to connect your home to gas. Secondly, draw up a gasification project. Thirdly, lay a gas pipe both from the main line to the house and inside it. Fourth, cut the pipe into the main line. And finally, fifthly, undergo an inspection.

Now let's calculate. Project development will cost an average of 5 thousand rubles. Installation of a gas pipe of 10–20 meters will cost from 35 thousand to 65 thousand rubles. It's minimum. It is calculated provided that the residential building is located in close proximity to the gas distribution network. If you have to pull the pipe from the other end of the village, then the consumption part will increase significantly. The average price tag for gasification of households in Siberia reaches 200 thousand rubles. In metropolitan areas, the cost of such a service for a small dacha community exceeds 1 million. With an average wages in Russia, 34–35 thousand rubles will save the amount needed to supply gas to country house, almost impossible.

Tariffs for five years

In European countries, the practice of lending to the population for gasification is widespread. Even in Belarus there is a presidential decree that provides for the issuance of preferential loans for these purposes at 3% per annum. In Russia, the world's richest country in natural gas, there is no system of support for citizens who cannot afford the costs of gasification. The most low rate for gas loans is 18% per annum. In most banks this figure is close to 30%.

However, according to Alexey Grivach, affordable loans can only solve specific problems in individual consumer territories of the country. Moreover, it is unclear who will subsidize such credit lines - federal funds, regional or municipal. “In Belarus, the burden of gasification of the population lies on the shoulders of the state. In Europe, the cost of “blue fuel” for the population is often 3–4 times higher than for industry. Therefore, gas companies cover the costs of connecting residential buildings of ordinary citizens to medium and low pressure networks,” the expert notes.

According to him, in Russia it is initially necessary to unify and systematize the procedure for connecting the country's residents to distribution networks and distribute in detail areas of responsibility. “Some local gas distribution organizations are controlled by subsidiaries of Gazprom. In other cases, they are under the jurisdiction of regional or municipal authorities. Sometimes the owners of networks are third-party, private shareholders,” notes Grivach. A unified and transparent scheme for their investment obligations does not exist, so there is no clarity on the question of who should bear the costs of gasification and to what extent. Despite the fact that this problem has been discussed more than once in government discussions, a final verdict has never been reached.

Apparently, as ex-chairman of the State Duma Committee on Energy Ivan Grachev believes, the state, as well as Gazprom, will follow the path of least resistance and will finally shift the burden of gasification of the country onto the wallets of ordinary consumers.

“Investments in the amount of 450 billion rubles, which Gazprom expects to make in the development of the Russian gas distribution economy in the coming years, can be formed by increasing gas tariffs for the population to close to European prices. Of course, this will not be done at once. But in the five-year period it is quite feasible.

True, the question on the agenda remains whether Russians who use gas and need this fuel can cope with this. It is also unclear what share of the costs will have to be borne by industrial enterprises and whether the latter will agree to the new costs. In addition, it remains to be assessed how much such actions will boost inflation.

In this regard, the leadership of the country’s energy complex, before making promises left and right on such global issues, needs to thoroughly work out plans for the implementation of these ideas and calculate the consequences of their implementation,” believes Ivan Grachev.

From the MK dossier. Level of gas supply to the population of a number of post-Soviet republics

Armenia - 93%

Azerbaijan - 80%

Uzbekistan - 75%

Belarus - 73.9%

Ukraine - 72%

When we hear the words “village” or “village,” we immediately imagine old houses with sloping roofs, fields overgrown with weeds, lack of roads, constant power outages, wells with spring water and grandmothers sitting on benches along hundred-year-old fences, supposedly caring about their safety and the safety of their meager economy.

To change the stereotypes of small settlements in the 21st century, it is necessary to introduce innovative energy-efficient, non-resource-intensive, environmentally friendly technologies on their territories, which will make it possible to abundantly provide the economy of the residents of such territories and themselves with sufficient potential for modernization, improvement and development of “rural life”.

An important criterion for introduced innovations should be the principle of economic efficiency of operation and production of the final product.

Thus, we come to the conclusion that the main tasks of the State in present period should become:

  • development and organization of infrastructure;
  • improving the investment climate not only of the region, but also of individual settlements, which in turn is often impossible without improving Russian legislation.

When we talk about infrastructure, we must take into account the entire range of resources necessary for modern life and doing business.

The key here should be :

  • gasification,
  • electrification,
  • water supply,
  • drainage,
  • telephone installation,
  • Internet,
  • roads.

