Meeting of residential building owners. Step-by-step instructions on how to hold a general meeting of owners of an apartment building. V. Common types of general meeting of owners of an apartment building







Dear owners!

(ave., lane, square, etc.)………………………… will take place…(number) …. (month) 201…. years in ………. hours at... (The name of a room) (ave., lane, square, etc.)…………………………, d. ….. .


The owners of ALL residential and non-residential premises of the house MUST PARTICIPATE in the meeting upon presentation of a passport. Representatives of owners must have powers of attorney drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the law. The meeting materials available to members of the initiative group can be found on ………………………. (where and when)………………………… .

1. …. (FULL NAME)(signature)

2. …. (FULL NAME)..... owner of living space in sq. m. No....(signature) etc.

Note: If the apartment is closed and no one lives in it, then this notice must be sent by registered mail.





if the owner does not live in the apartment,

cannot be notified by signature,

but there are tenants living in the apartment

2 copies

Dear ……(FULL NAME) ……………………!

General meeting of owners of the premises of our multi-apartment residential building No. ..... on the street(ave., lane, square, etc.)………………………… will take place…(number) …. (month) 201…. years in ………. hours at... (The name of a room)…. at the address: Semikarakorsk, street(ave., lane, square, etc.)…………………………, d. ….. .


1. “Choosing a way to manage our multi-apartment residential building,”

3. “Choice of placement of information materials in our apartment building,”

4. “Choice of storage location for decisions of the general meeting of our apartment building.”

(where and when)………………………… .

The initiators of the meeting are:

1. …. (FULL NAME)..... owner of living space in sq. m. No....(signature)

2. …. (FULL NAME)..... owner of living space in sq. m. No....(signature)

Notice for transfer of gr. ………………….. (FULL NAME)…………… was received by a citizen living in the apartment. ……..(FULL NAME)……………….. (signature, date)

Note: One copy of this notice is given to the tenant. The second copy with the recipient’s signature remains with the initiative group and is attached to A SIGNATURE SHEET certifying the delivery of notices of the meeting to the owners.




Semikarakorsk "____" _____________ 201__

in the city ______________

(ave., lane, square, etc.) ___________________________________ in the city of ______________ to choose the method of managing this residential building for a citizen _____________ (FULL NAME)________________________________________


1. A power of attorney can be certified by the house management, at the place of work, or in a medical institution when the owner is in hospital. The power of attorney can also be notarized.

2. The power of attorney is attached to the registration sheet of the meeting.



power of attorney from the owner to his representative to participate in





Semikarakorsk "____" _____________ 201__

I, the undersigned owner of the residential area ________ sq. m in apartment No. __________ house No. _________ on the street (ave., lane, square, etc.) ___________________________________ in the city ______________

passport _____________________ No. _______________________ issued “________” _________________ __________ year ______ (name of the authority that issued the passport)___________ I trust to participate in the meeting of owners of residential premises in house No. _________ on the street (ave., lane, square, etc.) ___________________________________ in the city of ______________ to choose the method of managing this residential building in the form of _________________________________________________________ citizen_____________ (FULL NAME)______________________________ upon presentation of passport ________ No. ____________________ issued by “________” _________________ __________ year ______ (name of the authority that issued the passport)___________.

Signature gr. ___________________________________ I assure you.

Name of the organization, full name of the official, signature, seal.


1. A power of attorney can be certified at the place of work, in a medical institution when the owner is inpatient treatment. The power of attorney can also be notarized.

2. The power of attorney is attached to the registration sheet of the meeting.

3. A representative of the municipality, as the owner of residential and non-residential premises in your building, must have the appropriate power of attorney from the owner to participate in the meeting, just like a representative of any other owner. Without a power of attorney, he cannot participate in the meeting and cannot vote.


signature sheet certifying receipt by the owners


certifying delivery to owners

notices of the meeting

General meeting of owners of the premises of our multi-apartment residential building No. ..... on the street(ave., lane, square, etc.)………………………… will take place…(number) …. (month) 201…. years in ………. hours at... (The name of a room)…. at the address: Semikarakorsk, street(ave., lane, square, etc.)…………………………, d. ….. .


1. “Choosing a way to manage our multi-apartment residential building,”

3. “Choice of placement of information materials in our apartment building,”

4. “Choice of storage location for decisions of the general meeting of our apartment building.”

You MUST PARTICIPATE in the meeting upon presentation of your passport. Your representative must have a power of attorney executed in accordance with the requirements of the law. The meeting materials available to members of the initiative group can be found on ………………………. (where and when)………………………… .

The initiators of the meeting are:

1. …. (FULL NAME)..... owner of living space in sq. m. No....(signature)

2. …. (FULL NAME)..... owner of living space in sq. m. No....(signature)

Notice of the meeting was received by:

Apartment no.


Owned area



Note: The signature sheet is attached to the minutes of the meeting.






meetings of premises owners

house number ____ on the street. _________________________________ Semikarakorsk

Meeting start date “_____” _________________ 200__

End date of the meeting “_____” _________________ 200__

Apartment no.


Owned area

Share in the total ownership of the house in %

Marking attendance at the meeting


Signatures of registration group members:

1. ___________________(full name)______________________ _______(signature)__________

2. ___________________(full name)______________________ _______(signature)__________

3. ___________________(full name)______________________ _______(signature)__________


2. Powers of attorney of representatives of owners are attached to the registration statement

3. The registration sheet is attached to the minutes of the meeting.





general meeting of owners of premises in multi-apartment residential building No._______ on the street. __________________ Semikarakorsk

"___" _______________ 200___g.

General meeting of owners of premises in multi-apartment residential building No._______ on the street. __________________ convened at the initiative of the owners of residential space:

1. ______________(Full name

2. ______________(Full name)_____________________, apartment No. _________,

3. ______________(Full name)_____________________, apartment No. _________.


