Fuel and energy complex of the West Siberian economic region. Territorial differences in its specialization. Topic: Fuel and energy complex of Western Siberia


Infrastructural complex of Russia. Siberian Federal District, economic and geographical characteristics

3.6 Fuel and energy complex

The basis for the formation of the economy of the Siberian Federal District is the fuel and energy complex, which plays an important regional-forming role. The branch of market specialization is the coal industry. In the Kuznetsk and Gorlovsky basins, power and coking coals are being developed. In terms of production scale, the Kuznetsk basin is the leading one in the country. From here, coal is delivered to the European part of the country and is exported. The coals of the Kansk-Achinsk basin are also used for the production of electricity, on the basis of which the Kansk-Achinsk territorial production complex is being formed. Due to the highest concentration of reserves and the conditions of occurrence suitable for open-pit mining, the largest coal mines have been built here: Nazarovsky, Irsha-Borodinsky and Berezovsky. In the near future, the capacity of the Berezovsky open pit will increase significantly and a large new open pit, Borodinsky-2, will be built. The basin has good technical and economic characteristics of coal mining: it has the lowest cost and the highest labor productivity in the industry. One of the largest in the country, Nazarovskaya GRES, Berezovskaya GRES-2, operates on the coals of the Kansko-Achinsk basin.

The forthcoming concentration of such large thermal power plants in a small area may have severe environmental consequences. Therefore, the latest energy-technological methods of using the coals of the Kansk-Achinsk basin are being developed. First of all, this is coal enrichment, which makes it possible to transport high-calorie fuel to other regions of the country: to Transbaikalia, to the east of Western Siberia, to the North Caucasus and to the Volga region. The task is to develop and implement a new technology for producing watery synthetic fuel from the coals of the basin. Hydroelectric power plants of the Angara-Yenisei cascade: Bratskaya (4.5 million kW), Ust-Ilimskaya (4.3 million kW), Krasnoyarskaya (6 million kW), Sayano-Shushenskaya (6.4 million kW) are among the largest in the country and the world. The Boguchanskaya HPP is under construction, the Sredne-Yenisei HPP has been designed. The hydropower capacities in Eastern Siberia far exceed those of thermal power, which makes the energy system unstable in dry years. In the West Siberian part of the federal district, thermal power engineering, using coal resources and natural gas of the Ob-Irtysh region, is sharply dominated.

In the building materials industry of the Siberian District, the leading place is occupied by the creation of cement. The latest technologies for the production of cement are used on the basis of a combination with thermal power and chemical industries.

The light industry of the Siberian District is represented by wool (Ulan-Ude, Chita, Chernogorsk), silk (Krasnoyarsk, Kemerovo), cotton (Barnaul, Kansk), leather (Omsk, Novosibirsk, Chita, Angarsk, Chernogorsk), shoe (Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk). ), fur (Krasnoyarsk, Ulan-Ude, Chita) industries.

Due to the extreme natural and biological conditions in most of the area, agriculture in the Siberian Federal District is concentrated in its southern zones, along Trans-Siberian Railway. Moreover, the importance of agricultural production in the region is great - it is one of the most important areas for grain production and animal husbandry. In the west of the district, arable land prevails in the structure of agricultural land, and in the east - hayfields and pastures. The creation of grain is characterized by the highest efficiency in the West Siberian part, where the share of grain reaches 70% in the structure of sown areas. The main crop here is spring wheat; rye, oats, barley, and buckwheat are also grown. In Eastern Siberia, grain is mainly used for fodder needs, here the main branch is animal husbandry. The cattle breeding of the district also has significant territorial differences. In the west of the district, it is mainly represented by dairy and dairy-meat cattle breeding and pig breeding, and in the east - semi-fine and fine-fleeced sheep breeding, meat and meat and dairy cattle breeding.

The population of the Siberian Federal District is 20.7 million people, or 4.3% of the country's population. Its main part is concentrated in the south. The average population density is low -3.4 people. per 1 km2, but due to uneven distribution, the population density ranges from 1 person. per 1 km2 or less in the northern districts of the district up to 50 people. per 1 km2 in the Kuznetsk basin. Of the subjects of the Federation, the Krasnoyarsk Territory differs with a lower average density - 1.3 people. per 1 km2, the largest - Kemerovo region - 31.4 people. per 1 km2. The Siberian Federal District is distinguished by the highest proportion of the urban population - 85.3%, although fluctuations are also significant - from 86% to Kemerovo region up to 25% in the Altai Republic.

The state structure is dominated by Russians (over 80% of the population). Relatively numerous are Ukrainians, Altaians, Shors, Buryats, Khakasses, and Tuvans. Countless peoples of the North live on the territory of the region: Evenks, Selkups, Kets, Nganasans, Dolgans, etc.

The Siberian Federal District is not the first year shows a huge disproportion between exports and imports of products, 15 billion. and 2.5 billion. dollars respectively (for January-October 2004). The positive balance achieves its own peak in the Kemerovo region - 94% of exports against 6% of imports. More massive export components are Norilsk Nickel, the aluminum industry and the timber industry. The coal and chemical industries are beginning to increase their momentum. The weight of other industries is not so significant. In addition, an economy built on the export of raw materials is a sign of an underdeveloped country.