Infrastructure development will have a significant impact, among other things, on improving the investment climate so that a region or locality becomes more attractive for investment.

But without establishing special tax regimes or special economic zones, I consider it impossible to resolve such a complex issue! It is necessary to give every opportunity to domestic investors to organize and develop businesses in economically ineffective undeveloped regions, attract fresh labor, and implement the idea of ​​social development of the region.

Every sane person understands that the primary criterion for the development of a region’s infrastructure is the gasification rate of the region. Whether there is gas in every small settlement directly determines whether there is more or less civilized “life” there.

In the absence of gasification, villages and villages are dying - residents are leaving their homes in search of a “normal” life worthy of the level of the 21st century. Only those who have decided to “live out their life here” remain, and often these are people who defended our Motherland - those whom the State is obliged to take care of first of all!

A striking example of the unprecedented irresponsibility of the State and the imperfection of Russian legislation can be the village of Koshcheikovo, located on the 43rd kilometer of the Kholmogory highway, which became part of the urban settlement of Lesnoy Pushkinsky municipal district Moscow region.

At present, the village is not gasified. In 2010, the Council of Deputies of the urban settlement of Lesnoy allocated 2 million rubles for design and survey work on gasification of this village, which was completed. The project passed the examination with a positive conclusion from the State Autonomous Institution "Mosoblekspertiza" No. 50-1-5-0135-11 dated February 16, 2011, after which a letter was sent to the Fuel and Energy Committee of the Moscow Region from the Administration of the Pushkin Municipal District with a request to include the village of Koshcheikovo in program of the Government of the Moscow Region “Gasification of populated areas of the Moscow Region for 2005-2012”.

On June 28, 2011, No. 1/12-2590, the head of the Administration of the Pushkin Municipal District received a response stating that the village of Koshcheikovo was not included in the Program due to an insufficient number of permanently registered residents.

In response to our appeal addressed to the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region about the gasification of the village of Koshcheykovo in the urban settlement "Lesnoy" of the Pushkinsky municipal district of the Moscow region (Ref. No. 39 of March 22, 2012), the Fuel and Energy Committee of the Moscow Region (in its letter No. 10 /2741 dated April 16, 2012) reports that according to the Program of the Government of the Moscow Region “Gasification of populated areas of the Moscow Region for 2005-2013” ​​currently being implemented in the Moscow region, approved by Resolution of the Government of the Moscow Region dated December 20, 2004 No. 778/50, the construction of high-pressure gas pipelines to populated areas with a number of permanently registered residents of 200 or more is envisaged.

According to Territorial body Federal service state statistics in the Moscow region, the number of permanently registered residents in the village of Koshcheikovo is 26 people, and therefore gasification of the village is not provided for by the above regulatory legal act.

In the case of the village of Koshcheikovo there is finished project, a positive conclusion from the State Autonomous Institution "Mosoblekspertiza", the actual need for gasification of houses where 26 people are permanently registered, and 82 families permanently live, but there is no possibility of the budget of the urban settlement "Lesnoy" and the budget of the Pushkin municipal district to finance gasification work.

It is worth noting that the problem under discussion is a problem not only of the Pushkin municipal district, but also of a number of other districts of the Moscow region, and Russia as a whole.

I would like to note that the problem of gasification is of great social importance and helps to relieve social tension among the population. I would also note that gasification of small settlements (such as the village of Koshcheikovo) will allow the development of the territories of small villages, making them more attractive in investment plan For low-rise construction, the development of individual housing construction and, ultimately, will contribute to improving the quality of life and growth rural population in Russia.

Thus, in the village of Koshcheikovo the issue of gasification can be resolved in only two ways:

  • Find the possibility of allocating the budget of the Moscow region to the urban settlement of Lesnoy, Pushkin municipal district targeted funds(subsidies) in the amount of 12 million rubles to complete gasification activities in the village of Koshcheikovo.
  • Introduce changes to the concept of forming a List of measures for gasification of rural settlements in the Moscow region in 2007-2014, approved by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated August 30, 2006 No. 837/33 “On measures for gasification of rural settlements in the Moscow region in 2007-2014 "(in terms of changing qualifications - the number of permanently registered residents from 200 people to 25 people).

Andrey Odintsov, Deputy of the Council of Deputies of the urban settlement of Lesnoy, Pushkin municipal district, Moscow region, participant in the project “I am a Deputy”