1. Owners of residential premises in the number of ___ __________________ Human,

2. Representatives of the owners of residential premises in the number _______ people who have powers of attorney from the owners,

3. Owners of non-residential premises in number __________________ Human,

4. Representatives of owners of non-residential premises in the number _____ Human.

Determination of the competence of the general meeting:

The total area of ​​the house (without common areas) is _______________ square meters.

The meeting is attended by owners and representatives of owners who own ___________ square meters of area, which amounts to _____________ % of the total area of ​​the house.

In accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 45 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, this meeting of owners legally.

Election of the chairman and secretary of the meeting:

Chairman of meeting __________________________________________________.

Secretary of the meeting _____________________________________________________.

Meeting agenda:

1. Choosing a way to control the house,

3. Choosing a location for placing information materials,

4. Choosing a place to store decisions of the general meeting.

Regarding the first and second questions:

LISTENED TO: Full name

He proposed to consider the first and second questions together and said that the Housing Code of the Russian Federation provides for 3 ways to manage an apartment building: through a management company, by creating a homeowners’ association, and by directly managing the owners of an apartment building.

The first method of management through a management company is divided into 2 methods: management through a municipal unitary enterprise “Directorate of a single customer” or management through a private management company.

Option 1.

In order to figure out which method can and should be chosen, people who know in practice what these methods are, what is good about each of them, and what difficulties are encountered with this or that management method are invited to the meeting.

LISTENED TO: Representative of the City Administration ______________( Full name)__________________.

LISTENED TO: Chairman of the initiative group for the direct management of the house by its owners ______________( Full name)__________________.


A representative of a house where the method of direct management of the house by its owners has already been chosen ______________( Full name)__________________.

LISTENED TO: Representative of the private management company "ХХХХ" ______________( Full name)__________________,

LISTENED TO: Representative of the private management company "CHCH" ______________( Full name)__________________,

LISTENED TO: Chairman of the initiative group for the creation of a homeowners association ______________( Full name)__________________


A representative of the building where a homeowners’ association has already been selected ______________( Full name)__________________.

Option 2.

The speaker spoke about the advantages and disadvantages of all methods of managing apartment buildings provided for in paragraph 1 of Art. 161 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

Continuation of the protocol.


1. ______________(Full name

2. ______________(Full name)__________________, owner of apartment No. _____,

3. ______________(Full name)__________________, owner of apartment No. _____,

4. ______________(Full name)__________________, owner of apartment No. _____,

LISTENED TO: Chairman of the initiative group for choosing a method of managing the house, ______________( Full name)__________________, owner of apartment No. ________.

He explained: in order to make a decision on the way to manage the house, it is necessary to resolve the second issue on the agenda - the form of voting. There are two options:

The initiative group made a proposal to conduct absentee voting as follows.

At the end of the meeting, all participants of the meeting - apartment owners in the counting commission will receive voting ballots. The ballot papers contain all the data necessary for voting. Within two weeks - within the period specified in the bulletin - the owners must choose a method of managing the house, tick the chosen method in the bulletin, sign and bring the bulletin to the place indicated in it.

We will no longer meet. The voting results will be calculated by the counting commission. The voting results will be posted in designated locations today.


2. Set the date for issuing voting ballots from today to “____” _________________ 201 ____,

3. Set the end date for receiving ballots “____” ___________ 201 ____.

4. Set the address for issuing and receiving ballots ______________ _________________________________________________.

5. The Counting Commission and the initiative group shall inform the owners about the decision made within _______ days from the end of voting by posting a notice in the places established by this meeting.

"BEHIND" __________,

"AGAINST" ___________,


"BEHIND" __________,

"AGAINST" ___________,


7. Elect the following to the counting commission to conduct absentee voting on choosing the method of managing the house:

1. ______________(Full name

2. ______________(Full name)__________________, owner of apartment No. _______,

3. ______________(Full name)__________________, owner of apartment No. _______.

"BEHIND" __________,

"AGAINST" ___________,


8. Choose a method of managing multi-apartment residential building No._______ on the street. __________________ city _____________ _________________(name of the chosen control method)___________________.


1. homeowners association,

2. management of the management company “CHCHCHCH”,

3. management of the management company “XXXX”,

4. direct management of the owners of their home,

Home control method





Thus, according to the voting results, the owners of ________ square. meters of the total area of ​​the house, which is _____________% of the number of participants in the vote and _____________% of the total area of ​​the house was chosen as the method of managing multi-apartment residential building No._______ on the street. __________________ city _____________ _________________(name of the chosen control method)___________________.

On the third question:

LISTENED TO: Full name)__________________, owner of apartment No. ________.

He proposed placing information materials on information stands on the first floors of each entrance.

DECIDED: place information materials on information stands on the first floors of each entrance.

"BEHIND" __________,

"AGAINST" ___________,


On the fourth question:

LISTENED TO: Member of the initiative group for choosing a method of managing the house, ______________( Full name)__________________, owner of apartment No. ________.

He proposed choosing the apartment of our chairman of the initiative group for choosing a method of managing the house as the storage location for the decisions of the general meeting of our apartment building at the address: ______________ ____________________________________________________________.

DECIDED: to choose as the storage place for the decisions of the general meeting of our multi-apartment residential building the apartment of our chairman of the initiative group for choosing a method of managing the house at the address: _________________ ___________________________________________________________.

"BEHIND" __________,

"AGAINST" ___________,


An integral part of this protocol are:

1. SIGNATURE SHEET certifying delivery of notices of the meeting to the owners,

2. REGISTRATION SHEET of the meeting of premises owners,

4. Protocols No. 1, 2, 3 of the counting commission.

Chairman of the meeting ______________(full name)___________________ ___(signature)_____

Secretary of the meeting ______________(full name)___________________ ___(signature)_____

Note: The original minutes with all attachments must be kept in the place established by this meeting. If it is necessary to submit the protocol to any authorities, it is necessary to make a copy of it.