The natural complexes of Siberia are characterized by increased vulnerability, which is due to a slowdown in the actions of recovery and self-purification in conditions of low temperatures, weak circulation and descending air currents under the prevailing anticyclonic weather regime with temperature inversions characteristic of the mountain-hollow relief. Massive focal industrial development of the area has bad consequences for the nature of the region, because with an increase in the concentration of production, anthropogenic pressure on environment.

Enormous attention is paid to environmental protection: large cash, profound scientific research is underway, environmental protection measures are being taken on all of the above fronts, but the severity of the difficulty is not being removed, but, on the contrary, due to the accelerated development of the wealth of the Siberian Federal District, it will increase.

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Economic Geography and Regional Studies

The West Siberian region includes: the Republic of Altai, Altai Territory, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tomsk and Tyumen regions. Western Siberia occupies an area of ​​2427.2 thousand km2. Population - 15128 thousand people, including urban - 10741 thousand people.

Approximately 11% of the number of people employed in material production, 12% of the total gross product, 14% of fixed assets, and 20% of Russia's construction products are concentrated in Western Siberia. Among the 11 economic regions of Russia, Western Siberia ranks third or fourth in terms of the scale of its economy.

In terms of industrial production, the Tyumen region occupies the first place in the region. (1/3 of all Western Siberia, and for fixed assets of industry - up to 60%). Kemerovo region is in second place in terms of industrial production. (more than 25% of all Western Siberia and almost 7% of the Russian mining industry). Altai Territory, Novosibirsk and Omsk regions. approximately the same in terms of industrial production and share the third-fifth place in Western Siberia.

The region's economy has a pronounced specialization: 46% of Russia's fuel industry production is concentrated here. The region has Russia's largest deposits of oil and gas (Tyumen region), as well as quarry (Kuznetsk basin) and brown coal (western part of the Kansk-Achinsk basin). Western Siberia is Russia's largest energy surplus region, providing oil, gas and coal not only for the needs of other regions of the country, but also for the bulk of all Russian energy exports.

Industries that are integrated with the raw material base - the chemical and petrochemical industry, ferrous metallurgy - have been widely developed; relatively developed building complex.

Past departmental approaches to industrial development natural resources Western Siberia, based on the super-intensive exploitation of the largest oil, gas and coal deposits, the residual principle of centralized financing of the development of the social sphere, the negative impact on the nature of the oil and gas and energy complexes have generated a number of serious problems of the territories |30|:

Low level of development of social and industrial infrastructure;

Degradation of the economic system;

Destruction of the sphere of life support of the small peoples of the North.

The formation of the main fuel bases of Russia - the West Siberian oil and gas complex and the Kuznetsk coal basin - had a decisive impact on the industry and the national economy of the region as a whole.

Western Siberia is rich in almost all types of fuel and energy resources: oil, gas, hard and brown coal, peat, as well as hydropower and non-traditional energy resources, which retains its position as Russia's main fuel base throughout the entire period under consideration.

Hydrocarbon deposits are confined to the West Siberian province, located within the Tyumen, Tomsk, Novosibirsk and Omsk regions, Taimyr, Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets autonomous regions. About 58% of Russia's initial total oil and 60% of gas resources are concentrated here |7, p. 481, their current (1995-1996) production is 68% and 90%, respectively. Despite the fact that Western Siberia has already produced (at the beginning of 1997) 6.7 billion tons of oil and 7.7 trillion m! gas, the province still has a significant oil and gas potential: undiscovered oil reserves here account for 56% of the initial total reserves, and gas - 45%, which reflects the relatively low level of knowledge of the region |7, p. 62, 72|.

In the West Siberian province, 10 oil and gas regions are distinguished, 4 of them in the north of the province (Nadym-Purskaya, Pur-Tazovskaya, Yamal and Gydanskaya) are predominantly gas-bearing. The Urals and Frolovskaya (in the west), Sredneobskaya and Kaimysovskaya (in the center), Vasyuganskaya and Paiduginskaya (in the east) oil and gas regions contain mainly oil resources. The main role in the current production and in the concentration of oil reserves of industrial categories is played by the Sredneobskaya oil and gas region |7, p. 461.

The largest field in the province is the Samotlor oil and gas condensate field, the initial recoverable oil reserves of which amounted to 3.3 billion tons. Oil production at this field from the beginning of its development to 1996 amounted to over 2.1 billion tons. recoverable reserves of more than 0.7 billion tons, Fedorovskoye oil and gas condensate (0.7 billion tons), Mamontovskoye oil (0.6 billion tons), Russian gas and oil (0.4 billion tons), etc. The degree of depletion of the largest fields varies widely - from 0.2% (Russian) to 73% (Mamontovskoye). The fields with highly productive deposits have the highest depletion, which ensured high rates of oil recovery from them (Samotlor - 65%, Fedorovskoye - 59%, etc.).

In general, the degree of depletion of oil from the developed fields of the province is about 35%.

In terms of their physical and chemical parameters, the oils of the province are mostly high-quality and high-quality. The distribution of current proven oil reserves by sulfur content is as follows: up to 0.5% 8 - 30.0%: 0.5...2.0% 8 - 69.8%: more than 2.0% 8 - 0.2%. As for the density, 80.0% of them have a density of up to 0.87 g / cm "; 10.4% - 0.87 ... 0.90 g / cm"; more than 0.90 g/cm" - 9.6% )