The meeting documents must be drawn up accurately and legally correctly so that the decision of your meeting is not questioned by your co-owners and is not challenged in court. When holding a meeting, full accessibility of information and complete openness of the procedure must be ensured. If the owners have questions, ambiguities and doubts during the meeting, it is better to adjourn the meeting. We need to let people think, read our brochures, provide them with additional information, and carry out further explanatory work.

The sample documents given here are not dogma. They do not need to be rewritten verbatim. But you can safely rely on them when drawing up documentation for your home. We hope we've helped you create the right documents for your meeting.

We sincerely wish you an improvement in the quality of your life, a successful and reasonable choice of how to manage your home.

The Housing Code (Part 4 of Article 45) established the following ways alerts owners on holding a general meeting:

  • a written notice is sent to each owner of the premises in a given building by registered mail;
  • the message in written form is handed over against signature.

If the owners of the premises are holding their first general meeting, then they can only use these two methods of notification. But already at the first general meeting, the owners have the right, by their decision, to determine the procedure for convening and holding a general meeting (see Appendix 1), in which to provide for other ways of sending a notice of the meeting in writing (for example, putting it in mailboxes) or posting information about the meeting in a room of your house accessible to all owners (for example, in the entrances), so that everyone can read it. Today, perhaps, the owners of all houses have already decided in what way they want to receive notification of the general meeting.

With any method of notification, owners must be notified of the meeting no later than ten days before the date of its holding (Part 4 of Article 45 of the Housing Code).

The notice of holding a general meeting of owners shall indicate:

  • information about the person on whose initiative the meeting is convened;
  • form of the meeting (meeting or absentee voting);
  • date, place and time of the general meeting, and if this meeting is held in the form of absentee voting - the closing date for accepting decisions of owners on issues put to vote, and the place or address where such decisions should be transferred;
  • agenda of the general meeting;
  • the procedure for familiarizing yourself with the information and (or) materials that will be presented at the meeting, and the place/address where they can be viewed.

Examples of a notice of an annual general meeting and a list of notified owners for a meeting in person and for a meeting in the form of absentee voting.


on holding the annual general meeting (in person)

at the address: city (village)____________________, st. __________________, house No. __

"__"___________ 200_ year at _____ hour. in room _______________________________ (place, address)

there will be an annual general meeting (in person) of the owners of premises in our apartment building, which is convened on the initiative of ___________________________________________________________________, which is

the owner of the premises / who are the owners of the premises ___________________________________________________ in an apartment building.

Invited to the meeting: _______________________________________________________.

(Full name, position of invited persons)


  1. Organizational matters.


1. In accordance with current legislation, only owners of premises can participate in voting at a general meeting.

2. If the owner of the premises cannot take part in the general meeting, he can entrust his voting rights at the meeting to an authorized person (by proxy). Proxy forms for voting at the general meeting can be obtained from the initiators of the meeting (addresses are indicated below).

3. More detailed information and materials on all issues on the agenda of the general meeting can be found at _______________________ daily from ______________ to ___________ to ______________

(date) (date) (days of the week)

from ______ hour. until _____ hour.

Addresses of the initiators of the general meeting:

Full name_______________________Apartment No.__

Initiative group of owners

List of notified premises owners

on the date, place and agenda of the annual general meeting

owners of premises in an apartment building

Apartment number/name of non-residential premises

Notification mark (, for legal entities with a seal)

Date of notice of meeting

Note (reason for not notifying)

Responsible for notification _________________ ___________________________________


on holding the annual general meeting (in the form of absentee voting)

owners of premises in an apartment building at the address:

city ​​(village)____________________, st. __________________, house No. __

Dear owner of the premises!

An extraordinary general meeting will be held from “__” ___________ to “__” ___________ 200_

(Full name of owner, name of municipality, name of legal entity)

being the owner of the premises / being the owners of the premises ___________________________________________________ in an apartment building.

(name of the premises/premises occupied by the owner)


  1. On approval of the composition of the counting commission.
  2. Report of the management organization on the execution of the management agreement for an apartment building in the past year.
  3. Discussion of proposals from the management organization on the list and scope of work and services for the maintenance and repair of an apartment building, the timing of their implementation and cost.
  4. Approval of the work plan, cost estimate for the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building for the year, and the amount of payment for the owners of the premises.

You can get acquainted with more detailed information and materials on all issues on the agenda of the meeting from the members of the initiative group daily from __ o'clock. until __ hour. or on __________________ from ___ o'clock. until ___ hour.

(days of the week)

Addresses of owners - members of the initiative group:

FULL NAME. ___________________________________ Apartment No.____

FULL NAME. ___________________________________ Apartment No.____

Attached to this notice is a form of the decision of the owner of the premises on the agenda of the annual general meeting of owners of premises in the form of absentee voting. Please forward completed decisions on issues put to vote to members of the initiative group at: ______________________________

(place, address)

no later than "__" ________________ 200_g.


Initiator(s) of convening the annual general meeting

Decisions made by the general meeting and voting results will be announced

"__" ______________ 200_ g.

List of owners notified

at the address: city (village)____________________, st. ____________________, house No. __

and submitting the decision in writing before the end of the voting date.

Apartment number / cadastral number of non-residential premises

Full Name

owner notified of the meeting

The decision was submitted in writing


Signature of the owner or his representative

date of receiving

Signature of the owner or his representative

Signature of the person receiving the decision

date of receiving

Responsible for notifying owners _______________ _____________________

(signature) (full name)

Decision maker _______________ _____________________

(signature) (full name)

Notification of the convening of a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building must be sent to the owners of premises in this building no later than ten days before the date of its holding (Part 4 of Article 45 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

During the notification, the initiators of the general meeting can receive information about which of the owners of the premises will not be able to personally participate in the general meeting due to departure or employment, illness or other reasons. In this case, we can recall that they have the right to send their representative to the general meeting (parts 1 and 2 of Article 48 of the Housing Code) and offer them a form of power of attorney to vote at the general meeting. The power of attorney must be executed in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs 4 and 5 of Article 185 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The power of attorney for voting must contain information about the owner of the premises and his representative (name, place of residence or location, passport details) and certified by the organization in which the principal works or studies, the housing maintenance organization at the place of residence (in other words, it may be certified by the management organization) or the administration of the inpatient medical institution in which he is being treated, or certified by a notary.


city ​​(village)____________________, st. ____________________, house No. __,

carried out "__" ____________ 200_

I, ____________________________________________________________________________,

(full name of the principal)

(personal details of the principal)

owner of premises No. ___ in house No. __ on the street. __________________ G. _______________,

I trust __________________________________________________________________________

(FULL NAME. authorized person)

(passport details of the authorized person)


(place of residence of the authorized person)

participate in the annual general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building, held on "__" ____________ 200_, and vote on my behalf on all issues on the agenda.

Signatories are aware that this power of attorney can be revoked in writing before voting or by the presence of the principal at the general meeting.

Signature of the principal ________________________________ ________________

(signature) (date)

Signature of the authorized representative ______________________________ ________________

(signature) (date)

I certify the signature of the principal:

__________________________________ __________________________ _____________

Position of witness Full name witness Signature of the witness

Print location

Trustee Reminder: Please notify the organizers of the meeting that you will be represented by a trusted person.

Reminder to the authorized person: Be sure to bring this signed and certified power of attorney to the general meeting.

Note: If one person is a representative (trustee) of several owners of premises, then he votes separately on behalf of the owner represented by him at the general meeting.

A representative of a legal entity - the owner of the premises must have a power of attorney to vote on issues on the agenda of the general meeting, certified by the signature of the head of the organization (or another person authorized to do so by the constituent documents) and the seal of the organization. The representative of the owner of the premises, which is in municipal or state ownership, acts at the meeting in accordance with the powers based on the instructions of federal laws, acts of authorized state bodies or acts of local government bodies, or a written power of attorney for voting.

5.1. Familiarization with documents prepared by the management organization, studying the opinions of owners on issues on the agenda of the general meeting

In order for the general meeting to be fruitful, that is, for all issues on the agenda to be considered, proposals from the management organization to be constructively discussed and weighed, and all decisions necessary for the successful management of an apartment building to be made, it is very important that the owners receive all information in advance, before the meeting. necessary information for reflection. Without this, the meeting can turn either into a “bazaar”, where it is impossible to make any reasonable general decisions, or into a pure formality, when people vote without understanding whether this is really a good decision, how it will affect the condition of the house in the future, whether this proposal suits their interests.

The higher the degree of awareness of the owners about the condition of their home, the objective need for work and repairs, the better the understanding of how much it really costs, the more informed and informed decisions will be made by the owners at the general meeting. Therefore, we emphasize this again, it is in the interests of the management organization to provide the owners with drafts of all documents before the meeting.

The initiators of the meeting in the notice of the general meeting inform the owners where and when they can get acquainted with:

  • report of the management organization for the past year;
  • proposals of the management organization for work and repair plan for the year and for the future (if such a plan has been prepared);
  • draft cost and income estimates for the year;
  • information from the house committee on assessing the activities of the management organization, etc.

Documents prepared for the meeting can be kept by the members of the house committee, by the “seniors in the building”. In addition, the management organization can provide a place in its office for reviewing the prepared documents and its specialists for holding meetings, conversations, consultations in order to explain to the owners the content of the documents offered for review. Such communication will enable owners to formulate specific questions for the management organization, objectively evaluate its proposals, and prepare for a constructive discussion of the activities of the management organization. On the other hand, this will give the managing organization the opportunity to determine in advance which of its proposals will be supported, and when discussing which issues difficulties may arise and therefore it is necessary to prepare thoughtful arguments and justifications. Maximum consideration of the opinions and wishes of the owners will help the management organization, if necessary, adjust the draft plans and estimates that will be approved at the annual general meeting.

These methodological recommendations have been developed in accordance with the norms of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation in order to assist owners of premises in an apartment building in preparing and holding a general meeting, both in person and in the form of absentee voting.

Basic concepts used in the Methodological Recommendations:

-residential premises are recognized isolated premises, which are real estate and are suitable for permanent residence of citizens;

-is recognized as a residential building an individually defined building, which consists of rooms, as well as premises for auxiliary use, intended to satisfy citizens’ household and other needs related to their residence in such a building;

-recognized as an apartment a structurally separate room in an apartment building, providing direct access to common areas in such a house and consisting of one or more rooms, as well as auxiliary premises intended to satisfy citizens’ household and other needs related to their residence in such a separate room;

-the room is recognized part of a residential building or apartment intended for use as a place of direct residence of citizens in a residential building or apartment.

The total living area consists of from the sum of the area of ​​all parts of such a premises, including the area of ​​auxiliary premises intended to satisfy citizens' household and other needs related to their residence in residential premises, with the exception of balconies, loggias, verandas and terraces.

The common property of the owners of an apartment building includes inter-apartment landings, stairs, elevators, elevator and other shafts, corridors, technical floors, attics, basements in which there are engineering communications, other equipment serving more than one room in a given house (technical basements), as well as roofs, enclosing and supporting structures of this house, mechanical, electrical, sanitary and other equipment located in this house outside or inside the premises and serving more than one room, the land plot on which this house is located, with elements of landscaping and landscaping and other intended for maintenance, operation and improvement of this house, objects located on the specified land plot (common property of the apartment building).

The very first general meeting of premises owners is preceded by work on its preparation.

Preparation for the meeting includes:

Identification of all owners in a given apartment building;

A survey of the opinions of residents - owners of an apartment building on the issue of choosing a management method, as well as an explanation of the current legislation on the issue of managing an apartment building;

Identification of companies specializing in the management of apartment buildings;

Determination of the share of each owner in the common property of an apartment building;

Development of the agenda for the general meeting and decisions on each issue;

Development of the Charter of the Homeowners Association;

Sending messages about holding a general meeting of owners;

Other issues related to the holding of the general meeting (preliminary determination of the candidacy of the chairman of the general meeting, secretary, counting commission).

The local government body, in accordance with the provisions of Article 161 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, holds an open competition to select a management organization if the owners of premises in an apartment building, within a year from the date of entry into force of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, have not chosen the method of managing the apartment building or the decision made by such owners the choice of method for managing an apartment building was not implemented.

I. The importance of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building

1. The general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building is the management body of the apartment building (Article 44 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

2. The competence of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building includes:

Making decisions on the reconstruction of an apartment building (including its expansion or addition), construction of outbuildings and other buildings, structures, structures, repair of common property in an apartment building;

Making decisions on the limits of use of the land plot on which the apartment building is located, including the introduction of restrictions on its use;

Making decisions on the transfer of common property for use in an apartment building;

Choosing a method for managing an apartment building;

Creation and liquidation of a homeowners' association;

Approval of the amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises in an apartment building;

Other issues referred by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation to the competence of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building (Articles 44, 135, 141, 156 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

3.Owners of premises in an apartment building are required to annually hold an annual general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building (Article 45 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

4.The meeting may be initial, regular or extraordinary.

5. The owners of premises in an apartment building at a general meeting are required to choose one of the methods of managing the apartment building:

Direct management of premises owners in an apartment building;

Management of a homeowners' association or housing cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative;

Management of a management organization (Article 161 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

6. The decision of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building, adopted in the manner established by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, is mandatory for all owners of premises.

II. Forms for holding a general meeting of premises owners in an apartment building

A general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building can be held:

In person, that is, with the joint presence of the owners of the premises in a specific place and at a specific time to discuss issues put to vote;

In the form of absentee voting - without the joint presence of the owners of the premises by transmitting in writing the decisions of the owners on the issues put to vote (Article 47 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). The form of absentee voting is applicable when resolving any issues within the competence of the general meeting.

III. Initiator (organizer) of the general meeting of premises owners

A general meeting of premises owners may be convened at the initiative of individuals or legal entities who are the owners of the premises of a given apartment building.

The initiators of the general meeting of owners may be:

a) primary - the owner or several owners of premises in a given house (Article 45 Part 1 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation);

b) the next meeting - persons from among the owners responsible for holding the meeting (elected at the first meeting of owners - Article 45 Part 1 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation), the board of the HOA (if it is created);

c) extraordinary - on the initiative of any of the owners of a given apartment building (Article 45 Part 2 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation), the board of the HOA (if it is created), members of the HOA or the audit commission (it is recommended to provide in the charter of the HOA the right to convene a general meeting - Art. 146 Housing Code of the Russian Federation);

d) at the choice of the management organization - the owners of the premises in a given house (Article 161, Parts 2, 3 of the RF Housing Code) or the executive authority (Article 161, Part 6 of the RF Housing Code).

IV. Preparation of a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building

For a successful general meeting, it is desirable that an initiative group of premises owners appear in the house, created on the initiative of the residents themselves.

At the same time, it is necessary to carry out information and explanatory work with owners of premises in apartment buildings on issues related to the implementation of their rights and obligations established by the Civil and Housing Codes of the Russian Federation.

As a result of outreach work, an initiative group emerges from among the most active owners of premises in an apartment building.

The initiative group develops the documentation necessary for holding a general meeting, forms an agenda, selects the premises in which the general meeting is supposed to be held, places information and documentation, and also determines the date and location of the general meeting.

After determining the agenda for the meeting and preparing the necessary documentation, messages about the meeting are prepared and sent, as well as draft decisions of the owners of the premises. Organizers of general meetings of premises owners need to know that in a given building, a municipal entity may own housing funds for social use, as well as non-residential premises (Article 19 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). In this case, notifications about the general meeting are sent to the local government body.

In addition, the initiative group is working on other issues related to holding a general meeting (identifying all owners in a given apartment building; a preliminary survey of residents’ opinions on the choice of management method, as well as clarification of the current legislation on the issue of managing an apartment building; identifying organizations specializing in management of apartment buildings; determination of the share of each owner in the common property of an apartment building; determination of candidates for the chairman of the general meeting, secretary, counting commission, etc.).

V. Determination of the share in the right of common ownership of common property in an apartment building

The share in the right of common ownership of common property in an apartment building of the owner of the premises in this building is proportional to the size of the total area of ​​​​the specified premises (Part 1 of Article 37 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). The list of common property of owners of premises in an apartment building, to which ownership rights arise for all owners of premises in a given building, is established by Art. 36 Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

The share of each owner is determined by dividing the total area of ​​​​the premises (according to the certificate of the registration law service of the Office of the Federal Registration Service for the Ryazan Region, a certificate of the right to inheritance, a court decision, a registration certificate or other title documents) per each owner, by the sum of the areas of residential and non-residential premises in the house (according to the BTI explication), located in the corresponding types of property (private, municipal, state).

D = S1/S2, where D is the share of each owner, S1 is the total area of ​​the owner’s premises, S 2 is the sum of the areas of residential and non-residential premises of the owners in an apartment building. The share of each owner determines the number of votes to participate in voting at the general meeting.

Kgol. = D x K total, where K total. - the total number of votes in the apartment building. To calculate the number of votes at a general meeting of owners of apartment buildings, it is proposed to take one vote equal to 1 m2 (or, for example, 10 m2) of the total area.

VI. Conducting a general meeting of owners in person

1. Notifications of the general meeting

A meeting of premises owners in person is the joint presence of premises owners in a given building to discuss issues on the agenda and make decisions on issues put to vote (Article 47 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

Article 45 of the RF Housing Code regulates the procedure for holding meetings. The initiators of the general meeting are required to send a message to each owner.

The message must indicate the following:

a) information about the person (or persons) on whose initiative (or persons) this meeting is convened;

b) the form of holding this meeting - general meeting;

c) date, place, time of this meeting;

d) agenda of the meeting.

The General Meeting does not have the right to make decisions on issues not included in the agenda, nor does it have the right to change the agenda. Otherwise, the decision of the general meeting can be challenged in court (Article 46, Part 2, 146 of the RF Housing Code).

e) the procedure for familiarizing yourself with the information and (or) materials that will be presented at this meeting, as well as the place or address where they can be viewed. It is advisable to provide a contact phone number.

The easiest way to familiarize yourself with the materials, as well as the decisions made by the general meeting, would be to post the relevant information in a certain room of a given apartment building, accessible to each owner of the premises in this building. The procedure for posting information is established at the first general meeting of premises owners and must be communicated to each owner (Article 45 Part 1 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

In accordance with Part 4 of Art. 45 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the owner or group of owners of premises in an apartment building - the initiators of convening a general meeting are obliged to inform the owners of premises in this building about the holding of such a meeting no later than 10 days before the date of its holding. Within the specified period, a notice of a general meeting must be sent to each owner by registered mail, unless the decision of the general meeting provides for another way of sending this notice in writing. Also, a notice of a general meeting can be delivered to each owner of the premises against signature or posted in the premises of a given house, determined by the decision of the general meeting, and accessible to all owners.

To convene the very first general meeting of owners, it is advisable for the initiators of such a meeting to either send a notice to each owner by registered mail or hand it over against signature.

Strict compliance with the requirements of parts 4 and 5 of Art. 45 of the RF Housing Code to the notice of a general meeting is a necessary condition for the validity of this meeting. In case of non-compliance, the decisions of the general meeting can be challenged in court (Part 6 of Article 46 of the RF Housing Code).

Particular attention must be paid to the competence of the general meeting of owners. The general meeting is valid (has a quorum) if the owners of premises in a given building or their representatives with more than fifty percent of the total number of votes of the owners took part in it (Article 45 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

The presence of owners at the meeting and the presence of a quorum is confirmed by a registration sheet of participants indicating the last name, first name, patronymic, address, details of the certificate of ownership of the premises, share in the right of common ownership of the property, the signature of the owner and with the attachment of a power of attorney, if a representative of the owner takes part in the meeting .

3. Decisions of the general meeting

Decisions of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building are made:

By a majority of at least two-thirds of the total number of votes of the owners of the premises - on issues of making decisions on the reconstruction of an apartment building, the construction of outbuildings and other buildings, structures, the repair of common property, on the limits of use of the land plot on which the apartment building is located, including introduction of restrictions on its use, on the transfer for use of common property in an apartment building;

Decisions on the reconstruction of an apartment building, which will result in a reduction in the size of the common property, are made only with the consent of all owners of the premises (Article 36, Part 3 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

The right to vote at a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building on issues put to vote belongs to the owners of premises in this building. The number of votes that each owner has is proportional to his share in the right of common ownership of common property in a given house (Article 48 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

The list of common property and the procedure for determining shares in the right of common property are established by Art. 36, 37 Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

The exact determination of the share in the right of common property is of exceptional importance, since, based on it, the degree of participation of each specific owner in the management and disposal of common property is established and the amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of common property is calculated.

In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 48 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, voting at a general meeting of premises owners is carried out by the owner both personally and through his representative. In this case, a power of attorney issued by the owner to a representative can be executed in simple written form and certified at the place of work, study, or residence (in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs 4, 5 of Article 185 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Voting is carried out on each item on the agenda immediately after its discussion. Voting can be carried out in several ways: through a show of hands, through mandates or written decisions of the owners, which indicate the share in the right of common ownership of common property and the number of votes that the owner has (clause 4 of Article 48 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

6. Registration of the decision of the general meeting

The decision of the general meeting is documented in minutes in the manner established by the general meeting of owners of premises in a given house (Part 1 of Article 46 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

Minutes, as well as notifications of the general meeting and decisions of the owners, are stored in a place or at an address that is also determined by the decision of this meeting (Part 4 of Article 46 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). The RF LC does not establish any requirements for the form of the protocol, and there are no regulations regulating the rules for its maintenance. But there is an established practice of keeping minutes, it is well known, and owners of premises in an apartment building holding a general meeting of owners are recommended to follow it.

The minutes must be drawn up in writing, signed by the chairman and secretary, as well as members of the counting commission. The minutes must indicate the date and place of the general meeting of owners, the agenda, and the quorum.

The decisions of the general meeting of owners must be brought to the attention of all owners of premises, including those who did not take part in the meeting, within ten days from the date of adoption of these decisions (Article 46 Part 3 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). Based on this requirement, the protocol must be prepared no later than ten days from the date of the general meeting of premises owners.

VII. General meeting of premises owners in the form of absentee voting

Art. 47 of the RF Housing Code enshrines the most important right of owners of premises in an apartment building - the right to hold a general meeting of these owners without their joint presence through absentee voting, and determines the features of the general meeting in the form of absentee voting.

1. Notification of a general meeting in the form of absentee voting

Article 45 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation obliges the owners of premises in an apartment building to annually hold general meetings of owners and establish the timing and procedure for their holding. To conduct absentee voting (as well as to conduct an in-person meeting), it is necessary, first of all, to send each owner of the premises in an apartment building a message about absentee voting.

a) information about the person on whose initiative this meeting is convened;

b) the form of holding this meeting - absentee voting;

c) the date and time of the end of the reception of decisions of owners on issues put to vote, the place or address where such decisions should be transferred;

d) agenda of the meeting;

e) the procedure for familiarizing yourself with the information and (or) materials that will be presented at this meeting, as well as the place or address where they can be viewed, and the contact telephone number of the initiator of the meeting.

The notice of holding a general meeting in the form of absentee voting differs from the notice of holding a general meeting in person in only one way. Instead of reporting the place and time of the meeting, the place, date and time of the final adoption of decisions of the owners on the issues put to vote are indicated (Clause 3, Part 5, Article 45, Article 146 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

The procedure for notifying about a meeting does not differ from the procedure for notifying owners of premises about a meeting in person (Part 4, Article 45, Article 146 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

2. Competence of the general meeting

The general meeting is valid under the same conditions as in person: if it was attended by the owners of premises in a given building or their representatives with more than fifty percent of the votes of the total number of votes of the owners (Article 45 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

Decisions of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building are made in the same way as at an in-person meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building (see section VI, paragraph 3 of these Recommendations).

4. Requirements for the owner’s decision

A general meeting in the form of absentee voting is held by transmitting to the place or address indicated in the notice of the general meeting, decisions of the owners in writing on issues put to vote. It is advisable for the owners of premises in an apartment building, along with a notice of a general meeting in the form of absentee voting indicating the agenda, to send a form of the owner’s decision on each issue put to a vote, which the owner fills out in his own hand and signs. If a decision is made for the owner of the premises by a trusted person, a power of attorney must be attached to the decision.

In Part 3 of Art. 47 of the RF Housing Code establishes mandatory requirements for the owner’s decision. Compliance with these requirements is of great importance, since the contrary may entail the recognition of the decision of the general meeting as invalid (Article 46, Part 6 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation):

a) the decision must be formalized in writing.

b) the owner’s decision must necessarily contain: information about the person participating in the vote; information about the document confirming the ownership of the person participating in the vote to the premises in the corresponding apartment building; decision on each issue on the agenda, expressed in the wording “for”, “against”, “abstained”. That is, the decision must be formulated in such a way that it does not have a double meaning, excludes any inaccuracy in the formulation, and can be answered unambiguously with one of the given options.

The issue of the place and timing of the transfer of the owner’s decision is quite strictly regulated. The notice of a meeting of premises owners in the form of absentee voting must indicate the place or address for submitting the decision, as well as indicate a specific deadline by which the premises owners can submit their decisions.

Those who took part in the general meeting of owners in the form of absentee voting are considered to be the owners of premises in a given building, whose decisions were received before the end date of their reception specified in the notice of the general meeting, and the competence of the general meeting is determined by the number of votes expressed in these decisions (Part. 2 Art. 47 Housing Code of the Russian Federation). By date we mean day, month, year and time.

When voting on issues put to vote, votes are counted on those issues for which the owner participating in the vote has left only one of the possible voting options. Decisions executed in violation of this requirement are considered invalid and votes on them are not counted.

The owner’s decision may contain several questions, in this case, failure to comply with the requirement to leave only one answer option for one question does not entail invalidation of decisions on other questions (Part 6 of Article 48 of the RF Housing Code).

7. Registration of the decision of the general meeting

The decision of the general meeting is documented in minutes in the manner prescribed when holding a general meeting in person. Minutes, as well as notifications of the general meeting and decisions of the owners, are stored in a place or at an address that is also determined by the decision of this meeting (Part 4 of Article 46 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). The protocol must indicate the date and place of summarizing the results of absentee voting, the agenda, and the quorum.

It is more expedient to hold a general meeting in the form of absentee voting in apartment buildings where there is a sufficiently large number of owners of residential premises and it is difficult or impossible to gather them all in a certain place.

VIII. Registration in writing of decisions of premises owners

When holding a general meeting, both in person and in the form of absentee voting, the law provides for written decisions, which in themselves are not a form of holding a general meeting, but only a method for making a decision at the general meeting. So, in accordance with Part 6 of Art. 146 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the charter of the HOA may provide for voting by submitting decisions in writing. Written decisions, as a rule, are also used when holding general meetings in person and are a form of voting when making a decision - through written decisions (Part 4 of Article 48 of the RF Housing Code). When summing up written decisions, the same rules apply as in the cases described above.

IX. Implementation of a method for managing an apartment building

To implement the chosen method of managing an apartment building, you must:

In the case of direct management by the owners of premises, on the basis of a decision of the general meeting, enter into an agreement for the provision of services for the maintenance and (or) performance of work on the repair of common property in such a house with persons carrying out the relevant types of activities. Contracts for cold and hot water supply, sewerage, electricity supply, gas supply, heating are concluded by each owner on his own behalf (Article 164 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation);

When managing a management organization, each owner of the premises must enter into a management agreement for an apartment building with the management organization (Article 162 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation);

When managing a homeowners' association or a housing cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative, carry out state registration of the homeowners' association in accordance with the legislation on state registration of legal entities.

Otherwise, local authorities are required to hold an open competition to select a management organization to manage an apartment building.

X. Holding an open competition to select a management organization to manage an apartment building

In accordance with the “Rules for holding an open competition by a local government body for the selection of a management organization to manage an apartment building,” approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 6, 2006. No. 75, the competition is held if:

1) the owners of premises in an apartment building have not chosen the method of managing this building, including in the following cases:

The owners of the premises in the apartment building did not hold a general meeting on the issue of choosing a method of managing the apartment building or the decision on choosing the method of managing the apartment building was not made;

After 2 months after the court decision entered into legal force to invalidate the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building on the issue of choosing a method of managing an apartment building, a repeat general meeting was not held or a decision on choosing a method of managing an apartment building was not made;

2) the decision made by the owners of premises in an apartment building to choose a method of managing the house has not been implemented, including in the following cases:

The majority of owners of premises in an apartment building have not concluded agreements provided for in Article 164 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation;

The owners of premises in an apartment building did not send to the authorized federal executive body the documents necessary for state registration of a homeowners' association or a housing cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative;

The apartment building management agreements provided for in Article 162 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation have not been concluded.

An open competition is also held if, before the expiration of the management agreement for an apartment building, concluded as a result of an open competition, a method of managing this building has not been chosen or if the decision made to choose a method of managing this building has not been implemented.

The owners of premises in an apartment building unilaterally have the right to refuse to execute a management agreement for an apartment building, concluded as a result of an open competition, after each subsequent year from the date of conclusion of the said agreement if, before the expiration of such agreement, the general meeting of owners of premises in the apartment building a decision has been made to choose or change the method of managing this house.

Sample forms of documents for organizing and holding general meetings of owners of premises in apartment buildings are attached.

Sample advertisement

ANNOUNCEMENT about holding a general meeting of owners of the premises of an apartment building N ____ on the street _________________________

Dear homeowners!

"__"___________ 200_ at ____ hours 00 minutes. in the assembly hall of the building located at the address: city, st. __________________________, house N ______, a general meeting of owners of residential and non-residential premises of the apartment building N ____ will be held, on the street ________________________________.

This general meeting will be held on the initiative of ______________________.

To register as a participant in the general meeting you must have:

1) to individuals the specified notice, identification document, certificate or certified copy of the certificate of ownership of residential (non-residential) premises;

2) for legal entities - a power of attorney from a legal entity - the owner of residential (non-residential) premises, other documents confirming the ownership of the premises.

Each owner at the general meeting has a number of votes in proportion to his share of participation, established in accordance with the provisions of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

Agenda of the General Meeting:

1. Choosing a method for managing an apartment building.

2. Approval of the Charter of the homeowners association.

3. Election of the Homeowners Association Board.

4. Selection of the audit commission (auditor).

5. Transfer of part (all) of the functions for managing the homeowners’ association to a management company.

6. Registration of the right of common shared ownership of a land plot with elements of landscaping and improvement on which an apartment building is located, and the limits of its use.

7. Selection of an authorized person to carry out all actual and legal actions in pursuance of decisions made at the general meeting.

8. Miscellaneous.

We remind you:

The decision of the general meeting, adopted in the manner established by the Housing Code, is mandatory for all owners of premises in an apartment building, including those who, regardless of the reasons, did not take part in the vote (Part 5 of Article 46 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

For preliminary acquaintance with the draft Charter of the homeowners association, other documents that will be discussed at the general meeting, you can contact us at a convenient time for you from ___ hours 00 minutes to ___ hours 00 minutes. in ______________________ at the address: city, st. ________________________________________, house N ______.

Initiator of the general meeting ____________________

A message or notification about a meeting of homeowners has content and delivery procedure regulated by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. We will talk about them in this article, because at present it involves residents independently deciding many important issues.

A general meeting of homeowners can be held either on the initiative of the management company, the board of the HOA, a cooperative, or on the initiative of one or more homeowners. Article 45 of the RF Housing Code establishes the obligation to conduct it at least annually.

Example of a notice of a meeting of homeowners

Karnaukhova Irina Ivanovna

423572, Republic of Tatarstan,

Nizhnekamsk, st. 40 years of Victory, 22-14


on holding a general meeting of owners

housing in an apartment building

Dear owner of the premises!

July 30, 2017 year in 17 hour. 30 min. (local time) in the assembly hall of the TGKM "Crystal", located at Nizhnekamsk, st. Prigorodnaya, 34, a general meeting of the owners of residential premises of the apartment building No. 22 on 40 Let Pobedy Street in Nizhnekamsk will be held, in the form of joint presence of such owners to resolve the issues indicated on the agenda.

The initiator of the general meeting of homeowners is the owner of apartment No. 48, building No. 22 Margarita Ivanovna Prilunova.

In accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the owners of premises in an apartment building make decisions related to the management of such a building at a general meeting of these owners through voting. Voting can be done in person or through a representative. The representative of the owner of the premises in an apartment building at the Meeting acts in accordance with the powers based on the instructions of federal laws, acts of authorized state bodies or acts of local government bodies, or a written power of attorney for voting, certified by a notary.

To participate in the Meeting and vote, the owners of the premises must have a passport and a document confirming the ownership of the premises or a copy thereof; representatives of the owners of the premises must have a passport and a power of attorney to participate in voting or a copy of the order on the appointment of the head of the legal entity. Registration of participants in the Meeting begins from 17 o'clock 00 min., owners and their representatives must register no later than 10 minutes before the start of the Meeting.

Agenda for the general meeting of premises owners:

  1. Procedural issues (election of the chairman, secretary of the meeting, members of the counting commission)
  2. Report on the work of the management company for the first half of 2017
  3. On termination of the contract with the management company
  4. On the selection of a management company and the main conditions for concluding an agreement with the newly elected management company.

You can preview the draft report and other documents that will be considered at the meeting at the stand of building No. 22 (first entrance), on the day of the meeting at the venue from 16:00. 00 min.

We remind you that the decision of the general meeting, adopted in the manner established by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, is mandatory for all owners of premises in an apartment building, including those who, regardless of the reasons, did not take part in the vote (Part 5 of Article 46 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation ).

Sincerely, owner of the premises

Prilunova Margarita Ivanovna

How to initiate a general meeting of homeowners

Before a notice can be issued, a general meeting must be initiated. This can be done by:

  • an initiative group of homeowners or any of them independently
  • HOA board, if it is created in the house
  • managing organization, but only on issues within the competence of the general meeting (Article 44 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation)
  • management organization, HOA, housing cooperative, housing construction or other specialized consumer cooperative upon a written request from owners holding at least 10% of the total number of votes of owners of premises in an apartment building.

The meeting itself is held in the form of in-person (joint presence), absentee or absentee voting. It is considered competent if owners with more than 50% of the total number of votes took part in it.

Contents of the notice of the meeting of homeowners

Notification is provided no later than 10 days before the event date. In free form, in writing. But it must contain the following information:

  • who is the initiator of the
  • form (full-time, part-time or part-time), date, place and time
  • agenda
  • procedure for familiarizing yourself with materials on issues included in the agenda

If the general meeting of homeowners is held in the form, then the notification must indicate the end date for making decisions and where to send them.

How to serve notice of a homeowners' meeting

The law provides for several ways to serve notices of a meeting:

  • send by registered mail (with )
  • place in a publicly accessible area of ​​an apartment building
  • hand it over to everyone personally with a receipt stamp

The decision of the general meeting of owners of premises in the house may provide for another method of sending notification.

Violation of the rules for drawing up and delivering a notice of a meeting of homeowners often becomes the basis for filing, accepted by such a building management body.